The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1909, Image 5

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f, .,jw.
bubsorlbo for tlio Chic'.
Joo Crow was In St. Joo this week.
F. W. Studobakor Is ip Utah this
John Koso o( ltluo Hill was iti tow n
today. '
Evorton Foe was down from McCook
., ,, ,, , , . ... .,,
Lather Fitzgerald was in Uluo "M
Urlnit your eggs and get cash. .1. O.
Ed Atnnek went to Lincoln TuosdBy
Miss Claru Hurgoss spout Saturday
in Franklin.
(loo. Vol land was down from 11 list
ings Monday.
Dr. Thomas and family spent Sun
day in Cowles.
Sherwood Albright was in Norton,
Kans., Monday.
John Winters was down from Lin
coln Wednesday.
Dwight Jones of Guldo Rock was in
this city Sunday .
FatherJMullaly returned to Chicago
Saturday morning.
Loyd Rust wont to Bladen Wednes
day to visit relatives.
The now safe for the Webster County
Bank arrived Tuesday.
Ed. Parker aud fathor wcro up from
Guldo Rock Wodnosday.
See Dr. .Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Darrel lturdon wont to Campbell
Tuesday via automobile.
Miss Helen Overman returned to
Lincoln Sunday morning.
Wanti:d I want to buy a good cow,
lately fresh. I. W. Edson.
Chus. Arnold and wife were down
from ltluo Hill Wednesday.
Foil Sai.k Six room nouse, lots
Inquire at Ncwhouse's store. tf
Mrs. Frank Studobakcr is visiting
relatives in Iowa this weok.
Glen Phelps was down from ISladon
Tuesday in his automobile.
Mrs. Sherwood Albright returned
from Stamford Tuesdny morning.
Frank Cowden and family spent
Sunday with friends in Superior.
Mrs Fred liortfelt and daughter are
here from McCook visiting relatives
Dick Hunchcy and wife went to Illi c
Hill Monday to attend tho I. O. O. F.
1' A. Wullbraudt owner of tho Home
Grocoy store went to Yuma, Colorado,
Mrs. Dr. Myors was called hero from
Colo., by the death of ior mothor, Mrs.
Mr. aud Mrs Nod Grimes entortain
ed the Junior Whist club Thursday
Walt Roby of Nelson is in tho city
this week visiting at tho homo of Win.
Dr. Duinerull will soon commence
tho erection of his new house'oii west
1th avenue.
The fifth grade wont out in the
country and studied nature Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. Jones returned to (Snide Uoik
Sunday after visiting hor mother, Mrs.
Henry McCiiue.
The contractors started to throwing
dirt for tho new school house last
,Monday morning.
We nro glad to see Walt Wairen,
managor of tho short order house on
the streets again.
Rov. J. M. Bates returnod from St.
Paul Tuesday, and will hold the usual
services tho next two Sundays.
and repairings. Call on T. Ciievamiw
Campbell, Nobr. Wrlto or phono.
Dr. N. II. Morrison of Nownrk, N,
J., is visiting his parents and Dr. J. S
Emigh nud wife in this city this wook
Al. Aultz has sold his drnv lino to
b --"-- -------
Frank Smolser nnd will depart in two
r threo weeks for his old home in
Wordy Stono aud sou of Smith Ccu
tor, Kas., were tho guests of Bort
Stevens and wifo Suuday. Thoycamo
vor on motor cycles.
Absolutely Turc
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor.
The only bakinfj powder
Royal Grape Cream of
Nov. M. T. Sfilllorls home from
Franklin, where ho ofllcla,ted .it the
funeral of Kev.Mhitlo.vs four year old
A widows pension of S12 per month
linu limn, fill.ttf. wl '.. lt.. r t.i. ....
....- ..... ..i..ui .j utmii j uuiiiinuii,
widow of Samuel Johnson.
Maurer was lier attorney.
The mombers of tho Christaln En
deavor were entertained at tho home
of Mr. Rufus Mlksch, Fridav evening.
