The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1909, Image 6

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iThe Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Information Gathered From All Quar
ters of the Civilized World nnd
Prepared for the Perusal
'i , of the Busy Man.
Forelfln. '
Tho Columbian government lias
presented to tho assembly a project
to hold popular elections for ti na
L'on:il convention July 20 next.
Caelro Mnttn.
The report that Prince Kltcl Fred
trick Jb to visit membcra of tho Vnn
derbllt fntnlly nt Newport this summer
was olllclnlly denied.
Henry White, tho American nmbns
Bi.uor nt Paris, gave a dinner in honor
of Archbishop Ireland.
A harmless pistol duel was fought
nt Lisbon between Minister of rinnnco
Manuel d'ICsprcguIra and Deputy
Krnest Blcknoll of Chicago, national
llrector of tho American lied Cross
Koclcty, has returned to Homo from n
(threo weoks' sojourn In tho earth
quake district of southern Italy.
Sir Thomas Upton' Is at present
yachting In Grecian waters. Ills Bee
notary said there woro no develop
aicnta In tho matter of n posslblo
challenge- for tho American cup.
Earthqunko Hhocks woro expe
rienced in Catalonia, Spain.
Tho Most Itov. W. II . O'Conncll,
jnrchblshop of Boston, visited tho Vati
can. , Emperor NlhcolnB has conferred tho
order of tho grnnd cross of Alexander
Novaky upon President Diaz.
Prince Michael Hllkoff, a member
of tho Russian council of tho empire
nnd formerly minister of communica
tions, died suddenly.
It Ib reported that twelve hundred
jnrrest8 have been made at Jallalabad,
Afghanistan, in connection with the
plot recontly discovered to murder the'
Emperor William received Joso do
'.Tcsub Paul, tho Venezuelan commls
Blonor to Eurdpe, in audience. Tho
emperor conferred upon him tho
crown order or tho first calss.
' Mucli loss of life and soveral dis
asters to Japancso Boiling craft ns a
result of a typhoon near Shlnomosokl
are reported.
Two Porto Hlcan commissions aro
now on their way to Washington to
submit to the United States govern
ment tho reason for tho deadlock of
tho Porto Rlcan legislature, tho extra
ordinary session of which came to an
end a day or two ago without passing
the budget.
Reports thut serious complications
threaten with Salvador or any other
Central American states aro without
foundation. Thcro haB been no dec
laration of war. Tho International
situation does not causo alarm.
Nicaragua internally 1b at peace.
An extra dividend of 10 per cent, In
nddltion to tho regular quarterly dlvl
lend of 25 per cent, was declared by
tho directors of tho Tonopah Mining
! Independent pig iron manufacturers
Ihuvo adopted and will send to con
gress n formal protest against tho
free ndmisslon of Iron oro and reduc
tion of iron und steel scrap duty from
iJ4 to GO cents.
' A special cablo to the Chicago Daily
News from Toklo says that China
wishes to refer tho Manchurlan dim
cnltlcs to Tho Hague, but that tho
Japnneso authorities aro disinclined
to concent to tho proposal.
Tho Erlo Railroad compnny issued
n statement that tho company had
taken no action relative to aeceptanco
or non-ncceptnnco of tho conditions
imposed by tho public service commls
slon in connection with tho proposed
Erie bond issue.
Engagements of gold coin for ship
ment to London aggregating $2,750,000,
wero made nt Now York.
. A disastrous llro at Boydton, Vn
, destroyed tho business center of tho
town, entailing a loss of over $75,000.
J. S. Stnpp, a noted philanthropist,
died at Columbia, Ky. Ho endowed
several colleges and built many
Flro destroyed tho Winchester tan
nery, tho largest industrial establish
ment In Winchester, N. II. Tho loss
on buildings nnd stock is estlmnted
at ?1 50,000.
Edward Morris wns ncqultted by
direction of the court nt Rapid City,
H. D of killing David Jennings at
Washita about thrco months ago.
Morris arrived homo unexpectedly and
found Jennings and Mrs. Morris to
gether. Ho shot and killed Jennings
and Mrs. Morris was slightly wounded.
