The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1909, Image 1

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:van fry --'jtt. rt-.
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tnto Historical Society
i hi wimt?mmm0mmQffpp-'
A NmNter That Hives Tke News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Far toe Hilar.
APRIL 22, 190J.
I. O. O. F. Homo at York Nobraska.
Tho abovo cut represents tbo now
0kl hollow's homo located in York,
Nobr. For miiiiy jciirs tho Nebraska
Odd Follows have been looking for
ward to tho time when thoy might
have a homo of their own for the less
fortunate ineinheis of their brotlii'i'
hood and tor the orphan of Odd Fel
lows, and this jcar their Inngings have of Gland Waic'on. By tlu mles
been brought to puss. '1 he situ si- . the ( lodgo Mr. Storov will
cuicd consists! i a (punter lection of
land adjacent to tliooityot York. The
actual cash price paid to thu nwncis
was twenty thousand dollar. 'I he
piopirly is ploiisiiiitlj situated and
Well improved.
This mouth marks the !K)lh aimher
sary of the foundation ot tho ordei.
On A pi 11 !, 1810 Thos. iklly and tlo
other.- organized the In-lcpeiide ut
Ordorof Odd Fellows andtlio nriaiaiy
Olijeot of thu instHutlou wastoaidand
succor tho-meinbersin times of need.
Tho Idea took hold upon thoughtful
people and the organization steadily
grew until for years it has had more
uit'inbois than any other fratoinal or
ganization in the whole world. Tho
one gi eat commendable feature of this
order is that it puts into practice t lie
tcuchlugs of helpfulness and aid to the
The first grand lodge in Nebraska
S was held In Nebraska City, April 27,
1858, Five lodges had boon instituted
in the territory prior to that date.
Tho Grand lodge report on the conUi
itfou of the order hn6 thlb to say:
Number of lodges 0.
Number of I Q i!!i.
Number of members 172.
Nubmcr of brothers relieved-. -
Notwithstanding tho pioneer life,
the civil war and the Indians the fra
ternity steadily grow in 'numbers and
usefulness. In 1880 there were H07(J
ruoniiiersiuood'Htuudiug in Ute'sinU;;
aud 81055.."3 had been .paid ifor relief
while the lodges owned 47,800.S9
worth of property.
Tho last report of tho Nebraska
Grand lodge iu 1008 for the .year end
ing .Ttino .'10th. 1908 showed 21,tiC8
members iu good Htaiidiugand $28,58.1.-7,-
paid in rollof of brothers, widows,
orphans uild other reliefs
lu 170 a of this fiatornity
w.iH.institiUed ill this'i-lty known as
lied Cloud lodge No. 01. This lodge
il iiirished for many years but owing
. a complication of causes surrend
ered Its dinner to tno lu-ium ioige.
Oil A pi 11 S!, lS'.tl. lien Adhein lodge
No 180 was organized in this city with
tho following charier members: U. V.
Hummel, A. Morhart, H. Skeen, M. V.
Hicker-on, II. C. Scott, 8. E. Coznd,
Chas. Potter, A. C. Hosinor, Chus.
Seh'iiTnit, A. O. llorg, (5. W. Dow, J.
A. Tulleysaud G..1. Warren. We be
lieve that L. M. Crabill was the first
new moinbor Initiated. The now lodge
weathered the drouths ami fiimuelul
depression but it condition was pre
carious for several years. In 1897 biff
Oliver Iiedgo was niado a member and
the otlleers felt that they should be
more proficient in tho mutter of initia
tion but little if anything was done.
