Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol .will digest it. You need a fmfllclctitj amount of Rood wholesome, food and nioro than this you need to fully digest It. - Else you ean'L pain Ktrciigtli, nor tan yoii strengthen your stomach If It is weak. You must eat In order to 11 vu and maintain .strength. You must not diet, Iwcauso tho body ie(ulre.s that you eat a Mtlllo lent amount of food regularly. Ilut this food must lxi digested, nnd It must be digested thoroughly. When tho stomach can't do It, you must t.iko something that will help tho stomach. Thu proper way to do In to eat what you want, und let Kodol dl pest the food. Nothing else can do this. When tho stomach Is weak It needs help; you must help It by giving It rest, and Kodol will do that. Ordinance No. 72. Providing for (he regulation, iiiniinneiticnt find control ol tlio Kleetrlo Unlit nnd Tower Hyatcmot thoCtty of I ted Cloud, Nebraska nnd Providing for tho Licensing of Klcctrlc latum tho Clly of Ued Cloud, establishing service rates to the customers nnd consume of electric current, protection tho system from Injuries, proscribing tho manner of sup plying current for lighting and power pur kmc, fixing ponaltlcs fur vtolntlonH of tho provision of this ardlnnnco nnd repealing all ordinances nnd parts of ordinances of tho City of Ued Cloud rotilllctlug with nny of tho provisions of tills ordlunnre. Ilo It Ordained by tho Mayor nnd Council . ol tho City of Itcd Cloud, Nebraska: Boctlon I. Tho bight Commissioner of tho City of Ited Cloud shall Imve tho general con trol nnd miiutiKcniciit of IIh electric light nnd power system nnd shall hnvo tho Immcdliitu charge mid control of till the properly, ap pliances, iniu'lilnory, materials mid supplies provided for said system, mid shall perform tliidiillcsrt'tiilrcil of him liy the liiUMof this state mid the ordliiiiucvHof this city, in rein lion to wild system, nml such orders of thu Mnyor und Council pertnlulug thereto us limy ho Hindu lioin lime to time. Section a, 'I ho Mayor mid Council shall, by resolution, provide for the eiuptoyiuent of Kiich engineers, cltflrlcltiiih.llticuii'ii, helpers und assistants its they limy from tliucto time deem nerissary for the wife und ellleleut operation of the system, upon such terms und conditions iih limy he spccllicd In such resolution, nnd till such employers working upon und about Mild system sliull he subject directly li the orders of the Until ('niiiiiils Mutter. rictjllon !. The Hues und circuits of thu sys tem sliull In seiiMiunlily luspiclcd nnd tit nil times imilntiiliicd In good outer. .Section I, Street Lumps shall he burned liccoiitlug to "Plilliiileldil:i Moon Light Seliediili .' giiiernlly, hut till stieel lumps shall In lighted on dm k nnd cloudy nights, unit the em rent for Mild street lights shnll do turiiidou lor use nl sued times us limy Im ilcslgunlid hy the Light Commissioner. Tho current for the commercial und residence circuits kIiiiII ho turned on und reiuly for use i itnd sliull he turned otVuniler thedlteetlon of thA Until Commissioner. Section'). Cor the government ol the ser vice nnd tho resolution ol the consumption of current, the following regulations nnd rules lire herehy itdopted nnd established. It .Ml services, geuernlly, sliull he supplied With current nt meter rules Imsed on month, ly consumption. 