: . ju. ji -tuerfX ' " "- ' mmiiiill ,ii i .1. y. THI 4 NO NEED TO TAKE CHANCES There Is a Sure Way of Knowing Good Paint Material. V There Is really no need whatever for Viny property owner to tnko chances In. Ihe selection of his paint materials. It doesn't cost a cent to learn bow to be on the safe side. Certainly every property owner has enough at stako to And this out. A complete painting guide, known as llouseowner's Painting Outfit No. 49, can be linil free by writing National Lead Company, 1002 Trinity Building, New York. This company la the- largest maker of puro white lend In tho world. Its Dutch Doy Painter trademark Is famous as a guarantee of purity and quality. Tho outfit Includes n book of color schemes, for cither Interior or exterior painting, a book of specifica tions, and n simple little instrument, with directions for testing tho purity of paint matorinl3. ASKING SMALL FAVOR. tvm rcVv "Papa, mamma says that If you'ro too lazy to do anythlug elso, will you please sit near tho clothes closet and blow tho smoko in, so as to kill tho moths!" Little Barbara's Complaint. Four-year-old Barbara wont to church with her two Bisters and came home crying. "What Is the matter, dear?" inquired her mother. "Ho preached a whole s-sermon about M-Mary and Martha," sobbed Barbara, "and nover said o word about me." Lipplncott's. Harris' Great Good Humor. "No man ever maintained his llfo nt a higher level of perpetual good humor," writes James W. Leo of Joel Chandler Harris in tho .Century. "The day beforo ho died, when he was al ready beginning to pass Into the dark valley of death, one of his sons camo Into the room nnd inquired: 'How are you this morning, futhcr?' " 'Well,' responded Mr. Harris, 'I am about the extent of a tenth of a gnat's eyebrow better.' " Couldn't Convince the Judge. "I have heard of tho soul kiss and kisses of other kinds, but I never heard of a man biting his wife as an evidence 'of his affection for her," remarked Jus tice O'Neill of Baltimore, Md., wjien George Phoebus, aged 27, of East Bal timore street, endeavored to explain tho biting of his wife, for which of fense she had him arrested. Mrs. Phoebus said her husband deliberate ly bit her on tho cheek, and, though the pain was excruciating, ho said that It was a "love bite." Tho Justice fined lilm five dollars and gave him ten days in Jail. NOT A HERMIT OF ROMANCE. Man's Reasons for Living In Solitude, Though Excellent, Somewhat Sur prised Young Lady. The beautiful young lady stood at the mouth of tho cave In tho moun tain and addressed the ragged and long-haired hermit. "So you are a real, live hermit! I have never seen a real hermit before, although I havo read all about you many times. I suppose you had a very sad love affair In your youth nnd the loss of your beautiful sweetheart drovo you to this wlldorness to llvo nlone. Was she-so very beautiful? You havo tomato cans filled with mon ey hid in the ground, haven't yon?" "Not at all, riot at all." interrupted tho hermit. "I havo no monoy buried it Is all In four per cent government bonds. My first lovo affair waB alto gether too successful, and that's tho real reason I'm hero. You didn't hco a square-built, red-headed woman on the trail looking for a husband, did you? It's about time I movod again, anyhow, since so many people are coming here. 