The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1909, Image 3

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-k fiiillity i ran
Tfif 1
The Sight of a Young and Attractive Woman Coming Out of a Home for Con
firmed Bachelors.
lixrTi tWaR 4
MMMEtrllsJKj y
DirTiiorc -b
or CzrK7.
Y-zrt.teft JLUUlJJUJm VAMULl
In the dull hot dusk of n summor's
day n green touring car, swinging out
of the East drive, pulled up smnrtly,
trembling, ut the edge of the Fifty
ninth Btrect enr tracks, then more se
dately, under tho dlspassionato but
watchful eye of a mounted member of
.the tralllc squnrt, lurched across tho
Plaza and merged itself in tho press
of vehicles south bound on tho avenue.
Its tonncau held four young men,
all more or less dlBguised in dust, dus
ters and goggles; forward, by tho Bide
of tho grimy and anxious-eyed mechan
ic, sat a fifth, in all vislblo rospe'ets
tho counterpart of his companions. Be
neath his mask, and by this I do not
mean his goggles, but the mask of
modern mnnner which tjio worldly
wenr, ho waH, and is, different. Ho
wns Daniel Mnitland, Esquire; for
whom no further introduction should
bo required, after mention of tho fact
that ho was, and remains, tho identical
gentleman of means and position in
tho Boclnl and financial worlds, whoso
Bomowhat sober but sincoro and whole
hearted participation in tho wildest of
conccivablo escapades had earned him
tho affectionato regard of tho younger
sot, together with tho sobriquet of
"Mad Maitland."
His companions of tho day, tho four
in tho tonneau, were In thnt humor of
subdued yet vibrant excitemont which
is apt to attend tho conclusion of a
long, hard drive over country roads.
Maitland, on tho other hand (judging
hi in by his preoccupied poso), was al
ready weary of, If not bored 'by, tho
hare-brained enterprise which, in
itiated on tho spur of nn idlo moment
and directly duo to a thoughtless re
mark of ills own, had brought him 100
miles (or so) through tho heat of a
broiling afternoon, accompanied by
spirits as ardent and Irresponsible as
his own, In search of tho dubious dis
traction afforded by tho night side of
the city.
As, picking its way with olephnntine
nicety, tho motor car progressed down
tho nvemte twilight deepening, arcs
upon their bronzo columns blossoming
suddenly, noiselessly Into spheres of
opalescent radiance Mr. Maitland
coated to respond, censed ovon to glvo
heed, to tho running lira of chaff
(largely personal) which amused his
companions. Listlessly engaged with
a cigarette, ho lounged upon tho green
leather cushions, half closing his oyes,
and heartily wished himself freo for
tho owning.
Hut ho stood committed to thu hu
mor of tho majority, and lacked entire
ly tho shadow of an excuse to desert;
in addition to which ho was altogether
too lazy for tho exertion of manu
facturing n Ho of Borvicoablo texture.
And so abandoned himself to his fate,
oven though he foresaw with weariful
w "" '
riOBni - AttRMILl - CO.
particularity the programme of the
coming hours.
To begin with, 30 minutes were to
bo devoted to n bath and dressing in
hls'rooms. This wns something not so
unpleasant to contemplate. It was the
aftcrwardB thnt repelled him: Dinner
at Sherry's, tho subsequent tour of
roof gardens, the late supper at a club,
and then, prolongcd far into the small
hours, tho session around some green
covered tnble In a close room reeking
with tho fumes of good tobacco and
hot with tho fever of gambling. . . .
Abstractedly Mnitland frowned,
tersely summing up: "Beastly!" In
nn undertone.
At this tho green car wheeled ab
ruptly round a corner below Thirty
fourth street, Blld half a block or more
cast,, nnd came to a palpitating halt.
Maitland, looking up, recognized tho
eutrunco to his apartments, and sighed
with relief for the brief resplto from
boredom that was to bo his. Ho rose,
negligently shaking off his duster,
and stepped down to tho sidewalk.
Somebody in tho car called a
warning after him, and turning for a
moment ho stood at attontion, an eye
brow raised quizzically, cigarette
drooping from a corner of his mouth,
hat pushed back from his forehead,
hands in coat pockets; n tall, slender,
sparsely built ilguro of a man, clothed
lniQinculately In uanucls.
