I 3T 6 Y FIRST IMOF LAND Building in Which Mrs. Taft Taught School Still Stands. "Coterie" Formed by Kindred Spirits for Weekly Discussion on Current Topics, Where Romance Began That Led to Matrimony. Cincinnati. In this city, tuo homo of President and Mrs. William H.Taft, thoy nro indulging in lots of interest ing gossip about tho curlier years of tho notable pair tho years when Taft was still a slmplo Judgo iu tho courts at Cincinnati, and when, if ho had any presidential nspiratlons, he minded tho maxim that "no man can mako himself president," and kept his hopes carefully to himself. For exnmplo, it is a plcco of nows, unknown to many, that tho llrst lady of tho land wus at ono tlmo a school teacher. On Walnut Hills, a Buburb of tho Queen city, Just a door or two from Peebles corner, where car lines di verge to cast, west, north and south .for other outlying suburbs, a llttlo church stands In a bit of lawn, well back from tho street. Two or threo old silver poplars droop nnclcnt limbs down on tho chapel j othorwlso it is left nlmost to caro for itself. When tho biography of tho Tafts comes to bo written, however, it will glvo its chapter to tho llttlo chapel and tho young woman who taught tho Uirco "It's" there twenty odd years ago. Iu ono of the suburban apartment houses of tho Queen city Prof. White, once principal of tho Franklin acad emy, resides, and ho to-day enjoys tho distinction of having engaged a futuro first lady of tho land to teach. As ho tolls tho incident, it is as fol lows: "Hack in 1881-2 wo established our school on Walnut Hills and very soon took tho old Presbytorian church near Peoblcs corner for a schoolhouso. Tho property belonged to tho Longworth Where Mrs. William H. Taft Once Taught, School. estato lator on, so wo rented it from them, and after altering tho interior somowlrat found It quite suited to tho purpose. Tho first year wo wero thoro wo engaged Miss Horron ns she was then as an assistant. She began teaching in 1882 and taught that fiscal year. "All in all, sho was with ua In tho capacity of teacher for threo years. Wo still havo tho llttlo blue catalogues of tho school giving hor namo. "Miss Herron had charge of tho pri mary department." Miss Horron, at tho timo, It Is said, was a bright, intellectual woman, ono who was not content, aftor her gradua tion at Miss Nourso's, to sit still and play tho socioty girl. She did not need to teach that Is, from tho former stand point slnco her father was an attor ney in comfortnblo circumstances. Nono of Miss Horron's sisters worked, yet all wero fond of tho Intellectual life. Tho primary classes which Miss Herron had wero not very large, and sho ruled through hor gentleness nlono. Sho taught tho usual subjects assigned such grades. Tho classes camo to her In turn rather than sho having ono set room. Thcro woro 43 boys in tho department nt that tlmo, nnd of theso eight or ton formed her pupils. Thoso woro tho dnys of Miss Hor ron's dobutautohood, and fiho Is ro called not only ns a good teacher, but also as a good musician. In fact, Miss Herron was looked on by hor sot ob a very intellectual girl. Sho and porhaps hnlf a dozen other young women and men got up what thoy cniled tho "Cotcrlo" or "Salon." Ono member of this was hor sister, Maria Herron. Another was Miss AHco KoyB, now Mrs. Howard Hoi lister. William II. Taft was a mem ber, so was Howard Holllster. Then thoro waa Thomas A. Mack, an iron man, now in Now York in business. Thcro also woro Prof. Whlto and others. Theso young folks mot weekly nnd discussed questions of moment. There woro boat rides and other ontortaln Ing features. It was In theso meetings undoubt edly that William Taft and Miss Hor ron discovered two hearts that beat aB ono. Damo Rumor says that this is whoro tho romanco began, and it lod on to tho altar. Tho Balon met In tho several hfisea of tho mombors and gave tho astuto young lawyer a chance to soov what sort of a homo makor Miss Horron mlgnt mako. Tho houso whoro William II. Taft was married Is still intact, occupied by John Horron. It stands almost across from Charles P. Taft's, whoro notification day ceremonloa woro held. NEW ATTORNEY GENERAL I'liotogniph copjrrliflit hjr Cllneilliitft, Walilntfton, 1). 