The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1909, Image 6

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! 8
v K
the Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Information Gathered From All Quar
ters of the Civilized World and
Prepared for the Persual
of the Dusy Man.
Tho IlrltlHli roynl yacht Victoria
ntnl Albert arrived at Haja, Italy, with
King I'M ward and Quern Alexandra
and the dowager empress of Russia
on hoard. They were welcomed by
the king and queen of Italy.
J. Ogden Armour, who Is In Her
lln, pave denial to tho report that ho
had given $1,000,000 to build an opera
house in Chicago.
The JnpancHo training squadron,
under command of Hoar Admiral
IJIfhl, sailed for San Francisco.
Queen Willielmliia Friday morning
gave birth to a daughter.
Nnkamura, tho newly nppointcd
consul general to Ottawa, Hailed on
Hip Tango Mam via San Francisco for
"bin new post In tho dominion.
Prince Harold of Donmnrk, third
Ron of King Frederick, was married at
the (iluecksburg caHtlo, to Princess
Helena of Soiidcrburg-CJluccksburg.
Several toy factories at Montreal!-Sous-Hols,
near Paris, wcro destroyed
by lire. Loss $400,000.
News was received that ono of the
largo mills of tho Illda CSold Mining
and Milling company at Prcsenn, Mox
Ico, has been destroyed by lire. The
loss is $250,000.
Tho Hamburg-American lino steam
er Scandla, from Hamburg March 11
for Shanghai, is ashore near Hong
Kong. ARslstanco has been sent.
Many prominent women nro arriv
ing In London for tho quinquennial
convention of tho International wom
en's suffrage alliance.
The long promised bill for tho dis
establishment of tho church In Wales
was Introduced In tho house of com
mons by Premier Asquith.
A rumor that tho ship Dlrlgo, bound
for Haltlmore, had gone nslioro on tho
coast of Molokai Ib without founda
tion. Tho question of jurisdiction over
Hccnto straits on tho Pacific coast of
Canada, between Queen Clmrlotto isl
ands nnd Uritlsh Columbia, Is likely
to become an actlvo issuo within a
short time.
Tho Cuban seiiato passed tho house
bill authorizing tho president to sus
pend at his discretion tho export du
ties on sugar, tobacco and liquors.
Thoro Is no truth In tho rumors that
tho Uritlsh cruiser Argylo had met
wiin an accident.
Tho death Is announced of Sir Don
ald Currle, tho well known ship owner.
He was born In 1825.
Max Johnson, tho foreman of an
Kngllsh factory In St. Petersburg, was
murdered by men In his employ.
A meeting was hold at Lancaster,
Pa., for tho purpose of rormlng a
slato organization of tho Order or
Owls. Delegates woro present from
Pittsburg, Heading, Allentown. Home
stead, Harrlsburg, York, Llowlsburg
mid several other places.
Senator Smoot received assurances
from tho officials or tho department
of justice thnt thoro would bo an
Investigation of tho chnrgo or discrim
ination by tho Harrlman railroads
which wero recently made by tho
merchants of Salt Lako City and
other cities In Utah.
A wedding or nolo at MayRvllle,
K, was that of Miss Hobortn Stock
ton Cox, dniightor of Llcutennnt Gov
crnor and Mrs. William H. Cox, and
Wov. Clayton Karl Hunt of St. Louis.
Tho ceremony wns performed In tho
Church of tho Nntlvlty by Dean Davis
or tho Episcopal cathedral In St.
Max Simon or Haltlmore pleaded
guilty or using tho malls ror tho sala
or lottery tickets and wns sentenced
to thirteen months in prison. Simon
was an agent ror sevoral European lot
tery concerns.
An attempt wns made to rob tho
liostofTico at Albion, Pa., and Post
master Unrley Haines exchanged
Phots with tho robber. Tho man's lint
was loft on tho postofllco floor. It
was riddled with shot and had spots
of blood on It.
