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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
m She CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nobrnsluv PUBLISH!!) BVKUV lTUIDAY. Bnterwl In the IWofllcw At ll1 (Ttottil.Heb, nt!twtml OIm M niter. 0. II. TIALH I'tJlU.llllliU TIIK ONLY DK.M0C11ATI0 I'Al'RH WUHSTKU COUNTY IN ...-.. :mmm Clly Officers. . . ,j, o. cllunll ,,i"ii,!'iV,!i JUynr -.. Olerk.- TrcnMircr - .. Coiiri'llincii, !t wntrt .... . Voiinrllmcii !ml ril Klcctrlo lluht A water Coin- Jlimlml, (liijr JlwMinl, iiIkI'I , Kil AiiiHBif Kit iMitmiiimr .1 A McArihur Jolni Toiiillnnuii A I SIhBY .Joint Klnl Cliurr.Ii .Services. JIOUItBOrHKIlVKJKATM. I'.. cntMU'ir. WAilliATIt SllltVICIW. Hnmlny School.-.- 10 A.M. J'roocliltiB '- -......i II A.M. Claw nioelliii; - ... Yt M. KVIIMNlt Hpnttrlli league ... T I'. M. J'nxu'liliiK .. . H I'. M. 1'raycr init'tlnx WtnliiMiliiyovpiiliif 81'. M. Ii!illtAltl I'rltlny 21M. Your iirofiiiu'e Ih re q united nnil a oorttlut Jnvltntlnu In extended to nil. M. T. Htm I'mtor. nouns ok Hnitvict? at concihkoa. TIUNALitMItMlCII. H.VllltATIt MllllVlCIM. PrcnuliliiK , IUM.'ui. in. Jlll.le irliool l'J in. PrcnoliliiK Mirvlciwt 8 p. in. 1'rnycr anil Conference nicctliiy WYiIiipit ilny tit 8 p. in. A conllnl Invltnllon Ih extended to nil. Ituv. A. A. UitiwaMAN Pastor. Next Sunday Is Mothor's day: TIiIh day should bo observed by everybody by wearing n white ilowur, or bonding n boquet of dowers to some sick per son or doing homo special act uf kind ness. About three years ago a lady in Philadelphia conceived tho idea of honoring the uiothora and tho entire country took up the suggestion and now wo believe that mother's day is llrinly planted in our national days. Thore ought to bo one day in tlio year when we may-may havo a special In ducement for doing an act of kindness in our mother's honor and this is our opportunity. How often we llnd people toady to "second the motion." There ' are plenty oT peoplo who are ready to fall into lino who uovur advance an idea of their own. What we want is men who make motions, originate ideas, and add something to the welfaie of tlio community. Don't olwnys be found seconding the motion, makeono youtelf sometimes. He a leader once In a while and take up some of tho responsibility. Tho" mayor, city coun cil, commercial club and tho news papers cannot, do itall and you ought not to expect them to. There ate enough fellows to second the motion, then get up and move a little yourself. Don't shoot the editor. Some peoplo imagine that whm an article appears In tho paper derogitory to their char acter that the best remedy Tor tho grlovonee U to nhoot the editor. If ho remains quiet then lie is a pin bend and is severely criticized because he has not back bone enough to take a stand. If the editor does not do any thing the proper thing to do in the julnds of some is to condemn him if Jio does, blioot him. Tho editor is con stantly on trial before the bar of pub Jio opinion. Ho is under obligation to deal justly with men and women or destroy his nuwspaperand usefulness by forfeiting public conlidonce. Whenever you llnd a man that wants to shoot tlio editor just remember that that editor has told tho truth, because men wont" shoot because you lie about thcui. The city being full of hoboes lately leads us to remark that u little com mon sense should bo used in treating these gentlemen. Many peoplo ac cord tho hobo considerable courtesy on the thoory that thoy may bo feed ing an angel unawares but whore you Jlnd ono angel you will llnd a thous and hoboes and it is best to stop and consider. These men would bo better olf If cvoryono would give them work Instead of food and tlu'ii they could uuy wimt thoy wanted to eat. It lowers a man's self respect when he is tho continual object of chnrlty and it The only baking: powder made rri0f&&$ i from Royal Grape sM Cream of Tartar es&J ! Made from nJW Crapci .jiMm Purb Mil Is fur bolter for his inuiiliooil to give liim mi o porMitilty to earn his living Hh(l y.iu will have Hit MitisfncHon of helping n fellow mot till up Instead of helping liim down Tim, profession nl IioIio.nIiouIiI rooMivo free hoard anil lodglrg friiin tlio city hihI in return they could bo instructed to Hxthogitl tern imil enm wn.ks under direction tlio street (MllllllinnIolKT. ) Speaking of IioIkic