The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1909, Image 4

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Rod Cloud - - Nobrnoka.
Bntctcil lu Uio I'oitunico fit He J Clou J, Neb.,
ns Second Wash Mnltcr.
0. U. HALE
City Officers.
J. O. LViMwcIl
.....". .. I.. II I'ort
.I.O llntler
IM Atnnrk
!M I'nlnlphcr
. ..J, A. MrArihur
Alf. MrCMI
Supt. Light and Wftlei 0cnr Iliirrmijsli
Marthitl. ilny - ,,AIH,ln,J,;
Murflml, night .... . John KIiim'1
C 1 crk ....... -
Coiiucllmcii, mwiwil..
Councllmen 2nd word..
County Officers.
Clerk Dlntrlct Court Oco. V. ltiitrbloii
juilKC I. W. IMnon
Clerk K. W. Ho
Treasurer - ;;;w.i0, t,raVm
Attorney I.. H. IIJncklcilRO
Hhorlir - .... -O. I). I Iodise
Assessor -",. ' coit
Hnpt. l'ubllo Instruction hclllo Custer
Coroner Dr. f. It. Hull
Surveyor- dro. OvcrliiB
Conunlssloiiorn - Ins. O. Overmim
T. J. Clinpllu
Win. Aiidcrnuii
Oco. V. Iltiinincl
Tlmt Is Uio
Ih leap your a Tall tiro'.'
UrowiiHvillo Is (rettintf to bu 11
onnltil post.
This Lord tempers llio winter to Uio
shorn conl bin.
Georgia Is milcini; 't'ft lv splendid
judge of good eating.
Uanlcingeharucter in Pittsburg no
li enr.s to bo pretty low.
Will Uio Sounloeeiise from troubling
when tho Teddies nro at rest'.'
If they keep on putting jokers intli't
1'ostnl Saving Bank bill, it will bo 11
Alabama has gone dry at last, but u
tho latest aci'otmtsMobilo has not succeeded.
It sounds funny to hear tho Pre
sident tell tho Senate to mind its own
' ltaUior than free text books, Rome
of the youngsters would prefer free
baseball bats.
Souio men never experiment sutlloi
ently wltlutruth to find out whether
it pays or not.
Tho Roosevelt administration thre
ateus to wind up in a blazo of glory
or something. i'h
Juilgo Liiudis thinh8S2,000,oOO worth
of lining entitles him ton rest in the
Standard Oil ease
It started out as the battle Hoot; but
its mission has turned out to bu one of
peaeo and mercy.
Mr. Carnegie- not only gives away
library buildings, but'lio writes books
to fill them. Can you beat it?
The femalo sex is making progress
in one respect. Itca'n select better
Christmas cigars thfiuit used to.
Pretty much nlbof jjje State of Ohio
has climbed aboard the water wagon.
Only a few "wot" counties are loft.
Every man who calls on Mr. Taft
these days copies awftjRtvith that mys
terious "Cabinet- pos'llty" Ippk,
The girls who get nWrried this 'ear
Lincoln, Xobr,, .January 'J!l.-Speu-inl
Correspondence)- As was expected
the reimblicau organs of the stato
have joined in a chorus with a view to
convincing the people that the present
democratic legislature is engaged in 11
saturnalls of extravagance, and that
tho administration of (lovornor Shut
lenborger is going to be vastly tnoro
expensive than that of (lovornor Shel
don. The g o. p. charges aro made in
a general way, and tho aforesaid
organs studiously refrain making any
comparisons of a dcllulto nature.
The leglslaturo of 1007 appropriated
SiloO for contingent expenses b'f tho
governor's olllce. (lovornor Sheldon
leftSSy.OS in this fund to run for three
months Tho most of the 5200 was
spent in sending out telegrams to
members of the legislature asking
about tho advisability of calling an
oxtra session to enact a county option
The same session appropriated a
total of SO.OOO for the maintaiuencc and
lopalr of the executive mansion. This
whs SI0U a month, (lovornor Sheldon
loft S2:.2.:ii) in this fund to maintain
the mannl'in for practically three
months. At the same rate of expense
Governor Shallonbcrger would exhauso
tho fund lu two weeks and two days.
Tho same session appropriated 1,500
forollloe expenses in the executive de
partment. Governor Sheldon left
ISOJo in this fund. This isuoteuotitrli
to pay postage until the beginning of
tho fiscal year, to" say nothing of the
necessary printing. It will cost not
less than S'-'-Ti to supply the governor
with thcprintlng ho must have.
