rtv-&m AMpU WSTtm- MirOiAW - t?tmrrzr?r " - IN Iff J MfJ5f DCKIHSOM Mi Juj 3H!KS (1)''''' "' WIC)it,lSt,Af1 I iHl I OJoPwM y ) XtCHARD st. SU. .AGLj 'OUXOO, PRESIDENT HITS F. SKETCHES OF THE NINE EMINENT MEN FORM ING HIS CABINET. P. C. KNOX HEADS THE GROUP Pcnnuylvanlan Is Secretary of State Franklin MacVeagh, Chicago Mer chant, Holds the Treasury Portfo lioJacob M. Dickinson, Tennessee Democrat, to Manage the Army Affairs of the Agricultural Depart ment Left In James Wllson'a Hands. Philander Chase Knox of Pennsyl vania, secretary of Btate in the cab inet of President Taft, wan born at Hrownsvlllo, Pa., in 1853. Ho was graduated from Mount Union college, Ohio, in 1872, and three years later was admitted to the bar. During tho years 187C nnd 1877 bo served as as sistant United States district attorney rnr tho western district of Pennsyl vania. In the lattnr year ho formed a law partnership with James H. Reed which still exists and which has rep resented many largo corporations, in cluding tho Carnegio Company. Mr. Knox entered President McKInloy's cabinet as attornoy general in April, 1901, serving until 1901, when ho was elected United States senator from Pensylvania. Tho latter position ho resigned to become tho head of Presi dent Toft's cabinet. Wilson Retains His Place. Only ono member of tho Roosevelt cabinet retains his portfolio under Mr. Taft. That is James Wilson of Iowa, secretary of agriculture. So ex cellent had been his work in that posi tion that there was no serious talk of making a change. Born in Scotland in 1835, Mr. Wilson camo to tho United States in 1852 and threo years later settlod in Iowa. In 18C1 ho engaged in farming in Tama county. Ho was a member of tho Iowa assembly for throe sessions and speaker of the house for ono session, and also was a member of tho Iowa stato railway commission. In 1873 ho was elected to congress, serving two terms, and was sent to tho nntlonal legislature again for ono term in 1883. Ho was regent of tho Stato university of Iowa in 187Q-71, and in 1890 was made director of tho agricultural ex periment station nnd professor of agri culture at the Iowa Agricultural col lego, AmeB, la. In 1897 bo becamo secretary of agriculture MacVeagh for the Treasury. Franklin MacVeagh, secretary of tho treasury, was born on a farm in Chester county, Pennsylvania, gradu ated from Yalo in 18C2 nnd from Columbia Law school In 1864. Ho bo gan tho practico of law In Now York city but ill-health forced him to nban don it and in 1SC5 ho went to Chicago nnd engaged in tho wholoaalo grocery business. In this and other commer cial pursuits bo has nmussed a largo fortune. Before ontoring tho cnblnot lie disposed of bis holdings in tho big grocory firm and resigned as director of the Commercial National bank of Chicago. Mr. MacVeagh has nlwaya been Interested in movements for tho public welfare, locally nnd nationally. Dickinson Is War Secretary. Jacob M. Dickinson of Tennosseo nnd Chicago, tho now secretary of wnr, A-ns born In 1851 at Columbus, Miss. Ho graduated from tho Uni versity of Nashville in 1872 and aftor ward studied law at Columbia college, L HI sdlmrm Mtej hijom GR.G-UL.-rUJi.C Qt Q.Qa t-aooxzr at tho University of Lclpslz and in Paris. Ho served several times by spcclnl commission on tho supremo bench of Tennessee and was assist ant attornoy goneral of tho United States in 1895-97. Postmaster General Hitchcock. The first cabinet ofllcer selected by Mr. Taft after his election was Frank H. Hitchcock of Massachusetts, who gave up his place as first assistant postmaster general to manngo success fully tho Taft presidential campaign. Ho hns been given tho ofllco of post master general In tho new cabinet. Mr. Hitchcock was born at Amherst, O., in 18G7, and graduated from Har vard in 1891 and from Columbia Law school in 1S9J. Since 1891 ho has been a government official. Nagel Has Commerce Portfolio. Missouri has been rewarded for its switch to tho