A good time is reported by all present.
jvii rccoivL'u n iresn lot oi
garden seeds nt my feed storo, befor0
1 havo just received n fresh lot of
buying ;eome and look tlioni over
A u;nii.UHii.w Raskin's old stand.
In connections with his Law busluoss,
E. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan
Depnrlniont. Parties desiring a farm
loan will find it to their advantage to
sco h in.
Henry Holmes editor of tho Bloom
Ington Tribune has iold tho Rlvcrton
Review to Cecil Mathews. Wo wish
tlie'.uow "pen pusher" or tho Review
The ladles of the W. ( '. T. U. sent
a lottcr of congratulation to Governor
Shallonborger upon his signing tho
"daylight saloon" bill nnd recoived an
appreciative reply.
Dr. Wintorson physician nud sur
geon, onico in front rooms over Dr.
Cook's drug storo. Removed from Dr.
Raino's ofllco, Potter Block. Both
phonos Boll 17. Indepond. 27.
Sunday evening wo wcro much
pleased with tho sermon at the Con
gregational church. Mr. Cressmau de
livered ono of his strong addresses
and tho illustrated drawings were ex
ceptionally fine.
Tho woll known Warner's corsets
on sale at Geo. Johnson's storo where
you can havo latest stylo suit, skirt or
jacket mndo up in tho very latest
stylo of patterns so neat. Hemombor
all goods nro shruuk beforo being
Monday afternoon Charley Jackson
was brought beforo Judge Edson on
the charge of boinga common gambler
and was bound over to tho district
court. His bond was lixed at S3)0 and
some of his friends went on his bonds.
lam now located in the Winfroy
breeding barn in Red Clouu and have
two line Missouri, and one line Excel
lent Kentucky Jacks, and one Hue Per-cheron-Nornian
Stallion for service
for the season of 1009. Call and see
them. II. A John son, proprietor.
, Red Cloud has a new orchestra uniT
it made. a hit at the first performance.
Roy Oatmau and wifo, Clareiieo Car
penter nnd Howard Foe have banded
themselves together for musical outer
taiumonts and thoy make u strong
combination. Wo have heard nothing
but praise from their initial playing.
Georgo Arcndt who hus been work
ing in the B. & M. yards in this city,
was arrested in Superior Sunday,
charged with stealing S.Vi from tho
Burlington hotel. lie was brought
back to this city Sunday 'night by
Marshal Kinsel and is now in jail. Wo
understand that lie hus confessed.
Another now grocery firm has been
organized in this city. Mr. Geo. John
son the popular ladies' furnishing deal
er has decided to add u lino of fancy
groceries to his stock mid has taken
Mr. C W. Grout in partnership with
him. The new linn wil'. make a si long
combination and we bolievo will 10
coive their share of the pationago of
tho people of this vicinity.
More t liuii passing attention should
bo given to the rest room provided by
Turnuie Bros. Theso enterprising
gentlemen recognizing the necessity
of a place where ladies could restwhilo
iu the city havo fitted up a very clean
and commodious room in connection
with tlioir largo store exclusively for
tho bonllt of tho ladies. We have often
thought how disagreeable it must bo
I ...... ..ri.. v ...... ...nniuuuuiu tv tuitnt IJU
for the ladies who drive in from the
country in tho dust, to bo compelled to
do their trading aud visiting in the
city with their oyes full of dirt and
their garments covered with dust nnd
no whore to go to mako thomsolven as
tidy as thoy are at home. This rest
iuuui is nuwiy imporou, pieiuyoi
cnutrfi abound and a lavatory
room is nowly papered, plenty of easy
closot has boen installod. Turnure
Bros, assure us that this room was
open to all whether customers of their
storos or not. It moots a louir folt
want nnd will certainly bo appreciat
Baking Powder
Tartar. "
Reali.lng Hint it will requlro some
timo to establish cimfldciico In tho
minds of the people of Red Cloud and
I ol.lSH. tltWo.fliltn i1nttttutt T iftll f
ivviuivv un lo iiiv iiniiir.v lo no iirsL
11.. i 1 . .. . . I
zz , " r; 0:,rr mu MBy nr B,n
tatlon nnd examination fi ee. All work
satisfactory. S. J.Conninoiiam,
Successor to J. S Emigh
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported bv tho.Fort Ab
struct Co. for tho week ending
nesday, April 1W, 1000.
