The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1909, Image 7

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IjT '
It Cannot Be Done by Using Cheap
Material and Cheap Painters.
In arranging for painting, a Rood
many property-owners try to buvo
money by employing tlio painter who
offers to do the job cheapest or try
to save money by Insisting on a low
priced paint. Hut no property-owner
would run such risks If ho realized
what must be taken Into considera
tion In order to get u Job that will
wear and give thorough satisfaction.
No lioiiscowner will go wrong on
the painting question If ho writes Na
tional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity
Hiillillng, New York, for their House
owner's Painting Outfit No, 49, which
Is sent free, ll is a complete guldo
to painting. It includes a book of
color schemes for either exterior or
interior painting, a book of specifica
tions, and an instrument for detecting
adulteration In paint materials.
Nearly every dealer has National
Lead Company's pure white lead.
(Dutch Hoy Painter trademark.) If
yours has not notify National Lead
Co,, and arrangements will bo mado
for you to get it.
Grief That Kills.
"My poor boy," Bald the beneficent
old clergyman, who had encountered a
young waif sobbing In tlio streets,
"what alls you? Somo case of dlro
distress has touched your heart
chords, no doubt."
"No," sniffed tho lad, "you're clear
off your base, old kazzozlcks. Mo an'
Snippy on' do rest of do follies tin
canned the mangy, old yellow cur up
at Schwarz grocery, and whllo old
Schwarz an' do gang followed tho
dog, I sneaked back to tho grocery to
swipe dried apples. Do Fltlo chased
Into Schmltt's orchard and do gang
cribbed do swellest peaches you ever
seen, an' then dey smoked grape-vino
cigarettes and sot tho barn a-llre. I
made a sashay Into do apple barrolat
do grocery, an' do delivery boy pasted
me with a bed-slat and it hurts yet,
and I didn't got to seo do Are, and
didn't get nothln' to eat. and I wlsht
i wuz dead dog-gono it all!" Tho
Bohemian Magazine.
Too Literal.
"Well, yes," said Old Uncle Lazzen
berry, who was Intimately acquainted
with most of tho bapponstances of tho
village. "Almlra Stang hnB broken off
her engagement with Charles Henry
Tootwller. They'd bo goln' together
for about eight years, durln' which
time she had been Inculcatin' Into him,
as you might call it, the beauties of
economy; but when sho discovered,
lust lately, that ho had learnt his les
son so well that he had saved up 217
pairs of socks for her to darn im
mediately after tho wedding, aho
'pearcd to conclude that ho had takon
her advice a llttlo too literally, and
broke off the match." Puck.
Not Our Discovery.
The Greek, Eratosthenes. 250 D. C,
taught tho doctrlna of the rotundity
of tho earth, and the Ideas of tho
sphere, Its poles, axis, tho equator,
arctic and antarctic clrclos, equinoc
tial points andthe solstices wore quite
generally entertained by tho wlso men
of that time. There were plenty of
men in Rome, therefore, who woro
prepared to talk about tho earth as a
sphere and to make globes Illustrating
their ideas.
Uncle How Is it, young man, that
you failed again In your examination?
Nephew Why, tho wretches asked
me the very some question I could not
unswer last yoar!
Tales That Are Told.
"I was ono of tho kind who wouldn't
bollevo that coffeo was hurting mo,"
says u N. Y. woman. "You Just couldn't
convince mo its uso was connected
with tho heart and stomach troublo I
suffered from most of tho time.
"My troublo finally got so bad I
had to Hvo on milk and toast almost
entirely for three or four years. Still
I loved tho coffeo and wouldn't bollevo
it could do such damago.
"What I needed was to quit coffeo
and tnko nourishment In such form as
my stomach could digest.
"I had read much about Postum,
but never thought it would fit my caso
until ono day I decided to quit coffeo
and glvo it a trial and make sure about
it. So I got a package and carefully
followed tho directions.
"Soon I began to get better and was
nblo to eat carefully solectcd foods
without tho aid of pepsin or other dl
gestants and It was not long before I
was really a now woman physically.
"Now I nm hoalthy and Bound, can
eat anything and everything that
comeB along and I know this wonder
ful chango is all due to my having
(Hilt coffeo and got tho nourishment I
needed through this delicious Postum.
