The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1909, Image 2

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This Question la Important In Painting
a Houbo or Other Building.
A proper color schomo la extremely
Important In painting a Iioiiho. It
tnakoa oil tho difference botwcon a
really attractlvo homo and ono at
which you wouldn't tako a Hccond
glanco. And It makcfl a big dlfforonco
In tlio prlco tho proporty will bring on
tho markot.
Ab to tho oxtorlor, a good deal de
pends upon tho bIzo and nrchltocturo
of tho hou8o, and upon Its surround
ings. For a good Interior effect you
muat conaldor tho bIzo of tho rooms,
tho light, etc.
You can avoid dlnnppolntmont by
ntudylng tho books of color schemoa
for both oxtorlor nnd Interior painting,
which can bo had froo by writing Na
tional Load Company, 1902 Trinity
Ilulldlng, New York, and miking for
Ilouscownor's Painting Outfit No. -19.
Tho outfit also includoB specifications,
nnd a Blmplo instrument for testing
tho purity of paint materials. Puro
Whlto Lend which will Btnnd tho tcfit
in this outfit will Btnnd tho wcathor
tost. National Load Company's fa
mous Dutch Hoy Palntor trademark
on tho keg Is a guarantoo of that kind
of whlto lend.
Mis. Hlghfly And has Bho really
got two RcrvantB?
Mrs. Flutter' Ycb ono coming and
0110 going.
How's This?
Wo offcr On Iturnlrr-I Dollars ncuranl for any
cam of Cntnrrb tint cannot bo cured by lUll'i
Oatarrli Cure.
r. j. nin.vKY & co.. toMo. o.
wn. thp unlTljtnil, litvc known 1". J. ('Inner
for tho l.ut liy cnn. ami licllovo tilin x-rfi ctly hon
orable In nil buslnrm trnmactlonn nnd finnnclnlljr
iblo to carry nut any ohlhrntlorui micle by Ms Drrn.
Wai.dino, Kinsaw A Marvin,
Imlrula UniKnliL', Totolo. O.
Hnir fntiirrh Cure H tnkrn Inttrnnll nctlnu
dlrpclly mum tho bluod nnd mucous mirlnmi of tlio
CTitrm. 'Imtlmnnhli rent free. I'rlro 76 tents pel
t t In. Hold by nil Driii-itlM.
Tako llall i Family 1'lUs lor constipation.
Dressed as Scholars.
At tho wedding lately of tho bond
master of Knstbourno college, Eng
land, the throe pages In tho bridal pro
cession wore garbed ns scholars In
black i atlu knoo breeches, buckled
nliops. scarlet i.llk gowns, with white
nhlrt fronts. Kach carried a mortar
board lint and a scarlet-bound prayer
Tho Reverend and the Irreverent.
niahop Doano of Albnny, N. Y who
wears a shovel hat and leggings nnd
lo accused of Blgnlng hlmtiolf "William
of Albany," was a guoat at dinner
whero tho lrrovoront Dr. Hoamor was
also dining.
They aat down. "I supposo," anld
tho bishop, "thnt I shall ask graco."
"Hut why, my dear bl'ahop," Inter
posed Ilosmer; "why talk shop at tho
tnblo?" Saturday lCvonlng Post.
Practical Gain.
Toachcr Lcnnio, If you wcro to
tuko your fathor'B razor and loavo tho
Hteel blado open out In tho grnss ovor
night, what would happen?
Learned Lcnnio It would got us re
sult oxidation of tho steel or what la
commonly cnlled rust.
Toucher Quito right. Now, Willie,
if you would put your nmthcr'a dia
mond ring In tho tiro, what result
would you get?
Wise Willie I'd get a llcltln'.
Making Himself Solid.
"Stop tide way, ladlon and gcntlo
mon," oxclalmed the lecturer In tho
dlmo musoutu, "nnd gazo upon ono of
tho greatest wonders known to modern
science tho osslzed mnn, a human be
ing, perfectly normal In ovry other re
Bpoct, but who baa truned to atono."
"How did ho got that way?" camo n
volco from tho nwo-strlcken throng.
"Lovo," replied tho lecturer, low
orlng his volco, coiifldontlnlly; "lovo
did It. Ho foil In lovo with a benu
tlful mnldon, tried to mnko himself
fiolld, and overdid It. Wo will now
IKiso on to tho "
What an M. D. Learned.
