The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 12, 1909, Image 3

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It Ih tlit winter layer that miiken the
Tlie baie Hour inakon a poor bed for
the row.
Wuteji the youiiK lreen. 0 not let
the field mire or riihhltK nlnlle them.
In foedlnt; Iiorr devise a nyte;n by
which every animal will pot "' 'Von
Shake tip the cow'h bedding every
day and remove all the luiiinK and wet
Watch your llock and be nine and
pick out all the hustlers for the breed
ing pem.
Steady diet of corn Is not a good
thing for the colts. They need more
bone-making food.
Plan to have a good garden this
enr. It will bring health to the fam
ily and will save you money.
Don't eut off a limb unless you have
n good reason for doing so. Poor
pruning Is ulmost worse than no pru
ning at all.
The pigs like to be eomfoi table as
well as the rest of the slock. Pro
vide plenty of good clenn straw, and
see that there are no dnifty cracks
In the penB to worry them.
Ventilation through a muslin-cur-talned
window and ventilation via the
unieious cracks and crevices marks
Just the difference which tlieie is lie
I wen well and sick chickens.
If the horses .win are using on the
road have not been sharpshod yet,
attend to the mutter at once. It is
easy for the horse to strain himself
and sustain an injur which Is more
costly than many times the cost of
getting him fixed for the slippery road.
If you are hhy on scratching room
for your hens try I ho plan of utilizing
one of the Bheds where the wagons
Hand. On nearly every farm there is
. shed of this kind which could be
fixed up as a scratching place for the
'lictiB on days which were too cold for
them to got out.
As long as the demand for-buggies
keeps up one million are made every
pvcar there must be horses to draw
them. Remember that when loldthnt
the unto is going to put the horse out
of business. Don't bo afraid to raise
good horses. There is always a de
mand for them.
A good syrup for the hot cakes in
winter is made as follows, i' you see
this before the wife does, tell her
about it: To one cupful of sugar,
Uraulated or brown, but preferably the
latter, take a half cupful of cold wa
ter. Put Into u glass Jar ri day or
m before tho syrup is needed for use,
and stir it occasionally with a spoon.
If the cover Is tight, It may be sha
ken instead. A little vanilla may be
added If it is liked for a change. This
Is much less work than tho old cook
lug process, tastes Just as woll, and
door not "go back to sugar."
Tho glowing of nut trees is increas
ing in favor. You ought to have a few
on your farm. Thero Is an Increasing
demand for nuts of all kinds from the
cocoanut down. Thin Increase Is due
'In the main to two causes, namely, n
better appreciation of their appetizing
qualities and the numerous ways in
which they form a palatable addition
to tho diet of the average family, and,
secondly, to their use by tho vegetari
ans and persons of similar belief a
group small in piopnrtlon to the total
population, but still fairly large nil
, merlcally who use nuts and more
particularly the peanut, as a substitute
for meat and other ultiogenous and
fatty foods.
Hero is a siorj about u goose which
goes to provo that the goose is not nl
.ways as much of u goose us some folks
mo disposed to think, It was printed
In the Farm Journal. Whether It Is
vouched for by that papc ns tho truth,
and not a nut tire-take story, we are
not able to say. Hut here is the
story: "A man who drives to town
almost daily with a light spring wa
gon ran over a goose in the itmd, the
Hont wheel going over tho middle of
his'k. .lust as the goose had his
heal at the light point Ihe second
wheel went over that. The tit Ivor
! oked back to see a dead goose, but
lio was standing straight up, with
'ilr, d ruimlng off his head, looking
tiff or the buggy In a rather discomfited
ini'iiner. The goose evidently cnnio to
the concjusion that he had been
wiongefl, and planned a revenge. The
second evening after tho accident, the
goose, lying lit wait in it fence cor
ner, cumu forth, and flew at the noise,
putting up a strong fight."
Feett your slop nt noon, Ihe mnln
ration morning and night.
Pullets who have not already be;;ttn
to lay will not begin now until spring.
Open up an account with the hens.
See whether they are giving you a
square deal.
As a general iiile, sticking to one
breed of chickens Is better than trying
a half-dozen different varieties.
Calves dropped timing the cohl das
of winter should bo blanketed to pro
tect fiotn sudden changes of temper
The dust bath for the hens. Place
the box In the sunny exposure in the
henhouse. My, how they will enjoy It
on blight days.
A pig that is In constant fear of the
boss or the herd will not be thrifty.
