The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 04, 1909, Image 5

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D.ivo l.iirriolj went to Uladou Mon
Jim Mc''rido was down fiom Cowlcs,
Tuesday, i
Mim. NoK Hants .spunt Sunday in
I. O. Irwin was hero from Lincoln,
Con Wilson was down fiom Cuther
ton, Satuidny.
Dr. Kob'tMltchcl wont to Chicago
Sunday morning.
Clias. Dickenson was down from
Iuavulc, Monday.
John Peterson was down from Gather
ton Tuesday. 1
John Wccsner was up from Wobbor,
Kansas Sunday.
Harvey Vincent and family moved
to Rivcrton Wednesday.
Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
13uy n ton of coal and get a novelty
dust pan.-J. O. Caldwell.
Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Studobak or aro
homo from a trip in Utali
Miss 'JMora Sell.irs of Kansas City
is here visiting Mrs Chas. Orout
Mrs. I'rof. Morit. and son John
turned from IJluo 1 1 111. Friday.
The T2agles gave a dance and
frcshmeitts Tuesday evening.
Will Weesnou went to Kansas City
Sunday with a carload of hogs.
Mr. C. V. Cowdcu leaves to-night for
St. Joo. to mako hlsslstor a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Schultz have
been visiting in lihulou this week.
Mrs. Vrather, formerly of Red Cloud
was here Saturday visiting friends.
Mrs. Roy Palmer and Miss 1! lunch
Barker were from Iuavalo, Tuesday.
Foil Sai.k Six room nousc, o lots
Inquire at Newhousc's store. tf
Mrs. Patterson of Hloomlngtonvisit
od at the home of I. II. Holmes Mon
day. Mr. McDowell's aro moving this
week on Mr. Griifoth's farm' 5 miles
from town.
The- little. baby of Ed. Dickson's died
with pneumonia Sunday and was buri
ed Monday.
Tho Junior Whist Club met at tho
homo of Miss Edith McKeighan, Tues
day evening.
Hiss. McCarty visited friends here
Monday, on her way from McCook to
Kansas City.
Mrs. Thomas uud daughter Mable
of Cowlcs spent tho first of tho week
at Dr. Thomas'
Mrs. Ole Ivcrson and father, W. li.
Cramer left Saturday for a visit in
Southern Kansas.
Mrs. Irwin Walker and daughter,
of lnavule spcut the last of the week
at A. T. Walker's. '
Cards aro out announcing the com
ing wedding of Miss Winifred Sherman
of this city, to Mr. Ilo Fisher of Sac
ramento, Cal.
RE you after something good
to come here to us and say
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; we 11 do the rest.
We'll set before you a
great, feast of good things;
the finest clothes made;
the best styles; the choicest
foreign and domestic fab
rics; the highest class of
It will be worth as
much to you to buy these
clothes as it's worth to us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Uuslnes. iii lfeil Cloud paying $2,000
u j car ior sviu. Any lj.iily can handle.
Addis as U. Ciiiki
Lolaiid Caldwell was down from
11 stingH tlio llistof tho week, visit
ing his parents
Mis. Jones, who has been visiting
her m ther, Mis. MoCiinu, went to
(Initio Hock Sunday.
Mrt. Millie Klndler and baby near
Ksbnti, K'ins., were visltiiig her mother
Mrs. Magglnness this week.
Dp Wlnterson physician and sur
geon; olllce and rosldonro plume same
as Dr. Haines. Potter block.
John Harris and family are mov
ing in town this week, thoy havo pur
chased H. C. Sohultz's place
Erve Ilarpham, brother of Mrs. K.
G. Hunohey toft for his home in Clayton
Kansas last Friday, overland.
Mr. It. C Shullzand wife aro mov
ing on their farm south of the liver,
which thoy have just purchased.
Mrs. W K Oeor wont to Superior
Wednesday morning to help take care
of her little niece, which Is sick.
1 have SoO.OOO to loan on Webster
county lands at lowost rato and best
terms. O. W. Pope, Hed Clo ul, Nebr.
The Senior Whist Club met at the
home of Pert Kaloy last Thursday
evening. The bllzard did not H'em
to effect them. '
Mr and Mrs. Dogart rotu rn-'d from
Sheridan, Wyoming thu llrst of tho
week, wheto they have been all
summer and pint of tho winter.
In connections w 1th his Law business,
E. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan
Department. Parties desiring a farm
loan will fitid it to their advantage to
seo him '
Clareuco McNeill and Nathan Tanner
of Alma who broke into a car at that
place plead guilty and wero sentonccd
to 1 1 days in jail. They wero brought
to Rod Cloud and lodged in jail.
For chapped hands, face and lips
Plnesalvo Carbolizcr is immediate
relief (Acts like a poultico) good for
cuts, bums, bruises, skin diseases.
Draws out inllummatiou. Price 25c.
Try it sold by Henry Cook.
Heatrlce Creamery Station H doors
south of tho F. and M. Bank Bid. A
trial will convince you that you will
get tho best service in selling your
cream here. Cream teUod as soon as
received. Whcathoryouare a customer
or not bring in your machine aud let
mo overhaul it deforc spring work.
