Tin 'N A 1 V 1 I LOGMETTES 1 Don't mibs tlio Cow-Puncher. Wlmt lins become of tlienlfnlfa mill'.' lllll Glover 1ms returned tothls city. loliti Wolfe Is sick with the measles. r Mr. I'Morcnco went to Chicago Satur day. Wuntod load of tfood alfalfa.- I. V. Kdson. Arch Uorcn Ya down from Cowles Tuosday. Kay Nelson was down from Inavalo Tuosduy. Hugh Bcal was down from Allhiuco this week. Jim MclJcidfe.wnBldoWnfffbm Cowles Wcdncsd&M 4,-,i.'.ni,. . MissIIuttle Morrison wont to Cowles Wednesday. Hnl Thomas is home from Mcl'hor. (on Kansas. Charles llonnott of Cowles was in town to-day. cliarley Wittwer is quite sick at this writing. Mrs. .Ins. Meliuiro i. on tlie sick list this week. Senator Hes'so was down from Lin coln Saturday. I. II. Holmes has boon on tho sick list this week. Miss Householder was down from Itlndcn Saturday. Herb Ludlow went to S.ilina, Kns.j Monday rrforuing. Hudc Robertson was down from Uluo Hill Sunday. Mr. Eastwood of Rivcrton was in town Wednesday. JMiss Ruth .lohnson was down from Uluo Hill Saturday. Qeorgo Volland was down from Hastings this week. Jack Wisecarver returnoil from Vir ginia this morning. llrs. Ed Oarbcr is hero this woek visiting old friends. Mrs. T. .7. Bom ford was in Wilbcr tho last of tho week. Mrs. Dr. Cunningham of lliverton was in town Saturday. Miss Cora Loekhart from Iiladcn was in town Saturday. Mr. P. N. Moore of lliverton was on our streets Wednesday. Mrs Pegg returned from Pairmont, Neb., Monday evening. 3eo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Edith Finch returned to Wray, Colo., Tuesday morning. Mr. anc Mrs. Karl Sponcc were down . ifom Bladen Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. l'latt entertained tho Afternoon Whist Tuesday. Bay a ton of coal and get a novelty dust pan. J.O. Caldwell. The Cow-Punchor at tho Opera House Wednesday the 21th The Eagles - gave a masquerade danco St. Patrick's" evening. Mr. Scottf Saylor, brother or J. C. is hero from Lexington, Ky., for a mon th's visit. I Pi I If you are open to con vietion, we've an "open" shirt here that'll open your eyes. You get into it, and you get out of it just as you would your coat. It'a just an "ofT-and-on-like-a-coat" shirt, made by people who have, been making shirts on honor for over forty years. And the . COAT SHIRT is tliebest tiling they have overdone. $1.50 and more. PAUL I Subscribe for ,the Clik. Frod CJerlach of Kosemoiit was In t3wn to-day. Miss Mable Holmgraln lias been having the grippe tills week. FoiSai.i: Six room House, o lots Inquire at Newhouse's store. tf MIssJEurillii Caldwell has returned houc from Kansas City, Mo. Miss lone Albright entertained a few friend Friday evening. Jjloyd llradbrook returned to Wood ruir,Kas.. Monday morning. NewtJSibert returned from Court land, Kas., Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter were down from Innvalu Saturday. Miss rS oil Taylor entertained tho Junior Whist Tuesday evening. A Mr. Crimes of Iiluo' Hill has been visiting his brother, Ned and wife. MisscsjMyra OrWelli and Nellie Jones went to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Geo. 1. Johnson has added ient? furnishing goods to his stock of up-to-date goods. Ted Harris and Wilbur I'oteiso'i wero initiated by the Odd Fellows Monday evening. Mrs. Lillle Whitney of Cotlosfleld, Nob., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. o. E. Harney. Mrs. Georgia Perkins of Lincoln is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Card this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Durkee moved to Clay Center Monday whero thoy will make their future home. For Sale- two good milch cows. In quire of It. L. liuusickor, 2 miles east of Inavalo. Phone 0 on G. Mrs Geo. Hollistor and dajtghtor Marie went to Lincoln Friday whero Mario will take treatmont. Dr Winterson physician and sur geon; ofllee,nnd rcsidenco phone snmo as Dr. Raines. Potter block. Overing Bros, and Co., erected a handsome granito monument, for B. P. Dickson of RiTcrton Monday. Miss l'aquita Studebaker and broth er Harry arrived home Saturday oven ing from McPhcrson, Kansas. Tublcr wells, wind mills, pipe fitting and rcpairings. Call on T. CiinVAl.int, Campbell, Ncbr. Write or phono. Mr. and Mrs. Hogart returuod from Norton, Kas., Tuesday morning