When nt length ho wns ablo to make
hlmsolf heard: "Good enough," ho said
clearly, though without rasing his
voice. "Sherry's In an hour. Right.
Now, behave yourselves."
"Mind you show up on time!"
"Neor fear," returned Maitland over
his shoulder.
A witticism was thing bnck at him
from tho retreating car, but spent
Itself unregarded. Maltiand's atten
tion wrb temporarily distracted by tho
unununl to say tho least sight of a
young nnd attractive woman coming
out of a homo for confirmed bachelors.
The apartment house happened to
bo his own property. A substantial
and old-fashioned edifice, situated in
tho niiddlo of a quiet block, It con
tained but llvo roomy and comfortable
Bultos in other words, ono to a tloor;
and thoso were without exception ten
anted by unmarried men of Malt
land's own circle and acquaintance.
Tho Janitor, himself a widower and a
convinced misogynist, lived nlono in
tho basement. Barring very specinl
nnd exceptional occasions (ns when
ono of tho bachelors felt called upon
tq glvo a tea in partial recognition or
poclal obligations), tho foot of woman
never crossed Its threshold.
In this clrcumstanco, Indeed, was
comprised tho singular charm tho
houso had for Itu occupants. Tho
quality which Insured thorn privacy
and u quiet Indopondonco rendered
them obllvloiiB to Its pinny minor
drawbacks. Its lack of ninny conven
iences nnd luxuries which have of late
grown to be so commonly regarded as
necessities. It boasted, for Instance,
no garage; no refrigerating vstcm
maddenod those dependent upon It; a
dissipated electric lighting system
never went out of nights, because it
had never been Installed; no brass
bound hall boy lounged In desuetude
upon the Ktoop and took too Intimate
and personal an Interest In the ten
ants' correspondence. The inhabi
tants, in brief, worn freo to come nnd
go according to tho dictates of their
consciences, unsupervised by neigh
borly women folk, unhindered by n
parasitic corps of menials not In their
personal employ.
Wherefore was Maitland astonished,
and the more so because of tho season.
At nny other reason of tho year he
would readily have accounted for the
phenomenon thnt now fell under his
observation, on the hypothesis thnt the
woman was somebody's sister or cous
in or mint. But nt present that expla
nation was untenable; Maitland hap
pened to know that not ono of tho oth
er men was In Now York, bnnlng
himself; and his own presence there
was a thing entirely unforeseen.
Still incredulous, he mentally conned
tho list: Bnrnes, who occupied tho
ilrst tint, wns traveling on tho con
tinent; Conkllng, of the third, had left
n fortnight since to Join n yachting
party on tho Mediterranean; Bannister
and Wilkes, of the fourth and fifth
doors, respectively, were In Newport
und Buenos Aires.
"Odd!" concluded Maitland.
So it was. She had just closed the
door, one thought ; and now stood
poised an If In momentary Indecision
on tho low stoop, glancing toward
Fifth avenue the while she fumbled
with n refractory button nt tho wrist
of u long white kid glove. Blurred
though It wns by the darkling twilight
and u thin veil, her face yet conveyed
nn impression of prettiness; an im
pression enhanced by enreful groom
ing. From her hat, a small affair,
something green, with a superstruc
ture of gray ostrich feathers, to tho
tips of her russet shoes including n
walking skirt and bolero of shimmer
ing gruy silk she wns distinctly
"smart" and interesting.
He had keenly observant eyes, had
Maitland, for all his detached poBe;
you are to understand that ho com
prehended nil these polntB In tho flick
ering of nn Instant. For the Incident
was over In two seconds. In ono tho
lady's hesitation was resolved; in an
other she had passed down tho steps
nnd swept by Maitland without giving
him a glance, without even the trem
bling of nn eyelash. And ho had a
viow of her back as she moved swiftly
away toward thu avenue.
Perplexed, ho lingered upon tho
stoop until she had turned tho corner;
after which ho let himself In with a
latch key, and, dismissing tho nffalr
temporarily from his thoughts, or pre
tending to do so, ascended tho single
llight of stairs to his Hat.