0. George W. Wlckersham, attorney general of the United States, is New York's representative In tho Taft cabinet. Mr. Wlckersham Is a member of the law firm In which President Taft's brother, Henry W. Taft, Is n partner, and he la known as an expert In railroad law. Although a resident of New York city, Mr. Wlckersham Ib a native of Pennsylvania, having been born In Pittsburg In 1858. RELICS OF Important Discoveries Made by English Scientist. Mummies, Pottery and Weapons Which Date Back Perhaps 7,000 Years Unearthed Under Old Inca Cemetery. Now York. Ono of tho most not able dldcovcrles regarding tho early history of Peru has recently been mado by Howltt Myring, nn English antiquarian, who arrived In Now York recently on his way home. Ho had 2,000 8peclmeus of pottery nnd wea pons of tho ancient Peruviana. Romalns nnd relics of tho early In habitants of Peru, which aro said by scientists to date from 4,000 to 7,000 B. C, wero found by Mr. Myring un dor an old Inca burying ground when ho was exploring In tho mountains about about 200 miles Inland from Lima. The bodies In tho burial ground woro found to bo In an oxcollent stato of preservation, tho hair, skin and clothing being preserved by tho sili cate on tho soil. Whon the bodies wero exposed to tho air tho bones nnd skulls crum bled Into dust barely giving tho ex plorer tlmo to tnko photographs of tho mummies. Each grave contained tho romalns of food and glazed clap jugs with two handles and a cover with a long, tapering spot, which wero filled with n liquid supposed to havo boon a wlno of somo kind. Tho - ast of tho features of these an cient Peruvians resembled tho Mon golians, with a scattering of Indlnn and negro typo, according to tho dis coverer. Tho warriors could bo eas ily distinguished by their great wood on war clubs renting on tho left nrm or tho huge, copper-headed battlo axes beaten out from tho puro metal. Ono chief had a long copper needle driven through his skull. Pottery plates with double bottoms hidden In which wero ancient coins of gold nnd silver, woro found in somo of tho graves. Mr. Myring said scientists could got nn idea of tho great ago of theso by tho corrosion of tho metals. Tho bodies wero nil fully clothed in embroidered garmcntB of fluo texture, showing that tho peoplo had tho samo bollcf as tho Incas In tho after llfo whoro tho good wero to havo all tho luxuries and tho wicked to do all tho work, so tho scientists contond. All tho specimens of pottery woro artistically designed In tho shapo of raon or animals and tho glazo was as porfect as tho day It was put on, prob ably about C.000 years ago. Tho an clont Peruvians, excelled In tho art of making pottery, especially In tho firing nnd decorating. In addition to tho pictures of men and animals, many of tho specimens wero decor ated with Chlneso dragons and weird looking fish roBombllng mermaids, and sailing craft ltko junks. The most valuablo portion of thiB discovery of antiquities, according to Mr. Myring, consisted of tho groat urnB, somo of them six foot long and uo heavy that it roqulrod three men to carry thorn. They wero found bur led besldo mummies, and tho majority of thorn had tho features ot tho dead man or woman delicately carved on olthor tho upper part of tho urn or in a solid stand beneath. Tho tocos on tho urtiB wero all of dark brown color nnd glazed as smooth and hard aa a billiard ball, as if thoy had Just loft tho hands of tho pottor. Tho discovery of tho remains of a prehistoric peoplo has created conoid orablo lntorest in Poru. Mr. Myring OLD PERU gave soveral specimens to tho Na tional museum in Limn, nnd, it is understood, will donato other speci mens of tho pottery to tho British museum in London. Tho rest ho will ndd to his private collection at his homo In Park Lane, London, which contains rnro objectn from all parta of tho world, collected by tho owner in his wnnderlngs In strango InndB. Tho specimens wero snipped from Calhio direct to England by tho long sea route via the Straits of Magel lan In 50 crates, only ono crate, con taining tho most valuable pieces of pottery, engraved In gold nnd silver and