See to it that there Is not too much
bullying among the herd.
A dry bran sack makes a poor thing
to brtiBh the cow's udder off with, It
raises the dust and doesn't clean the
udder. Use a damp cloth.
The fellow who Is always doping
chickens to prevent their getting sick
is pretty apt to lmvc sick chickens
that sure do need medicine.
No methods nre so peifect us to"
need no readjustments or changes.
Are you sure you are managing your
flock to the best advantage?
Corn gets monotonous as n steady
diet, ami hogs will become unthrifty
whore the ration is not varied. Try
some or the silage for the hogs, If you
have It.
It 1b a good thing to separate tho
pigs into lots of six or seven accord
ing to size and strongth. They will
be easier to feed and will thrive bet
ter for so doing.
A circular piece of tin strung
tlnough Kb center on each end of the
line from which the seed 'corn, bag
of nuts or diled fruit is hung In the
attic will keep rats or mice from
reaching them.
Wheio too many pigs are kept In
one lien they are npt to pile one upon
the other, causing the under ones to
become overheated. This leads them
to get to the outside to cool off, which
causes colds.
Last thing at night after the hens
have gone to roost lluow some wheat
into the litter so that -madam hen
will get busy Hist thing In tho morn
ing before you have lime to get
mound to teed them, and will warm
up over the search for the tempting
K the plants have been in the house
window-box long enough to fill it with
roots, fertilizer must be applied either
in the form of bone-meal or rotted
manure, or preferably, by tho addition
or weak liquid manure. This should
only be applied when the plants Indi
cate their need by a check In growth.
Such a plan should afford satisfaction.
Scouts In calves fed on skim milk
is caused by Indigestion brought on,
ns a rule, by over-feeding, but also by
feeding sklin-mllk in poor condition and
from dirty pallB. Kvery feeder of
sklm-mllk to calves must sooner or
later leatn this lesson. He musf learn
that If the calf has the scours tho
reeder Is not doing his work right. In
the case or scours, inform your system
,of feeding Instead of purchasing the
many remedies advertised, and In
duiry farming one of tho important
qualifications Is tho learning not only
ol making but saving money.
Wrap the young tiees with building
paper or with wood veneer if you
would piovlde the most effective pro
tection agnlust mice and rabbits. Vari
ous paints and washes have been rec
ommended to prevent such nttneks
but the majority of them nre without
merit, and same of them are even
liable to kill young trees. Some of
the washes requlro renewal after every
hard lain. In experiments with a
wash of whale-oil soap, crude carbolic
acid and water, ror apple trees,. It
was round that in about 48 hours the
carbolic acid had so rar evaporated
that mice renewed their work upon
tho bark. Wood and grease, said to
give immunity from rabbit attacks,
would Invite the attacks of field mice.
The discussion as to the merits of
the low-headed fruit treo over the
fruit tree that is trimmed to grow
high still continues. It would seem,
however, that tho low-bended tree has
the advantago over the hlgh-heuded
one In that It is easier to prune, spray,
graft or bud, gather fruit from and
is about as easy to cultivate. It
would scorn as though nurserymen
ought to take the lead In advocating
low-headed tiees, and those who prop
agate, advertise and push the sale of
Biich trees rill reap the roward, A
uuiBcry tree should have only those
HmlJs within one root or the ground re
moved, instead or being mutilated and
"beau poled" four root fiom tho
ground. If tho tree remains In the
nursery tho second year the "loader"
should lie topped at about two and
one-half root and the side branches
bo cut back to perhaps tour Incites;
this Is the proper way to form founda
tion branches for apple, pear, and
plum trees. With peach tiees which
r7V nlways dug when one year oltj or
less, the side branches should never
bo taken off In the nursery. They
should be left for tho fruit grower to
develop Into low-headed treea.
The Apostles
SnoJiy Sdiool Li09 for Feb. 14, 1909
Specially Arranged for This Paper
I.KSSON TK.VT. Aits r..t;-:f.'. Memory
XCIM'N, W. 20
CiOMiKN Ti:XT.- Mi-Mid! arc tbry
which arc perwotitfri for rlKhteouswW
Hiiko, for tlU'lm Is the kingdom of hem en
Mittt. .ltd.
TIMIJ. -tinincdlntely after the hint ton
son. The eni t tlnle In unknown, but Ih
tween A. t). .10 unit ffl.
