The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1909, Image 4

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iWMKBrwrj" i Mwpn
Red Cloud - - Nebrnsko.
Interod In llio I'natoflU-u l Hoi) Cloud. Neb
up Second CIam MMtcr
C. 11. HA LB
Spring must bo hero. Tim wood
peckers arc hammering thocourthouso
Tho wcatherj iniiti litis jollied the
Annanlsclub. "Ho salt'l the weather
during the Inauguration would bo
ideal, i
The Hock Island system ( content
pinto. no extension in thin direction
in tho near future. Well,! wo( can
"JJy Education most have been mis
led." Drydcu. .
He must have had In mind our sys
tem of public Instruction, tyo bolleve
that the time will soon bo hero when
tho state university and the slate de
partment will cease to furnish tho
courso of study for our common
schools. Their object is plain, thoy
must have students. Hut we wish to
aay again that our schools should edu
cate for usefulness and for sorvice and
wo bclicvo that this can bo by giving
practicr.l studios a prominent place in
tho courso of study. Most business
tton feol the lack of a thoro know
ledge of commercial arithmetic, book
keeping, typewriting and tho like and
they have a right to demand that
theso branches bo taught intensivoly
In our public schools.
Tho optimist the doughnut socs, tho
pessimist tho hole. Wo cannot undtr-
Milud why It is that somo Inhabitants
continually look upon the dark sldo of
everything which pertains to our city
Not a singe civic enterprise but re
ceives condemnation and disapproval
and what Is wor.o tho cry of graft Is
injected Into every undertaking. Mad
motivos are ascribed lo evory one ox
copthcmselvos. This city may bu no
better but itcertuiuly is no worso than
ether cities of its class and yet the solo
occupation or a fow is to condemn and
knock Statements are umdo which
have no foundation whatevor and
these damage tho city in tho estima
tion of outsiders. It is a safe rule to
follow that If you cannot say anything
good or do anything good, keep still.
We want boosters not ktioWtSrs.
On Tuesday even ng tho Commercial
lub treated thomsolves to a banquet
and a general good time. Almost
every niombor was prosout. Thealfair
ivas a success in every particular as
Frank Cowdeu and Davo Kaloy were
tbo committee on entertainment. The
olub Btarts out tho now year with re
nuwed energy and enthusiasm. This
organization ought to receive the
hearty support of the entire city for it
is laboriug unceasingly for tho cities
well faro and much of our progress and
prosperity is due to the club'sactivlty.
Much can be accomplished thru or
ganization nnd harmony. It is abso
lutely essential for the business inter
ests that a perfect understanding
should exist among the merchants and
when all more In harmony and unity
much etui be accomplished. Tho Chief
loolts forward to tho coming year with
confidence m far as tho Cuiiuueruial
club Is concerned because It Is alive to
tho best interests of tho elty and com-inanity.
One of tho great pioblcnib confiont
ing llio now President is how to con
trol the Ily ivusts wo mean
what .Mr. IJrjan culls "bad" trusts.
Perhaps the concern most menacing to
tho people of this locality is tho har
vester combine One company owns
nil tho makes and they name the sell
ing price. Uy this means they aro
able to take for themselves the prollt
which rightfully belongs to the local
dealer. Wo are Informed that tho
local doaler gets next to nothing for
handling tho trusts goods but he Is
compelled to handle them for the
pooplo demand thorn. Another feat
ure of the situation is that tho ma
chines are inferior to tho makes when
there was keen competition". Tho
people can settle this question satis
factorily if they will. Just refuse to
boy trust madp articles for one year.
If tho customer will not buy tho trusts
aro holpioss. This was shown when
tho products of tho Beef trust was left
on tho blocks. Again tho tobacco
trust has not kept up with tho Inde
pendent concerns In their proportion
ot business notwithstanding the fact
that they sold cheaper and offered
prizes and spent enormous amounts in
Notice. '
I he annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the Itud Cloud Creamery
As-oelatlou will he held at tho Court
Hon o Mttunlay, March 2Uth, 10o(), for
tho o eutlou ot ollleors and to irnus'iu?
hujIi other business as may bo necs
Ha y. JJy order of .lames K. liuckles,
Lincoln, Nob,, March. JJ Spuclnl
Comspondoncc.) The time limit for
tin- iiitioduetioti of hills Is past, and
tlm legislature is now deep In the
uoik of passing, amending or killing
1 roposcd legislation. X n tu ra 1 ly
enough a majority of the bills in both
branches are amendatory. It is nee
essarj", because of changing condi
tions, to amend numerous statutes at
every session. Every day sees a batch
of bills going from the house to the
senate, and vice versa.
