The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1909, Image 4

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Rod Cloud - - Nebraska
BntrtPil In UiC ronlnfnuo nt ttwl Clniul.Mib
nrSmnul CI"" Mntlc
City Officers.
Mayor ' "i ''V.'''''1!
Olcrk. I..1I. Wirt
TrcaMirer l." ItttT
' Kil l'uMplior
Coiincllmcii 2ml wnnl . ...I. A. .VrAriliur
Klcctrlu lllit A water Coni-Jolni 't ouillijioii
Mnrvlml. ilny -, -,AIs,labJ(
Marrlinl.nlKlit lohn Klti'ot
Citizen's Ticket.
C. H. Totter, Mayor
O. C. Tool, CUrk
.1. O. Hutler, Treasurer
(loo. Overlng, City Engineer '
Hoy Oiitiiian, Alderman 1st ward
J. II. Ualley, Alderman Slid ward
S. lleekulth, School board
Lawrence L. Itorcn School boiud
Spring is Mircly
and spado are very
hero for tho rnko
much hi ovidence.
Tho lttllu folks ur. qullo universally
Inflected with measles. This
works Uh way Into tho dominion of
tho juvenile world as frequently in
thcso days as it did in tho centuries
that have passod. Uul thou entering
llfo issoniowhat liko joining a lodge
and all the dogrees must be taken
before one becomes a full Hedged
member. After the degree of colic is
conferred conies tho degree of measles,
The editor of this paper Invites all
subscribe to offer any suggestions
or criticisms as to tho material which
ontora into the make up of this papor.
Wo desire to glvo you what you want
and the only way we aro ablo to ascer
tain your wishes is for you to toll us
frankly. Jf.we please you toll us
ivlion and if wo displease you kindly
point it out, if we lack what you most
desire wo want to know it Wo want
you to fool that this is your paper and
wo nsk your hearty co-operation and
Wo are pleased to noto that our
popular Tepeo has again oponcd up its
doors for tho pleasure of the public.
Moving pictures can bo very eduoa
tionol and up lifting. Thoro is uo
moro certain method of instruction
than graphic representation and tho
moving picture lias't all the ele
ments which co to make un histlnir
hnprosslons. Tho general public en
joys pictures which educate, instruct
and clovato and they arc far prefer -nolo
to thoso which' please for tho
moment only.
The revival now progressing in the
Christian church merits tho warmest
praise. Thusu in charge seem to iciil
izo that other men's opinions and feel
ings should bo respected and that
abuse is not tho best method of reach
ing a hearing. Tills is ns it should be.
"We have no tolorance for the Indivi
dual pouring forth a tiride upon aii
audience of mixed ehni actors and pro
JesMons. A clean straight forward
presentation of truths is always in
order and it always seemed to us .that
any other form of delivery was oiitlro
Jy uncalled for and out of place.
ate to bo frequent in oceurretiee and
'hat any mother or public spirited
s m:in is welcomed. Our public
v liool teachers have shown a decided
willingness to co-operate with tin
mother and they aro In a position to
tender valuable assistance to any
mother who really doslrcs lo rear her
offspring so that I hoy may live tho
fullest llfo possible An opon forum
of this kind will give the perplexed
parent just the information desired
and the ineotlngs sliou'il bo attended
by no less than two hundred every
While the mothers are holding con
ventions for the betterment of tho
homo we venture to suggest that fath
ers would do well to emulate the ex
ample and consider in what maimer
they might exert moro forco in tho
training of their children ami not
leavo it all for the overworked mother.
Many fathers think that when thoy
Imve, provided enough to eat and to
wear their responsibility ceases. Wo
have in mind one father whose son
asked him for a dime to go to a show
and the father freely gavo tho boy the
money and evldontly believed himself
to be a first class father. But he did
not inquire what kind of a show it
was which the boy wanted to soo. It
might have been highly objectionable
yet tho father mado no attempt to in
form himself of Itsnature. Indulgent
parents aro not the wisest mid yet
wo doubt not that they often wondor
in future years why their children
iavo brought reproach to tho family
name. Fathers should not refuse to
assumo tho responsibility of parent-hood.
