The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1909, Image 6

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The Chief;
C. B. HALE, Publlshor
Information Gathered From All Quar
ters of the Civilized World and
Prepared for the Perusal
of the Busy Man.
Tlit volcimo ol Collmn Is sniokln;;
nguln mid throwing out sparks na
tively. People living la the vicinity
of the mountain arc In terror.
DInlzulu, nun of tho famotiH chief,
Cetcwayo, has been found guilty of
harboring rebels and sentenced to four
yeara' imprisonment at Grcytown,
The carmen niul other employes on
tho Manila Htreot railway system went
on strlku to forco a series of de
mands. Tho men ask an tncrenso It;
pay and a rearrangement of hours.
A telegram received from Tromsoo
states that arrangements liave been
completed to transport to party con
nected with Walter Wellman's north
pole balloon expedition to Spltzbergcn
ns soon as the water Is open.
The home secretary has ordered tho
release of Mrs. Despard on medical
grounds. Mrs. Despard Is a leader of
Iho woman suffragists who recently,
with a number of others, was commit
ted to Jail for too great activity in tho
cause at tho house of commons.
A brilliant company gathered at a
banquet at the Invitation or the Au
thors' club of London to celebrnto
tho centennary cf the birth of Edgar
Allen Poo.
Julian II. Arnold, tho American
consul at Amoy, China, has stalled
a shipment of pomelo, or grape fruit
trees, to the farm of the University of
California for epeiliuental purposes.
The Amoy pomelos are reputed to bo
tho best '.n tlio orient.
August the principal
organizer of the revolt of 1005-00 in
the Ilaltlc provinces, lias been ar
rested at Hlpa, Ilussln. Previous to
this outbreak, Menanadzlt, who Is
Lett, was a schoolmaster. Slnco 1900
lio has been in biding In tlio forests.
Attorney Robert J. Mnloney of Now
Orleans who, In tho capacity of a
notary, Is alleged to havo defrauded
clients of sums aggregating nenrly
$:t00,000, was released under bond of
$S0,000. Maloney has been In Jail
for several months.
Tliero Is a contest nmong bowlers
over tho next meeting plnco of the
national congress.
Iowa school children will erect a
monument to the memory of Senator
William B. Allison.
Tho special train bearing tho Chi
cago American league baseball team
arrived at San Francisco.
Captain C. 10. Vreelnnd, of the bat
tleship Kansas will bo rell-eved from
command of that vessel on April ID.
Horace D. Tiilt, brother or President-elect
Taft, and Mrs. Tuft left
Watertown, Conn., for Washington to
attend tho lnar-gurntlon exorcises.
Tho buttorlno plant and storago
house of Swift & Company in tho
stock yards at Chicago, was destroyed
by lire Satuiday. The loss Is esti
mated at $150,000. Other butldlpgs In
tho yards weie threatened before tho
lire could bo controlled.
Two boxes, supposed to contain
$00,000 thnt weie sent to Davenport,
Iowa, by oxpross by tho swindlers
under arrest at Little Rock, Ark.,
wero opened and found to contain
nothing of value.
Wilbur Wright nnd Colonel Vivos,
chief of the nirostatlc corps of the
Spanl-sh army, narrowly escaped In
Jury when the uiddor of tho Wright
aeroplane stiuck the ground nnd dis
abled tho machine.
Tho Jury In tho caso or Bob Clem
ents, for the mm dor of the Edniond-
bon family or II vo members at De
catur, Ala., found tho prisoner guilty
or murder In tho first degree nnd
llxed his at liro Imprison
ment. Mrs. M. W. Beekman, a widow, and
her tour children, residing seven miles
from.Bnkerslield, Cal., on tho Union
avonuo road, lost their lives early Frl
'day In a lire which destroyed their
homo. Neighbors suspect roul play
.and Incendiarism.
Four Hoops or tho Thirteenth cav
alry, which hnvo been stationed nt
iFort Sheridan, left Chicago Monday
for San Francisco oa their way to
tho Philippines.
Tho Gnnn bill, providing for statu
tory state-wldo pohlbition, passed tho
Arkansas house by a voto of C3 to 27.