'Taln't safe to stay." Puck. SICK DOCTOR Proper Food Put Him Right. The food experience of a physician. In his own case when worn and weak from sickness nnd when needing nour ishmont tho worst way la valuable: "An attack of grip, so severe It camo near making an end of me, left my stomach In such condition I could not retain any ordinary food. I know of course that I must havo food nourish ment or I could never recover. "I began to take four tablospoonfuls or Grape-Nuts nnd cream three times a day and for 2 weeks this was almost my only food; it tasted so delicious that I enjoyed it immensely and my stomach handled it perfectly from tho first mouthful, ft wns so nourishing I was quickly built back to normal health and strength. "Grnpe-Nuts Is of great value as food to sustain llfo during serious at tacks In which tho stomach is so do ranged it cannot digest and nsslmllato other foods. "I1 am convinced that wore Grupo Nuts more widely used by physicians, It would save many lives that arc oth erwise lost from lack of nourishment. Absolutely tho most perfect food in the world. Trial or Grape-Nuts 10 days proves. "Thoro'B a Reason." I,ook In pkg. for tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to WollvlHo." V,vr rend the nlinie letter? A new line appear! from time to time. They lire Kt-nuluc, true, and full or buiiiuu Intercut. JHH HBnBliBBHnBS MftIltAI 1. - -V . ' A 1 44 UV SYNOPSIS. Mr. Solomon Pratt began roinlcul nar ration of story. IntioilucltiK well-to-do N'ntlinn Scudder of III town, ami Kduaid Van Uriint anil Martin lluitli'V, two rloli New Yorkers seeking ri"t. Vim Hi tint. It ivim learned, was tho successful miltor for tli hand of MIks Agnca Page, who Kave Hartley up. Advctitine nt Fourth of July ocleliiutlon at Hastulcli, llnrtluy rescued a loy. Known an "lleddy," from under n liorne's feet and the tlrrliln proved to be one of Allan I 'age's oliaigcs. whom alio had taken to the country for fin outing. Van Hriint rented an IkIuihI from Scudder and called It Ozonn IhIiiikI. In charge, of a company of New Voik poor children Miss Talfoid ami Miss Page visited Ozone Inland. lbirelui Sparrow, a country Blrl, was engaged as a cook and Van llrtint nnd Hartley paid a visit lo her father, who for ears had been olnlin lug consumption us an excuse for not working. Upon another Island visit hy Miss t'uge, Kttrelm diagnosed Hartley's case hi one of lovi' for Agnei. Hartley Invented a plan to make WaHhltiKton Sparrow work. In nutting the plan Into effect Hartley Incur wrath of Miss l'age. for whom the "hIcI man" sent. Agnes then appealed to Van llrtint. Spuriow to escape tint trentnient proclalined him self well and went to work. Stoiin-bonnd on Ozone Inland, Van Hriint and Hartley tired of tint "Natural l.lfe." Hartley suf fered a broken arm while hunting a pliy nli'lnn for "Heddy," supposed to be suffer ing from npnendlcltls. "lleddy's" ailment later proes to ue an ovcruose oi green apples. Kutcka told Akiich of llartlev'n beiolnm In behalf of the boy and Miss l'age decided to ask Hartley's forgive iiohk for denouncing lilm In tho cane of Mr. Bpnirow. Ozone Inlnnd whh made the sqene of the reconciliation between Hartley and Agnes. CHAPTER XIX. Continued. "When I was In God's settlement yesterday," ho went on, referring to his home town, I Judged, though I'd never heard aforo that It belonged in that neighborhood, "I met an old friend of Hartley's governor of his father, I mean. This friend bad been abroad for somo time and had Just returned. He spoko of Martin, nnd what a lino fellow ho was; to all of which 1 Bet my hnnd and seal, of course. Then he said that the wuy in which young Hnrtley had paid his fa ther's debts and saved tho family honor and credit was one of the big gest things ho knew of. I expressed surprise. Then ho was surprised to learn that I didn't know, being Mar tin's closest friend, and told me the rest. "It seemed that Hartley senior wns heavily Involved when he died. He had speculated and his affairs wero in horrible shapo. Martin didn't know of this until the old gentleman, on his death bed, sprung It on him. So then the plucky chnp started In to save tho name. Ho arranged with the credi tors this man who told mo tho story was one of them for time, and set to work. He worked nights and