The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1909, Image 8

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    Eat What
You want of the food you need
Kodol fwilL digest it
w ,
"Vou need a sufficient amqunt of
good wholesome food and more than
,thls you need to fully digest It.
. Elso you can't gain strong! i, nor
,an you strengthen youjrjtomach If
It In weak.
'' You must eat In order to live and
maintain btrcngth.' .
' You must not diet, becauso tho
Ixxly require.! that you eat a sufllc
lent amount of food regularly.
Hut this food must l)o digested,
untl It must bo digested thoroughly.
When the stomach can't do It,
you must take something that will
Jiclp tho stomach.
The proper way to do Is to cut,
what you want, and lot Kodol di
goil the food.
Nothing else can do this. "When
tin) .stomach Is weak it needs help;
you must help It by giving It rest,
und-Kodol will do that.
Preparation of Seed Ueil for Corn
turned ground after tho plow. By this
'method the subsoil will bo more thor
oughly tinned, and tho surfiieo fined
under the favorable conditions then
existing, as tho section of the harrow
will cover nil the ground plowed about
three limes.
The objects of plowing are to alter
the texture of tho soil to a consider
able depth, and to bury completely
any vegetable or other organic matter
m the mii face of 'the ground as weeds
absorb the moisture which is needed
for tho crop. Po not (jlov when .the
ground is so wet that the bottom of
Ihb furrow slice turns up slick, ami
the particles of. soft run together rath
th limn crumble. Much a suifaco will
bake hi the suushHio. and the clods
thus formed will sometimes remain
'uniihiriigcd (hiring the (ontlre season.
Do hot fail to use your narrow if, any
'eiifeth' of time intervenes between
ploivfug hmrplan'tfng. so as to $tlr the
surfac$ after ruin, or Till! thu weeds
before planting. It is uajnleudld help
in firming u seed beifto 'titko u good
fOur-horso team, ami a heavy roller,
iud roll the field beforo planting.
.Newly germinated woods have few
roots and are easily torn loose by har
rowing; therefore use tlie iufriow
freely. Professor JJoivinau says, that
weeds and grass allowed to grow up iu
corn stalk land in tho sprjng, before
plowing, are Injurious to the physical
nonunion of llio noil UecHUne they com
pact ami burden lho,suifeo, whioiMn
turn allows tue ritpld evapouitiou of
molbtuic. When this green mat is
turned under utter, its acts its u parti
tion between tue luriow slice and thu
bot'oin of the fuirow. Weeds ulso
utilhseu luige amount of itvailublc
plant food, w inch is always ncaice lu
spring plowed ground, audat thoanme
time tho dtcuylng tfreoti material run
tiers the soil more or less acid.
Alight coating of manure liom h
spreader uvor your coru lund Is very
beuutlciitl, but refiuiu from spreading
greeu manure too thickly, as rutting
gre6tl in a u uio requires iv 'great deal of
moisture which must uccessuiily be
lnun trom Hie stirfncu soil, ami otteu
causes Uio furrow slice lu become very
lre vviiliin ii I..A' .ii.fK
7. . . . v . . . ,
111 part ot .Nebriishitwlieio thoie is
ample ra.i.fatl. wo would recommend
. .
that the chtclwoue. .,o used in plum-
, ..
ing. bonii! luruierr. prefer Using,
ii. , . . . '
claiming that it stands droulh better,
is oasl,,-to kill II... ,v,.,ls ,.,,,1 l.
i , .. . , . , . .
fttalld.S till lll't I ?! Illllll.f II llifrli nil.. I
.,..., '.., ,.,.. ,..'... .?..:..
"7V ' 'J"'HtuKuU niUloet The reply was as Ulumiuut-
rows porleclly straight, us tho satis- llur as ,, ...... ,.,. ..... , umml,ml
-t .i i. . .... I '"g s ii. was Irani', "they tiro our
faction j ou ui 1. experience all through 'f- , tll0 senator ,7 e
the season wt. amply ,opay you for CftIlIlot un,m, tQ imjm.
tho trouble. A farmer is oftentimes ''
judged by the litt.e things about his' Whether the next lloiiso of Uopre
farm, .vhieh some tliiuk make no par- seututlvos is Republican or Democratic
deuurditreienee. l"so a rigid neck- depends entirely upon whether it is
.yoke on your planter, and do not ui go possible to deceive a majority of the
.your team ton much Done, full to people all the time. Tho Republican
know tmit the planter, or lister, is candidates for re-election will gu on
working properly, so tint the stand ( the stump and point to the magnificent
may be s nearly perfect as possible.' reduction of tive-onc-hundredths of a
In rail plowing, or on stubblo ground' pound they havo made in tho duty on
when it is considered desirable to list,1 raw sugar. Of course they will siiy
do not plitut with your listor, but. use nothing of the fuel that as long as
the corn planter with check rower iu they left the duty on refined sugar in
lister furrow. The satisfaction ox- ( tact the roductiou profited only tho
porioneed by after results will amply sugar trust They will point to the
Tlte Republicans iu Congress arc
gotti'ng them selves intpfr prHy snarl
over their alku'ed tariff' revision.