Admiral Swlneburno, commander of
tho Pacific fleet, has dispatched tho
.armored crulsors Cnllforntu nnd
Pennsylvania from Panama to Ama
pala. United Statet customs ofllclals
have seized or,o ton of opium at
Laurler, Wash.
Kugcno Tompkins, prominent lor
mnny years ns a theater mnnngcr and
owner, died nt his home In Boston.
Pcnsncola'a annual Mardl Graa
carnival opened with a large number
of visitors arriving from all sections
of Florida, Georgia and neighboring
The board of rovlow of Cook county
Is directed to convene nt onco and re
assess tho International Harvester
company. Tho Illinois tax reform as
sociation demnnd that tho taxing
body bo forced to assess tho stock
holders $7,000,000, of which $2,600,u00
is penalty or. forme nilcgel Improper
Tho International Harvester com
pany paid to R. L. Thomas, clerk of
tho Shawneo county (Kas.) district
court $13,702, tlio line and costs as
sessed against tho company by Judgp
A. W. Dana for violating tho Kansas
anti-trust Inws The caso was ap
pealed and alarmed by tho supremo
court n month ago.
A radical election law of which
Edwardn of Greenwood Is tho author,
passed tlio Kansas house Monday.
Tho bill docs nway with party em
blems on ballots entirely and tho
politics of each candidate Is to bo
printed following hla nnnie. The can
didates aro to bo classified on tho
ballot according to tho ofllco to which
they aspire,
Tho Cassldy-Mcrrltt committee ap
pointed to lnvo&tlgnto tlio llnnnces .f
Now York City, has nubmltted a re
port, together with tho testimony
taken, to tho legislature.
Milton B. OcIib and Thomas D. Pros
ton, tho latter a banker, havo pur
chased tho Nashvlllo American. Mr.
Ochs will be tho publisher and man
ager. Tho C00-foot steamship Eugene .1.
Bufllngton was successfully launched
Saturday at tho yards of tho American
Shipbuilding company In tho prcsenco
of a largo crowd of spectntorB.
Tho federal grnnd jury returned two
indictments ngnlnst Fred B. English,
a former clerk In tho United Stntos
land ofllco nt San Francisco, charging
him with tho embezzlement of $10,000
In fees paid by applicants.
Whllo on bis way from his homo at
Ada. Okl., to his ranch A. A. Bobbltt,
a wealthy ranchman and former
marshal In Indian Territory, was shot
from ambush aim killed. Bobbltt was a
prominent democratic politician.
A full agreeniont on tho mllltnry
academy appropriation bill waB re
ported to the sonnto and'npproved.
A bill was passed by tho houso
awarding gold medals to Orvlllo
Wright nnd Wilbur Wright In appre
ciation of their achievements In aerial
The snlary of the president of tho
United States has been definitely
fixed nt $7C,000 nor annum, without
any additional allowance for traveling
Former Goveinor John Hilt of
Maine, membor of the republican na
tional commltteo or thnt state, haa
boon nnmed ns acting chnlrman or tho
commltteo by Chnlrman Frank II.
All of tho members of tho cabinet
Wednosdny submitted their resigna
tions to tho president to tnko effect
at noon Thursday. This Is In accord
ance with tho custom at tho end of an
Tho appropriation to tho sundry
civil bill for continuation of tho Joint
Immigration commltteo was reduced
In coherence from $250,000 to $150,
000 and In that form agreed to by
both houses.
Tho houso by an overwhelming
oto, under suspension of tho rules,
passed tho bill nmendlng tho copy
right laws, designed, among other
things, to provent using musical com
positions In instruments without con
sent or tho authors.
Ono of tho lest ofllclnl nets of Presi
dent Roosevelt was tho signing or
proclamations creating additions to
thirteen natlonnl forests In Novnd.i.
Calirornln, New Mexico and Arizona,
aggregating 4,9S0,73G ncres, bringing
tho total acreago up to 105,013,980
acres. Tho land will bo mnnaged in
nccordanco with tho rorostry princi
ples now practiced by tho government.
Miss Bello Ilncner. who for vnnm
has been Mrs. Roosevelt's socl-al sec
retary, has been trnnsrerred to a posi
tion In tho bureau or trado relations
or the state department.
