The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1909, Image 8
r FOR SALE OR TRAD New York Store Stock, Fixtures and Goodwill "." azm COMPLETE Et Potter Bloct Red Cloud, Nebraska. U c i u 157 7 11 1 n account or another business proposition. W e want to sell out this busi- i i . . ness within the next few days. , ; n ,. , " This store is well known as one of the Leading stores in this locality, and will be a good Heal, for a First Class business. Will trade for unincumbered Realestate or farm property or will sell at the right Price for cash. '"an make arrangements for extended Payments on part of st. msm re vri ty srik rty dta ?lJHmM9r2misrQi7P-3l(3axr:usxwttuxXB nwj3auua I PIANO PROSPECT PRIZE PACKAGE! if is worth m prizes GASH VALUE ji?Off00 FIFTY DOLLAiS to find out where you live without driving all over the country, and I will give the following prizes VRII to the persons forming the most words from the letters contained in the firm name of "ARGAB RIGHT'S STUDIOS" ANDYOUWILLC.kT FAMILIAR WITH THfc NAMK OF THE RED CLOUD FIRM WHICH SELLS NO HUNG BUT RELIABLE 1MANOS--PRONOUNCE IT ikAR-GA-BRIGHTM The prizes will be awarded according to the following RULES AND REGULATIONS: t. Webster's International Dictionary to be authority for all words a. Proper names NOT COUNTED. 3. Plurals formed by adding "s" will not be counted. . Decision of judges of award to be FINAL. 5. Words in your lists must be numbered consecutively. 6. No letter can be used oftener in any word than it occurs in the words "ARGA BRIGHT'S STUDIOS." 7. Only one prize awarded in one family. 8. All lists must reach us on or before March 20, 1909. 9. All lists must be sent to "A.RGABRIGHT'S STUDIOS, POTTER BLOCK,;RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA," accompanied by the following list of questions answered in full: N.wn: P. AlUMtlXS mill ninth,, of ... It. P. I) :... I live . miles oast miles south, miles west 1 Iliive you 11 piano'.' .....Have you an organ? Arc ym thinking of buying , piano? or orKiinV How soon? !lw unities anil uiMre.sses of two friends now owning pianos or organs, state which, " i.. kGIvi n;uiu-s,!Uil niji) rushes of two or more friends whom you think might buy r piano or organ state which, f : 1 1 ist-MMiyi (largest list) HAND PAINTED PASTEL PORTRAIT, cash value . . . .$ 25.00 2nd " Hand Painted PASTEL ROSE PIECE " " .... i0 00 3rd " Hand Painted PASTEL MARINE " " .... 5,00 qo Prizes cf sheet music "Conservatory Edition" (i to each) " " . 1000 MAKING A TOTAL OF .03 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO A CASH VALUE OF $5"" Mr. ARGABRIGHT ranks with the foremost PASTEL ARTISTS and the Paintings will be his own work, unframed. In case of a tie, remember "THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM." BEGIN NOW AND GET A PRIZE. m3 &V ijlWATIW PinifllffilU! a UlMflBwE Mlillii SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. A: Improvement over many Couiih, Luntf nnd Bronchial Ucmedlcs, because it rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiate, l.uaranrccd to alve 6Stifcction or money refunded. Prepared by PINLUUi MJ.DICIMJ CO.. CHICAGO. U. 5. A VOW S.VhR AT COOK'S MU'O STORK. r. m-i To ( riMlltor- I . tint manor nf llir estate u( .lineph l'Mllltrky. Notice is lii-icll) lilt pci sous having ' iliiissuiii iliMimmls nifrtlust Joseph I'olnh'ky, i.nti ft Wchilcr County, lfooiuu-d. tlmi the time 1 1 K I'd fur tiling ci.ilin- u.-aln't suln citato N six months from the 2nd day of April IIW.i. All Midi iirsiitis ure required to present their cl.ilins, with the lomtheis. to the County Jltdgu of xnlil ooiinl). ut his ullloo therein, ou or before 'he siul day of October iim: and till claims mi lllcd ultl be licnid before the s;itd Judge on the Ithday of October )00J: :it one o'clock i. in ; and l lull the udmliilsituior Is al lowed one year front the lulli d.iy of Mnrcli HUH. In which to p.iy the debts ullownl against wild settle the Mime. 1. W. F.llsl.N Ci: M. 1 Comity Judge Itni:u.MATiHM Cnn:n ix a Day. Dr. DoUMlion'h Koliuf for Ulioiinitttisni and Xi'imilgiu radically cured in 1 to .'I ila.Vh. It