Flora F. Brown to Archlbold A.
Boren, part nw It 2-10, wd
Hugh B. Hunter to Nathan M.
Doudna, lots 11, li!, Blk. 1),
Vance's Add to Guide Rock wd
Jacob Sohunk to Otto E. Stolfre-
gnu, pt lot 10, Hohrers Add to
Blue Hill, wd
Audiotv J. Annburster to Ward
iluyesJr. huiI Fay E. Hayes,
part sw 35VM 1, wd ,
Nellie E. Grout to John W
Hughes, pt lot 7, Blk. 3, Tnl
bot's add to Guide Rock. wd..
J. S. Marsh ot al to Emll Frey,
lotl, lUlc.,113, Guldo Rock
ccmctory, wd , .
C. P. Gund to C. Kotshlor. lob. 'A.
J, 5, 0, Blk. 1, Rohrer's add to
Bluo.11111, qcd
W. C. Frnhm Co. Troas., to W. P.
, Kennedy, lot 17, Blk.3, Yolsors
add to Red Cloud, tax deod . .
August Cook to A. C. Bradshaw,
lot 18, Blk. 31, Red Cloud, wd.
ErickO. Bcrgmau to Hermnn
Everliug, part sw of nw 10-1-13
James Pilclior to Lucy Gulliford
lots 3, i, 0, G, Blk. 3, Gulllfords
add to Bed Cloud, qed 2.'10
Lucy Gulliford to Bernard Mo
Nony, lots 7 to 10, Blk. 1, lots
1 to 0, Blk. 2, (iulliford'H add
to Hod Cloud, wd ao0
Mortgages tiled, $7810.00.
Mortgages released Slilo.'u.
Lincoln, Nebr.. April 27tu, 11)01).
(Special Correspondence) The repub
lican papers still maintain tholr charge
of extravagance against the last legis
lature, and by compaiing totals make
it appear Unit tho republican legislat
ure or 1000. But a careful investigat
ion of the facts will reveal quite tho
It is true that the total amount ap
propriated in 11)00 exceeded the amount
appropriated in 1007. Noono willcaro
to deny tho fact, nor is there any ne
cessity for denying it But tlio demo
cratic legislature of 1900 had to ap
proprlate a total of 8100,000 to take
care of dotlcioncios created by repub
lican managers of stato institutions.
And the stato institutions during the
next two years will cost more o main
tain than thoy cost during tho two
yenrs under tlio Sheldon administrat
ion. For Instance, the legislature of
1007 appropriated for the penitentiary
on tho basis of .'l3.r convicts. Thore are
127 convicts in tlio big prison today.
Tho same ratio of increase is found iu
all of the other state institutions.
Two years ago Governor Sholdon
vetoed l)iilldingappropriationhiimount
ing to about S100.000. although, ho ad
mitted that the new buildings were
sadly needed. His claim was,!-how-over,
that the expenditures must be
kepi inside the revenue. And whon
In. lwliml flu. vntnni! I.......I...
...... ..w .twi..-. uuiiu?a lllllliliu.s
or tlio Hastings, Lincoln and Norfolk
1... I ..
iinyiiiui were sleeping on cols in linlls,
sleeping in attics and basements,
sleeping two in a bed; and tho feeblo
minded children in tho Boatrlee in
stitution wero forced to sloop in un
finished attics and in damp basemouts.