ARor two sessions or over flvo
hours each tho conroroes on tho rivers
and harbors bill reached an agree
ment Tuesday. Tho houso accepted
about twenty amendments ror surveys
which will cost about $100,000.
Pathological Bpechnons or dangerous
diseases, llko tuberculosis and dl-ph-thorln,
will bo in tho futtiro rofused
ndrnlsslon to tho mnlls unloss securely
packed In nccordanco with tho postal
specifications, according to an order
issued by Postmaster General Moyer.
Tho sonato commltteo on finance
voted to report rnvorably tho nomina
tion or Georgo S. Terry, to bo assist
ant treasurer or tho United States at
New ork. Both Now York senators
supported tho appointment. It is
likely tho sonnto will confirm It
within tho next few days.
To procure aid from tho government
for tho construction of railroads In
AlaBka, Representative Humphroy,
Washington, has Introduced n bill
providing for an examination to bo
mndo undor tho direction of tho sec
retary of war to detormluo the need
for further Improvement In Alaska.
Tho sonato commltteo on flnnncn
voted to roport favorably tho nomlnn.
Hon or Georgo S. Terry to bo assist
ant treasurer or tho United States at
New York. Both Now York senators
supported the appointment. It Is
likely tho senate will confirm it with
in tho next few days.
Railroad Legislation to Be Given Con
sideration, Now that the Banking
Bill la Out of tho Way.
Substantially as It came rrom tho
standing committee, the banking bill,
providing ror a depositors' guaranty,
was recommended ror passage by tho
houso commltteo or tho whole. An
effort will bo mndo to get it on
grossed nt the earliest possible dale
and sent to the senate.
Tho first test voto which has been
uecured on tho proposition was taken
on tho committee report. Tho demo
cratic majority lined up for the bill,
while the republican minority, with
the exception of Thlosscn or Jeffer
son, went on record as opposed to
tho bill. McColl of Gage voted aga.nst
his republican brethren, when the
test voto was taken, but ho did ho
with tho explanation that "I am op
posed to this bill and opposed to any
kind or guaranty bill. Therefore I
voto 'no' now and Bhnll voto 'no'
again when tho bill comes up for
Somo of tlie essential features, n3
tho bill now Htands, are:
Tho buslnesB of banking nnd tho
terms relntlng to It are defined and
tho business of banking 1b prohibited
except by meanB of n corporation or
ganized under the laws of tho state,
natlonnl banks which organize under
tho federal laws being excepted.
Tho banking board Is organized
with tho governor, auditor and attor
ney general as members, the gover
nor being made chairman.
The board Is given the power or
general supervision over tho bnnks
or tho state.
Tho governor Is given authority to
appoint n secretary or tho board at a
salary or $3,000, a clerk at $1,500 and
a sufficient number or bank examin
ers at $1,800 a year.
The secretary and examiners must
have had at least three years' prac
tical experlenco In banking.
The bank examiners may not exam
ine tho afTalrs or any bank in which
they havo a personal lnteiest or with
which they havo had any connection
for a year previous.
The secretary and examiners must
put up n $25,000 bond each.
In making examinations, examiners
aro authorized to administer oaths
nnd enforce tho attendance of wit
nesses. Examinations must be mndo in tho
presence of two directors.
At least once a year examination
from sources outsldo the banks must
be made of 10 per cent of deposits
and loans.
Now for Railroad Bills.
With tho guaranty banking bill and
tho bill restoring the right or direct
election or precinct assessors prac
tically out or the way in tho houso
that body Is preparing to tackle right
away somo or the weighty railroad
Throe or the most Important, tho
physical valuation bill, tho reciprocal
demurrage bill and tho oil rato bill,
wore ordorcd advanced to tho head
or the ','enernl file when they wore
reported out or tho railroad commit
tee. Tho physical valuation nnd demur
rage bills havo already passed tho
sonato and nro therefore In a fair
wny of becoming laws with tho next
week or two. The oil rate bill Is a
houso bill, but waB Introduced late.
ThlB latter bill applies principally to
crudo oil to bo used ror fuel pur
poses. It 1b declared that it will let
tho Kansas operators into Nebraska
with their product and that tho re
sult will bo a cheapening of power
through tho substitution of oil for
coal in a good mnny enterprises.