action a port the system is l'Dtiim k'tlile and mystct ions. It rc uiovch at onco tliucansi and tin: dlt oasi'liiimt'dititi'ly distippi'ttis. Tito llfht dohi fjri'iitly hoiitfiits 7"ir a d SI. .Sold y Tin' II !:. C.riiv DniLf C . Ited Cloud Xobf. Crdcr To Sliaw Cause. Millu ol Ntibr.lsU.l. ' ,. .... c'liiii-li Court WfiistiM- oiiniv. i ii. int. v.i)tiii t-oun Ara County Court held til the County Court room In and fur miM comity Snlitrday Marelii'.Ui . D l.i w. In the matter of the cxtntu of Maraud M. Willi. HccfiiRcsl. On rcadliiKiiuil tlllimtiie pitlllon of Miralt C. MiiKaii praylm; that the liistriiment lllud on lliot'.lb day of March. I.o.l and purportlnt; to bo the Itiht Will and 'Icsitunrnt of the mild deceased may lie prow J .. probated, allowed and recordid u iil lanl Will and Testantent of the Mild Margatcl M. Wart de ceased, nnd that the execution of the Instru ment may bccotiiiultted.aiiil the administra tion of Kild estate may be granted toChtreticc Iteed. an Administrator Willi Will annexed. oniiKur.ii, that Wednesday tlielllstday of .March A. !., I'.Wi) at ten n'eloek a. in.. Is assluued for licarlui; .said petition, when all pci'MitiH Intereiited In hahl matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held In and for said County and show cause why the prayer ol petition should not bo granted; and that notice of tlm pendency of nald petition and the hearliiK thereof ho kIvui .to all persons Interested In t-ald matter, by publishing a copy of this order In the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive vi eks prior to said day ol hearing. I. W. Knso.s, (nkvi.i County .indite Order to Sliowt'-misfi In tin.' County Court IS IT fl flEW STOVE, OR A New Buft&y Of Farm machinery We have them all. Rememder, our stock of Har ness, Hardware, Buggies and Farm Machinery i. Complete at all times. :::::: : : : : : 7 Wu pay Spkuiai. attention to Rupplyht,' lhtilder's Hat d ware at tlm Lowest Prices, Bkst Roods. Wk are also in position to do Pluinuiii"; work, and all Kinds of Pipe Cutting and Fittinp. ::::::: $ CAt-L AND SEE US ? Wc will have In a Line of A UTOMOUlLliS Soon. s " Red Gload HaPdcuare & Implement Co. s WM WOLFE. Secretary. I, r s s Eat What ou want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. Tou need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than ' 'this you need to fully dlpest it. Else you can't pain strength, nor tan you strengthen your stomach If it is weak. You must cat in order to Hvo and maintain strength. You must not diet, Ix-causo the bOdy requires that you tut a sulllc icnt amount of food regularly. ii. i . " Dot this food must bo digested, and it must. l)p digested thoroughly. When tho stomach can't do It, you must take something that will hdp'tho stomach. Tho proper way to do In to cut v;. you want, and lot Kodol di gest tho food. Nothing else can do this. When llto stomach Is weak itjiieeds help; ,ou must help it by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that. Our Guarantee Qo to your druggist today, ahd purchaso a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not recelvo any benefits from It, after using tho entlro bottle, tho drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. Wo will pay tho druggist tho price of tho bottlo purchased by you. This offer applies to tho largo bottlo only and to but ono In a family, . Wo could not afford to make such an offer, unless wo positively know what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. Tho dollar bottlo contalnsSS times as much as tho iifty cout bottlo. Kodol Is mado attholaboratorles of E. C. DoWItt & Co., Chicago. Mate of Nebraska i Welnter Con ny f Ara County Cotnt held at tho County Cotirl room In and for wild county I'ridny, I'ebrii.iry Ulli A. It., I:k)'.i. I x the matter of the citato of Mlltoi) M. I. nee Heceased. o.n rcmllm; niul illlng tlio petition of Prls elllaJ.iicellledon the I'.Uli day of February A. 1).. iwj. praylnv; for the examination and allowance of her Until account of tho amo date, n decree of asMKiimcnt of the laiid.1 lie ' lonislnu to hahl estate to the