The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1909, Image 6

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iTJhio Chief
C. D. HALE, Publisher
Information Gathered From All Quar
ters of the Civilized World and
Prepared for the Perusal
i , of the Busy Man.
The queen's mother took her per
manent rcBltlonco in tho palaco to
nwnlt tho conllncnicnt of her daughter,
Queen Wllholmlnn.
Tho American visitors to Itomo arc
bo numerous that Malinger Kennedy,
rector of tho American college, is pre
senting about fifty of them dally to
the pope.
A syndicate that has been prospect
ing on tho coast of tho Red Sea 1G0
miles Bouth of Suez, has struck nn
oil gusher, the flow of which 1b said
to Indicate large supplies.
Tho German Imperial yacht Ilohon
zollern with Emperor William and tho
empress on board left for Corfu, whero
tl-clr majesties will make a brief so
journ. The oxtra session of tho Columbian
assembly came to an end.
Thcro Is no truth In the rumors that
tho British cruiser Argylo had met
with an accident.
Before concluding their convention
it ho coal miners or Hrltlsh Columbia
.decided to stand by tlit International
The Brazilian government has con
iluded pormanont arbitration treaties
during tho week with tho United
States, France, Portugal, Spain and
The newspapers of St. Petersburg
say that Foreign Minister Iswolsky is
to bo appointed Russian ambassador
'to Madrid, but tho report cannot bo
, Tho cabinet has decided definitely
that tho Spanish fleet shall bo recon
Vtructed. Tho work will be Intrusted
to British Arms.
Tho death Is announced of Sir Don
nld Currle, tho well known ship owner.
Ho wna born In 1S25.
Max Johnson, tho foreman of an
English factory in St. Petersburg, was
murdered by men Jh his employ.
Stephan WKotzc, one of tho lead
ing Gorman writers, died In Uerlln
Iron) apoplexy. Ho was 39 years of
It is announced from tho war ofllco
In London that Lord Kitchener will
rross Canada this summer on his re
turn trip from India.
An Ico gorgo at Montreal has flood
ed part of tho city.
Religious differences caused rioting
in the stato of Durango, Mexico.
A. G. Vanderbllt was successful in
tho French horse bIiow, winning the
first prlzo for a coach and four.
'John A. Chapman, Thomas W. Jones
and Edgar A. Rancroft were elected
directors or the International Har
vester company at tho annual meeting
r the company in Hoboken.
Miss Hnrrlot Suter, principal or one
of the girls' high schools of Now
Orleans, celebrated Frhlay tho fiftieth
anniversary of her service as a teacher
in the public schools of that city.
The Arkansas house passed tho son
ale bWl giving tho state railroad com
mlHslonc i Jurisdiction over bad track
life and fixing tho rato of speed at
which trains should ho run over it.
Orders- ror fifty now locomotives Tor
the Boston & Maino railroad at a cost
of half a million dollars havo been
Issued. Negotiations nro pending for
an Increase in other lines or rolling
Tho house passed a prohibition law
ror passenger trains making it un
lawful to drink or oxposo Intoxicating
Hipiors on passenger trains in Missouri
or to rldo on a passenger train In
an Intoxicated condition. Tho penalty
:-3 a fluo or from $5 to $25.
Profit-sharing by employes and In
dustrlal peace wero tho principal sub
Jects for discussion at tho eleventh an
mini convention of tho natlonnl metal
trades' association at tho Hotel Astor
New York.
Presidents of Boveral of tho anthra
cite coal railroads held u conference
to discuss the situation growing out
, of the failure of tho coal oporators
to reach anj agreoment with tho
According to reports In Pittsburg, a
.ouncilman under indictment in con
nection with tho nlleged municipal
grart, scandal, has mado a voluntary
Tho Thomns motor car, which Is
acting aB a pathfinder for tho Now
'York-Sonttlo run, reached Topokn,
Mmo. Louiso Totrazzlnl, tho opera
Hlngor, who haB just completed her
reason of opera in this country, was
unable to sail for England, owing to
-an nttack or gastritis.