.Inmos S. Cabanno III who was
smuggled out or St. LouIb by his step
father, Hroughton Hrnndenburg, wns
taken from tho dctontlon homo nnd
given to his father, James Sheppard
Cabanno or St. Louis.
Hlchard Crocker, tho former Tarn
many leader, has sailed for Europe.
Dr. Georgo T. Mooro, formerly or
tho dopartmont of agriculture at
Washington, has been chosen a mem
lr of tho Shaw school of botany of
Washington university, St. Louis.
An agont of tho nntl-saloon lenge
who was lecturing nt Knox, Ind., in
the local option camnal was ecced.
Tho womnn's Presbyterian board of
missions meeting Is being held at tho
Emmanuel Presbyterian church In
Milwaukee. Speakers arc Miss Mary
L. Freeman of South America; Miss
(Irottlo Y. Holllday of Persia; Miss
Velnm Snook, of Korea and W. Y.
Jones of Japan.
A filrlko on tho Peoria railway sys
tem Is threatened If the company ro
fuses to grant the full demands of
tho men for lncrcasod wagcB.
Tho agreement between tho minora
and operators Insuring Industrial
peace In tho nnthraclto coal regions
was signed at Philadelphia.
Tho second nnnunl stato confcrcnco
of associated charities and corrections
began nt Shawnee, Okla.
Tho annual celebration of founder's
day, in honor of Andrew Carneglo,
was brilliantly observed nt Carneglo
Tho annual spring golf tournament
of the Country club of Atlantic City
Tho members of tho marlno cooks
and stewards' union have voted almost
unanimously In favor of cnlllng a
strlko against tho boatB belonging to
tho Lnko Carriers' association.
Catherine T. Dodgo, widow of Cant.
Chnrlea Dodge, U. S. A., has been de
clared sane by tho probate court, her
estate amounting to $20,000, has been
restored to her enre and her guardian
has been discharged. For two years
she was regarded as an Insano person.
Tho Wyoming stnto puro food com
mission has endorsed tho recent gov
ernment ruling relating to artificially
aged or whitened Hour, and dealers
will bo given until September to dls
poso of their stocks. Nearly all tho
flour sold In the state is Imported.
San Antonio's annual spring carni
val, In celebration of tho heroic de
fense of tho Alamo, opened with n
magnificent lloral pageant.
District Judgo Thompson of Cincin
nati refused to grant a further contin
uance in the bucket shop caso and tho
half dozen men indicted on tho chnrgo
of using tho malls to further a schemo
to defraud Wont to Jail.
Tho auto races scheduled for Mont
gomery, Ala., have been postponed for
u week on account of rainy weather.
John Woolford, a chauffeur, em
ployed by tho son of President Mc
Crea of tho Pennsylvania railroad,
was sentenced to thirty days in Jail
for violating tho Hpeed laws.
Sixteen persons were Injured, ono
perhaps fatally, in a tornado which
destroyed a largo part of tho town of
Centrnhoma, Okla.
Andrew Carnoglo has Just given
$15,000 to Increase tho facilities and
extend tho Carneglo medical labora
tory at Now Yoric university. Tho
laboratory was established by Mr.
Carneglo twenty-flvo years ago. Tho
now gift was accepted.
The United States cruisers Califor
nia and Tennecsco nrrived from Mag
dalena Hay where they have been on
gaged In target practico, with tho
other vessels of the Pacific fleet.
A handsomo momorinl n tlm lnin
Henry Chadwick, known as "tho fath
er of baseball" was unveiled in Green
wood cemetery, Urooklyn. A number
of men prominent In tho baseball
world nttendod tho exercises.
Sccretnry of the Navy Meyer de
clared that tho American battleships
which mado the voyago around tho
world wero In excellent condition nnd
tho fact that they wero accompanied
by a repair ship kept them In good
order throughout tho trip. Ho re
rorrod to an article in an English
publication Bnylng the result or tho
trip wbb worth from $25,000,000 to
$5(),000.0Q0 to tho United States navy.
