The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1909, Image 5

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01c Swiiusoti.
Snbscrli'C for tho Chief.
0. C. Teel wus !u Nina, Neb. tho (list
of tlio week.
Mr. Barber was down from L'runkliit
Mr. Kroiit was over from Womer
; Wednesday.
"Olo" makes yon laugh at tlio Opera
House, Feb. '1th.
"0h Swanson" at'tho Opera'Hoiise
Thursday, Fob, 4th.
'j Vaden Leggott, of North, Hi audi
'i was In town Monday.
C. Kelso was down from Alma, Wed
' ncsday on business.
Buy ti ton of coal and got a novelty
dust pan.-J. O. Caldwell.
Charles Oorrcn and wife were down
from Cowles, Saturday.
Mr. ltinehait of St. Frauds, Kns.,
was in Hed Cloud Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Uttrwoll, near Inavalo
wcto in town Wednesdiiy.
Miss At na Fulton has gouo to Frank
lin to attend'tho Acadomy.
Jim Mcintosh went to Ktvins City
Wednesday, to buy cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Whltoly or Walnut
Creek were in town .Saturday.
Ed. McAllister leturned fioin the
western part of this state Tuesday.
IM. Nasser, jr. dopartedjfor southern
Kansas, Monday to visit lolativos.
David Stoiier and wife loft the first
of the week for Brownsville, Kas.
Mr. nnd Mis, Percy 'Lnriiclc weic
down from'.I3hiilcn,"Suturdiiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter (were
down from lnavale. Saturday.
Mrs. W. P. Fulton was in Franklin
the last of the week visiting friends.
Don't fail to go and see "01c" at
the Opera Houso Thursday, Fob Ith.
"Olo Swanson, just from Sweden, "
will appear at the opera house, Feb.,
Mr. and Mrs. "Biz" Points of Wal
nut Creek were in Bed Cloud Satur
day. Mrs. Bcssio Brway wont to Denver,
after visiting her parents Curt Evans
and wifo.
Frank Hutchison came over from
Lebanon, Kas.,' Saturday 10 visit with
Mrs. Win, Thomas is in McPhorson,
Kas. this week visiting her. daughter.
Mrs. Ed. Jarboe.
Mrs. L. E. Cramer went to Red Cloud
yesterday morning for a few diys visit.
Republican City Ranger.
Mc&dames Wilcs,t'urgeson and (!ar
diner of Orleans arc visiting their par
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. E. II. Fort.
Rubin B. Boyce and Miss Rosa Davis
wcro married at Rev Hummers homo
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Arch Borron and wifo were dowa
from Cowles Friday visiting with his
brother, Lawrenco and family.
RE you after something good
tocomehere t o us and say
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; we'll do the rest.
We'll set before you a
great feast of good things;
the finest clothes made;
the best styles; the choicest
foreign and domestic fab
rics; the highest class of
It will be worth as
much to you to buy these
clothes as it's worth to us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This slorc is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Kob't Mcltrldo was home Sunday.
('has. (Jrout was down from Upland
Sunday whore ho is working up a big
class adoption for the M. W A., lodge
of that place.
Mru. Ilarpham, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. R Ci. Uuucliey to
turned to her home at Clayton, Kas.
Tuesday morning.
Rev. Hummel is holding revival
meetings at Ash Creek M. E. church,
this week and next week. All arc cord
ially invited to at.' end.
Frank Ward, who has been working
mound this vicinity for tlio past year
returned to his homo in tlio eastern
part of tlio st'ite, Monday.
. Salesmen wuutod to look after our
interest in Webster and adjacont coun
ties. Salary or commission. Address
Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Creedc, sister of J II Robin
son departed for Ouido Rock Monday
to visit u few days, from there sho will
return to her home in Humboldt.
MissesNoia Kelly and Alia tiosnell
visited in Red Cloud Saturday and
Sunday with Mrs. Fletcher Waughand
Helen Heiinanson. Republican City
The Ciiand I'nton Tea Co., of Lin
coln, Nebr., has an Interesting pro
position to mako to soino young man
or woman in this community. Wiite
to them for particulars-.
Last Hatuiday Governor Shallen
bergur appointed lleo. W. Llndsoy of
this city as ono of the dologatos to at
tend tlio Dry Farm Congress to bo
hold at Cheyenne, Wyo.. February 23d.
At the Congregational church next
Sunday ovening tho pastor will give
an Illustrated Temporancc Sermon
by tho use of the Black Board.
