The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1909, Image 4

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13he CHIEF
Red Cloud - Nobrnskn.
Intored In tho I'oitofllca At Ilcd Cloud. $lob.
nit Second Cl Matter.
' City Officers.
Mkjor . .. J. ": t'jlilwcll
oteik i..... -.. IjvII. fort
Trmcr.. ... .-- -. ..... .1.0, lliitlor
Conrcllmen.'litwiuil -K1 Amuck
Kit I'ulKlplicr
Cincl)menIn(tM-. J. A. McArthur
MHctrlc itbt 4 water Com-Jolm Tnnillnimn
Marttml, cUy .Al HlAbi
Mrtbl, nlRbt- .- John Kliwcl
ChMth Senlets.
Wundny Hchooli.. .- ..............
I'renchlnK --.- "
Class meeting..- -
1'pworth IraRiio fJ...
I'rcachlnir i .!.... ................
. 10 A.M.
. 11 A.M.
.. 12 M.
7 1'. M.
.... BI'.M.
rraycr mcoUiiR Wednesday cvcnlnn B 1. M.
Iadlca Aid frWfe 2 1". m.
Your prcsonw'w, Requested mid i cordial
limitation Is omiutod to nil.
t,ft;M; T. Btikki.kii 1'iwtor.
rreachliicJH-... -. 10:15 a. in.
IMbloichooliu - ' 12 m.
Preaching iicrylccit - H ! '".
l'raycr and Conference intetlni? Wrdnc
day at 8 p. m. v '
A cordial Invitation la extended to all.
ltKV.A.A. ClIKMSMAX Pnntnr.
Did anyoiio nioiitioii tlio Fourth of
.Inly for ICcil Cloud this year? ,
Lust year the fraternal societies con
ceived tho Idea of holding u union
luoiuorlnl Sundiiy nnd vn boliovo that
the occasion was bencflclul. Wo sug
gest to the dlirotcnt lodges of tho city
Unit they appoint, one inombor from
each lodge mid ono milliliter of our of
the churches to arrange for u union
memorial service this year. Tho
second Sunday in .lime will soon lie
hero mid now Is (he time to take It up
mid give ample opportunity for pro
pitiation. 1 1 takes thought and caiu
fill planning lo successfully carry out.
a feature of this, kind and if anything
of this character is attempted it should
he begun in (-eat-on.
We feel it ineuiiibontuponour.selvc.s
,,to outer a protest against tho habit of
home men of this city ot using vulgar
mid profane language Iicfore young
boys. It Is harmful enough among
men but when grown-ups dcllbertly
use improper language for the solo
purpose of tonslug boys It is time
enough to call a halt. Such men de
servo to bo sovcroly censured mid wo
bcllovo should bo punished. No man
wants his son exposed to the vlloness
of such little contemptible men and
every mother suffers extreme anguish
of heart whenever her boy becomes
the victim of these unscrupulous and
unprincipled assaults. Those who
liavo tho stature of men ought to pos
hoss enough manhood to conduct
themselves as men. " .
Wo tiro pleased Hint the school bom d
has placed a practical course in our
high school. The Chlof has streuous
ly advocated the idea of giving the
boys and uirls, who never enter the
doors of a higher Institution of learn
ing, the same advantage of an educa
tion as tlioso who cuter a professional
career and we welcome the change
made. The boatd has acted wisely
and wo believe should recoivo tho
thanks of tho entire city. Ne.t year
it will be possible for students to take
n course in manual training, commer
cial arithmetic, typewriting, etc.,
which will lit them for the practical
duties of life. Our educational system
has tho right idea in educating tho
Negro and the Indian but the present
methods for the white race huvo be
come top heavy.
While thu policy of tho Chief Is
Democratic we wish it distinctly un
derstood that it is first of nil for Web
ster county. Wo believe In buildlnir
up our homo county and wllludvocuto
any thing that appeals to us as being
beneficial. Noxt we hold to the prin
ciples of tho Doiuourntic party and
will always be found to champion Its
interests nun welfare because we bo
lievo that under the constitution wo
havo tho right of political freedom.
As long as wo are In possession of our
right mind we will never cngago in
the unproiltablo, occupation of mud
blinking or abiibe ultho wo hold our
selves in roadlness to expose political
crookedness. Many of the prominent
democrats of tho county are on our
subscription list arid there are a few
yet holding aloof whom we would be
pleased to havo on our books. It is a
duty you owo to assist in conducting
tho campaign ot education and inci
dentally vc will attempt to give you
your monoy's worth. To our repub
lican friends we promise fair and
lionorablo treatment. Wo ask this for
ourselves mid are willing to give tho
same in return,
DcWitt's Kidney ami Bladder Pills
Appropriate nntl Impressive Services.
