The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1909, Image 8

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    -art v -Mititf, -' THr- fr
ijtiusr" irjv . s-r
.. . . ...... ... ... r , ,.,.-,,.- -r -..aa-'gnryi -" . - - - T nn:iii-r-ii.nNWWii
jsyfcte-jEjaa5gw,r,'X ,
t4S- $.-
ghs of
ren -
rnhllv nleht couehs. Na
"ii oils n little Iicln to auict
2 t nation, control the Ju
ration, check the progress
' disease. Our advice is
e the children Avcr's
.y Pectoral. Ask your
if this is ins advice also.
. iwsbest. Do as he says.
Wo publiili our fjrmulan
Wo bu I ill nlooliol
Q from our incdlciiicii
7 0 WC W.i iireo von to
corou t your
k cAimilnntlnn Is of frlnimi
c, jusi nsK yourooctor. lie
i1 u-c you of that notion in short
t , "Correct if, at oncer he will
... n nk him about Aycr's Pills.
d ' t r-itt. all vegetable.
--..,- .- - ...h
'l '! ' T t . yyr Co.. I.0W1 II, tl0J
Oongi ess whloh litis now but little
ovor thico wofUsior tho passage of
mjiiiy impoiliuil'Miidnsiiio.s before In
u'ligurntion contluuh to dawdle ii'tltl
wnsto Its time,- iljhis week it hasspunt
ninny, liouis utguiiig tivof u twelve
thousand dollnc-ujiprtiprliition for untie
mobiles for tluv-White House. Kepie
Hciilntirc.Slmsof IVpi nsuo iindtuonly
hovc;i of Jils frleJidn in o utei lily oppiwed
to the inti6duclj6u of automobiles f(ir
tho President ami ho with n number of
his colleagues linu made upeeehes n
gainst this their pet avei.sion. Their
arguments have been futile in the
lower Homo though rind all of their
goiy iiiatutes of tlie dead and wounded
wbo.aio left in tho It nil or thu gasoline
inaehliKh succeeded in seeurlng only
twenty seen votefi against the nppio
prlatloii to 181 In its favor.' Mr Tuft
will have a maehliu1! Mayt e he will
have o and he Wth havo a t It ilf m
and a footmaiiaiur if the oidimn.v mai
, Is a Judge of sueh'S things he w IIP get
all the i)uiilshiueirT.'tiat Mr. Sims ami
his ftlends wlsh.h'ilil? ' Ihe hoi hi is ii I
l:ho ii and tried VcuVy but the ante ,
'mobile is a fliriiKrfflWfc'Miililfi Vbin.r .,s!
, yet ijiul no man o'liY'lul tho posso-h(i
,., !). 'u'li lsttnr thiee without
' having us uiiJolntiWilrtflo as his ciivIhiih
friends ami enemies cnit wiih him.
And if the uutf)niVnile is a euie In ie
nro no mild terms foi the dusciipliou
of the load of troubl6 he has under
taken in n chntronr. If tho automobile
ls still far from perfection tho aver.tgu
uhairciti litis just eineiged from tho
wether legions. Probably Mr. Taft
will not be so unliuppy In bis auto
mobiles as the average man. Ills
ohafieuy.s will be rospomlblo to koiuo
one besides tho President? who will
not havo to tlnd out thatliis is left
to stand in oil to weaken the tiro.s;
that Ueks are rockb-ssly sprinkled in
bis garage for the same purpose and
tho gasoline is soaked into the inner
tubes with th-i object of having t em
blow up. The chatTeur has a rnko olT
on all the supplies and repairs for his
machiue an! It is up tp hftn tosoo that
the car which would qrdlnarlly behnvo
like au angel on wlndoenot pursue
its poaco full career. 1'reflum bly there
will be some one to see that when the
cars are. turned in tolgb.ttne chaffeur
does not take his familjr and friends
out for moonlight drlrea audit Is to bo
hoped that there' willbe'eome ad
equate inspection of tho car bofoio
it starts out on a long trip so that Mr.
Taft may not tlnd himpolf stranded
miles fioui a e.r line on a lonoly road.
Still if alt of these safeguards are
provided theio will doubtless lie many
tium-. when the President-elect and his
family will wish fur horses and when
Mr. Hitns and bis twenty soven friends
nmy Indulge in "T told yo i soV
It is pioli.ibh- that the frtun U of the
movement for the conservation of our
nnUomil ii'fcourcei will see Cougruis
luljouru without h ylmr nun In provision
for Unit pm pose. tSo far that tiody
ha .ipp,vroil content to U, th move
ment drift ami it Is unt likely the en
emit of the movement will allow an
fippr-'prmtioii to made for It in the
lust liuirluil mouth that remains.