Republican column by tho appointment of Charles Nagel as secretary of commerce and labor. Mr. Nagel Is a leading lawyer of St. Louis and the west. Ho waa born in Toxas in 1849, moved to St. Louis when a child nnd graduated from tho St. Louis Law school in 1873. Ho has been senior mombor of tho law firm of Nagel & Kirby, professor in tho St. Louis Law school and a trusteo of Washington university. In 1881-83 be was a member of the Missouri house of representatives, and in 1893-97 was prosidont of the St. Louis city coun cil. Ho is a member of tho Repub lican national commltteo nnd for years has been nn intimate friend of Mr. Taft. Ho was ono of Mr. Roosevelt's most enthusiastic supporters. As an attorney Mr. NageJ was Identified with several important cases dealing with tho numerous complications in the nffalrs of tho Five Civilized Tribes in tho then Indian territory. Navy Under Meyer's Charge. President Taft's secretary of tho navy, George Von L. Meyer of Massa chusetts, ban had wldo experience as n business man, legislator, diplomat and cabinet officer. Ho was born in Boston in 1858 nnd graduated from Harvard In 1879. Ho then entered business and has been prominently conectcd with a number of financial and mercantile concerns. His career as n public official began In 1889, when ho wns elected to tho Boston common council. Ho then served on tho board of nldermon. nnd in 1892-90 ho was a member of the Massachusetts legisla ture, tho last two years being speaker of tho house In 1900 Mr. Meyer was sent to Italy as American nmbassndor, and In 1905 was transferred to Rus sia. In January. 1907, President Roosevelt called him homo to enter his cabinet as postmaster general. This portfolio he has relinquished for that of thenavy. Mr. Meyer's homo is Hamilton, Mass. Qalllnger Secretary of Interior. After about ono year's servlco as commissioner of the goneral land of fice Richard A. Balllnger or Seattle, Wash., has entered the cabinet no secretary of the interior. Ho is n native of lown, having been born in Boonesboro In 1S5S. After attending tho University ot Kansas and Wash burn college at Topekn. he went to Williams college graduating in 1884 nnd ufterwanl studying law and re moving to Washington. Ho wnB United States court commissioner In 1890-92 and later wns Judgo of tho supremo court in -Jefferson county, Wash. Attorney General Wlckersham. Goorgo W. Wlckersham, who bo comes President Taft'H attorney gen eral, has had tho reputation of being ono of tho ablest lawyers in Now York city. Born in Pittsburg in 1858, ho studied civil engineering In Lehigh university and In 1880 graduated from the law school of tho University of Pennsylvania. For two years ho prac tlced law in Philadelphia. In 1884 be became assoclntod with tho law firm of Strong & Cadwalladaro, to which Henry W. Tnft, brother of tho presi dent, belongs, TARGET FOR BULLET ATTEMPT MADE TO KILL EX-GOV. ERNOR OF HAVANA. RESULT OF AN OLD GRUDGE Second Effort to Get Rid of Former Official Amnesty Decree of President Gomez Is Caus ing Unenslncoo. An attempt was mnde Saturday even lug to kill General Einlllo Nunoz, ox governor of tho province of Havana, whllo ho was passing through San Mlgel street, .lose Clsneros, n mer chant, who has had a personal grudge of long standing against General Nu noz, fired two shots at him, but neither took effect. Clsneros was arrested and said that he had selected Saturday to kill General Nunez because tho latter'? daughter Marls, was to be mnrrled to Edgar Ruvclson, n millionaire sugar planter. General Nunez was govornor ot Havana during tho recent American Intervention. An attempt wns made to shoot him two yenrs ago. The general amnesty bill wnB signed by President Gomez. It will take effect immediately and provides for tho re lease from prison of those persons who have been convicted of other than crimes of grave atrocity. This will re BUlt In the freeing of many profession, nl criminals, which causes much