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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
V H- Vn s 1 -. V- NEW STRENGTH FOR OLD DACKS. No Need to Suffer Every Day from ackachc. Mrs. Joannnh Straw, C2C North Broadway, Canton, S. D., says: "For thrco ycaiB I Buf fer od everything with rhoumntlsm In tny limbs and n dull, ceaseless aching In my back. I was wonk, languid, broken with head aches nnd dizzy undid, nnd the kid ney secretions wero thick with solids. I wan ronllv In n nrli. leal condition when I began with Bonn's Kidney Pills, nnd tlioy certain ly did wonders for mo. Though I nm 81 yenrs old, I am ns well as the nver ago woman of BO. I work well, eat well and sleep well." Sold by all denlcrs. fiO cents a box, Fostor-Mllburn Co., Uuffalo, N. Y. COMFORTING. Doctor Most or fortunato you consulted mo. I'm just tho very man to or cur(j you. Patient Ah, that's lucky! You nro quite familiar with my complaint, then? Doctor Familiar? My dear sir, 1'vo had it myself er this 20 yenrs! Eyes Are Relieved By Murine when lrtltitted by Clmlk Oust and Kyo Strain, liiufttunt to thu uvituro Hc-hool lliioin. A leeunt Centals of New York City ruvi-ata tho fuet thut In that City uloim School Child! un ucedi-il Uyo Can.-. Why not try Mtirino i:ye Hemi-ily for Iltd, Weak, Weary, Watery Uyts. Srnitiil.itlnn, Pink Kyo and Kyo Stralh? Aliiilnu Doesn't Kinnrt: Soothes Kyo Pain. Ih Compounded by KpcrIonccil Pliycl-i-lniiH; ContnltiH tin Injurious or Prohibit ed nriiBs. Try Murlno for Your Kyo Troubles; Vou Will Ulto Murlno. Trv It In Hab'n Kyis for Scaly lOyclldn. Driiir 1,'lstH Soil Murlno at GOc. The Murlno Kyo iJeinrdy Co., CIiIciiko, Will Send You In terestlritf Kyo Hooks Free. Judge Will Walt and Seo. An earnest plea was mado by Attor ney Chnrles Pottijohn to Judge Prltch ard of tho criminal court for leniency to si client who had entered a plea of guilty to larceny. Tho burden of tho attorney's argument was that his cli ent was the father of twins nnd was tempted to theft in order to feed tho mouths of tho infants. "Your honor, I will say frankly," said Mr. Pottijohn in closing, "that if I wero tho fnthcr of twins and needed food for my family, I would not hesi tate to go out nnd steal it." "Mr. Pottijohn. when vnn nm Mm father of twins I will consider your proposition," snld Judgo Prltchard. Indianapolis News. Salting a Diamond Mine. Howard Duliois, tho noted mining engineer, told a good story to tho Tech men recently, illustrating tho "art" of salting a diamond mine. The story was told of a man In South Africa who, whllo walking one day over his property, suggested that they assay somo of tho soil. In tho search thnt ensued eight rough diamonds wero found and offers began to fly through tho air at a rapid rate for tho land, when tho host's wlfo called out to her husband: "Why, John, where aro tho other two?" Tho sequel of tho story was left to tho imagination. Boston Record. Future Ideal Town. In tho Ideal town of tho future, as pictured by Sir Oliver Lodge, tho houses will havo gas for heating by open Area and for cooking, and elec tricity for lighting. Tho gas, pro duced from tho coal at tho mlno, will be sent long distances through pipes, ns water is now distributed. It Is hoped thnt the experiment will bo tried soon, tho burning of crudo coal In town being absolutely forbidden, nnd at least two English towns are already consid ering tho plan. Tho purification of tho nlr Is one of tho greatest needs in tho Improvement of tho conditions of city life. OLD SOAKERS Get Saturated with Caffeine. When a person has used coffco for a number of years and grndunlly de clined In hcnlth, it is time tho coffeo Ehould ho loft off in order to seo wheth er or not that has been tho causo of tho troublo. A lady In Huntsvlllo, Ala., Bays sho used coffeo for about 40 years, and for tho past 20 years wns troubled with stomach trouble. "I havo boon trented by many physi cians but ull In vain. Everything failed to porfoct a euro. I was prostrated for somo time, nnd enmo near dying. When I recovered sufficiently to partako of rood and