Tho bill provides a sot or distance
tariffs on crudo oil which aro a con
siderable cut from tho present rates.
The ratOB aro said to bo similar to
thoBo' in effect in Kansas.
Against Constitutional Convention.
A consldorablo scntlmont has de
veloped In tho house against tho pro
posed 1)111 for a constitutional con
vention. Slnco tho unexpected pas
sage of tho bill by tho sonnto tho
question has received consldorablo at
tention In tho houso and sentiment
asninst it hns grown materially since
It has como to bo regarded as a
matter which may possibly havo to
bo dealt with. Tho sennto bill has
not reached tho general fllo of tho
houso, and a bill introduced in tho
houso by Raines Is rar down tho file.
Oregon Plan Now a Law.
r.nv. Shallonborcor has signed II.
R. 1, by Humphrey' or Lancaster, en
nctlng into law the Oregon plnn tfor
tho selection or United States sena
tors. Agree Upon $20,000.
At last tho stato or Nebraska is
going to orect a Btatuo In memory or
Abraham Lincoln, nnd tho city or
Lincoln may tako Its visitors to tho
stato house grounds and show whnt
has beon done for tho martyred pres
ident. Tho conference commltteo or
tho houso and sonato reported back
that thoy had agreed upon an appro
priation or $20,000, and tho roport
wiib adop'ted in both houses. Tho
bill passed tho houso carrying ah ap
propriation or $15,000, but it wns not
sustained by tho upper branch.
Firct Half of Legislative Session la
With tho close or tho week ending
March 2 the first half of the legls
latlvc session has been completed.
From now on until adjournment tho
legislature will bo occupied with
completing what has been begun,
Rather more than hnlf or tho time of
tho session has been passed, but it
has been passed In getting Btnrted on
their way toward flnnl fulfillment the
measures which nro to mark the work,
of the legislature. t
But few bills have yet reached the
governor, although the house and
senate acting separately havo al
ready disposed of much legislation.
Tho house has passed and sent to
the sennto seventy-two of Its own
bills and has passed four senato bills.
The senate 1ms passed and sent to
the house seventy-eight bills nnd has
passed sixteen houso bills. A total,
therefore, of twenty bills hns nlrendy
been pnssed, eleven of which have
reached the governor and received his
Five house bills have failed of
passing after reaching n third rend
ing, nnd three sonato bills havo met
defeat in tho samo manner. Through
the route of indefinite postponement
tho senate has disposed of seventy
two of its own bills and four house
bills. Tho houso has indefinitely
postponed ninety-four of its own
Or the bills which havo been passed
most Important Is undoubtedly that
providing ror tho election or United
States senators by direct vote or the
people through the medium or tho
Oregon prlmnry plan, which permits
candidates for the legislature to def
initely pledge themselves to voto for
that candidate for United States sen
ator who has received tho greatest
number of popular votes. It ha?
been pnssed by both houses, but has
not yet reached the governor.
Senate Passes Primary Law.
The bill of Senator 0111b and Sena
tor Ketchum, amending the direct prl
mnry law passed by the last legisla
ture, was passed by tho senate.
Tho bill changes the date of the
primary election from tho first Tucs
day In September to the second Tues
day In August, largely on account of
so many fnrmers being In attendance
at tho stato fair on the other date.
It provides that the precinct com
mitteemen shall be elected at tho pri
mary, that they shall meet at the
county seat on the second Snturday
following, organlzo and elect dele
gates to the stato convention, which
shall consist or three delegates rrom
Douglas county, two rrom Lancaster
and ono from every other county.
The state convention will meet at
Lincoln on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember, formulate a platform and
elect a stato central committee of one
member from each senatorial district.
It provides for a rotary secret bal
lot, although the man Is compelled
to voto only for his own party candi
date, or at least vote for candidates
of ono pnrty only. Any voter may
write in the mime of any cnndldntc
for whom ho wishes to vote ir the
namo Is not on tho ticket, nnd should
such person receive a majority or the
votes ho shall bo considered tho can
didate, provided ho flies acceptance
or nomination within ten days.
Ninety-Nine-Inch Bed Sheets.
