The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1909, Image 5
It 'ft.-. 1 K mmi i smmtmcrfrtf-ttp It If. L0CA1ETTES See "HI PlunkauV I)r, T. il. Honifoiil is homo fiom Lin coln. .Mrs. .John Slttufcwr Is qii!t stck this week. Bert Pelt of Superior was In town Sunday. A. P. Bly whs down from McGook Sunday. Mr. Jim Chatiey is on Uio sick list tills Week. Kd Payne was down fiomt'athprton Mondiiy Jack Waller wan down from CqwUs Monday. Brim your eggs and got cailt. J. O, Caldwell. Mac Fulton was down from Bivorlon Saturday. Mrs. Nels Bunt Is roporlcd sick this weuk. (J.VV. Argabright was in Guide Bock Wednesday. .Hut Laslcy and family have moved to Holdroge. Miss Kay ifurd was down front Chiv ies Monday. John Wilson was down from Cather ton Monday. .Seo "Si lMunkayd" and his Thresh ing Machine. Mrn. H. D. Morlt. is Visiting in Lin coin this week. Miss Vera Wilson of Lincoln Is hero visiting friends. Hoy Hutchison canto home from Lincoln Monday. Hilly Upright was down from HoP, drego Wednosdny. Mrs. Hoy Palmer was down from Tnavale Saturday. Bert Morhart has been cpilto sick for the past week. Chaf Hauiicr was visiting his purents at Oxford Sunday. Freddie Sluby has "boon having the measles this week. Miss Margaret MeCuteheon was in Superior Saturday. Loyd Bradbrook was up from Wood rull', Ivans. Sunday. Mrs. Cuminings was down from Blverton Saturday. Mrs. Uhas. Potter visited the last of the week in Seward. Senator Besso and wife returned from Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Kd Amack is quito slek this week with the measles. Krcd Temple ofKansas City is visit inn in tho city this week. Buy ti ton of coal and get a novelty dust pan.-.l. O. Caldwell. Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Charles CnihiU is in Lincoln this week visiting relatives. Misses Ada and Bose SchultK are' home from Concordia. Ivans. Koii Six room iiouse, . lots Inquire at Newhoiisc's store. tf Mrs. UalphHuntcrniid Miss Kraneis Is'eshit were down from Tnavale Sat urday. LrmU M S-i JIn all the newest brightest Col ors. Styles and shapes. xfrds Oxbloods Tans, Green, Black. jOur Spring suits are in and the lines full of beautiful Patterns. IAny range from $10 to $30 prices, has enough patterns to select from and we are just as particular as to fit in the $10 suit as the 50- Glad to PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER II M 11111111111111111 II !! Ill HIHHIII Mis Anna Fulton if home from Franklin visiting hir fat h pi-. I apt. Xeh'ooiiover tune down fr m Oxford Wednesday morning. .Mr.! Hartwell and daughter wero down from l'tmvale Wednesday Ml'H. Thomas and daughlet liable were down from Cowlos Tuesday. Mrs FIlikcltblnder'sHlider-ln-law of Oinwha in here vlilllng llila week. Mr. and Mts. Doe WoIIh were down from Cow lei the flist of the wetk. Mrs. "Win. Pope and children re turned to Denver Tuesday evening. Will West returned to Xaponeo Wed nesday after tailing relatives here. Ml as Bliztt Wright is visiting her mother, Mm. Fred Willwcriltls wek. Bruoo Bcekwllh came homo from Lincoln Saturday jtlghl for a vacation. . Lew Fi-hlde was hero from Getter a the lust of tho week visiting tolulhoa. 1. 