days and In his sleep, I guess. He had promised bis dad, for his mother's sake, not to tell u soul, and he didn't. Every creditor wns pledged to secrecy. Even his own mother didn't know It to tho day of, her death. But ho paid dollar for dollar and broke down when it was over. That's why he was will ing to Join with me in this bunt of ours after the Natural Life. Agnes' cutting him made him reckless, I suppose. And when he was on his feet again finan cially ho lost Interest In tho whole game." "And now that he's well and husky," I says, "her mistake about his doings with tho old man Sparrow set him going at it again. I suppose his dig ging in tho hardest and keeping it quiet on account of his promise was what made her call him a money grabber. I might havo known 'twas something Hko that." "So might 1," he says, "If I wnsnl such a careless, happy-go-lucky Idiot. You see I always thought, that the 'merconary' business was only a cloak for the real reason of their broaklng off. She only took up with mo because our peoplo wanted her to. I've been sure of that for a good while. But why Martin didn't come to mo whon he was In trouble, Instead of going It alone like a bull-headed chump, Is ' Ho stopped and went to thinking. I looked at him and I guess there wns a question In my face, for he answered It without my sayJng a word. "Certainly I shull toll hor," says ho. "When is the noxt train to Eastwlch?" Ho went to the school that after noon, and stayed at tho Bay View house over there that night. Next day, aforo I left tho Island, Hartley comes rowing over with Scudder. Ho was feeling chipper as could be and, except for his arm In a sling, you wouldn't havo known there was any thing tho matter .with him. About eleven or so that forenoon Eureka conies running out to the hen yard where I was. Her face was on tho broad grin. "Thoy'ro coming," says she. "Tho wholo of 'em!" "Who?" "Why, Miss Agnes nnd Miss Talford. Nate Scudder Is rowing 'em and Mr. Van Brunt 1b along, too." And so thoy wns. I could sec the I, dory half way across already. "Hooray!" I Blngs out. "Lot's te.ll Hnrtley." "Don't you dnro toll lilm," sho or ders. "Ho's In tho house. You lot him stuy there. It's your Job to meet that boat and koop tho rest of 'oin out of tho way." I was nt tho beach when the dory landed. Miss Talfoid and Van got out first. Then comes Agues Page. Sho stopped up to mo and held out her baud. vJBy Joseph C. Lincoln Atrnoo of "Capn Cm "PAfUNrAS oflhc Tide" COPYPtOttr SOT A & BarnH eat CotfWtf it it it Illustrations at T.D.Mcimll -3ca "Good morning, Mr. Pintt," sho says. "I'm very glad to heu you." "Same here, nnv'tiui, I'm sure," says I. "How's Kedny?" "Who? Dennis? Oh, ho's almost well. We left Juntos In chnrgo of tho children. Are you all well bote? Is " "Yes, ma'nm. Ho's doing llrst-ratc. You'll find him In the dining room." She reddened up like a climbing rose-bush In June, but she left mo and headed for tho bouse. Tho minute she stepped her foot on thu porch, that wise critter Eureka dodged out of the kitchen door. She knew hor IiubIucsb, that girl did, and whether It had come to her by Instinct or from Homo Com forter reading don't make nn atom of difference. About 20 minutes after that I hap pened to have an errand In the kitch en. I made a dickens of n racket on purpose when 1 went In, but 'twas good work wnstod. Hartley and the Page girl was standing by tho parlor window looking out, nnd didn't appear to hear a sound. They'd left the doors open and I could see 'em. Martin hadn't only one whole arm, but ho seemed to know what to do with that Van Brunt come Into tho kitchen after n drink of water. Ho seo the tableau In the parlor. When wo wns outside again ho spoko. "Well," ho says, with a kind of sigh, "that settles It. And yet, by George! I'm glad. Yes, sir; It's