The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1909, Image 8

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'f-mt-i' tnr,"vDx&c3via-w21' njfc i."ifti-3 4 r"iw3rrTO!w Tz&ms
rJ v ."T r7TOyya;if77fa'; -; " -"-
After pirlled debating tlio .Seliato
tills week succeeded tu passing bid
Increasing tliti President's salary to
3100,000, but by slrlklngout the appro
prinliuu of 825,000 for tinvcllng ex
pciiM's tlie proposed salary will not be
doubled but only increased by ?2.",0C0.
."Sir. Iiooscvclt Is tho liht Picsldent to
Imvo enjoyed nu.nllowaneo for Unvot
ing expenses and It Is Mild that f the
2.,000 bo received f r tluit purpose
ln9t year lie spent only ffl.Ooo.
Should the Hotiso concur in them ttott
of the Senate and vote. Air. Tuft 9100
0 n and should ho conllno his wander
1) ,. to the distance traveled by Mr.
Itoo.sovolt during thoyear he will In
reality have $11,000 more than Mr.
Hoosovoll. Tlio l)eniocratlisldo of the
.Senate as was to be expected held out
for tho simple life and win empha
tically of tlio opinion that tho Pre
sidential job was not woitli mote than
SfiO.CCO and Kentili r Hiilley or Texas
who scoffs at the dies suit and other
appurtenances of fashion believed that
1ho President should pay his own ex
penses for entertaining; that hushouhl
not ho supplied with a conservatory
and if ho wanted (lowers to tame his
avago breast ho should buy them out
of his own pocket. Ho Is of tho opinion
that the Chief Kxeoutivo should go
down into his jeans for Ills railroad
tickets and his carries and horses.
Lint the Republican Senators, many
of whrin are veiy wealthy and know
what it cost to live in theso days of
tho full baby ciirriiigound that empty
dinner pall stood out for the increase-
.and succeeded in drugging through
with live votes to spare, The increase-
will no doubt bo vory acceptable to
Mr. Taft and especially to the wife of
4he President-elect who is a practical
woman with wido experience in the
-so lence of making a Uttlo money go a
I ong way. Mr. Taft is a poor niau as
rl dies are reckoned theso days. Ho
h as lived ou n salary since his college
days and he has been too busy to make
money. His brother Charles, as U
well known married a fortune which
lie succocded In protnptlydouhiiugaud
lio has been tho Taft bank ever since.
Still it was not to be oxpectod that ho
would holp out with tho White Houso
cxpciisoand it must' havo givon the
President oleot some concern as to
how ho should keep up the Uoosovelt
gait on the Presidenttil talary. Mr
Tnft is an essontlully'social being,and
he llnds his greatest relaxation and
pleasure in keeping open houso. His
tastes are not extravagant but he has
n lino disregard for eheeso paring and
the White Hoi so will probably be eon
ilucted in n hospitable way for the coin
ing four) cats Congress appropriates,u()0 annually for its upkeep and in
the rural districts this looks likea huge
sum but ne lias only to visit tlio ex
ecutive mansion and glance over the
small army of doorkeepers, lackeys
nd domestic servants all of whom are
under the lax .surveillance of other
paid emplojee.s to see that economy is
the last consldei at Ion there. It insa d
-tlm the Viee President pay.-, more for
itho ho rent-, furnished heie than
ihis salary ami that his household ex
.peases are over fifty thousand dollars
a year. Mrs. Fairbanks does not know
how .many servants are employed In
-ho kitchen and would not know her
oooks and .scullery maids and hostlers
if she wero to meet them From this
small fact it may bo hhagino what the
expenses of the White Hdus are wheie
-each department of the domestic her
vice is under the charge oT-i oilier re
ceiving a good salary him-lf and where
accounts ar simply audiVo'l to prevent
K aft and without regard in waste and
extravagance which unlleV better sys
terns might l.e pi. ci,tcd'. ''The appro
ipriatlim I. ill ot the Seilato'Uhicli pro-
country, wilt be i lie limber testing
plant to In operated by the 1'nitcd
State- government The plant will be
loonted lit tho M chiucry Hall and all
Known wonls will be tested to deter
mine their carrying strength to the
bieakiug point. Similar eNpoilinnts
will bo made with all kinds of but ding
stones for tho llrst time at an inter
national exposition.
The exhibit In the Forestry build
ingat. Seattle thisyear will be comple e
In every detail. There will be a com
prehens've display of timber of vari
ous kinds showing the logs just as
they leave tho forest, besides sections
and cross so lions of tho big timbers.