Representative Sink's bed-sheet bill
hns been recommended for passage
In tho sennte, and thoro Is no Indica
tion of any further fight on the mens
uro. It was brought up In committee
of tho whole and disposed of without
great difficulty. Senator Raymond ol
Scott's Bluff proposed nn amendment,
suggested by tho hotel men of Lin
coln and Omaha, that Individual tow
oIb bo supplied to guests only on re
quest, but tho senate, after listening
to Senators Tlbbots and Randnll,
voted this down, as they did other
Security for Public Funds.
Randall of Madison obtained the
approvnl of tho commltteo of the
whole for S. F. No. 322 and S. F. No.
117, tho first relating to security to
be given by banks for county funds
on deposit, and the second to stato
lands In depository banks. Tho bill
permltB bnnks that aro county or
stato depositories to glvo a guaranty
bond as security or to deposit with
tho stato auditor first mortgages on
real estato, United StateB bonds,
bonds or this or other states, county,
municipal or school district bonds.
Woman Suffrage.
Tho house passed Jorry Howard's
bill submitting uu amendment provid
ing for womnn sufrrnge, tho voto
standing C2 to 34. This was two
more than enough to carry tho propo
sition, a three-fifths majority being
Assessment of Real Estate.
Aftor a period or disagreement
lasting several weeks, tho sennto rec
ommended ror passage a bill by Ful
ler or Soward county providing for
tho assessment of real estato every
two years instead of each four years.
Demurrage Law.
A bill that has pasbed tho sennto
Is n rerorin measure which has been
sought ror many years "by tho ship
ping public. This Is a reciprocal de
murrage law. Two years ago such a
law was Introduced and backed by n
democratic minority, but railed to bo
uncovered, when a sitting commltteo
was appointed. E. B. Quackonbush or
Nemaha was author or tho bill, and
was called homo by Illness In his
family Just at the tlmo when his per
sonnl effort was needed to push the
bill along. ,
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Tho members or tho Methodist
church of Soward are raising funds to
build a parsonage credltablo to their
splendid church building.
Tlio people or tho First German
Congregational church of Hastings
expect to begin the erection of their
new church about May 1.
Tho Baldwin Manufacturing com
pany of Cincinnati has filed Its arti
cles of Incorporation with the secre
tary of Btate and will open headquar
ters at Omaha. The capital stock or
the company Is $1,800,000, and the
company paid tne secretary of 3tato
a fee or $902 for filing tho articles.
The shipment or hogs to Pnclflc
coast points from tho vicinity of
Kearney Ib again under wny, and
mnny carloads of Buffalo county pork
ers nro in this wny sent to the far
cast. During tho summer nnd fall
season ns high as a trainlond a week
is no uncommon Bhlpment from that
Theodore Leserve, who was found
unconscious In the ynrds at Alliance,
1b a son or W. A. Leserve, a well
known Grand Army man of Broken
Bow. Young Leserve left there Sun
dny night, carrying on his person, so
his father Btates, $1,G00. Ho wa3 ac
companied by two companions, Roy
Gnllington nnd Frank Davis. When
found, it is said, Leserve had only
$000 on him.
Mrs. Mary Hanks, a former resident
or Beatrice, and wife of Pnul Hanks,
wns killed In n railway accident at
Fort Worth. Tex. Mrs. Hanks. In
company with her little son, was driv
ing over a crossing in the outskirts
of Fort Worth, when tho buggy was
struck by n passenger train. Tho ve
hicle wns cut In two nnd Mrs. Hanks
received Injuries from which she died
n row hours later. The boy was not
Two or the lending churchoB of
Hnstlngs. the First Methodist and
First Presbyterian, have Installed the
telephone method or glvln-? indis
posed members an opportunity to
henr the sermon. Tho apparatus con
sists or a large transmitter placed
upon the pulpit, into which the pastor
talks as he delivers his Bermon. Those
who are ill notiry tho pastor and ho
connects their lino with tho transmit
ter. Mrs. Jennie Grogor, the woman who
murdered Volley Mann, pleaded guilty
to murder In the second decree nt
Ogallala, and Judge Grimes sentenced
her to thirty-nine years In tho pefil
tontlnry at hard labor. Ho directed
that each anniversary or tho crime,
Oct. 8, shnll bo spent In solltnry con
finement. Dales, her accomplice, was
given n lire sentenco nt hard labor In
the penitentiary, with solitary con
finement upon onch nnd ovory anni
versary cr tho crime.