Tho Blxty-flrst joint ballot of tho
t Illinois legislature for United Stntos
l senator resulted In no election. Sen
fiior Hopkins received 74 votes.
Tho second trial of Mra. Moses
JKnuffrann, charged with tho murder
(f Agnes Polrels, her servant, will
Vein at Flandreau, S. D., Juno I.
William Riley, ono of n band of
1 smugglers, whoso boat was wrecked
on tho Buffalo breakwater in Novem
ber last, when six Chinamen drowned,
pleaded guilty to smuggling Chinamen
into the country and wiib Bontcnced to
one year and ono day In tho Erlo
i county, New York, penitentiary, tho
maximum penalty.
Former Vlco-Presldcnt Charles W.
Fairbanks, Mrs. Fairbanks and their
daughter left for Pasadcnn, Calif., to
spend novoral months.
The boy's domltory, dining room
nnd music hall at Ashbury college,
Kentucky, wero destroyed by llro
whllo tho two hundred students woro
at breakfast. Loss, JGO.OOO
A bill following tho Oregon law of
Btlectlng a United States senator was
Introduced in tho Illinois house.
Fourteen Pennsylvania railroad com
pany employes have been subpoenaed
to appear at Buffalo, March 2!), In tho
federal court In connection with tho
Standard Oil rebating enscu.
Robbers broke Into tho bank nt
Dlrds, 111., and took about a thousand
dollars In cash,
A sovero storm caused damago at
Port Doposlt, Ala.
Tho University of Illinois defeated
tho University of Chicago, at water
Ending nt noon Friday tho Cunnrd
liner Muratanla set up a now record
of 009 knots for a day's run eastward.
A patrolman at Pueblo, Cool., was
shot and killed by burglars.
Tho three now Rcout cruisers of tho
United States, tho Salem, Binning
ham, and Chester, started on tho llrst
of their series of englno cfllclency
Arguments on demurcrfl will beheld
In tho United Stntos court at Musko
gee In tho government land suits
brought to clear tho titles to Indian
Arthollus Christian, a nogrd, who In
Dotctourt county, Virginia, on Febru
ary 18, criminally assaulted nnd then
stabbed to death a young white girl,
was electrocuted In tho pcnltontlnfy.
Police Commissioner BIngthnm has
asked the board of aldermen for a Bpo
clal appropriation of $100,000 for a
secrecy investigation to continue tho
work on which Lieutenant Joseph
Pertoslni was engaged In Italy.
President Tnft accepted an Invita
tion to attend tho Mecklenburg, cole
brntlon nt Charlotte, N. C, May 20.
The president received from Senator
"Rill" Warner of Missouri a beauti
fully engrossed certificate of member
ship in "Rill Club No. 1 of tho World,"
a chartered body, with headquarters
at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Tho cer
tificate wbb signed by "UIU" Fowler,
president, und "Bill" Hyser, secretary.
"Bill" Bryan, It was announced, also
was to bo a member of tho uniquo
Tho census bureau nnnnounced that
tho amount of cotton stocks on hand
in the United States at tho closo of
February was G,252,CC3 bales. Tho
indicated consumption of cotton is 2,
521,430 balcB. The report is a pre
liminary one and is In responso to a
resolution of congress.
Tho steamer Caracas, which arrived
from West Indian ports, brought tho
Porto Rlcan commissioners en route
to Washington to thresh out tho diffi
culties which caused tho recent ad
journment of tho Porto Rlcan leglsla
turo'B extraordinary session, follow
ing tho reaching of a deadlock over
tho budget.
Minister Esplnosn of Nicaragua left
at the Btato department for Secretary
Knox tho reply of President Zelaya
of Nicaragua to tho demand of this
government that tho Emery claim,
which has been pending for years, bo
submitted to arbitration. An Impres
sion exists that Zclaya's reply Is not
entirely satisfactory to this govern
ment. Reassuring advices reached tho
stato department from Bogota, tho
capital of Columbia, where rioting of
a serious churacter lias been in pro
gress. Tho city Is said to bo again
entirely quiet.
