The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 04, 1909, Image 2

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'VlirlK'mfTrp'-TiT -my r TTr-KVfp. jy , y a t 5.
vjajr -JTf v .tff-.-'-jry;: -i
' r-r vT3r cs-rzr-3tr zzzszzsz
limTT.TV'Vh .'
Cured by Donn'o Kidney Pills Aftel
Years of Suffering.
V. A. Hippy, Depot Ave, Gnllntln,
Tcnn., says: "Fifteen years iiro ltltl-
noy ulEcnBo nttnekort
wo. TI10 pnlii In my
buck wna bo ngonlz
iiiK I fltmlly lmd to
Blvo up work. Then
cunio tcrrlblo nttucks
of Binvol with acute
pain and pnutrngCB of
blood. Iu nil I
UJSs.'I.M nnsaoil 2fi fitonos.
noma as largo as a
lienn. Nino yoarB of this ran mo down
to a ntnto of contlnuat wcnknoHs, and
I thought I novcr would bo better un
III I began using Douu'h Kidney Pills.
Tho Improvement wob rapid, nnd
hIiico using four boxes I am cured and
liavo novcr had any return of tho
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
FoBtor-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
What His Wife Gave Him.
Tflio boss bulhlor watt Btanding on
tho edge of tho great cavity at Thirty
fourth Htrcct thnt they have been dig
ging for tho past few years, when nn
Irishman walked toward him.
"Look here," he said. "Didn't I fire
you yostordny?"
"Yes," said the Irishman, "and 1
don't want you to do It again, clthor.
My wlfo gave mc the dovll about it
when I got home." New York Tlmca
QxccwWvs ititattfJOIT..
Tho druggists hnvo nlroady boon Bun
piled with tho I'oruna almanac for
11109. In addition to tho regular astro
nomical matter usually furnished in
almanacs, tho nrtlclcs on astrology
nro very attractive to most people
Tho mental characteristics of onch
Blgn nro given with faithful accuracy.
A list of lucky and unlucky days will
bo furnished to thoso who hnvo our
almanacs, frco of charge. Address Tho
Pcruna Co., Columbus, 0.
Second Statement "Piled Up
Agony" on Rival Editor.
District Attorney Honey of Snn
Francisco, a short tlmo after IiIb
wounding, discussed with a reporter nt
his bedside ono of his Btntements
about tho San Francisco boodlers.
"Thoy oxpect mo to retract thnt
Ktntcinent, do they?" ho said, grimly.
"Well, if I did retract it, my retraction
would bo llko tho Tombstono editor's.
"Ho, you know, printed a story to tho
effect that a rlvnl editor's fathor had
served 37 yoarB in Jail. Pressure was
brought to hear on him, nnd finally ho
agreed to retract that Btutement. In
his retraction he said:
" 'Wo find thnt we wore mistaken
whon wo said In last week's Issue that
tho Clarion editor's papa had passed 37
BUiumcrH In the penitcntlnry. All ef
forts of friends to hnvo his sentence
commuted to lire Impiiconment failed,
nnd the old man, ns'a matter of fact,
wub hung.' "
yvuAc cluj jl&cS MCA? of ait-i j&fze&A Cicfl&r
&T)too fit pUsOi.cE7 1 as tr!Z&y erf & &i CJ&LJO WZT-
& tiXxm rov" ?Sxo atSo &&-KV fijLi kaj st5o KJCi
flfr . tfi&t f-Np I? ' a&O JhjUcZZ ate, iJC, Ao
fa 0Uj err oUfcZZ&f && isvC-u iMfcCds, yca fix
"i Wi&& lF& OUo4s -A-vQ
fob .to p& OAUGfrlttk AWMlZm ty&W U
4&iftt Jrtfrt IzUajO &iJ)-4MJ-6Ua0 trOj23fa &t
CaJUhuvQ oUtnrtZh fct&& 4UJu0 rv (n7?UrA
'ittu '&&, )-v P& &ZCjit b&rtJ eftfj
& (KtZ&y, th&Ms s&ui &r Jxaw IsCZCZs efA
Hti IaUj Ar,jt& ficfl&. && fr-C-Atf
y& Aft & A&T-G&.,
True and False
Sunday Scbool Ltnon for Ftb. 7, 1909
Specially Arranjed for This Papr
The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
the Original First Version,
Facsimile of
Centenary of Lincoln's
Birth Is Appropriately
Remembered by Country
Why Old Man Potts Regretted Giving
QUI College Education.