Sunday afternoon at tho Ml. llopo
church ground occurred the ceremony
of laying the corner stone About 800
people hud gathered to take part In
tho exercises and to show by their
presence that they suctioned the erect
ion of church buildings. It Bpeuks
woll for any community to havo n
church in its midst mid wo congrat
iilato the people lu the neighborhood
of Mt llopo for tho enterprise they
have shown mid for their evident de
sire to devote a portion of their time
and means to the betterment of their
The day was Ideal in every respect.
Just wnnn enough to bo comfortable
without any wraps, no wind and tho
atmosphere contained enough ozone
to keep nny ono wldo awake.
Kov. Hutntnel at 3 o'clock began ti
services by having tho choir mid con
gregation sing a hymn. Scripture
roading und prayer followed after
which Kov. Cramer of tho Methodist
church at Salem delivered a Bcroion
appropriate to tho occasion, lie
showed that it wns inherent In overy
people to crcot houses and buildings.
Somo of those wero for good purposes
mid homo wero not. Somo were for
tho inoro gratification of selfish ambi
tion untTothors wero for tho upbuild
ing of thocommunity. Somo wonffor
the truo God and some for false Gods
yet there could always bo found tho
disposition to build. Ho complement
ed tho pooplo of Mt. llopo on their
wHlingnosB to build a church which
was not for soir glorification but for
aiding God's work in this world. Ho
closed by calling attention to tho
house not built with hands, otornal In
thu heavens and hoped that, all the
members of this now church would re
main faithful and not neglect tho
spiritual wolfaro of their .souls.
The next speaker was K. J. Overing
Jr., of this city, who was introduced
by Kov. Hummel as a layman and not
a pteacher. The speaker brought out
the Idea that what tho corner stone
was to tho foundation that to the
community was the church and from
it should radiate all the spiritual, In
tollectual and social welfare of thu
community. In ordor that tho church
might fullll its true mission It must be
composed of members whose qualifica
tions wero honesty, courage, brains
and character. He emphasized the
necessity of nuiking much of the Sun
day school for therein could be found
an open forum for evory person.' In
his conclusion ho reminded tho people
of tho Mt. Hope church that they were
just entering the arena and much
would be expected of them and their
opportunities for good were multiplied
a hundred fold.
Kov. Hummel then delivered a short
address dwelling upon the thought
that thu church mudo for character
and he prayed that not only the mem
bers of the church but also tho ontiro
community should lay the corner
stone, Christ .Jesus, in their hearts
Mr. Hummel'.s address was necessarily
brief because upon him devolved the
carrying out of the ritualist formula
of the Methodist church on occasions
of this character, lie then read the
names of the members, the deacons,
the trustees and olllcers and the
Ladles" Aid These all were put into
tho corner stono as woll as tho Ucd
Cloud Chier. The Commercial Adver
User and tho Webster County Argus.
Mr. Hummel laid the corner stone in
u workmanlike manner and showed
that ho had not neglected the educa
tion of his hands during his 3.1 years
of active ministry. Mr. Hub Henry
was the artist m charge of the trowel
and inorter mid even our untrained
ej'o could see that he was a past
tor in tho art of mixing.
Deacon Hooper then briefly related
his first attendance in the old log
church which used to stand just west
of the present silo. Ono thought ex
pressly struck us as showing tho opin
ion tho east hold about this country
'in the early day. Mr. Hooper went
homo from thut llrst attondanco and
wrote to the old father, who enter
tained grave fcars'for his boy in tho
wild west, that lie was in a country
which reverenced (Sod. That was one
of tho happiest experiences of his early
residence and made him feci grateful
that he lived in a country whero God
This church is the outgrowth of
years of labor of that idofutlgablo
worker, Kov. Hummel. To him be
longs much of tho credit of establish
ing tiiis church and to him the grate
ful people give their heartfelt thanks.
After years of preaching but more
especially after a series of revival
meetings which Mr. Hummel conduct
ed Mr. Hope church was organized
March 7, l'.tOi) with a membership of
The editor of this paper enjoyed, the
ceremonies, enjoyed tho mcetiug of
friends und subscribers and considers
this one of tho best days he has spent
in years, lie Wishes tho new church
God speed and trusts that they may
enjoy the fruits of their saerUIces and
their labors. As we said at tho begin
lug It speaks well for .uiy community
to have av church within their conllues.
The W. C. T. l w 111 meet with Mrs.
C, ,1. Pope next Wednesday afternoon
at 2:1)0.
Catharine A. Garber,
By .1. S. (ililtnm.