Tlio 1900 legislature appropriated
$.100,000 for now buildings in which to
house theso helpless and
wards of the stato. Vet. win, i. ... -.
lovy and tho Increased expenditures
for now buildings and for educat
ional purposos the present bienniuin
will end with more money in the treas
ury than was left under tho Sheldon
Tho total appropriations of tho lliO'J
lovy and the Increased exi,B,lifP
legislature look bigger than tho total
appropriations of the 1007 legislature
lor tho simple reason tho lOOli legis
lature had to take care of all that the
1000 legislature loft uncarod for.
Adding tho $100,00(1 deficiency to tho
total of tho 1007 legislature, and 8ub-v
trading it from tho total of tho 100'.)
legislature, and the difroreuco botween
the two totals is not large enouirh to
excite comment. Take Into account
tho growth of tho state institutions
and tho difference is wiped cut. And
thou give tho 1909 lefflsiatiiro crodlt
for $500,000 of new buildings and
?.iu,vuu more lor educational pur-poses-all
without lidding a singlu iota
to tho tax rate. When you anulyzo
tho facts you will discover that tho
1000 legislature wus one of tho most
economical in tho history of the state.
Another ohurgo Industriouslv oir-
diluted Is that tho Slmllonboig-'r ad
ministration exhibited an awful hun
ger for political pie. This ehurire is
founded on the fact that tho loeUlat-
me guvo into the hands of tho gover
nor some appointments horetofoio in
ihe hands of other state oflleors. Bu
Successor to Dr. J, S. I:MIGII
Bank, pnone i3t.
J . n. m
Swift's Premium
Ham or
ivrrw n
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds.
Wm. Koon
Red Cloud, Nobr
in doing tliis tho loglslntiiroonly went
back to the system lu vogue prior to
the election of William A. Poynter.
Theropubllcan legislature, iu ita greed,
took a lot of appointments away from
tlio dotuo pop governor. Tho legislat
ure of 1900 merely guvo t hem back.
When Governor Dcltrich sucooeded
Governor Poynter lie made a eloan
sweep of the Poynter uppointeos.
Governor Sliallouborger lias not done
so. Ilioro has been no chaiiuu in the
Girls' Industrial School at Geneva; no
change at tho Homo of thcFriendlos.
A score of important clerkships iu
different departments directly under
tlio governor are still retained 1 re
publicans. True, a number of theso
nro women, and thoy are bolng retain
ed because of onloioney. But the con
tinued charges of "hunger" made by
republican organs is endangering the
situations of these people.
Tlio state board of printing, former
ly made up of the treasurer, secretary
of state and auditor, but now made
up with the governor in place of the
treasurer, rofuses to recognize the law
which gives the appointment of tlio
secretary to tho governor. The two
republican members of the board in
sist on rotniniug the republican secre
tary, who recoives $1,000 a your. Tho
governor will not contest thlsdoelslon.
He will merely replace u $3,000 repub
lican secretary on another board with
a democrat. If the majority of tho
printing board had notgrown "chesty"
tho 82,.1(H) secretary would probably
have been retained.
Any farmer lu Nebraska who Is
proud of his farin and would like to
scon picture or it iu a bulletin issued
by tho liiiieau of Labor and Industrial
Statistics, may have his desire grati
fied hy sending u photograph of it to
tho bureau. Deputy Commissioner
Maupiii is making a collection of such
photographs loruu iu advortislinr tho
"barren wilds of Nebraska "
Governor Shalluiiberger was tlio
guest of Kansas democrats in Salina
last week.
State Treasurer Brian went to Mon
"" ' " .' ' '..-
tantl mst wu,ik to negotiate for $700,000
n..l. .. Ill 1 1 t
wortlLof Montana bonds as an Invest
inoiit for the Nebraska permanent
school fund.
Lancaster t'eunty Must Pay Fees
Barker Insanity Case.