perMJiis entitled to the name, an order distributing thoresldiiu of personal cMatennd thero upon an onlei dlsi'liarKlm; her from further biirdi u tin! , m.tvU'1) In her hiiIiI oltlcc a.s Kxecutrlv. Olini:ui:i), That Wedinyday the l"lli day of March A. IMlKKIatone o'elocl; p. m is'iTs - MKiml for hearing mild petition when all per sons Interested In hahl matter may appear at a County Court to he held In ami for Mid county and show einise why prayer of peti tioner hhotitil not bo granted; and that notice of tho pendency of wild petition and the hearlnn thereof bo Riven to all penman Interested In said matter, by piihll.shiui; a copy of this order In the ited Cloud Chief, a weekly newKpapcr printed In said county, for three cont-ceutlve weeks prior to said day of hearliiK. Im:i. 1. W. Kiison County .IikIkc , I 7 Notice to Bidders. I'KOI'O.SIOU SCHOOL 11UIDINO Healed proposals for tho erection and com pletion of n public hcIiooI bulldlni; at ltvil Cloud. Neb., Including all labor ami mater ials, will be received by I,. II. Fort, secretary of tho school lioard, until 12 o'clock Noon. March 18th, 11)01). All bids must ! In strict accordance with the plans nnd specifications, prepared by the C. W. Way Co, Architect, HastliiKs. Neb., which may bo seen nt thoolllcof (. if. Fort Ited Cloud, Nob., and at thooillco of tli arch ItectK on and alter February, Htli, luotl. Acertllledcheckofriper cent of proposal made payable to I,. II. Fort, must nccoiii pany eacli lildasaKtiarantio of kooiI faith, tho same to bo returned to inch unsuccessful bidder Immediately upon letting of contract, and to ho forfeited by tli successful bidder and paid to said Fort in ease such successful bidder falls to make contract and give ap proved ImiiuI an rcnulrt'il within :w days. Tho party to whom theeontraet Isawardcd will bo required within :w days from accpt ancoot, bid to execute contract and glv up pioved bond in surety company In n sum equal to Its contract price for tho falthfiill performance of thu contract. Seperate proposals will bo received at sann time and under same conditions for tho In stallation of heating and plumbing. The lloard reserves the right to reject any anil all Mils. Hated Feb.. I, 11)01'. Ity order of tho lloaid, , The .School district of Hul Attest Cloud City. I.. II. Fort F.. .1. 0kkinii Jr. Secretary. rresldcnt. Order to Show Caise, Htntoof Nohrnska I i.. ti. fiiiitv fimn WolMitcr County f "i me tountj Lonrt. At a County Court livid at tho County Court room In nnd for said county Thursday February 23th. A. I)., MOD. IN the matter of thoestnteof Mux Klrcbiirr Dccenscd. . ON rending nnd filing tho petition of I'nul lao Klrchncr filed on tho 35th day of Feb ruary A. I)., 1009, praying for tho examination and nllownnco of her final account of the samo date, n decree of nwdmmfn nt n. lands Ijclonglng to sold cstnte to the persons cntltlcit to tho tame, nn order distributing the reslduoof personal estntoand there upon an order discharging her from further burden nnd sorvico in her said oillco ns Hxectitrlx, Oiidkuki), That Wednesday the 21th day of Mnrch A. I)., 100y, at ono o'clock p. m., is as signed for hearing said petition when all per sons interested In said matter mny appear at a County Court to lo held m and for said county and show cause why prayer of peti tioner Hhould not bo granted; um that notice of the pendency of said petition nnd the hear ing thereof lm given to all persons Interested Insnld nintter, by niibllHhliiL' u com- ni ti.i. order In the Itcil CloiidjChlef, u'weekly news- paper prinieii in sum county, for tlirwrnnse cutlvo weeks prior la said day of hearing. hk'1 I. W. Knso.v rnntilv litdgr. 'Wondh Llvvr .MfiHoitiv it it livor ro gulator wlili'li ai'tH (liivctly on this organ, invlniiili'K unci product's natur al action, Hi lugs ipiiuk i-ullof to hick hciidiifliu, const IpMtlon hlllotibiifSb uml otliur hyintotiihiif livor tlUnrrlcrf!. I'lii'ticiilnrly rufcuiinu-iKliJtl fm Jumi. rtieo, clillls, fever nnd inalaiia. Tho fl htzo contain! 2' tlmoK as utiieli us the 50c size. Jroltl by Henry Cook. "! ., .. fcjAf ftf w-AyiT y-n-f y