Apparently IVesldont Tnft and some
n..i.. ........ 1...... ,.r i... i.'!?f.. ..' .1 .1.. 1. 1
other members of the'Mty deluded
themselves with the belief.. hat the
tariff could be revised I'y.JJft. jtriends,"
Imt tho all erupt has seryDiTiudy to do
inonstrate tho n'Ceiuucy'o.f" The Dtmio
tuatic coul cut ion that tho. Republican
party is the creature of rujts and
sptoial interest iliat ltHimtmbers arc
beholden to them for Uiur, idfcMon to'
Congress, ami thai) however insistent I
may be the dcinandi of tho voters or
Our Guarantee
Go to your druggist today, and
purchase a dollar bottle, and If you
fan honestly say, that you did not
receive any benefits from it, after
using tho cntlro bottle, tho drug
gist will refund your money to you
without question or delay.
Wo will pay tho druggist tho prlco
of tho bottle purchased by you.
This oITcr applies to tho largo
lwttlo only and to but ono lu a
Wo could not afford to make such
an odor, unless wo positively know
what Kodol will do for you.
It would bankrupt us.
ThoriolIarbottlocoutainsSK times
as much as tho iifty cent bottle.
Kodol Is mado at tho laboratories
of L (J. DeWItt is Co., Chicago.
"I nm down In tho jinoutli," said tho
pancake, us Jonnle took a big bite.
HouB Laxattvo Cough Syrup is in
stunt rcliof for coughs, colds, croup,
whooping cough. It is gently laxative
and drives tho cold from tho system
clearing tho head and throat. Pleas
ant to tako. (Jood for hoarsonoss and
all bronchial trouble. Uuarantood bo
cause we know what It will do. 25c,
f0c and 81. Sold by Henry Cook.
the wails of the consumers, they dare
not disobey their masters. WoYo the
tariff systom what It purports to be,
simply a method of encouraging infant
industries to a point where thcy; can
stand alone, tho claim that tho tariff
law should bo revised by Its friends logical mid Consistent, bid.
Whatever mar have been' th'.. fun. in.
mental theory of tlii.'r.(-ii(....iiv.,fo...
as administered by flic party lu pn;er
il nas become simply u mojthod of, ciii
hanolng the profits iiVd nernetnatiiif
the monopolies of Its beneficiaries who
iu return for the favors conferred im.
on them send men to' Congress to carry
oui ineir wisiies whenovcr u revision
is undertaken. Tho truth of these
assertions is becoming apparent to
Mr. Taftand other theoretical advo
eates of that fundamental policy of
tho Republican party. Already the
President is beginning to realize that
in the near future ho will bo confront
ed with the dilemma of vetoing the
Aldrioh-I'ayno bill because it is in no
sonso a "revisiou downwards," or of
siffning u bill which in no essential
makes good tho pledges of his party,
as expressed in tho platform on which
ho was nominated ami elected.
Rehlnd the closed doors of tho Fi
nance Committee Senator Aldrlch and
ids colleagues are gradually but surely
eliminating from the Payne bill every
feature whioh could, by any stretch of
the imagination, be regarded as iu the
interest of the consumer. Republican
senators on the Finance Committee
complain bitterly of tho selfishness of
tho protected Interests Thuv snv
fruukly that these.mcn arcsqluklatest
fill llrffc Inn llfcaat .. . a" Tl t" " . -
w.. .., .....A.iuum Ul protection mat
they demand rates which must prove
the destruction of kindred industiles.
The tanners of hides insist upon dut
ies which the maker-, of boots and
M,,KS ueeiuro will prove their ruin
...,, ,.,,, ,,.,,. . ' ",' ,
shoes declare will
1, " s i.,. , ' , '
Dill Steel W IllCh IUIIKC it minwtilli .