Unfamlllarity with the uso of gaB
paused tho death of two GreekB at
isow York,
.nniMpi.i ..n..i..iiMinftin
It wub Btnted at tho Whlto houso
Monday that while President Tnft
would undoubtedly occupy a cottage
In tho neighborhood of Hovorly, Man-chestor-by-thC'Sea,
or at Gloucester,
Mass., no decision had yet been
reached. It wns said that the matter
will bo definitely decided within tho
next few days.
Tho college press association ot
South Carolina began n two days'
meeting In Columbia with represen
tatives present fiom tho University of
South Carolina, Converse college, Wof
ford college, Clemson collego, Collego
of Charleston collego, nnd other lead
ing educational Institutions of South
Governor 1). F. Carroll or Iowa
signed tho Moon liquor bill which lim
its tho number or saloons in any city
in tho stnto to ono for every thou
sand Inhabitants. It will not affect
any saloon now operating whero the
number is in excess of tho limitation,
but is, aimed to provent the establish
ment of new saloons by tho brewers.
Tho Amoricnn Steel nnd Wlro com
pany, a subsidiary of tho United
States Steel corporation has cut tho
prlco on wlro nails 10 cents per
Tho snlo at public auction of the
Southern Steel company (bankrupt)
began nt Birmingham, Ala.
Thcro is n rumor that Crazy Snake,
chief of tho Creek Indians, is dead,
but it cannot bo verified.
Tho collieries of tho heading Coal
and Iron company rcsumod operations.
Tho third flro In n week at tho Okla
homa stato lnsano asylum at Fort
Supply destroyed tho main asylum
A bill designed to prohibit tho pub
lication in newspapers of betting oddB
on horBo races passed tho New York
senate. ,
Rev. Dr. Marlon Lo Roy Burton nn
nounced that ho would nssumo tho
presidency or Smith collego in Sop
tomber, 1910.
At tho quurterly meeting of tho de
scendants or tho signers of tho decla
ration of independence about ICO now
members wero elected.
Tho grand Jury nt Knoxvlllo, Tenn.,
returned a truo bill against tho homo
stock company or tho Order ot Eagles
ror selling liquor.
Tho city council of Snnta Fo passed
nn ordinance closing all saloons in
tho city after December 31, 1909. In
tho meantime tho Hccnso fee will bo
Georgo Dunleavy, nn Iowa Telo
phono company lineman, was instant
ly killed nnd Benjamin SIcklcr, his
helper, seriously injured by a live
A largo assemblage gathered at tho
Second Presbyterian church of St.
Louis to attend tho funeral of Ethan
Allen Hitchcock, former secretary of
tho interior.
Four young Italians nro under ar
rest at Erie, Pa., in connection with
tho nttempt to blackmail CharleB H.
Strong, president ot the Erie & Pitts
burg railroad.
A resumption or tho discussion or
tho committees on car demurrage and
or tho nntlonal association of railway
commissioners was begun at the ofilcea
of tho Interstate commerco commis
sion. Georgo E, Atwood, secretary of tho
Amorlcan association of commerco and
trade at Berlin, called on Secretary
of Stato Knox with n vl-ow of enlist
ing his Interests in n movement to
Improvo tho commercial relations be
tween Uio United States and Germany.
Secretary Meyer announced that he
had concluded to grant tho request ot
tho pooplo of tho stntes of Mississippi,
Loulslar.n, Arkansas and Tennessee to
allow tho battleship Mississippi to
proceed up tho Mississippi river ns
rnr ns Natchez on its trip to receive
tho presentation or the vessel's Bllvcr
servlco by tho pooplo or Mississippi.
Commander W. A. Gill has been
detached from duty nt tho Now York
navy yard and ordered to command
tho battleship Texas.
Treasury estimates ror tho fiscal
year beginning July 1, 1910, must bo
ready for submission to Secretary Mc
Veagh on May 1, next, six and n hair
months earlier than estimates for
former years.
Itepresentntivo Scott (Ka:i3aB),
chairman ot tho houso commlttco on
agriculture, has introduced a bill to
prohibit dealing in futures of wheat,
corn nnd other ngrlculturnl products.
Assistant Secretary of Stato Alvory
A. Adeo left Washington for Now
York whence ho sails for Harvo. Mr.