Soon after lTred Turnuro madoj n trip
to California for the bonellt of his
hotlth. When he roturnod.ho fairly
bubbled over with enthusiasm for Odd
Fellowship owing to his uiagnitlclout
fcciliiii'iit by the members in Califor
nln. lie also described tho team work
tffin many of the lodges which ho had
' ' visited while away. Tho enthusiasm
wept-1"0 k''f t'k wlltl Jlru ""dlhoy
ct to work And they gained. As an
Kiunplo thoy ordered Plot) worth of
regalia, etc., whlt'h was puichuiod on
i0 days tliiui The total ainouut was
paid at the expiration of tho sixty
d.tjs out of Initiations' received during
tho period. Tho order in this city con
tinned to groiv and increase lu mem
bership and helpfulness. Uhe llttlo
band of 21 In 1807 now numbers 155 in
good standing. This lodgo owns the
brick building in which the lodgo mods
and has 812500 loaned out on first mort
gage real ostato.
At tho Inst i-ession of the Gland
lodgo Hod Cloud was honored by the
election of Paul ytoiey to the position
iSrand Mastci of the state two yeais
from uioie. Mr. btorey has been a
faithful member and a hitid worker ever
slnto his initiation and he believes in
keeping vei lusting! at the upbull-,
diugof the older.
Nor was this the only honor con
certed upon lied C.oud at the last
meeting of tho Guiiid lodgo. E II.
Nowliouso was c.trtid to it simlliar
position hi the (in ,.d Encampment
which is the lodgo hi Ucp higher in'
Odd Fellowship and inree ycais henco
Mr. Newhousowillgow-Hi the destinies
of the i rand Encainpn.. ut of Nebraska
Wo feel confident that tho Grand
bodies will h.ive'no cause to regrefthe
choice they have made iu electing our
fellow townsmen to tho highest posi
tions of honor and trust within their
The foundation upon which Odd
Fellowship rests is the injunction to
"relievo the distressed, visit the sick,
bury the dead, aud educate the
orphans,'" and these things tho order
unquestionably does. Hence tho homo
at York will aid them very materially
in carrying out their principles and
precepts iu this state.
To thoso who desire to aid in uplifts
lug humanity in a practical manner,
to, those who want to draw -closer the
bonds of brotherhood, to those who
wish to render real .service, to those;
whorecognise tho value of alT'orgM
izalion that will care for h'is loved ones
in time ofnoed when he shall have
passed into the great beyond, wo un
qualifiedly iccommend the institution
of Odd Fellowship to their thoughtful
consldeiutioii. Tho sooner ono is
identified with a fraternity which pos
sesses such a vast possibility for good
the longer will be his term of service,
and the greater his satisfaction In tho
knowledge that he ban had a share in
tho woik of milking this world blight
or and better.
Tills order has long passed the ex
perimental stage as Its usefulness has
been demonstrated scores of times for
many years passed. May its benign
inlluouce continue and may its oppor
tunities forgood she multiplier1 until
that time to wnioh hope lookb forward
with ardent joy when one law shall
bind nil nations, subjects and poople,
and that law shall be the law of uni
versal brotherhood.
111 ' i
sir ..
tr'Trie best light for ihb eye is light from ihc sun in its natural proportions.
Leading Oculists-adnUts, and rryost of them frankly say that "any material used for making eye glass and
v.iuv.,1; .u.s uiui ausoiuij any poruon oi natural light is injurious just lo the amount il absorbs
v The best mnterinl fnrWm rnrrnUmy n( nrmrc f (...i: . t... ,i" . i i mi . i ?.'
which will mos near v transmit
be that
The best material forhhc correction of errors of refraction must
- 1 i 1 . . . . i ' .
natural nctu in its oriPina nctecmn. u.
Yet the lenses in use today cut out the most essential clement, robbing the eye of 'lhat; particular portioW-'
.i t- l V : 't
of lichl the most slrcncrthcninc nnrl niilriiJnii!
The newly discovered Health-Ray Lens will transmit the valuable short waves orJ'lVcalth
scaler uiiiouni oi an outer ugnt man will any other lens subslancc. V.
Registered trade mark on-each and every Lens when delivered. Insist on it being', there
the genuine. '"
There's Only One Best-Thafs the Health-Ray, -'
, anda
you want '
w 'i.'i
Jewelers and Optometrists
Red Cloud, Nebr.
j-- , . -- -,--
Hobeit Jewoil is quite poorly again.