..... ,,, , - ' , mpovjililu
"" I'm manufacturers of too s to turn
.,,, tii.i.- .....!.. . , ll1"1""-
",,L l,elr products ut a nrollt "Hut
...iiv. .... '. , ' ,, u"1'
"' V.,m "L,!l1 ,,,tfh lllortlllMU. de-
"1!",ds., your eorrespoudont nskud
.. ... i .... .villi uouuu
"ePMUiium member of Finance Com
Increased duty on irloves and i. !....,.
as evldonco of the solicitude of their
party for tho girls and women working
in me itniiting motorics anil number
ing several hundred thousand but
they will say nothlmr of thu .......,....
ers compelleil to pay higher prices or
ui.... till........ ,.1 1. ...
wu' thinner gloves and stockings biul
nuinuering several million. If the
voteis think, Instead permitting tho
uepuuiiean politicians to do their
thinking for them November lino,
there will be a Democaatio majority
U the next llpnso of Uepivshitatlves.
' ' " ' T",'"
SALVE For PII09, Burne, Soros.
f I I
- Sold in
10 Ye&rs Ago J 5 U
Uneeda;;Biscuit j'
M because they woMered Btfc. W
W whaf they were. jMw&t mW (w
Wl Mw'M- w ,mm$WmA ww 19m
n ' i'fcijiT. 1 " i. t ." .i.. '"' .j,"i' ji ' wm.
... . - ."
v Vfff rf. ., CaiiVuiVf!S2:rii.'J5Ca.r
Right Now!
iO : : sp&
Is the time to buy that monurrlent that you want
for Decoration Day.
We have a fine assortment 'of' finished monuments
on hands. Come in and makeV selection. Give us
time to make your monument just? right. '
., 4. You.Av.iH;ind , qur.pRICESVrigwt..-vpa.krw:the
QUALITY of our monuments;
Red Cloud, - ' ' - Nebraska.
to go without insurance. The risk
assumed is too great for tho small
premium you keep lu your pocket.
Flgur out how many years you
would havo to be free from any fire
iu ordtr to. save the value of your
t hoiisraud contents. Then consider .
' that you may' hava 11 lira this cry
night. Th.;ost of von 11 little
,, blaze wUl be more than tho pre
mium of' '
Uettor have mo issue yihi it policy J,
10-miy, its a wliolo lot Uetter to
be sure than sorry, as many an un
insured man has been.
r m m thai Ohm mmm
Rod Cloud, Nebr.
. Ar
Many a man has paid a awyer S.r
and 310 for poorer advice than his
wife would willingly have 'given him
for nothing.
;i rT I J ,
llrlght bay Slilre stallion, 0 years
old, Id hands high, weight 10I, well
bunt, splendid action, and'a good' foaW
gutter. 'j'KHMSi'.Sn.- Thlsthorso twill,
sipnd fijf.Mie season of uMlW at AsliCr'(j
bni'n. Red Cloud. Ho is in first clatx
! condition. Disposing of mares or re
moving without permission forfeits in
surance money ami same becomes due
at once. Care taken to prdvout ac
cidents but will not bo responsible
should any occur, W. S. I'aiikcn.
:.f Mv1 -.- -ifi-'iTse them -becai
-t-'me Tf.r ....
1 ,
ManZan Pilo Remedy is put up in a
tube with nozzle attached convenient
for use. May bo applied dirrotly to
the effected parts reducing and reliev
ing the paiu and Inflammation. For
, all kinds of Piles. Guaranteed. Price
rOc. Sold by Honry Cook.
Hotporjly Looks
LQirimsIeyThe pate
ter, Paper hanger and
Decorator will do your
work reasonable, and
my work is Right.
See me before looking
Yours For Biz,
F. Q. Qrimsley
Ofllce with Henderson, Tho Second
Hand man Old Dow, Huilding.
The best known pills .and the best
pills made are DaWitt's l.lttlo Early
Risers. Thoyjaro small, oasy to take,
gentlo and certain, and nro sold by All
We would like to prove to every suf
ferer of Kidney diseases that Pineulos'
will bring prompt relief, ltackacho
rheumatism, lumbago, fatigue and Im
pure blood are- uieroly symptoms of
Kidney disorders. Tfio SI size con
tains 2-j times as much as the 5(lo slice'
Sold by Henry Cook.