as It should bo and I'm thoroughly glad of It." I couldn't think of nothing to com fort him, poor feller. But 1 squeezed bis hnnd hard. 1 guess be knew what I lAi lm in- m n 7i n CwtA S) Martin Hadn't Only One Whole Arm, But That. I thought of him nnd his self-sacrifice. And yet, a couple of hours later, when I told Eureka, she didn't seem to think so much of It. "Humph!" she says. "Self-sacrlflc-Ing's nil right, hut you look here." Sho took me by the arm and led me to the woodshed window. Down by tho cove on the beach was Van Brunt and Margaret .Halford, walking up and down together. Thoy was both laughing nnd acting perfectly con tented. Eureka gave me a nudge and a wink. "I told you I had my IdeaB about him," says sho. Tho Fresh Air girls went back to Eastwlch that afternoon. When they had gone Van turns to mo. "And now, skipper," Bays he, slap ping his hands together brisk; "now thon for packing up, and back, back to little old Now York. 'Oh, Uncle John! Isn't It nice on Broadway?' or words to that effect." Thoy was all going together; tho Heavenly Twins and Iord James and tho Fresh Air girls and all their tribe. Hedny's sickness and tho worry that It brought had made Agnes and Miss Talford anxious for tho city, where doctors was plenty and green apples scarce. And the Twins was pining for what Van called "tho Intoxicating de generacy of on effete (whatovor that Is) civilization." Wo packed up, That Is to say, mo nnd Eureka packed up, while tho Heavcnlles Btiperlntonded nnd enjoyed themselves. Scudder'a fuco, when ho henrd that his private gold mines was going to leave, was a sight to seo. But, after a couple of lengthy Interviews with tho Twins, he seemed to feol hot ter. "I shall miss 'em terrible," ho says to me. "But this wot Id's n valley of dry bones, anyhow, ain't It, Pratt?" "Valley of dry bone3" and "fleelns to the ark of safety" was his pot wotds when ho testified In prayer-mooting. "I guess so," 1 says. "Still I wouldn't kick If 1 had our knack of getting double pi lee per pound for tho hones. You've mniuigcil to foitlllzo with 'out pretty well, Nate." Ho fetched u sigh. "They're such nice obliging fellers," he says. "And such good hands nt business. Never no beating down nor Joekelng for i trade. I always feel perfectly safo In dealing with 'em." 1 cal'lnte that statement wu'n't ex aggerated. Most likely u slunk feels the same way about dealing with a school of porglos. Nate hud ngiood to take bark the hens and the pig, usnn uoooinmodu- tlon. He was to pay tltroo dollars for the hog nnd the fowls was hove Into scales for good moasuie. Theio was n lease of tho Island, too, that had to bo canceled. Them simple-minded Tea Leaders bud, In the first fever of Naturalness, sinned a lease on Horse foot Bar lo run till November. Now that their pulse wits normal again they wanted lo bieak that lease, and tho job wns considerably more painful nnd expensive than breaking Hartley's arm had been. Hut Nate lot Vin btoak, though 1 thought he'd lit oak them afoie ho got through. Htm nnd Enrol a and mo bad a good many talks nliout the Twins when wo was alone together. Tho last of these talks we had on the afternoon of thu day afoie tho giund Until ouilgtntlon. Lord Janies was over on an errand nnd he was In tho kitchen with us. Euicka begun the talk. "I ain't quite made up my mind whether tboy'ie really ota.y or not," she says, referring to the Heavcnlles. "They don't act much more loony than some of the earls nnd such In books. Anil yet they must be some out of their minds or they wouldn't do such fool things. Once they was all for living poor and Natural. Now they're all the other wuy. Switching 'round like that is a sure sign of weak ness In the top Btorles." "Most city folks act to mo somo crazy," says I. "And perhaps theso two, being tho