Contrary to expectations, the su
premo court did not render its
decision in tho caso Involving tho con
stltutlonality of tho commodities
clauso of tho Hepburn rate law of
For tho llrst timo In tlio annals of
tho criminal court of the District of
Columbia, an Indian, Robert McCulle,
was Tuesday sentenced by Justice
Gould to twenty years in tho peniten
tiary on his plea of second degree mur
der. Ambassador O'Brien at Toklo will
remain at that post. Former Secretnry
of Commerce and Labor Oscar Straus
will be appointed to somo other em
bassy. Senators Smith nnd Burrows of
Michigan requested tho retention of
Mr. O'Brien.
Tho order of tho Bccrotary of tho
navy, given nt tho direction of Presl
dent Roosevelt, abolishing tho navy
yards at Pensarola. Fin., and New
Orleans, La was Monday revoked by
Secretary Meyor.
Tho forty-fourth Joint bnllot for tho
election of a United States senator in
Illinois showed no quorum.
Former Governor Hill or Malno, act
ing chairman of tho republican na
tlonal committee, announced at tho
Whlto house Monday that the head
quarters of tho commltteo In Wash
ington would bo abandoned nficr this
month and continued In Chicago, with
Secretary Hayward in charge.
Secretnry of War Dickinson stated
nt tho Whlto House Monday that ho
will leave Washington about April
15 for his visit to th isthmus of Pan
ama. He does not know how long ho
will bo gpne, but Intends to stay long
enough to fully Inform himself ns to
work and eondltlouB in the canal zone.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Tho "wota" nnd "drys" aro lining
up all along tho Nebraska line.
Tho city or Lincoln has won its dol
lar gas Buit.
High water in Sheridan county de
stroyed a number or bridges.
Work on tho new opern house at
Beatrlco will be ctartcd April 1.
Firo at McCook destroyed GaniilB'
general merchandise store.
A now bnnk Is scheduled for Red
Cloud with a capital stock or $25,000
paid up.
Wm. Nlghtengnlo, Omnhn, aged 25,
quit by tho carbolic route. Ho had
of late been much addicted to drink.
John Roby or Hall county Bhot at a
cat, killing tho same, but tho bullet
sped on nnd likewise took tho life of a
Mrs. M. M. Falk, a resident of West
Beatrlco, gave birth to triplets, all
boyB. They weigh 8, 7 and G pounds,
Stella, the fi-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Richlo of Mitchell,
wan run over and instantly killed by
a car In tho h witch yards.
Miss Rachel Falrchlld has been re
elected superintendent of the schools
at Spencer, with substnntlnl increase
in salary.
Mr. Klngaburry, tho well-known
horseman of Auburn, has moved to
Nebraska City with his largo string
of fast horses and will train them on
tho now track at tho city park.
Work hnB been begun on tho lnylng
of tho brick of the first story of tho
postofilco building nt Grnnd Island,
tho foundation nnd basement being
Tho man held In Valentino for mur
der, named Storey, appeared before
tho county Judge and waived prelimi
nary and was bound over to district
court without ball.
Herbert, tho 12-year-old son of Geo.
Helmlck, living two miles south of
Stella, Bhot hlmsolf in tho foot with
n 22-caliber rillo with which he waB
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. VanLeer arrived
in Tocumseh from Sheridan, Wyo.,
with tho remains of their 4-year-old
son, where ho was drowned in at
tempting to securo his hat when It
was blown into the stream.
Tho Grand Island Banking company,
ono of the oldest ns also one of tho
strongest state banks in Nebraska,
has dccldod to nationalize. It has a
capital of $100,000, a surplus of $50,
000, and deposits of nearly $700,000.
All things aro ready for the county
convention of Sunday school workors
(of Custer county, to begin on April
21 and to run until the evening of the
22d. The session will bo held in the
Presbyterian church In Broken Bow.
Alva A. Randall, son of A. P. Ran
dall of Clay Center, died at their
farm homo six miles southeast of.Clay
Center, ns a result of an injury re
ceived by being thrown from a horso
In December. Deceased was 2D years
of age.
An El Reno (Okla.) paper is author
ity for tho Btatement that n number
of well-known Nebraskans have lo
cated in that city and expect to do
business on a largo scale. They havo
organized the Conservative Loan com
pany. Ben Grnndataff, hauling hay for S.