decorated 'with smnll emeralds, being brought by Mr. Myring. Tho inscriptions on tho urns wero nil In hieroglyphics of different col ors, each representing some object or idea. CARRIES FORTUNE HIMSELF. Telephone Manager Takes $16,500, 000 Worth of Bonds from San Fran cisco to New York City. Vassar, Mich. 13. C. Bradley, a for mer resident of Vassar, who now is ono of tho managers of tho Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company of San Francisco, recently carried a for tuno from that city to J. P. Morgan & Co. In Now York to avoid enormous express chnrges. Sixteen and one-half million dollars' worth of bonds of tho Pacific Telegraph and Tolephono Company had been purchased by tho Morgan firm Tho lowest rato mado by tho express company for their transfer across tho continent was $15, 000. Mr. Bradloy learned that ho could charter a special train from his city do Now York, obtain tho services of two competent detectives am, deliver tho bonds personally at a roasonablo sum, so, accompanied by Mrs. Bradloy, two dctectlveB and tho train crow, ho made the journey with hla millions of securities. Old Army Horse is Retired With the Yalo Battery He Took Part In Campaigns In Both Cuba and China. Now York. Among tho horses re cently retired from United States army service was Old Faithful of tho Fifth artillery. Old Faithful of gan his career as Putnam and later was known as Peking. Thero nro many stories In tho army of hla won derful lnetlllgonco and splendid bat tlo record. At tho beginning of tho Spanish American war Putnam, aa ho was then called, was young and strong and earning a livelihood as a draught horso in Now Havon, Conn. Whon tho Yalo battory was organized Put nam becamo ono of Its most valuablo members and took to army llfo aa a duck docs to water. Such was his reputation that ho was socurcd for tho regulars. Ho took part In tho Santiago campaign and mado a flno record at El Canoy. Early In 1899 ho waa sent to tho Phil ippines with Battory F, Fifth field artillery. Then camo tho boxer outbreaks In China, and to that country Putnam went with tho American forces. Ho shared in ovory ono of tho engage ments in which tho allied forcos par ticipated and when tho foreign armies reached Poklnir tlin old Ynlo liLruo. with anothor known aa Cor. ,fiidor, NEW ISLAND RISES FROM SEA. Addition to Bogostop Group Makes Its Appearance Natives In Great Fear. Seattle, Wash. The steamship" Dora, Capt. It. 11. McKay, iu from Alaska, brlngB the story of tho appear anco of a new Island In tho Bogostop nroup, near I'nnluakn. March 10. Capt. McKay says that, nceordlng to tbo na tives, the Islands In tho group woro agitated for about ten days prior to tho tlmo when the new island, with great rumblings, pushed Its head out of tho eon. The craters of tho llogo stop group began to belch with lire, ashes nnd sand. Capt. McKay added that tho natives, In great fear, could not bo made to approach , within many mlloa of tho now Island. They declared, however, that Kb peak was vislblo ami that It was throwing out a volume of steam. Tho natives even said that soon aftor the appearance of tho island tho rumblings ceased and tho eruptions from tho eratera on tho Hogostop Islands came to an end. "Boglnnlng about March 1," Copt. McKay said, "thcro was a series of rumblings which heenmo moro pro nounced every day. These rumblings were nccentunted by occasional loud explosions, which Increased In violence and frequency. "Then cither now or old craters of tho Bogostop group burst out In Ilamcs und tho icllectlon of tiro was visible in tho sky at night tlmo and could bo scon from high points near Unalaska. Tho marshal sent Indiana off to sco what had occurred. Thoy returned nnd said that they would not go near tho place, an there was lire an llogostop and a now Island waa visible. Tho Island 1b now covered with steam, indicating that tho rocka are still hot." INVENTS 'WIRELESS' TORPEDO French Works Turn Out a Radlo-Au tomntlc Boat Operated from Shore or Ship. Paris. If all that la claimed for tho now radio-automatic torpedo built at tho Creufiot works 1b truo It promises to prove tho most terrible onglno of destruction that tho genius ot man hns