wtKrt, vKWH. ph.iwtriw r I) Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. You need a sufficient amount of 'Rood, wholesome food and moro than this you need to fully digest It. Else you can't gala strength, nor tan you strengthen your stomach if ) It is weak. ' You must cat In order to llveantl maintain .strength. You must not diet, Iktiiuso the t l)Ody requires that you eat a sulllo I 'lent amount of food regularly. Hut this food must bo digested, mid It must lw digested thoroughly. Wlii'ii thi stomach can't do it, jou must, tako'somethlngthat will help the stomach. The proper way to do Is to cat 'what you ant and let Kodol dl gest the foexf. ' Ts'othlng else can do this. When tin: .stomach Is weak it needs help; jou iiiiiMl help It hy giving it rest, and ICotlol will do tlt. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and If you can honestly say, that you did not recelvo any lxmcflts from it, after using tho entire bottle, tho drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. i .Wo will pay tho druggist tho prico pitho bottlo purchased by you. This offer applies to tho largo lxttlo only and to but ono in a family. Wo could not afford to mako Buch an offer, unless wo positively know what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottlo contains 254 times as much as tho fifty cent bottle. Kodol Is made at tho laboratories of E. C. DoWlttfc Co., Chicago. Bcerbohm'fe Argument. Hubert Honry Davlos, tho play bright, who Las spent much tlmo'ln London, tolls of au amusing Interview 'bolwocn tho ownor of a publication In tho llrltlah capital, whereof George Bernard Shaw bad boon tho dramatic critic, and Max lloorbobm, on tho oc casion or tho lattor'a assumption of tho duties laid down by a. 11. S. Tho ownor advised Max of tho Bal ary that had boon paid Goorgo Her ;nard, observing at tho sanio time: "Being comparatively Inoxporloncod, "you, Mr. Beorbohm, cannot, of course, expect so much." "Oh, yes, I shall!" hastily Interposed Max. "Indood, I shall oxpect moro! :Shaw knows tho drama so thoroughly that It In an easy matter for him to .miiu vi ii, miuriTuu j, Knowing notn-1 Ing whatever about It, shall find it ' Hlroadfully hard work!" Harper's ' vvccKiy. Hot Water for Gardens. The proprietor or baths at Acqul, Italy, uses IiIh HUpply of hot waler to ' forco tho growth of garden produce. ! Ifo has an Incxhnustlhlo supply of hot .water from a natural spring, tho tem perature being 1G7 degrees Fahreii. licit. By means of pipes tho surplus water not required for tho baths is carried to a garden on tho outskirts or tho town. Tho warm liquid Hows b-ncath a number or forcing frames containing melons, tomatoes, aspniagus, etc. A supply of those delicacies Is roady Tor Jtho maiket at u very early porlod. Another Chicago Novelty. "Yes, they luivo a new sort or runt lion In Chicago that la qulto the rage." "What la It called?" "It's called a niovlngln party. When tho hostess learns that tho empty house next door la to bo occupied she calls her gueata by telephone nud .they como and draw cuts for tho front windows, and then sit thoro and size up the now neighbor's stuff as tho movers carry It In." A Literary Reporter. I do not profess to bo a politician, but simply ono of a disinterested class of observers who, with no organized and embodied sot or supporters to please, not thamsolvcs to nhxorvo lion ostly and report faithfully the state and prospects of our civilization. Matlhu'v Arnold. ' ' , L t Rewards Constantly Paid. The rewards of gicat living are noi external things, withhold until " the crowning hour of, hiiccohs arrives; thoy coiuo by the 'wayIn tho con-bcIousiihss- qr growing power and worth, of dtitltM nobly mot, and work thoroughly, done. .Joy and peace are by tho way. M able. Reducing Weight. lUcohorao Owner ''William, you aro too heavy. Cuu't you Uko some thing off?" Jockey "Pin wearing my lightest suit, and haven't tasted food all day." Ownor ''Then, for good ness' sake, b and get utiavod." Tit-Bits. IT 18 NOT A SAVING POLICY to go Without insnrnuce. The risk assumed Is too grout for the small premium you keep In your pocket. Figure out how many jears you would hnio to bu five from any flro in order to Mive tho valuu of your house ami contents. Then consider that you may liuv a tire this very night. Tho cost or von i"llttl.j blnye will he more than the pie- ' in i ii in of KIUK INSlTHANTi: l'Olt VHAI1S Uulter have me Issue you u policy today. Iton whole lot better to lie sure than sorry, as many an mi-in-U'e 1 live h s been Red Clou si, Nebr. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid funn, pleasant to take) for Chills, Fever and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and ll other .ymptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire ystern, Liver, Kldnoy , Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contain nearly 2jf times the quantity of the 50s slie. Prepared only by the PIHEULE MEDICINE C9 CHICAGO, ILL DeWiU's Kidney and Bladder PHk lIFEISWWOKTtl LIVING Tills Statement May be Generally At tributed to the Lack of Good Health. We want to talk to people who'iuo nervous, who suller frequent head aches, who ilon t enjoy their food, who are irritable, quickly lose, their temper are so tired and worn out that they feel they must give up, ami have be coiuu ho despondent that life doesn't .seem worth living We know exactly what Is the nritter with people in this condition, and If thoy will follow our advice, we can tell them bow to regain good health and that boiiyanoy of reeling which makes lire s-em nil sun shine ami hnppiiies. Mu-a oT the niiove doorilied condi tions nru eliielly eiuisoil by eataribal iutl.iiuuiutiouuf tho nine jus nieuibinuo I his ilelieato web-llke lining or the liudy becomes Iiillamud and congested uiitirweaUne.ss and mental depression follows. The only way that this can be overcome is through a troiitinont of the blood. We have tho treatment, t.nd we aro o positive that it will pro duce tho results we claim for it that wo will Mipply it to anyone with tho understanding that wo return to thein ov'ory penny they paid us iu every in .stance where tho treatment is not iu every way satisfactory and benefleal to them. We want you to try ltexull Much Tone, which is a powerful nutritive tank- nnd body builder, and u mucous membrane alterative that cleantoi these nienibr-ines and restores their natural and healthy fuuellous. ltexull MucttTone drives out all tho catarrhal poison, restores the mucous colls to good health, tones up the whole syntem, allays Inflammation, re moves congestion, mul stimulates the whole system to healthy activity. It is splendid lor building iqi fle-li and muscle tissue ami removing all weak iie.ssei, Como to our store today ami get. n bottle ot Mueu-Tone, and after giving It u reasonable trial, if you are not ba islled simply toll us so and wo will hand back vnnr money without ques tion. Suiely, uotning cou'd bo moro fair than this. Two sich,M)c and St. Sold by II. ). Cirice Drug Cu., lied Cloud, Nebr, Pintesalve ACTS UKEA poultice CarboliZCd rortM or bkin disease I Even the young folks can remember when all soda MM crackers were bought from an open box or barrel. )5S jjjjx At that time they were only used because there was )M Hi But now the perfected soda crackers I Ii1 'JWWSJPx 88 Hi Ml ' !''$ Wxb wtC 3 si icatjK jam, pas m &P WW ffl . ' IfeP li Sffll Wila 31 .: .' - - I : H5n ilv - in their 'moisture and dust proof packages are a staple 3-times a day food. The fact that nearly half a million packages are eaten every day in the year shows the popular appreciation of National-Biscuit- i-w '.1 - Cpfciirt(PSLSL HJP V-rULJ2..&lU&&2:;: m&s& v .! NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY jsvyM&i? visflwtsrr ' ' isuv v " "J sic :.:, &:' mx&L v&m. ,sfaj)z?A$r aiasc m "iur r ,j:ysrs'-rmfrrlijr Sold only in Hoisture Proof Packages TSi WJMJIILE A I . B j iJtiB7ftiflp uCJCSSmfiJSiftiCi MuJfnit rmSjiSunfe XCiC&&iLttttriGfir& ixioaianirfiramruTa Right Now! Is the time to buy that monument that you want for Decoration Day. We have a fine assortment of finished monuments on hands. Come in and make selection. Give "us time to make your monument just right. You will find our PRICES right, you know the QUALITY of our monuments. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - A ;- Nebraska.. yiiiwiwi fitnmii romnui nujlWQB miimufinttitriniiiuumuiimiuiJiiiuiinn lumuuiimnirritTi M.LsL&xlLiLLL&hbltltblib)bbbbyy& 1 SAY, HISTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your unilding Ma torial and Coal at our yardsT Not only that our prices averaok lower, or at loast as low, as tlioso of our ootupetit ors, but bcoausk we ttike oupeuial(oure of and proteot all can be olasmul h U R liULAit CUSTO M KI!S. PL ATT A Coal. FREES CO. Lumber. Noiii'tt To Creditor SWtcN;,io'SS?: ' "'the County Court. In ttio nmtlcr ot the estate, f .l&'ili I'olnlcky, Ucocubed. Notice Is hereby ulveu to nil uiviin Inning uliiliiisitnddetniiDUs auulust .))