"Well," obEorved old mnn Potts,
"1'vo spont n heap of money on my
boy Bill's education, tnoro'n $900 jest
to see him through Yale. And I ain't
through yot. It shoroly makes mo
soro to thlnlc of tho money I'm wastln
on a boy who ain't got as much boiibo
now as ho had before he wont to col-logo."
"What'B tho matter, father?" asked
Mrs. Potts. "Mebbe you're a llttlo
hard on Bill."
"No, I nin't, Mary," answered tho
old man. "Jest to show you a llttlo
while ago 1 says to him I thinks It was
going to rnln to-morrow. What fool
nuswor d'yo Biipposo ho made mo?"
"I'm suro I don't know, father."
"Ho begged my pardon!" Harper's
Mr-? "Kmfr
M'i'jmmMwiz 1,iys.
f&m Mm
Worthily have tho American people
Joined In an appropriate celebration
of tho Lincoln centenary, and extend
ed It to tho
of tho land.
Tho 12th
of this
month i b
the ono
h u n limit h
a n n 1 -vorsary
, IUO UlllU Ul
A b r n -h
a in LI n-
rnln. Thnt
W: ilntn 1b nil-
served with
and yot
g r a t o -
oocoowx '
Coffee Was the Cause.
Many dally habits, particularly of
eating and drinking, nro formed by fol
lowing our ciders.
Iu this way HI health is often fas
tened upon children. A Gn. lady says:
"I had been allowed to drink coffeo
ever Blnco I could romembor, but even
ns a child I had u weak stomach,
which frequently refused to retain
"Tho taBto of coffeo wnB In my
mouth nil tho tlmo nnd was, us I found
out Inter, tho cause of tho stomach re
boiling against food.
"I now boo thnt it wns only from fol
lowing tho oxamplo of my oldere that
I formed and continued tho mlBornblo
habit of drinking coffeo. My digestion
romnlnod poor, nerves unstrung, fro
quont hendacho, nnd yet I did not sus
pect tho true cause.
"Another trouble wns n bnd, muddy
complexion for which I spent tlmo nnd
money for creams, massaging, etc.,
without any results.
"After I wns married I was asked to
try Postum, nnd would you bollovo it,
I, an old coffeo toper, took to Postum
from tho very first. Wo mado it right
nccordlng to directions on tho pkg.,
nnd it had a most dolicato flavor, and I
at onco quit coffee, with tho happiest
"I now have a perfectly clear, smooth
skin, flno digestion nnd haven't had a
hendacho in over two yours."
"There's a Reason."
Nnmo given by Postum Co., Bnttlo
Creek, Mich. Head, "Tho Road to Well-
vlllo," In pkgs.
Krer rent! the above letter? A new
one uppeara from lime to time. Thcjr
re ajcmuliie, true, and full of liuatna)
ful corcmony by tho wholo American
people, who owo more to Lincoln than
to any other citizen of the republic,
savo only Washington.
Lincoln 1b, after Washington, tho
greatest figure In our national his
tory. No other man performed serv
ices so great as his. or was so high
a charactor. IIIb conduct during tho
trying dayB of tho civil war, when tho
union that had been founded with
high hopes for human liberty Boomed
destined to bo destroyed, was such
ns to appear Inspired by a power
grcntor than human, nnd many an
American has thanked God In Ills
nightly prnyerB that bo wise, gontlo,
forbearing a lender had boon raised
up by divlno dliectlon to guide tho
country to safety. HIb death was n
great calamity, not less to tho south
than to tho north; for, It Lincoln had
been spared, his qualities of henrt and
mind would have nmdo tho task of
reconstruction much easier than It
proved und would have healed the
wounds of war much sooner.