I'i.APIJ. Jfl'lixiilfin; tho pivaeliliiR was
In one of the porticos of the outer couit
of the temple. Tho 1 1 1 it 1 was In the. hall
of the Hunlietlrlm, on the temple, hill "be
tween the putllco and the temple.
Comment and Suggestive Thought
After the experience of tho apostles
with Ananias (our last lesson), thoro
was such an Increase In the nuinheis
and Influence of the church, so many
good deeds were wrought, so many of
the sick were honied, so widely pre
vailed the new teaching, that the
whole community was stirred, and
oven the rulers felt the power and the
danger to their position nnd Influence.
Their reasons ror opposing the Gos
pel were all reasons why they should
have tavored It. 1. The lessening or
their influence nnd the loss ot prestige
was what ought to take place when
tho rulers i tiled ror themselves and
not ror the people.
2. The leaching they opposed was
the very salvation or tho nation.
.1. The apostles "filled Jerusalem
with-their teaching." Their biiccobs
brought Joy, salvation, pence, rrcsh
lire to great numbers.
4. The apostles and the church were
bringing healing to tho people, lessen
ing suffering, giving to the poor, re
ducing crime and vice, giving renllty
to the angels' song of "Pence, Good
Will to Men," they wore doing what
every good ruler seeks to have done
for his people.
V. 19. "Dut tho (It. V., "an"), angel
of the Lord." One of the "ministering
spirits sent forth to minister for
them who shall be heirs of salvation.'
(Hob. 1:1,4). "In this Hook of the Act
tho word angel occurs 20 times.
"The nilnlntry of nngcls." "I believe
that nngclB wait on ub as truly as over
they wolted on Abraham, or .lacob, oi
Moses, or KIIJuli, or Mary, or .lesut
himself. The medieval painters were
fond or filling the background or the
intancy with countless angels; the top
resentation, though lltctnlly raise, was
morally true. I believe that angels arc
encamping around them that roar tho
Lord." George Dana Iloardman, D. D
"Opened the prison doom." Silently,
without tho knowledge or tho guards
(v. 2;t), who were asleep. or had re
laxed their vigilance, being confident
or the strength or their ptiBon.
Hensons for this intervention. 1. The
npostlea and the church were still In
training for greater battles and harder
work. Hence by this deliverance they
were taught faith in God, and courage,
and assurance that their bold, defiant
course was approved by God.
2. It was a great advantage to the
cause, as they went on preaching the
gospel, impressing tho people that it
was God's cause, and the apostles were
his messengers, speaking his truth.
.'I. It was a direct refutation or tho
Sadducccs' doctrine, a blow at their
4. It tended to Impress the minds
of the enemies of tho apostles with
respect for them as under God's spe
clnl protection, nnd probably suggest
ed to Gnmnllel (v. 34-:i9), his fear that
by oppo'ilng tho npostlos the rulers
might be opposing God himself.
5. Hence, it influenced the result
of the trial, and made the escape from
prison a typo of their greater deliver
ance from tho power nnd wlckwl tie
s4ros of the rulers.
V. 21. "The apostles obeyed, and en
tered tho tpmple enrly in the morn
ing," R. V., "about dnybreak," as Boon
as the gates were opened. "Called the
council," "the nnnhedrlm," "together
nnd," better "even" "all the senate."
Peter's argument. Critics have no'
ticed the structure of Peter'B brief de
fense ns one of tho finest specimens
of pleading on record, clear, direct,
true, personal, an argument without it
flaw. Of course only the barest out
lines are given In this report. See
Peter'B previous nddress.
The churges against the apostles. (1)
Disobedience to and defiance of the
national nnd lawful authorities. (2)
Hence disloyalty, almost treason, to
their country. CI) 'Charges to them
seemingly slanderous, against their
rulers, that they themselves were dis
obeying their God in whose nnme they
ruled. These charges were not mere
ly serious, but, to a Palestinian .lew,
The boldness and courage or ihe
apostles was very great.
Threefold Victory of the Apostles
First. The arraignment or the ajiostlet
gave them an opportunity to preach
tho Gospel faithfully to the rulers, who
could not easily bo reached In any oth
er way.
Second. They were released from
their bonds, and were free to continue
their work with nil the more powor
hecause of the outcome of the efforts
to put n stop to It.