A prominent Georgia physlclnn wont
through 'a food experlenco which ho
makes public:
"It was my own oxporlonco that first
lod mo to advocato Grapo-Nuta food
and I also know, from having pro
scribed It to convalescents and other
weak patients, that tho food Is a won
derful bulldor and restorer of norvo
and brain tlssuo, as woll as musclo. It
Improves tho digestion and sick pa
tients always gain just ns I did In
Htrougth and weight very rapidly.
"I was In such a low stnto that I
had to glvo up my work entirely, and
went to tho mountains of this state,
but two raontliB thoro did not Improvo
mo; in fact I was not quite as woll as
when I left homo.
"My toti did not BU8tnln mo and
It becamo plain that I must chango.
Thon I began to use Grapo-Nuta food
and In two wceka I could wnlk a mllo
without fatlguo, nnd In flvo weeks
returned to my homo nnd practlco,
taking up hard work again. Slnco that
tlmo I have folt as well and strong ua
I ovor did In my llfo.
"As a physician who socks to help
all sufforors, I consldor It a duty to
make those facta public."
Trial 10 days on Grapo-Nuts, when
tho regular food doea not aoom to sus
tain tho body, will work miracles.
"Thoro'a a Itcason."
Look In pkga. for tho famous llttlo
book, "Tho Road to Wollvlljo."
Mvcr rcnil the nbove IcttrrT A nny
one npprnra from lime in time. Tliry
re Reuulue, true, aud full of human
ASIIINGTON. Mcmorlos of In
tllan wars fudo rapidly from tho
minds of all persona who wore
not actively engaged In the hos
tilities. In tho oast tho troubles
In tho pant on tho frontier hold
tho attention and
tho Interest but for
tho moment. No
easterner ever gave
full credit to tho of
ficers nnd the men
of tho United States
army who faced danger uftcr
dnngcr and withstood hardship
nftor hardship with prccloua llt
tlo hope of any reward save tho
consciousness of duty well dono.
It Is probnblo that not one
person In a hundred can name
tho buttlo fought only 18 yenrs
ngo nnd in which tho casualties
to tho Rinall force of tho regu
lar army engaged amounted to
00 men killed and wounded.
That battle was tho battlo of
Wounded Knee, ami today It
Is nearly lost to the recollec
tion of tlio masses. Thoro are
Bovcral ofllcorn now stationed
In Washington who h:ul a, part
In that Dakota light. Tho light botwumi Col. Forsytho'a
men of the Seventh envalty nnd tho bund of Dig Foot,
tho Sioux, was the result or tho ghost-dance crazo which
had boon started and fostered by tho great chief Sitting
Hull, on whose lituid was tho blood of Custer and hla mon.
Sitting Hull wan Bliot und killed by Indian police while
resisting arrest, but ho was killed too late to prevent tho
spread of the doctrine which ho preached and which had
run llko piultlu lire among tho men of his nation.
There wore all norts of stories circulated concerning
TJLL -EdwaddB. Claris
Mthvr .;m- f az . m w
Hon of a pari of tho pooplo
who preferred death to ex
ile. Tho Choyonnes broko
away. A battalion of infan
try was thrown across their
tracks but tho wily sav
ages eluded all savo a fow
of the soldiers, who in a
vs-s iKMmw ,fej s m MkxB&i mMte&womw&mfkw
". .s , JSMmiiiLfjr.&K6am s.;i'a v. esx -hw in .iiu. f,. vci,ik .'iurv njir,vriiiX:'i'i itzwswi
M - III 1 1 III HHTT HIT "iiirs.' AV I I' I ' UtC.."S.'" ?StYJi1-?'jS&l ,YW i HaVSC-5SL-'' (T V .
w. mfmmy:--xmFi BivN t j n5. jfHR.wvsw-,?"?- y f'rwMMmssssmix
-a4"OsTs Sk ''W17P'KJ l
tho death of tho great Sioux cniof. Philanthro
pists In tho oast who novor had seen an Indian
topeo Insisted that Sitting Hull wna murdered and
that tho blood of tho havago wub upon tho head
of lio nation.
