I -J r- ri i a t i WASHINGTON LtlTEtt. Onlcr To Sluw Cause. Democrats and lepubllciius alike stniu m Noliraskn, ! i.TiicCouity Court were uuiigmcu wii.ii tn 'k'" Ar a County Court liol.t nt the. County JTCSiueut, iiui,iiii(i at inu uiiuhi-ji" court room In una forpalil county Tin-winy of its roudlnif. which tool: hardly five muk-h mtli N. i.. low. is mo mutter or tun i-unio oi .kih" i.. Ml I'llll, IIU'l'llMlt. ourcntlliitfnml lllln tliu n llilon ot HiikIi Mi-Cull prnylUK Hint Hit? murium nl MvA mi tho Wtli ilny of Mfticli. lUJUnml pnrpttritiiit to Ik- Hit) liiHt V III nml Teatniiient of tin- Mil.l ili i-cnecit unit lipinnc-il,iiliproMl, prolisitul. nlloHid mill ri'i-onltd im tliu Iwit Will nml Tt-Htniiirnt ol tin- milil Afiu I!. Mi Call ill chimmI, ami Mint llic execution of tin- Instru ment limy lit-i-oiiinilttcil, mid tin' iidinliiMnv tlon of wild entitle limy Ik- Knotted to flic p II tloiirr. Iluli Mc-Cull, im Kxciiitor. OiiiiKHici. that 'luoitlny tin! '.Ktlt dnj "f April A. P., 1M01) nt one n'llwl; p. in., Is umIriichI forluurliiK mlit pcllllou. when nil pot-unit Intcrunteil In i!1 nmtfi-r uiti np pvtir nl a (ouniy Court lo lie lnll In nml fr wil Cciiuity hikI Hliowc-ixtiHPwliy tin- prayer or petition Hhoulit not liu atrnntnl; nml tltnt untie not tliu ii-iiiliiiiry ot anM petition nml tliuliuiuliigllicniof lic ijhrii to nil pirmjiis Iiitinwloil In NiM mutter, by piihllnliltut iv copy of tlili cinliir In Hn Itccl Cloml (liltf, n wcoWy iiewppnix r pilnli il In wil'l county, for three miectmiitve week prior to snM il.iy of lu-nrliiK. I. V. riiMis. County .Imti. mlnuto, the democrats in the house joined hi tho loud titul prolonged tip plnuso. Just twolvo years ago Prcsl dent McKtttloy sf pt to Congress ii nies saga three tlluc-ft us long when he called Congros3 hi extra Mission .on March ir, l8l)T, to pa'os n new tnrlfl' hill. T Itj estimated thnt. Untie will he Ilfty-sk car loads of government ex hibits taken to Seattle for Iho Alitsktt Vukon.l'deilk' exhibition, iiicltulhiu tho mint nml life-saving service outfit, uml the work of loading these oshlhits has nlrwmly begun. Tlie olllclal of the Treasury department, in charge of tho Bjllpmont, Mild yesterday that lie ex pected to have all Oni government ex hibit In place by iho lime the exhibit ion opuim, .(tints Uf noxt. Thb ilomoeiatie mt'mbqrof the fntl committee on wnya utul iiirmm nimle uvory' olTotl, during thu heatings which prm'Mlecl I lie ilelilieiatlons of tho ivpiihliciu 'niunbii, to biing to light every important Hie roui (liny the artlelefl nuineil in ill- tnrilT which nrc ptoduectl in the $3iitb, though tl.o .Southern atnie- are not teprc-Kenlod on the Mubeoniinhtiu ivhluh fraiiiiyl the taritr bill. In fuel I he hei'iulni,' of pro tection for tliu linhifctiics in the .south land formed one of tho features of the ItcariiiR?, and sugar, peanuts, lumber, miea. clays, rice, Se.i Island eolloii, houthi-rn fruits, i re nil siibjeeth for Inteii'hlini; dlseusi-lon ami all seek pro tout ion at the hands of tho kovoiji ineiit. The buic-ati cil lhigaviiifr mid I'riut-in- is iinusiuilly active theso days and eolor is givcii to the. hoiluf that the now tat ill' bill will eontaln clauses re eiiiu'tini; the stamp taxes, levied dur iutf tho Spaiilsli-Auietiean war period, by tho fact that nijiehhu-s are belnjy illstHlled for the printing of htuups, and the ehtlru piiiitlug fone is worl:-liigoViit-llniV. .Mlfilousol uliinipn for futuio b.ilohave li'eeli piii.ted within the last ten lii,s. and I lit belief ob tains that the bureau ollleijils liavo tv velved an intimation fiotn theTieisury clepartineiit that the tusk to produce adhesive Mi.inps for u-e on proprietary medicines, pi iltuueiy, ehevvinir kui'u, on th'-eli-i, notes and other ecunnieieial p.iper, U fall on Ilia Iniicaii. In view .r i lu- f,ict that the War Dc paitui'int is blmply deluged with ap plication for hiHilslniii's lor graves of HOlvller.s. tli- cpiartf ruiitster gene'nl of tho army lia-. nimle ici (-iVnit to obtain from tho e iiiuiisbiiiAi i,r iKMistnim in- foium lo i u. to the ilealh inle ol civil win iioldiei.s and nthe S hn--o graves are ell ifle 1 le lnaikeJ a, govt in nie.it. vjn.p . in iiiany instaiiei's, of "fie, thu It a '-loiie fuiiiishei) by