Catharine A. Garber passed away
oarly Monday morning, after au ill
ness of two years, during which time
she had been in Wyoming mid Now
Moxlco in Hoarcli of health. Fouling
that, she was gradually falling, she re
turned from Now Mexico two weeks
prior to her death, but tho Irresistible
progross of Brlght's disease brought
tltd end much sooner than it wns ex
pected. Tho funeral was hold from
tho homo of Mrs. L E. Tait Wednes
day afternoon, conducted by Ucv. A.
A. Cressman, and tho Woman's Relief
Corps was in charge of tho services.
Mrs. Garber was born In JJavaria,
Ocrmany, on tho 8th day of May, 1812,
mid was, thoroforc, almost sixty-seven
years of age at tho time of her death.
With her paronts she came to Iowa in
18.)0, She uttendod Favotl nnlh.frn In
mat siaio anu taught school for a num
bor of years. In 18CQ sho was married
to Joseph Garber, who preceded her to
thototnb by nearly three vonrH. fn
tho spring of 1870 bIio accompanied
nor husband, his two .brothers,
A Imn .) till .a
"u"""i "" onus anu tnelr em
ployees, Al. Lathrop and Sam Davis,
to tho Republican valley. She brought
with her a niece, tho daughter of
Abrum Garber, who had left his young
er child "Ed" with his mother at Ne
braska City to await tho making of a
homo in tho then wilderness of west
ern Nebraska. At Ueatrlco William
MoBrido and his wifo and Luther
Mick, with his mother and her two
grand children, were met, who were
thinking of making a scttlcmontsomc
whero in tho uninhabited valleys of
the state. Silas Garbor persuaded
them to accompany tho Garbcrs and
they consented, largely becauso tho
prcsonco of Mrs. Garbor assured the
women that home and society would
be presently established.
Tho company journeyed together
until Fairbtiry was roached, the last
outpost or civilization in the cast.
Falrbury contained sovoral buildings,
and promised protection to thu women
and children from tho Indians. Tho
women tarried hero until the men
could rido ahead and discover tho out
look in Webster county, which was
the nearest county where tho lands
were generally subject to homestead
On tho return of tho men, Mrs Gar
ber accompanied lior husband and his
brothers to the vicinity of what is
now Guide Kook. Tho other women
remained behind at Falrbury. Mrs.
Garbor was, at the time, unencum
bered with children, and sho preferred
to sharo all" tho dangers and hardships
of the vory beginning with lior hus
band. She hail drawn a carbino from
tho stale with the men at Lincoln, also
her supply of ammunition, and pre
pared herself to encounter poril on
even terms with lior husband and
brothers-in-law-. It was her boast that
she beaame, in a littlo while, the best
shot of the party with the exception
of Silas, or the ex-governor. Arriving
at Guide Kook, tho remains of die Col.
Rankin party wero discovered, of
whom Donald McCallum and Emanuel
rctersaionow the solo survivors in
this vicinity. There was nNo discov
ered tho famous city founded a month
before by tho Hunkln company, which
had been christened Thayer City, in
honor of Senator Thayer. This city
then consisted of a square hole dug lu
the ground to a depth or tour R-ct and
walled up by the dirt thrown from the
excavation, with a roof of trco branch
es coveted with earth. The Garber
party came with oxen, wagons and
farming implements to improvo the
boll, and also brought with them a
woman and a child, the sure pledges
that tills was no Incursion or more ad
venturers, whose stay might be tran
sient, but an actual occupation of the
lands for the purposes of permanent
Mrs. Garber made her homo in tho
emigrant wagon while- tho men hur
riedly oreotod the llrst stockado or
fortress of the Republican valley, and
then united to build her a house of
logs on the homestead soloctod by lior
husband about one mile cast of tho
presout town of Guido Itock. Whon
tho stockade wns complotod Mrslllck
and hor daughtor, with the four grand
children, came upon the scene, and
shortly afterwards Abram Garber re
turned cast and brought back with
him his wifo and other child. Web
ster county then becamo a settled
community, with a fortress for defenso
and homos and women and children.
Mrs. Cathariuu Gurber was the first
whlU woman to cross the county line;
the llrst to engage in houso-kceping
and home making in tho entire Repub
lican valley lu th'j state, or Nebraska,
ami perhaps the first of the homo
makers In all that part of the state
west of Thayer county and south of
the Platte valley, except the few who
had located thomselves near the
stations of tho old overland route be
tween, tho Missouri river and the
'lo Mrs. Harbor naturally fell
tho duty of extending tho wolcome of
home to tho homeless. Tho other
women who came during tho llrst year
had their own ehlldwnrd cares, from
which sho wns exempt, and to hor bo-
longed tho ohargo of ministering to
An Improvement over many Cough. Lunrf and Uronchial Remedies, because It rids tht f
system of a cold by acting as ainthartlc on ttie bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed totlvaf
itlsfactlon or money refunded. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Bay your Undemare at f.
fJDon't think because- our underwear is low in price that the
quality is poor. We have taken care in selecting this under
wear and have bought the quality that money would buy to
sell at the following prices, look our line over and see if you
don't find what you want.