Third. They themselves lecelved a
new Inspiration of powor. They re
joiced In their sufferings for Jesus'
sake, and In public and in private, In
the temple courts, nnd from house to
house, they preached thnt Jesus was
thn expected Messiah,
The attractiveness and persuasive
power of the npostlos and tho early
church is very marked, and was one
or tho most Influential menus or lead
ing others to become Chrlstluns. Tho
piety of some men lacks the genial,
lovable qualities which would enable
to attract young iind old to tho religion
l:iey love. -
Dut Cured After Doctors Said There
Was No Hope.
S)lvnnus O. Vertill, Mllford, Mo.,
snya: "Five ycats ago n bad Injury
pat illy zed me and
affected my kid
nej'H. My back hurt
mo terribly, nnd
tho tttlno was bad
ly disordered. Doc
tors said my right
kidney was pinctl
eally dead. They
said I could never
walk again I read
Pills ami began us
of Dnnn's Kidney
ing them. One box made mo sttonger
and freer from puln. I kept on using
them nnd In tltteo months was able to
got out on crutches, and the kidneys
iwero noting bettor. 1 Improved rap
Idly, discarded tho crutches and to
tho wonder of my rrlonds was soon
completely cured."
Sold by nil dealers, no cents a box.
FoBlor-Mllburn Co., lluffiilo. X. Y.
Old Sport 1 suppose you'vo come
of a musical family?
Tho Other Musical! HIoss you, sir,
why oven our dog's got a hrnss band
round its neck!
A Black Eye for Home,
It la a coming fashion to hire a hall
to entertain your rrlonds, to give din
ner parties In a hotel, to bo married
In a church, to bo taken to a hospital
when you are sick und to nn under
taker's as soon ns you die, and left
thero until tho funeral. Tho tendency
In to conduct nil public occasions
away rrom home. The home Is get
ting a black eye. Atchison (Kan.)
Deafness Cnnnot Re Cured
y local application, iw thry r.tnnnl riurli the til,
mml portion ol tin- car. 'Ilirni n only nnn way to
cure deatnesn. ami tint Li liy rniutltiiUonal rrnicdle.
Di-ntnnw Li caused by an Inflamed condition nt the
mucous lining ot the Kiutarhlan Tube. Winn this
tube li Inllameil you Imve n ramblltiK hcund or Im
ptrfitt hcarlnit. ami when It li entirely tinned. Dial
'new la tho mult, nnd unlcM t Ik- Inllammatlnn can lie
tiVen out mid thla tulio restored to It normal condi
tion, hc-irhiK will be dmtrojed torocr; nlno laaei
out ol ten nre canned by t'ntarrh. wMcli la nothliii;
but an Inflamed condition nt the imicmn Burlacca.
Wc will uUe One Hundred Dollar lor any cana ot
IK'atiiewi (niiiMil by catarrh) tliat cnnnot be, lured
by Hairs t'.ttarrli Oirc. Heml lor circulars, free.
P. J. l'lli:Si:V & CO.. loledo. o.
Sold by llrmiKlits. 7&0.
'lake Hull's family 1'tlla lor constipation.
The Beauty of the "i ree.
Whether in summer, autumn, spring
or winter tho treo ulwayB lino it dis
tinctive and majestic beauty that
servos to endear It to all that como
under Its Influence. From "Our
Trees nnd How to Know Them," by
Clarence M. Weed.
Important to Mothers.
Examine cnrcrully every bottle of
CASTOHIA n safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that It
Tifinru ihn .mmrff
" sjm ssmt.-ji.'
Signature CuzXTZcXtU
In Ubo For Over .'JO Ycara.
The Kind You Have Always nought.
The recording angel probably
doesn't pay any attention to the Ilea a
man tells when ho Is in lovo.
For CntiKhft. Asthmn nnd Liiiik Tioublen,
ur "Urown'H Ilrnni'hliil Troche." li
I'cntH u liox. Knniph'H sent frou ! John 1.
Li row n & Son, Hoxtnn, Muhh.
Even a wise ninn occasionally haB
time for the silly chatter of a pretty
Lewis' Single Hinder straight 5c. You
pay 10c for rigim not w ijood. Your deal
er or Lcwia' Factory, Fi-oriu, 111.
One poor turn deserves another
from the organ grinder's viewpoint.
fun Allen's Foot-Kline.
Uurchtlrvd.itflilnK.ireciitlnKffci. I5c. Trial packago
tree. A.h.OliiiMed.ljltojr.N. V.
"Kasy inonoy" Is the kind that al
ways comes to the other fellow.'
.Mm. Wlnslnw'n Roothlnjf Sjrop.