Moro than passing notice should bo
given to the mother's meeting held In
ino scuooi uouse last wonic. Tlio pro
per training of ehlldron is a problom
dlfllcult of solution even for tho most
loarncd and oxporlonced, so that a
meeting of this character gives an ex
cellent opportunity for parents to ex
change ideas and plans, which thoy
have learned in tholr own families.
Tho ladies have not boon content to
use only such things as they themsel
ves have experienced but they havo
also secured tho vory best thoughts
and plans from the most prominent
educators, dootors and social workers
of the cntlro world The1 Chief is
pleased to know that these meetings
Lincoln, Neb,, March. .10-(Special
Correspondence) Kopubllcan news
papers havo been unable to point to
ono single law placed on the statute
book by this legislature than any
farilt can bo found with. This is tho
serious trouble with these fellows.
This Isevldoncod by tho fact that tho
Omaha lice a few days ago attempted
to twit tho legislature because thoy
had not passed an auti-injunctlon
measure, when every thinking person
knows (hat this is not of consequence
so far as tho stale government U con
cerned. Our republican brethren are
pretty hard up for thunder when they
resurl to inconsequential matters of
thin kind. The law makors havo ful
filled ovory pledge made to tho people
and I ho record will bear the closest
(itivornor fjhiilleiibcrgur has vetoed
tho bill which would havo permitted
tho licensing of a saloon at Fort Crook.
There has been a wide dilVereneo of
opinion a lo the merits of this moils
un1, and many of tho legislators voted because of tho fact that tho
colonel in command of the fort favored
it. Tho governor's action in refusing
his sanction to tho law is being gcu
orally commended.
The passago of tho new oil law is
ono of .tho best things done by this
legislature. This bill was prepared
and introduced after consultation with
tho stato oil inspector and his depart
ment. Heretofore under the old law
Kansas oil has been excluded from
this slate and this fact lias rebounded
to the Interest of tho Standard OH
people. Tho now law admits this oil
and it is conceded now that tho meas
ure will save to tho people of this stato
a quarter of a million dollars the first
year. Several changes havo been
mado Under the old systom oil was
Inspected only with inference to Its
iullammabllity and without reforctico
to its quality. A good deal of com
plaint has boon heard about this.
Koroseno oil has been placed upon tho
market that stood the flash tost, but
admittedly of the poorest grado. It
will now be ono of the duties of tho oil
Inspectors ofllco to test oil both as to
its quality and tlammablllty. Consid
erable credit is duo to Inspector Mul
len for tho consummation of efforts
that should havo been mado Into law
years ago.
Tho Ollls warehouse law bill has
passed both branches of tholegisloturo
and will bo the law. This is u measure
of far reaching importance, and is one
of the wisest laws placed upon tho
statute boohs It provides for tho es
tablishment of warehouses in tho state
for the storago of grain. Certificates
will bo Issued by these bonded ware
houses and these will at once becomo
negotiable It is concedod that tho
prico of grain in tills stato has always
been poundod down by manipulators
of tho maihet just at the time that the
great bulk of It was ready for tho nlar
kot. Thero is always a class of fellows
who havo to sell and thus prevent any
organized opposlt'on to cutting down
tho price. This now law will prevent
nil this. Grain mnv bo stored nt vnrx-
little cost and hold until prices adjust
themselves, and the man who stores it
can realize upon his certificates, thus
preventing the necessity of soiling at
any price that may bo offered. Sovcr
al of tho southern states havo enacted
tills principle into law and thereby
enabled tho cottou raisors to resist tho
efforts of tho cotton manipulators to
got tho commodity at tholr own price.