Adeo will spoud two months in Franco
and hns planned a bicycle tour of for-ty-elght
days whllo there.
Wndo H. Ellis wns called Into con
foronco by President Tnft to help
Mralghtcn out tho tnnglo which exists
in tho filling or a number or federal
olllces In Ohio.
Assistant SCCrotarv nf Mm Trnnc-t.
Coolidge, In spcnktng of custoniB in
regard to tho rovenuo nnd other treas
ury receipts and of expenditures this
year, said tho dally deficit is steadily
Rear Admiral Sakamota of tho
Japanese navy visited the naval acad
emy at Annapolis.
Samuol T. Stevenson, convicted ol
embezzling funds ot tho New Orloans
typographical union, was sentenced to
four yenrB in tho stato penitentiary.
Tho safo or tho Bank or Luclen,
Okla., wnB robbed and $1,000 in cur-
I'K a.n? not08 t0 tno amount of
$9,000 stolen.
Within nbout two weoks Assistant
Secrotary Bookman Winthrop, or tho
navy dopnrtment, expects to inspect
tho Nortolk navy yard.
Tho Bcnato commltto on rorolgn re
lations orderod a ravornblo report on
a new patent treaty between tho
United States and Germnny,
.11,1.1 1,
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Humboldt will hnvo its usual quota
or saloons for another year.
Tho business men of Bloomfield
havo orgnnlzed a commercial club.
Work ban been started clearing tho
grounds rocontly bought by tho gov
ernment nB n Bite for tho $70,1)00 post
ofllco building In Falrbury.
Tho Burlington bridge between
David City nnd ColumbUB burned. It
1b supposed tho fire was set by tho
passenger train that passed over tho
brldgo a short tlmo before.
Wllllnm Dean, n college man of Eau
Clnlre, Wis., is in tho hospital nt Lin
coln In a dangerous condition from a
self-inflicted wound. He was despond
ent from inability to obtain employ
ment. Ono mnn wna killed nnd another
dnngcrously Injured by being struck
by u Burlington train between Louis
ville and Cedar Creek. They wero
walking on tho right or way when tho
accident occurred.
Tho father of Rev. S. W. Nesblt, pa
stor or tho Congregational church nt
Elgin, this Btato, was killed in Now
York by falling In front of a subway
train. Ho was on his wny to visit his
son in Nebraska.
"Dr." Samuel Theure, who came to
Broken Bow a fow months ago, was
placed under arrest under a warrant
alleging thnt ho hud engaged in tho
prnctico or medicine without tho
proper license.
M. W. nurger has Inaugurated n
movement to orgnnlzo a farmers' ele
vator company at Crab Orchard in
Johnson county. Tho object is to buy
or build a farmers' elevator at that
Harry Martin or Grnnd Islnnd,
charged with II. Hyboo, with tho rob
bery or an old named Theller, plead
guilty In tho district court and wns
sentenced to five and a half years In
tho state penitentlnry.
The county assessor of Lancaster
county is this year determined to get
nil tho diamonds on tho aBsessmont
roll. Tax shirkers will havo to keep
their sparklers hid, thus being de
prived of "showing off" to good ad
vantage beforo tho public, ir thoy
do not want assessment flguren re
corded against them.
An enthusiastic meeting or farm
ers wns held In Wakefield to talk over
tho question of straightening tho Lo
gan. Thousand of ncres of Innd in
the Logan valloy are damaged yearly
by tho water ovcrllowlng nnd tho pro
ject or Btralghtenlng tho creek nnd
giving It a straight channel hns been
undor consideration for sonio tlmo.
As a preliminary to nn attempt to
got a fow more counties out of
quarantine Dr. Juckncs, stato veterif
narlan, nnd Dr. A. T. Peters of tho
stato fnrm will make n two weeks'
trip beginning Thursday through
western Nebraska to lecture to tho
stockmen on cnttle mango nnd
kindred diseases.
Josse lller, a section hand on the
Northwestern railroad, wns killed
,nuout two miles south of Blair. With
others of tho section crew ho was
stnnding nenr the track, waiting for n
freight train to pass, nnd whllo look
ing toward tho engine a enr door
swung out, striking him on tho hend,
crushing his skull and knocking ono
eye out of tho socket.