whero thoy they htivo boon visiting relatives Misses Zelin McCiltico and Mable Munson of Bladen visited at the homo of Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Nybcrg Sunday. The city council had a special meet ing PridBy evening and granted Mr. Florence of Chicago an option on the P. & M. Bank building. Tho "Irish Senator" which was played at tho opora kouso Saturday night was a number ono good show and well liked by all present. l Dr. Warrick, tho specialist will mcot eye, ear, noso and -throat patients and thoso needing glasses, at Dr. Darner ell's ofllco Tuesday, March 30th. The following shipped stock Sunday: Wcesner & Mcintosh one car; II. C, Cutter one car; II. Crowell one car; Pat Kellot one car and Bert Tennant ono car. I STOREY h fTTOwnrrr p itt"1 f All members of the AI. AV. A. lodge are requested to attend lodge noxt Thursday evening the 25th. In connections with his Law business, 13. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan Department. Parties desiring u farm loan will find it to llielr advantage to sco li'in. Miss Mable Putman returned to Siloam Springs Saturday night. She was called here to attond the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Myers at North Branch. George Hutchison went to Lincoln Tuesday, to attend the Democratic Vo'untcer banquet in honor of Will iam Jennings Bryan's birthday, which is to-morrow. Tho loth grado was entertained Wednesday at tho homo of Mr and Mrs; J oil' Ward llioir daughter Vivinn being a member of the olas. A good time Is reported. Him- you seen one of those eardti tcl.ing you how to get a '.' piece din ue. set? If not call at the Red Cloud Hardware mid Implement Co's. Store and they will tell you all about it. Good play and constantly being pro duced dealing Willi western life but rarely does ono appear equal to " ' lie Cow-Puncher" to be seen at The Opera Houso Wednesday Warch '.Mill. Red Cloud will soon huvo another bank. B. P. Mizor, S. B. and Edward Florence appear as tho incorporators. The capital stock Is to bo 8123.000 paid in, and the bank will bo in the P. & M. bank building. The Quartorly mooting announced for this Friday ovonlng In tho Metho dist churoh is postponed on account of sickness iti tho family of Presiding Eldor. Tho mooting will be hold lator.. Rev. M. T. StiiHor. Sidney Mc Arthur agcdToycais old died at his homo near Columbiaville, Mich., Priday March 12th at 0 p. in. He was the father of J. A. McArthur of this city. Mr. McArthur left Satur day for that place to attend tho fun eral Sermon themes to be discussed at the Congregational church noxt Sun day morning "Behold ho prayoth" evening "The two valleys" The val loy of Humiliation nnd the Valley and Sh'idow of Death. A cordial invitat ion extended to all. I desiro to thank my friends who I havo had the pleasure of serving for the Inst 25 years for tholr kind patron age they have given mo and commend' to your service Dr. S J. Cunningham who has bought my practice and will continuo tho same. Come in nnd seo him and got acquainted. Dr. J. S. Emiciii. Tlie manager of the opera house an nounces "Tho Cow-Puncher" by Hal Reld as the attraction for March 21. It is a story of life in Arizona and with Its excellent company together with the complete sconio production, bids fair to score a big hit. W. P. Mann, the manager, has added sever al vaudcrille features that havo boon highly praised. Another change has occurred this' wook among our business firms. Mr. Geo. Amack has purchasod the inter est of Mr. Maynard in the Red Cloud Hardware and Imlement Oo. Mr. Amnck has lived all his life in this community and is well and favorably known. He will mako a strong addit ion to tho firm and we welcome him to our city. We understand that Mr. Maynard will retire from active life. "Tho Cow-Puncher," a now play by Hal Reld, and under tho direction of W. P. Mann, opens a one night en gagement at tho opera houso Wednes day, March 2 1th. Tho play Is a power ful drama of tho wost. containing a beautiful heart story, thrilling situat ions and fairly bublcs with comedy. A cast far above tho avorairc has beon engaged and nothing that money can socuro has been spared to make this one of tho most magnificent product ions on the road. "The Cow-Punoher," wrltton in