Tho secretary said ho had found that
tho voyago had cost only $1,500,000
more thnn If tho battleships had boon
kept ut homo and assigned to ordln
nry duty.
OnicerB or tho United States army,
by authority or President Tart, will
hereartcr be granted a leavo of nb
sonce, not exceeding four months,
with full pay, Immediately preceding
their retirement from nctlvo service
for nny cause othor than ago or a
failure to puss tho required physical
examination for promotion, provided
they deslro to avail themselves or
such leave.
Gonoral reduction or rrolght rates,
effectlvo Juno 1 from Now York nnd
Hoston points to Chlcnsro t.rnnni- ia
nmdo In tariffs tiled with tho intor
fitnto coinnierco commission. The
rntes do not Include Chicago common
points or .Missouri river or Missis
Hipp! river points. In offect tho tnr
lis mako a reduction or eight cents n
hundred pounds on first clnss freight
tram Boston to Chicago, and threo
"ia niiiuirod pounds from
i on;,
oris, Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, to
hlcago. Proportlonnl rnditPM,,a ,
also made on other classes or heights
fi..Cni,,t?li I,rown ,ntrodl n resolu
1,0,1 '00ll"K to an amendment to tho
constitution to provide that congress
ZdSr,h POWOr t0 ,ev' ln"
"d inheritance taxes. It provides In
lo form for tho submission of the
matter ,o ,ho legislatures of tile
Alvlii Koysor, pressor of soils at
the State University of Nebraska, has
requested Senator Brown to .it In
Jceplng potash scale on the free is
J 1.1.1 sale Is Imperatively needed as
fertilizer In some soils and a dutv
SaillUOl T. StdVOllRnn Mi.,.., .
embezzling funds of the Now Odean
ypographlcal union, was sentenced to
rour years In the stato
I ho safe of tho Bank of Luclon '
rnnni' ? .bcd anU il'Q0 ' cur' 1
M ooo BininnnoteB to tho a,"t of 1
$0,000 stolen.
No Convict Labor In Penitentiary
Tailor Shop Because Competition
Is Unfair to Free Labor.
Thnt the bankors of Omaha and Ne
braska tiro determined In their pur
pose to tost the validity of the bank
deposit guaranty law passed by tho re
cont legislature was shown nt a meet
ing hold In Omaha which wns attended
by a number of tho representative
state and national bankers of the
Slnco tho meeting held some weeks
ngo to consider the question tho pro
position hns been thoroughly can
vnssed and n committee has been
formed to arrange what Is termed a
friendly suit to enrry tho matter
through tho courts. Tho following
statement wns given out at tho close
of the meeting:
Tho banking net passed by the re
cent session of tho legislature nro-
vlded In n manner for tho guaranty of
bank deposits by tho collecting of a
tnx from Bolvent banks In proportion
to tholr deposits, to bo npplled as far
ns posslblo toward the payment of de
positors In failed banks nfter all as
sets and shareholders' liabilities had
been exhausted. This Ib such a rad
ical change In nil established systems
of banking that it necessarily bo-
hooves much good or much harm to
ull Interested In banking, whether as
shareholders or depositors.
Tho time for the discussion or tiie
question ns n desirable public measure
from a political standpoint has passed
and It would seem that those who
favored tho enactment of such a law,
ns well ns those who opposed It,
should unite In having tho question
finally settled by the highest court as
to whether or not a tax for the pur
poso named can be collected from
banks or bankers without their con
sent. It Is the general opinion among
bankers that tho question should be
finally settled nt as early a date as
possible, as to leave tho question In
doubt or to have the law declared In
effective at a time of financial unrest
would mean n most serious disturb
ance of nil banking and commercial
A commltteo has been formed of
lending state and national bankers
for tho purpose of arranging for a
friendly suit to test tho validity of tho
law, and It Is hoped, owing to tho Importance-
of tho case, that it will be
rapidly advanced on tho docket, so
that a decision may be reached at the
earliest posslblo date.
Opposes Convict Labor.