Mrs. Harry Vaughan lias beon quite
J. 1). Andrews or Lincoln was heie
the first of the weok tho guost of rela
tives. Archto Lambeit is tho proud posses
ser of two fine lots which lie recently
Friends here received woid that
Mrs. Joseph Garbor was seriously ill
at her homo lu Red Cloud.
Ild. Cady moved Tuesday to tho
Sides property, north of the Christian
church, vacated by Howard Wirt.
Howard" Wlrtunrt family moved into
their now house Monday. They havo
a very neat and convenient residence.
Edith I.oper who took carbolic aold
Thuisdiiy evening Is thought to bo a
little belter. Sho Is a young daughter
of Jacob Lojier and resides across tho
I Something To k$
n v , 'I'-i..i,..,,
5 Therujust call at ihetHOME GROCERY-Storc. .1 : ikf
-vAvJiKi,;.--r -S j L-L-'-'j't " " ' '" "ii
fj livery thing nice, clean and fresh and just what you want. T
jp4 M'
m We want your business and will make it $
worth your while to Call or Phone. $
'.f? . . at
Prices Right n Everything. jg
k Come in and Lets et acquainted, S
1 P. A. Wullbrandt
Fulton Grocer Company.
seejeefeeeeeeeeeecc &&
fk "11 ( 1 " 1
Albright Brothers.
t -
Agents tor Sealy Mattress and
Hoosier KitchenJCabinets.
1 1
Carry a complete 1 line of Furniture, Car
pets, Kugs, Lace Curtains, Picture r rames,
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and
MusicaJ Merchandise
Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers.
A Mr. Luwrtnco of Iowa is visitinif
ills relatives, Isaac Crow and family
hero. Ho and Mrs. Pearl Karner
called on their cousin Mrs. Hoover,
Mrs. JScott Asklns of HiistiuD-s is
hero visiting her mother, Mrs. 1).
Kailoy who has been ill but Is now
much bettor. Mr. and Mrs. Asldns
are moving from Hastings (to Nelson
whero Mr. Asklns will look after n
furiilturo storo owned bv his brother.
In-law, J, A, Shceley.
I hore was a largo attoiidanei. In
spito of tho disagreeable weuthcrSiin.
day at tho funeral of Ridus li Ciowell
which wasonductcd nt tho honsn ni
H o'clock by llov. (J. i0l,i. m
Crowell passed away Thursday oven-
Jug. He was accldeiitlv shot ,,.rii 1
Wife. sI.V ell i lit rim. ..n... ...1 1. .1
and a shter, his father uud mother
aro lerr to mourn liU ...u .1 1.
The entiio coiihimiiiIi.v ..-i.....i :, .'
t)jy ..WH1( OIIIHl-
Morton L Hill, of Lobanon, Ind.,
says: "My wife had Inflammatory
Rheumatism in every muscle and joint;
hor suiroring was terrible and horjbody
and faoo wore swollen almost beyond
iccogultloii;had beeninbedforsix weeks
and hud eight physicians, but received
no benefit until sho trlod.Dr. Detchou's
Relief for lllioumatlain. ltgavo her
immediate relief and she was able to
walk about lu three days. 1 am sure it
saved her life." Sold by Tho 11. K.
Orlro Drug Co , Red Cloud, Nobr.
Farm Loans.
There are reasons why I should make
you a farm Joan, I know (lint I havo
tho best rate, terms and option 011 tho
inarkit. I examine tho land myself
at 110 expense to you. 1 understand
and can inriect any error in your title
Money is ready the very day that title
is good,-. I II. Ilvluv, Red Cloud,
No alum, no lime phosphates
As every housekeeper can understand,
burnt alum and sulphuric acid the in
gredients of all alum and alum-phosphate
powders must carry, to the food acids .
injurious to health. '
Read the label. Avoid the alum powders
im r-