For children teetlitDK, aoftcn tlis Burni, reduces lo
flannuaUoD, allaja palo, curai wind collu. 23c a bottle.
The finger of fnte Is one that Is In
almost every plo.
. TICKltcred
U. b. J'at
Say- ... . cSjb 1
mil 11 'i iiiin I
The genuine sold everywhere
Color mere pood brighter end tatter colore than tm ether die. One 10c peckaoe colore ell fiber. Thej dre In cold water better than em other die. Yeu cen diet
aajBrnf"IUioutrlppinoeprt. Write terlreobfloklil-He to Dje.Bltech end KuCcJort. MONHOE DRUB CO., Qufney, llllnmfm, , i
To Enjoy
the full confidence of tho Well-Informed
of the World and the Commendation of
tho limit eminent physiciany it win essen
tial that the component parts of SyrtitK
of l-'igi and lllixii of Scumi should bo
known to and approved by them, there
fore, the California I'ig Syrup Co. pub
lisher a full statement with eery package
The jicrfoet pittily and uniformity of pro
duct, which they demand in a luntiw
reined v of an ethical cbat.ieter, an assured
by the Company 't ot itsitcil method of man
ufacture known to the Company only
The lig of California tin- ti-ed tit the
production of Syrup of Figs and MHxir of
i Senna to promote the plemant taste, but
! the medicinal ptinriplc tiro obtained from
plants known to act most hcnclirmlly.
To get it Ix-nelicial effect -t always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for salo
by all leading druggists.
You Are In Danger
if you let that cold run on. Neg
lected colds cause incurable dis
eases. Don't risk your health.
Keep a bottle of
in your home. It's the safest, surest
nnd quickest remedy for colds ever
compounded. For Coughs, Bron
chitis, Pleurisy, Inflammation of the
Lungs, in fact, nil diseases caused
br neglected colds. It has no equal.
Recommended and sold by drug
gists everywhere.
Three tlze hottlts. $1.00, 50c. 25c
Abtolutelj Pure, No Weeds
tfw ft... ir,.nrt nf VV(-miAlll. fifitil .,1 nri.l
Miun la Snlter'a Mill Ccntmv Alfnifa. lur-l
vetted within it weeks nfirr s Unit 11 iil
vvfirfli nt in.ii.iillicitiil nr at tlut r.itf nfl
nvcr IttiUO cr arm Mltf Mrd tutnlotf frcet r,l
prful IOC in Mamm lor Minhiit nt thin AUAHrt,
l.ollllllun lillrlrit",int", U hcitJUrli'l ,.'tr,,
utlly Miflh 310.00"' anr iimh'tmmiy In Kef
it Klnrt with or, Mini 1o ""'I nilil n hnniile
friu kwI iKm'ltjr nctcrccn in'inru ijr )
SALZER SEED CO., Boi W, La Crojte. Wit.
' - z ; . ,: "";,: ...." '
BaTatllANV. ah MMIIlfw Matl1ataa4haiM fak
fc . t EMPEROR
Wal'pacaaitiaa" otAm"lca f"' tried It Uit jrearand an laud and Mrneat In in pmlM.
0,,tt7ll,,,",n,t,u,,l Trl.tooktliBworld,prtMiif $MO.0Oln (old for the
f'in y't'dlnr o TKrletr. (Ourmtatog UIUtbolntorllnf atory.) Wa have rJUTtnted
UitaoatndottcrltagaUiaaaonitlilngqurtoal)OYoUonlliirV. u..r.,m.n.iI
aiich aa lllnnamiia J.o. and No. W C)tt. Wlnconiln Hwedlih (lata. (Idrrbnickar (Win. No. M).
wSS!!euStfc ' 1"nn,0, No- k,u"1 W0"" UtoU K "lUTM Oore:
Wa have by all edda tha largaat aTKED POTATO trad In h world I
ne at our Mllara alowa halda 0.000 buanala I
m, .... u ... mt. ". fLAMT AND TOOL BOOK MBB.
Wa publlth thy moat orldiul aeed catalog la America. It brlttlM with aead thmghU.
SWtiluS.'viiul0?! In "SSY0 W,V ,t5l'T?a rtmaraablo lot of farm ml aampltS, In.