For thellrht timo in the history of
tho stato a lawjluis been passed fixing
the salary of tho clerk of tho supremo
court and his assistants. Nobody
knows howlhigli the rcvonues of this
ofllco havo run, but It is known that
they havo been enormous, and that
this ofllco was ono of the juciest from
a iinanciai standpoint In the state. It
is generally concedod that tho enact
ment of the now law will inoreaso tho
rovenucs of the stato at least $10,000
eacli year, enough to pay off lu six
years the accumulated wolf bounty
claims. The old method of running
this ofllco is u rclio of tho spotles sys
tem of politics, and tho legislature ia
to bo commendod for Its reform In this
Another bill passed by tho law
makors at Lincoln is ono that will re
ceive tho ondorsomont of ovory right
thluklng.eltlzon. This ia tho law that
prevents tho collection of campaign
contributions from ofllco holders. It
nas been tho custom in the past for
tho commlttco in charge of the cam
paign to assess every holder of repub
lican procuvitlos. l'ostmnstors, rovc
nuo officers, court roportors, every
body that drew a salary, was notified
to oomo across with tho sum named
by the oommtttoo or run tho risk of
having his polilhul head dieapilatid.
Under the wlo provision of tho new
law tills will be prevented ami heavy
penalties exacted from ofrvndors
(inventor Shalleubeiger sent n --pc
in I message lo tho legislature request
ing tho pasHiigu of it bill with which ho
accompanied his message providing
that public service corporal ions shall
bounder the control of tho lallroad
commission and that they shall not be
permitted fo Issuo new notes, bonds j
or stocks without the permission of tho '
commission after an iiivesliiriilton bv I
that body, and then only when the
now Issuo is for money needed in Im
provntents. Tho governor lias takeil
an advanced stand on all questions re
luting to the control of corporations,
hi his speech at the llryan banquet
and again in his message to tho legis
lature enclosing tho now bill ho vigor
ously demanded tho passago of tho bill
providing for tho physical valuation of
railroads, lie contends that It is the
only proper method upon which . to
base rates. With reference to tho law
asked for by him ho says that no reas
onable mind can object to tho pnssago I
of the law, and that no corporation
wishing to do business on tho square j
could find fault with its provisions. '
it has been tho custom In the past for I
public servico corporations to issuo i
stocks and bonds largely in excess of
the value of tholr property, thus coin-1
polling tho payment of exorbitant j
rates in order to pay intorest on these
ootids, and at ino same tlmo deceiving
tho investing public. Under the "pro
posed law I ho public would bo pro
tected in tho purchase of stocks and
bonds bfceauso the sanction of the rail
way commission had been given, and
tho law making power would know
tho oxaot valuation of corporations
when thoy attempted to llxMates.
The governor has signed Mr. Kohl's
bill which provides that the stato con
ventions shall bo held the last wool: in
.luly, so as to havo the platforms,
adopted prior to the primary.
The bill requiring thatall campaign
contributions inns' bo published before
tho election has passed both branches
of tho legislature and Is now tho law.
As an uvifionco of tho manner in
which business is expedited by tho
men in oitargo of the records in both
branches of tho legislature it might bo
mentioned that on Wednesday Gover
nor Slmllonborgcr's bill preventing
tho issuance of stocks and bonds by
corporations without the permission of
the railway commission was Intro
duced lu the houso and read the first
tlmo. On Thursday It was read the
socond tlmo, engrossed and passed on
Friday. Undor the old system this
legislature would have probably ad
journed before tho bill got bock from
tho printer.
Tho houso has passed the bill pro
viding for the appointment of a beer
inspector, whoso duties will be tho in
spection of all boor mado In tho stato
The cost of this falls upon tho brew
ers and It is admitted that the lawn-Ill
havo the effect of netting to tho
stato treasury about 8150,000 per year.
Nearly 1,000 Pianos at a Bargain.