Geo. Trine.
Hugh Miner and H. A. Lotson loft
Wednesday for eastern, markets for
tho purchase af a now line of dry goods,
boots aud shoes. Wo understand that
they have reorganised tho firm of
Miner Bros, and that Mr. Letson will
assumo, largely, the management of
the now company. Mr. Letson needs
no Intoduction to the buyers of Red
Cloud having spent practically his
whole life in this city Wo bespeak
for tho new firm a liberal patronage.
Rings Little Liver Pills prevent;blll
iousness, sick headache and keep, you
well. Do not gripo. A pill in time
that will save nine. Price 25c.
S old by Henry Cook.
All you need to
nSms. Hut ScJuffher le M yar
i u ui iiuummw muiimni
.Judge HiiskltiH is on the sick it t
J. C. Slo.s' daughter U quite sick.
MUs Mario llollNtor is quite slok.
rather I'ltzg raid was In Superior
this week.
Clayton Brown c.iiuo down from Mo
Cook Tuesday.
.Mrs. Fioy was down from McCook
this week visiting friends.
George Overing and Alva Sellars
wero In Rlvoiton, Tuesday.
Tho A. O. P. W. took in a number
of now members Tuesday evening-.
Land adjoining a railroad in
on 12 years time at 0 .percent. Solium
& Holmes.
Tho Mary Bryan Club will meet
with Mrs. Geo. Popo Monday evening
February, Sth.
Mrs. Finkonblndor was In Liwrcnoc
tho llrst of the week attending tho
funeral of her sister
Girl wanted At tho Bon Ton Res
tiiurnnt (Mid Bakery wages 1 dolhusii
week. W. S. Bonso Prop.
Georgo tMiilth had tho misfortune of
having olio of the wheels of the dray
wagon run over his foot and Is eonse-.
quontly laid up at home
AH Woodmen arc requested to at
tend lodgo next Thursday evening
as thoro Is business of importance to
conic boforo tho lodgo.
Tho (list sermon of tho series on
Pilgrims' Progress," at tho Congre
gational church not Sunday eveniug,
Subject "The Immortal Dreamer."
Rev. A. A. Cressmnu is Invited to
give aiiaddresson "Abraham Lincoln,"
at Franklin Friday Feb. 2'J. Tiio oc
casion is tho Centennial Anniversary
of Lincoln's birth.
L. II. Blaokledgo was appointed
Monday night by tho school board to
fill vacancy caused by the resignation
of Dr Raines. Mr. Blacklcdgc will
mako n good member.
The Ladios of tho M. K. church will
servo a supper in the church parlors
Friday cvoning Feb. 12th. Supper
served from 5 to 8 P. M. A cordial In
vitation is extended to all
John Tulloys was in the city Wed
nesday, ho has been appoiutod state
inspector of nil sttito institutions, this
is a responsible position and we
know that John will make goad.
At a mooting of the city council
Wednesday evening tho olllco of T. C.
Miller as electrician and engineer was
declared vacant and Ed (Ircon was ap
pointed temporarily to fill the position
as engineer.
At tho meeting of the school board
Monday night tho district purchased
the remainder of the site for the now
school house. Wc now have n block of
ground contrally sltuatod. The Chief
is much pleased to ljuow that tho long
drawn out question of location is at
last settled and that the prospects aro
very bright for a school homo of our
own next September. Tho plans for
the now building will bo on flic in the
secretary's olllco on and after the
eighth of this month. Let's shake
hands and combino our efforts to es
tablish tho best schools in the ctato.
in clothes? The
do to have it is
Always Reliable
150,000 acres of Panhandle land ad
joining the town of Frland, Texas, just I
placed on the markot at attractive
prices, on 12 years time at 0 per cent I
Interest. See Sclbirs fc Holmes they
will tell you all about It. Excursion
tho Kith of February.
It's all over but the Shouting.
Tho Chlof.s popular lady contest
mm in n '!(),( t.lii Issue, and
has been interesting to the voo ot I
excitcmeut toward tho finish, as all
big races aro. It has been tho moans
of swelling our subscripton list enor
mously, and tho advertising patrons of
tho Chief will be materially benefitted
by tho increased number of roudors.
Tho Beautiful Cuickerlng Bros.
Piano has been awarded by tho judges
in this contest, to Mrs Miles Doyle,
Red Cloud. Protraltiof tho winning
contestant will be published In tbe
Chief next week.
The f uueral of the late Mrs. Ellon J.
Kesler was conducted Wedncsdqy
from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wlllhelmsoa, and a large number of
friepds and relatives gathered to pay
the Inst tribute to her memory. The
serviocs wero conducted by Rev. Mr.
Belknap, and Uio rctnaiiiB wero laid
to rest In tho Naylor cemetery. The
floral tributes wero beautiful
Mrs. Kesler was 59 .years of ago at
tho time of hor doath and passed away
at tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs.