A man giving tho nnmo of Henry
M. Klino appeared nt tho Exchange
Nntlonal bank In Hastings nnd made
n dopostt or $05. Later he visited
several grocery stores, where he
mado small purchases and gave a
check for $5, receiving change. Then
In the afternoon ho wont to tho bank
and withdrew $10. Nothing has been
heard or him since.
W. E. Stonobnrger was brought to
Kearney from Gibson by tho -town
murshnl or that placo in a most
violent Btnto of Insanity. Stonobnrger
hnil some trouble with n neighbor
over hogs and hnd brooded over it
until ho went crazy. Threo men were
required to watch him In his cell, ns
ho insisted on throwing! himself
around In an endeavor to commit
suicide by breaking bis neck. Later
ho was tnkon to tho nsyhun nt Has
tings. A. L. Cnvlness, president of tho
Nebraska Stato Teachers' association,
In announcing details of tho next
meeting to bo hold in Lincoln No
vember 3, 4 nnd 5, nBserts tho list of
speakers will bo ono of tho strongest
over heard at a state teacherB' meet
ing. Among those of natlonnl reputa
tion who will bo present aro Booker
T. Washington of Tuskogeo, Ala.;
Principal G. B. Morrison, St. Louis;
H. T. Bailey, North Scltuall, Mass.,
and ox-Prosldont Eliot of Harvard uni
versity. In accordance with tho appropria
tion of $30,000 for tho payment of
back wolf bounty claims by tho legis
lature, tho clerks in tho auditor's
ofllco aro busy paying off tho old
claims. Tho first 500 aggregating ovor
$3,000, woro mailed out last week.
Irwin Wilds of Chnppell wnB thrown
under the cars by n bucking broncho.
Ono ot his hands was cut off nnd his
head badly mutilated, Ho will prob
ably die.
At tho town of Sterling, in Johnson
county, occurred a disastrous conflagra
tion nnd tho aggregate loss Is nbout
$20,000, partly covored by InBuranco.
Creamery Representatives Meet With
Governor and Food Commission
To Talk Over the Situation.
With tho npprovnl of tho governor,
Commissioners Clarke, Wlnnett nnd
Cowglll met with Governor Shnllen
berger to discuss ways nnd moans of
complying with the now law requiring
tho railway commission to value the
physical property or railroads, tel
ephone, telegraph and express com
panies. The appropriation or $40,000
Is available now. "The commission is
to do tho work with clerical help ap
pointed by the commission, with the
npprovnl or tho governor, nnd for the
purpose of outlining a plan of spend
ing tho money tho meeting wns held.
Little wns nccompllshed usido from an
agreement to hnvo the commission
confer with civil engineers with the
view to appointing ono Buch person,
with the approval of tho governor, to
mnnago tho work that is to bo done
under the direction of tho commis
sion, with tho npproval or tho gover
nor. Tho commission Is enthusiastic
over the outlook, nnd it 1b generally
tho governor, nnd it is generally
thought tho task can bo completed
within two years. Tho commission
will first conrer with Dwlght C. Mor
gan who did a Blmilar Job for tho
state of Minnesota. It is thought
best to employ ns chief engineer ono
who hns had experience iu muklng
physlcnl valuation of rnllroad proper
ty. Other civil engineers will bo con
sulted, Including nil uppllcnnts for the
position, with a view to ascertaining
what salaries will bo paid and how
many employes will bo needed. In
other states tho chief engineer has
been paid from $5,000 to $12,000 a
year. What tho commission will do
with the physlcnl valuation of rail
roads arter It gets the engineers'
reports has not been determined, but
it is argued that the figures may bo
or some use in making rnllroad rates,
though not a controlling factor by any
Dairies and Creameries.