Lyon v Healy, of Chicago, known
everywhere as tho world's largest
music house, aro doing a rcmarkablo
thing. They aro rebuilding their great
establishment and offering an enor
mous stock of pianos to make room for
carponlers, painters, etc. Lyon it
Healy offer all these pianos on such
extraordinary terms' that hundreds
will buy now who othorwiso might
wait till next year. In short, here is a
chance to get a much bettor piano
for any sum you have in miud that you
could ordinarily obtaiu.
Write to-dny for the list of pianos
in this piano sale, which is an event
entirely unprecedented in the history
of piano-soiling. Address Lyon &
Healy, 10 Adams' street, Chicago.
Fein- distinct plans of easy payments
far those who do not wish to pay all
W j ISS-v" w
: . i3nM!y
Li Sal W wR U n Wat
W M&3
An Improvement over many C.ovih. lur-
system of a cold by cctln't as a carliart'i-
Gstistaction or money rct-.-.dcu. I7rcrr
K-J Wsj M m n r. ? ut
Win P
H fa 'I H v IN
t U-onchlal Ucmcdics lu cause it rids the
i.itt l-ii'vols. No opiitcs. (.unranrcd to civo
y.l'IM .j I MEDICINE CO.. UllC.ALO. U. 5. A.
nut-n STOiu:.
Bef ore baying your Dry Goods, kook-over
our stock. We think we can save you money.
The Quocn of VIlto Goods
' "cu 'Y
Dainty as Handkerchief
Linen, Durable as Highest.
Triced Lawns. Lcs& E.
IICIlslVC than Either.
Ideal for waist's Skirts,
Light Crocks, Corset-Covor-s
and All sorts of Lingerie.
Don't fall to see
Ladies' hose in al'
colors -at 15c & 25c-.
A full
Black and
1 5 and 25c.
Line of
hose in
Tans at
per pair'
" Sale of Muslin Underwear.
Wi: aro prepared to fit you out in the smallest to tho largest size,
in our uudorinuslins, wo know wo havo quality, workmnuslup
and aro full sizes. Wn mention a few of our largo assortments.
Ladies' Undcrmuslin.
Burson Gur&ntccd hose
3 pair for $1,00.
from .
..81.00 ton.2.1.
...r,0c toSl-2T).
Ladies' corset covers
Ladies' Skirts from....
Ladles' Drawers from.
Children's extra quality Drawers with tuck or lace trim nt 25c.
Ladies' Lace Trimed
Drawers at 25 c.
The Difference.
What Is tho dliicrouco between high
grado and low grado baking powders?
All baking powders aro whlto and
aro sold in round cans with bright
labels. Thoy look alike, but in con
tents thoy aro vory different.
High grade baking powders aro
made of pure cream of tartor derived
grades. Thoy are healthful and eco
nomical to uso.
Low-grado baking powdors aro mado
of alum an astringent mineral aoid.
Doforo tho pure food law only a
chomlst could toll by analysis ono from
tho other.
But now baking powders havo tho
iugrodionts printed on tho back of tho
label. By reading tho label the house
keeper knows the Ingredlbnts and bo
lug careful of tho wolfuro of her
household, avoids the alum kind of
baking powdor.
Good baking powder Is one of tho
most usoful things in tho kitchen aud
thoro is a dltVoroiico.
Kiii:tIii.VTisM CuiiKi) i.v a Day.
Dr. Detection's Kollef for Rheumatism
nnd Neuralgia radically cured In 1 to
3 days. It action upon the systom is
remarkable and mybterious. It re
moves at onco tho cause and tho dls;
ouso immediately disappears. Tho flrst
dose greatly bcuollts 7So and 91. Sold
by Tlio H H. Urlco Drug Co., Rod
Cloud, Nobr.
The latest Explanation Is That Microbes
Cause Baldness.
Professor Uiina of Hamburg, Ger
many, and Dr. Sabourand of Paris,
France, share tlio honor of having
discovered tho hair microbes.