Simultaneously heavy feet were to be
heard clumping up tho basement steps;
and surmising that the janitor was
coming to light tho hall, tho young
man wnltcd, leaning over tho balus
ters. His guess proving correct, he
called down:
"O'Hagan? Is that you?"
"Th' saints presarvo us! But 'twas
yorsllf gnvo mo th' sthart, Misthcr
Maitland, sor!" O'llngan pnused in
tho gloom below, his upturned face
quaintly illuminated by tho flame of a
wax taper In his gasllghter.
"I'm dining in town to-night, O'Ha
gan, nnd dropped around to dress. Is
anybody else at homo?"
"Nivver a wan, sor. Shure, th' houso
do be quiet's anny tomb "
"Then who was that lady, O'llngan?"
"Leddy, sor?" In unbounded nmazo
ment. "Yes," impatiently. "A young wom
an left the houso just as I was com
ing In. Who was sho?"
"Shuro an' I think yo must bo
dr'ainln. sor. Dlvvlon female ray
spicts to yo! Iibb been in this houso
for innnny an' manny th' wako, sor."
"But, I toll you"
"Bellko 'twas somowan jist sthepped
Into tho vesthlbule, mebbo to tic her
Bhoe, sor, and yo thought"
"Oh, very well." Maitland relin
quished tho Inquisition ns unprofitable,
willing to concede O'Hagan's theory a
reusonnblo ono, tho more readily sinco
ho himself could by no means havo
sworn that tho woman had actually
come out through tho door. Such had
merely been his impression, honest
enough, but founded on circumstan
tial evidence.
"When you'ro through, O'Hugan," he
told tho Irishman, "you may como and
sliavo mo nnd lay out my things. If
you will."
"Very good, sor. In wan minute."
But O'llagnn's conception of tho
pnssngo of tlmo wns a thought vuguo;
IiIb ono mlnuto had lengthened into
ten bofora ho appeared to wait upon
his employer.
Now and ngaln, la tho nbsonco or
thu regulur "mnn," O'Hagan would at
tend ono or nnothor of tho tenants In
tho capacity of substitute vnlet; as In
tho present Instnnce, when Maitland,
having left his host's roof without
troubling oven to notify his body-servant
that he would not return that
nlpht, called upon tho Janitor to under
study tho more trained employo;
which O'Hagun could bo counted upon
to do very acceptably.
Now, with patlonco unruffled, sinco
ho was nothing keen for tho evening's
enjoyment, Maitland mndo profit of
tho Interval to wander through his
rooms, lighting tho gas hero nnd
there nnd noting that all was as it
should bo, as it had boon loft Bavo
that dvery article of furniture nnd
brlc-a-brao seemed to bo sadly in want
of n thorough dusting. In tho ond ho
brought up In tho mom that served
him as study ana lounge the drawing
room of tho Hat, uu planned in thu
gotten architect's nclienie n large nnd
well-lighted apartment overlooking tho
street. Here, pausing beneath tho
chandelier, he looked about him for n
moment, determining thnt, as else
where, all things were In order but
Riny with dust.
Finding (he atmosphere hcav stale,
and oppressive. Vnltland movru nver
to the windows and threw them opvn.
A gush of warm air. humid and redo
lent of the streets. Invaded the room,
together with the mar of tralllc fioin
Its nearby arteries. Mnitland rested
elbows mi the sill and leaned out, star
ing absently Into the night; for by
now It was quite dat.. Without con
cern, he realized that ho would be lato
nt dinner. No matter; he would in
willingly nils it altogether. For the
time being ho was ubsoibed In aln
speculations about an unknown wom
an whoso s-oli' clnliu upon his consid
eration lay In a certain but Immaterial
glamour of nivFtery. Had she, or had
she not, heeli In the houso? And, If
the true answer weie In the atllrma
the, to what end, upon what errand?
Ills eyes focused Insensibly upon a
void of darkness beneath him night
inndu visible by street lamps; and he
found hlniholf suddenly and acutely
sensible of the wonder and mystery of
the City; the City whoso secret life
ran fltiuut upon the hot, hnid pave
ments below, whose voice throbbed,
sibilant, vague, strident, Inarticulate,
upon tho night nlr; the City of which
he was n part equally with the girl in
gray, whom he had never before seen,
and In all likelihood was never to
see again, though the two or them
were to work out their destinies within
the bounds or Manhattan Island. Am!
yet. . . .