un cnsIncBB in Havano. Tho police force In the city haB become largely disor ganized by reason of tho dlschnrge on Thursdny of three captninB nnd ot four more cnptaliiB today, nB well an many experienced detectives to mako placcB. it is stated, for a number of political workers. Unions Force Hard Struggle. Impending labor troubles as a coiibo, quencc of tho expiration of contrnctb between employer! nnd unions on Mny 1 give the industrial situation n pessl mlstic outlook. On that dote tho car penters, woodworkers and other largo organizations will bo confronted with nn "open shop" unless their employers reverso their present position. At n meeting of tho Chicago Fedora' tlon of Labor tho chorgo wnB made that tho National Employers' nasocla tlon plan a concerted assault on lab or's integrity throughout tho country, nnd aro organizing employers in every lnrgo city to Join a general re fusal to submit to tho terms of the unloiiB for renewal of tho contracts. A prominent ofilcor of the carpenters says that the contractors and builders will try to forco the men to nccept nn open shop. The motive Is said to bo disruption of tho union, which hag long boon ono of the strongest In tho country. At tho snnio time, tho labor loader declares tho steel trust, harvest trust, Bhlp builders' association and otbei big employers will refuso now cont tracts nnd will declare for on open shop. His forecast includes n refusal by tho coal mino operators to renew the annual scale. Married to Her Chauffeur. Mrs. A. A. Vnnvoorhtes, aged fifty five, ono of tho best known nnd wealthiest women in Sacramento, Cal., nnd Arnold Patterson, hor chauffeur, thirty years of rge, were married Sat urday at I he homo of tho brldo's mother. Mrs. Vanvoorhics in tho widow or tho lato A. A. Vanvoorhics, who was n prominent merchont. Pat terson has been her chauffeur for obout a year. The romonco bognn last summer, when Patterson was se verely Injured In nn accident. Mra. Vanvoorhics was very nttentlvo to him and a devotion bognn which moulted, in tho mnrrlngo. . Renounces Claim to Throne. Tho Stecula states that tho pre tender, Don Miguel, has declared his intention of renouncing nil claim to tho throno of Portugal out of sympa. thy for King Manuel, who has been so tragically called upon to assume tho crown. It !-s understood, according to tho paper, that Don Miguel will reside In Portugal and take part in tho work of regenerating the country. Woman Is Burned to Death. Whllo her husband wnB a prisoner on tho chnrgo of murder, Mrs. .Too Wood, who rc&itlcd near Rockyford, Georgia, was but nod to death Satur day. Whllo bathing ono of her chil dren before an open lire hor dross was Ignited nnd she ran Into the yard and died. Tho husband was taken from tho Jail to his homo Sunday and waB returned to hl cell. Several small children, tho eldest but soven years' of ago, nro loft nnenred for. Plan Foraker Testimonial. Former United Stntes Senator Jo seph II. Fornker will bo presented with a hnndsomo testimonial by tho no groos of Montgomery, On., because of his championship of tho negro troopa Involved In the nrownsvlllc uffalr. Collections wore taken up in all tho negro churche.i Sunday and among tho membership of tho negro fraternities with which to 1'iirchnso this testi monial. Tho sot of testimonial! which were read in tho different churches Sunday will accompany tho testimonial to Mr. Foraker. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Cnrloado Purohnsod for Lowla' Stnrjlo Binder Clgnr v Factory, Whnt 5s probably tho bigRcst lot of nil fancy grade tobacco held by any factory in tho United States hnH just liccn purchased by Frank 1 Lewis, of Peoria, for tho manufacture of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars. Tho lot will make twenty -four carloads, nnd is se lected from what is considered by ex perts to bo the finest crop raised in many years. The purchase of tobacco is sufheicnt to last tho factory mono than two years. An extra price wan paid for tho selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. -Peoria Star, January id, igog. TROUBLES OF JUNGLE DENTIST. 