"My wondor is why overyono don't
glvo up tho old coffeo and tho troubles
that go with It and build themselves up
as I havo dono, with Postum."
Easy to prove by 10 days' trial of
PoBtum in place of coffee. The reward
is big.
"There's a IteaBon."
Kcr rend the ubote leitrrf A new
one npiirnrN from lime to tlmr. They
lire cenulne, true, nod full of buuino
3rown-tnll Moth Imported Into New York Fro.m An$rleru,
Franco, Causes Alarm to Department of Agriculture.
Fig. 1. Sprayed three times.
Sound, 3152
'-i-J LI.
The nursery, orchard and forest In
terests of tho country are menaced
Just now by nn Imported danger per
haps compnrablo with tho foot-and-mouth
disease In animals, and un
doubtedly destined, liko that plague,
to bo shut in and stamped out by the
vigorous and enlightened methods of
tho present day, says a writer in the
Country Gentloman. Wo refer to the
brown-tail moth, which has mado
havoc for years In eastern Now Eng
land, but was not found elsewhere In
tho United States until a fortnight
ago, when living caterpillars of the
creature, in their winter nests, were
discovered in a shipment of apple,
pear and cherry seedlings nnd quince
stocks received by a New York dealer
from AngierB, France, nnd possibly ex
isting In nobody knows how many
more of tho .hundreds of boxes of
similar stock now regularly arriving
In tho United States from tho same
country. So far as this state is con
cerned, tho instant attack that was
mado on this invasion by the stato de
partment of agriculture has undoubt
edly ended all danger of distribution
Fig. 2. Not sprayed.
Sound, 773
, ' 59.83
from this particular source; nnd tho
ontnmologlcul authorities of all the
states of tho union having been noti
fied of tho discovery, It Is to bo sup
posed that vigilant watchfulness will
ovorywhoro bo exerted, with tho re
sult of preventing any general out
break. Nevertheless, country resi
dents ovorywhoro should bo apprised
of tho possibilities of tho caso, and
should consult tho nearest entomolo
gist Immediately In tho event of dis
covering nnythlng llko tlio winter ne3t
of tlio creaturo on imported plants of
whatover namo or nnturo, tho moth
having a wldo range of feeding. Wo
glvo In this nrtlclo engravings
which may bo serviceable, but would
Inoculation of Clover. Clovers do'
not nlyays grow as readily or as vig
orously as might ho expected from tho
richness or tho soil. In recent years
It has been discovered by scientists
that tho growth of plants of thl3 clasB
(clovors, pens and beans) is dependent
to some extent on tho presence of
Btnall nodules or bunches on t'10 roots.
Thcso nodules contain bactorla which
In some mysterious way assist tho
roots In taking up food from tho soil.
If thcso bacteria are not present In
tho soil tho clovers will bo likely' to
make poor growth Indeed alfalfa may
not mako any growth. If tho proper
kind of bacteria aro supplied and the
Inoculation of soil nnd root is success
ful the plants will show ox(ra vitality.
Cultures containing thcso bncteila
havo been sent out to farmers from
tho Ontario Agricultural collego for
tho past four years, with directions
for applying to tho Holds' that aro bo
lng seeded with clover. Last season
300 fnrmors reported that their al
falfa crops had boon bonofltod by tho
application whllo 140 reported that
there was no gain. With alslko clover
the reports wero equally favorable
over 00 por cont. of the experimenters
finding thut the culture had Improved
Picked harvest.
Damaged by
Wormy, 15 Curcullo, 5
.47 .15
add tho caution that the caterpillars
now found in the nests are In ninny
cnscB very minute creatures that only
an entomologist with a mlcroscopo
enn satisfactorily pick out. Our pic
turo Is copied from ono of tho publi
cations of tho Massachusetts board of
agriculture, which gives also this de
scription of tho winter nest:
"Each web Is composed of a tenaci
ous silk hlbcrnaculum, Inclosing leaves
from which tho epidermis lias been
consumed, although tho outer leaves
on tho web may not havo been ' at
tacked. The webs arc llrmly attached
to the twigs by stout bands of silk.