Baldness is not caused through a
few week's woik of these hair mic
robes, but Is tho result of conditions
brought about by tholr prosenco.
mildness may nat occur until yeais
after the microbes began work, but it
Is certain to como sooner or later.
Tho microbes out oir tho blood sup
ply. Thoy feed on tho fatty matter
about tho root of the hair, through
which the blood Is absorbed. Finally
tlio fatty matter is wholly consumed,
the food supply of the hair is gone aud
it starves and flnaly dies. Hcsoroln is
one of the most oiTcctlvc germ destroy
ers; Uetn Nnpthol Is both germicidal
nml nnt.lsontlc: Tilocarplii, though not
a dye, restores natural color to hair
when loss of color was caused by dis
ease Thcso curatlvos properly mixed
with alcohol as a stimulant, perfect a
remedy unequalled for curing scalp
and hair troubles.
v wniit evorvono who has any scalp
.. 1.,.!.. (..1.1n tn t.i-v Hcxall "03"' Ibllli
Tonic, which contains all thcso in
gredients. If it does not grow hair
on vour bald head, stop your hair from
falling out; cure of dundrnu"; midco
your hair thick, silky, luxuriant: if it
does not give you complete satisfact
ion in ovory particular, return tho
empty bottle to us, and wo shall ro
turn every penny you paid us for it,
without question of fomallty.
Of courso, you undorstand that
when wo say that Roxall "93" Hair
Tonlo will grow hair on bald heads,
wo do not refer to cases whero tho
roots urc entirely dead, tho pores of
tho scalp closed, and the head has tho
Bhlny appoaranco of billiard ball, in
cases llko this, there is no hope. In
all other casos of baldness Rexall "03"
Hair Tonio will positively grow hair,
or cost tho usof nothing. Two sizes,
50c. and 91. -The II. E.GricoDrug Co.
Red Cloud, Neb.
3 Days.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Iud.,
says: "My wrfo had Inflammatory
Rheumatism in every niusclo and joint;
hor suffering was terrible and hor body
and faco were swollen nlmost beyond
rccogultlon;hadbcenlnbedfor six weeks
and had eight physicians, but received
no benefit until she tried Dr.Dotchon's
Relief for Uhoumatl3m., It gavo her
immedlato relief and sho was ablo to
walk about in thrco days, I am sure it
aved hor life." Sold by The n. E.
I Grlco Drug Co,, Red Cloud, Nobr,
A pure, wholesome,
reliable Grape Cream of
Tartar Baking Powder
The cream of tartar nscd in Dr. Price's Baking
Powder is in the exact form and composition in
which it occurs in the luscious, hcallhful nrspe.
Improves the Stews8
and adds to the feeaMfe-
fulness of the food
JVo Alxim I. him, ' JVo lime
"m -w -w
' A
j vnium
Do you know that it will pay YOU, 'as
S well as US, to buy your Building Ma
I torlalandCoalatouryardsT Not only
that our prices AvenAQE lower, or at
5 least as low, as those of our oompetit- j
ore, but because we take ospoolal care
of and proteot all can be classed as
Coal. Lumber.
Woods Llvor Medicine Is a llvor re
gulator which acts directly on this
organ, invigorates and produces natur
al aotion. Urines quick relief to sick
headache, constipation, biliousness
and other symtomu of liver disorders.
Particularly recommended tor jaun
dice, chills, fever and malaria. The 91
size contains 2 times as much as the
0c sire. Said by Henry Cook.
Ibis is the most dangerous tlmo of
tho year to catch cold, and it is the
hardest time to euro it. If you should
take a cold, a fow doses of Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup will act very
promptly. Its laxatlvo prlnclplo curee
tho cold by driving it from tho systoM
by a-gontl but natural aotion of th
bowels, t'hildren especially like Ken
nedy's Laxatlvo Cough Syrup, a II
Ustes ho good, noarly llko maplo sugai.
It is sold by oil Druggists.