The Pre-ddeul bus dfilio t)ls bet iitui
tbeie m.y t). other mosages dispatch
ed to Oiingiuss wjtb t(8 object of
piitd.iig it 04i to Its duty la the mat
ter. The viiemles if cunervatlou led
by the. SpoHk.w of thu Mouse aie so
numerous unit jowvifu tlioit;h thut
iiianot likely anything will be an
compliahed and the llfii thousuud dol
lars that the Picsideut has asked for
the beginning of I he woik v. Ml pio
bably not be foi Incoming.
Mr. Pincnot, the imtl mil funster
ha, te turned from his trip lo I'muida
and Mo.xh'o for the purpose ol inlet
estlng ihote eoiititrieslli tho iiioieuieut
and lupurts iiiloiinitlly that thitu
fjovurumeiith au in full sympathy with
the ptu posed woik and tlnit JIimv
ciger t join thu intornatlonal cun
sti i.ttloii eotiiiui-siijii that will iihK' t
in Wishington by invituil"i of h.
PicslU-nt, lVbuuu elirtit4iiiih At
thif ooufeitiue.imiui, lui'pfirtiiiit (piest
ions wl 1 In- (Jlsc;usAj'i, i?mou,' theiu
th tjoidn- foi.rt llis vjii may ot
ign ate In i ue cujdily,, im(l nitiy do
vasUUlon Into lhi next mid 'also tho
quest ton of the t inff on 'lumber and
Viow its rcmoTal would effect the mat
tor of tho c nsorvation of forest.
Tho thrill n r Incident of tho rescue
of more thun ono thousand pcrs ns
from the steamer Republic through
tho agoncy of wirolcss telegraphy has
Inspire 1 Congress to tak,! home action
with rognrl to the equipping of nil
passenger oirrlng stoumer.-i with the
npparalus. Had the Florida been so
equlppo i the accident by which tho
Republic was sent to the bottom would
not Inivo ou-Ufod for tin two vos ols
would h.ive been ab o to exchange
hlgiuils In the fog. It iippcnrN
Fronc'i Assembly has alioailv taken
. vi.. (innviiKij nil-. UIIUIIU limi'll
up the Hubjoot and it is ptobible that
lhiglnnd will follow wllh huv rcqui -
imrvossuls to entry tho wireles. e(i n.
ingvossumoeiury ino wireles eii p-
mout. Its I'ost i't slight ranging fi -in
thieu hundrel to one III imaml dollius
and Ih uia1iti'niu'e ii nut .sorbitant,
K id it in pmp d ly the Ooitiniiiiee
on Mei'i'h nil Maiiuo itMirgu lliil all
ofiiii U' liners earring moie thun
llft p itsiijig "i's shn'I e it ry the ,ippn n-
gfiOilg gr
f, liwc.hundcrall
rent tlilnir in
all COnditlnnr. S.J.r.i
r.uj me built with thi3 Idea foremost.
Vlie mrdinnlun la tmile,trnntr, Ptr
,'y .idJuilsJ.qulcIc ua J euny In ot'erullon.
Ij iht. 7fit?rin onllJ top r.nj !de rjector
H !-c i n protixlnir wull of mcUit bctwien
u r ticnd niul t'i cnrtrldite. prevent
ii i (t nnd c men blowlnu l ic" , throw the
1 ? itila jivai' from joti nttd pl'iv instant,
C m't tiitc, cllecttve rtpc Ishoa.
The Sneciitt Smok't ia Slr tm.r.u
-- - .- - .., -, .i gr iiiuuc lur
hi. h power rir iidi-ci unJ to resist tho
u-r llilrrl Dtiil .. urif. f.t .In. .. ...n.t. -r..
v r ui ic..'iu nuncio, j i.ej- nre rlnij
c ,i i i Ilia Dallartl nyMom for (rreatct
". i"cy nn t kliliuupowcj.
rTttfr. ' ' .
'!M, cmllbrea .15 to .15,
nnd fully 'diiserlbed
11 nd illuatrnted (with
nil other J7lcam re
renter) In our 135
pnee cataloc. Free
for 3 stamps postsce.
27te2ffarm firearms Cxx
42 Willow Street. HEW HAVEN. CONN.
Heart and Brain.