Tho stnto will not cdntract with the
St. Louis garment making llrm which
made a bid for tho use of tho convicts.
Tho firms desired to Instnll a tailor
Bhop in tho state penitentiary and use
the convicts for the manufacture of
clothing for laborers. Tho Hoard of
Public Lands and Buildings thought
fnvorably or the tailor shop Idea, be
lieving tho stnto could get much more
money for tho tiso of tho convicts thnn
It could bo letting them out to tho
broom factory. The clothing firm had
already Blgncd tho contract agreeing
to pay from GO to 85 cents n day for
tho prisoners and tho matter was re
ferred to Governor Shnllenberger, who
does not favor tho plan, becnuso of his
belief that it in unfair for free labor
to be put In competition with convict
The Irrigation Congress.
Tho governor has appointed n com
mltteo of live to consider the. best
moans of ranking tho national Irriga
tion congress, which Ib to bo hold at
Spoknno from August 9 to 14, of tho
greatest benefit to Nebraska. Tho
governor also nppointcd delegates to
the American Prison association con
vention to bo held at Seattle, August
14 to 19.
Test of Election Laws.
Tho republlcnn stnto committee, In
session here, authorized Chnirmnn J.
W. Kolfer to appoint a commltteo to
consult with attorneys regarding tho
election laws enacted by tho late legis
lature, and If found udvlsablo to tako
stops to test tho validity of tho mens
uro In the courts.
Taxes of Life Companies.
Attornoy Gonoral Thompson hns
given It as his opinion that domestic
life Insurance companies, organized on
tho old lino plan, may bo assessed for
taxation not only on their gross prem
iums, but also on other property, bucIi
ns capital stock, tho lattor to bo listed
iib Its actual valuo. In Lancaster coun
ty this Is said to havo been the plnn
ndopted by the county aBsesor, but It
Is reported that an Insurance com
pany In Douglas county hns been taxed
only on Its gross premiums. Tho at
torney genornl bollovos tho tax on
gross premiums is not In lieu of all
other taxes.
Wants Interpretation of Law.
Browning, King & Co. or Omaha
havo written to Secretary or Stato
Jiinkln for nn opinion on the law en
acted by tho Into legislature regarding
the flat tax on the capital stock of cor
porations. Tho llrm Informed the
secrotnry of stato that It did business
In mnny states and had an Immense
capital stock If It. wero all totaled, but
by no means Ib ail of Its capital stock
ltnow wctln-'r it would havo to pay
Ul tftx 0, t,1Q cnpitul sfock used in
Nebraska or on entire totalization.
invested in Nebraska. It doslred to
Htldlnjj of tho Late Commissioner
The suprorao court ovorruled J. W.
Johnson, former doputy stato food
commissioner, who prosecuted Swift
nnd Company for not branding the net
weigni or wrapped ham and bacon.
The court decided that tho district
court or Lancaster county decided
Justly when it held that ham nnd ba
con are not packages In the sense
used In tho old food law. The sub
ject of branding meat Is n dead Issuo
at this time, because tho last legis
lature amended tho law under which
Johnson oporated. The nmended Btu
lute specifically exempts meat and
meat products from the net weight
brand. Judge Barnes, who wrote tho
declpion of tho supremo court, sus
tains the Judgment of Judge A. J. Cor
nish of the district court.
Judge Cornish hold that n package
of wrapped ham or bacon is not n
package within tho meaning of the
term as used In tho statuto In ques
tion; thnt tho term was Intended to
npply only to such packages ns are
put up in artificial sizes or quantities;
thnt ham and bacon In packages nre
In natural sizes varying in weight nnd
quantity, and that they uro never
sold as of fixed weight or quantity.
From this decision tho state filed ex
ceptions. "It must be conceded," says tho su
preme court, "that the term 'packnge'
is nt best n vaguo ono nnd llnblc to
vurious Interpretations. It Is a well
known fact that many articles of food
aro packed, bound or put together In
sizes determined by tho manufactur
ers, and Intended to pass In trade from
hand to hnnd as of given weight or
measure. For example, butter, put
up In pound pnekages, strawberries in
n box supposed to holdn quart, teas
and coffees In pasteboard boxes of a
pound. These are strictly nnekiiKOB
within tho meaning or the Inw. They
are packed, bound and put together
In form and sizes convenient to pass
In trade from hand to hand."