11. Holme In able to bo onl.aflor being confined several weeks with the grippe. Mis. Nowbtiry arrived hero from Texas tho last of the week to vjsll relatives. lMt. Sherwood jMbrighlMvetil to Slttuiford,"Nob. .Tiursilhy""for"iiivlll with relative. Mr. and Mrs. Bogurt departed , this morning for Sheridan. Wyoming to spend the summer. ' For Sali: One Utter ofScolch col lie pups delivered at lied Cloud. Thou. Polhmus, Guide Hock. Art Walt has resigned his position with the Argus and has leliirned to his home at DeWltt, Neb. Dr. Wintorson physician and Mir gcou;,nlIlcu. and residenro phone satno as Di. Uulnes. Potior block. Beguhir meeting of tho Fraternal Aid Association Thursday evening. A good attendanco is desired. Misses Mary Damerell and Helen Overman are expected homo Saturday from Lincoln for n short vacation. TltOiUoynl Neighbors meet Friday evening, l Every menibor is requested to be-present there is work to do. Tubler wells, wind mills, pipe fitting and repairings. Call on T. CllEVAMr.u, Campbell, Nebr. Wrilo or phono. P. K. Dill of Franklin was in tho city Wednesday. Ho is traveling for Overing Bros. & Co.. of this city. Boy. Dickey who has just completed a tour around tho world with the At lantic battle ship lleet is homo on a llfteon day furrough with his parents I huvo just received a fresh lot of garden scedsnt my feod t-toro, bof oro buying conto and look them over A. C. llt:.U)siiAW Buskin's old stand. J. A.Hart has sold his saloon to Billy Upright of Holdrego and ho will lake possession of the sanio about the fourth of May. .In connections with his Law business, 13. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan Department. Parties desiring a farm loan will find it to their advantage to see him Wanti:d Bellable, onergectic man to sell lubricating oils, greases and paints in Webster and adjacent count ies. Salary or Commission. Sti:tson Oil Co . Cleveland, Ohio f r I show em. I vjumiumii m immimwm mmmmm a? ww'ii. 'iiWHii iim'"iwiii'iii "i; j 'i1 '"iii h ii m II I Spring M lli III imniuiix.... Biu-m Bell .cr of Lincoln wa In this eity FrhlHy. At 11 mrpting of the ball asocial ion Fiidny evening he wt elected captain and miuniKt-r of the ball team for this season. Mrs. N. Simpson departed Sunday morning for Beatrice. Ni-b. for m vMt with her daughter and fiom there she os to Porn, Neb for an uxlrud-d visit with relatives and friends. The ladles of the Chrlstan church will hnte their Busier market, Satur day April 10th at Oeo.ilohiisoiraafore. They will have dressed chickens, eakei, doughnuts, bread mid other goodies. The school board elected MlssSchu tnneher of Kearney as teacher of Ger man In the position which Mrs. Snylor now 11 IN. The new teacher spcaka dloinailc German and comes high y recommended. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel MoCoid was buried Tuesday afternoon. The service whs conducted by Uov. A. A. ( ro-sman. Tho bereaved parents hate the sympiithy of their ft lends and neighbors. Easter Baxustr! Bold at Hunter's hall Iiinvlac. Neb., by tho ladles of tlio.ChrlstiRii ehurcli Ajull 10. Fancy work, shirt walst, sunbonnets, aprons etc. Supper from fl:3() to 10. By Order of Committee. Cny says: "Whin ji young moll is sparkln' it gurl in the frunt. pnarlor, whl a box ir choeolatos at hand, that is capital, lAl wliin he has to git nop iv a could marnitt' and build tho folic t hot's labor." Western Publisher. Tho' well known Warner's corsets on sale at Geo. Johnson's store wheic vou can have latest stylo suit, skirt or j icket nnido up in tho very latest stylo of patterns so neat. lJcmeiiibor alprgoods are shrunk before being made. Tho exhibition season of tho Lincoln base ball club promises to bo tho best this year in tho history of the club. Some of the more Important games aro as follows: April 8th, Chicago White Sox; April i)th ami loth, Minne apolis; April lfllh and '.'Oth, Omaha; April ','.'lrd and 2Jth, Nebraska Indians. Mr. 13. K. Miner and S. B. Floreiico were pleasant, callers this weelc. They expect to open their new bank for business about tho first of May. Tho new