ttyS Sttvto Historical Society THE RED CLOUD CHIEF A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. VOLUME XXXV II. RED CLOUD, " 3SiJSHRASKA. FlfiHKUAirV -I, 1901). NUMBER 0 HHHjHIIBHHHi'P?- -rn'!! '3 ..16 If to i i to to to to id to to to to to to to it to 0 to iff to 0 to to to to 0 i to to 0 to 0 il il il it to to il il il il il to sy Satisfaction Or Money BA CK NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Cash Jewelers and Optometrists C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors ft m m (?) a) to w w ') ) m (!) (i) ! ( (0 (f (0 (I) (I) m :t) 3 YOl) may uot always huvo the chance to go to school. You may not arwnys lie able to work phlsically. 1'ou may not always liavc nn Income to keep you; then what arc you (going to ilo? Why not prepare- now by taking one of our courses'? If you hav'nt the money to pay down you can pay aftor you finish. Write for particulars, IIkiikon Husinkss Hebron, Xebr. Public Auction. I will bell at publ c auction on the John Devlau farm, 12 miles southwest of lied Cloud, .1 miles south of Inuvulc, ,l east and 3 north of Womcr, Tuesday, February 0th, commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property; 47 head of stock, consisting of 0 head o horses, 8 head of cattle, 29 head of cal ves, 10 head of hogs, farm machinery etc. Lunch on grouud. Ross Fi:aiin if n& wai Dr. Price's Cream BaKincf Powder I wrm A pure grape cream of tartar powder. Its fame is world-wide. No alum, phosphatic no &ci There is'never a ques tion as to the absolute purity asid healthfull ness of the food it raises. t COWLES -(. O. Holt wai a passenger to Hast lugs Tuesday. Mrs. GliHs. Bennett was in Red Cloud Tuesday. Mayor J. O. Caldwell of Itcd Cloud was In town ftfonday. Tho Cowles Bank moved into1 Us ele gant new homo Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ham came down from Hladon Tuesday to visit relatives. Miss, Ethel White of the Cowles Hank spent Sunday visiting her parents in Ulue Hill Fred Cadwoll and Lyman Furpnliar from new (luide Rock were on our streets Monday. Mrs G. W Tonuant a d daughter, Mary wero passongors for Red Cloud on the llyer Tuesday Donald Mcllride returned homo from Bladon Tuesday where ho had been visiting relatives since last week. C. P. (hind of Blue Hill and B. 11. Hllmickof Campboll were in Cowles Tuesday holping Cashier Foe move tiie bank fixtures. Mr. Cooper, who buys grain for II. Uiind & Co., had a painful accident Monday by getting his hand in tho cog wheel of a gasollno engine Tho hand was badly lacoratod and tequircd the services of Dr. Caulk to dress the wound. mmyM . LLH Elllnftcr's Sale Dates Saturday, Feb. 0, (iuldo Rock. Thursday, Feb. 11, Frank Cobb, 1 ndlo cast south of Guide Rock. Monday, Feb. IB, II. .1. Maurer 3 miles north of Red Cloud. Tuesday, Fcbr. 10, John Mottor !) miles r-outhwest of Red Cloud. Wednesday, Fob 17, Ed. Crary, 1 inl'o north of Guide Rock. Tuesday, Fob. 21, J, (i. Iolf,us, 1 mile north of Guide Rock. Chafliii tmd Chaplin Thuisdny Fob urarv, 23 0 miles north west of Cowles. Geo. Llndsey 1 mllo south east of Red Clo id, Feburary 10th. C ydo l'ayne, Fricluy.Fobruury, 19th 5 miles north west of (iuldu Rock. Rcpert of Water It LUht Commissioner. To Tin: IhiN'oiiAiii.K M.vvni: and Citv Cm-N-r il. (ii:nii.i..mi:n: I herewith make a report of a part of my services since my last report, i 1 have collected from water consiim-1 ors 3d0.1,r2, amount due and icvonue' to lv mil hv April I. HMl), W1S.17. In ' .iioiiiii riiiin with thi water hoi vlcosuiid to th" mtci est of tlir city a decided loen imi for water meter-, should bi adopted, i. c ; all water meters should, be looted or iliud within twelve I fe t of the mains or between the curb and sidewalk line. This Is very im porWuit, In tho llrst place SV per cent of all sci vice pipe in uot whutltshould bo, and should nut have been allowed . to bo used, as it's weight averages Kill to the foot when your ordinances which regulato the weight of all iron and lead pipe according to sie. This in ferior pipe which in now in use and is fast rusting and wearing out should have weighed :i-lo to the foot instead of 1-30 tho great expense which the city will bo called upon to incur will be the replacing of this inferior pipe now in use which is fast going to pieces. Ah for illustration of what Is to follow t'tko for Instance tho loss of water from October 1, 1908 to Janiytry 1, UiOa (three months) was Uli5070guls now at twenty cents per thousand gals the minimum rate it would amount to $22.'. 