Lawrcnco Dally, teller In tho Bank
of Commerce nt .Hastings, Is suffering
from blood poisoning, supposed to
have been contracted In the handling
of Infected money. For a tlmo It was
feared that amputation would bo nec
essary, but that danger Is now pnssed.
The proposition for tho Issue of
bonds for tho proposed now high
school building In Hastings, to cost
upward or $100,000, will probably bo
submitted at a special election follow
lug the regular municipal election In
Sylvester Cozad was accidentally
shot and killed nt a bnll game about
a mllo north of Freedom In Frontier
county. As young Cozad was making
a run during the gnmo a revolver fell
from his pocket, which wns imme
diately picked up by a younger boy
named Bonar, a son of Georgo N. Bo
nnr. Ho called out to young Cozad,
"Stop or I will shoot you," npparontly
in fun, nnd then fired tho revolver.
Cozad turned at the call and wns shot
through tho left breast, and died al
most instantly.
All offorts to save tho liro or R.
Mead Shumwny, tho murderer or Mrs.
Sarah Martin or Adams, railed, and ho
was hanged In tho ponltontlnry. Six
Btnys or execution had been granted
during tho progress o tho caso. Slium
way walked to the scaffold supported
by two assistants, but ascended tho
stnlrs unnldod. "You aro hanging an
Innocont man," ho snld, when asked
to make a final statement. Thon ho
ndded: "May God forgive all of you
who havo had anything to do to mo."
Death did not como ns swiftly ns in
the threo executions held beforo at
tho ponltontlnry, ror tho ropo wns not
placed tightly enough nbout his neck,
and it was twonty-ono mlnutos bororo
tho henrt ceased beating and twenty
seven nnd a hair minutes bororo tlio
physicians pronounced Shumwny
Tho high water of tho Elkhorn and
lco caused sixty feet of tho bridge
south of Stanton to wash away. Big
chunks of lco, somo of which wore
forty feet Bquare, caused the trouble.
Sheriff Rossotor arrived In Valen
tino rrom LcGrandc, Ore., wliero ho
went ho wont to bring back Sam
Storey, tho man who left Douglas,
Wyo., with Fred Smith 4tho man who
waB found in tho rivor at Valontlno
last October, It is known that Story
was in tho city nbout that time, nnd
his preliminary will bo held soon to
find out Just what he knows nbbut the
Aeneas and
Sunday School Lttion for March 14, 1909
Specially Arranged for This Paper
LI'SSOX TEXT. Acts 9:31-43. Memory
verses 40, 41.
GOLDKX TICXT. "And Peter snld un
to him. Aeneas, Jesus Chtlst mukcth
tlieo whole; nrlso nnd make thy bed.
And he uroao Immediately." Acts 9:34.
TIMB.-39 or 40 A. D. Three yciirs aft
er tlie hint lesson. InterventnR events.
The conversion of Snul of Tarsus. Hit
nbsenee In Arnliln three years (Gill. 1:17,
18). His return to nninnsetis. His visit
to JeruHnlem (Acts 23:17-21). nnd depart
ure to Cllleln.
PLACK.-G) Lyridn, now Lucid, 20 miles
northwest of Jerusalem In tlio Plain of
Sharon, the old Philistine country. (2)
Jojipn, now .laffn, the chief seaport of
l'lili'Stlne, mid especially of Jerusalem,
now connected with It by a railroad 31
miles long. Here Dorcas and Hlnion
tlio tanner lived
Comment and 5ugfjcstlve Thought.
V. 31. The story or the conversion
or Patil Is p:i3scd over at this time,
to bo taken up In the next quarter,
when wo begin the second division of
the ActB, tho work or St. Paul. To
dwell on thnt great event here would
interrupt the course of the history,
nnd is especially fitting In connection
with the beginning of his caiccr.