bank will be organized in con formity with tho new bank guarantee law and all depositors will be amply protected. ! ,Yo bespeak for the new bank a liberal patronage as all tho olllcers aro pleasant, reliable and oblig ing. Mr. Geo Mulleins was in our sanc torum this week and informed us' that so) far jis ho Knew ho held the record this year in the hog Industry. Five Duroc Jersoy sows presonted him with 7(5 pigs from the Burgos stock. And what makes it all the inororomaikable hogs.nro away up in price. Mr. Mat kins is one of the most progressive fanners in the vicinity of Inavalo and ho knows his business. Baster services at. thu Congregation al church Sunday morning. The mem bers of Cyrenc Cominuudcry of Knight Templars will attend in a body. Spec ial music by tho choir. Services at 10: 15. All who will furnish plants or llowers for decoration aro requested to phono and consult the pastor. In the evening the pastor will preach on "Tho Inlluenco of money-unbelief audj infidelity upon character". This will bo prefaced by u short sermon to children on "Buster and its Lessons." Considerable excitement w.ts caused Sunday morning by the report that a man had beon shot south cast of the city. It seems that B. B. Crowoll Who resides oi tho ike Hampton farm was out hunting with his brother1. In some strange manner tho gun which his brother carried was accidently discharged and tho load entered his breast. He recoived a terrible wound. Dr. Damerell was summoned and re poits that Mr. Ciowoll law an excell ent chaiico for recovery. Up to tho hour of going to press Mr. Crowell is still improving though he is in a criti cal condition. 'Hi PUinkurd" a four net, comedy dramawhlch Mr. .1. C. Lewis is star ring In is a story of good, plain country folks whose home is all but broken up by a vlBinnous man of the world "SI Pluiikurd" is tho kind of a play that appeals to all classes, a good rural drama Is always enjoyable and we seldom tiro of seolng thorn especially when tho pictures arc drawn truo to lifers "SI Flunknrd" Is. You will have the opportunity to witness this most interesting play next Tuesday the Kith at tho Opera llottso. Kemem bor tho date and don't fail to sec tho funny slreot parade by tho famous Country Band. INI'IAMM M'OUV Blli:U.MATIHM Cl'IIKI) I.V :t Days. Morton L IBB, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory BheUniutisin in every inuselo and joint; her suffering was torrlblo and her body ami face were swollen almost beyond rccognltloujhad beeiilnbedforslx weeks and had eight phvsIeiniiK, hut received no benefit until she tried Dr. Dctohon's Belief for Bhoumntbm. It gave her immediate relief and she wiik able to walk about In three days. I am sure It .saved' hoi' life." Sold by Tho II, B. Grlce Drug Co., Bed Cloud, Nebr. S. J, CUNNINGHAM nmuai Successor to l)r.J. S. nuiail At the old stand ever the Stale Bank. t?honc OS Mr. and Mrs .Mm MeBride were down from I'owles lo-dHy. Clco. irhtchiaou Informs us Unit Judge Diingan has adjourned tho dis trict court rroui April !Wli to May 17th on account of sickness in the judge's family Tho judgo in Argabi ight's contest an nounce the following winners of juIkos for INts of words. 1st prliw Mr. F. L. Smith wm correct words, '.nd prise Mr. Barry Cramer - 100 correct words ami nrd prlr Mrs. W. P. Fulton-IM correct words. All olhor who compet ed will he. awarded a piece of shuet music "Conservatory Kdltion." ThatiUingyoiiHll for tho interest shown In tho contest, I am very truly yours G. V. Argabrlght. .1. C. Lewis In his own ver.