2. All applications tor electrical service must lie made on the proper hltiuks, which Will hu furulhhcd by thu city through the commissioner's oltlco, upon reiiiest, und said nppllciitlou must tie liiiulo by the owner of the propel ly or his duly nuthoried ngeut, nnd sttite lully nml truly nil purposes for Which It Is icqullcd. Jl. The city will mil Us service wltes to the p roper t of the consumer. If located upon a eouimeteliil line, mid connect Ills wires llirn lo, fre of eliurge, prolileilueh consumer's wilt inn pronounced property put tip mid safe und In hiss! condition. Iij the Light loin. iiiIMoih r I, 1 h ousiiiui r may htive wiring done hj lin einipiiiii person or ciniipniiy hnwtig tin iiiii rt I permit fiom the ett,, lint under no ( In inn uiucessliall couueetlon lie iniidc Willi the wire i of the s, stem ot Iho-ell.V ex cept by mi i mplo.vccof the clly, unit nH.nir lug shall In In ticeoiilauco with tliiii.iulif, ol thu National Hoard of I 'Ire t'nilcrw ilnrs and approved b the Light CoiiiiiiKsUim t. fi. No permit shall be issued to any ptfrson to do wiring until such person shall mnko an application in willing to the city roimcll and In (cue any micIi penult sliull be IkjuciI tho applicant shall eeute and llle with the clerk ol the city ti bond running to said iit In tho sum ol tlo hundred dollars, stgmd b, one or inure sullleleiit sureties, to be ttppro id by thucllj council: conditioned that the ap plicant shall Indemnify mid hold harmless thu city of Ited Cloud fiom till damages caused by negligence nrlMug from a fiilluie to protect Ids work or by any unskilled wotk donoor material used or by his failure to comply wltlt the rules und regulations of thu ordinance, mid that he will be governed by tho rules and regulations of this ordlnanco und shall also pay to the clly treasurer tho sumo! W.00 us n license fee mid llle (lintrcas urcr's receipt therefor with the clerk, pro vided, said license shall continue In force for u period oloney ear from Us date. (1. No lines, llxlities or appliances of the system are to be removed or ulteied except by tin i inplo in of the city. 7. The clly will furnish electric run cut In hccordtuici' Willi tho terms of contract for the full ferni thereof In neeorduiico with these regulations, unless prevented by tin. avoidable causes, but expressly n serves the light to disconnect and discontinue such ser vice (or nny of tho following reasons: l'"lrst Kor repairs in ecsstiry to be uiiiile on nny pnrt of the circuit. (Second Cor non-payment of bills when due. Third Kor fraudulent representations In ro tation to consumption of current for light or power. i K. Tim consumer must use duo euro to pre vent waste of current, nnd the clly to protect ltalntcrestsreHervestlic right to at nil time hnvo free access to the promises In which cur rem '" Iwlnfc" llh(Hl '" Investigate and deter Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and If you can honestly say, that you did not receive- any Iwncflls from it, after using tho entire bottle, tho drug gist will refund your money to you without que'tlon or delay. Wo will pay tho druggist tho prlco of, tho bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to tho largo lx)ttlo only and to but ono in a family. Wo could notalTord to make- such an offer, unless wo positively knew what Kodol will do fey you. It would bankrupt us. ThodollarbottlccontalnsllJi times as much as tho ilf ty cent bottle. Kodol is made at t ho laboratories of E. 0. DuWitt & Co., Chicago. mine If It Is being cnrrled, distributed and used In the proper innnucr nnd In conformity wltlt the contract nnd tho rules nnd regula tions ot thoclty governing such matters. U. Hills for Rcrvlco and current nro duo on tho first dny of each mouth for the preceding month. A discount of ten percent will bo al lowed on all such bills pnld on or lieforo tho 10th of tho month. 