Governor Shnllenberger, Food Com
missioner S. L. Mains and about fifty
representatives of the various cream
eries of tho Btato mot In representa
tive hall to discuss the legislation nf
fectlng tho dairies nnd creameries of
Nebraska. Governor Shnllenberger
made a short statement In which ho
told the crenmery men ho Ihib signed
a bill prohibiting tho rushing or tho
"can" arter 8 o'clock, but that hnd no
effect upon tho mlllocnns, which were
good tilings to rush nil tho tlmo. He
gave a short talk on the future of tho
dairy business of Nebraska. Food
Commissioner Mains informed tho
convention ho hnd ruled that under
tho law providing for tho registration
of can marks with the secretary of
Btato, it Is unlnwful for creameries to
loan their enns to tho farmers, but
that they must at all times be in pos
session of tho creameries or their
agents. Ho ruled also that all cans
imiBt be marked and one of them to
bo In the possession of other than nn
agent of tho creamery would bo a
violation of the law.
This ruling forces the farmers to
hnvo their own cans. Mr. Mains said
it was inspired by a desire to compel
tho cream to bo handed in a moro
Banltary mnnner.
Appropriates for Corn Display.
An appropriation of $1,000 hns been
made by the regents of tho University
of Nebraska for a display by tho uni
versity nt tho Nntlonal Corn exposi
tion at Omaha, December (5-18. This
exhibit will illustrate tho corn breed
ing work nnd will bo educational.
Lectures to Stockmen.
Dr. Juckncs, stnto veterinarian, and
Dr. A. T. Peters of tho stnto rami
havo gone on a two weeks' trip
through the western part of tho state,
to lecture to tho stockmen on cattle
diseases. It is hoped by tho veteri
narian to get a fow additional counties
out from under quarantine. '
Veterans Want Money.
Five veterans from tho Soldiers'
homo at Mil ford met tho governor
nnd urged him to hnsten the notion
of certain officials nt tho stnto houso
who aro delaying the payment of tho
money appropriated by tho legislature
for tho purpose of refunding to the
old soldiors tho money thnt wns taken
from them out of their pensions.
To Yukon Exposition.
Gov. Shallenborger, accompanied by
his full mllltnry staff, intends to visit
tho Alaska-Yukon exposition nt Seat
tle on Nebraska day, Aug. 17. This
announcement was made by Adjt.
Gen. Hartlgau. This will nlso enable
tho governor to bo present on Gov
ernors' day at tho irrigation cbngresa
convention at Spoknno, Nov. 4.
Reports Are Wanted.
Doputy Labor Commissioner Man
pin is sending out letters to 700 of
tho manufacturers or the stnto, that
number having railed tb send him the
Information collected yearly as to the
total value ot tho . manufactured
goods, tho capital invested, tho cost
of manufacturing, and tho wages paid
to men, women nnd boys. Tho ma
jority of tho larger manufacturers
hnvo sent the necessary information,
but ns there aro so ninny that havo
hung back Mr. Mnupln hns extended
the time to May 1,
A Dissenting Opinion from Member
of the Supreme Court.
J lid go W. B. Rose of tho nupretno
court has filed a dissenting opinion In
the case wherein John J. Ledwlth
brought a Bult for mnndnmus ngalnBt
tho state treasurer to compel him to
sign a warrant for $35 Tor services ho
rendered ns an instructor In tho uni
versity and to compel him to credit
tho university with the sum or $94G,
017.90. In his opinion, in which a majority
ot tho court concurred, Judge C. B.
Letton grunted a mandamus to compel
tho Btatc treasurer to countersign tho
warrant, but tho relief for tho credit
item was not granted. In tho same
opinion the court also held that tho
"proceeds of tho l-mill levy" meant
tho entire 1-mlll levy. It was hold
also thnt tho proceeds arising from
the Investment of the pcrmnnent uni
versity fund and tho fund donated by
tho'genoral regents without the legis
lature appropriating the same bienni
ally. In IiIb conclusion Judge Iotton
"Ah to tho details regarding tho
funds Involved we aro not fully ad
vised, but enough appears to Justify,
ub In requiring the respondent to coun
tersign tho warrant presented by the
Judge Rose takes exceptions to thla
statement on the part of Judge Letton.