John Willhclmson, Monday morning at
8:30 o'clock, after an illness of sovoral
days. She has been nillng somewhat
hinco her husband's death but hereon
dltlon had not bced critical until the
last four days.
Mrs. Kolscr whoso maiden natno
was Ellen J. Uotsford was born In Jack
son county, Iowa, and was nrirried
October 9, 1871, to D. W. Js'ico. To
tho union, two children wero horn,
Charlos W. Nice, of Wallace, Idaho,
and Mrs. Noin K. Wllholmson, of For
ost drove.
At Hod Cloud, Nebraska, Mrs. D.
W Nice was united In murrlago to
David Kesler on Fobrunry 0, 1880.
Aftor residing thero for somo time Mr.
and Mrs. Kelsor ctimo to Oregon about
six years ago and settled in Forest
Grove. Mrs. Kelser had been a mem
borof tho Methodist Episcopal church
for n good many years but was not a
member of the local church. Hor
husband, David Kcslor, died O.itober
20, 1008, in tills city. J. M. Botsford
of Portland, a twin brother, Is the
only remaining member of a family of
eiovon children.
Among tho relatives present at tho I
lusthoui wereiJ.M. Botsford, of Port .
land, a brother; George II. Uotsford
and wife, of Portland, a nephew; uj
stepson, Abo Kcsh-r and wife, ofi
Ueaverton, Ore Charles W. Nice, of
Wallace, Idaho, did not reach Forest
Grove in time for the funera.1. Forest
Grove, Oregon.
mmt LJr
A new stock of Selz and Florsheim
just arrived in our store.
is always
Shoe business
never find old slock in our store.
This Is a fact wortSt considering when
yon are going to buy a NEW pair of
tytaH ssRjlp tlsf&ty
florsheim 14 to
Big line boys shoes made by
Stevens and Selz. Come to
Shoes it will pay you.
Clothing go.
First Door North
Every Woman Should Read This.
Tho number of diseases pun ilia r to
woman is such tint wu believe this
spueo would hardly contain a mere
mention of their names, and It is a
fact that most of tjiese diseases mo of
a catarrhal nature. A woman cannot
bo well If their Is a traco of tho cat-
nlml germs In her system.
Some women think lliere is no help
for them. Wo positively declare this
to bo n mistaken idea. Wo are so sure
of this (hat wo offer to supply medic
Ino absolutely free of all cost In every
instance where It fails to give entire
satisfaction or does not substantiate
our claims. With this indorBtunding,
no woman should hcsltato to bellevo
our honesty of purpose, or hesitato to
put our claims to a test.
There is only one way to cure Cat
arrh. That way It through the blood.
You may use all'the snuffs, douches
or llko remedies for years without get
ting moro than temporary relief at
best Catarrh is caused by a germ.
That germ 1b carried by the blood to
tho ianermost part of tho system un
till tho mucous membrane is broken,
irritation and iuilammation produced,
and a flow of mucous results, and you
can probably realize how silly it is to
attempt to cure such an allnumt unless
you tako a medicine that follows tho
same course as tho germ or parasite
Roxall Mucu-Tono Is scientifically
prepared from the presc-'ntion of an
em!nouf physician w' thirty yeais
mado his speciality au i and with
this medicine he averaged 1)3 per cent
of cures when It was employed. No
other remedy is so properly designed
( Pure ASir the chief ingredient, jykJmL t3,
i Ef the active principle, gRMS !
ggggggy and healthfulneas, to W&m '''
! Sl Jlbsotttlety 'Pure M?
j Wjjnsures wholesome and delUjO I ,
j cious food for every day B
I v n everY home p I-
I j. No Photphatet JST I
as we do
you will
us for
of Postoffico
for the atlmonts of woman. It will
purify nnd enrich tho blood, stop
mucous dlschurgo, dlstroy all genn
matter, romovo all impurities from tho
systom, sootho, hoal and strengthen
tho mucous tissues, and bring nbout n
good feeling of health and strongth.
W want yon to try Roxall Mucuv
Tone on our guarantee If you aro
not boiielited, or 'Tor nny reason not-
stitlsllod, simply toll us and wo wilL
hand buck your money. RoxallMucrt
Tono comes in I wo sizes, rPe and $1..
Sold by H. E. (Irlca Drug Co., Red.
Gonoratioria 'of livo, "wido
awako American Boys have
obtained tho 'tight kind of
by being equipped with, tho
unerring,' (imc-bonorcdi
All projrrewlvo Hardiraro and
flportinif Goods MerchanU ImndlB.
BTKVKN8. If you ennnot obtoinj.
wo wIllBlilp direct, oxprcu prop old.
upon rofclpt of CutaloR I'rkc
Send 5 coals In atnmps for
lCOl'nijo Illustrated t'ntnloir.
iienit'To wuii
8 T U V j: N a
and ffcncrnl
iiroarm tit Ion.
In colors.
P. 0. Box 4099
CUcopc Falli, Miu.
i Msy thjij
l 0t , N (. I , L ",
uat i if t, h in