yet Invented. This weapon of na val warfare can bo worked from Bhoro or from ship, nnd can bo used against a ship of tho cnemy'B fleet In motion. Thoro Is no escaping It. Tho radio-automatic torpedo 1b con trolled and directed by tho employ ment of Hertzian waves and by nld of an apparatus which differs llttlo from that now used In wlrclcsa tolo grophy. When loaded It would con tain 1,000 kilograms of gun-cotton and nbout ton times tho quantity of ox ploslvo chnrgo of tho ordinary tor pedo. Its appearance la synchronized so na to recolvo tho Hertzian waves from tho "parent" ship or Bhoro sta tion and to refuso thoso emanating from tho enemy. It will bo cnpablo of maintaining awnaxlinum speed of nenrly fifteen knots for flvo hours. Ono of tho most Important features la tho wide radius of lta action. From Its Btartlng point tho operntor, bo ho on ship or ashore can control its ov cry movement, Btop It, send It doad Blow ahead or astern and alter Its course with as much caBo as If ho wero on board tho deadly craft. Tho invontor is M. Gustnvo Gavel, who hns long devoted hlmBolf to tho study of tho problom nnd of the sclenco of naval warfare Compass for German "Jags." Berlin. Tho Gorman "Jag" Is to bo guided home by compass. Tho city fathors of Berlin havo Bet tho fashion. Thoy havo orderod that in 100 of tho most popular parta of tho city tho , pavement Is to bo ornamented with n mosaic design In colored marblo or a mariner's compass. At loast the comlo pnpors of Berlin say thnt tho compasses aro for tho es pecial benefit of Inebriated gontlomon who havo lost their hearings. Tho city fathors, Jjowover, dcclaro that tho ob ject Is t,t ennblo strangers to find their wny moro easily about tho city. Tho dcslgna nro nbout a yard in diameter nnd show tho cardlnnl polnta ot tho compasB and tho hnlf points. was pulling tho first of tho light field guns. In climbing a hill to tnko a position of advantago Corrcgldor's traces broko and Putnnm gallantly .pulled tho gun to tho summit unaided. Hatroom In Churches Wanted. Canton, O. Canton milliners have started n movemont to havo hatrooms with mirrors provided In churchoa whoro pastors object to women who wear tho now largo creations. "It tho preachers want tho hata taken off they should provide dressing rooms whoro tho hats may bo kept during tho servlco ana furnish a mir ror," said ono milliner. "Suroly, thoy can't expect us to hold our hata in our lapa or put thorn under tho Beats and, without a mirror, why, gracious, It 1b simply out ot tho question." Tips Barred by Law. Spokano, Wash. Advanco sheets ot tho now criminal codo adopted at tho recont session of tho legislature Bhow that it contains a Btrlct antl-tipplng law, which provides that "overy em ploye of a public houao or public serv lco corporation who solicits or re ceives any gratuity from any guest and ovory person giving any grataty shall bo guilty of a misdomeauor. Thla was tho first Intimation that ouch a law passed tho two housea ot tho legislature, PAUL AT CYPRUS Sunday School Lcnon for My 2, 1909 Specially Arranged for This Paper I.K9SON TKXT.-Actn 13.1-12. Memory vomch, 2, 3. (lOI.DKN TKXT"flo ,vo Into nil tlm world, nnd proueli tlio CIonpcI to every cronturo." Murk 16. 1R. T1MR l'rotmlily In llio spring nnd summer of A. 1). 47. l'l.ACK.-Antloeh In Syria, nnd tho In land of Cypru. HtU.KltH. Clniiilltm c'nennr, etnprror of Homo, 41-CI. runplufl KndiiH, governor nf JtnliMi. Tim Iloimtns lire In Hrltnln, noelc IllK to fllltiJUKnto tlm eouutry. Suggestion and PraoOc.il Thought. "Tho church at Ant loch, from which Pnul'M missionary Journey started. Jerusalem had before been tho center of Influence, Its heat and light rndlatlng to Samaria, Joppn, Ethiopia, Cyrene, Damascus, Tarsus, Antloch. The rny that reached Antl och kindled, as It were, a now sun, which heenmo a center of radiation for Asia Minor nnd Europe. It was a small and struggling church. Paul and Harnnbaii were the strongest men In it, the loaders. How could they bo spared? Our modern churches and Christians need to learn that It Is not keeping, but giving nway, that enriches and strengthens. Missionaries Aro Your Representa tives. Thoso whom you havo commis