He said:
"If there Is nn unexpended appro
priation out or which tho stato treas
urer may lawfully pay the warrant ror
$35, I am of tho opinion relntor should
bo required, ns a condition of relief, to
descrlbo It In definite nnd preclso,
terms, especially under a constltutlpn'
providing thnt "each legislature shall,
mnko appropriations ror the expenses
or tho government, until the expira
tion of the first fiscal quarter arter
tho adojurnment of the next regular
session," and that "no money shall bo
drawn from the treasury except In
pursuunco of a specific appropriation
mndo by law. When these provisions
of tho constitution nre respected, there
Is never nny mlstnko or uncertainty
about tho Identity of nny appropria
tion or tl)o amount of any unnexpend
ed balance In any fund In the stnto
New State Fair Building.
Tho board of managers of tho Ne
braska state fair met nt the stato
house nnd took nction toward the erec
tion of one-half of tho new stock coli
seum. This building is to bo similar
to tho stock coliseums in tho Minne
sota, Indiana nnd Kentucky fair
grounds, and Is to have a ring 120 by
270 feet. Around the ring will bo
placed tho seats, which will accom
modate over 4,000 people. Tho build
ing, when completed, will be 200 feet
wide by IioO feet long, and will bo
constructed of steel, brick, and con
crete. The complete cost will be $115,
000, but it is tho intention of the board
to only erect half or it for the pres
ent, and when a later appropriation
Is received to havo It completed. Tho
action of tho board regarding tho now
building will be referred to tho board
of public lnnds nnd buildings, ns thnt
board lias chargo of tho disbursement
of the npproprlntlon. As soon ns tho
board of public lands and 'buildings
gives Its npprovnl tho work on tho
new building will bo started, and it is
expected thnt this will bo In a short
time. It lo tho Intention to have It
completed, or nt least In such a stato
that It can bo used by next full at
fair time.
Hamilton Appeals Case.
Tho county of Hamilton hns ap
pealed an Interesting case to tho su
preme court, nftor having lost out
In Its own district court. Tho county
brought suit ngalnst Jasper B. Cun
ningham, county treasurer, for inter
est on county money deposited In
banks other than county depositories,
it wnB alleged that the dally balances
deposited in tlieso banks amounted to
$30,000 on tho average, and that tho
treasurer made no record of having
received any Interest on the deposits.
On the Governor's Staff.
Governor Shnllenberger sent a com
mission to tho general freight agent
of tho Burlington railroad west of tho
Missouri river, making him n colonel
on his staff. Tho nppolntmcnt Is to fill
tho vacancy mused by tho resignation
of Colonel Fanning, accepted by tho
Th& Saloon Closing Law.
Letters nro still coming to tho gov
ernor In bunches In regard to tho S
o'clock closing law, and boiiio of thorn
hnvo unique features. A lettor wns
received from a guard at tho Lincoln,
lnsano usylum. Tho guard stated that
during tho heat of tho oxcltomont ho
went Into tho dipsomaniac ward and,
took a straw voto among tho inmates.
By a voto of 2 to 1, thoy declared In,
favor of the governor's action.
J. F. Swain, Harrisburg, Neb., wroto
thnt before tho govornor had signed
the bill ho hnd bet with a friond, 2
cci'per cents, thnt tho governor would
sign It. After tho conta were paid toi
him ho had them mado Into a fob,
with a compass attached, and sent tho
fob to tho governor ns a memento of
the occasion.
Tho Fruit Outlook.
"Wo will havo an nhundanco of
fruit," ssnld ex-Congressman Pollard;
whllo hero on business from his homo
nt Nohawka. "If wo hnd ordered tho.
spring ourselves It could not hnvo
been better from tho standpoint of tho
fruit man, Tho cold weather hns kept,
tho apples back and it will be two
weeks at lonst oven with warm weath
er for thorn to bud out. By that time
tho cold wonthor will havo been
passed and there will be little danger.
I lmvo been told the peaches havo
been damaged, but ours are not."
Tension at Constantinople Still Very
Great, But Prospects Improv
ingTroops of Salonika
Advancing. '
Confirmation hns been received ot
the killing of two American mission
nrles at Adann. Tho murdered mis
slonnrles wero Mr, Rogers and Mr.
Mnuror. The others connected with
tho missions aro safe, including Mr
Christie, who Is nt Tarsus.