-don of tho ttftw "Si Pltmknrd" which comes to the Opi-ra House Tuesday tho l3lh like "The old Homestead" mid "Sag Har bor" appeal to the general public tastes. It deals naturally with life iin it is among the .stin-klscd hills of Pennsylvania, where the scenes aro laid. There mo no Hap-trap or urtl (leal elements in tho play. It is a mlr tor of human nature that is graph ically pictured. Being u rural drama of course, there are esdling incidents villlany and pathetic scenes, but they aro relieved by wholesome comedy, so tho play possesses light and shadow in various forms. Tho company is a large and competent one and (here will bcjplenty of specialties to please all tastes. Bcineniber the date, band and orchestra. The following epistle was picked tip on the strectyestorday, says tho North Platte Telegram. The owner can have the same bycalllng at this olllce: "Dearest, my lovo for you istit longer than colleo or the hick of a cow. When I think of you, my heart Hops up and down like my inothe'rs churn dasher and visions of doubt creep over my soul until I feel like an old cheese hoard inndo full of holes by skippers. Sensations of exquisite joy go through me like young goatsovera stable roof. I feel as though 1 could lift myself with my boot strus to tho height of. a chureh steeple. As a gosling swiinmcth in a mud puddle, so do l swim in a sea ' ol'dclighifuluess when you arc near me. Mv heart oscihites like a shaker in u fanning mill, and my eye stand open like a cdlar door in u country town. If my love is not reciprocated 1 will pine away like it poisoned bed bug, and you will eatch cold over my grave." Harlan County Banger Nctlccof Dissolution The llrm of Drs. Thomas and Cun ningham Dentists is dissolved. Dr Cunningham suucccdi'ig Dr. Eiulgh will bo found at that place. -Dr. B. A . Thomas. Farm Loans There aie reasons why 1 should make you a farm loan. I know that 1 have the bchl)ratc, terms and option on the marktt. L examine tho land myself nt no expense to you. I understand and can correct any error in your title. Money is icady the very day that title is good. .1. II. Bmi.i.y, Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Spencer David Aiulrus. Spencer David Andrus died at his home In this county April 1. 11)00 at tho ago of 7(5 years 0 mo. 35 days. The deceased was born in North Bvaus, Brio Co N. V Oct. 10, UK. Ho was married in 1857 to Miss Mary J. Ames. Two children wero born to this union . Ono died In Infancy and the other is Ella J. Kent who is still living. Mr. Andrus united with the M. B. church when he was '.V. yrs. of ago and was n momher in good and regular standing of tho M. B. church of this city at the tlmoof his death. Funeral services wero held In the Ash Creek church conducted by his pastor. Hov. Hum mel a life long friend of the deceased and family assisted In the ceremonies. Interment was made In tho local cemetery. Letter List. List of lottors remaining uiicallod for at postofflco at Bed Cloud, Nob. for tho wook ending Apr. ri, 1000 W. P. Anderson, Annie Burr, S. h. Clark, C. K.Dolsbury, B. G. Hall, Lydla Jensen, Ledlo Lovosfort, OcuMlcheard and B. M. Montague. These will be sont to the dead lottor otllce April, '."J, lOO'.i, If uncalled for boioro. Whoti calling for nbovo ploiuo say"advortlsed." T. C. Hackeii, Postmaster Wo say without hesitation that De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills nte uitequtilod for woak kidneys, backache inflammation of tho bladder and all urinary disordors. They aro antlsoptlo and act promptly In all casos of weak back backoche, rheumatism and rheu matic pains Accept no substitute. Wo stdl and recommend them All Druggists. gBWM.umMJ'tjmfl ? BP A T fWq HP ifife, vfkawrME i $ 'V1CN though you do tun self the injustice lo our handsome .Suits Mwd Aa sJy m m Mb p.ts, Top Coats and Kastcr Garments so full of Spring freshness and liaster bloom you'll certain ly want a new outfit of Tog gery for Knster! Easter Htxiu WVvc slifr ami soft Hals or the new Spring shapes. They mo tho Hats that loud- coinltlgas they do from the hands of the most noted Hatters. Conserva tive shapes for consecutive Men, or smart lluls-lritu and natty-for Swell young Fellows. Hats from $f .50 or 2 SO to $3 00 or $5.00 Eo.stcr H rb crdashery Tho swellest things in Neckwear. 25c lo 50c. The newest, pallet n. in Shirts, from Makers who know, fiQc lo $2-50. Splendid I'nderwoar, 50c to 32.00. Choleo Spring Hosiery, n to 50c. Toggery of all sorts from Malt crs. who make things that aro "better and different." We're at your service it you 11 but make note of the fact, you II see that the good things always come from this store. l owden-Koley GBothini Co. d Always Reliable First Door Norlh of Postofficc VtAAW V-A-NVs A Speciai m Rugs I For 10 days. ) ? tfak i waul1 IniAActc 1 ? and buy biow, 1 WEAKE f B ''Jrtr 1 Ei'Miiiin tMJf fiiaiifiMHn' P moom ri nr,i: A tnSSSaWGKEMKHSK; . Cb.vvNvNN'v'" IS IT ft J1EW JSSZiSSf A New Buggy Qr Farm Maciiincry We have them all. Remember, our stock of Har ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery is Complete at all times. .::::::.-:::: Wi: pay Spkciai. attention to Supplying Bullder'a Hardware at tho Lowest Prices, 13 kst goods. Wn arealso in .position to do Plumbing work, and all Kinds of Pipe Cutting and Fitting. ::::::: 1 CALL AND GE us f Wc will hn vs in n Line of AUTOMOBILES Soon. i Hed Gload HaPdaiape ? WM WO f.FIT. WM WO LFE, I CAUSES DEBILITY Here Arc Facts Backed Up By n Stroni Guarantee. Debility is caused by catarrh, fn our opinion, a person free from catarrh was never troubled with debility. De bility can never be cured by inodiclno not designed to euro catarrh. We positively guarantee to cure catarrh, and thus euro debility. In every case where wo fall to effect a cure, wo will not charge a cent for tho medicine employed during the trial. Now, surely no one should liOkttato to be lieve us or lo put our ehilui to a prac tical test under suh ei'.dltioiis. Ww take all the n-1.,, no mv ile can loe anything by thu transaction. We nnike these statements and this offer because wo lctiow and have time and again proved that Bexall Much Tone will euro catarrh. It isdoslgnod for that one particular purpose. It Is not a cure-all prescribed to cure every s s raawnrttBuw w inw TIw I tiur of KutKftli Clua co for Kaster Outfitting, and S I I TWP- PWnMFCi r s STOVE, OR - S s & Implement Co Sonrnf ew Secretary. disease that llesh is heir to. It is u ispeclllc. Hcxall Mucn-Tono ifl ab sorbed in the stomach and carried by tho blood until it pcuctrateH every part of tho body, acting as an antl soptlc, disinfecting, cleansing,, sooth ing and healing agent. It rids tho sys tout of all germ and poisonous matter, purifies and enriches the blood, re builds injured tissues, cleanses and in vigorates tho miico-cclls, neutralizes the aohls of the body, stops mucus dis charge, (ones up the on tiro system, j promotes nutrition, inciva-cs body ' weight. 'iiiul tilings about a feeling at heulthfitiiiL's that is lasting, 1 We have Buxnll .Mucu-Tono in two .size Prices "iUe nud 81. Wo urco you to try a bottle on our gttarantco. Sold by tho II. B. tirlco Drug Co., Bed Oloud, Nob. Subscribe Ifor the Chief, the only democratic paper In Webster CoHgty. 3 i4 f.' 'I i n , l '1 ' i tiki ru ., r '! TH '. U "M I -l m f i i iVi 'I k "waiwwiiMWiwWigs vnimvmmiiri!rf