ttio g'ovfnmif it me never spplleil f- r, but some iika ol the cb'iuirml.s upon clepartineiit urns U obtained frnin the fact that there are destined to bo hoinewhcre in the near neighborhood of '3,oOO rppllc.it Ions for headstones during tho present fiscal you-, about 7,000 more than cm bo purchased out of thofuudsavailablo for Mich purpose. In view of the inoi easing demands for hoiiil.stouos, about 7."i,000 will be re quired to meet them during the noxt Usual year, Tetitative platis for the two new battleships authorized by thu lastCon. Bro-s have been completed and the de pnrtpicut is making every eHort to complete the plans and specifications with lli least possible delay, thatcon tracts may bo placed within tho next t'ureo months, it is believed that if bids mo called for soon enough there will b-i sharp competition, with better prices, as there is gieat slackness of work in the piivate shipyards at pres ent, llids will be called not only for the two battleships, but also for tho live totpedo destroyers anil tho collier, MitliorlKcil by the new law. Wyoming utul At kausas have been selected for tho names of tho two battleships, anil this leave.-, only two states, Nevada and Oklahoma, for which battleships or Hruioted cruisers have not boon named. Uopiesentutlves Chump Clark, tho minority leader, has made his long looked tor speech on tho Payno tarilf bill and sotiio piiri.sof his arraignment unilf l he P.opublleans Muilrm. Ilo point- d oiu that except for a few coin mo.lltes which Irivebien nit on the M-!. jlot Foir My iiooks BUT FOR YOURS! A l-lvMMM Qrimsley, The pain ter, Paper hanger and Decorator will do your work reasonable, and my work is Right. See mo before loolilng Elsewhere. Yours Pur lliz. F. Q. Qrimsley Cilice with llcndeison, The Second I!nn! man Oh) Dow. ISiiiidlug. PAT B MPMaao- ,W 'il5 Itright bay shire stallion, C yiais old, 111 lunula hlt.li, weight IftOI', well built, splendid action, and a good foal getter. Tr.KM.s: $0. This lioise will ntand for tho season of 10W nt Asher's barn, Red Cloud. Ho is In first olnss condition. Disposing of mares or ic moving without permission forfeits in surance money and same becomes due tit oiico. Cure talc on to prevent ac cidents but will not bo responsible should any occur. W. S. lWiiKiis. Pineulos arc for baekaoho, and bring quick relief to lumbago rhcuinntism, latlgue and till other syintoms of Kid ney diseases. Thoy are a tonic to tho entire svstein and build up strength and health, l'lico .V)o anil ?1. Sold by lieniy Conk. l am down in tho mouth," said tho pancake, as Jounle. took a l)ig bile. Men who spend all they make often don't make till they spend. The best known pllls'iauil the best pills made aro DuWitfs Mttlo Early Risers. Thoy aro small, oisy to take, genflo and certain, and uro sold by All Druggists. A thin put-no makes a person feol tlat. We would like to prove to overy suf ferer of Kidner dlscusos tlmt Pinoulcs will bring prompt relief. Itnckncho rhcuinntism, lumbngo, fntiguo and im puro blood aro merely symptoms of Kldnoy disorders. The 31 slzo con tains 'Jj tiinos as much ns the fiou size Sold by llonry Cook. Ilo who pursues two rabbits will Miccood in catching neither. i Sirt. 1 ii flu ill in iimtLtit'irlii, nml re list the lats were one and a half , bllloiisues, are reltoved by King liittlo perVoiit higher In tho I'a.viie bill thtiu Mver I'llls. They cleans-o the system. Price 25c. Sold by in the Dlngloy bill, lie urged that !" ot Kiipe. tho tax on tea be iviuow-il, asMM-ling ' ' '' ' that it s a tax on "tho poor tiiiiuV, bet tlio inarid men take heait. A breiiUfHst i,ubl" and one which many Ueorgl.i woman of intellect has ills could ill aliord to pay, while there hud 'oveied that "husbands are. human bsun noincieaso whatover of tho tjix'belngf." on ieor which oould easily stand ani Hoes l.axatlvo Coinrh Svnm Is in. additional GO cents a barrel, which ht'u,t ,,ullcr for, coughs, colds, croup, M (ml I ! j ' I i M' Z 'n '. JlATtt I MMMMM mwMA K 3 u, Sold only in Moisture Vroof 'Packages 4t. Ow- i.v . Imp , js . , t $ ,& M$em$l-i i z; jit r? . i -' r ,mt't'fy jjt, mc . ,ihijy .T;ira-T'riv.,cijr-. '&$ I V M A I I yV r'i A !V I The National prestige of Osieeda BiscuEt is baked in, The moment you take a biscuit from the package, &s soon as yon. taste it, the reason becomes apparent wLy s-; rm-uw hun dred millions of packages oi Ucda Blsscswst have been bought by. the Aint Ljn people,. i NATIONAL BISCU! v- v i x a- t. i f j 'i t. : Vi'l MY iJ .' It. r"u a riT n v.i nra rydwtmtirxrxju rwrvrvn 'V.! MiMMncnamuurrlfx. ... ulnv rLMtMJ'AUrrrnw'Mmmtmmtyf .aw m- -"- - - . .. . ' W "'-'TlfTWWT-IHJf1Mi r -w mm 4ir-.