Tlio various kinds of woods in u fin
ished cotillion will also ho displayed
and there will bo many samples show
ing thiol lug, paneling, celling work and
other uses In which wood is put to
decorate tlio Interior of residence and
olilee building.
When completed, the Forestry build
ing al tho St attic exposition will be
one nf tho largest log houses ever
built in tlio world and will he o"o of
tlio most attiuctive bulldingsou tlie
grounds of the 1000 exhibition. Tho
Aliisha-Yukon-Pacillu Hxposiliou is
now 75 per cent, comploto and half of
the cloven miles of walks and streets
h live been paved with asphalt. Ten
big buildings are'.'coinplote and t'e
United.States government, lias cleared
its silo and will commence work on tho
buildings to house exhibits from tho
departments at Washlngron, Alaska,
Hawaii and the Philippines at once.
moc.s ioi- in e ilnul)lliig nf tlu pit.
"dilentiul salary al-o ells for an in
t; en -e of mi In iy lor the" IVice Pm si
Vent wli will It ivo -520,iH)0iind Speak
m i' tlie .1. list- who will receive il.",
-i'0 '.lh : . amoiJi't fur mr
1'UIJ.V-, till. I ll lw (I ,i Ml ,,,a. j,,.
cie.ise in thi Mihuies n the Miprellle
:ourl ..usiic ... ,, hiij. tl e iiicoin- o
theU.iol Justice H5.K0 i.ud that or
tlie Aoi-iate .1 fi'uit. ii:nn ......i.
TI.el.iMwi Ipu.v !. lively dlscu-Nions
u.e in i mi it. is iir.. i ...i. i.. .!,,. t
, , , - I'l '" 'i -.mi, ii
l I III! iilMl'1 III fOIV (111. i-li. I ..I-
Bald Headed People Nay Get a New
Chance In Life.
In thcao days when youth Is the mov
ing fact ir In business; wheu a man
makes his mark at thirty five and Is
ready to retire at forty live; when busi
ness housos pension tlie man wo call
"middle ngod" rather than allow his
Ingoing influence to In' rude upon tho
commercial rush, a bald head is almost
fatal to any man's hopes. The follow
iug must thoreforo prove Interesting
to people who aro losing their hair
or who aro bald.
Hesorcinis one of the latest and most
etfectlio gorm killers di-covored by
selonco, and in conuc-tion with Bi'ta
Napthol, which is both germicidal and
antiseptic, a combination is formed
which destroys the germs which robs
the hair of its nutriment, and also cre
ates a oloan a d healthy condition of
tlie scalp, which provonts tlio dovolop
mont of new germs.
Pilocarpln is a well known agent for
restoring the hair to its natural color,
whero th- loss nf color has been due i
a diseaso of tho scalp. Yet, It is not a
coloring mattor or dyo.
This combination of curatives mixed
with alcohol as a stimulant perfects
the most oliocllvo remedy for ha r and
scalp troubles.
Tho famous Iloxall "IW Hair Tonic
is chiefly composod of llcsorcln, Heta
Napthol and Pilocarpln. It makes tlie
scalp healthy, nourishes the hair, stim
ulates the follicles. Whero the bond
is already bare, it ontors tho follicles,
revitalizes tlie roots, supplies nourish
ment and stimulates a new growth.
Wo want you to try a few bottles of
llcxnll M3" tlair Tonic, on our por.son
al guarantee that tho trial will not cost
you a penny if it does not give you ab
solute satisfaction. That's pro .f of
our faith m this remedy and It should
Indisputably demonstrate that wo
know what we arc talking alio it who n
wesny that Iloxall ":)' Hair Tonio
will grow- hair m b.i'd heids.exoop' of
com so. where baldness has boen of
such long. "uratlou that the roots of
the hair are entirely dead, tlie fid Holes
closed and grown over, and the sc alp
is ghced
Uoniuiiiber, wo aro basing our state
ments upon what has already been ac
conplished by Uie use of Ko.x ill "On"
Hair Tonic, and We havo the right to
assume that what It has d mo to hun
dred, f o- hers it will do for you. In
any event you .annotloseanythlng by
giving it a trial on our liberal guar
autce. Ttv i sizes, fiOj. and S1.0J.
II I-: Uiico Driifc Co. Ued Cloud, Neb
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Jan. 20, 1000.