It was left to Col. Kdward O. Fcchet, now pro
feasor of military sclonco nt the University of
Illinois, to learn tho truth of tho shooting of Sit
ting Bull nnd to glvo knowledge of it to tho peo
ple. Col. (then captain) Fechct mado ono of tho
hardest rides known to tho troops or tho plnlns
before ho secured tho facts In tho caso of tho
pnsslng of tho great Sioux chief to tho hnppy
hunting grounds.
Sitting Hull's homo wna In a log hut on tho
Standing Kock lndlnn reservation of North
Dakota. In tho summer of 1890 ho gath
ered many of his braves about him
and told them in plcturcsquo Sioux iangungo
that a Messiah was to como who would lend tho
Sioux nation to victory; that tho whites would bo
annihilated; that tlio buffalo would como back,
and that tho red man would onco more tako pos
session of tho enrth.
Through tho medicine mon Sitting Hull worked
so upon the feelings nnd tho superstitions of his
warriors thnt they camo to believe that by woar
lug certain gurmonta which wcro cnlled ghost
shirts their bodies would be safe from tho bullets
of tlio soldiers.
When Gen. Miles learned of tho teachings of
Sitting Hull and of their rnpid spread, tho chief's
nrrust was ordored. Accordingly Indian police
leil by -Lieut. Hull Head and Sergt. Shave Head
wero dispatched from Fort Yntca to arrcat tho
chlof at his log hut miles away. Capt. Fechot of
tho Klghth cavalry was ordored with his com
mand, consisting of two troops, nnd, If niomory
servos, two light field pieces, to make a night
march to Oak Creek, about 18 mlloa from Sitting
Hull's house, thoro to rccolvo tho prisoner when
ho was turned over by Lieut. Hull Head.
Capt. Fcchet and his mon reached tho rondoz
vous nt 4:30 a, in. on ono of tho coldest mornings
of n Dakota December day. There was no sign
of tho Indian pollco, nor yet of the scout which
Dull Head was to Bond In ndvanco to Inform
the cavalry olltcor of his coming.
Fechefa soldier Instinct told him at onco that
there must bo trouble His mon hnd had tho
hardest kind of n night rido, but they wero will
ing, and ho pushed forward rapidly. Aftor ho
bad mado bovcral miles ho was met by a scout
who was riding llko mad. Tho runner told Fochot
that all tho Indian pollco who had gono to arrest
Sitting Hull bad been killed by tho ghost dancers,
and that there woro thousands upon thousands
of them fully nrmod and In their war paint ready
for battle,
Fechot looked ovor his Bmall command and
w?nt ahead at full gallop, hla only thought bolng
to eavo such of tho policemen aa might bo alive,
I and giving no heed to tho other thought that
ahead of htm might bo overwhelming uumbora
1 of tho savages and tho fato of Custer. It was
a terrlblo rldo from that tlmo on.
I When tho morning was a llttlo advanced tho
men of tho command hoard firing, which seemed
(to como from different points. On thoy wont uu
l Ul they camo to the blow of tho hill. Helow
thorn at a distance
was tho house of
Sitting Hull, nnd In
front of It, somo
hundreds of yarda
away, waa a hordo
of ghost dancers en
gaged In emptying
their rifles Into the
log building, from
which camo a feoblo
return flro.
Capt. Fcchet had his Hotchklsa thrown Into
nctlon and ho dropped a 8hell in front of tho
ghoat dancers, and thon tho command charged
down the hill.
The shell had Its frlghtonlng effect on tho
savages, who held aloof though still pouring in
their fire, which wns answered by tho soldiers
as Fcchet himself took a rapid course to tho log
house, with his llfo In liis hands ovory stop of
tho wny.
Insldo tho hut wero found thrco of tho lndlnn
-policemen dead and thrco mortally wounded. Tho
wounded, reaolved on exacting a price for their
coming denth, wero still using their rides ngalnst
tho besieging foe. The soldlora finally drove tho
savages to lllcht.
Tho few that woro left living of tho llttlo forco
of Indian pollco told this story. Lieut. Hull Head
had arrested Sitting Hull nnd had led tho chlof
from hla cnbln only to bo confronted by hundreds
of crazed savages. Catch-tho-Hoar and Strlke-tho-Kottlo,
two of Sitting Hull's mon, strode through
the Indlun ranks, raised their rlllos and fired.