Almost invariably the web commences
where the egg cluster was deposited,
and remains of it can usually bo found
on or in each web. Exit holes some
times remain open on tho wobs
throughout tho winter, but as a rule
they aro closed by the matting to
gether of tho web under the Influence
of rain. Tho web consists internally
of numerous layers of silk, Inclosing a
great many small, Irregular silk-lined
chambers, which are often connected,
nnd contain from six to fifty larvae.
Picked harvest.
Wormy, 4G1
Damaged by
Curcullo, 58
Tho usual number found In tho chain
bora Is about a dozen each. Tho larvae
aro also often found In tho gallorles
In tho web. Tho lowest part of tho
web Is usually full of fine black ex
crement, nnd tho castoff skins of tho
first molt occur In many of tho cham
bers." Of courso it Is understood thnt thcso
nasty nests uro to bo looked for only
on imported stock. Tho figure in tlio
center of tho Illustration hns no bear
ing on tho case In this, country at
present, except In onstorn Now Eng
land ; and wo havo faith to believe it
will not bo necessnry to study It elso
where. Still, there's no knowing; and
forowarnod Is forearmed.
tho crop. With red clovor tho results
wero not so favorablo only G5 per cont.
having notod a gain. Pens and beans
showed still less benoflt from tho ap
plications. As the work Is still in Its
Infancy It Is probable that hotter re
Btilfs will bo obtnlnod as tho methods
of application aro hotter understood.
Building a Wire1 Fence. Ofton, when
building a wlro Is necessary,
to cross a small ravine or depression
In tho field. In such cases it is somo
tlnieB a puzzlo how to anchor tho post
in tho lowest place, so that It will not
"pull out" when tho wlies aro tight
ened. Tho accompanying drawing
shows n good method of solving tho
problem. A who (doubled to socuro
strength) Is stretched from tho bases
of tho two posts near tho ravlno edge,
over tho top of tho lower1 post.
To Make Concrete Cistern. Cistern
wnlls should bo eight Inches thick and
floor four lnchos thick as the cistern Is
very large. Mntorlal will bo: Comont,
13 barrels; gravel, 13 yards; sand, ono
yard; concrete, mixed eight parts
gravol to ono part cement. Mortnr
for plastering Bldo walls should bo
mixed two parts sand to ono part cement.
Time of All Times Where the Expor
with the Chafing DIbIi Can
Make Good.
Probably the most sociable meal l.
the whole week Is tho Sunday night
supper. It Is an Informal omiHlon for
tho dropping In of Intlmnto friends,
and the Informality adds to Its churm.
In many households the servants are
allowed to take a holiday on Sunday
atternooim, and tho members of the
family bestir themselves for supper
with the dialing dish, ami perhaps the
delicatessen shop, iih assistants. It Is
an opportunity for experimental cook
ing with an Indulgent company and
tho delicious dishes that may be con
cocted on these occasions are mani
fold. Of course, n gas stove Is even
better than a dialing dish for cooking
things, hut the shining metal dish
over the alcohol tliimo Is a very cheer
ful looking ornament on the supper ta
ble. While somebody mixes the wilu
and soinehodj else slices tho bread,
tho confident culinary queen, who Is
generally the eldest sister, takes the
chafing dish In hand.
The Home
Sugar should bo added to turnips,
beets, pens, coin, squash and pumpkin.
Spnreilbs should be hi oiled rnther
than roasted, and served with apple
sauce and mashed turnips.
It takes longer to cook sweet pota
toos than the common kind and they
cook moie quickly In salt water.
A meat chopper may be better
cleaned by running a piece of bread
through the machine before washing.
Oatmeal can be used lnstend of hut
ley or rice In the soup. It thickens it,
and adds a flavor which Is pleasant.
Place mirrors so that tho direct rayt
of the sun do not fall upon them. 15
gives the glasB a milky appearance,
which can never be entirely remedied,
To remove ton. coffee, fruit and
vegetable stains from white goods,
heap snlt on the spot, rub hard, and
rinse It in hot wnter In which consld.
erablo borax haB been dissolved.
A reliable test for mushrooms, sayu
an experienced housekcoper, Is to pu)
a hit of silver, such as a well-washed
dime, Into a dish in which they arc
cooked. If it discolors the mush
rooms arc unfit for food.
Keeping Bread.
For a bread box, a covered stono
Tlio bread will keep much nicer
than In a tin vessel.
The crock should bo placed In ft
cool place.