Childrens Gauze Underwear.
Children's long sleeved vests at .- 20c
Children's gauzo pants 15 and 20c
Children's slco vcless vests at 10c
Children's gauzo union suits nmdo with a nnzrath
waist making U garments in one piece at Coca
Children's gauze union suits at 2r to COc
laces and Embroidery.
JEvcry woman should look over our Lace and Embroidery stock over before buying as
know we can save you money.
Embroidery 2(j inches wide at
Embroidery Flouncing Si Inches
All the newest tilings in clastic
from tho smallest to tho extra
The May Butterlck Patterns are 10c and !5c-none higher.
T makes a good deal 6f difference to you where
you buy your, clothes; because, unless you're a
good judge, you dont really
know what you re getting;
always a lot of cotton
stuff on the market. c
one of the
reasons for coming
set here.
Hart Schaffner
clothes; and they're
all-wool; the finest
the world, the most
styles; we'll 'fit you right, both
your person and your purse.
Suits $18 to $40
Overcoats $15 to $50
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
the othets in their slcknoss and their
In lSTIlher husband proved upon his
land and took another quarter across
the Hue In Nuckolls county, whoro
ho was eloctcd county clerk He made
his home, therefore, in Nolson for
the ensuing four years. In 1577 here
turned to this county, locating on the
farm north of town, which has boon
the homo of tho family over sinco.
Tho childron are Cora, now in Stanley,
Now Mox.ico; Daniel, who is managing
tho homo farm; Mrs. draco Lalt, or
this city; Mrs. Lucv Myers, of Contor
Colo.; Joseph S., In California, and
Lawrence, who is in Wyoming.
I'll ere
are live grandchildren.
Ladies' Gauze Underwear.
Ladies' ong sleeved gauze vests at 2jc
Ladies' long sleeved gauzo corset covers' at. .. . 250
Ladies' gauzed drawers m oithor lace trimmings or
tight-knee at 25c, 50c
Ladies' low neck oithor with wing sleeve or with
out Blcevo at . 10c to 50c
Ladies' union suits with long sleeve, tight kneo or
ankle length at COc
Ladies' union suits, low neck nnd lace trimmed
kneo nt 5c to $ 1
Valenciennes laces from 2c to 23c a yard
Oriental laces from luc to 50c a yard
A large line of cream and white laces at 15c to C0
wido at .0c
bolts in all si.cs
' Barretts
Are to bo worn more than ever this season.
The I'avori to Barrett, in plain and open work at 23c
The Dons Itarrott, btono set at fiOc
Hack combs to match the above Harretts.
largo from2ou to
strongest ?
'11 K7p'
wSKiS'U' .-i
nere; you n itvy
& Marx
y ?.txi.t
'. A'
Mrs, (Jarber was oom ami urou a
Roman Catholic, but ufterhcr removal
to America she became protostant in
sympathy, although she never united
with auy church. She retained her
bollef in tho essential principals of
the Christian faith and was a practl
Honor of tho Christian teachings.
A Full Line of
Taxis Hygienic face powder (all sliad.s)
Talcum, Cold creams, Massage creams
and otlior facial preparations hull-
A. Hale.
Call or phone
Mrs. Nancy
oi .v;t4'
y ttijj
sneiisablo at this season ol the year to and Nom-nif.!,. n..,, '
evory woman desiring to rotaln a soft, 3 days. It action upon tl'ioTvstm!. V
Youthful complexion, can bo supplied ! l"?,r.,,ttfb, a"(l niyitcrloiiB. It ro-
' uiu local rupruMiiuuiivu tu uiu iu.h
a i i .l ...l..i rf'.. . fl ..Mi 1 . ,,.. w wiil-ii ii r incn ...1 a -
Uatl ictuifntr & Marx
r , . . , Let,Cr L,S'
js. warns1
Carry, o.o. Ilolsan ,! Evo'rett wS?
JC. Hackkh, Postmaster
Ct m. li iv i n ...
l.. II.....-., . .. v ".i.
" 'inoirs Jtolieffor.
.'SKZffl :m. wm w m
fr.-y?x& rm&m L 1
a x$& hi
- $m &
mmm jp
V The I ? p" m 7;"181. Hold
' Cloud, Nebr.1 "'K Co., Ucd