Tho Bonth will join with tho north
in observing Lincoln's ono hundredth
birthday, for now, In thesn latter dnys
his memory Is as deeply bolovod south
of Mason nnd Dixon's lino ns north of
It. The celebration Is worthy to bo
remembered ns nn expression of tho
gratitude and affection of a great peo
ple When wo onco resolve to lay asldo
deslro to mnko of Lincoln's life nnd
words an nraennl from which to draw
weapons with which to fight for spe
cial causes, and consider with quiet
thought Abrnhnm Lincoln na all Amer
icans know he was, wo find tho ma
terials ample.
Wo seo Abraham Lincoln ns a hpmo.
ly, kindly, patient man, who loved
his country aa men lovo their mothers.
Wo seo him seeking tho welfare of all
that mother's sons because ho was
ono of them. Vo boo him working
such ns no American before, Bnva
humbly and patiently under burdens
Washington, and nono since, has been
called upon to benr.
We boo him always charitable, real
izing that in this human world men
aro moved by all sorts of motives,
and appealing to all motives that in
honesty and honor he could, asking
only that tho results of tho appeals
bo acts helping to snvo and restoro
to peaco tho nation mother.
And so Abraham Lincoln wrought
with tho toolB nt hand, nover com
plaining of their humnn Imperfections,
using to his great ond not
only tho noblest aspirations of
tho b o b t
but ovory
force of hu
man desire,
and thus de
livering a
raco from
b o n d
ago nnd sav
ing a nation
becauso ho
o v o r
wrought H
"with mal
ice toward
nono nnd
wlthchurlty -w
tn ..II '
Two Good Tales of Lincoln.
On ono occasion President Lincoln,
on ontorlng tho telegraph offlco of tho
war department, writes Mr. Bates in
"Lincoln hi tho Telegraph Oiflco," was
hoard to romark to Socrotary Seward:
"By Jings, governor, wo nro hero at
last!" Turning to him In a reproving
manner, Mr. Sownrd said: "Mr. Preal
dent, whero did you loam that lncle
gant expression?" Without replying to
tho secretary Lincoln addressed tho
telegraph operators, saying:
"Young gentlemen, oxcuso mo for
swearing before yon. 'By Jlngs' Is
swearing, for my good old mothor
taught mo thnt nnythlng that had a
'by boforo It was swearing."
Ono tiny Secretary Soward, who was
not renowned ns a Joker, said that ho
had been told that a short tlmo boforo,
on a streot crossing. Lincoln hud
been Boon to turn out in tho mud
to allow a colored woman to pasa.
"Yes," Bald Lincoln, "It has been tho
rulo of my llfo thnt if peoplo would not
turn out for mo I would turn out for
I them. Then you avoid collisions."
LKHBON THXT.-Auts 4:32-5:11. Mem
ory vurm-H, 3J. 30.
GOLDHN TKXT.-Lylnu lips nro nn
iitionilnntlon to tlm Lord; but they Unit
deal truly nro IiIh drllRht. I'rov. 12:2.'.
T1MK. Vh. 3X-33 probably rovor n pe
riod of nomo length. Tho exact dale of
tlui Ananias Incident In unknown. He
tween A. U. 30 and 34.
I'LAC'K.-Jcruniileiii. Probably nt tlio
iimuhI mcetlnK place of the dlnclples.
Comment and Suggestive Thought.
V.3G. "Joses." One form of "Joseph."
"Sumnmed Barnabas." A Hebrew
name, derived from bar, son, and
Knbunh "prophesying," pouring out
words as from a fountain, the impell
ing forco being the divlno Inspiration."
"Tho nnmo seems to have been con
ferred upon him by tho general con
sent of his friends, as a kind of de
gree or pet name." Biblical World.
Being interpreted from Hebrew into
Greek, The son of consolation, "com
forting," "exhortation," as in the R. V.
Neither definition nlonc Is complete;
It takes both to give tho meaning of
tho orlginnl Greok word, which is tho
samo word as that given to tho Holy
.Spirit by Jeaus (John 14:10), "tho
Comforter," "Pnrnclete" from para, to
the side of, and kaleo, to call or sum
mon, for comfort or help us an advo
cate, counselor, comforter.