tonlest kind, Is crnzier than othets. Maybe tho higher up you go the loonier they get. 1 read In a Knew What to paper once about how some rich big bug glva a swell dinner to a pet monkey. The Twins nre Solomons alongside of him. And, anyhow, they're mighty nice young fellers. Money muy have got to their heads, but their hearts Is In the right place." " 'Taln't n question of hearts," says Scudder. "Way 1 flgger it out the Almighty sends 'em down here on purpose. We poor folks alongshore don't havo much chnnco to earn nn honest living, and mi tho Lord takeB pity on tts and makes men like theso two get cracked and hanker to llvo In tho sand and spend money. You put your trust In the Higher Power. He evens matters up In tho long run." His lordship broke In then; and my! but bo was top-lofty and scornful. "Crazy yourselves!" ho sniffs. "My "eavens, I've done some traveling in my time, with Iml 'Enry and tho rest; I've been all over. And never In my llfo 'avo I seen such a Gawd-forsaken country as this, or such a bloom ing lot of ignorant 'nyseeds as Is 'ere. W'y, you don't know 'ow to llvo at nil and yet you'ro proud of it. You 'aven't no' conveniences, and you eat with your knives, and you've no manners. Lord'elp you, I any! You're nil crazy together, and don't know 'ow to act In good Hoclcty. Mr. Van Brunt and Mr. 'Artley Is gentlemen, and what you call their crazlnoss Is nothing but tho eccentricities of gentlemen. And If you think they're eccentric! W'y compared to somo I've worked for, like Lord 'Enry" 'Twaa high time to stop him. "But they're so ciazy loose with their money," says 1. Ho was hotter than ever. "Do you suppose," ho asks sarcastic, "that a real gentleman 'iib time to 'agglo over a fow dirty pennies?" Nobody said any moro for a spell. Then Eureka unys, Hko she'd boon thlnklug: He "I cal'luto," says she, "that It's nil In (ho way you've been rained. Maybe I'd net Just ns queer and looney If 1 went to tho city; that Is, It I hadn't posted myself up by reading. I'll lend ou the Comforters with 'False but Fair' In 'out, Mr. Pratt, some time." Next day wo all met nt the East wlch depot. Agnes Page and Miss Tal ford nnd the Fresh Air ttlbo, Including lledney, who wns chipper and gay ho cause ho was going bnck to Now York. Tho Heavenly Twins was there. So, was me and Eureka to see 'em off. Wo spent 15 minutes or mote In say ing good-byes. 1 felt teal bad and so did everybody else, 1 guess. Hattley and Agues couldn't say enough to me about my stilling tluough that galu for 'em tu tho Doia llassolt. Tho poor old sloop was still tied up to tho Wapatomao whutf. Baker had been looking out for hor and I wns going over that afternoon myself. Agnes said sho and Hartley would surely come back next Hummer. I must wtlto and so would they. Eureka's brothers ami sinters was to havo monoy to help along their schooling, and Washy Sparrow would keep wheeling locks, or. If he didn't Squlio Poundlierry would nttond lo him. "Pn wanted a holiday on account of your loav'.ig, Miss Pago," says Eu tokn. "Hut I told him 'twould bo a bigger celebration If he kept on to wotk." Scudder wu'n't nt tho depot. He was too busy moving the duds off of Ozono Island to got away. But ho'tl sent a package by Eureka. 'Twits n present for Van Brunt; somuthlng to tomember hint by, ho said. Van opoifl-d It. Then thoro was a general "haw haw." 'Twas that worked worsted motto, "What Is Homo With out a Mother?" "James," says Van, bubbling over with lahghter, "this Is your property. 1 couldn't depilve you of It." Ills lordship was disgusted. "1 wouldn't 'nve tho blooming thing In tho 'oiiho; with nil respect to you, sir," says lie. Agues said sho'd take It. It would bo u splendid souvenir. "Scudder's a kind-hearted chap," says Van. "Ho means well." That was too much for me. I took n piece of paper out of my pocket. Twas a llttlo hill I'd made out tho night afore. "Here," I says; "Just run your cyo over this, will you?" Vnn took It. It read so: , "Thu Natural l.lfe, Dr.. to Nnthan Seudrler, Natine'H Nobleman, UoiikIi Dia mond, and the like of that. 10 loadn or (lilt, lit $3.