Herbert K. Stcdmaii to Adam
Fiiuger, wS nwl, 1-1-0, wcl.... KI00
W. C. Kriihm, Co. Trou'., to C. I
Cathor, lots 10 to a I, IJlk. 10,
Ked Cloud, tax deed 101 111
Jacob L. Kaloy to Frank S Hen
derson, lots 7 to 12, lllk. .1,
Caso A. McNcny's add to lied
Cloud, wd
State of Nebraska to Claud Do
val, set sel, 10-L'-12, deed ....
F.zra ,M. I.etiier to soren Sorcu
son, s-J ne 10 1-11, wd
Uo-ciie C Cather to Charles F.
father, lot IJ, I, lllk. ;j, Hod
Cloud, wd
Oh tiles Spctico to P. ('. (Jrunil
slalf, lots 1,12, lllk .'I, Spencc's
add to Hlttden, wd
MintaC iJiandstair to Lottie IJ
Doyle, pt lots. ),!, lllk. 1, Ilia-
den, wd I
lOiniim IJ. Itlcliendorf to Hstclla
V., lllk .'I, Iliad-
den, wd l;,o
Thus. .1. Uigglns to L. M, Spctico
lot 111, IJ, IMIc. 2, Spencc's add
to llhulen, wk
Lawrence L. llorcu to Arthur P.
Kats w2 ne IC-2-10, wd
Lottie II, Doyle to Mlnta V.
Orandstatr, pt lot '.', e2 n2, lot
.1, JJladcu, wd i
W. A. JJurcus to Lena E. Hcndren
lot 4, lllk. 2, Spencc's 2nd add
to llladen, wd , moo
Stuto of Nebraska to E. U. Over
man, sw4 &oi, 10-1-11, wd
J. A. Lockhart to Art It. Larrick
s'J sw4, w2 se 1, 12-3-12, wd
Maxwoll C. Fulton to It L.Strat
ton, nw ,
Eliza Morgan to II. P. Morgan,
lots 3, 4, C, IJlk. 0, Cowles, wd
Henry Loukor to John Baugart,
sw 14-3-0, wd
Alfred McCall to Ploronco B.
Mitchell, pt IJlk. 4, LcDuo's
add to Hod Cloud, wd 05(1
Lizzie Uplingor to Prank E.
Martin tr., nw 00-2-12, wd 1
Johu A. Kutledge to Edwin S.
Garbor etal, iintlot 4, IJlk.
0, Vance's add to Guide Itook,
Josopli Wostlako Hugh JJ. Huut-
tor, lot 10, Blk. 8, Vanco'B add
to Guide Hock, qcd
Vadav Pavelka to J. P. Sutter,
lots 1,2, lllk. 10, llladen, wd...
L. L. Spcncc to Ola A. Knutson,
lots HI, l-l, Ulk L, tspeuce's 1st,
add llladen, wd 1353
John P. Johnson to Conrad Kehn
et al, pt ne 17-1-12, wd G100
Get 111 Of
) The Gfoand Floor!
That Is Jast What I Am Trying To Do.
'S( T 'W' jgp H'
SfBJS & wrf'v ff'wVf'Wp .,-y k
If you will climb them again this week or
before the present stock is exhausted
I will let you in on ;
In The Matter of PRICES on New Pianos in Stock. '
Mortgages tiled, 20100.00
.Mortgages released SiS0.Y7.fi0.
Sfi.1311 13
5Cwr-:f vcjmtktktv" t &.
Yvy 7
lVej,!:ra Canada tho Pcnnanl Winner
ten Ik
1. Ta (In) rnii-
rl f Cmi'la n w i-'m-i I
uiu i'hut iitu ai'ii -mr
lliriiln::l,itiiil I n
IllllllllltlililUlllllllI l(l
A 1 I'D ut (nil vU mi
ii rt.
'lliu ,5 J,n cmilrnti-t
Aiui-rlrnn .wiltU-iH inK.
I111! tliolr lioim.1 in
'k.L riA
l.-ttutlioUttnlJi-nci nf
.in. riiiHTM-nijr ni umi
iimiitr, 'Jlu-y iin w.
,.".'.VI.,''"''!,',,' the hit,', noil,
I 10 (illlH Mini -ir tu till
Iiii'Ih-Ii Imil.-y, IMilx tint ..
riili-nillil IiitiI or uiiil' 1 I ,,
mi tliu iinlrlii urn-N. Ilulijiiu;
nn liiiiMirliinl lniliiiy, ' "'
('hiiuiIii III III.- Ii ml Tlin uciri.l will
"'i ,loik to l n it f.v.,., it.
"1IioiIiIiiiihI liniixt Impit v,
11 wiw tliu iiiuL'inui 'j of Hi.. 1 mm.
try Hint Inmallnl 1,-l.triiLirn ii)iur..