What Barnabas, filled with the Holy
Spirit, did for others was similar, nt
lenst In most respects, to thnt which
tho Holy Spirit does for us. His work
was far greater than that implied by
tho familiar definition of comforting
to soothe, to bring tranquil enjoyment.
Ho was llko tho advocate In Greek and
Lntlu courts, a powerful friend In
whoso wisdom, knowledge, Influence
and affection tho client hnd confi
dence, and who advised, aided,
strengthened nnd comforted him. Bnr
nabas had a great gift by his words,
character and personality of comfort
ing others by invigorating them, in
spiring them with n new life, strength
ening their faith and hope, giving them
fresh courage. He was like a fountain
of tho water of life.
"Comforting," from two Latin words,
moans making strong together. Noth
ing is worthy of tho name of comfort
that la not Invigorating, inspiring, fill
ing the soul full of courage and
Tho Holy Spirit comforted the disci
ples after the death of Jesus, just as
Jesus promised. How? By making
tho frightened men bold as lions; by
changing them Into heroes; by giving
Joy unspeakablo when persecuted, im
prisoned, tortured, scattered.
There aro two sources of danger to
tho church of Christ.
Dangors from without.
Dangers from within.
The fires of persecution wore kin
dled to consumo it. But tho church
was like tho three horoes In Nebuchad
nezzar's furnnca; tho flames did not
harm them, und one like the Son of
God wna with them in tho Humes. And
tho light from them caused men to seo
In, clearer light the true God and tho
It ndvertlscd tho good nows; It
scattered tho seeds of truth brondcast;
It led to more prayer, a stronger faith,
a firmer coruage, moro gonoroua giv
ing, more fervent preaching; it proved
that tho piety of tho church was no
temporary excitement, but a steady
burning nnd shining light.
Wo now come to a moro dangerous
attack, from evil within her ranks.
Flro cannot consumo, nor waterB
drown tho church. There la no way
to destroy It but by enemies within.
The engine is powerless if tho flroa
fail. The light goes out when the
electric current ceases to flow. Wo
arc to study this attack, learn Its les
sons for to-day, and see how God over
ruled even thla, by victory over evil,
for tho advancement of tho gospel.
V. G. "Ananias . . . fell down, and
?avo up tho ghost." Literally,
"brenthod out his life, his soul." In
whatever way It came, by tho Bhock
jf tho discovery of his sin, or by a di
rect atroko from God, It was God's act,
and In no sense tho net of Peter and
'tho apostles. Vory probably they wero-
as much astonished as nnyono. Had
Petor dono this net he would hnvo
been a murderer, subject to tho law
of tho land. But ho had no hand in
it whatever.
Why such sovorlty of punlshmont?
1. It wns deserved, It wns Justice. "Ex
net Justice la commonly moro morel
ful In tho long run thnn pity."
2. It was necessary in ordor to save
tho church from destruction from
3. It was necessary to counteract
ho effect of his conduct upon tho
world. It would tend to make men
bollovo that thoro was nothing In re
ligion, that thoro was no such thing
as convorslan and truo pity. There
fore, It wns needful that tho deed and
Its spirit should bo publicly repu
diated In tho most remarkable man-!Q-r,
na contrary to tho wholo teaching
nnd spirit of religion.
4, Thus it was nn net of mercy, not
of hatrod or revenge.
A fow counterfeit Christians do not
provo that tho gospel 1b a falluro, or
tho church unworthy. A fow dend
trees In tho forest, or dried atnlka In
tho Holds, do not provo thnt spring Is
a falluro or that tho sun does not
Impart renl llfo.
Wo must bo enroful not to mensuro
a man ora society by its Imperfections
Tho punishment of sin Is nn nhso
luto necessity. Thoso sins alwnya
nourish which can bo practlcod with
Impunity, and aro lightly rogardod.
All Who
Would Etyoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves tho
question of right living with all tho term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation and of effort may
1x3 mado to contribute to living aright.
Then tho use of medicines mny be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under or
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu
able if taken at tho proper time nnd the
California 1'ig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike important to present tho subject
truthfully and to supply tho ono perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy tho genuine, manufactured by tho
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for salo
by all leading druggists.