sioned, the official heads of the church, havo Hcnl the missionaries forth Tor you. They are your proxies. When you joined the church, you mndo its enterprises yours, nnd assumed re sponsibility for thorn. You becamo a partner In a business, the grcntcst business In the world. If tho missions of your denomination fall or grow weak through your neglect, It fn as great a disgrace as for you to become bankrupt In any other business to which you havo mndo yourself a part ner. Lessons for Our Work. 1. Patil and Barnabas went llrst to Cyprus, where they would llnd a beginning easiest. Wise workers nlwnyn work along lines ot lenst resistance. 2. Thoy worked In tho center of In lluence, a large city, where they could reach tho most people. Tho church must never neglecL tho city. 3. Thoy based their work upon tho word of God. Wo shall fall If wo do not do tho same. 1. They did not try to do their work alone, but utilized John Mark, and doubtless all the other helpers they could llnd. Tho most useful workers aro thoso that know how to set others to work. G. Thoy wero Ignorant, as yet, that their great work was to bo for tho Gentiles, but thoy followed along the lino of providence. "A llowor will often remain furled for days till a sun beam touches It, when Instantly It will oxpand." Bnrlng-Gould. Their mis sion wnn preparing yfor a full unfold ing. V. 8. "Elymns," not necessarily a proper name, being merely Aramaic for magician. Ho was a Jow; a false prophet, an Impostor protending to a knowledge, of tho futuro and teaching untruo doctrines; and ho was a "sor cerer," magician or sago, tho namo given to tho wlso men from tho East, tho Magi of Matt. 2: 1, 7, 10. In thoso dayB superstition and sclenco woro commingled, nnd tho scholar did not consider beneath him tho arts ot tho fortune-teller nnd tho magician. "Thero stood boforo tho proconsul the apostlo of truth and tho emissary of falsehood, llko Moses and tho magi cians before Pharaoh." Dean Vaugh an. Victory ovor tho opposition of tho sorcerer was a specimen of all the 'missionary vlctorloa that havo boon won since, In countless numbers, all over tho world. It waa won by threo means: 1. By tho power of tho Bplrlt (v. 9). "Saul, (who also la called Paul" and henceforth, to mark his change of labors, tho history drops his Jowlsh name, Saul, and uses tho Gentile namo sololy) waB filled with tho Holy Ghost." "Tho tonso of tho Greek partlclplo Implies a sudden access of spiritual power, showing Itsolf at onco iu in sight into character, righteous indig nation, and provision of tho dlvlno chastisement." Elllcott. 2. By bold speech (v. 10). .Paul never minced matters. Ho spoko out his full heart. Thoughts woro mado for words, with him! With a Blorn face, his eyes llxed intently upon tho sneering sorcerer (v. 9), ho hurst out with Btern words: "O full ot all sub tlllty" (R. V. "gullo," rccolt) "and nil mischief" (tho Grook word Implies tho ensy doing of villainy), "thou child of tho devil" (though named, alas, Bar-Jesus, child of Jesus!) "thou enomy of all righteousness" (for tho Greek word devil, meana alnndoror, falso accuser, and thercforo enemy of tho truth and right),' "wilt thou not cease to porvort," ("distort, turn asldo) "tho right (straight) ways of tho Lord?" It was frankness nnd truth rebuking craftiness and lies, and doubtless overy one- within hoarlng and perhaps tho wretch's own con science recognized tho justlco of tho condemnation. Minds Obedient Unto Christ. Our minds aro dominated constant ly by ono Interest or anothor; with somo, It Is material things of different sorts; with others, It Is Intellectual In terests, social Interests, physical ac tivities, nnd so on. But possessod and controlled, tho mind Is bound to be, by something; and It is Or us to chooso tbut something, if wo will. Happy is tm ur)i nlmmna ntwl tinralarpnt I v ttiltl. , yatoB ,ntoroslB tlmt ar0 inoxhauBtlblo I n Uer rchn08B and Umt Krow boltor Rnd moro ,lltoroBUnB a3 ho ,8 tho more jyy possessed by thorn, ' PftOOF FOR TWO CENT8. If You 8uffer with Your Kldneyt and' Back, Wrlto to Thle Man. O. W. Wlnnoy, Medina, N. Y., In vites kldnoy BUfferora to wrlto to him. To all who encloso postngo ho