10. All bills must he settled nt tho olllco of tho Light Commissioner on or boforo tho 10th day of the month or tho current shnll bo turned on without further notice. And It is hereby mndo tho duty of tho Light Commis sioner to turn oil- tho current of nil delln (incuts. 11. Contracts are not trnnsfernhle except with tho written consent of tho city nnd shall continue In force niter tho expiration thereof until ten days written notice has been given by either parly to discontinue. I'i Thu city shall adopt the types nnd makes of meters mid lamps to bo used on thu system mid will furnish to consumers upon such terms und under such rules and regulations us the Mayor mid council may ly resolution adopt and prescribe and no other milter or lamp nitty bo used except ot tho type and mnke so adopted. III. Tito city expressly n serves the right to change tilt sit rules and regulations from tlmo to tliiio as experience may prove needful mid necessary. II. Allsnppllessolil by the city sliull I o sold for cash und no u Irlng shall be done 1 y the City or Its employees until a sulllclint tiinount. lias btcu deposited with the Mpht Commissioner to cover (he estimated cost of such wiring. , Section (I. 'I ho following Is established iir the Itirlll of rates based on monthly conxumw tlon to he charged consumers of electric cur runt tot light and power purports lz; CoMMlntl'I.W. llATI'.s. I'ioiii I tor. K. W. Ilrs. 12 cents per K. W. Ilr. I'mm Jilio.vtK. W. Ilrs. It) cents per K. W. Ilr. I'ioiii .11 to 7.". K. W. Ilrs. Heents per K. W Ilr. I'roin 7(1 to ir. K. W. Ilrs. 7 cents per IC. W' Ilr. I'roin IJil tofiiH) K. w. llrs.licenlsper K. Ilr. I'roin .711 to.'KXH) IC. W. Ilrs. ft cents per IC W. Ilr. IIKHMIK.NCK ItATKS. From I toll IC. V. I Irs. UO cents per IC. Ilr. W. W. I'roin 7 to in IC Ilr. W. Ilrs. ir, cents per IC. I'ioiii II to A) IC. W. Ilrs. 12 cents per IC. V. Ilr. I'roin 21 to Co IC. W. Ilrs. 10 cents per IC. V. Ilr. I'ioiii ,-d lo too IC. W. Ilrs. U cents per IC. W. Ilr. AlsivelUO IC. W. Ilrs. Scents per IC. W. Ilr. Sietlou7. The minimum monthly charge forrurtent and service shall heSI.OU for resl ilcnces and otlleis mid S-.MX) for business pur posti., which into shnll Include meter rent. I'or places using ii largo niiinlierof lights Ir icgiiinrl) spieial rates und regulations wll lie made. Sietlous. It shall be unlawful forum per wl to tmiiieiwlth,ieiuove. Injiireor destroy niij pole, wlie. lamp, timisformi r, Insultitor. oiilchlnef, or appliances of any sort or mi lure In or tilMiut or belonging to stud eli eti le vim in or connected I leievvlth or lo make any eonniciimi with said lighting svs temor tho wires tliouof without a ptriiilt from the i Ity as aliove speeliled. tiectlou . Any peisoii or persons violating any ol the prov Islotis of tills ordluancii shnll, upon eon lotion, iio lined hi tiny sum not less than ten dollars or more than ono hundred dollars ami h,all slmid coiuiitltled until such Hue mid costs are paid. Motion to. All ordinances nml parts of or dlnancesconlllctliig with any of the provis Ions of the fore going ordinance tiro hereby icpealed. hoctlou II. This ordinance shall take ell'cct and be In force from ami after Its passage, approval and publication. I'assed and approved tills tilth day of April I'.W'J. ' Attest: I. . C.VI.DWKI.l. Mayor. L. II. I'oiii- Clt) lierk. "I am down in thu mouth," htiid tho piiiieake, us .lont.lo took it lij l,5t. tlltt t l tnl.iv I 1 1 I i iT'i . . ,")r "0''sOMLss linii j nil brouehiul tronlilo. tSunmntood ", lunoi- nu iiiiiiw IVIIIH v .1 , - Mo nt.d . Sold by llottry Cm.U. ' IS r iSC . . ' VJ 3HC0ME i 7W'....'JJ!!;Wu,r .i .. ..