-rt aiLTx r. n5'"-.c "W fTWJ---tftf MrrV ilbMmm-rr.M - rifTACVMiM mrvmw 72&sZ Zp' tt. rT"i M 1 I ' l. U - - - m, iucb K- 1 - at 1 -4: TB"T.A I F""'" i.8 rjil; ; 84I p l a l .91 t llki.i.. ' ' I f5r,2'4ffl",;f"' 'T A Y? HPN XWW L W ffiK IP WT WH iE FJ IT IS NtT A SAVING POUCY to go without insurance. Tho risk assumed Is too great for the small premium you keep in your pocket. Figure out how many .tours yon would hao to be free from tiny (tro in ordr to mve .the value of your house and contents. Then consider tlmt you may lmv a tiio this very night. The cost of aveii a little blaze will be more than the pre mium of KIKE INSURANCE FOK YEA US Hot tor have me Issue you u policy to-day. It's a whole lot. butter to be sure than sorry, iisinauyan tin insui cd man hns boon. r r Red Cloud, Ncbr. r II will give away this coming fall A QUANTITY of Fine art Calendars YOU can be SURE of getting one of them by complying with the following conditions: ,CUT OUT the coupon below and ma 1 it to me with all the blanks properly filled in, On re Jce pt of same 1 will enter your name on my "Calendar Register" AND as soon as the Calen dars are received'they will be given to those whose names appear upon the "CALENDAR REGISTER." If you wish one of these calendars which will be in everv way representative of the High Grade Character of My Goods, it will be necessary to return the coupon atbrice" "This Offer May Not Appear Again So Cut Out The Coupon And Mail it To-day. All, blanks must be Filled in to receive Consideration, AND MUST reach my Ofihce on or Before Thursday, APRIL 15th. It costs you nothing but a. postage stamp or a call at my studio, to insure your getting one of these Fine Calendars. er (Coupon to be filled out IN FULL.) c2 Swift's . . Premium Hams and Bacon was n luxury which no uiuu needed and ni'iuy wcro bettor oft" without. He showed the subterfugo by which the Standard Oil Company is protected, petroleum being placed on tho free list tiutu (inferential prat iilcd for Ju tho easo of any other country placing an WllOOnlllg COllirh. It is COlltlv lnvnllvn nnd drives tlto cold from the system clearing tho head and throat. Pleas ant to taito. iiooa tor hoarsonoss and till bronchial trouble, tlnarantood be cause wo know wliat it will do. U3c, &0o and $1. Sold by Henry Cook. .Many a man has paid a awver S.I X.. FWW.t..J ......v. IWI.III.IJ IJIUUIIIK till I , ol.. , . v oxport tax on oil Milch rosultt lu sav- lUul 9, for Poorer advieo than his ingilio &tundar I Company from 11M wire would willingly hnvo given him tmtpotUlou. 11U speech was vigor- for nothing. Gjily npplauded by tho Democrats Imt -- r - the Uopubllcans loolced very much un- - . hnppy as ho protvoiJed. (Pinesalve ACTS UBE A routTICE Carbolized fokus or shim disease YETS?! of sm If : Wm. OT Koon JrSf Fresh r S Meats WM Red Cloud, rVflJ Nebraska J0$j& Namk P. O A ddiiiS mile north ;', It. F. I) I live..., , ! miles cast , ' miles south, , ..Have you a piano? Have you.an orgau? Are you thluhing of buying A Piano? or organ'.' How sooiiV .... Give name', and OCfJrftsrS of two friends now owning pianos or organs, state which,..., ..miles west w ..(Igor...., ...., it ' ..,,... ......v.. ... .ft.,....M,( GlVC names aw! PtMrrSSCS of twti or more friends whom you think might buy u piano or organ stato which, , My supply of calendars did not "go 'round" last year, so I take this method of given you an opportunity of making SURE of one this fall. My order for calendars- will be placed oon and I GUARANTEE every one whose name is on my "CALENDAR REGISTER "' ONLY ONE FROM H FAMILY MAY REGISTER. MAUL THE COUPON TODAY "LEST Y0T FORGET." Q. V. ARGABRIGHT POTTER BLOCK-UPSTAIRS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA 'FACTORY AGENT for STANDARD PIANOS. i V ' 1'iimw-rml A m - !- Jtc -- it- -, .W54 . VA St ytNV