I I 141 fi'Vi1 L.J 111 .
lili.l iliu.ii, nuifl.i i iiuilrnl. ut.
lilli,li',) Jyi
jx ih.iiw.iv jtali-t
:i,l (liun.lit. nuit-l..
ITU'iw tlin Iillut. I'limiili. in rfifl.
"i"'" n' " rww ij imm
1H11 1 lVim..n !. JXvfitli tim rnm.
I'ltlilKlin Ji u-s4htfr-i I'irlilt.
n. It 1' - n .1 oil , r 1 i'i in ,, n
nvyli . 1 M 1 ilnuiifl. 111 nf Itu.
nilr 1M1 11, O I im. 1 11 ,n,
ui ni . I ' 3 t , 1 -. ,v
v v. pr 1 1 1
801 New York). 1.. ll:nS,
O111.UU', ",tb.
oDit! Ami v . .
.'' hair is a di.
'.i f.a;-.;r. t.l Aye
.v.! f rm;i!.i, .
. f
'.. Uv.dki 1.
- -. i ..w Wi' .
I - (.' '. . i'.ill'tt
vVi't't-utiP v."i.ic;
t-i . .?, -.., '
' '.or,
r r.
Xm mm,-.
li UlM.t W IK ,Mt tuUt'l
il ever
Ak blw Kbotitll.
men aiu liyi
ll!o little boo!; in acli packngc rivf
ili; formula of our now Hair Vlcor, ter-
viiy cadi incroH er-f !-. u?e. ur.J .
Japan Guards Against Paper Famine.
Tlio .l.-nmnest) also Ijjto looked over
tlio eoiiteiiti of their industrial stoles
and havo decided that something must
ho dono toward conserving their re
maining supplies of raw material for
paper making.
lu Japan, paper is used for almost
everything from the silvcr-llgurcd par
titions of tlio lludduist temple to tho
r.ide hut wnl s i.f tho laborer; from the
bilk-like vestmonts of tlie priest down
to tbo rain.proof shield of the traveler.
In fact, tlio ingenuity of the Japanese
is only matched by tho vatioties of
uses to which papor may bo adapted.
Tho work of the United States gov
ernment toward determining the
amount of paper materlHls used and
tho oourco of future supply, Is bolug
followed by tlio Japanese, according toy
an mivice Ironi U. S Cons 1 John II.
Snodgrass, at Kobe. Tlio imminence
of the danger is apparent from tho
fact that tliJapiuieso authorities have
requested tlio paper mills department
or tho .Mitsu ISlshl Kalslia to tako over
some 7,500 acres of tho bamboo forests
of Formosa.
It Is known that tho bamboo tree lias
been I lie aw material from which tlio
Japanese havu recently inado tho lar
ger portion of their paper products; so
it Is thought that, by intioducing tlie
improved methods of forest cultivation
and harvesting, tins tract of woods
will furnish yearly 10,000,000 bain boos,
adapted for conversion into paper
No matter whether the paper com
panj will establish Itsniillhln l-'ormosn
oi-s,i, tho htunhoo to Julian lu a part
ly finished state, tho development of
this, new source of law material will be
of high iiiipoitaiice and may ovciconio
tlio i.teo-slty of tin 1 sliitiil Kiii,.iiu
looking to foreign countries for I lie
future nupp'y of paper pulp.
You can save enough to pay for an Average Musical Education,
ancl maybe don't know it. Call And See.
AftC". 1
hsiri ..
.V C!
d .
if :n ',-!!
t. 1 .
i:. WOrU tu .J.l,
Co , X.JTTCU, ?aos.-
,500.090 Ff.ct Qf Lumber la A
Kvt I-,- tuitj nf Hie big logs tu be used
in ilmiiriciiivi nf the e'oresMy building
on tho ground- of the Alaska-Yukon
Pacific Kxpo-illoii at. diiI 1 10 tliis j ear
will cmtalii between lllliiii and 12,000
feel of board iihmmuv, or lumber sulll
ek nt ti luiilil 1 he average frame house
;BuiiouiiiUiig the lilg building will bo
1 IU2 of lliesirinaiiiinotli 1d's, I'tirty feot
inh'-fglit an I co.ilaiuln a total of
j moii) than l,.tu,(jim leet of lumber.
, ' One of tlie nioit linpouunt exhibits
in couiniiiKii wltli the luiul er Indus-
tr.s, ami o .e it p.utieilar Intinst to
1:11 tnii lots and bull lers nllmir tho
aiitu.0ivi.atia.ii(AaitkUiUii.i-'a.tiiaiaiiiaaiaii.aiiiaitiii.tiifc4ii,tt.iiii..kj. u.i.iui4 icx.