Billion $ Grass
H You Want the, -
you will ask for
Kemp's Balsam
and if you get it you will
have a remedy for coughs
that will bq satisfactory in
every respect. If you accept
something else we do not
know what you will get, but
it will not be the Best Cough
At all druggists', 25c., 50c.
and $1.
Don't accept anything else
Tho greatest grati
of tho century.
Samo crows
Crerywhcro and
yields from 12 to
IB tons of hay,
and lots ctpasturo
besides per aero.
Largest (-rowers
ct Clovers, Alfalfa,
Timothy & Grass
Seed in America.
Siher'i Cittltf
It' the roost orltt
DM toed book pub
llbeil,andli gUdlr
mailed tolntfudlnf
purchMerafrMi or
John A. Si her tad ComSS&m
remit lOoand cot
lota or rcmarkabla
farm eed Mtnplo,
nciaaiDK Million
,rm to eel a lUri
1 .;ajiai&g? .4-lajlFaW
Do You Love Your
Then protect it from the dan
gers of croup to which every
child is subject. Keep
in your home all the time, then you're
ready for the sudden attacks of croup
and colds. Neglect may cost you the
life of your child. It's safest to be
on your guard.
Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant is the
best remedy known for croup; it gives
quickest relief.
Sold everywhere In three size bottles
$1.00, 50c. 25c
I baT a treatment rorlho cure o( Kopture which U
are and la eonTenlent to take, aa no tlm la loat. I an)
the lnrentor of tble njiUm and the only phyflclan wbo)
holda United Htatea latent trade-mark (or a Buptura
cure which haa restored thoaeanda to health In tha
titt0jeare. All otbera are Imitation.
I bare nothing fornale.eemj' ipeclaltyla the CurlnB
Of Rupture, and If a hereon haa donbte, Juat cut tha
money In a bank and pay when aattitled. No other
dootor will do thli. When taking my treatment pat
ients must come to my office. Keferenceai U. 8. Kat'l
Dank, Omaha. Write or call,
306 Boo Building, OMAHA
60 cts.
I Per Salxcr's catalog page 120. 1
Laracst growers of onion and vegetable
seeds in tho world. Uii; catalog free : or.
send ISo in stamps and receive catalog and
1000 kernels each of onions, carrots, celery,
radishes, 1500 each lettueo, rutabaga, tur-
I.... BnA ...av .w H.v.a.MAa aa malA.a
1200 charming flower seeds, in all 10,000
kernels, easily worth SI.OO ot any roan's
money, Ur. send 200 and we win aau ouo
pkg. of Earliest Peep U'Day bweet Corn.
SALZER SEED CO., BoxW, La Crosse, Wit.
CltasM) and txautlrlea tha nab;
lm.-notea a laxuriant ffrovth.
Never Talis to Ileatora Oray
uair 10 ua xoutniui uoior.
Cure icalp dlHaxs hair falling.
wc,apqajuuat unjgKw
DEFIANCE STARCH "archeacTotiiei nlcosu
ui'?ocoVre1a:ul5!ThompsonT Eye Water
nrriAAIPr OTARPLI Mleiit to work with and
ULriAfllib Oinnun urchea clothe nicest.
Va . BaKfafl
Mi. YraaLaV "'(I
aaaFAHMJv"! - tMriaiSaaaaLWi " '''.'.. .''"iV ai
Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains
and bruises.
It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the
tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need
to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on
lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates
instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion,
and reduces the swelling.
is an excellent antiseptic and germ
killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and
contusions, and will draw the poison
from sting of poisonous insects.
Prlco, 25o.G0c, and $1.00.
Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Sloan's book an horses, cattle, slieep and poultry sent fro.
aOan be handled very easily. Tho alrk are cared, and all othera la
. same atabU. no mat (er howeiirfiiHAl'kept from havlntf tbeduv
,iy umntr mitjiiich i.iyuiu msihjirrji uuiit- qito on
f manufacturers.
a pal
II tnanufttcturers. Cut abowa bow to poultice throau. Uur free)
( uookletalvee every thine. Uoal airanta wanted, largest eUlag
t. bona rainedy la axlateno twelve yaara.
lOHM IM010AliOO..Psistoai4stesaieiask4, Goahwi. Ind.. U.S. A