,P. Aldornion, near Bassett, with a
four-horso pony team, has tho record
of hauling tho largest load of hay In
that vicinity. Ho had a load weigh
ing 11,570 pounds. The net hay
weighed 9,070 pounds.
I Mr. nnd Mrs. David Brlon of Ewlng
celebrated their sixtieth wedding an
niversary, all of their childron being
present to help colebrnto tho day.
They wero married in Pennsylvania
and camo to Nebraska thirty years
Mrs. Peter Sanders of Grnnd Islnnd,
tho wife of a painter, old-tlmo resi
dents of tho city, committed suicide
by shooting herself in tho mouth.
Mrs. Sanders has been In poor hcaltli
for several years and despondency
was tho causo of tho act.
Peru claims tho oldest notary pub
lic In point of Bervlco of nny Nebras
ka city or town. Mr. D. C. Colo or
that placo received his first commis
sion four years boforo Nebraska was
made- a state nnd ho hns kept It in
forco continuously slnco that timo.
A Jury in district court of Washing
ton county rendered a verdict In favor
of Flossie Plotorit, a girl or 14 yenrs,
against William Wilson, a merchant
or Arlington, for $10,000 and coBts.
Tho girl was driving a horso on her
way to school, when Wilson attempt
ed to pass her with his nutomoblle on
a high nnd narrow grado. Tho horso
scared and threw her out, injuring
Victor lang, a well known Beatrice
man, who recently disposed of his
business, and waB preparing to tnko
a trip to his old homo in Austria
when ho discovered that ho was not
an American citizen. Ho was prepar
ing to mnko out an application for
Unfair discrimination ngalnst tho
country olovntors In lavor or tho ter
minal olovntor companies Is alleged
Jin tho caso or II. Gund & Co. or Bluo
Hill ngahiBt the Burlington, This Ib
tho complaint heard by Spoclnl Exam
inor Brown or the intorstato com
merco commission.
Companion to the Depositors' Gjar-
nnty Bill Accepted as It Cornea
from the House.
Tho chairmen of tho enrolling and
engrossing committees of the senate
and house, Frank J. Henry and W. Z.
Tnylor, submitted tho enrolled bank
bill to Governor Shnllenbergcr for IiIb
approval. In doing so these members
of the legislature addressed tho exec
utive on the theory of the bill nnd ex
pressing to him their appreciation of
what ho had done to make tho guar
anty bill a good one.
Governor Shallenborgcr answered
briefly and Informally as follows: "I
appreciate fully the honor that is mine
in being given the privilego or sign
ing tho bill. It has been a great
pleasure to see tills promise or tho
democratic party being carried out to
complcto fulfilment. It 1b not the
work of ono man, and does not rep
resent the sagacity of any ono man in
the slate. Rather the bill Is tho re
sult of the wisdom and Judgment of
many men. 1 havo gone over Its pro
visions cnrcfully, and nm glad to fllgn
it. First, however, I wnnt to go over
tho Bectlonfi. The bill Is based on
tho broad principle thnt the profit and
prosperity or banks aro derived from
tho depositors, and the banker who
puts nsldo a portion of IiIb profits to
securo safety for tho depositor will
bo amply repaid by tho Increased con
fidence tho public will feol In his
Institution. It 1b merely the principle
of insurnnco carried into the banking
business. I shall be glad to sign the
bill, gentlemen of the legislature,
when first I have gone over Its sec
tions." Later on tho governor signed tho
bill, nnd In a few months it will go
into effect.
Tho companion to tho depositors'
guaranty banking bill was passed by
tho senate as it came from the house.
Tho voto was unanimous, there being
thirty-ono votes for it and two mem
bers absent This bill provides tho
method of re-chartering national
banks which desire to give up their
national charters in order to avail
themselves of the benefit of the guar
anty law. It also provides that when
ever by act of congress or by order
of the nttornoy general national banks
shall bo permitted to participate In
tho stato guaranty laws, national
banks may pay their assessment and
participate on the same footing as
state banks.
The senate hns ordered 2,000 copies
of tho new banking law printed for
general distribution.
The Banking Bill.