Tho heart that husbands a deslro to
"got oven" with imaginary enemies
Is tho haunt or unhapplnoHs; and the
brain that strives to concolvo a means
of retaliation for a fancied wrong Is
tho nbodo of misery. Sunday Maga
Perfectly Safe.
When a woman Is first married, she
fears her husband Is so bravo and gen
erous that ho will get hurt somo day
rushing into a dangerous place to do
a noblo act, but aho Is not long In find
ing out that on that ecore he Is per
fectly safe. Atchison Globe.
Positively "The Best Seller."
Probably the name of the latt
Noah Webster stands at the head e-f
the list of those whose book have been
tne list or thosewhoaebooWhave been
i.. k-. .i .. .! rT .7 i
lion opening books and from 10,00,090
to 16,000.000 dictionaries look like ree-'
ord figures.
Affectation Is that spirit which
prompts you to say to your guest: "Do
you, care for cream In your coffee?"
when you know right woll that it's
milk you are passing, nnd mighty thin
milk nt Hint.
Renewing Hostilities.
Nagley "I've discovered there is ono
State In Wllleh divorce, to whnllv nn.
necessary." Mrs. N'Bgloy (sharply)
"Which Is that?" Nagley "The Btate
of single blessedness!" Illustrated
Sunday Magazine. (
Angel's Gifts.
If, Instead of a gem, or even of a
flower, wo could cast the gift of a love,
ly thought Into the heart of a friend,
that would be giving as the angels. I
suppose, must give. George Mac
Donald, Their Similarity.
"A rolling stone gathers no mess,"
remarked the proverb dispenser. "And,
tine me nuraan high roller," rejolnod
tllA tlintlclllflll Ihlnl... III. .1
the thoughtful thinker, "It also gravl
jaiea uowniilll."
It is good to foster anything that
i , . ' ""i""-1 ii is not conceit,
which Is vanity, but rather a. feBhect
fM 111.-. ,ll..ll... - .
.v,. ,v,.v uimiuj- oi nian.
The more ono speaks of himself tho
loss ho likes to hear nnothor talked or.
Therefore, Be Strong,
rnceitnln ways unsiifest aie, and
doubt n gtoaler mischief than despnlr.
Franklin's Grand Utterance,
rranklln: Itpholllon against tyrants
la obcdleiico to God.
Game H Wmim
K 'LfHaZiJ V" C
L VvrT3 khhvV ft
n -.IT iWUTV--" .
jet..' r jjJL-vr .".
fT" ! fc " ." M T4 W,W A
The n
L.rt V.Tll:ft.TJ&.
DEE S l.lXATIVET0TJ6OvnlSS"' " "' S
RtiUEVea COUnilA Aim nm nn ' V'f
Have Little Choice Out to Become Old
Maids One Glad Because She
Misunderstood the Meaning
of License.
Thoio ucro four Carroll girls, all
over 18. Their father, a Binall, white
haired, dignified man, was In tho room
and mulled n timid welcome. The girls
". mill .1. uiuun 11.11 U1U IIIUllll'l " III!
dlu(' ,l 'eai' before, Bays ithetn Dorr In
lll "roadway Magazine. "It la much
Imulcr for "R now ("t mother's gone,"
were still in black for tho mother who
fiald Salllo Carroll. "Hut she made
us promlso on her deathbed (hat wo'd
keep things Just ns ho always had
nnd wo'io certalnlj. bound to do It.
Wo all work lit tho mill. Wo nro weav
ers, except Kaniilo theio, tho young
est. Sho is a wnipor. Wo don't lot
father woik any morn. Wo make
enough for us all nnd him, too, and
Homebody's Just got to be at homo to
look out for il'ilngn or'plsc .whore's
your homo?" -
"Why drf po'or folks havojiuth big
famUlf!!?" 'flfiritiltlitnil Vnnnln I'll..., .11
Indignantly. '"'lflJyvo, gpt no business
to. Why do pooVfotkB n'uTu,at all?"
UJon't yoti'dxiioct q?;v I nakptl.
i no races or nil Uic glials wejc sober.
VWo can't flgtVie,"iHitihnt thqto's nny
oholco for us bdtweon b'rcaking,up our
homo and liolng olii'mal'ds," said the
oldest Can oil glil. "It may bo ji dls
gi ace to bo an old maid'. ' Pqoplo say
It is, hut at least we aio comfortable
and happy. Why, what would become
of father If we mnrilcd?"