"Then had tho churches rest GIj
and R. V. 'peace' throughout" tho
whole provlnco of Palestine, consist
ing of "Judea and Galilee and Sa
maria." A bitter persecution followed
the martyrdom of Stephen. It may
have lasted two or three years.
Tho Occasion of tho Peace was tho
trouble that fell upon the Jews In a
conflict with tho Roman authorities.
They were so occupied with their own
affairs that they had no time to peise
cute the Christians.
Growth by Multiplication. The re
sult or this dally lire showed Itself In
their rapid increase; they "wero multi
plied." There nro two ways to ho
multiplied In numbers, and In qual
ity and value. The disciples rapidly
Increased in numbers, nnd tho aggie
gate or churches was greatly enlnrged.
Then each addition or zeal, of knowl
edge, of wisdom, of virtue, of spirit
uality, multiplies tho valuo of each
disciple and of the church. Every ad
ditional gift or virtue or talent In a
man Is not merely so much added to
him, but Is a multiplier, ror It In
creases the valuo or each and every
other girt. Add capital to labor, and
both are multiplied. Add common
sense to genius, and tho man Is multi
plied many fold. Add to those conse
cration, zeal, grace, and love, and you
multiply him many fold more. Ono
note Is a sound; add a score or tw
more and you have an anthem. One"
color, no matter how beautiful. Is mo
notonous; add other colors and vouv
hnvo a cathedral window.
V. 32. "Peter- passed throughout all
quarters." Peter's first homo mission
ary work was In connection with John
In Samaria (ActB 8). They both re
turned to Jerusalem preaching in tho
village of Samaria on tho way. Now
wo find Poter again on a Gospol tour
throughout Palestine, preaching the
Gospel, and healing tho sick, as his
credentials, nnd as Illustrating the
spirit and nature of tho Gospels: visit.
lng nnd encouraging nnd teaching the.
new churches formed by the perse
cuted Christians, nnd keeping them In
touch with the apostolic church In
Jerusnlem. Tho accounts which fol
low may fairly be taken as specimens
of mnny such journeys or progress, In
spection and helpfulness.
V. 32. "Ho camo down also to the
saints which dwelt nt Lydda." All
Christians wore called Balnts, becnuso
that was their aim and tho character
istic of their lives.
V. 33. Aeneas. Very nearly the
same namo as Virgil's hero of Tioy.
"Eight years." Showing that tho euro
was miraculous. "Sick of the palsy."
Palsy is a contraction of tho word
V. 33. "Jesus Christ." Thnt is, tho
Messiah. Peter guards against being
thought the source of tho healing. Ho
draws men not to himself, but to tho
Saviour, and shows thnt Josus is still
doing the same kinds of work be did
when he was living on enrth. So the
true preacher or teacher always draws
attention not to himself, but to his
Lord. "Mnkoth thee whole." Tho
translation "mnkoth theo wholo" Is
very expressive term for completo
health, whero every part of tho body
Is present and In perfect condition.
Vs. 37-13. Tho disciples at Joppa
learning of Peter's presence at Lydda,
sent for him to como without delny,
apparently with somo hope that tho
unseen Mnstor would) work through his
dlsclplo Peter a miracle of restora
tion such ns ho himself had wrought
during his earthly life. Peter wont,
nnd like his master at Capernaum,
(40) "put them all forth." Then ho
"kneeled down, and prayed." Then,
witli assuranco of an answer, ho "turn
ing ... to tho body, said, Ta
bltha, arise." If ho used tho Aramaic,
tho common language the expression
would be Tabltha ctiml, dlfforlng but
ono letter from tho Tnlltha cuml of
Mnrk 5:41, which ho hoard tho master
speak in tho sick chamber of Caper
naum. V. 41. "Gave her his hand," to help
her up nftcr sho was alive. Jesus took
Jalrus' daughter's hand.
Tho Tenchlng or This Sign. 1. It
called attention to tho fact that Jesus,
whom Peter preached, was allvo In
2. That ho wns tho samo Josus
whoso story tho apostles wero contin
ually telling, and was ablo to do tho
samo wonderful deeds or lovo ho did
on earth.
3. It was a sign or tho reality of im
mortal life beyond tho grave,
4. It was a symbol or tho now spii
ltual lire rrom tho death of sin.