Over tho protests of W. J. Tnylor
of Custer county, who denounced tho
mensuro ns having been amended to
suit the national bankers, and as not
being tho law promised the people of
Nebraska by tho democratic party,
tho house concurred In tho senate
amendments to the banking bill. 'Mr.
Taylor objected to tho reduction
made by tho senato In the initial levy
against the banks to create tho guar
anty fund from one-half of 1 per cent
to one-fourth or 1 per cent. Ho ob
jected to the action of the senate In
striking from the bill tho amendment
adopted by tho house providing thnt
stockholders In a bank must own
other property of equal value, and ho
objected to tho decrenso In tho re
servo to bo held in tho banks from
20 to 1G per cent.
County Option Killed.
Tho county option bill was taken
lip by tho house, which had dodged
consideration of tho mensuro for n
long timo. Debate was limited to
half an hour becauso It was well
known that each member had his
mind made up on tho matter and de
bato was but wasted timo. Tho bill
was voted on nnd defeated in com
mlttoo by n voto of 53, no negative
vote being taken. When tho house
rose from commltteo of tho whole the
result was emphasized on roll call by
a voto or G2 to 3D, nlno members be
ing nbsent or not voting. Of those
nlno a majority aro supposed to bo
opposed to county option. Thus the
question wns defeated.
Physical Valuation Bill.
Tho Bonato refused to concur in
house nmendments to tho physical
valuation bill and unless tho house
changes Its position on this bill there
promises to bo a doadlock or goodly
proportions. A conroronco commltteo
consisting or Senators Ollls, Miller
and Tannor was appointed on tho bill
and as tho latter two named men are
the sponsors for tho two charter bills
which tho house mutilated and ns Sen
ator Ollls Ib Introducer or tho physical
valuation bill, tho outlook Is not good.
To Adjourn April 1.
An agreement hnB been reached up
on tho date for final adjournment of
tho legislature, both houses having
ratified tho report of tho conference
commltteo on Friday fixing Thursday,
April 1, as tho time. Tho outlook at
tho present time is that tho fiction
Bnnctlfled by genorntlonB of precodont
of stopping the clock on the final day
and running over two or three dayB
later mny ho dispensed with this year.
There Ib no telling, however, whnt
contingency may arlso to prolong tho
The Senate Amended Bank Btll Is
Accepted. '
Tho bnk bill as nmonded In tho
senate was concurred In by the houso
and goes now to tho governor for his
signature. Of that tho bill is assured
for In conrerenco tho governor said
that although the bill was not entirely
to his liking ho wns willing to take it
as tho best that could bo done under
tho circumstances.
Taylor or Custer appeared as the
chief champion against adopting the
senate amendments to tho gunrantco
bill. Opposed to him were all the
house members or tho. banking com
mltteo which framed tho hill. Taylor
had the solid following of tho repub
licans snvo rour who voted ngnlnst
tho motion made by Tnylor not to con
cur in tho senate amendments on
thrco sections. With them went nine
teen democrats who bcllovcd as Tay
lor did that the amendments ho point
ed out weakened tho measure. Tho
voto on not concurring In the three
sections ns amended by tho Bonato
Btood 43 to 63 and they woro adopt
ed ns sent rrom tho senate.
The bill as it goes to the governor
makes no changes In tho composition
or tho banking board.rrom what It was
arranged by tho committee. Tho board
Ib sttll to bo composed ot three mem
bers, tho governor, the nttornoy gen
eral and the auditor. The governor Ib
to have practically all the power of
direction and appointment. He Is
renlly to bo the bonrd per so. This
was done becauso tho democrats
would not trust the two republicans
who must or necessity bo members of
the board. The entire board Is to hava
control or what banks may bo desig
nated an depositories of that portion
of the reserve ot banks not required
to bo maintained ns nctual cash on
hand. Banks In towns of ono hundred
or less mny bo formed with only $10,
000 cnpltal stock, banks In townB of
100 to 500 enn have not less than $15,
000 capital stock, in towns 500 to 1.000
not less than $20,000, in towns of
1.000 to 2,000 not Icbs than $2G,000
capital, In cities of 2.000 to 5,000 not
less than $35,00, in cities of 5,000 to
25,000 not less thnn $50,000 capital,
and In citicB of 25,00 to more popula
tion not less thnn $100,000 cnpltal
stock. All this must bo paid up. This
Ib less drastic than tho original bill,
but Ib more stringent thnn the present
banking law. A majority of directors
in any bank must reside in tho county
where such bnnk Is located or In
counties adjacent thereto. Each di
rector must own Btock in an amount
not less than $3,000 if the bank hns a
$50,000 capital and not less than 4
per cent if a smaller bank. Tho di
rectors may not borrow more thnn
20 per cent ench of the amount or the
capital atock, and the aggregate loans
to directors shall not exceed 50 per
cent of the total capital.