It is awfully easy to make 11 record
for economy by 01 eating a deficiency
and leaving It ton succeeding adminis
tration to pay.
Another sample of "economy" is
found In the Hureau of I abor ami In
dustrial hint 1st les. That department
is required to do with two people and
S 1,000 a year what Kansas provides
fourteen people and upwards of S 10,0(10
a year to do. And oven , at this tho
board of public landb and buildings,
after exhausting aii appropriation of
S7.0T0 for the improvement, repair and
care of the capitol building, took $282
from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to
"repair and Improve" the btato house.
Thus is "economy" practiced.
Tho (1. O. 1 organs are making a
fearful howl about tho present legis
lature's disregard of tho "Sheldon law"
limiting the number of houso and
sonate employees. Yet tho very ses
sion that enacted tho "Sholdon law"
was equally guilty, and tho session
following was ovon more guilty. But
no mention is made of this fact by tho
G. O. P. organs. They forget the fact
that any growing business finds its
necessary to increase tho number of
employees, and the republican legis
latures that made tho grand steal play
of limiting tho number of employees
quietly ignored it in order to secure
sufficient help to transact tho nocos
sary business. That is tho measure of
"economy" practiced under a repub
lican administration. It thundered
"economy" in tho index, but failed to
practice it in tho contents.
Dr. McKim, atato votoronarlan under
Governor Sheldon, is going to luve a
lot of ugly charges to explain concern
ing tho management of his department
Tho figures and the facts are all on file
but before they aro given to tho public
Dr. McKim will bo given an oppor
tunity to explain. It Is not only a case
of nepotism, but it appears to be a case
af rank injustice to a widow who is
struggling to support herself and tvj
lermined to investigate, for themsel
ves and notdelegate tho dulv to police
man or detectives. They received posi
tlve information that a "joint' was
established in the cupula over tho
second hand store in tho Dow biild
lug. Tho two councilman immediately
proceeded to make a raid, Being un
acquainted with tho private stair way
they entered tho room through the
door which seemed tho only one which
permitted ingress or egress But the
living hod departed Thero were only
chips, cards, tables and a few couts in
sight. Those articles went Into tho
scrap pilo in a fow seconds
Tho owners can rccolvo damages by
calling on tho two councilman in tucs-
tion. They aro determined to stamp
out gambling and should there be
others engaged in this hazardous un
dertaking we would suggest that they
glvo up at once for our ofllcers moan
Occastonaly as one passes down the
street he will heir some slighting re
mark made relative to the Commercial
club. Hut It must be apparont to any
one conversant with the life of our
city that movements of any kind per
taining to civic allairs are nocossurly
slow. Homo was not built in a day
and it is unfair to expect any body of
men to turn the country over every
twenty four hours. If nothing more
has been accomplished by this organ
ization than tho promotion of a better
understanding among business men
that Is sufllcicnt for its existence.
But has accomplished more than that
and its present efforts to establish an
alfalfa mill hero should receive the
hearty co-operation of every loyal citi
zen. That a v jmmerciul olulis 11 uecccs
sary adjacent to any city needs no
proof. By pulling togethi r this par
ticular city can bo mado much nioro
profitable and attractive. Or to put it
hotter let us u'o tho words of Carlyle:
"For not this man nor that man, but
all men make up mankind and their
united tasks, tho task of mankind."
It is not this merchant nor that type
setter which makes up this city but
the combined inhabitants of the entire
community go to make up Bed Cloud.
By getting togotlier and each doing
somothing tho resultant force will be
for our ultimato upbuilding and use
fulness. Each has his place and at times one
person may bo tho man of the hour.
Toko for example, some years ago the
best engineers of this country were en
gaged In erecting a large bridge. A
large crowd had gathered. The high
est intellects along engineering lines
were in charge All went well till the
tlmo camo for roplaeing the most im
portant piece into position when it
was discovered that the ropes lacked
an inch of being long enough. Con
sternation roigned supreme and for
tho llfeof them those onginoers trained
as they were knew not what to do.
For an hour tho immense weight hung
suspended in the air but thero was
"nothing doing." Along came a sailor
and seeing the condition of things
cried out: "Wot the ropes." That was
enough and tho bridge was built. So
here every man has his place and one
cannot tell where tho host information
will come from.
Help the Commercial club with your
good will and lot everybody boost.
will be able to hold Jtcir heads up I utUcgbiidrctt.
iiruuiiiy, snowing uiainuicy are iree, .. . . .. ;
There aro thoso vin bolievo that ill
stead of Governor Shallcnbercrer's
from suspicion,
The unattached female who did not
exercise her leap yearjperogntive will
have to be contont three more years
of spiusterhood.