drink I tried coffeo again and it soured my stomach. "I finally concluded coffco wns tho cnuse of my troubles and stopped us ing It. I tried tea and milk in its place, but nelthor agreed with mo, then I commenced using Postum. I had it proporly mndo and It was very pleas ing to tho taste. "I havo now used It four months, nnd my health is eo greatly improved that I can ent almost anything I want and can sleep well, whereas, before, I suf fered for years with insomnia. "I havo found tho causo of my trou bles and a way to got rid of thorn. You can dopond upon it I npprcciato Postum." "There's a Reason." Read "Tho Road to Wcllvlllo," in pkgs. IJvur rt-ml llu- iiIiimo lellerT A nfif one- iiiit'iirM from time to Unit. Tliry nrr ut-iiiiliu-, (rue, uud full of human luti-rcM. 'U LJHb"! $b9M WRECKEDJ A Gftlf STORM ON GREAT LAKES CLAIMS SEVERAL VICTIMS. SCHOONER STRIKES ON ROCKS Crew of Seven Men Lost With tho Boat Other Lake Craft Buf feted About and Num ber Go Down. Death and shipwreck, such as havo been unknown In recent years, re sulted from storms nnd ico on tho great lnkes within the Inst few days. on tho bleak nnd rocky shorca of Huron Island Saturday night tho schooner Georgo Nester of Detroit was torn to pieces by tho furious gale that swept over Lake Superior and all of her crow of seven wero lost. On Lako Huron, lashed by a gale, tho package freighter Russia of Port Hu ron, succumbed to the waves after her cargo had shifted nnd wont to tho bottom. The Russia's ciew of twenty-two men succeeded in safely putting over their small boats and cs captng In them. On Lake Michigan tho Ann Arbor railway car ferry Xo. 1 picked up nine teen miles south or Fox Island tho big steel lighter Hatavla, deserted by her crew and with no positive evldonco ns to whether they perished or were taken off the lighter by tho steamer which is believed to have been tow ing her. With tho arrlnl at Sault Ste. Ma rlo of tho crow of the steamer An ranin, the first story was obtained of how sho was crushed by tho lco and sank, nnd how tho members of the crow mado a perilous way over nearly four miles of Ico lloo to the steamer J. II. Hnrtow. Want To Be Tried at Home. The sceno of tho proceedings by tho government of the United States ngulnst tho proprietors of tho New York World nnd tho Indlnnapolls News charging them with criminal llhol In publishing articles Intiamtlng that there had been a "graft" of millions of dollars in the transfer of the Pnnnma canal zone to tho United Btatcs, shifted from New York to In dianapolis, where Delevan Smith and Charles It. Williams, owners of the Indianapolis News, were served with warrants for their arrest, based on indictments found ngnlnst them by the grand jury of tho District of Columbia. The surety of S5.000 was giveu, each for the other, for their appearance in the United States dis trict court at Indlnnapolls on Monday, May 21, for hearing on tho question whether or not they shall me removed to tho District of Columbia for trial. Messrs. Smith and Williams will re Gist removal to the District of Colum bia and the court will hear evidence on the merits of the case. Tho veri fied copy of tho Indictments filed con tain copies of tho nrtlcles of both editorial and news nature of which complaint was made that they nro libelous. Four Lions Laid Low. Four lions are trophies of ex-Prosl-dent Roosevelt's camp in tho Mnu hills and the 200 or more nntlvos fol lowers nro Joining with tho American party in tho celebration of tho un usually good luck. Tho lions wero bagged Friday nnd Colonel Roosevelt's mighty gun brought threo of them to earth, each on the, first shot. Thus ono of tho president's fondest ambi tions has been renllzed, and ho is proud that tho fourth of tho Jungle kings fell before tho riilo of his son, Kcrmlt, who, however, took threo shots to kill his quarry. Both father and son nro Jubilant. It was their first Han hunt nad so magnificent a kill was fnr beyond their expectations, but lions havo been plentiful In tho hills for tho past month,- nnd tho English hunter, F. C. Selous, has been out for