Each stockholder must bo liable in
tho Bum of lits stock and that much
moro for tho debts of tho corpora
tions. This is tho present law aud is
tho requirement of tho institution. A
stockholder need not prove before In
corporation that he owns ns much
property outsldo bnnklng stock ns he
holds that commodity. Indeed ho need
not own any other property than his
bank stock. Ho must, however, prove
that he Is a person of integrity and
financial standing to tho satisfaction
of the board before any charter may
be issued. Tho assessments may not
exceed one-fourth of 1 per cent for
each six months until July 1, 1911, un
less thero Is an emergency call and af
ter that date only one-twentieth of ono
per cent each six months.
Final Adjournment Not Fixed.
After tho senate committee on flnnl
adjournment reported March 30 as
tho date agreed upon, somo of tho
senators decided tho day was too
early, and although the report had
been adopted, tho senate reconsid
ered its action and loft tho matter
undecided. Tho house concurred In
tho report.
Orthopedic Hospital for Omaha.
Senator Ransom presented a propo
sition to tho sonate finance committee
Tor tho appropriation or $15,000 to
buy a site for nn orthopedic hospital
for Omnha to be a part of tho Stato
University School of Medicine estab
lished thero. H,e told tho committee
ho hnd a nlodgo of a gift for tho con
struction or tho hospltnl that would
not be less than $50,000, the same to
bo available as Boon as tho Blto was
Ready for Governor.
Among measures now ready for
signature are:
Depositors' guaranty bnnklng bill.
Publicity or campaign contributions
Antl-lntlmldatlon bill.
Reciprocal law amendments bill.
Elective precinct assessors bills.
BUI permitting national banks to
re-charter undor Btato laws or take
advantage of tho stato guaranty law.
Physical valuation bill.
Omnha homo rule charter bill.
All theso bills have either been
passed by both houses or are so far
advanced that their Immediate pas-
sago is assured.
Important Bills Acted Upon.
Tho houso concurred in the sennto
amendments to tho Skcen bills for
tho election of precinct assessors.
The bills provldo theso ofilelals shnll
be olected every two years, beginning
with next fall, and bIuUI In cities
number ono for each 4,000 population.
County assessors aro left unchanged.
County boards nro to dlvldo a county
Into districts for assessment. Under
n soparato bill provision will bo undo
for assessment of real estate every
two years Instead of every four yearn
but this has not yet gono through.
Reported to Be Well Armed and
Gaining Recruits Held Respon
sible for Death of Six Men
Near Henryetta.
Chief Crazy Snake nnd 100 follow
ers retreated before five companies of
Oklahoma militia late Sunday night,
thus deferring nn expected iJattle un
til Monday. Hastily setting fire to his
tepees nnd tents, the Indian leader,
with his mixed company of redskins
and negroes, lied from their blazing
camp us the troops advanced. They
took up n strong position between ths
North Canadian river and Deep Fork
creek, about seventeen miles east of
Colonel Hoffmnn, in command of tho
state troops, considered it unwise tj-;
push tho pursuit and engage the In
dians in the darkness. Accordingly,
ho blvoucked his troops for the night.
Early Monday morning, reinforced
by a company of cowboys from around
Lnwtou, Okla.. all crack shots, he will
lead his forces against the Indians.
Crazy Snake and his braves will be
ofiored a chance to surrender. If
they refuse, tho battle will be on.