-"'""' rwti i : I. 1 te urn tnVTt iJ ..T 7. 3 ' "Vi iiiiTiiii:" ".,LiT.r ?" vei.Ni iu ,,. .-rT uhMr.jrrnZrr,?''.!-1 imk 'lHli tsrirZVt WW IM U li2ir!f w p tfiwwT, r z - r .'" " k Hoc.-, I.uiitlvo C.,uu syrup is in- htllllt rel ot fur (.,.,, ,,l 'i.i ' wliooiihiK wiurI,. H js Kl.lltv juxnt. nnd .hive, tl.u t-ohl from tl e m" o, elfiuhiL' tho hem amt ti. 'n. .7. t .T stHktWHMKWNC.,Aiirin,JF .-..., f' National ',. ::; J Because they're the Nation's Choice M National Im twn Sold only in TCumhn-n Troof Taazciges nj . , .-"v. - -?zrxr ' ' -yy- j. . , . . s;AffiVo-v7Aaate Right Now! Is the time to buy that monument that you want for Decoration Day. We have a fine assortment of finished monuments on hands. Come in and make selection. Give us time to make your monument just right. You will find our PRICES right, you know the QUALITY of our monuments."" OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE! WON URGENT MEN, Red-Cloud, - B3miwww.'m'-wsayff IT IS NtT A SAVING POLICY to t' without insitrattce. The risk assumed Is ton prent for the snmll premium you kp in your pocket. Flffut tit liovv many years you would linv to bo free from nny lira in onUr t f live the value of your houstaiul contents. Then cousldrr thatyau may Iinv u tlr this very niKht. Tha cost f von ,i little blaze will be more than th pre mium uf FIItK JNSUHAN'CH FOIl YI3AKS Dtttr have mo Issue you' a policy to-day. It's a whoU lot bitter to be sure than sorry, us many an un insured inau bus bon. r Because Baking by the whole Biscuit The National Soda Cracker H 1 i - Nebraska, j .Many a man hits pnitl a awyor 8." and 81() for pooror advico than his wifewonld willingly have ; jrlven hitn for nothhiK. PATB llriuht, bay flblre stallion, (1 years old.Jil IniniiH IiIkIi, weight KlOO, welt bujlt, .splendid nolloti, and n kd'hI foul pettur. Ti:iims: $8. This horse will sttmil for the hoUMon of ltll)!i at Asher's barn, Red Cloud. IU is In Hrst clnv condition. Disposing of mares or re moving without permission forfeits in Httrance monay nnd same beoomes dae at once. Care takn to prevent ac cidents but will not be responsible should nny occur. W. S, I'akkp. - V it rwriKJrnwifi VW m Perfection approved Nation made .ManZtiii Pile Kemedy is put tip in n tube with nozzlu attached convenient May be applied directly to I tho (tfTuctfd parts reducing and reliev I intr the pain anil inilntmnutton. Tor all ltinds of Piles. Giiaranteed. Price r.Oc. Sold by Henry Cook. Jlot pop Jfly Looks BUT FOH YOURS! Qrimsley, The pain ter, Paper hanger and Decorator will do your work reasonable, and my work is Right. See me before looking Elsewhere. Yours For Bit. F. Q. Qrimsley Olllee with Henderson, Tho Second Hand man Old Dow, HuUdliify. The best known pllls'Jand the best pills made aro DuWitt's l.lttlo Early Risers. Thoyjarc small, easy to take, gmtle aud certain, and nro sold by All Druggists. We would like to prove to ovory suf ferer of Kidney dlsensos that Piuoules will bring prompt rolitr. llackache rheuinatlsm, lumbago, fatigue and Im pur blood are maraly symptoms of KIduay disorders. The 31 sizo con tains '-Hj times as much ns the 50csize Sold by Henry Cook. BO YEAHS' EXPERIENCE adc