Fewer Mortgages on Farms.
Tho bureau or labor and Industrial
statistics has completed compilation
of tho mortgage statistics or Nebraska
for tho year 1008.
In 1008 there wero 10,108 farm mort
gages Hied, amounting to $31,108,372.25.
Tho farm mortgages Hied in 1U08 were
fewer by 550 than those filed In 1!)07
and less In total amount by $2,024,301.
In 1908 the number of farm mort
gages released was 10,09 1, amounting
to $30,70 1.0G7.G1. The releases In 1908
wero fewer by 1,890 than thoy were
In 1907 nnd less In amount by $95,
C5G.723.95. This apparent discrepancy
is accounted for by tho fact that a
railroad mortgage of $100,000,000 was
reported In Hall county as being re
leased in 1907. If this Is not counted
tho farm mortgages released In 1908
were more by $4,343,270 than in 1907.
National Banks Add Savings.
The fourth savings bank orgnnized
slnco the stato guaranty deposit law
was passed has been chartored by the
stato banking board. In each caso
theso savings bankB wero organized
by officers of national banks. This Is
considered an indication thnt national
banks either deslro to havo an aux
iliary organization thnt can come with.
In tho provisions of the guaranty law,
or that they desro to take advantage
of tho Btato banking laws which per
mits snvings banks to loan funds on
real estute. A few state banks will
probably convert themselves into nn
tlonnl bankB rather than submit to
tho guaranty tnx, but moro mny organ
ize nn adjunct organization in tho
form or a savings bnnk to como In
under tho guaranty law. One stato
bank has already becomo n natlonnl
bank, but nntlonal banks nt Columbus,
Wahoo nnd Crete have organized sav
ings banks.
Penitentiary Labor.
Clinton It. Lee of the Leo Broom &
Duster compnny, hns returned homo
and will enliven tho contest for con
vict labor by mnklng a bid for forty
or fifty moro men. He hns u contract
for 250 prisoners, but In view of the
proposition from a St. Louis mnn to
employ convicts to mako overalls at
tho penitentiary, will bid for more.
The Lower Court Sustained.
Tho supremo court affirmed the de
cision of tho district court of Douglas
county, denying Orlando S. Wood his
petition for $10,000 damages against
tho Omaha Street Car company, be
causo of injuries recolved by being
hit by n car, and held that "a per
son who waits ror a street car at a
propor crossing, sees the car coming,
aud is Btruck and Injured by it,
through his own negllgenco, cannot
recovor damages on tho solo ground
thnt tho niotorman failed to sound tho
Young Attorney Chosen,
Judgo Crosgrnvo has selected for
clerk of the county court Harold W.
Bobbins, a grndunto of tho law Bchool
of tho Stato university in tho classes
of 1908.
Ex-Governor Poynter's Will.
Tho wills or tho late William A.
Poyntor and Dr. Joromo C. Evorott
havo boon admitted to probate In
county court. Ex-Governor Poyntor
left an estate valued at about $30,000,
all of which goes to his widow. Tho
Everett eBtato consists principally of
stock In tho snnltnrlum and Its valuo
will not bo known until nn appraise
ment is mado, The will provides that
tho widow Bhall bo pnld $200 n month
during nor life. Tho rocolpts from a
llfo Insurance policy nro to be divided
between tho tw.o sons aud a duughter.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Pollt-
leal and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Hebron nnd Friend both want tho
firemen's tournament this yenr.
York's new postofllco building has
boon completed nnd Is now occupied.
The new Odd Follows building at
Kearney has been dedicated.
A bad prairie fire did considerable
damage north of Franklin.
Mny 25 Hastings will vote on tho
quostlon of issuing high Bchool bonds.