"It would be strange," said Mnlllanrt
thoughtfully, "If . . ." He shool;
his head, smiling. "'Two shall be
boin,'" quoted Mad Maitland, senti
mentally " "Two hhull be born the whole v!d
world apart ' "
A piano organ, having maliclouslr
sneaked up beneath his window, drovo
him indoors with a crash of metnlll6
As he dropped the curtains his eye
was artested by a gleam or white upon
his desk a letter placed there, doubt
less, by O'Hagan In Maltiand's nl
scuce. At tho mune time, a splashing
and gurgling or water rrom the dlrec
tlon or the bathroom Inrormod him
that tho Janltor-valet was even then
preparing his bath. But that could
Maitland took up tho envelope- and
tore tho llnp, remarking tho namu nnd
address or his lawyer In Its upper Uft
hnnd corner. Unfolding tho inclosuro.
ho read a dnto a week old, and two
lines requesting him to communicate
with his legal adviser upon "a mattoi
of pressing moment."
"Bother!" said Maitland. "What thr
dickens "
Ho pulled up short, eyes lighting.
"That's so, you know," ho nrgued
"Bannermnu will be delighted, and
and oven business Is better than rush
ing round town nnd pretending to en
Joy yourself when It's hotter than tho
seven brass hlngos of hell nnd you
can't think of nnything else. . . .
I'll do It!"
Ho Btepped quickly to tho corner of
tho room, whero Btood tho telephono
upon n small side tabio, sat down, nnd,
recolver to ear, gave central a num
ber. In another moment ho was in
communication with his attorney's res
idence. "Ib Mr. Bannormnn in? I would llkb
"Why, Mr. Bannermnu! How do
you do?"
"You'ro looking 100 per cent, bet
ter" "Bad, mad word! Naughty!"
"Maitland, of courBO."
"Been out or town und just got your
"Your beastly penchant for econ
omy. It's not stamped; 1 presume you
sent It round by hand of tho future
president of tho United States whom
you now employ as olllco boy. And
O'Hngnn didn't rorward It tor thnt
"Importnnt, eh? I'm only In for tho
"Then como nnd dino with mo nt tho
Primordial. I'll put tho others orr."
"Good enough. In nn hour, then?
Hnnglng up tho receiver, Mnitland
waited a row moments oro again put
ting it to his ear. This tlmo ho called
uj Sherry's, nsked ror tho head-waiter,
and requested that person to bo kind
enough to mnko his excuses to "Mr.
Cressy and pnrty;" ho, Maitland, was
detained upon a matter or moment,
but would endeavor to jolu them at a
later hour.
Then, with a satisfied smile, ho
turned away, with purpose to dispose
of Bannorman's note.
"Bath's ready, sor."
O'Hagan's announcement tell upon
heedless eurs. Maitland romnlned mo
tlonlcsH beroro tho desk transfixed
with amazement.
"Bath's ready, sor!" Imperatively.
Maitland rotiKod slightly.
"Very well; in a minute. O'Hagan."
Yet for somo tlmo ho did not movo.
Slowly tho heavy brows contracted
over Intont eyes ns ho Btrove to puz
zlo It out. At length his lips moved
"Am I nwako?" waa tho question ho
put his consciousness.
Wondorlng, ho bent forward and
drew tho tip of ono forefinger neross
tho blnek polished wood of tho writing
bed. It loft a dark, heavy line. And
beside, cloarly defined In tho heavy
layer or dust, was tho silhouette or a
hand ; n woman's baud, small, delicate,
unmistakably foniliiliin or contour.
"Well!" declared Malthud, rrankly
"I am damiiod!"
Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Paw Paw, Mich. "I suffered torrl-
including lininm
inatlon and conges
tlon, for several
years, Aly doctor
said there was no
bono for mo but nn
operation. I began
Inking Lydln E.
Piukhnm's Vogota-
Mo Compound, und
I can now say I nin
n well woman."
Emma Dkapku.
Another Operation Avoided.