3jjj- 1 Dentist I wonder docs ho really want that tooth pulled, or is ho schem ing for n breakfast? His First Visit. Tho wide check of his salt nnd hla monoclo proclaimed his nationality from nfar. His first American ac quaintance, met on the steamer, had supplied him with nn Immcnso amount of Btrnngo nnd wonderful Information about tho United States. "And since you arc an Englishman," it was explained, "every store will at onco charge you from flvo to ton times whnt they would ask an American." "Eh! Whnt?" Bald tho Brltlshor, aghast, and then with a look of grent cunning: "But, my word! I uhawn't tell them, don't you know!" Breaking Up Colds. A cold may bo Mopped nt the stnrt by a couple of Lnnu'H l'leaeimt Tablet. Even in eaten where a cold lmn Hveincd to kvl m strong n hold that nothing could hteak it, tlu-Kc tablets have done it in nn hour or two. All druggiHtK mid dealers t-ell them nt 25 ccntH a tun a box. If vou eniiuot uet tlicin Fend to the proprietor. Orator F. Wood- wind, Le Roy, N, Y. Sample five. The 1909 Model. Mistress You aro Btiro sho wns n lady, this culler who dlda't lenvo her nam? Butler Oh, yes, madam, n pufflck lady. 'Er flngors was cigarette-stained and sho smelt o' gasoline very Btrong. BABY HORRIBLY BURNED By Boiling Grease Skin All Came Off One Side of Face and Head Thought Her Disfigured for Life. Used Cutlcura: No Scar Left. "My baby was sitting besldo tho fender nnd wo wcro preparlug tho brenkfast when tho frylng-pnn full of boiling grooso was upset and it went all over ono sldo of her fnco and head. Somo ono wiped tho scald with a towol, pulling tho entiro skin off. Wo took her to a doctor. Ho tended her a week nnd gnvo mo boiiio Bluff to put on. But it nil festered nnd I thought tho baby was disfigured for life. I usod about thrco boxeB of Cutlcura Ointment and it was wonderful how it healed. In about flvo weekB it was bettor and thero wasn't a mark to toll whoro tho scald had been. Her skin is just Hko velvet. Mrs. Ilaro, 1, Henry St., South Shields, Durham, England, March 22, 1908." Pottar Drug & Cbom. Corp- Solo Proos.. Boston. Stifipcct tho meaning and regard not BpeccheB. Socrates. purs cumin in i to 14 da vs. I'AZU OINTMKNTlHKiniruiitcpil to cunt any rase ot llclilnit, llllnil. lllriMiinir or 1'rnlradlDtf i'Ilu In fitulidaysurmunpjr rufuudcU. (On. Tho most certain sign of wisdom is a continual cheerfulness. Montalguo. Mr. AVImloir'B Hontlilnff Hymn. Tot children tnotblnit, tottooi tliti K"nii, rodueei In fl wniimtloa, allui pain, curei wind coltu. 2Sc a bottle And sometimes a poet fools people by wearing his hair short. It Cure Wlillo You "Vnllc Allpn'Hl-onUKaMi furnirnaand bunding, not, sweaty culloiuoclilntffcet. SSaullllrugifltts. An unbridled tonguo is tho worst of diseases. Euripides. Roelstcreil U. 0, 1'at. Offlco The genuine sold everywhere PUTNAM Color mora poods briohter and faster color than ani other die. One 10c packaoe color all libera. The die In cold water belter than any other dre. You can dto uaenfMiUioutrlopUifl apart. Writ lor liotBockJol-friowUDio. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DKUO OO., QutoVy,7illBlm. goilifisen A lazy man makes as much fuss when ho has a little job of work on hand ns an old hen doe." who la try iun to ru I no one chick. Tliront Trouble nmv follow n Couch, or HimrHiMiPHH, "Hrown'tt llrniichlitl TroclirH" KlVf I0lllf. I," (OIltH II lOX. iillllipli'M fr.'i. John 1. Hrowu & Hon, lloalnn, Mnsa. A man who needs advice Id apt to get tho kind ho doesn't want. Lew in' Single Hinder the fnmnun otrainlit So rinr, nlvtiy licet mi.ihlv. Your dealer or Iwia' Factory, lVorm, 111. Veneered virtiiOH begot uolld vices. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYeiJciaulc Preparation for As similating the Food aiul Tfodula- PS m lingmooiomnchsantluowelscl iM : .U Promotes DigcsiioiijChccrful ncssnndHcsl.Contains neither Opium.Morphmc nor Mineral Not Narcotic Rrnp efOM DrSAHVEWmER Jtmp)ti SttJ' M rl JtxStnna Anisi JfJ t If ill jhnvrmi! - jjiinrmiiKirnn CtmrirtiSyf" J AnfrfectRcmcdv rorConslioa lion . Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoea, 3 Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. FacSimilc Signature of Tiik CKNTAtm Company, NEW YORK. FiiXiif ?vBf i B m Guaranteed under tho Foodflid, Exact Copy of Wrapper. 1 I, F -Mmr...r m.. ruin I IV UM IVmm, rope pu t tocetlier. Wnyl Uuo liu no better (oil blc yloldlnc Tariotlea. fllflUlNV. m. lMnlt mbIImm ttia Timi i u i EMPEROR WILLIAM OATS. BomaTMnaio when InOmnany.woplrkalup lull remarkableoatlnarlchRldeTallay of the Urmia. ThOUMIlUfl Of Amurlamftrmir. trlful It lAat .Mr.nrl.Mlnml and MfflMl InltanHlia Trial package Be. . . . m .. ReJUVCNATED WHITE BONANZA OATS. Balter'a White IlonantaOaU.M year aco, took the world'a prlceof 6U).00ln sold for the lieaTtfftylaldlni patTarlety. (OurcaUtoK tulHthelnUrwdlnratory.) Wo hTO rejaronated tela oat and oltcr It again aa aomtlhlni quite aboro the ordinary. HEADQUARTERS fOR AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SEED jiich aa MlnneoU ho. 0 and No. M Oata. Wltooniln Hwedlih Oat. Uderbrucker (Wla. ITo. M). Mlnneaota No. a and No. Utt barley, Mlnneaou Mo. and MortU PaioU Mo. US alaz. Core, wneat, etc. eto - - M V hava by all odda the larceet REED POTATO trad In tho world I f ona ot our oallara alone holda 0,ooo huahelal BIO REED. PLANT AND TOOL BOOK FREE. W publish the mot orlilnal aeed oataloe money to eet a Or romltldea IwonllladdapackoieotaKew Farm SoedNoTeltynerer before seen by yon. Can bo srBSSBBBBBBSjRmS Ss MAPLEINE Ask for the Baker's Cocoa bearing this trade mark. Don't be misled by imitations FADELESS DYES DYSPEPSIA "HnvinR taken your wonderful 'Cnsca rets' for three months nnd licing entirely cured of stomach catarrh nnd dysiwpai.i, I think n word of pmisc is due to 'discards' fur their wonderful composU Hon. I have taken numerous other so called remedies but without avail, nnd I find that Cuscarcta relieve more in n day ihnu nil the others I have taken would in a year." Jnmcs McGune, lo3 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Plonirtiit, l'nlntabb, Potrnt, Tn.Mo Good. Dei tiixxl. Ncvor Slckcn.Wcnkfn or (Irlpo. 10o.2io.JOo. Novcr miM In bulk. Thocen ulne tablet stamped C; C. Uuarnntced to cuio or your wouoy back. 019 GASTQRIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature' of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VKIOIttTAUIieOMMNV. HCWVNfTr. bwimm && kU . hmIh 4 1.. !.. . v. lllllin (Mil IUU UHtflf II1U TfllUIV 11 J.U" than an; body alio, but abe tow only pedlf raa, ... .. In America. It brlitlei with teed thought. nuy etart therewith. Aa k AAtf a llV AXT Mm COLT DISTEMPER handlod Terr cully. The alck are cured, and all otbera In MmoiUblx, nomtttcr how eirioMt," kept from havlnir thedla LXue. by uilnir Hl-OlINti LIQUiU lUSTKMl'EH CUItK. Olre on loo loiiKue,or in leeo. Acia on tue uioou enu eifwii irenna ot all f onm of dliteroper. Rent remedy erer known for marva In f rial. , unsuoiueKuaranic'eaiociirBonocaMA. uuoM"iia uoiiieiaoana ltlOdoonotdrUKilteandharneiiailealen.orMnteprpwtald try rnanufucturrra. Cut oliom how to poultice ItiroaM. Our freo liookletKlreeeTerytblnjr. m airenta wauted. Largeit telling . bono remedy In exletenoo twelre yean. 8POHNMIDI0ALCO..CbBkUaad0uicrbiietUul Oosrion, Ind.tU.S.Aa A flnvorlnp; tlmt IhukoiI tlicimmpaBlcmmi orvmilllu. Jly tllHHiilvliiirKrikiiulittt-ilHiit'iir In wiitcranil nilillnc Mlrlnu, n iIkIU-Iuiih (.yruplK iiiudo nnd u nyrup bettor than umplu. Maplclne li told byirrnccru. I f nut tond S5o f nr '2 oi. but. nnd rvclpo book. Irnrcnt Hnj. t'., 8ililr. J J I i ..':l 2 i a y m M li1, !:' y! v m ii M r t i a i i -v i qW w ieae ;' ;. . tmMmfr'ir. xwm m9'&KKB3rt-'T&t ?GSE&gBBmttoli!WS&. ?"'" yfy j. wssna i4asea5EBssaS3