Rev. Chnrles II, Churchill of Pen
der has withdrawn from the ministry.
Frank Ingram and Fred Hnkcr were
drowned in the Missouri river near
Decatur by their skiff striking a snng.
The city council of Norfolk refused
to repeal an ordinance limiting
Baloons to seven In the town.
The annual convention of group
four of the Nebraska bankers' associa
tion will be held in Hastings on
May 12.
Will Croskery, n former Plntts
mouth boy, got Into n 'mix-up with his
foreman of u railroad bridge gang nnd
had his neck nnd nose broken.
While switching nt Ellsworth brake
man F. F. Watson was thrown beneath
the cars and Instnntly killed, his body
being bndly disfigured on account of
several cars passing over it.
Mayor Miles or Hastings has ap
pointed John M. Hngnn, former com
missioner of the supreme court, to
succeed W. F. Button as city attorney
of that city.
The music department of Franklin
academy Is preparing "The Messiah,"
to bo given nt thqlr June commence
ment exercises. Ono hundred voices
are being trained.
Jack Gallowuy, charged with the ab
duction of Minn and Grace McKinsle,
fourteen and sixteen yenr old girls of
Lincoln, was bound over to district
court of Saline county nt Crete.
Governor Shnllenberger has denied
u number bf uppllcntions from con
victs for parole or commutation of
sentence, aud has under consideration
several others.
Declaring thnt he would never cut
his hair until Bryan wns elected presi
dent Mln Foster, n farmer living In
Hamilton county, permitted It to grow
for twelve years. The other day he
went to Central City and had his locks
Members of the faculty at Peru
were surprised the other day to re
colvo their April -salary checks. They
wero expecting their pay to be held
up pending tho decision of tho su
premo court on the constitutionality
or tho new Honrd of Education lnw.
Tho banks of Weston. Ithaca, Ceres
co and Wahoo hnve recently Installed
new burglnr-proor manganese safes.
This action wns Inspired by tho rob
ncry of the bank at Coresco last
.State Treasurer Brian, who went to
Bolso City to bid on nn Issue of $400,
000 of Idaho state bonds, telegraphed
that ho succeeded In getting $140,000
of tho issue. The bonds benr 4 per
cent Interest nnd were bought at par.
A tornndo northwest of Fremont
wrecked the buildings on the Jackson
fnrm nnd Injured a number of tho oc
cupants. James Scholmer nnd Peter
Grolsen, farmers on the way to North
Bend, were caught In tho wind, their
wngon overturned nnd both badly In
jured. Elmer nnd Mnnloy Roose, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Roose, residing
soven miles northwest of Huntlev.
wero tnken sick with pneumonia
Thursday. Elmer died Tuesday; Man
loy died Frldny. The bodies of tho
two boyB wore burled together Satur
day. They were uged 1G and 18 years.
An older brother was crushed and
scalded to death two yenrs ago by a
threshing engine breaking through a
Adjutnnt General Hnrtlgnn of tho
Nohrnska natlonnl guard Is thinking
seriously of re-organlzing tho two
regiments of tho Nebraska natlonnl
guard nccordlng to tho locations of
tho various companies.
It is understood that the university
cadot'B encampment will bo hold at
ABhland this year from May 28 to
June 5. The Omaha high school cadet,
encampment will be held thoro from
Juno 7 to 15.
W. P. Henderson, a laborer on tho
section near Shelton, wns struck by
a Union Pnclflc fast train nnd wns so
severely injured that ho died an hour
nfter the train struck him. He had
been working on the track but ton
Jack Rathbun, a merchant of Shel
by, had his right arm broken by his
unto bnckklcklng. Another man was
adjusting the vibrator with n pair of
nippers at tho tlmo ho cranked the
inacliino, which caused tho current to
abort circuit and reverse tho crank.
Tho Northwestern has n force of
men ballasting tho Lincoln lino be
tween tho Platto rlvur and Swedoburg.