Chicago, Jll. "I want women to
know what that wonderful medicine,
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegotnblo Com
pound, hnsdono for mo. Two of tho
lest doctora in Chicago said I would
die If I dhl not havo an operation, and
1 nover thought of seeing a well day
again. I had a. small tumor nnd female
troubles bo that I sutTored day and
night. A frlond recommended Lydla
E. PInkliam'fl Vegotnblo Compound,
nnd It mndo mo a woll woman." Jlrs.
Alvkna SvEitiiiNa, 11 Lnugdon St.,
Chicago, 111.
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegotnblo Com
pound, mndo from roolB nnd herbs,
fins proved to bo tho most successful
remedy for curing tho worst forms of
lemnlo ills, including displacements,
Inllammation, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, periodic pains, bnekneno, bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, nnd nervous prostration. It costs
but a trlflo to try it. nnd tho result
lias been worth millions to many
suffering women-
If you nulTer from FHh, Fnlllucr Hlcknemi,
SpnmimnrlmvnclilUlrcn cir frlrnln Unit itu ho,
my New IMNeovery will relieve tin m.ninl nllyoii
arc nuked to do In hcikI fur u FHIX llolllu of
Dr. May's KplleptlclJo Cure.
It linHi'iireil t lioiiMiiulH wlirro every tiling clue,
fnllcil. Hent freo with illrertloim. Express
Prrpnlil. (Iiiuriinteeil by Mny Meilleul I.itle
oratory, under tlm National Vooil ami Drutin
Aet, June. IWtli, l0t). Uuitrunty No. 1KU71.
1'leuHO (five AMIS und full uddn-yH.
-- . nR- W. II. MA.
048 Pearl Street. New York City.
Positively cured by
these Little rills.
Tuey Also relievo Din
trcim from DyHpcpnla, lu
ll I RCHtlou and Too Hearty
Kilting. A perfect rem
edy for DlzzlncBK, Nau
Hen, DrowHlnexn, Uad
TiiHteltithoMotitu, Coat
ed Tongue, l'n In In tho
They regulate the IJowcIh. Purely Vegetable
Gcnuino Must Bear
Fac-SImilo Signature
Interesting IJacts
The only eflective and reliable
remedy known for Gout, Dyspep
sia, Jaundice, Kidney and Blad
der troubles, Constipation, Head
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der of the bowels is
For several generations they have
been a household necessity for reliev
ing and curing complaints of this kind.
They are safe and sure in- every in
stance. As a laxative, purgative and
cathartic they axe unexcelled.
Sold by Jruggltls everywhere In
25c and I Oc boxes
nnM'T Wr Other Overalls
UUN I When You Can Buy
Just na cheap. Made In Omaha, made with
greatest care, mado of bcKtquallty materials.
Bold by leading dealers everywhere.
If these goodn arc not carried by your
dealer, write
Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods
Co., Manufacturers, Omaha
rnttniu ud tmutlflc th. hair.
iromGt . luxuriant growth.
Hover Fall, to lint oro Oray
ilUlr to it. Youthful Color?
Cure. Ktlp dlw.K. hair filling.
fOaaDdtlJiOal Druriltt.
In (treat variety for uln at tbn lowost prlcos by
UKbTKKN MHKl'jfUl L.M05I, IV. JLUm. HI., (kit.,.
(Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 18-1009.
.'. x-Jifl
MMiMmmwmmmmmmmWKrTH oil that peNCTBATCsTHB.tEtmMlslW
ggMxy'.Mjsgyitjy. -j tiaima' Wmyi
320 Acres "VSRS"'
Fifty bushels per
ncrc have been
(jrowti. General
In nny other purtol
the continent. Under
new f ei'ulatlono it la
possible to secure n linrncstend of 160 acres
free, nnd uddltlonal ICO ucrcs nt $3 per ucre.
"Thr development of the country hm mnde
innrvrlotin nttlilm. It U n rrvrlntlan, n rec
ord of conqiirat by f ttlrtnrnt thnt It rrinnrk-nble."-
Hitrtit fmnx tvmtmJtnce cl NMion
UStlot, Ww vlstttJ CahaJa In Aujusl lust.