Three French warships aro hurry
ing to Merslna, whero tho situation
la desperate. Foreigners and many
Christians hnvo taken refuge in the
consulates. The local troops and the
governor are doing their best lo pro
tect the town, but there is great fear
that It cannot hold out much longer
ngalnst tho invasion or tho Moslems,
who nre swooning down in larco num
bers. Tho American vlco consul nt -SiS"
Merslna, John Dobbas, hns been un
able to proceed to Adana owing t?
tho interruption or communications.
A British warship Is proceeding to
Alexandra, which is threatened by tho
Moslems. Several Armenian farms In
that neighborhood havo been de
stroyed. Alarm Is felt at Kharput be
cause of serious depredations by the
Kurds in the surrounding villages, al
though the town itself has not l)cen
the scene or nny particular disorders.
Tho tension In Constantinople over
the situation still Is very great, al
though Sunday afternoon there seemed
to bo some prospects of n peaceful
situation. Tho people of the capital
nro more concerned with tho ndvaneo
of the Salonlku troop3 thnn they aro
with tho massacres that nro reported
fiom various quarters. Several of the
members if tho parliamentary depu
tation which proceeded Saturday night
to Tchatalje to reassuro the Salonika
troops, returned Sunday morning.
They report that the troops demand
tho safe conduct and present consti
tution of the Salonika deputies, who
fled from the capital, and the punish
ment of the ring lender of the rising
of Tuosday last, as an example, to
pi event the recurrence of such events
Poison In the Food.
Seven Dos Moines co-eds nnd seven
male students are in convulsions and
one of them may die following an
attack of mysterious poisoning after
dinner nt the Kninarndsrlc and Altru
rla clubs Sundny. Milk Is the one
nrtlcle of diet tnkon In common by
nil tho fifteen sufferers, but an ex
amination of the fluid by Stato Chem
ist W. S. Frlsblo and State Dairy Com
mlsslonor H. R. Wright failed to dis
close ptomaines or other injurious
bacteria. Thoso stricken suddenly
Miss Margaret Eathel, Minnie Baker,
Edith Anderson, Until Culvert, Dor
othy, Thin nnd Edith Johnson, Emory
Pease, Edward Hawkins, B. J. Pow
ers. E. E. Clayton, Elmer Carter, Fred
nnd Clarence Workman, the latter
captain of tho Des Moines baseball
and track team.
Powers fell in convulsions at the
door of his room and was stricken
blind. It wns feared nt first he
wjii hi die, but his condition is slightly
imrroed. Seven of tho victims aro
in a precarious condition.
CommlBslonor Wright said ho be
lieved tyro toxlcon poison In the milk
1st responsible for the nttack.
Has a New Marriage Law.
That thoy are physically and mor
ally fit to wed Is what prospective
brides and bridegrooms In tho Btato
of Washington will havo to show by
physicians' certificate and aflldavlt af
ter Juno 1 beforo any county audltot
can Issue marrlago licenses. The noy
law also provides that women must
bo of legal ago, fixed nt eighteen
yenrs, also that the parent cannot give
consent unless tho cirl la mmn thnn
fifteen yenrs of age. Tho penalty for v
giving falso Information or performing
such marrlago is n fine of not mor
than $1,000 or imprisonment In tho
stato penitentiary for not more than
threo years or both. It is also pro
vided that no woman more than forty
flvo yenrs or man or nny age
either of whom is a common drunk
ard, habitual drunkard, epileptic,
feeble-minded, Idiot or lnsano person
or formerly afflicted with pulmohary
tuberculosis or nny contagious dis
ease, shall intermarry or marry any
other persons within tho stato.
Fire at Helena, Ark.
Flro In tho business section of
Helena. Ark., caused a loss of $100,
000, with InBuranco estimated at be
tween $40,000 and $50,000.
Insanity Will Be Defense.
Insanity, not of tho momentary and
vnnlshlng character UBually Invoked ns
a dofenso ror emotional crimes, but
permanent and incurable will bo urged
it is stated, as a derenso In tho caBO
or Captain Peter C. Haines, Jr., whoso
trinl for tho murder of William F.
Annls or tho float or tho Baysldo
Yacht club,last August begins Monday
nt Flushing. L. I. There Is a possi
bility that tho trial may bo halted
pending tho nppolntmont or a commls
Bion or lunncy bororo which tho cap
tain will be taken for examination.
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