Hal Rolds inimitable stylo, affords all thn characters many opportunites to display .cleverness and versatility The play is lavishly mounted through out and boars evidenco of Mr. Matin's porsonal attention and supervision with nil the wealth and boauty that tbc stage carpenter and scenic artist can portray. Tho scones are woven In and about Arizona and Mexico, In a stirring and advonturous mannor, deal ing with cowboy life on the largo cattle ranches. Stymest Stevenson, youngest son of Hugh Stevenson an early pioneer of this county was in tho city this week and made this oiDco a plensant call. He used to live on a farm near Inavalo but now makes his home in Council Bluff 4. Mr. Stcvonson informs us that tho most pleasurable holiday of his life was spent in this city On the 1th of July 27 years ago, his father gave fiOcts. oach to t oof his boj s foi spend ing money and Mr. Stevenson was ono of the boys. Thoy both rode tho samo horse into town and proceeded to havo the time of tlic'r lives. Thoy each had Soots, wlion thoy ar rived homo. Ho asserted that Red Cloid f urn ishes tho highest class en- talninont with tlie lea-t oxpendltiue of any city in tlie (J. S Glad to see you, como again, , S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. Mi07 At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. S C. Johnson died Monday morning at four o'clock of a complication of diseases. The funeral was held Tues day at Mt Hopo and the romalns wore laid to rest in the Mt. Hopo ccnielery. A young Chicago drummer was tak ing a vacation with his uncle in the country and was called upon to ask the blessing, and notbeingaccustonu'd to it he promptly tackled thodilllculty in tho following words: "Wencknow ledge tho receipt of yolir favor of this date. Allowus to extend otirgratltuilo for this expression of good will. Trusting that our house may merit your confidence and have many orders from you this fall, we are yours truly, atnen." The old man will tay grace hereafter. - Found Wandering. t O. P. HetidiM-shot's tenth sale at Lin coln. Nebr.. March 2'., "Oil will exccll all of his former sales in quality and heavy boned animals, but arc not in as good tlcsli as thoy should be to got the best prices fur them, but are just right for breeding purposes, and the buyer will get them for less money. Tho stallions are from 2 to fi years old weighing from ItSOOlbs. to 2200 lbs., sound and right. The :i0 mares aro from 2 to G years old, are good as grow, 1 think. Tho 10 jacks aro of the big boned, long bodied, good head and ears, and guaranteed good breeders and all right in every way, etand from 15 to M14 hands high. Read Mr. Hcn dorshot's add in this paper and write for catalogue. Mention this paper "What Is a homo without a paper.'" A homo without a nowspaper is no homo at all. It is u kind of dreary den a reudo.vous of bedbugs nnd Ileus, where the inhabitants live in blissful ignorance of what tho world is doing. It is inhabited by a class who do not know who is president or what lie is prosldent of who never lii id out that a thinghashappeued un til long after everyone olse has for gotten It. Tho children grow up in rag and dirt, while tho wifo gen oral ly finds consolation in darning socks and lugging a pipe loaded with long, green tobacco, and the man generally lives bceau.se ho can't dio and he is too lazy to kill himself. Ho goes out on election days, and does not know wiio ho is voting for, but just tnkes the ticket bearing the name his great-great-graudfuthor voted for. -Rlcevlllo (Minn.) Loader. - If it were not for artificial eye aid, tho eye-glass, tho telescope, tho com binations of, different lenses, scientists and tho world in general would today bo laboring in the darkness of tho six teenth century. Formerly louses were made from pebble, and it was found by Piuson,,"the father of light," that this was the only substance which would transmit his uowly discovered health rays, Prom the tlmo of this discovery, it has been the dream of scientists to produce an artificial lens substance .that would approximate Nature's product in its transnlsslvo powers of the heulth rays of light. All could see the value of such a dis covery in its adaptability for oyo glass and spectacle lenses especially, as the lenses now in use absorb practically all of these health-giving rays so that but few of them roach tho eyd. It has been demonstrated that the new Health-Ray Ions recently nnnounccd has the property of transmitting all theso health rays and nil oloments of light in their natural proportions as found in sunlight. Notice. The Ladles of tho M. B. church will sorve diiiuor and supper in connection With their Bazar Saturday April. 