I Instantly thought of a girl I know
lit I-'nll Illvor. Sho was a weaver, too,
nnd earned fll n week, which made
her an object of deslro to more than
ono joting man In the town. Hut at
2b she was still single. In the course
of a confidential talk I nBkcd her why
sho had novor married nnd sho told
mo wttli much laughter tho reason.
"When I was IS," sho said, "I wns
foolish enough to fall In lovo with the
timekeeper In tho clothtoom at tho
Iron woiks mills. Ho was better look
lug then thnn ho Is now. Well, ho
asked mo to marry him and I saYd I
wojild. Then ho hnld wo ought to go
nnd gol tho license. 'Whnt license?'
I asked, llnmlng mad. You -sob,' wo
gji'ls had n dog wo wero awfully1 fdnd
or nnd tjncdny tho pouMdkeerlcr enmc
nrotind and' said wq'd havo td take but
a IfcoiiHO or he would kill tho dog. So
we skimped nnd saved and went with
out cairaro until wo had enough to
pay for tho dog's license.
"Well, somehow, tho word Jlconsc
boomed to mo to bo connected with a
dog. I didn't know that peoplo and to
havo lioenses. I told my young man
that If ho couldn't marry mo without a
llccnso, as if he wero paying for a dog,
I wouldn't ninny him. Ho nrcuod nml
aigued and wo both got' madder and
madder, and finally wo broko It off.
Mo.her was glad enough. Sho nlw-ays
hates to havo ono of us marry. Less
money carried home, you see." Sho
i added thoughtfully: "Of course, I was
a silly gooso, but somehow, when I see
him with his wire, sho looking ton
years older than she Is, with caro and
raising children whoso only future Is
In tho mills, I think a marriage license
and a dog license are not so very dif
Hooked a 8wordflsh.
Eight miles off Newport, Cal., a 12
foot swordflsh. with a sword four fanf
.Ions, caught on an "80" hook by Hugh
?;. . "U8n
McMillan and O. O. Shoemaker, tnwert
lhe ,flshei:nien launch two miles, after
.,ng cha!''5e.d tho boat repeatedly
and scarred the stern in numerous
places. The monster was killed after
half nn hour's fight. It weighed sev
eral hundred pounds.
When tho big fish, was first caught
It charged to tho surfaco, endangorlng
tho lives or two mon and or other men
In two near-by launches. The captorB
or tho monster wero towed nlmost out
or sight or the men In tho other boats.
Persons ashore roruscd to bellovo thnt
tho two men caught tho fish on their
27-Btrnnd cotton lino until tho story
was voucned for by tho men In tho
other lnunches
Anomaly of the Sidewalk.
He stood before the Howerv Savlnca
bank. His trousers ran to shreds bo
low and tho rolds at tho top end, where
a string held them, proved that they
had been made for an ampler girth.
The dog had slept on his hat and per
haps brushed it In the gutter. He
had worked his elbows shiny, his arm-
pits ragged and gravy spots of diverse
anuues una sues snowed tnat who-
ever had oaten In that coat In other
nays had been too ravenous to mind
"lopping over. Tho barber and-Jie
were strangors and he looked through
hln...l ...- !...
bleared eyes into vacancy as the busy
siaewan; iraiuc troopod past him and
thrifty depositors hurried In and out of
tho bnnk. In front or him ho hold a
tray or glmciacks rrom which hung a
placard; "Go6d Luck Rings." Now
i, V m
York T,moS'
Reclaim 12,OCO,000 Acres.
! SincO 1002, when tho federal iccla
mntion -net was passed, tho govern
ment lias nddod 5,000,000 nrres to the
cotintiy's habitable lftnd, and these
added to tho 7,200.000 loclnlmed fiom
tho desort before that our, mnko an
Increnso of 12,000,000 acres In tho
country's habltablo iiio.i. an average
of 2.000,000 acres per .uW. Popular
A Br.ckslidcr.
Hewitt What soit of follow is w
JOWOtt IlO has a Now Knelnml nnn.
Lltl 1 L1 ii
' A
You can save enough to pay for an Average Musical Education,
and maybe don't know it. Call And See.
G. V.
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to bay your Building Mr.
terial and Coal at ouryardsT Not only
that our prioes avibagk lower, or at
least as low, as those of oar competit
ors, but bkoaosk wo take especial care
of and protect, all can be classed as
. . ..' i"i i . ,;
to go without ins runce. The iImU
iiBsuihod is too gre.t for (he small
premium you keop in your pocket.