Hull Head was shot through tho body. Dying, ho
turned quickly nnd killed Sitting Hull. Strlko-tho-Kcttlo
killed Sergt. Shavo Head. Instantly Po
liceman Lono Mnn killed Catch-tho-near. Thon
tho surviving policemen Bought sholtor In tho
cabin and hold off tho ghost dancers ns has been
With tho Rosobud, Standing Rock nnd Pino
Rldgo Sioux, who went on tho warpath In Do
comber, 1890, woro a fow Btalwart warriors of tho
tribo of tho Northern Choyonnes. That tho Choy
onnes braves woro so limited in number was due
to tho fact that 12 years boforo thonntlon, oxlled
nnd longing for Its old homo, hnd- mot with prac
tical annihilation In tho attempt to regain it.
Tho Northern ChovjnncB hnd boon sont to a
rcsorvntlon In tho Indian territory following ono
of tho uprisings ngnlnst tho whites. Tholr hearts
they left behind thorn In their old homo nnd tho
warriors yearned to return.
Lato In tho fall of tho year 1878 tho Choyenno
braves, taking advantage of tho temporary ab
aonco of tholr soldier gunrdlans, gathered to
gether tholr women nnd their children nnd daehod
northward In tho direction of tho land whore
their fathers had lived from tho tlmo back of the
beginning of tradition.
Thoy had boon told by tho Indian ngonta and
by tho soldlors, who acted under orders, that thoy
never could tako tho trail back to tho north,
but thoy paid no hoed to what waa told them, but
gathering tholr possessions thoy Bot out.
Tho Choyonnes' lovo of homo, natural and sympathy-compelling
to ovoryono oxcopt to thoso who
thought that an Indian shou'd havo naught to do
with homo-slcknoBs, wau U cnuso of tho deatruc-
cria5 jrri-comMiJhkj fajirtona?4wwsn
sharp skirmish lost their commander, MaJ. Lewis.
The Cheyonnes broko away. A battalion of in
fantry was thrown across tholr tracks but tho wily
savages eluded all savo a fow of tho soldiers,
who in a sharp skirmish lost tholr commander,
Mnj. Lewis.
Tho trail led to ono of tho low hills that chain
tho reservation. Tho Cheyennea had taken rofugo
near tho summit in a natural hollow. Tho Bldea of
tho hills roso sheer and sllppory to tho lurking
placo of tho savages. It was a placo admirably
adapted for defense. A fow men could hold it
against a regiment.
Capt. Wessels, in commnnd of the cavalry, saw
that tho attempt to tako tho hilltop by assault
would bo to aacrlflco tho lives of half of his mon.
Ho threw a cordon around tho hill, knowing that
tho warriors could not escape, and trusting that
in a fow hours hunger would forco them to sur
render. Meantime tho Choyonnes wero actlvo.
Thoy picked off mnny a trooper, and at noon on
tho day following tho night of their flight a ball
struck Capt. Wossola In tho head. Tho wound was
not serious, but Its effect waa to mako captain
and mon engor for n charge. Capt. Weasola wont
to tho fiont of hla troops nnd prepared to lead
them up tho slippery hlllsldo In tho faco of tho
flro of tho best Indian marksmen on tho great
All things woro prepared for the charge, whon
to tho amazement of tho troopers, tho wholo band
of Choyenno warriors, naked to tho walat and
yolllng llko dovlls, camo dashing down tho hill
side straight nt the body of cavalry. Tho Indians
had thrown away their rifles and wero armed only
with knives. They woro going to tholr death and
they know It, but doath was better than a return
to tho reservation which thoy hated.
Wessels and his troopors of tho Third cavalry
tried to spare tho Choyonnes, but tho warrloro
would havo death at any cost. With their knlvoa
thoy plunged into a hand-to-hand conflict with tho
troopers and boforo thoy were slain they exacted
a prlco for tholr dying.
Whon tho tlmo came for tho burial of tho In
dians, Tea Kottlo, a chlof, was found to bo alive,
but unconscious. Toa Kottlo was carried back to
tho fort and thoro mado comfortable.
A squaw sought tho wounded wnrrlor'a couclrH
and handed him a pair of scissors which ho Instant
ly plunged Into his heart. Ho Bpurned llfo in tho
knowledgo of tho fact that his brothor bravos wero
Tho Sioux 'nution heard of tbo bravery of tho
Cbeyouues and they adopted tho women and chil
dren, and some of tho boys, grown to manhood,
wont with tho Sioux ou the warpath in tholr lost
great uprising.