Marks Oesions COPYTQHTS&r. Anrono pn1ln n kctcTi nml dcacrlptlon mnj qulcklr luccrtntu our opInUiu freo nfietlier mi ci)inii)ii irtw miRin tiAtontutitn iimini lloiiintrlctlTCoiittileiitlnl. HANDBOOK on Patents iiiTeniion ia prnnnuir pAiotiiiuiin ummuiilm out free. Oltot nirenrr forsuvurlniroateitta, I'atenWi taken triniiiuh Munii in iiirmmii jiiunii (t ut roceiTf tprcKit notice, i iiliuiiiv inargo, lu llll Scicniific American. A bindiomelr lllontriitsd weeklr. T-trgeit rtr cuUtlun of any aotentign journal. Ternn. (3 a roar tuur uojiioi, fi. doiu Djaii nawaacatera. YmmP NATI m3B Tn M NAL IT sKl COMPANY wmM Pinenles arc for backac-ho, and brlnj quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism, lntif,'tie and all other symtoms ot Kid noy di.seasoH. They are a tonic to tho entire system anil build up strength and health. Pi-inn .',()( otwl PI Knl.i ! by Henry Cook. Application far License. Notice Is hereby t-lvcn that a petition signed ly thirty ormioro rcslilcntlfreeholilero of tho l'lrst ward of tho city of lied Cloud, Nelirnka lms been tiled with tho cltyclcrk ofjsntd city of Ited (Jloud praying that a llcenno bo grnn ted by tho city council of Hald city to l'olnlcky A Longtln for tho Balo of malt, splrltotis and vlnoui lltjnors on lot tlvO (5). block thlrty-ono (III) of tho original town now city, of Ued Cloud, Nebraska. That nc tlon will be taken on said petition of tho' mayor nml city council on tho U day of .May, IIKW, or at tho'tlm meeting of thu council therenfler. I.. II. l'oitT, City Clerk. Dated at lied Cloud, Nebraska, this 7th day of April, MOD. Appllcatln-fr;Llcense. Notice Is hereby given that a petition , signed by thirty or nioro readout freelioldcrs of the city of Ited Cloud. Nebraska, has been llled with the clerk of stilil elty of Ited Cloud, praying that a Urease be grunted by city council of hald clly to Mutt Doyle nnd (icorgo iiusiico uir uie sale of malt. hpJrltoiiH and vinous drinks, on lot I. block 1. of WIIIIiuiik addition to flic elty of Ued Cloud, Nebraska tliataellon will bo taken on said potltlou by' the inayorand clly council on the fourth dny of Mny. IIKCJ, or at tho Hrst nicetliiK of tho council thereafter. H. y,)rt, City (Jlcrk. Hated at Ited Cloud, Nebr., April Id, luou. Pinastilva Carbolized, nets like n poultice and draws out inllammatiou. For chapped skin. For cuts, burns, soras, brulsos, skin disenses. Hliould be kept in ovary homo. Price 2r Sold by Henrv Cook. Sick headache, constipation a Ad blliouiuess nro rollaved by Rings Ltttio Llvar Pills. They cleanse tho Hystom. Do not grlpa. Price Mc. Sold by I Ian vf Cook. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska i i,,,,,,, ... . ,, Webster County f ln "' "Utity Court. IN the matter of the estate of Acnes K. McCiill, Deceased. Notlco Is hereby Klvcn to nil prions htiv lnKcliilinsaiiildeiuniidsni;alnRtAKiHH K. Me Cull, Into of Webster county, decensrd, that thetlm.Ued for IIIuB claims nimbist Mild estate Is six months from tho 'JOth day of Mny 1IKM. ' All such persons tiro required to present their clutins, with tho vouchers, to thu County Judge of said county, at his oilleo therein, onor beforo thoajth day of November loot); nnd all claims so tiled will bo heard Z fore thoBaldJudRoon tho'imd dny of Novo,., bcr iooo. at ono o'clock p. m.rTnd S t o administrator In allowed ono from fi o 23th day of April 1900. ,n which to w lo tSiSr"1' aln81 ,al,lM,n,0"'"ttl. lHrAI'l I. W. Edso.v County Jodf a. .1 'v - Rod Cloud, Nmbr. wu.New a. hb r wi Tramiai