Colonel Hoffmnn sent out numerous
scouts to watch movements of the
enemy and to give tho alarm if they
attempted to ileo under cover of dark
ness. The commander planned to al
low his troops to rest on the field dur
ing the nlghtrunless the Indians at
tempted to escnpo to a stronger posi
tion. The mllltln officers believe Crnzy
Snake wnnts to reach tho Tiger moun
Utins with his followers boforo engag
ing in n general fight. That the old
chief Is striving to stir tho Creeks to
nn uprising nnd Btrlke for what hu
conceives to bo liberty was evident
from the smoko of three signal fires
on adjacent hills Just before sundown.
Old time frontiersmen who Insist thov
know what such things mean, declaro
this Is a signal which always ushers
in Indian trouble.
Six men have been killed and a
dozen wounded since the trouble be
gan Thursdny. This Is the official re
nnrt nnd It Is believed manv moro T
the negroes and Indians wero killeu
Dr. I. M. Wallace of Dustln, who went1
to the Hickory hills with tlio troopers
Sunday, declared more than twenty
negroes were killed Thursday and
Saturday and wero given rude burial
without coffins in tho vicinity where
the soldiers camped Saturday.
Warden Beemer Is Dead.
Wnrden Allen D. Beemer of the Ne
braska state penitentiary died Sun
day inornlng at G:30 o'clock at tho
apartments at the prison after an ill
ness which had been troubling htm
clnco Tuesday,, March 10. The cause.
of his death was a rneumauc aiiacy
which later developed Into a form of
blood poisoning. Mr. Beemer was GG
years of age the nineteenth of last
December and hnd been a resident
of Nebraska for forty-one years, hav
ing como to this stato In 18G8, from
Scranton, Pennsylvania. Mr. Boomer
was married In lIovembor, 1S73, to
Miss Bell Ackerly of Scranton. He
Is survived by Mrs. Beemer, a
daughter, Mrs. F. F. Beaumont of
Madrid, Neb., and four brothers and
two sisters. The brothers aro: George
W. Beemer, Buporlntendent of the
Hillside home of Scranton, Pa., and
S. W. Beemer an assistant In the
same Institution; II. D. Beemer,
owner of a paint nnd paper store nt
Laramie, Wyo.. nnd Oakley Beemer
of Clark Summit. Pa. Tho sisters aro
Mrs. Dana Hollcstor and Mrs. Will
Hollcster of Avoca. Pa. The funeral
services will bo In charge of the
Masonic lodge of which Mr. Beemer
wab nn enthuslnstlc member, nnd will
occur nt tho prison Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock with intorment nt Wyuka.
Governor Cos3rove loDead.
Governor Snmuel O. Cosgrove rfX,
Washington died at Paso Robles,
Calif., suddenly Sunday of D.-lght's
disease. Tho governor had been In
poor health for somo months prior to
his election last November. The
strain and work or tho cnmpalgn had
weakened him and he wont to Call
rornla early in Jnnuary to recuperate.
Tho batliB and waters of tho springs
relieved his condition and ho gradu
ally becamo stronger. He folt so,
much Improved that ho risked tho
Journey to Olympla to bo Inaugurated,
returning Immediately. This trip,
however, proved too much for his
strength nnd slnco his return his con
dition has gradually grown worse.
For the past two days ho had been
confined to IiIb room, with Mrs. f'os
grovo in constant attendance. Only-
n few hours before his death hew
seemed to feel bettor, nnd remarked.
that ho hoped to soon bo able to re-ii
turn to Washington and tako up his'J
duties as governor.
Kills Wife Then Commits Suicide.
A startling tragedy was enacted fn
Hm ftnctnti mililln irnpfTnn nnnt. Mw.
ontrnnco nf tho nnvlostnn Htrnnt. nitliV.
way Sunday, whllo the early evening"
suburban rush was at Its height. Suf
fering from nervous trouble, with',
which ho had neon nflllcted for sow
oral years, Lawrenco R. Boylo, a well-,
Known nowspapor mini, snai unuj
killed his wife nnd then ended IiIbs
own llfo by tho Fnme means. A
Mrs. Boylo waB shot tluough tho,?
mouth nnd her husband through thoj
left breast. Both d(ed almost instantly.