several days laying plans for their extinc tion. Conditions in Morocco Are Bad. Conditions in tho Interior of Moroc co aro bad, according to advices which reached tho Btato department from tho legation at Tangier. Previous reports indicated that tho Btiltan wns shut up in Fez nnd that tho rebellious tribes wero nctlvo at Mcquinez. The story is that they havo entered that plnce, which is about fifteen miles to tho south of Fez, and have sacked it. Fez is in a state of slego and thero nro serious fears of a resolution with a reported move ment in favor of tho ox-sultan. Amer ican commercial interests aro not of nny material extent In Morocco lint thero aro somo naturalized Americans, mostly Jows, In that country. Not Guilty of Murder, Miss "Johnny" Davidson, tho young heiress on -trial itf Neosho, Mo charged with tho murder of Roy Ram sour, her slstor's suitor, wns ac quitted Saturday morning. Tho Jury wns out seventeen hours, having been given tho caso at 4 o'clock Friday ufternoon after a sonsatlonal trial. Miss Davidson is wealthy in her own right nnd hor family is promi nent. Tho Ramsour family also Is wealthy and becnuso of tho promt nenco of tho principals tho caso has caused Intensn feeling PAULATANTIOCH IN PISIDIA Sunday School Lesson for May 9, 1909 Specially Arranged (or This Paper T.KS.SON TKXT -Attn 13 I3-r.2. Memory verso 33, 33. GOLDKN TKXT. "Tho word of tin Ixird wins published throughout nil tin roRlon." Acts 1.1 49. TtMK.-Iintnpdliitrly nftrr the last lrs ion: probably (acrordltiK to Prof. Hntn say), In tho mimtuor of A. I), 4G or 47. IM.ACK 1'orKii tho rnnltnt of 1'nni tihylla, on tin- mittthcrn coast of AfIii Minor, and Antloch. tho cnnltnl of PIhIiIIii, Hutitlivrn Unlatla, about 10) ml leu north. Suggestion and Practical Thought. Hlthovto (see Acts 1.1:7, etc.) It had been "I'mrnnlms nnd Saul;" now It Ib "Paul nnd Ilarnabas" (vs. 43, 40), or "Paul and his company," Including Rnrnnbas, John Maik, and perhaps otherB. Paul's nhlllty nB n leader has been proved nt Cyprus, nnd wns nfler wards unquestioned. V. 18. "John (Mark) depnrting from them returned to Jerusalem," IUh home. 1. Perhnps ho did not llko to see Paul superseding his cousin Barnabas. 2. Pet Imps his mothor wns sick. :i. Perhaps, ns one brought up strictly In Jerusalem, ho objected to Paul's free Intercourse with tho Gen tiles. -I. Perhaps ho dreaded tho per ils of travel in the wild, hnndtt-lufcstcd region thnt lay before them. C. Per haps ho had boon weakened by the fever nnd felt unablo to go on. Paul was not satisfied with tho reason, whatever It was (Acts 15:117-10), nnd separated from Ilarnabas when, later, ho Insisted on taking Mark along. But Mark was ready for the second mis slonnry Journey, and wns afterward re stored to Paul's good opinion (see In ductive Study 2). "No man over be came groat or good except through many nnd great mistakes." Glad stone. "The only people who make no mistakes nro dead people. I saw a man larit week who has not mndo n mistake for 4,000 years. Ho 1b n mum my In the Egyptian depnitment of the British museum." 11. I,. Wnylnnd. V. 24. "They wont Into tho syna gogue on tho Sabbath day," ns wns their custom. Thus they wisely mndo their first nppenl to tho .lows. Tho Sermon as a Whole. "Tho task before Paul was difficult. Ho hnd to win tho confidence and hold tho uttcn tlon of nn nudlence to which ho was qulto unknown. Ho had to keep the ground of Israel's poculinr history nnd hope, and yet to show thnt nt tho holy city Itself tho Messiah had boon re jected and crucified. But St. Paul wns tho very ninn for nn emergency." Donnld Frasor, D. D. "They keynote of Paul's solo mes sage, repeated on a hundred occasions, nnd with Infinite variations of empha sis, is found In St. Luke's account of ills visit to Athens, In tho words, 'ho preached Jesus nnd tho resurrection.' TIiIb first of his sermons or which wo possess nny portion mny perhaps bo regarded as a typo of the Paulino ser mon." Rov. George Frnncls Greene. It was (1) tactful, taking his hearers on their own ground; (2) humble, leav ing hlmsolf out and