Jesse Clinppell gets his foes us juror
l"u "".cor insanity inquest , and
Umiw ty must pay tho bill for
e onlho hcftrIn Thi is t,lu PJ
ion of tho Sunromo court. When
Barker, who was hanged for murder,
was awaiting execution' he wns ex
amined forinsanity. The examination
beforo Judgo Frost cost about 8C00.
it appears reasonably that Webster
county rather than Lancaster couutv
should pay this expense and tho coun
ty attorney started in to provo it legal
ly. Ho fought tho case on technical
points but thcsupreme court disagreed
witn mm, stating:
"A statuto should be construed in
the light of all general laws upon the
snmc subjoct in force at the time of
Its cnuotmcut.
"Tho fees of a juror culled to serve
as such In an insanity inquest iu pur
suance to tho provisions of soctions
151, 551 and of the criminal code,
must bo paid by tho county In which
tho ponlteiitlary is located."
Tudor the Wilson act passed by tlio
last legislature, tho county in which
tho condemned man Is convicted must
pay tho cost of Insanity hearings
the future. Lincoln Star.
New Restaurant.
I have oponed a new rosta.uraiit and
lunch room lu tho old Nation ollico.
Everything new, iieiitnnd eloan. Meals
at ail hours. We ate hero to pleiue.
C.ill on us Will Liiidley.
i S s iiityAQ
H?"!?!!?!!!!?!"? '"''"a - - ' ... i i
A Spring
The Winter Overcoat has
completed its service and now
is the time for the Spring
Top Coat to receive its due
Have you a spring Top
Coat, Sir a Coat just as
you would have it?
Perhaps, yon haven't.
Then, in tliatoaso, wo would havo
you Investigate our hnndsomo now
All tho smartest and best in Top
Coats you will llnd hero of till
styles and fabrics, 811k or Sorgo Lined.
Our Price Scope
$10. to $22.50
Whon looking for Good Clotlios,
como horo-by our Clothes, you Bhall
know us.
Protector Collars Cravenette.
Always Reliable
A Special on Rugs
For 10 days.
Look to your Interests
and buy now.
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
Amack 8 Chaney
. A New Buflgy Or Farm Machinery
We have them all. Remember, our stock of Har
ness, I Iardwarc, Buggies and Farm Machinery is
Complete at all times. :::::::::::
Wi: pay Sl'i:ciAi. attention to Supplying Builder's Hardware at tho
Lowest Prices, Bkst goods. Wk are also in position to do. Plumbing
work, and all Kinds of Pipo Cutting and Fitting. :::::::
Wc will have In a Line of AUTOMOBILES Soon.
f fted Gload flaFdHiafe
It is impossible to be well,
Dowels are conslmated. Ynn
laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested
material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be
removed from the bodv nr lensr nn n.-.i, i . !,
will be trouble. A slunnisii
Woods Liver Medicine K 11 liver re
gulator whl'di n. t lli oft!. on thlrf
organ, inlgi tiiui and produces natur
al notion. Ilritigs (piiok relief to sick
lieadcho, eoiistlpution, biliousness
and other synitouis of liver disorders
Particularly recommended for juuu
dlco, ehlllsj fever mid malaria. ThoSl
sl.o contains 2"i times as much its the'
I immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's Pills. He knows why they act
directly on the liver. Trust him. 77crrG,.SeT:
r.Oo size.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Top Coat
Copyrialil, 1909
The Hour of Kupptnhcu
Clothing Go.
First Door North of Poslofficc
& Implement Go.
twwww.. y.
to be Weill
simply impossible, if the!
nmcf n. nnanu i.
Uvnr ie wcmneiMo
9j ivoiwiijiijiu iifi iii
IhK N the most dangetoui) timo of
the year to catch cold, and It is tho
hardest time to euro it. If vou should
take a cold, u fow doses of "Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup wjll act yery
promptly. Its laxative principle euros
tho cold by driving It from tho system
by a gontl but natural action of tho
bowels. Children especially llko Ken
nedy's Laxutiv Cough Syrup, nu it
titnU'S so good, nearly like maplo bujjar.
, It Is sold by nil Druggists.
ii ,
! (
- Wf
fr 1., rHMWlT
,M,mtm jj rewfrgy