Never put tho bread In It without)
covering It with a cloth, to exclude,
the nlr.
To keep sandwiches that havo been
prepared beforehand moist, wrap them
in a slightly-damp cloth.
This Is not practical If they aro to
bo kept too long, ns thoy will get
He careful that not a bit of butter
gctB into tho bread box. It will get
rancid nnd make tho rest of the bread
Receptacles should ho scalded out
frequently, being wiped well after
ward. Tho cloths used to cover tho bread
should also bo washed often.
Prawn or Shrimp Curry.
Put four ounces of butter In a sauce
pan nnd slice Into It two small onions.
jFry them until brown, then remove
them Into nnothor dish. Havo tho
prawns or shrimps picked and rub
ono and a half tahlospoonfuls of curry
powdor ovor them; put thoin Into tho
melted butter nnd stow ovor a slow
Uro until the fish becomes a light
brown. Add ns much Block or gravy
ns will cover the prawns; season with
a llttlo salt, and when the gravy has
became tl'jpk add n coffee cupful of
cocoanut milk or cream and tho Julco
of a lemon. Mix well together nnd
sorvo hot with boiled rice. A dessert
spoonful of chutney Is nn Improve
ment. Salad Dressing.
I will tell you Just how I make It.
I put tho vinegar In a pint bowl that
Just fits tho top of my tenkottlo, mix
sugnr, salt and mustnid togothor, and
stir Into tho vinegar. Cover, nnd let
It got real boiling hot before I stir In
the milk nnd ogg, and then keop Bllr
ring till It thickens, which ought not to
tako ovor 15 minutes. If It don't thick-,
on next time, wot one-fourth teaspoon
of cornstarch in n very little milk nnd
stir It In. I sometimes do when I want
It extra thick. Hoston Globe.
Creole Chicken.
Mnko a roux that is, tako ono heap
ing tablespoonrul of lard, put It In a
kettle over tho fire, and when hot ndd
a Inrgo tablospoonful of flour nnd stir
until brown, nnd do not let It burn.
Add one largo minced onion. Thon
tho chicken, cut Into pieces as for fry
lng or stowing, nnd lot it brown. Then
add two largo rlpo tomatoes and
.enough water to mako n nlco stow.
Lot It cook slowly until tender, ndd
ing wnter as necdod. Havo a slow flro;
stir ofton to prevent burning; add
popper to tasto.
Lucanlan Eggs.
Chop lino n lago white onion nnd
fllowly fry In a tublospoonful of but
ter. When nicely brownod ndd half a.
plat of milk and six hard-boiled eggs
cut In qunrtors. Let heat slowly.
When Binoking hot add two table
spoonfuls of grated chceao mixed with
ono tnblespoonful of chopped parsley,
a llttlo salt and popper, n pinch of cin
namon and two well-beaten egg yolks.
Stir over a slow flro and ndd u tea
spoonful of lemon julco.
Suniij School Lesion for April 25, 1909
Specially Arranged for This Paper
II Hi -M, U
Munory vi'rsrs '.'.', "3
(lUI.DKN TI-IN'T "Tin- disciple vvem
culled Cliilstliiiui lit Rt III Antlocti." Acts
11 Jii.
TIM 1 1. Tim A ill Inch chuicli win formed
mum nfler the nmi tynloin of Hteplieii, A
f). X. Paul mtd Hiiiimtmx vveie lit An
Itot'li III t'liltie pull of A, 1) I Mii. The
riiiiilnen occurred dining A. I) 4!-ts, Unit
In Piilcnilno (ISiinmny) In A l 4i! Tim
vlnlt of IMtil mid tiiiriintiiiM iMimmiiy) to
.fcisisuleiii wan ptnliittd) the muim year,
IM.At'l-:. -Anllocli. the tleli ntiil Impor
tant enpltfil of Hulit. Sin) inlle.H ninth of
Jerusalem HI t.lilte mum a native of An
Moeli. so wits ClirjniKitnni
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
"Having proceeded to such n
length, the rage of the people turned
upon tho whole Christian body." Cam
bridge Hlble. Tho disciples "wero scat
tered abroad." The (lieek vurh Is
based upon tho thought of seed sowing,
and Indeed every disciple was a seed
of truth. May all Chilstlans ho such
when they go nhrond, traveling eltho.
for business or pleasure. Tho .lows
wero like foolish children trying to
stamp out n forest lire, nnd merely
spreading inoto widely tho sparks nnd
blazing coals. Tho disciples woro
driven "us fur ob Phenlco" (Phoonlclu,
the Mediterranean coast north of (lull
lee), "and Cyprus" (the largo Mediter
ranean Island northwest of Jerusalem,
CO miles from tho Phoenician coast),
"and Antloch" (the most northern city
on tho const. Thus the lleelng Chris
tians, "following tlio track of coasting
vessels, went northward." llackhiim.