exalting Christ; (3) courageous and frank, not hesitat ing to stnto tho truth though it would offend preconceived views: (4) Bibli cal, bound up with tho Scripture throughou; (C) practical, coming to n personnl application, ending, ns Ly man Becchor said every section should end, with n "snapper." Forgiveness, through Christ. That truth, as always in Paul's proachlng, was tho climax of this sermon. "For giveness," R. V., remission "of sins," is, literally, tho putting or sending them away. It Includes tho removal of tho penalty for sin, though not im mediately all tho consequences of sin. It Includes tho cleansing of tho heart rrom sin nnd restoration to God'a favor. Those are wondeful and price less gifts, and Christ offers them to us for tho asking. V. 45. "Envy (jealousy), when tho Jows saw tho multitudes" (of Gen tiles). Tho Jewish leaders wero angry (1) because others and strangers did what they could not do themsolves; (2) becnuso they differed from Paul's teaching, nnd especially his applica tion of tho MesBlanlc hopes to tho condemned and crucified Jesus; (3) because they themsolves felt con demned by such wnrnlnus na thonn in vs. 40, 41; (4) because, though they would bo pleased if tho Pontiles would become Jowlsh prosolytos by conform ity to circumcision nnd other require ments, they objected strenuously to their admission on easier tonus, such ns Paul proposed. Missionary Expulsions. This wns tho first of many similar expulsions suf fered by Paul, and thoso woro only tho beginnings of such experiences en dured by missionaries in nil lands. Thus Judson nnd his comrades were driven from Calcutta. Thus Mllno was driven from Canton, nnd com polled to begin missionary labors for China from tho Malay Peninsula. Thu in 1S35 nil tho missionaries were driven from Japan for two conturics. Thus John G. Paton, uflor a tnousand porils, wns driven from tho Unnd of Tannn. But in every caso Christianity has returned, all tho stronger for its vperlenco of persecution. When Courage Failed. "Duke," Buid tho heiress, engorly, "did you seo father?" "Yes." "Woll?" "Wo talked nbout tho wenthcr." "What? Loso your nervo again? Why don't you braco up nnd talk llko a man a subject of a king on whoso domain tho sun never sotBl" "Can't," moaned tho duko. "All tho tlmo I wns In your father's offlco ho kept grinning ut a big painting." "What painting?" "Tho buttle of Bunker Hill." Lip-pincott'8. Baked in White Tile Ovens On tho top floor of the finest bakeries in tho world oThc whole bakery flooded with pure nlr nnd sunshine; llu theso clean, appetizing: places arc baked " 1 TaKoma Compare them with common biscuits, baked, goodness knows Where? YctTakoma Biscuits cost no more than the poorer kinds It's npleasurc and satisfaction to know thnt Takoma mscuus nre at your grocer's in triple-scaled, moisture-proof packages 5 and 10 cents. IS" SpSE-flLB3 BISCUIT CO. mm&jtokni t: t 7 v&.'mMM . ' '?' &uwu PROOF POSITIVE. "Do you rcnlly lovo mo, Georgo?" "Didn't you givo mo this tie, denr?" "Yes, love. Why?" L'Wcll, ain't I wearing it?" Deafness Cannot Be Cured ly local mipllratlonR, ns tlipj- cannot rcncli ttio dli ,cmul iMtlloii ut tho car. 'Iticro Ix only one wuy to euro ilratiicM, nnd tlmt Id by corulltutlonnl rcim-dlm. DoatncM li cau-ol by an Indamwl condition at I ho inticiiiu linluic til tho Kintachlan Tube. Wien this tulw is Inilaninl j-cm lave n rumbling ouml or lm IxTlect lirnrlnir, nnd when It H entirely rlnwil. Deal iicm H tho result, and uiiIcm tho Inflammation can bo taken out nnd this tube rrntored to lm normal condi tion. Iiiarlwr will bo dmtrol forever; nine cases nut ol ton ore. caused by Catnrth. which ti nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will kIvo One Hundred Hollars for nny caso ol IJeafnes.1 (cnuscd by cat-.rrh) thut cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Hrrnl for circulars, free. ,,... !' CHUNUV A CO.. Toledo. O. Fold by Druirclst. 