Subject "Tho Black Valley Railroad.'
This is an object lesson sermon on
the greatest ovlls in tho land. Go and
see it and hear it.
Cordon March a fugitive from Obor
lln, Deeitur county, Kas., was ai rested
hero by ShcrUr Hedge. Shorifr J. M.
GrUrelh arrived heio from that county
to take him back, but he refused to go
back without requisition papers and
the Shcriir departed Monday morning,
for Liucoln and Topoka. to get tho
papers. He is now being held hero
in jail until the Sheriff comes after
Our enterprising merchant, Paul
Storey, will leave the city about tho
first of the month to visit the clothing
maiketsof tho cast. Ho bclioves in
getting the very best materials nnd
latest htylcs posslblo for his over in
creasing trade, Mr. Storoy has built
up an excellent business by giving his
undivided attention to tho wants of
his customers. No detail escapes his
careful attention. He will bo absent
a week or two and wiil go right to
headquarters where they make goods
right. Without question ho will re
turn with a complete lino of the new
est, nobbiest and smartest styles
known to the trade. A merchant llko
Mr. Storey draws trade from a long
distance away for tho buying public
knows when prices and materials nrc
and what they should be.
All you need to
1 BURS' p pirps i
k Copyright 1908 by &SMj
v Hart SeluffiKr It Mara Z$W
Olrl wanted at Henry No houso'n.
F.vetton Foo wasdown from McCook
Miss Fay Hurd down from Cow
les Saturday.
John Wilson down from Cither
ton Tuesday.
When will Ole bo heio? February, Uh
don't miss him.
.las. McUulrc was in RTvorton, tho
last of tho week.
ArtLarrlck wasdown from Rladou
the last of tho week.
John Hamilton was up from Guide
Rock Wednesday.
Win. Fruit Was up from No rton, "Kns.,
tho first of the week.
Mrs. Dolllc Dlokerson was down
from luavalo Saturday.
E. U. Overman is this week moving
into his new residence.
A. T Walker is in tho custom part
of tho state on business.
Misses Edna and Lou Watt ciuno tip
from Guide Rock, Monday.
J. F Drain was in Kansas City tho
first of the week ith stock.
Al Cooper wasdown from Cathorton
Wednesday, also Ed. Pujiic.
For. Su.i: Six room House, lots
Inquire at Newhouse's store. tf
Miss DessloThrono went toMcPlicr
son, Ivans, tho last of the week.
Miner Bros, shlppod two carloads of
stock to Kansas City Wednesday.
Frank Algleston and Clyde Carpent-
ter were down from lnavale Wednes
day. Mrs. Clarence Stewart's mother came
in from Tovas Wednesday night to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart are
tho proud parents of a baby boy, born
Oscar, Fred and Godfroy Moniu and
wives were up from Guide llodk, Wed
nesday on business.
Goo. Llndsoy has bought Mrs. Mcr
cor's residence in the west part of this
city tui'l will movo to town.
Dr Wiuterson physician and sur
geon; olllce and rcsldcnco phone samo
as Dr. Raines. Potter block.
I have SoO.OOO to loan on Webster
county lands at lowest rato and best
terms' O. W. Pope, Rod Clo id, Nebr.
A few dollars on subscription for
your distant friends will bo money well
spent You can do two favors at one
The beautiful Chickering Bros, pia
no to be given away on Fob. 5th, is
now at Argubrlght's Studio. It is a
Wo understand Ben McFarland has
bought lots in tho Piatt addition and
will build a flno dwelling thorcon in
Mrs. Patterson of Campbell visited
at tho homo of A. T. Walker Wednes
day Sho was returning from n west
ern trip.
John Wagoner, of this city drossod,
"perhaps" tho largest hog ever dressed
in this county, the porker dressed
weighed 810 pounds.
in clothes? The
do to have it is
"S I'
Always Reliable
Note tho "Standing of Contestants"
this week. The next change will show
tho winner. It will then ho too Into
to vote. Vote Now I
In connections with his Law business,
B. U. Ovornmn has opened u Farm Loan
Department. Parties desiring ti farm
loan will find it to their advantage to
seo him
If you would like to sec some partic
ular lady get the piano, Mihscribu for
tho Chief. Your .'100 votos might bo
all that are needed, and they may Do
needed too.
T..I. Ward left for Lincoln Thursday
morning. He goes a few days before,
the general change at tho penitontiary
to familiarize himself with his dutieb
as a general change in tho ofllcos will
occur Monday, Feb. 1st.