'.adc Marks
AnroiiQ'emlliv it tkclrh nm .loacrlntlou mr
qitlcuir iisrorlulii our (itilti frci rrfiiillicr uri
uirenllnii l (irohnMr imteiitiililo imitininlrn.
iloiitftrlcllywmil.liiitfnl. HAH0D00K Jii I'uti'Dts
imt free. iilol iipoiirr forKi-ruriiiff intent
I'ntonts tuVfn tliroiiult Mutiti U Ci rvcel
tptciai ttoticf, nil notic. cnnru, ut tuo
Scientific jmiericam
A 1iHtil90iii Plr lllii'trnli-d wpeklr. t.nrucut clr
nilntlon of mijr K-lt'iHIH'j Jimriml. 'I'criiu, f :i a
ffiiri fnitr iTititilhs.fl, t50iabjrttllTnvTbi1rnlftr.
fiWNN&Co.3C,B'-New York
Urtmch Oince. ftS V HU Wslilnitoti, IX, C
l Tl
' FWNKam
Pineulos ure for backache, and bring
quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism,
latiguound all other symtoms of Kid
uoy diseases. They are a tonic to tho
entire system and build up strength
and health. Price :.0o and II. Sold
by Henry Cook.
Natlce to Creditors.
State of XcbraHka
Webster Louny
In the County;Court.
In the mattcriof the cstute of Mnrgoret M.
Wall, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to nllnpersomi hnv
Ing claims and demands against Margaret M.
Wall, late of Webster county deceased, that
the time fixed for filing claims against said
estate U six months from tho 22nd day of
Anrll 1900.
. Ml siujpe'rsoiu rc-rotiiUwidJ br'prcheiit,"
tllnlr .'Inlfttu .nlt. n.r ....:. "i - .
.......,, ,.,,,, ni;i.vuui;iiL'rs, 10 tnu
County Judge of said county, at his oltteo
therein, on or before the 22nd day of October
1909; and all claims so tiled will bo heard be
fore the said Judge on tho 23rd day of October
11XW, at ten o'clock a. m.j and that tho ad
ministrator Is allowed one yenr from therilHt
day of March won, lu which to jiay the debts
allowed .against said estate and sottlo tho
. Maid I..W. Kimo.v
County .IiuIkW
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed
by thirty or inoro rcsldeut'frceholdcra of tho
first ward of tlm city of iu-il Cloud, Nuliraska
has been filed with tho city clerk ofjsald city
of lied Cloud praying that a llecnso" bo gran
ted by tho city council of said city to
I'olnlcky A- I.ongtln for tho salo of mult,
unlrltoiiN and vinous llipiora uullol tlvo (0).'
block thlrty-ono (HI) of tho original town
nowolty.of Ited Cloud. Nebraska. That ae
lion will bo taken on said, petition of Umi
mayor and city council 011 thu 4th day of
May, HKW. or at thejilrht meeting of tit
council thereafter.
I.. II. I'oiit, City Clerk,
Dated at Itcd Cloud, Nebraska, this 7th day
of April, ttKKi.
Appllcatlon'for.'L!cen8e. r i
Notice Ih hereby given that a petition
slguetl by thirty or morn i-.-kMbmi rr..i..i,i..'
of the city of itcd Cloud, Nobraska, has Item
vii iviui inn iutk 01 said city of ltcd Cloud,
praying that a llcciuo be i.m.,1,.,1 ..i.
council of KitlilHty to Matt Doyloaud (leorg.
Ilushro tor the halo or mult. u,,iri....u ..j
'vlitousdrlilk's, on lot 1, block I, of WIIInie '
ii p" ' ' ' l "' fiUyof-.IU'it Cloud, NehniKkV
wnnacuuii win nouieiiounalil petition l.y
lliciuavoriiinl ,, ii............ 1. A
t, , ,..M, .w ".: ""iimiiiy.
i 1 .'inj, iipuw, nr iic me nrsi meeting
: of H '
11. Kort.'.A'rf
Dated ut llnlClomT.'.'s-c.iir;, April .'.. nwji1'
Pinesalve Carboli, J nets like ' ji
pouliloe and dniwot Jiiijammatlo.
For chapped sltiu.i.T,'outH, burns,
sores bruises skin diseases Should
be kept. In every Viome. Price
Sold by llonrv Cook.
Sick headaelio, constipation a
biliousness are reljevod by HIiirs LlUlo
Liver Pills. Tlijjy ofinso tlto -syBlom.
Do not Kripu. Pj-iJu 23e. Sold by
Ifonry Cook. '
City Clirk, :
tVmmmmmfmMMim n -wm jwfthKWMtrqiawvi
g v1-.UAt!riA.Xl.tV ftWlJgtt.'-vN 4 'i r 5 A f WW.V .T