tcmiuds tm of tlio numerous fnli" ittfpsijng thin com- mo" vvohIUi and if tin; two we tiro ut a Iom to know which dcsorvoi tin) gtimt- er condemnation. This fakes which etvteli tlio people most me tlie moit ....... simple. ioi long ago u (Hover pair III- spieled many gusodiio stores In thin city claiming that the 17. H. govern ment had frcut them out. It always happened that I he sloto did not conic up to government leqtifictnonts and a good fee wasi'haiged. Lately we have noticed among our exchanges that the government examiner of ttees is on the ground condemning certain trees which ore n filleted with trceitus. Jn a few days it.tfoutlt"titi "otiujs along with ti euro mil incidentally obtains a flit fee. The marvelous part of all these fakes is that they wot k all the time, 'i'ht'ro is only one way to treat thoho scoundrels and that way is to politely ank them to ilepait in peace. While Inspecting the fittings of the new Wobiter County Hank and admir ing tho beautiful furniture wo were struck by one remark which Mr. Flor mice tho cashier made, lie said that one need not go out of Kod (.'loud to buy good articles and that they were as cheap hro as any place Jn other woids the prices were right, Coming from a man who has spent tlio most ol his life in Chicago and a man who knows values It ought to sot the people thinking who send away for their goods. Willi a good many people thet e is tho same mysterious expect ant feeling when sending away for What they want as they used to exper ience when they awoke on Christmas morning in their youth and wondered what hantii dims bad given tliem. Wo know of no other reason why peo ple should not trade with the home merchant. Wo are llrinly convinced that thet o is not u store in town but what 111 duplicate any pi ice quoted by any catalog house and give you butler quality besides. Jted Cloud has long enjoyed the distinction of being an excellent trading point and out merchants are anxious to keep the reputation which they havo msde. Ituv at homo ami save money. The next time you think of sending away for something just take your catalog to your mot chant and ask him if he wants your business at the same llg uros. Try it. The catalog house is but the peddler dressed up with a paper color and you know what the peddler is. At tlio tegular meitng of tho sch"ol bo ltd Monday night, several bills were allowed, reports for tho year given, but the principal wotk accomplhed was the election of teachers for tho coming year. Several of our present corps had planned' to go elsewhere or to school and were not applicants. Lho following teachers were elected. Miss Kthol l'uriuton of .Cedar Uitpids principal, Miss Anna lttehards usst. principal, Miss Amy Ilollowollgernmn and euglish Miss Mabel Howard eighth grade. Mit-s Klslo Arnold or Oxford, principal or the new building and the grades as follows: Misses Katharine and Marie Hnrke, Hdim Williams, Laura Krb, lluth Johnson, draco Hale and 1'earl Hryau. .Just a wotd lu regard to tho new touchers, that is teachers otnployed here who tiro not on the stair this year. Miss IMiriutou of Cedar Kapids comes highly recommended and has tnado an excellent reputation for herself iulhtit place. She possesses all tho educat ional qualifications and the board be lieves that she will make a strong ad dition to tit e high school facultv. Miss llallowell Is a graduato of the Grand Island llaptist college, thestato university and the Kearney Normal and will have ehargo of tho (icrmaii and Knglish. She is well equipped for her work having specialized along thoso linos and will undoubtedly ron do r tho school much assistance. Mis3 Mabel Howard needs no intro duction to our readers but she has been doing excellent work at H nm 8 burg whete sho has taiiihlcoiitluiiohs ly for the piist -even yeats. Hhe Ins been teaching I Immune branches that she will teach hie. The Chief is pleased to welcome her back to this ci i y. .MIsm Until-Johnson whs a giadiinte of our high school font year and has demonstrated I hut. she pocsc-soB pro fe-slonnl timber from the fact Hint she lias secured a Hrst grade certi ficate. I'M mi Williams returns next year having compiled with thOhtute's' re quirements now has tho necessary year's experience. ;.. The old board then adjourned sin die. The new board Inimmliutely con. vened ami elected the following