In no year slnco tho development of
Western Canada began has spring
brought a brighter outlook than it
brings this year. In no prccoding
spring has thoro been greater assur
ance of advancing development and
prosperity. Tho movoment of immi
gration has already assumed largo pro
portions, and is ns dcslrablo in char
acter as It is satisfactory In volume;
from across the Atlantic sturdy, indus
trious and thrifty nowcomcrs are ar
riving in largo numbors, homoseckors
from Ontario and tho other older
Provinces are coming in a steady
stream, and from across tho interna
tional boundary a movement Is al
ready in full flow, which, It is confi
dently predicted, will beat tho records
of all previous years; special settlers'
trains are crossing tho lino, loaded
with effects, actual mntcrlal woalth
being thus brought Into tho country at
tho rato of millions of dollars' worth
Tho movement 1b so unprecedented
ly largo that extra Dominion Immigra
tion officials havo had to bo provided
at both North Portal and at, Emerson,
and it Is estimated that tho total num
ber of now settlors from tho United
States this year will bo 70,000, at
least, and may run well up toward
100,000. Last year's total of now set
tlors from tho South was 53,723; thus
tho area that will bo placed in wheat
and other grains this year will greatly
exceed that of laat year. Settlers are ,
making extraordinary efforts to got on
their lands and begin seeding opera
tions. Tho prlco of wheat now, away
abovo tho dollar mark, Is Incentlvo
onough, and when ono has in view the
Biilondld results that tho past fow
years havo shown, it Is not to bo won
dered at that tlio present will bo tho
banner year for Immigration to Can
ada. Ask your nearest Canndlnn Gov
ernment Agent for rates of transporta
tion, and ho will also send you illus
trated pamphlets.
His Conscience.
"Will you havo a cocktail, Mr.
"No, ray wife docs not permit mo to
drink lntoxlcunts of any kind."
"Let mo buy you a cigar."
"My wlfo has mado mo promlso that
I will nover Bmoko any more."
"Well, woll. I wish there was some
thing I could do to. mako It pleasant
for you."
"la there a naughty show of any
kind In town? If so, tako mo to it.
My wifo will not bo able to Bmoll It
on my breath."
Shako Into Your 8hoen
Alton's Foot-EiiHe, n. powder for your foot.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, b a eat
ing feet. Makes now slices easy. Sold by
nil Druggists and Shoo Stores. Don't ac
cept any substitute. Samplo FRE12. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted, LuHoy, N. T.
The Subject's Nature.
"What kind of rates do thoy pay for
balloon ctorlcs?"
"I don't know, but thoy ought to be
space rates."
Itcd, Wcnk, Weary, Wittcry Ejrcn
Rollcvcd by Murlno Eyo Remedy. Com
pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu
rlnn Doesn't Binarl: Soothes Eyo Pain.
Wrlto Murlno Eyo llcmcdy Co.. Chicago,
for illustrated Eyo Book. At Druggists.
To soo a bridegroom out In the yard
early in tho morning, in his shirt
alcoves looking for kindling, takes a
good deal of tho romauco out of hla
case. ,
It's Pettlt's Eye Salve,
that gives Instant relief to eyes, irritated
from dust, heat, sun or wind. too. All drug
gists or Howard Bros., Huffalo, N. Y.
Tho man who insists upon having
his own wny at all times will novor
acquire areputation as a popular per
son. Garfield Tea has brought good health to
thousands! Unequalled for constipation,
liver and kidney dUeases. Composed of
Herbs. Uuy from your druggist.
The Serpent's Inducement.
Perhnps tho serpent told 12vo that
apples woro good for tho complexion.
Smokers appreciate tho quality valuo of
Lewis' Sinclo Hinder cigar. Your dealer
or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, HI.
In ono year tho escnpoment whool
of n watch makes 731.8G0 revolutions.
Sin. Wl!iMowii Soothlntr Syrup.
Forchlldrnn tcottilnit, poftcna tliKiim, rnlucca In
flammation, alia j'B pala, cure wind collo. 23c o IxUUo.
Two Is company; three a soulless
Lincoln Directory
drain, Provltlont, Stock, Cotton
Main Office, 204-205 Fr.tornlly Oldg.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Bell Phone 813 Auto Phone 2C50
i-argCBi uonse in Htuto.