Tne houso has passed house rolls 211
and 315, thus taking a long stop to
wards redeeming one of tho platform
pledges. , Thcso two bills povldo for
the oluVtloii of precinct assessors.
Neither had any opposition
Of tho thirty seshions of tho legis
lature held prior to the present one,
nine-tenths wero republican. IJut it
remained for a democratic legislature
to so far show rospect for tho memory
of Abraham Lincoln as to provido tho
monoy for the erection of a statue to
tho martyred president on tho capital
grounds of the city bearing his name.
Last vtcokjtho houso joined in the
amendment Increasing the proposed
appropriation from eiO.000 to $20,000
and tho bill will becomo a law.
A lot of misroprosentatlvo Is being
mado of tho physical valuation bill
because it does not ineludo the stock
yards and the street railways. Thoro
is no intention of allowing cither of
them to escape, but the work of mak
ing this valuation will be immense,
and the cost will bo ouormous. Not
nil of It can be accomplished within the
noxt two years. Just as soon ns the
steam railroads aro valued, attontlon
will be given to other corporations,
and in duo tlmo every public service
corporation of whatsoever naturo will
be included. Hut the men who are
foremost in bringing about physical
valuation are pretty gouorally agreed
that It would ho unwise to undertake
too much at one time.
Tho woman's suiVrngo bill litis passed
the houso This was u house bill, but
as a similar senate bill was killed by
the gentlemen sitting in tho west
chamber, It Is not thought atall likely
that the hou&o bill will be through.
Tho bank guarantee bill occupied
the attention of the house for tho
greater part of two days last weok.
The republicans llllbustorcd and pro
posed amendment after amendment
In an effort to discredit the bill, but
without avail. The democrats wero
pledged by their platform to give the
depositors a guarantee, and they
stood by their pledges. Thiesson, re
publican, voted for the committee bill,
explaining his voto by saying that he
had pledged himself to support a guar
antee bill, and ho supported this one
because it was the only one that stood
any show of passing Thiessen's ex
planation was greeted with applause
from tho democratic members.
Democratic intorest in education lias
boon shown by tho passage in the
house of tho bill appropriating JfK'.OOO
for a new wing to tho Kearnoy Normal
school and SIlo.OOO for a new Normal
school at Ainsworth.
A bil that will interest shippers
was passed by tho senate last week.
It provides that wherever railroads
cross nta grado; or wherever thoy
approach within fioO feet in any city
or town, they shall maintain track
connection, and provido suitable
passenger platforms.
Another bill looking towards purity
In olectionsaudjprovlding for publicity
has passed the senate. It provides
that till chninnon or treasurers or
politleal.coiuinlttecs receiving monies
for campaign purposes shall make a
htatcuienttof, the money received lir
toen days before election, and state
Hpecille.illvjiow the money has been
expended.',:. Every contribution of S.'o
or over must lie reported.
The senate has also passed a bill
providing that real propeity bhall bo
assessed every two years, instead of
every four years as now.
It was stated in hist week's letter
that Governor;. Shullenberger would
attend tho inaugural ceremonies at
Washington;; on March 1. After tho
lettor had boon sent out the governor
changod his plans, realizing that he
could uot at this Unit lcavohts duties
as chief executive.
Tho Lincoln charter bill has passod
the senate. This; provides the com
mission system of municipal govern
ment for the Capital City. Tho Omuha
charter bill Isjiaving difficult sledding
In tho housoalthough it passod the
The indications are that tho gather
ing of tho democratic clans in Lincoln
on Mnroh 19 will bo the largest in the
party's history. uTho occasion will bo
a colobratlon of Bryan's birthday and
a domocrotlejlovo feast having for Its
objoet the planning of the future. On
the Btuno date the Democrat io Editor
ial Assoclatloiuwlll meet. In the eve
ning a banquet will bo served at the
Auiiltoruui, and distinguished speakers
iromuomounii abroad willaddre-s the
banqueters, Among them will be Mr
Bryan, who will ulsu address the
editors In the afternoon.