S!?1'?t!L1i".?n J"Uf Vrf'-iitl" ton Ily Wonder. Bpolti. the 80 bu.rareal and hay prod gr.
wortbWO.OOofanrman'amoneytogrtoaUrttberawllh. .,
Fit R2!iP llA
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
bearing this trade
mark. . Don't be
misled by imitations
Sftin.ron's Cohl rteiiir-ily nelnwcn the
heart, tlmmt ana 'uiigii nlinoat Inuiiiitlnte
ly. (iieckl I'uvelii, Mop IlK'tiiilgcn of
the mine, taKci nn-ny nil nUien nnd nnlnn
mused hy coMh. It euren !rli nnil ob
Htliutte CougliH und pruwuts l'liititnoula.
Price i!5e.
Ilnvu yon nt Iff or Mvolten Joints, no mat
ter how chronic? Auk your ilrucalut for
Mini). Hi's Itlii'timntl'iu Hemedy ntiil boo
linw quickly you will lie cured.
If you Imve auy Mrfiioy or Madder trou
ble iset .Munyon'M Kidney Iteniulv.
Mtiuyon'a Vliulhwr nmkcn wenk men
slronc nnd restores toit powers.
Prof. Munvnti hattJtiHt Nnued u Mnt-iirtno-Alinnime,
which will Im ent free to nnj per
nor! sln whlri-i-M-H
The lltuuon Comvany, l'lillndelilil.
At further inducement
to tctllcment of the
wheat-raiting lamlt of
Wettrrn Canada, the
Canadian Government
hai increased the are
that may be taken lv a
homeiteader to 320 acret 160 free and 160 lo
lie puulmicd at $3.00 per acre. Thetc land
I ate in the grmn-tnuinn-atrn, where mixed farming
it mio enwru on wuii unquaiiiiru tuctcu. s
railway will thoilly he built to 1 iudwn Hay, bring
ing the woild't maikett a thousand miles nearer
lliese wheat. fieldi, where tchoolt and cliurcliea
are convenient, climate excellent, tail wayt dote to
all tctllcmenti, and local marked good.
"ft would tilde time to uvlmi1utc the f r'tla
tlnna thnt n vltlt to the crcnt empire lyinir to
the North of un unfolded nt every turn."
CoirespoiiJrnic of A EJttor, who VlslltJ
W'tiltm CaiiaJa tn August, 190S.
Landi may itlio be purchased from railway and
land cumpanict at low pricet and on eaiy terms.
l-'ur puniphtcU, maps und Information en to
low riillwny rutck. upply to Superintendent
nf Ininilurntlon, Uttiiwn, Cunudu, or the
uuthorlied Cunudliiu Government Agcntt
101 Ntw lock LIU Bulldlnf. Omiha. Netrttth
In i! rent rnrletr formlo nt tlio Inweit r1ee hyl
1. .. mi HH.Uk'nMM-KIIUl., U,J..HI..UIM
wTn:"u.. lincoln.'no.T," 1009.
- ! " muro inn limu nmnr mo wuoio oi r.a
mmm .... . ti... ...til.. ..! aK.
Plait Eye. Eplsootlo
Shipping Fever
fit Catarrhal Fever
Sura cure and poattlre prarentlTe. no matter how hornet at any ago are Infertad or
"eiponcd." l.lijnld.Kltcn " the touguei acta on the lllood and llncli etpitla tb
PulMtnona jrarnit from the boly. Cure liiiteuiptr In Don and Bbeep and Cbolara lu
onltry. lATVHitelllnBllTetoekrrmedy. Ciirea 1a flrlppa amona human Iwlnga
and la a flne Kidney remedy. bOcandlla bottle. toandllOadotan. Oittbltout. Kfp
It. Khoo toyourilniiriiHt.wbowllluetltforyou. t'rev Oooklat, IMttetnper, Cmoa
andUnrca." Hoi'lalai;enla wanted. .
if.SriSfS.I.I. GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A.
A llayorliiK that 1m tiKed the HiunnnH lemon
orvnullla. Ily illKHoUlnifBTitiiuliitfri hiiiu"
in wnterund lidding Maplclnc, a delleluuB
kyruplamado and a ayrnp better tlian maple.
Mapielno la sold bTKrocers. I f not bend SJo for
tot. but. and rovliic book. rtutainrt. ('., KmUU
! 1
K1 -n
(-eir-' 'if -V- pitll'lj.ii7ilTl'i4ivjil(iiLi'Wfft
Ajttt!WAiWt oiW" -y y a
' j'llllwi'Miiii iif it :
t "Wl"V'V." W.V"."