will ro ply, telling how Donn's Kldnoy Plfla cured him after ho had dodtnrcd and had been In two dif ferent hospitals for eighteen months, Buffering Intense pain In tho back, lnmcnosB, twinges whon stooping or lifting, languor, dizzy spells nnd rheu matism. "Beforo I used Donn'a Kld noy Pills," snyn Mr. Wlnnoy, "I wolghed 113. After taking 10 or 12 boxen I wolghed 1C2 and was com pletely cured." Sold by nil dealers. CO cents a box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. UNPLEASANT OUTLOOK. "I hopo It don't rain; It'll tako all do starch out of my dress." "Yes, and if mnw bccb you In your best dreHu oho'll tako do starch nut ot you!" CURED ITCHING HUMOR. Big, Painful Swellings Broke and Did Not Heal Suffered 3 Years. Tortures Yield to Cutlcura. "Llttlo black swolllngs woro scat teicd over my fnco und neck nnd they would Icnvo llttlo black Bcara that would itch do I couldn't kcop from scratching them. Largor swellings would appear and my clothes would stick to tho sores. I went ton doctor, but tho troublo only got worso. By this tlmo It wns all over my nrms nnd tho upper pnrt of my body In Bwelllngs ns largo na a dollar. It wus so pain ful that I could not boar to Ho on my back. Tho uccoml doctor Btoppod tho Bwelllngs, but whon thoy broko tho placos would not hcnl. I bought a Bot of tho Cutlcura Remedies and iu loss thnn a wcolc somo of tho placoa woro noarly woll. I contlnuod until I'liad used threo sets, and now I am sound and woll. Tho dlseaso lasted throo yoars. O. L. Wilson, Puryear, Tonn., Feb. 8, 1908." 1'ottcr Druii & Clwiu. Corp., Bolo I'ropj rtoitoa. Awake to Danger of Tuberculosis. The ntiinbor of stnto and local anti tuberculosis societies In tho United States haa shown ovor 100 per cent. In crease during tho pnst year; the num ber of snnltorla and hospltnla for tu berculosis, nearly 30 per cenL In crcaHo; and tho number of special tu berculosis dlsponsnrlcs nnd clinics, ovor 40 per conL Increase. Thornto of lncrcaso In the numbor of workora Is estlmntcd nt ovor 200 por cent., and tho amounts given for tuborculosla re lief havo been doubled during tho year. Thlrty-thrco legislatures, out of 39 In bcsbIoii up to May 1, 1909, havo been considering laws portalnlng to tho provcntlon or treatment of tubor culosis. In a largo number of states legislation affecting this subject haa already been onnctcd, and moro laws will be passed beforo tho close- ot tho spring session. Ono of Fashion's Folllee. A lady enmo on an odd-looking bag tho other day, In ono ot tho fashion nblo London Bhops. It was In cxpon bIvo leather, and seoracd too largo for on ordinary hand-bag; also It had a curious oponlng cut at ono side to wards tho top. "Ladles uso It for carrying their llttlo dogs," tho Bales man explained. Important to MothorB. Examlno carefully evory bottlo or CASTORIA n safe and sure remedy tor infants and chll.lron, and sco that it Bears tho " . ,?' Signature of Cta&XV&ffl In Uso For Ovor IWi Ycara, Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought. His Daughter Played. Wife I can't understand, John, why you always sit on tho piano-stool whon wo havo company. Evorybody knows you can't play a noto. Husbnnd I'm woll awaro of It, dear. Neither cin any ono clso whon I'm Bitting thoro. Don't Cough, But Live Long. If every couch were cured beforo it cot a strong hold, human lifo would bo length ned bv many year. If every coughing suf ferer knew that Kuinp'a Balsam would ntop the cough in a few minutes, ho would bo glad to escnpo the serious conscqucnocs. If nny medicine will euro a cough. Kemp's Balsam will do it. At druggists' and dealers', 25c. A Natural Doubt. "Do you think that oculist Is a prac tical man?" "Why shouldn't ho bo?M "Because of his buslnosa. Doosn't ho go in for cyo deals?" One Point Settled. "Thoy say tho now Mrs. Bangs ta a vory good plain cook." "I don't know about tho oxcollonco of tho cookery, but olio's plain nil right." Smokers havo to call for Lewis' Single Binder cigar to et it. You: dealer or Lowis' Factory, Peoria, 111. A truo friend Is ono who inakoa us do what wo, can. Phelps. y 03' pvj w ISP ) ' hi Km 4 I mi i , M I' w u8 i I in A Ji -?ii,w imaMnrarwr ?miMwwio JT 4mJimmif w