33 this is no guess quotations but facta from perfect meter registration. Now the number of meter services in the city is 173. Your minimum rate for each c nsutner where paid in ad vance Is 81.35 per quarter which en titles each consumer to 730(1 gallons of wuter during the quarter, which would mean that the consumeis of water were entitled to 1,227,301) gal Ions for which they paid $333.55. During the month of November 1U08 the middle month of the quarter in which 1 herewith show this wastings of water the C. IJ. it (J R R. -used 1535773 gallons at eight cents pel 1000 galjjns aino nitliig to 8I22.8(J. Tho wiibtltigs above mentioned is :13'J105 gallons more than that used by the railroad or a loss to tho city of S77.83 for the fourth quarter of 1U0H. Tho remedy is loft for your consideration. Iu Hiis city there is close to llvo miles of 3-1 Inch service pipe which runs between the city water., ainsaud the consumers meter. Now here Is a point, imagine, ostlnwto or guess the amount of continual waste of water that is going on between tho main ami meter without any way to properly estimate or correct this loss, if the pro per method is taken to stop this wast age the expanses will decrease u ,d the revenue increase and with no shortage of water. I his must bo dono aid i.t ouco or there will soon beau addition al expense added in piocuriug moro water supply. It would be a paying iuvofatment f r tho city to redeem all water meters and phico thorn within twelve feet of water mains. As the city is the owner of all water pipe which lies in the street from the lot line on one side to the lot line on tho other, the expense of maintaining and ropuir (ills upon the city, the o fore in tho past two years tho expense in repairs of their pipe was nearly f300. S atistics as to tho use and waste of water show that every consumer should bo required to receive their watcr througii a meter, tho wastage where water is usod without registra tion bv meter is from 33 to (!U per cent above hut used through a meter. Electric Ltyht Services, As tho tevenuo from light current for the mouth of January 10U0 is 8(173, 75 this amount will decrease by what ever the discount may be on what is paid in the first live days iu which dis count is allowed. This Is tho largest monthly revenue from light current shown since tho plant started. My collection for light fund since Juuuury 7th is S707.(il of which $318.17 is on eld current and wiring accounts, I must say with credit to the patrons of tho city's water and light sorv'lco that every bill presented was paid promptly, with n single exception, which was for a very small amount. The policy which the council has out Utiod and are following is sure to bring good results to both the city and citi zens. As a total for my collection ft r the past "5 days aro as follows: For water $003.52 For light? and wiring S7D7.01 i t i 1 1 1 Total 31371.10 Very respectfully, J. A. Tomllusuti, Water A. Light Cjui. LINCOLN LEITEtt Lincoln, Neb,, Feb. 2-.(Spocial Cor rcpondcnce.) Tlio legislature basset' tleil down to business and is now on gnged In the real work of constritolivt1 ogislatioii. Tho bills providing forj tho leforms urged in tho democratic platform are now iu anil are being pushed through with all possible speed. It Is interesting to note the com ment of tho icpiiblicau press and re-' publican leaders oil the Uumphioy bill providing for the "Oregon plan" i of electing United States -u ator. This plan provides, in ell'cct, for three statements, one of which a can didate for the legisla lire must sign No. 1 pledges him io cast his vote for the sonatorial candidate who iceeives tho highest number or popular votes in the state, regardless of political allllatlou. No. 2 pledges him u vote for tho senatorial candidate receiving tho highest number of popular votes in tho legislative district. No. 3 is, iu eirect, n declination to vote for tho choice of tho people, either of stato or district. Tho republican organs mid leaders insist that this is "a scheme to make llrymi senator." But they do uot deny, nor can they dony, that it Is a scheme to let the people, i ot the politicians and corporations select tlm senator. A fow years ago John M.Thur-ton, then a Union Pacific attorney, nownftaiid ard Oil attorney, was elected to tho United States senate from Nebraska. Itrnn address to tho legislature which selected him ho pledged himself to obey i he mandates of "my peoplo, and to ''hood theli expressed will in every w. y." Two years later tho peo plo, through their chosen representa tives, Instructed Thurston to perform a certain duty. Hut ho violated his solemn pledge and liupudi nt ly remark ed that he would pay no attention to the legislature because it was not of his political faith. Ho represented the republican parly, not tho people. Tho "Oregon plan" cures this ovll by making the senators, representative of the people Instead of the willing tools of corporations and politicians. This may explain why the republican organs mid leaders are against it. Subset-Ills for the , Chief, the oily democratic paper In Webster County- rami Loan tYnntcil The I. O. O. F. has about Sl.luO to Loan on flrt m irtgagoon Iteul w tat.), G. W. Hutchison trus'ci. The house mid senate have joined In asking Mr. Bryan to fix a date on which to address a joint session of tho legislature. Mr. lliyan left eiuly last week to fill a number of lecture dates made months ago, and will uot return, until about the middle of February. Sevoral "bank guarantee" bills have boon introduced, and there is consider able diversity of opinion ns to which is the best one. But a satisfactory guarantee bill will be enacted into law. It will provide