75e. Tkko Hall's family l-uls for constipation. Mamma's Orders. "Mamma hns given mo orders that when n young man gives mo anything I must givo it right hack." "All right, proparo yourseir." "What or?" "I'm going to give you a kiss." Houston Post. With n smooth iron nnd Doflnnco Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just ns well nt homo ns tho Btenm laundry can; it will hnvo tho proper stiffness and finish, thero will bo less wear nnd tear of tho goods, and it will bo a positlvo plcasuro to uso a Starch that does not stick to tho iron, Dull. "There goes tho dullest man in town." "is that so?" "Yes; bo's tho only man I know thnt hasn't a llrst-rato solution of tho street car problem." Detroit Froo PresB. A Famous Health Builder. 'A medicino that will cleanse tho bowels nnd put tlicm in condition to do their proper work unaided will do moro than anything clso to preservo health and fctrcngth. Such n medicino is tho tonic lnx nttvo herb tea, Lane's Family Medicine. Get n 25c pnckaRO to-day at any druptrist pr dealer. No matter what you nave tried before, try this famous herb tea. Mean Question. Tho Lover I lovo tho true, tho good, tho boautlful, Tho Cynic Threo girls? Harper's Bazar. Kill the Files Now before ti,ey multiply. A DAISY FLY KILLEH kills thousands. Lasts tho sea Hon. Ask your dealer, or send 20c to H. iSomers, 140 Du Kalb Ave., Urooklyn, N. Y. When you go away from homo, don't forget that God is everywhere. oxOftxe. )owgs; deawses ftiG sysYewx eJJccXuoJiVy ; asss8 QttelQVetCQUV$ WbWvxolV cousXxoXxow To $e!fe bewejvca ejjecs,oVwaxs)ux tv& towxwe, MANurACTUnCDQVTHe CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co, SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 50'A DOTTLE ?C EPISiri I ; r--s , ?. w. '. ''"-,',. '4J' ' MAPLEINE Corn Planting ; Irk ESr H mny tnlici wimn of llu-m- luiM- I)lHteniier. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE Ih jour triio Hiifririiiirit-H rnre iih well hh pn-vcntlri' KJu ntul tl.00 lxittlc-(AID) mid JlOU'ldozrii, delivered, l.nrk'o Ih muri) tlmil twieo tho HiniillerhUc, l)oirt)iitltifT. (letlt. UriiKRtHtH urNeiidtuinuiiufuuttircra. Spohn Mcdlcnl Co., Chcmlili sndDsclcrlolatlili, Cioslieti, luil., U.S.A. "A Little Cold is a Dangerous Thing" and often leads to hasty disease and death when netjlcctcd. There ate many ways to treat a cold, but there is only one tight way use the tight remedy. DRJXJAYNE'S EXPECTORANT Is the surest and safest remedy known, for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy. It cures when other remedies fall. Do something for your cold In time, you know what delay means, you know the remedy, too Dr. D. Jaync's Expectorant. Dottles In three ilzei, $1, 50c, 25c SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S Positively cured by these Lltllo Pills. They nlso relieve DIb tri'HHfrom DyMtieimln.In illRcvtluu nnd Too Hearty Kntliifr. A perfect rem edy lor DIzzincHH, Nnu sen, DruwHlncss, Uud TiiMe In the Mouth, Coat ed ToiiRiie, Fain In the HUlo, TOllPID LIVER, ITTLE IVER LLS. They rcgulato thu Dowels. Purely Vcectable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. VlTTLI Wive ITTLE IVER PILLS. W !! I WWWItIWW WIWWI1B H Wim' Look for This Mark on every hundlo of iihlnplca you buy. It menns SS0 first class Hhinglcs In ovcry hundlo, every bhiiifjlo clear of knotH, its full length of 10 Inches. Mndo from tho best WASHINGTON RED CEDAIl. Remember tho name. This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainly In the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur. Ity and quality. For your own protection, seo that It is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. MTiOMUEAIlCOHMm IK2 Ttlnltr Buitdlne. Hen Totk $10 Buys This Tree and the ground it stands on, in Cuba, guaranteed to bear choicest Grape KrnlK Snll ntwl r.1l..1n. unequaled no frosts. F Water transportation to Nuoiunzi Dig markets, where top AboH)))rouiid r,V?C3 Prcvnil. Kcapon--Kfe4W BibIc' cl'erlcnced man , , ngcinent c"nrnntees n oafc investment. You can atart with $5 nownnd uecurenn annuity. Ask us to send you, prepaid, our free book beautifully ill ustrnted from photo3 taken on property. EAST CUBA CO., J$&k I H )HacliftlvAOrivy l'iVl.