For chapped hands, face and lips
I'lncsalvo Carbollzer Is immediate
relief (Acts like a poultice) good for
outs, burns, bruises, skin diseases.
Draws out inflammation. Price ,25c.
Try U sold by Henry Cook.
The cyclonic disturber of tho risibili
ties, "Olu Swanson," tho enormously
successful Swedish comedy drama, np
pears at tho op'ern house on Feb. 4th.
The mirthful eccentricities os this fa
mous Scandinavian dialect character
nro auginentod by an unexcelled cpj.eric
of 'New York artists', all ai whom uro
experts in fun-making, not a "stick"
In tho company, not a poor lino in tho
dialogue, not u chesnut or n question
able word, nothing but flashes of prime
wit and ludcirously laughablo situat
ions interspersed with pleasing spool
nltics. Comonndsoe "Olo Swanson."
He's awfully funny
ltidgowayLpggott, thohpado special
ist, not having had his likeness Uken
since he woro knee trowsors prevailed
upon his father to call tho family to
gothor. Accordingly, Tuesday all tho
Leggctt's woro (tithe photo gallery to
have tho family picture taken for tho
first time In twonty-flvo years. A
quarter of a century has produced
The Only Baking
I (
made aom
Royal Grape Cream oi Tartar
Made from Grapea
A Guarantee of Pure,
Healthful, Delicious Food
A new stock of Selz and Florsheim
just arrived in our store.
Our stock is always fresh as we do
such a large Shoe business you will
never find old stock in our store.
This is a fact worth considering when
yon are going to buy a NEW pair of
selz mms $29 to 4.00
FLORSHEIM Si to 5.50
Big line boys shoes made by Binley,
Stevens and Selz. Come to us for
Shoes it will pay you.
Clothing co
First Door North
some what of a change in all of thouii
but It would bo hard to tell that Ridge
owiich that Innocent face, represented
in tlio former group. Aftor miming
tlio gauntlet of the pictuie gun the
family repaired to the cafe do Robinson
whore thoy enjoyed u cclebt at ion din
ner. Uidgo shown to good advantago
here If not at tho gallery. His witty
s.iyingsuiid gravy Hngorskcpt tlio com
pany in a roirof laughter for moio than
an ho ir wliiV his gastronotnical ab
ilities fahly stunned the gouerous Mr.
llobltibon. May many moio families
live to a ripo old age.
Farmers Attention.
Having taken charge of the Ilcatricc
Creamery Station hore in tho placo of
Foust &. Lucas. I will locate in tho
Cook building, 3 doors south of F.& M.
Bank building. Mr. Trino is a prac
tical Separator man, has done all kinds
of repair work on seporators for tho
past eight years; and expects to look
after tho machines in this territory.
We would llko to receivo tho same
courtesy and treatment of the farmers,
that tho Beatrice Creamery Co., has re
ceived in tho past and as may more ns
wish to join us. OnonoE Thine
Christian Church Notes
Wo invito you to attend our Biblo
school nt promptly ten o'clock each
Lord's Day. Our school is increasing
in interest and enthusiasm. Our new
Superintendent is full of energy and
is filled with tho splri of tho work.
At a recent meetin ' .' tho members
of tho church, it w.i t 'ocidod to hold
n meeting in the very near future,
and arrangements nrc being mado for
securing a pastor, its it is tho feeling of
many of up that we have long enough
been without a Shepherd. Watch
for the dato of our meeting, and tho
notes that appear from tlmo to time.
&mw& Powder
; CJga&'
of Postofficc
TZ 03
z m
"Generations of livo, wide
awake American J3oya liavo
obtained tho right kind of
by boiug equipped with the
unorring, time-honored
I Si
,. wt(. v - j . iftti.ii uiu .11114
All tliAiriv)olt n Trn.1irtA n.i.t
I H'1'l'VlfS.W II in, .,.,,..,... ,i.. i..
BiliVIS.NH. 1 1 you fill!
I "0vlll8lil)(llnot,c.n-'?'jiHftuil(l
Uiuu lutvilib Ul UllUIOViTllU,
spii-t '. ccittrt la Btmnpa for
1 ul'u'TC llhutiiiteactttaloir.
Itciploto with
nnd jrcnenil
firearm Jii- n
Striuinn cover
in coloit.
3 to t
So. s,
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P.O. Box 4099
CtUopee FiUj, Miu.
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