for prompt pay ment of depositors without creating a resorvo fund that will withdraw a large amount of monoy from actual circulation. It will be just what the peoplo want, (and just what tho de positors arc entitled to ) Sen .tor Kimr is the republican load er iu the west chamber, and he is in tensely partisan. This partisan spirit resulted in iho defeat of his pet bill providing a 7 p. in. closing law for sa loons all over thostato. In discussing tho bill ho bitterly attacked tho Omaha delegation and injected so much partisan rancor into ills remarks that he'd rove awuy sovoral demoaratlo sup porters of tho measure As a result it was recommended for indefinite postponement. Tho famous "lobby registration" law enacted two years ago, for "gtand stand p'irposcs," has become what everybody know it would become a howling farce. Peoplo interested In legitimate bills tho nurses' registrat ion bill, for instance, aie registration, so am tho woll known railroad attor ileys and th-' represent itives of rail load brotherhoods. The brotherhood men tin hero to ask for laws making lor safety of life and limb. But tho' smooth i orporatioii workers are uot registered. However, they tiro on the spot, just the sumo. The law is worth just about as much as the old "null- treating" law -and that Isn't worth a tinker's obstruction. Silas A. llolcomb has declined tho appointment to the supremo bench pro Holed by (luvernor Hhallonbcrgor, and Willis 1). Oldham, lias been appointod. Judge Oldham, who was acknowledged to bo one of the best supreme court' commissioners ever appointed, aud who Is ndmittedly one of the foremost attorneys of tho west, has accepted the appointment aud will at ouco institute the proper legal proceedings to tost the right of Governor Sheldon's ap pointees to hold judicial otllcu. Judgo llolcomb declined the appointment because his eligibility had been called Into question. It Is provided that a supremo court justice shall have boon a resident of the stato at least throe years before election or appointment. Judgo llolcomb spent a couple of yours on the 1'aclllu coast, and while claim ing that fie retained his citizenship in Nebraska he did not want to further uomplicato the case by allowing ids eligibility to become mi issue thoroiu. Tho "physical valuation" bill was introduced on tho 20th by Snatof Ollls. This is another reform pledged by the olatforin. It Is sen ate Hie 13!t, and provides fo the phy sical va nation of railroads and of pub lic service corporations. The railways commission Is charged with the work, Notice, to Ulildcrft. I'HOI'O.SKD.SCIIOOI, IIVJUINU .Scaled proposals for Hie erection anil com pletion o) a iiutillo suliool liiillitlnt,' at Kcd I'lnuil, Ncli., IiicIikIIiik nil liihor unit inruir lots, will lie rcct'lvi'il iiy U 11. rnrtmocretary n( tlio hoIioiiI litKinl, until 12 CilucU Noon, .March Htli, IWU. i All IiIiIh must lio In strict ilccordaucc with tlio tilanft mill xpcuitlculloiiK, prepared by tlm C. v. Way Cii, Architect, IIusUiiks. Noli., which may he seen at thoolllcoof I,. II. Korl Itcd Cloud, Neb., and nl theolllci) ol the arch itects on and utter I'd i uiirj . Kill. MY). A certified check of t, per coat ol proposal nindu pnyable to I.. II. l'ort, must accoin pnny each bid as a Kimrauliu ot Bood fnltli, tlio name to bo returned to each tuiHiici'duttiil 1. 1.,.,....,, ..I., ti.i.kii lltitrnf nnnlrnpt. mid to bo forfeited by tlio mtcwmful bidder anil pillil If) Mllll rori lliniwirani mimmnu bidder IiiIIh to miiUo contrnt iiml Rive ap proved bond a required within :w jlnys. Tho party to whom the contract is awarded will bo rcoulrcd within :) dnj-K from accept ance of bid to execute contract anil Ktvu ap proved bond In Hiircty company In a mini equal to ItH contract prlco for tho faltlitull performance ot the contract. Hunurnlo propoHiilH will be received nt Knnie tlino and under nmno conditions for the In Htiillntlon of hi'iitliiK and pluinblnit. Tho Hoard reserves tho rlhl to reject any aud all IiIiIh. Haled Feb.. I, IIKKI. , , lly order of the Hoard, Tho School district of Itcd ttiKt Cloud City. I,. II. l'ort K..T. , Secretary . President. " Weather Summary Tor January. Temperature, highest 0 1 on 3d. and 2:td liowe't 0 below zero on Ot li and 7th. (Jrentcst dally range 15 on 2st. Rain and snow, total .13, I inch fall of snow. GiQiteit fall in 21 hour.s .13 on the I'St'.i. Num er of days with lor more 3. Clour 13, partly cloudy 3, cloudy 15, I nights of fog. Salosincn wanted to look after our interest in Webster and adjacont coun ties. Salary or commission. Address Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. VyVAi1 "k Desolved Partner Ship j Biit do not want to be forgoten by our many Friends and Customers which we j are Greatly Thankful for their patronage ) during our successful business. To WIiob It May Concern, w ) ' J S All parties knowing them sells indebted 1 o said rirm are requested to call at their Eirlist Opportunity and settle. Respectfuly Yours, JOHNSON I BONER t'WAv'V'WA. i . .'WWW .Ww-. Jr-h' JJf"-' u A A Kiv-4?K cissgn''inwM'iry,"4ygSTrf'':-tH -, rv'immmmr'z.