The Rrnin crop of 1008 will net tnnny
farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per ncre. (rnln
rnlslnii, mixed farming ond dairying aro
the principal industricH. Climate is excel
Icnti.soclnl condition!) the best; railway ad
vantages une(uallcd;schools, crunches and
markets close at hand. Land may also bo
purchased from railway and land companies.
For "Lat Heat Wat"pnmplileta, tnnpn nnd
information unto how to iiccure lowot rail
way rnte, npply to Superintendent "of Imml
cratlon, Ottnwn, Canada, or the uuthorli ed
Canadian Government Aixent:
01 New Tork Life Dalldlm, Omihi, Ntbriita.
Wanted At Once-A Man
To Mako 9100 Per Month Above Expcnsos
inOCl MEN o"19. "uw makinu ma
J1"" men Monkv win. jinwirtKin
MnllrlneK, Kttrnmn. Hl-en, Hxaps I'prtiiuirn,
To I nl Artlrlns.Htwknnrt I'nnliry rrrmrntliin,
1'iillnhoK, etn. Jljr tumimny luminof llielargoat
liuimrtnraand limnurnctnrcrnln tho tJ.B. Cap
ital anil surplus Ono Mllllim Dollar. Over H)
producta, all wuariintted. factories havo ovor
ttirrn nrreK floor mnicc.
INfiW VIII T n man In each nnoeruplei
I1UII 1IIMI I luenlltr In NehmMca and
Kiinmn to tuko full cliuriro of all deliveries to
tnriiinra and other from a wniron almllnr to
tlin above. I wnnt In hear fnini fnlrljr urteH
f ul, lioiuiM.lnduatrloiiinion who will bcaatl tried
to umko not lean than
$100 Par Month Clear Profit
above ei pen MS. If you am noil aequalnlnd In
yuurloralltrand can nil tho position, vrrlto at
unrn fur full jhartlcnlnrs.
Mnn undnrtl oraverM years of oro need not
write. ToRntthlRpoMtliinuiimn mutt be ablo
to furnish orS horacHto conduct thn bualnnaa,
iiImi kikhI biialnnts men an references. If you
c.innol meet thewi requirements do not wnto.
U you ran meet them, wrllo qulrkly. Tho
poMtlon pays 1)1(1, Is hunorabloand permanent.
. W. McCOY, Gen. Agt., Tecum sch, Neb.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
In the purchase of
lalnt materials.
t is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
lfor your own
protection, cee
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
tQ2 Trinity Boadlng. Ws Tarfc
Improved nnd unimproved furoiH In eastern
Hnutli Dakota for milo on
Will erect IiuIIiIIiiks on any farm nn name
easy tcrmH. Price 120 to W0 per acre. For
lints, map, etc., address
ALEX. H. RAIT. lBtl. and O Sts.. Lincoln. NeK
Used by Mors Than Two Million Men
Inslntonliavlntf tlicm. Ask your local dealer,
or JOHN DEERE, Omnha-Soo Falls
Your Health Worth?
You start sickness by mistreating nature
and it generally shows first in the bowels
and liver. A ioc box (week's treatment)
of CASCARETS will help nature help
you. They will do more using them
regularly as you need them than any
medicine on Earth. Get a box today;
take a CASCAKET tonight. Itettcr in
the morning. It's thu result that makes
millions take them. 681
CASCARKTB ioc n box for a week's)
treatment, all dnmelsta. niggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a mouth.
THF TFFTU P"1" excels any denlif rico-
nt I tt I II in cleansing, whitening sod'
removing tartar from the te;lli, besides dealxoying
all germs of decay and disease which ordinary
tooth preparations cannot do.
TUF lUflllTII Paxtine used at a moulh
II1E. fflUUin wash disinfect the moulh
nd throat, puriCet the breath, and kill the germ
which collect in the mouth, causing tore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
TUP FYITQ w'"n nuamc ufe c'10
inC. CI tO and bum, may be iiulanUy
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
p a TADQU Puuno w'" destroy the germ
M I nnnn that cause catanh, heal the in
flammation and stop tho discharge. It u n two
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Pastine is a harmless vet powerful
oermiclde.disinfedant and deodorizer, j
Used in bathing it destroys odor and
leave the body antisepucaliy clean.
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