So Charles P. Taft Is to get nothing
for his 100,000 beyond n kind smile
and tho consciousness of duty well
District Attorney Sims says, "The
Standard Oil Company is not yet out of
tho woods." Pretty goad thing for it
these parlous times, we fancy.
A Boston doctor says, "Every one
should swallow ono dozen raw eggs
every day." Does tho good doctor mis
take us for a nation of billionaires?
"Hero lies a man," begins Poet Paul
Cook in the Btrminghau Ago Herald.
Well, wo suppose thero Is always room
for 0110 more in the Ananl b Club.
man with two hearts
declares he will never marry. Pro
bably ho finds It Imposslblo to fix both
heart's afftcilons on tho samo lady,
"Tho Winning of till! South," by
William Howard Taft, promises to be
quite as intoiesiing a volume as "The
Winning of tho West" by Theodore
judicial appointees testing tho supremo
court Cttso. Tho judges on tho bench
should bo the first ones to call for a
judicial determination of their right
to sit i-i judgment as a court of final
resort It strikes the Inlnltlatod law
man that a judgo should bo the fir t one
to demand the removal of any suspic
ion of his right to not in n judicial
capacity, and not seek refuge behind
any technicality in ordor to hold on.
Both branches of the leglslaturo
have settled down to business, and tho
committees are now busy considering
bills arc making recommendations.
From now on tho work of enacting, or
repealing laws will go forward with
Speaker Pool has recovered from tho
Indisposition that overtook him the
morning the legislature convened and
is now fooling fit nud tlno for his
enorous duties.
Persons who desire information con
cerning pending legislation, or printed
copies of bills that have boon intro
duced, should wrlto their represent
atives or senator. Win. II. Smith,
secretary of tho sonate, or Troninoro
Cono, chlof clerk of tho house, will
also see that all requests seut them
are given prompt attention.
0' imatlin, us ho looked up from his
cot, and recognized the two Nebraska
olllcers. Ho thou entertained them
with tho story of his wanderings sinco
his flight from Miudcii, and detailed
to them tho strange story of n "double,"
upon whom ho seeks to place respon
sibility for tho crimes of arson, rape
and murder which aro booked against
Tho olllcors were prevented from
stopping at Sucrumonto, tho capital,
to sectiro tho governor's approval of
their requisition papor, storii s block,
ing tho way, and after, boing notched
back aud forth over tho Southern Pa
clllc, Union Pacific, Santa Found Salt
Luko roads, in a vain endeavor to
roach tho governor, these wero finally
hauled across tho desert to Los Angeles
on tho Salt Luko road, and from thoro
reuehed Suu Bernardino ovor tho
Santo Fe.
Arriving here, with ovorv railroad
storm-bound through tho northern
part of tho state, they got into tele
graphic touch with tho executive, with
n request that ho accept their papers
by oxpres', without porsonal service,
and tho favor was readily granted, tho
Nebraska governor's parclimont being
placed at onco in charge of tho Wells
Fargo Express company, which has
undertaken the porcarious tusk of
getting thorn to the storm-bound cap
ital without delay.
If their arrival at Sacramento still
finds it impossible to bo returnable
with dispatch, uiraugomcnts will bo
mado for tho Issuanco to Sheriff II in
HOiu of a telegraphic requisition, that
hla delay on the roturn trip may not
be prolonged, though tho anticipation
now is that ho cauuot leave ho re bo
foro Sunday 01 Monday.
In tho meantime Taylr is under
double guard, and never a moment It
allowed to puss but that he is tuulor
close observation, though this is un
known to him. Tho belief that ho has
determined upon suicide is based upon
frequent declarations ho has made to
the Nebraska olllcers, declaring that
they will never got him back to Neb
raska alive. He appears to fear tho
wrath of tho people of Minden, and
has several times been detected in the
act of sccrotlngthebluut knives which
aro furnished him at meal times.
State Journal.
w a . .-.. r j 1
Mr. ThoHia&Kdson has Invented al
most -tho cheap, Unlit and compact
btorage battery ngidti. This eheorful
announcement comes along 1 very year
as ture us tho first lobiu.