Deputy Commissioner of Labor
Maupln wants tho farmers of Nobr.,
to know .that If' thoy are in need of
far.uholp ho Is in a position to put
th mi in communication Nwlth men who
When you think of
you naturally think of Biscuit.
When you think of, Biscuit
you naturally think of
1 X 'a itIW
' i iOf "! l.4Jlll
The only Soda Cracker possessing
4 ,
JmmSmsm ml
5 sm
' 5mSiXvGr
only in
aro in need of the jobs. A lettor en
closing a stamp for reply will bring to
any inquiring farmer n list of names
of mon who are anxious to secure
farm work.
The anti treating bill was killed in
the house last week. By some it is
claimed that this is a prophecy of
what will bo dono to tho county option
bills ns fast as thoy como up.
Tho balmy weather of the last few
days has had the eirect of making tho
farmer members anxious to rush the
work through so they can. get homo
and begin the spring plowing. As it
result the legislature is pushing things
with rapidity.
The number of bills this your is
practically the same as tho number
introduced two years ago. The pres
ent house boat the record of two years
ago by about a dozen bills, but tho
seuato fell behind the 1007 record
about the sumo number.
First Crop on 8 Acres Brlnfts 91,05
in lastro ttunty Near Sprlnft Lake.
O B. Axtcllof Spring Lake neigh,
borhood, and whoso farm Is near tho
lino in Castro county, was in Dlmmltt
Monday to market his mlllot which
brought 11.50 a bushel. Off of 80 acres
ho tin ashed 1100 bushols that netted
at market 31050.
This was on sod land and tho laud
cost S15 per acre; breaking of land 82
per acre, cutting II per acre, nnd a
wholo cost of about 81,828 on tho 80
After paying for tho land and all
costs of planting, harvesting, thrash
ing, etc, ho cleared S122 and the straw,
which is not llgurod with the above
will bring S3 a ton on the ground
We are constantly increasing our new spring goods until now
we have as pretty and well selected a stock of Goods, Silks,
Embroideries, Laces and Notions in town. It will pay you to
look oiir stock over before buying as we can surely save you
money. Below we quote a few prices.
From remarks made by patrons who have
already seen our new Silks, wo can candidly
state that we hnvo as pretty a line of now Silks
as shown anywhere.
China Silk 57 inchos wide at 50o
Tlain nnd fancy Satin finished Mcssa'iues, 27
Inches wide at II and 81.25
Plain and fancy Taffeta, 27 inches wldo at.. 81
Black Taffeta, 30 inches wldo at f 1
Suoslno Silks at 49c a yard.
For the new stylo hair dress lmvo rolls In all
shades and shapes at 35o and 50c
Hack Combs at 2rc, 50u, 00n, up to 81
In liarretts have tho small ones for 25c, Ma
And the extra largeoucs at ...,'J5e, 50c, 75c
Havo just received n new shipment of hand
some designs and colors in plain side bands
at 10nndl2Kc
Havo oil the newest things in chcoks, plaids,
stripes, and plain at loc, I2tfc, 15, 18c, 25c
S.dK Infants r oot-
Knit Booties at 13c, 25o, 35c
Kid MocoisonB at 25o
Kid soft soled Shoos with tho dainty colored
tops at 30o
W 'w'i.
ItodJ.aa.'ls g?
This is onu of tho many hundred of
proofs that tho llrbt crop will pay for
land and all expenses' besides making'
a gojil prjitlt tin fli-bt sod orop.T. o
I'laiusmau, Dlmmltt, Castro county,
Ibis land is ton miles north of whero
(ieo. .t.itohUou and Dr. Thomas
bought lu tho I'ttiihandloot' Sellars A.
Holmes, lor tin per aero.
Ready made Dresses for girls from 2 lo 14 years al 25c, 50c, $1, $1.50.
Atmto for Ditltorluk Patterns.
tub- sy
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