(i0 a lo'id. That's $13.00 11 heiin nnd 1 roonter at 30 ioiiIh a lb. Thut'H 12.C0 and the lienn anil looHlcr, 1 Iiok sold for $!.0U when lin was llttlo and thin, and boilKbt back for JXOO when ho was IiIk and fat. Thill's 8.00 and the ling. liiOxiuartH of Hklni-inlll; (lie kept the cream and made It Into butter to veil nn) at Do a quart. That'n 14.40 About b0 Hhn, of butter (made out of our cream) nt So. n lb. That'n 12.S0 VcKetablen and truck (mostly from the store). That's Komewheien nluh 10.00 HcddltiK anil furniture and kitchen HtiUT. Thill's about 75.00 and all the Mil IT buck aKalii. Leane of Ozone Horsefoot Is land for 3 months tit, f-V) u month (a cent moro tlinti $4.00 u year lit Ilka robbing your Kraudmariii). That's,.. 150.00 For canceling Hie leuno wliluh wns to nm till November. Thnt's 40.00 About M) days, altogether, of secret kecpliiK at $f.00 u clay ($3.00 from K. V. II. nnd $5 00 from M. H.). Call it. Hny 4R0.O0 Total (It ain't iiIkIi nil) WM And 12 liens and one Iiok and nil tho furniture and land Known what elsu tumldes." "And that don't count In half of tho Ozono cost," I says; "lot alono what you fellers paid for hiring his bouse nnd Huldy Ann nnd all." Hurtloy looked over his churn's shoulder. "Humph!" sayB ho. "I wouldn't won der If I could add an item to that. What did 'you pay for thoso shore-birds you gpt when you went gunning with Scudder, Vnn?" Van blushed up some, but ho an swered prompt. "Well," he says, "to tell tho truth, Scuddor sold 'em to me for five dol lars." "Yes?" sayti Martin, laughing. "I thought so. I paid him six for mlno." "There's no uso talking," I put In; "there may bo somo good things about living tho Natural Life, but" "But," Interrupted Martin, "tho financial profits nppear to lie In Scud der's plan; that Is, to have the 'good things' live It for you." Tho train whistled up tho road. Van loaned over and tnpped mo on tho shirt front. "Skipper," says ho, "I won't proph esy concerning noxt summer. Suf ficient unto tho dny, otcotera. And I won't nnswer for Martin. But for mo, nnd for this winter, If unyhody nskB, you tell 'em I've gono back to Now York to llvo tho most compound, double duplex llfo to bo found from Harlem to tho Battery. That's what!" Bays Edward Van Brunt. THE END. Curious Old English Cuatom. At Hornchtirch, In Essex, England, the lessee of tho tithes belonging to Now college, Oxford, formerly sup plied nt Christmas day a boar's head, dressed und garnished with bay leaves. In tho afternoon It was car ried in procession to tho mill field, ad joining tho churchyard, whore It was wrestled for, and afterward eaten by tho rustle conquornr und his fi lends. Thoro nre many accounts of old char ities qulto as singular as tho anclont tenures, to which they arc closely allied. WISE TO NIAGARA. Qf"9 Teacher Johnny, can you toll mo tho most remarkable thing about Ni agara Fnlls? Johnny Ycsmim: tho price they poak you for everything without going lo Jn.ll. A CURE FOR FITS. The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries. The inteiiM' interest that has nccn mani fested throughout the cotiutiy by the won derful elites that ntu lichlg itccntuplinhcd daily by cpilcplicide nt ill continue. It is really Niuiiiislng the vast, number of peo ple who liitvo nlienily been cut oil of tits and netvniMic. In order that everybody may have a chnnco to test the medicine, lut no trial bnttlcn, Valuable litivature, llin toiy of Epilepsy and tentinioninls, will fcnl bv mail nlisolutelv free to all wli. write to the