It is easy even for tho modem
church to conceive Jewish projudlceu,
and feel that them Is no possibility
of much good outside "our" denomina
tion, or "our" country, or "our" race.
True Christianity, however, makes Its
followers realize thut all men mo
brothers for whom Christ died, and
that tho most degraded nations and
races have lu them the making of
saints and apostles.
V. 21. "A great number bolleved.nnd
turned unto tho Lord." Tho reasons
for this woro many:
1. Tho Christians who established
the Antlooh church had been strength
ened by persecutions, which thoy had
mot with unflinching bravery and
2. Tho very vices of Antloch Bhowed
(ho need of a purifying gospel, anil
doubtless many were disgusted with
them nnd eager to turn from them.
Tho strongest Christians often grow
up amid corrupting,
.1. Tlio people of Antloch wero ener
getic, vigorous, In tho habit of doing
things. Tho nggroBslvo character of
Christianity appealed to them, nnd
when thoy accepted the now religion,
they carried Into It the same activity
that had brought success in tho world
ly enterprises of Antloch.
4. Hut tho chief reason for tho
growth of the Antloch church Is given
in the text. "Tho hnnd of tho Lord
was with them." "The hnnd" Is tho
symbol of po'wor and of work. Willing
Christians nro God's hands. Through
them God can easily accomplish what
would he Impossible to their unaided
efforts. Here wero a llttlo group of
refugees, poor, despised, pursued.
Hero was ono of the world's proudest,
mightiest, richest, wickedest cities.
And tho handful of refugees so moved
upon tho city thnt three centuries lntor
Ub greatest son, Chrysostom the golden-mouthed
preacher, said thut half Its
population wero Christian.
V. 22. "They sent forth Harnabas,"
that he might (1) lenrn tho oxnet stato
of affairs, slnco rumors, untrustwor
thy oven in these days of tho tele
graph, woro doubly doubtful thon; (2)
oncourngo tho now disciples; (3) warn
thorn ngaliiBt error, and (4) prevent
discord botweon tho Jewish and Gen
tlio converts, of which tho sequel
showed tho real clangor (Acts 15:1-25).
They might havo sent n lottor, but
fuce-to-fneo mothods aro always best.
V. 28. "A great dearth throughout nil
tho world ... In the days of
Claudius," Hie Roman emperor who
reigned A. D. 41-54. This does not
moan "all tho world" In our enlarged
sense, but all tho clvillzod world, tho
Roman empire; nor docs It mean that
tho famine foil upon all parts simul
taneously. That widespread falluro of
harvests and scarcity of food did occur
Is "singularly woll attested, consider
ing tho scantiness of evidence for this
period. Suetonius alludes to ussiduuo
storllltatcn causing fnmlno prices un
der Claudius, while Dion Casslus and
Tacitus Bpcak of two famines In
Rome; and famln? In Rome Implied
dearth In tho groat corn-growing coun
tries of tho Mediterranean; Kusoblus
mentions famine in Greece, and an In
scription perhaps refers to famine In
Asia Minor," Ramsey. Tho famlno
probably occurred In Judea A. D, 44-40.
Josophus tolls us thut tho Syrian
queen Helena of Adtnbcno, a Jowlsh
proselyto who was then In Jerusalem,
Imported corn nnd figs from Egypt and
Cyprus, which she distributed among
tho pcoplo to snvo them from starva
tion. t This nccount of tho Antloch church
Is a mirror In which wo may view our
selves, Aro we true to Christ amid
trials and temptations? Is our Chris
tian fellowship broad? Are wo prac
tically helpful to others? Aro wo bold
to confess Christ, und able, In tho
strength of tho Holy Spirit, to bring
men to Christ? All this Is Involved In
tho plcturo of tho church whcflo mem
bers woro tho first to bo called Chris
tians. Diligence increusuth tlio fruit of toll.