Figuro out how many ears you
ould tui' e to be fjeeli ,ai nny fl o
in omIh loinvu the valiionf unr
house uiul ulilonts, Then con ildcr
tlrttyrtit tuny have a fliO thU viry
fliglit. The wiNt of even i littli
bhii will bu moii! Ihitn tli-jno-
miuiii of
Ut ter liuvi nit' Ihsiii'oii u p.dltfy
In da.v. Il'sn whole lot better to
Iih suo Hutu soi ry, iisiuiiiiyaii tin-Iiii-tu
ul in -ii hits been,
Red Cloud. iVav!,
' r .r .r
w fi.'SHi
l x j s it" Z UV f Jn)t X , ' ' vA;
, . . , .Wf- - . .?..
; ' Pore Pros X. ." , ""
V Ilk wS9s vji ' ' fi$&a .""JWasSSV
- ii JwUb in . teiiMi
m O' 15t-'l-,fcfl. .rs
No. 3f947
Sitf IIi; Holiness charges me to thank you for the
beautiful instrument just received and desires that I
send j on the two medals inclosed, one for Gustiil
Wright & Co, and the other for the Autopiano Co., as
n rrtTlMltrtnil C ft frt ttc nitietii tunrili
Vviiiivil JW iWI
' !
Thoro aro many people who suffer
from Haclcaohe, Rheumatism, Lumbago
and similar ailments who nro not
aware these are symtons of kidney
trouble. Plneulet for tho kidney net
as a tonto and regulator to kidney
and bladder and purify the blood.
30 day' trial Ul.OOsold by Henry Cook
Personal experience with a tnbe of
Manan Pile Remedy will convince
yoii it is immediate relief for all forms
of piles. Cau bo applied diroctly to
the affected parts, reducing Inflamma
tion swelling and Itching Guaranteed
Price 55f Sold by Houry Cook,
Colds contracted at this bOllson of
tho year ahould be treated with Itees
Laxatlyo Cough Syrup. Its clears
the head and throat, Iii6tant relief
for oouglis. coMh croup, hearkenes1
mid bti'iicbial tumbles, should bo
kept in the house Tor children. It is
pleasant to tako and gently laxative,
Otimniitccd. Sold by Henry Cook.
W'ooik Llr.V l.wll,.i.... I.. I... ..I.i
1, ....... ""."iviiiu ill 1 111111(1
foiui legiilates thollv r, udlevos self
. 1 1. in ii in. i. .1 ..,. i .... 1 1.. . 1,. .
...,.,., ., ,.,, ijiiiuun hiuniHeii, Kiiiuuy
ills )i dei h and nets nt, a gen Hi lilitftive..
It lb i-uitleiiliiry r coiniiien.hi I for
.faunilieo t'hlllN, fever mid mulail i.
It touie oil'uets on tb- ( it! (. .-,y-t in
fir. fell with tin. Him d m The si.U0
Lottie conl I'lis '2 ri.' lining in. 1.. ..!. ..u
j much as tlii noo si,. Pleasant to
' tako. Sold by lleiir I'nok,
- : . ,1,y.,,'''JH.V'iH,,t,0H ",r
ITTI I 1 1. i.l 1.1J......r... .Ii. 1.1 . 1 . .
. "JJ iuinnjui tK.r irj
D,t. Vaticano,
Sept. 3, 190S.
di Sua Santita
IO III U9ilV llli4l?
Te mm It Nay Cmera.
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a puljllo road commencing at the
North-East corner of section 10 ia town
ship 1, range 12, In Wobitor County,
Nebraska, ruunlng thenoj weit on the
section Hue botweon s9ctlon 18 and 19
in said township and rango, and ter
minating at the Franklin County
boundary line, has reportod in favor
of the establishment thoreof, all objoct
ons therotp and claims for damage
must be fllod in tho office of tho Coun
ty Clerk of said county on or befoio
noon of tho 13th dnv of March, loOo, or
such road will bo estalishod without
reference thereto.
Dated January t I9uf).
E. W. Ross,
tSKAM CountvCleik
Plnculou for the Kidneys nre little
golden globules which not dlreotly on
the kidneys. A Inul will convince
you of quick rosulH for Haekache
Kheumatism, Lumbago and tired worn
out feelings. 30 days trial Tdiey
purify the blood. Sold by Henry Coot
Premium ?
Hams -and
Kbon (
sKiliyai I
lfXjJ.V j
' g ev iiaib o lif?iTiT.Nt
8 I .1. II Hrtlley,
jifior .
'fi H-"l
ryT - .