olll-cer-i for the coining yesr: r. .i. uvering. ,r., president; h. U Itoren, Vice-l'icsldent; V. Ii. Fulton, Secretary. i Iih following committees wore up pointed for lOil!); itulldings and f!, .Studebaker, JJcckivith. .Text Hooks-Studelmkor, Kit lion, Unroii. I'Mnimco-Heckwitb, Itoren, .Stude baker. Claims lioren, Studebaker, Heck with. Supplies Fulton, lioron, Nowhouso. Teachers- Ncwhonse, Studebaker, I lore u. Discipline Lloren, I'ttiton, Hick with. Parties entering theptlutlng otlice at this season of tho your should be governed by the following rules: Ad vance to the Inner door and give three raps Tho devil will nttend to the alarm You will glvo your name, postoillco address and tho number ot years you owe for the paper. Yon will lie admitted into the sanctum and ad vance to the center of tho room, wheie you will.adilre-s the editor with the following ciuinter-lgn: Hold the right hand about two feet from the body with thumb and linger extended, the thumb and index linger clasping a SlObill which you drop into the editor's hand, at the same time saying: "Wore you walling for tueV" The editor will grasp your hand and the 'ill and presb it well, saying: "You bet!" After giving him your locality you will bo permitted to retire with h receipt for an obligation properly dis charged. J2x. . Take a walk through Urn ooinMery. ways an exchange, and you will piss the last testing place of a man win' blew into tho muzzle of a gun to mu II it was loaded, a little farther the slope you can see the modest mon ument of the girl who tried to start tho lire with kerosene, and n grass covered knoll that envois tho boy who put. a corn cob under n initio's tail. That tall shaft over tho man that was too stingy to advert No in his home paper casts a shadow across the boj who tried to become u man by smok ing cigarettes. Hide by side the giddy creature who always had her coiot laced to the last hole, and the intelli gent Idiot who rodo a bicycle nine miles in ten minutes tdeep undisturb ed. At teposo is a doctor who took ti doso of his own medicine. There with the top of u shoe box d riven over his head is tho rich old man who married a young wife. Away over t here reposes tho woman who kept strych nine with powders in the cup-board. The man who stood in front of a mow ing machine to oil the sickle 'is quiet now and rests bosldo the careless brakenmn who fed himself to a sevonty ton engine, and over in the corner of tho fence in the potter's Held may bo soon tho bleaching bonos of tho man who tried to whip tut editor. Tho Fairlleld I tulepcndcnt. A magnificent monument was or reeled last week in the cemetery at tills placo, dedicated to the memory of tho lato Saimto! Williams and wife, by tho appreciative friends and ad mirers of deceased at this placo We doubt very much that, any man in tho history of lliverton ever gained the friendship of so large a coucourso of people as did the llov. Samuel Williams and his wifo. Two years ago last Feb ruary Mrs. Williams death oecured, and that of tho llcv. Williams the fob lowing Juno. Circumstance wcro such that Mr. Williams was compelled to undergo a heavy burden in his declin ing years, but his faithfulness to tho churgo ami lila great warm hearted ways endeared him to our people both insldo nnd outsldo tho pannels of tho church. For eight years Rov. Williams was pastor of tlio Congregational church at this place, which position ho held with honor to his charge Kind friends and ticiiittiintancos, upon tlio deatlt of this aged couple decided to ralso funds to provide a tilting inonuiuont for them. Thoir success, and tho interest taken by all our poo-, plo in tho cause, is best attested by visiting the ccmotcry and viewing tho work of art and beauty stnnding as a silent sentinel nt tho spot where sleeps the forms of tho decensed, of whom it can be said "they had not an enemy in Ulverton " Review. This monu ment was furnished by Overing iV Co., of this city. "I am down lu the mouth," said tho pancake, as Jounie took a big bile. $&$&&& K S ?L. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. An Improvement over many Couflb, Ltmrt .tttd Bronchial Remedies, because It rids tho system of a cold by nctinif as a cathartic on the bowel. No opiate, (.uarantccd to rtlvo satisfaction or money refunded. liv:i;rcd by 1'INLUI.fe MLMC1NHCO.. CHICAGO. U.S.A. r Bay your tindeiwe at f. JDorft think because our underwear is low in price that the quality is poor. We have taken care in selecting this under-" wear and have bought the quality that money would buy to sell at the following don't find what you Childrcns Gauze Underwear. Children's long sleeved vests tit 20u Children's gauc pants In and 20c Children's sleeveless vests tit 10c Children's gauze union suits mado with a nic.rnth waist making 3 garments lu one piece at Sue a garment. Children's gauze union suits at '23 to tide laces and Embroidery. Cj Every woman should look over our Lace and Embroidery stock know wc can save you money. Embroidery 2) inches wide at Imibroldcry Flouncing 'J I Inches w'ulo at 60c Belts. All the newest things in elastic bolts in all sizes front tho smallest to tho extra large from 2."o to 60c The May Butteilck Patterns are HOc and f!5c (SESESESS EEMSSSS! IT) makes a good deal of difference to you where I;; you buy your clothes; because, unless you're a good judge, you dont really know what you're getting; there's always a lot of cotton mixed stuff on the market. That's one of the reasons for coming here; you'll get here. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; and they're always all-wool; the finest tailoring in the world, the most perfect styles; we'll fit you right, both your person and your purse. Suits $18 to $40 Overcoats $15 to $50 This store is the hpme of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes PHUL STOR6Y THE CLOTHIER Summary for April. Temperature, highest 00 on tlio2dth, lowost 10 on tho 13th. Oreatest rnttgo 03 on the 17th. Precipitation total .15 inch. Oreatest in Si hrs JO on tho Oth. Number of days with 01 or moro 5. Snowfall a. Inches. Days clear ill, cloudy 8. partly cloudy M. 1 thundor storm. Chas. H. Ludlow. DoWltt's Kittle Karly Uisors, tho famous HttU liter pills, small, gontlo and sure. Hold by all druggists. If yon oxpeci lo get the original Car bollzed Witch Hazel Salve, you must bo stiro It is IJoWitt'sCat honked Witch Huzel Salvo. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, and is especially good for piles. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists. T iJ li FOIt SALK AT COOK'S HKUO rft'OUK. xs prices, look our line over and see if want. Ladies' Gauze Underwear. Ladies' ong sleeved gauze vests at Ladies' long sleeved gauze corset covers ut. Ladies' gaitzed drawers in either lace trimmings or tight-knee tit 25c, 60c Ladies' low neck either with wing.slcevo or with out slcovo tit 10c to r.Oc Ladies' union suits with long sleeve, tight kueo or ankle length at GOc Ladies' union suits, low neck and hico trimmed kneo nt 2,-,c to $1 u Valenciennes Rices from 2o to 2Jc n yard Oriental laces from ,loc to 60o a yard A large line of cream and whitelaces at l6o to C()c Barretts Are to bo worn more than ever this season.- The KiiYoritoUarrctt. in plain tiud openwork tit 2."c The Dons Ilnrrott, stono sot at &0c Hack combs to match the above Harrctts. 3lKD strongest m A Full Line of Taxis Hygienic face powder (all shades) ! Talcum, Cold creams, Massago creams and other facial preparations indi spensable at this season of tlio'ycar to every woman desiring to retain a soft, youthful complexion, can bo supplied by the local ropresontatlvo of tho Taxis company. Call or phone. Mrs. Nancy A. Hale. Dew Restaurant. J have oponod a new restaurant nnd luuch room in tho old Nation olllce. Everything new, neat and clean, Meals at all hours. We are here to pleiibe. Call on us Will Lludloy. SYRUP xSr' so lu let vi U Hetuhoase's you mo 2r.c over before buying as I - iioiic higher CopyrlcM 1909 hy lliri bairnrr & Man Farm Loans. There are reasons why I should malt you ti form loan. I know that I havo tho besf.rate, terms and option on tho market, I exatnlno tho, laud mvBolf at no expense to you. I understand and can correct any error in ymir title. Money " ready the very day that title is good -J. II. iuu.kv, Ileil Cloud, Nebraska. oase immediately disappears. . Tho drat Iom- greatly beuollts Moniid 81. Rt.i .SToKJr."' aric .. i . Ji -... - i W m,m- r r KIM fw . - MJt's&r UlllU'MATIBM ClIIIIJli j.v x dky I ')'';,1)vt('01o,l's ll0nf forllliouiimtism J days. It action upon tho system Is romnrlcRblo nnd mysterious. it ; re., in nnCO tilt (.niii.i n,.,t 11. A r v jh.AtafM V 'xt" W t-nv "f, ' Mmmimmwfmnmmb,, H"