Thorp has been a rattling of dry
hones lu our olty. For son.o tlmo
thoro have been persistent rumors
that there lnilit be a place or two in
tho city where- gambling was permit
ted, lu fuel tho rumors become so
loud Unit they leached tho ears of the
city council wliireupon Councilman
MeAithur and Councilman Amuck do-
SU Bernardino, Ca, Ju, S3
Sheriff Rausoni and Doputy Shoriff
Patterson of Mindpuob., fiavq hold
their first consultation with Bert M.
Taylor, wanted at Minden on tho
charge of murdering his slstor-in law,
Miss Pearl Taylor, and havo satisfied
themselves that he has determined to
tako his o 1 n life if given tho least op
portunity. They aro also satisfied
that the haunting fear which has fol
lowed him during the months ho was
a fugitive from justice, has unbalanced
him mentally, and that only this fact
lod to his surrender to a Southern Paci
fic brakoman.
The;two Nobraska olllcers wero du
bious as to tho genuineness of the cap
ture until they actually peered through
tho bars in tho fugitive department of
tho big county jail, nnd saw with their
own oyes tho man for whom tho po
pnlaco of Minden had sought for days
following the crime. "Bert Taylor Is
a wreck of his former self," exclaimed
ShorlfF Hansom, In discussing this
first conference with newspaper men.
"But his brother is, if anything,
nioro of a wreck. Wo mot the brother
in San Bernardino and hoaccompnnod
us to tho jail. I would not havo recog
nized hlni, He uso to bo u uiau of
splendid build, and tho plcturo .of
tiongtli, Today ho is emaciated, and
tho owful strain ho Is under lias writt
en Itseir In deep furrows on his face "
ltecauso 6f tho brotior's porsonal
Integrito and high standing tho Neb
raska olllcers refuse to make known
his given numo or the community hero
lp California wlicro lio resides, though
1C is known that ho is a prosperous
rancher residingsoniewhoronour Echo
Park,, in L s Angolescoii-ify
Tells islory of Wnndcrlnfts-
"Well, you've come Id tako mo
back, I suppose," was Bert Taylor's ex-
"01c Swanson"
"One of tho best, if not tho best of
the season is tho unanimous verdict re
garding tho new Swedish comedy-drama
"Ole Swanson," which will appear
at the Opera House Thursday, Feb. 4th
The play is full of pure enjoyment,
clever comedy, blended with mirthful
melody, all in all tho purest as well as
tho finest of popular successes. A clev
er company has been provided and
new songs and specialties will I intro
duced. Don't miss it.
When looking for the Best in
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking come, to the Leaders.
Amack S Chaiiey
L caders in Furniture and Undertaking
-vvv v jrjvj vvv'vv'wMv'yvx'
mn b u a n e s s is on the increase:
WHY? "
i-.yii. STrrtvlHfkY!arTWB5BEB2 KMtm&U
hppmicp nut rrirc on flioco nrrrr1c ni iMfTKf-nlinrf-
as cheap as the interior goods sold by other houses. S
We invite you to the largest house in the county, one
that pays taxes on $19,000 worth of goods while our
competitors pay on $7,5 ao. you can reacniy see
where to trade to get the goods. We are here to
stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We are
not undersold by anybody.
Red Cloud Hardware
1, a.nd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
"VnA'VNvV VsN 1
3 Days.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.,
says: ".My wife had Inflammatory
Rheumatism in every niusclo and joint;
her suffering was terrible and hor body
and face were swollen nlmost beyond
recognitlon;hadbeeninbedforsix weeks
and had eight physicians, but received
no benefit until she tried Dr. Detclioh's
Relief for Bhoumati3ra. It gave her
immediate roltef and she was able to
wnlk about in three days. I am sure it
saved her life." Sold by .Tho II. E.
Orice Drug Co., Red Cloud, Ncbr.
An improvement over many Couch. Luntf and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to dlv
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U S. A.
White Goods and Lace Sale.
In order to get our white goods advertised we are
"to make a reduction of 1 0 per cent on all our new
goods for one week only. This is a bargain as all the
are new have a large line in Embroidery, Swisses, Satin bars
and Lace bars.
Have in a new lot of silk in all the
new colors. In plain and stripes. 27
inches wide at $1.
ChikWs Jumpers.
Children's jumpers made of a
grade of plain blue cheviot at 50c.
Kid Gloves.
Wc fit all our kid gloves. Have a
new line in the two button at $1.25 per
Bear Skin Coats.
We don't want to carry any of our
Children's Coats over. This is your
chance to get a good Coat for less than
cost. $3.25 coats for $2.25, $2.75 coats
at $1.75.
A New Line of Rushings.
1 it'jMrmimiUi
(431 V? fflff ,
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