-cili I'olnli'ky, Into otNWulMtcr County, (teomisfil, Unit the lime tlxeil tor IIIIdi; claims UKiiInst salil etiile Is hlx incmihs from the 2nd day ot April l!)ii. All moll pernoiis lire reiiiircil to irt'-ent their clulms, with the oiiehcrs, to thii County Judxe of salil eount), t his olllue therein, ou or Defore Hie 2"l rtuy of October I0f9; unit nil cliiims so tiled ull! he heard befort: the snld Judireontho Ith diiy of October iood; ut oue o'eloelc p. m ; iindllmt the mliiiltilstnitor Is u lowed one ycur from the 10th d.iy of Mitrch IWJ, In which to pay the debts uilowtd airalnst mtld estate uud settle the same. I. W. Kiwo.v (hkai.) County .Indue Order t Show Cause. Cwrifi'c KSSSk- Premium- Hams and Bacon i'rnr'nrrimmnivh,inivPHf " ',i,i,ii"i"i"iwi'M"i""i''",'ivi"ii"t niimi A iruaruutt'od oouirh rouioily Is Hoes l.iiMilivo t. uutrh Syrup For fiuhs, cnblh, oroup, hoopiny-couh, lioarsu iuk.H mul all broiiohiaLatVeotlons Ucit for ohlhjivn bocnpsoflt is qulok to 10 lii'vt uud tasti'h K'6il. Gently Itixativu iiiul tlrlvo-. tho cohl' from tho nyxteui. S()hl by Henry Cook . i frsaj fif&SNf f xn fmSWL KoonH Hintoof KchrnHkn I in ihu Cuiintv rmirt WobHtcr County f "U""-"'" t "Urt. At a County Court held nt the. County Court room In nnd for K.ild'couuty 'I'liursday l-'tbrimry Kth! A. I)., 1IWJ. In tlienuitterof tlieestnteof .Max Klrelnur I itet'iiKcd.. UN rendliii; nnd tiling the petition of Paul ino ICIreliner filed cm tho 'i'ltli day of t'eli ruary A. I) 1101), praying for the examination and allowance of lur llual account of the Name date, a decree of assignment of tho IniulH belonging to Mild (.-statu to the persons entitled to tho hiinie, an order dlNtrlbutlng there-ldiiuof personal e.stutonnd llieroupon nn order discharging her from fin ther burden and nervlco In bcr wild oillce nH KxeculrU. OltnuiiKl), That Wednesday tbo'JItli day ot March A. 1)., lDOD, ut ono o'clock p. in., In as signed for hearing wild petition when nil per BonH Interested In said matter mny appear nt n County Court to bo held Iu nnd for said county nnd Bhowcauso why prayer ol peti tioner should not bo granted; nnd that notice of the pendency of sntd petition nnd tho bear ing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, hy publishing n ropy of this order In the ltcd Cloud Chief, n weekly news paper printed In onld county, for threo comp etitive weeks prior to said day of hearing. HKAI.l I. W. KlWOM County .fuilcc IIKUG IS ItKI.IKI' I'Olt V()M -... Mutliff (lut), it tniru In Nmv York. (I Unit ciod mi itroumilc. jiIuaohiiI herb euro for womou'H Ills, cnlluii AL'sl'K.M.IAN I.UAK. It l the only ceitnlii rt-wtilntor. curcn fuiuilu uchUiki-H'b and liHrkiifiiu. klduuy. iilHdder mil iirliiniy Irontiles At hII driiKKlMx or by inutl aueiiU, hitinplu KIIKI! A'Iitrei-8, Tho Mother (irny Co , l.u Uov, N, V Fresh Meats Red Cloud. Nebraska. Plnosalvo Cui'bollxod, nets like a lioiilticu uiufilnivss out iiitlainuiiitlon. Tor ehuppoil hkiu For outs, burns, Mires briiisos, skin (IImmim, Shoulil bo kept in overy homo. Price 2Su. Sold by Ilonrv Cook. . ' Order To Show Cause. Slate of NobrasWu, I ., ,., ,, ,, , Webster ounty. f lu 1,lc Coj1Dly Court At a County Court held nt tho County Court room In nnd for Bald county Saturday March 6th A. I)., lPJ'J. In tho matter' of tho estate of Mnrgniet M. Wall, Deceased. On reading nnd nilng tho petition of .Sarah ('. Kilgim praying that iho Instrument nio.l on tho nth dny ol March, 190!) nnd purporting in do mo nisi will nnd Tcstniiient of tho Halil decensed mny lc proved, approved, probated, allowed nnd recorded as tho Inst AVIII and Testament of thohnld Mnrgnrct M. Wall de ceased, nnd that the execution of the Instiu nient may becouiniltled, and tho itdtiiliilHtrn uon oi sain esinto mny bo granted to Clnrcnei' Heed, ns Adiulnlstrnlor with Will nuiicxcil, ounKiiKii, that Wtslncsday thoillstday of March A. I)., ItW'J nt ten o'clock n. in., Is assigned tor healing said petition, u hen nit persons interested Iu said matter uiiiy ap pear nt n County Court to bo held Iu and foiJ said County nnd show ciuiho why the prayer of petition should not bo granted; and that notice of tho pendency of wild petition and the hearing (hereof bu ghen to all person ' Inten-sUd lu sitlit matter, by publishing jt copy of this order lu tho I ted Cloud ClileLn weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks prior to said iln- of hcarjiig. .. I. W. Kdson, tu.i,i County Judge. r" 4 ' it