'Jrd. Notice. The Independent voters of .tho city of Red Cloud, and tho qualified votora of School district No. 2 of Webster county will meet in convention at tlie Court house on Thursday evening March 18th, at 8 o'clock p m., for tho purpose of nominating candidates to' bo ballottcd for at tho ensuing elect ion. By order of Committco. This is the most dangerous timo of tho year to catch cold, and it is th o hardest time to euro it. If you should tako a cold, a few doses of Konnedy's Laxative Cough Syrup will act very promptly. Its laxative principle euros the cold, by driving it from tho systom by a gentle but natural action of the bowels. Children especially like Ken nedy's Laxativo Cough Syrup, ue it tastes so good, nearly like maplo sugar. It Is sold by all Druggists. Boes Laxativo Couuh Syrun Is In stant rellof for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. It Is gently luxativ o and drives tho cold from the systom clearing tho head and throat. Pleas ant to tako, (lood for hnarxoiicsH an d all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed bo caiiso wo know what it will do. 2fic, HOc and 1. Sold by Henry Cook. We w6uld like to prove to every suf fo rer of Kiduev diseases that J'uieules w ill bring prompt relief. Backache', lit euinatism, lumbago, fiiiiuut) nnd Im pure blood are meroly symptom of Kid nay disorders. Tim SI i-izo con tains 2V times as much as the fiOosizo S"'d by Henry Cook. - -nrrifinrmiwm m hi i i - . i i 1 1 1 Men's SELECT your Spring Suits early, Sir Select it now! There never was a belter time for the Spring styles are just in from the World's Best Tailor Shops. Choice and handsome gar mentsall blooming with the new styles features and Spring freshness. Correct models and fabrics for Middle Aged Men and all the swell stunts for ihe Dashing Young Dressers. $10, $15, $20 up to $25 Remember that luck or chance never enter into a purchase made here and that there's no time like now to choose your Spring Suits. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. Always Reliable NVVaaa'a A Special on Rugs For 10 days. Look to your Interests and buy now. WE ARE Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking MOON BLOCK ALLTHE PHONES Amack 8 Chancy A Hem Snappy Line of Ladies' Furnishing Goods. m" in The Fair Store Building. We will be in shape to fill your wants in Every Thing in Ladies' Furnishings, in the way of Shirt Waists, MuslinN and Gauze underwear. Ladies', Misses and Childrens Hose. Gloves, Collars, Belts, Face Vales and notions of all kinds. Ladles' Suits and Skirts made To Order a Specialty. Will be adding more goods rapidly from time to time All Special Orders filled promptly. Call and See us, Yours For Business Geo. P. Johnson. Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out. Follow his advice. l.C.At,erCo..kowell.K4aM. Tlie endorsement of your doctor will certainly jjrcatly Increase your confidence In Ayer's x-iiis ns a lamny laxnuvc. i.tvcr puis. AH Notice. Our new pool mill billiard pnrlor Is now open to tho publit) nml wo i:or lliilly Invito n visit. Wo hluill nm n clt'uii,.biisIuL'8.s-lila) pluoo, froo from (,'umlilliiK, mid nil boys uiulor ltf will bit excluded. Thin rulo will hoMrlutly nilhuriiil to. 1'aiskiw it Hicks, old Tepuo building. Suits. CopyiUl 1909 , The Houip of Kuppcnlvtmet QScgo i First Door North of Poslofficc s w . w .- - a vegetable, ask your doctor about tbem. Notice. 1 ho rinmiiil ineotliitf of tint Ktook holdoiH of tho Ueil Cloud Croiunury Association will bo hold ut tho Court Houso Saturday, March 20th, lOoO, for ' tho election of olllcors niul to t.musuct such other business aa iniiy bu usee,-. sitry. Hy order of '.TiwiitsE llnuklo j L'resldott. A i i ' e t IH1 h ): I 1 sin $r :A tl IK i w a i? " , v "Vd i) iw?jti8evtfB1 iaiig'iTi'r'T""''"!'? 'Itf iiTilfffiT I Wi(', MNktKtei J- 4, A S-Jfcii