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well us US, to buy your Building Ma
terial aud Coal at ouryardsT Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
loast as low, as those of our competit
ors, hit because wo take especial oare
of ami protect all can be classed as
Ii 13 (i U L A U C U S T O M K U H
tl A
rr tf twees co.
Coat. Lumber.
miiftn"rif .. nwt(iiwl1 ttMillTti1iTf7'ntrii1iti?t1liliftiMnitiiinininji
Thoro aro many people who suffer
, from Ilackaclic, lUieumatisiii, Lumbago
nnd similar allmonts who aro not
of kidney
Kidney act
to kidney
the blood.
30 day's trial 81. 00 sold by Henry Cook
Pergonal oxporlenco with a tubo of
ManZaii Pilo Hnioily will co-ivinco
you it is immediate lelief for a 1 forms
of piles. Can be applied dit-cutlv to
I lie affected parts, reducing inflamma
tion swelling and itching Guaranteed
iohl by Henry Jook.
aware those aro symtous
ttoublo. Pineuloi for tlio
as a tonio and regulator
and bladder and purify
to g.i without ins rauei. The n-k
iissliiued is toi gre t for lit- -m ill
priMiilum yon keep in join- pocket.
Kiguh1 out liotv many i',in ymi
would iuiMi to bts freelYiir.i any (ii
in tad i- to Mive the value o' your
lioiisetiiid I'Oiiteiits. Then ciii,.,i-i
thit.voii may havo a tlio nils vory
nighf. The of even 1 if. Ij
liliixe will bo mint! than tln pre-
iiiiuin of
I)ii ter have me issiiu .son a p hoy
today. It's a wlmloioi It 11 1-to
lie Mire I huti sorry, us in. my mm mi
iusiucd man lias been.
&d Cloud, Nebr.
Pi Tee 2.-.t
t'ulds contracted at this season of
the year should be treated with Ilecs
1 haxatlyo Cough Syrup. Us clears
j .lie head nod tin-oat. Instant relief
for rough-. 1 olds 1 roup, hoarseness
ami liont-hiiil tioi'ilk-.s, thouhl bo
k-l t in the house lor children. It is
1 plfisiint to take and gently laxative,
, tiiiaiantccd. Sold by Henry Cook.
1 Woods Mver .Medicine In liquid
ftiun rcKUlales the liv. r. n-lieves b ck
httadiieliH const ipution st iinneh. ki.Iuoy
ui.S'ideiMiud nctx tisa gculie axatlve.
It is partlcii'iirv iv eoiiiinen le I for
.lauiidiee chills, fewr and malaria.
Its tonic oll'ects ontliH entire .systmn
are felt with the first dose. TIo 81.00
f bottle ettntahis 2 1-'.' times as much as
lunch as tlio soc. size I'loammt to
take. Sold by Henry Cool.-,
Oct my rates, terms aud opti y.i and
an 1 I w il nnke you a Turin Loan. No
wa't, inonoy alwiys ou Irani.
J. U llaiky,
I To Wham It Nay Concern.
j The Commisdoner appjinted to lo
1 cite a publio road commencing at the
North- East corner of section 10 in town
I ship 1, range 12, in Vebstor Couuty,
I Nebraska, running thenoii west 0:1 the
section line bctwoon ssctlons 18 and 10
lu sald,tovnship and range, and ter
minating at tho Pranklln County
boundary line, lias reported in favor
of tlie establishment thoroof, all object
ions thereto and claims for diuuago
must be filed in the ollluc of the Conn
ty Cleric of sail county on or boforo
noon of tlie 111th day of March, 1009, or
sucli road will be estallshed without
reference thereto.
Uatod January I 1000.
!:. V. Ross,
ISKA1 County CI (rk
P.ueulos for tho Ki Inoys arc Uttlo
golden glolinles which act directly on
tliu kidneys. A 1 ml will convlnco
you of quiet results fr Uackache
Klieumatisin, Lumbago and tired worn
out feelings. .10 days trial Sl.11,1. Tliev
purify tho blood Sold by Honry Cook
r ij?ai
m rTT-'x- jiv
owiitb rm
Premium ?
Hams -3b f
and Bacon H
L fi
vNYf if
-v VI tl
i-Misiytvun&mc sr v vi
Wm. i
Roon 1!
f ffrri?ilV!
k mm
Fresh f
Red Cloud,
WIiOrK r.T .y&. WmA&am wuf f