(fl((l'ASrPUrfDlLRitfMlW Fkm 1 IllnV A agsspj m& $&' ,w -? " :3f K&VA . HA Rft'V rw 55V S'A. . - ' i W " .1 i .W'AV !- mmm w N ' c'.1?.'. -L $ : m $b&2 tei : .''-. W- IO.VV "y St 'iffi SFilS m &i r.?i; ..'.o. W, ',W, A r.nvnrlntr thnt ImiRcd tlmn.imenn lemon nr vmilllit. lly dlHHolvlnn KrntuilikK d miit'ir In witter ami lidding Miiideltii-.udellclotiH fjrruii l mado nnd n svrup belter tlnn maple. Aliiplclnn Is hold hrKrmcr. If not lend r.'K) for ilui. but. undruclpo book. (rtM.DlUfj. io.,b.ittU. h litre- Distemper itinnnp; tho lumen mny lm nenr nlso iiuri-H n ro rnnllni? DIstL-iimer corn iilniiilnir mny bo Into If your homes W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 19-1009. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre have been grown on farm land, in WESTERN CANADA Much leu would bo Miitactory. The gen eral nverase u above twenty buiheli. "Allnre loud In their prul.ei of the (treat crop and that won- Herfitl rmtntrv.H i-r- tract from corrtspondrnce NMonrt HJttorUt Association of August, 1903. It u now poulble to secure a homeitead ol 160 acre, dee and another 1 60 acres at $3.00 per acte. Hundred, have paid the cost of their farm, (if purchased) and then had a balance of from 5 10.00 lo $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. Wheal, barley, oati.flax all do well. Mixed farming U a great luccesi and dairying it highly profitable. Excel, lent climate, iplcndid kIiooI. and churchei, tail, way. bring most every district within eaiy reach of market. Railway and land companie havo land, for tale at low price, and on easy term. "Ln.t DetWeit"pomphleta and map. lent free. I'or these and Information aa to how to .ecu re lowe.t railway rate, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Govern ment Acentt W. V. BENNETT, BOI New fork lite BuUdlo. Ooiht, rT.triila.' S32fi 3HOE.S 435O, n7oolThjF.e.i5. ' Klk n J Sell More Men'. tiM and and IJ.M Shoe. Than Any Other Maout.cturif $3.00 i.Dtaasiiiv.ia.trrttielmsttofttia nest eompltta orcaaliatloa of trailed ti port, and .kllUd aboomaxir. Intheeouotry. Tho saleetlonoltheleathor. for taeh part oltba shoo, andevorrdatallolthe naktn la orory department. Is looked after br tno best .hoe maker, la tho shoo Industry. If I coal slow youhowcarorally W.L.DoaglMehoea are node, yon would then understand why they hold their shape, at bsttsr, and wear longer than any other make. ilu Mrthwt ofTimntng thtSnltt mnttt thtm Vora Jrtrxlul ami Lonatr llrurfna mu AfAra. iihots 12.00 and $3.60 jtlMi Dots' inoss $1.00 to 13.00 Hlioi- for Kyetrr Moinlior of the Fnnilly. Stun, Itnya Women, Alliums unit CliUUreoI . ..V'r'''1'0 Pr almoileiilerativerirwhoro. nAIITIllUf ""na Konulno without W, L. DougloJ Jiwiltfna namo anU rrleo .tainpeil on bottum. It (elnr Fj.l.l. ,,luili,lr. (alilors, Kallrd free. W. I. UOlOfUH, 101 BlMUh bTllklT, HUUlklO.'l, HiDS. Bad Breath "For months I had crcat trouble with my 6totnach nnd used all kinds of medicines. My tongue has bcon actually as green as grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two weeksngoa friend recommended Cnscareta and nftcr using them I can willingly nnd cheerfully say tliat they have entirely cured me. I therefore let you know that I ohall recommend them to any one suffer ing from such troubles." Chas. II. Hal. pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, TaatoGood, Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The gen ulna tablet stamped C C C, . Guaranteed to euro or your money back. SC3 JOHN DEERE Inulst on having them. Implemenls DQo are the,,.. Ddol Ask your local dealer, Omnhn-Soo Falls or JOHN DEERE. TYPEWRITERS from 24 to 767, on ull makes. Semi for large Hat Number 6. Itopiilrlilt.' of nil hlnili. CEXTRU TTPEWMTER EICHAHOE. Om.ha. DEHAMCE STARCHY ounce, to thO PlClCSBB other ttoroh'ia on'y 12 ounces tame price and "Utl-IANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. 5S50RLD WBARJ MfSKDBHGtaS un 1 wr - di ,U iljlsJMsltsjiaiW,lr. ilaay $ wm'Wfm4l wan 1 A , MK - at MkM --r MMIWj4 r-r IWjWrtWW wpMaWMfaM.i kMl --j. '( W'tSw." . . 1 if ir J-.rJ.7Slf, rCU ;-t wmmsvKnviPnBTjaHrZfnjm aw.eovtaOTcrewiawwnrcsKrtSkarMi