Gravol Is bolng hauled from Long
Fire destroyed half tho business
portion or Elgin, tho loss ronclilng
Exeter was visited by another dis
astrous flro that burned out all the
buildings but two botween Senecn
street nnd tho Northwestern railway
east of Main street.
Four tulldlngs In tho mnln business
portion of Genoa were destroyed by
11 rq.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Bardstown, Kjr. "I suffered from
ulceration and otherfemalo troubles for
KHTFpTI ? long timo. Doc
tors uaa lulled to
help mo. Lydia E.
blo Compound was
recommended, nnd
I decided to try it.
and mado mo well
nnd Btronp, so that
I can do nil my own
work." Mrs. Jos
etii Hall, Bards-
town. Kv.
Another Woman Cured.
Christiana, Tenn. " I suffered from
tho worst form of femalo trouble bo
that at times I thought I could not
livo, nnd my ncrvos wero in n dreadful
condition. Lydia E. Pinklinm'a Vego
tablo Compound cured mo, nnd mado
mo feel like a difforcnt woman. Lydia
E. Pinkliam'a Vegetablo Compound is
worth its weight in gold to suffering
women." Mas. Mary Woou.K.F.D. 3.
If you belong to that countless army
of women who suffer from some form
of femalo ills, don't liesitnto to try
Lydia E. Pinkliam'a Vetrntiihln f!nm.
pound, mado from roots and herbs.
For thirty years this famous remedy
lias been tho standard for all forms of
fomaloills, nud has cured thousands of
women who havo been troubled witli
Buch ailments as displacements, fibroid
tumors, tilcoratiou, inilammation, ir
regularities, backacho, and nervous
I, y? want special arfvlco write
It Is free and always helpful.
Dratlior SItdown Dat's a mighty
short stub yer smolrln. Dusty.
Dusty Dodge work Yep! I knows It;
dat's do way I allors llko 'em; you
don't hev ter pull do smoke so fur!
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOHIA a safe nnd sure remedy for
infants and children, and sco that it
Hears tho ytf yg
Signature ofgy
In Use For Over HO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Seeking to Be a Comforter.
"You nre consuming a great deal of
valuablo tlmo with your tariff argu
ment." "Vc8," answered Senator Sorghum,
"I find satisfaction In trying to demon
strate that hero is ono case whero the
coucumer doesn't pay tho tax."
.A Rare Good Thine.
"Am lining ALLKN'S FOO'?-BASK. nnd
rnn truly Hay I would not tiuvo boon with
out It so loiiff. had I known tho relict It
would kivo my aclilmj feet. I think It a
rnre good thlnp for anyone having soro
V,r u,KCiX f'?t'-Mrs. Mntllda Holtwort,
Providence, It. I." Bold by all DrugBlats
25c. Auk to-day.
What Did He Mean?
Miss Bore Do you over think of me
When you nre driving your car?
Auto Enthusiast Why, certalntly
especially when I run over somebody.
Harvard Lampoon.
rain nnd .swelling seldom indicate in orizanic trnnhli. 'n,;... ...... .......n..
the result of local cold or inflammation
which can be quickly removed by a little
Hnmlins Wizard Oil. Try nnd see.
Adam had one thing to bo thankrul
for. Ho never had to weed his pa'a
onion beds when tho other boys wero
going fishing.
Lewis' Single Hinder Cipar has n rich
taste. Your dealer or iXvia' Factory,
Peoria, HI.
A man's religion never dies so long
rb ho uses the golden rule in measur
ing his actions.
Of nil va
rieties per
ninnuntly Itll .Ufl I.. .
few days without n Mimical operation
or detention from biiHlnesg. No pay
will bo accepted until tho tintlrnt l
completely tmllHlled. Write or cull on
Room 300 Boo Bldo., Omaha, Nob.
DEFIAHGE Gold Wafer Starch
tuaUw laundry work a pleasure. 10 oz. pUs. To"
I 1
.&,,. .M
iaribmnmAm imt iwnw
Wwmmawtm -