A dilatory man wrestles with Iossoj,
For Catarrh of the Throat of Two
Years' Standing.
,l was afflicted for two yoar3 with
cntnrrh of tho throat. At first It was
vary slight, but every cold I took mado
It worse.
"I followed your directions and in n
vory short time I began to Improvo. I
took ono bottlo nnd nm now taking
my second. I can safoly say that my
throat and head nro cloarcd from ca
tarrh at tho prosont tlmo, but I still
contlnuo to tako my usual do3o for a
spring tonic, nnd I find thcro Is noth
ing bettor."- Mrs. W. Pray, 200
Twelfth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
tfw. '-'iWM(3
Tortoise What, have you started 9
motor car?
Snail Yes, ono must movo with tha
times, you know.
It Jarred Him.
IIowoll How did you coino to break
your engagement with that girl?
Powoll I had reason to think that
ilho hadn't enough practical knovvlodgo
to mnko her a good helpmeet.
Howell What gave you that Idea?
Powell I told her ono dny thnt tho
hens woron't luylng, und she snld sho
supposed thut would affect tho prlco
ot egg coul.
Natural Solicitude.
Invalid Husband Did the doctor
say I was to tako all that' mcdlclno?
Wlfo Yes, dear.
Invalid Husband Why, thcro'a
enough thcro to kill a donkey.
Wlfo (anxiously) Then you'd hot
tor not tnko all of it, John! Tit Hits.
There's Danger,
if you've been neglecting a cold.
Don' t experiment with your health.
Get a remedy that you nu will
cure that remedy is
It's safe. In the severest cases of
coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in
flammation o chest and lungs it Is the
most effective remedy known. It does
Its work quickly, removes the cause of
the disease ,
Sold everywhere in three size
bottles, $1,00. 50c, 25c,
Wanted At Once- Man
To Make $100 Per Month Abovo Expenses
mnn lieu ark. now makino .mo
www mtaii ftlUNHY with llawleluh'a L
les. nitrncis. ripu-nt, Moap. ivrluiucs, I
trtlclcs, Hlw-lc and 1'uullry rrcnanitlnni, I
s, oto. My C'ompanr Isuneof tholurire I
Toilet Artl
1'iiIIkIkis. oto. Mr C'ompanr Isuneof tholuriri
Importers ana inanufurttirnrsln Clm U.S. Can-
luil nnd surplus Ono Million Dollars. Over
rpius uno jhiiiioii Jtoiiars. over ui
iroauct. an uuaruntc
lirt-o acres floor space.
I Until UflUT a u"n In each unoccupied
null nflrl I locality In Nebraska and
Kansas to tako full cliarmi of nil dvllrt-rles lo
lurroers nnu moers irom n wuirnn similar 10
thn abore. I want to hear from fairly success
ful. tionet.t, industrious lucnwlm will bo uUsflcd
to mako not less than
$100 Per Month Clear Profit
uboYe.oxne.ntos. If you tiro well acquainted In
your locality, and can till tee position, write at
hut ana
full tin rtt
unco lur mil I'unicuiarii
Men undorll ororcr M years of atro need not
wrlto. To set this position a man must bo ablo
to furnish 1 or 3 burses to conduct tlio business,
also good business men an references. If you
cannot meet tbeso requirements do not wrlto.
If you can meet them, wrlto quickly. Tho
position pays blif, Is honorable and peruauont.
J. W. McCOY, Gen. Agl, Tecumseh, Neb.
Of rttl ra
rlctlcs per
inunently cured In u
few days without a HurRlcul operation
or detention from business. No pay
will lie accepted until tho patient U
completely ButlHfled. Write or call on
FflANTZ H. WRAY, M. 0.
Room 306 Beo Olds., Omaha, Neb.
Improved and unimproved farma In eastern
Houth Dukota for Halo on
Will erect buildings on any farm on suras
eosy terinH. Trlco 20 to tlO per acre. For
lUta, maps, etc., address
ALEX. H. RAIT. I5tu and O Sti., Llncolo, NsV.
Kj!913kRBfffiv Vn fT
' ii
'.! .J I
r- j