Dr. May Libomtory, 01U Pcnrl Sticet, New Yoik Cit. Caught on the Rebound. Tho old man was lecturing his moro or loss wnywnrd son on the evils of getting up lute In tho morning. "Remember," ho snld, "that It wan tho early bird that caught the worm." "BuJL how about the worm, dad?" queried tho youth, who thought ho had bis slro up In tho nlr, "Where did hla reward for getting up early como in?" "1 am Informed," replied tho obi man, gravely, "that the worm was on his way homo hadn't been In bod at nil." And thoro being nothing moro to y, tho young man said nothing. He Came Back Hard. "That boy," said tho Blllvlllo farmer, "beats my time! Just now, whon I quoted Scripture to htm ho camo back at mo hard!" "You don't any?" "Shore. I told him to git a boo an follor tho furrow. 'Thar's gold In tho land,' I Bald, and what do you reckon ho mado answor?" "You tell It." " 'Fnthor,' bo BayB, 'I don't keor fer tho gold o' this hero world; I'vo lnld up treasuro In heavonl'" Atlanta Constitution. There ti morn Cntnrrh In tnli wttlon nt the country than all other UIw&m-s put toxcthrr. unit until the lut tew years wan auppuwsl to be kicuraliln. tor a great many )rara doctor pronouural It a local dlaeaas suit prmcrlbisl local remedies, nnd by conttantly lalllnc Science has proven Catarrh to bo a ronatltutlonal dkf ciw. and thereforo require eonttltiitloual treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I'. J. Cheney A Co . Toli-do. Ohio, Is tho only Constitutional cure on the market. It is laKea iniemany in noses irom 10 droits to a teaspoontul. It aria directly on the blood and mucous surface! ot the system. 'I hey otter on hundred dollars lor any rami It tails to cure. Send lor circulars and tratlninnlAls. Address: F. J. CIII'.NUY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggist. Itc. Take Halls family l'UU lor constipation. Took an Antidote. Porclvnl camo running to Ills grand ma ono dny asking for a drink of wa ter. "Quick, quick, grandma," ho Bald, "glvo me a drink of water, quick!" After ho got his drink ho Bald: "The reason that I was In such a hurry, 1 thought I swallowed a worm whllo eat ing nn apple and. I wanted to drown It." Delineator. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTOHIA a safe and sure remedy for infanta, and children, and see that It Tlnnra Ihrt Slgnaturb otZVtf In Uso For Over HO Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought For Strength of Character. Strength of character consists ot two things power of will, and power of Bolf-reBtralnt. it requires two things, therefore, for its existence strong feelings nnd strong command over them. Frederick W. Robortson. A Domestic Bye Itemrdi- Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Imw. Wtns Frlonds Wherever Used. Abk: DriiR gists for Murlno Eyo Iteniedy. Try Mu rlno In Your Eyes. You Will I.llco Murine. The Only Audience. "Does anybody lead real poetry now adays?" t "I presume the publishers glnnco at It beforo sending It back." Pettlt's Eye Salve for 25c relieves tired, overwotked eyes, stops ey nclicH, congested, itillained or Hoieeyes. All druggists or Howard Uro.i., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho early cucumber isn't mado a Masorl at sight, but it's thoro when it comes to giving tho grip. Lewis' Single Binder straight Co cigar made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoriu, III. Faith would havo nn easy tlmo of It If doubt didn't camp on its trail. Mrs. Woilorr'a Soothing Myron. For children teetblmr, aoftens ths Rums, reduces by rumination, allajs pain, cures wind cullu. 23c a buttlo. Tho man who is full, usually carries a pocket which Is empty. kfifi 'Guaranj 1 vt !;' u 1 - $ l', IN .i'l Tl !r :l if H ' II ;: t 1 1 i . i if feVG if J J ? I : , o tu i h , 7l v. jggjg!Taf' ''31''1jigywiLWi;.ji;jjj 2mrW?WE