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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1909)
if? ljjl qttc Historical Society ill v VflF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF A Newspaper That filves The News Flfty-lwo Weeks Each tear For One Dollar. RED CLOUD, MSliltASKA. .J AN 17 A HV i!J), 190!). VOLUME XXXV II. NUMI5ETI 5 T- to W $ iti 0 i l 0 il iit i ft i Money ft 0 Satisfaction Or BACK i ! NEWHOUSE BROTHERS 0 0 0 ft fc ii to to to to . Cash Jewelers and Optometrists C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors m m (0 (0 (0 (!) (t) m I to to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to m to to GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. John Sheoloy nune down from Hastings Monday. Mis Auna Iterglleld visited with M s. N. M. Doudim over Sunday. .lolin Fishburn 1ms moved into the Bradford property in the west part of town. Mrs, I, Woodward and her daugh ters Maggie and Ethel are visiting in southern California. Michael Sheeley was reported not so well Monday night. He has boen a gicat sufferer for many weeks. Mrs. A. Horn served "coffee" for tlie Methodist Aid society at her home ' Thursday afternoon of this week. Howard Wirt is having the found ation work begun foe a house on his ijrtfcjts, which he receutly purchased. Sewral people were out the first of the week looking for houses to reut. Funny bow so many people want to move nt the fame time, A. Lathrope was taken very sick while down town Monday afternoon. He as taken to bis boarding place nt James Harris' and the A. O. U. W. sent n brother of the order to care for him. Tliore was a good attendance despite the unfavorable weather at the Chris tian tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. ge Friday afternoon. AH report a pleasant timo II l Cobb and family expect to move to western Nobraska in the spring. Tlioy " it Present on P. E. Falrlle'd's farm Ho will havoa public sale February ltth Public Auction. I will bell nt publ'c auction on the John Devlan farm, 12 miles southwest of Hot! Cloud, S miles south of Inavabi, ,V, east and 2 north of womor, i uesuuy, February 0th, commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property; 47 head of stock, eou-isting of 0 head of, 4 hunt ' ,ttle. 2'.' head nfcal- vos Id In'"'1 r m)'K' fanu m,iu,,,m,ry oti.' hunch on giotind. Rush Pi: mis ONE WEEK MORE! DURING WHICH TINE THE EXCITE MENT WILL BE INTENSE. THE BEAUTIFUL S500 PIANO IS WAITING KOIl YOU AND WILL SOON KB YOURS IP YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY NUMBER OP VOTES! Miss Frankio Ward now stands at the head of this list, but after all it does not mean that some ono else may be the winner. Since last Friday the voting has been secret, and n ono can tell just how the land lays. If it was simply a case of who has the most friend', and eacli friend could vote once only, we presume soiuo of our experienced politicians could fig Elllnicr's Sale Dates Friday, Jan. 2!), Jn . 1). Obmsted, miles south of Guide Rock Monday, Fob. 1, L. W. Squires, mile east of Cowlc. Wednesday, Feb. .'I, Jno. Heal, miles northwest of Cowles. Thursday, Febr , Miko'Kolor, mile west and I north of Cowles. Saturday, Fob. 0, Guide Rock. Thursday, Feb. 11, Frank Cobb, mllo cast south of Guide Rock. Monday, Feb. 15, II .1. Maurer miles north of Red Cloud. Tuesday, Febr. 10, John Motter miles Kjuthwcst of Red Cloud Wednesday, Feb. 17, Ed. Crary, inl'o north of Guide Rock. Tuesday, Fob. 22, J. O. Polfus, County Commissioner's Proceed ings. Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 12, WO!). Hoard mot in regular session members present Overman, Anderson, Chaplin, Hummel and Ohmstcde. 1 1 wan moved and seconded tint chnir inan he elected by ballot, motion carried proceeded by informal ballot, W. R. Anderfion receiving majority of votes, on motion the balht was declared form- ( al, and W. R. Anderson was duly de clared the unanimous choice of the board for chairman for the ensuing year. , Annual settlement Wns made with the following road overseers: F. C. Kruger, dist. No. 8, S. Sorenson, Dist. No. in, John Sutton, Dist. No. 13, John Aubershon, dist. No. 9, Joseph Genereux nisi. mo. an, a. iinrtmnn mat. no. i, John Konsack, dist. No. 2. On motion duly seconded the County I Treasurer was authorized to refund the tax of Hnskins and Johnson of Lino prc- cinct on $6335.00 actual valuation on account of being twice tnxed and paid uuuui pruicsi, inuuuu carricu. On motion tax of J .Lovejoy for 1900 amounting to $5.74 assessed on personal property in Butln precinct was stricken from list on account of same having beep assessed and paid in Iimvnlo pre cinct. On motion appointment of Fred Maur er by L. H. Blackledge as Deputy Coun ty Attornoy was approved On motion the following official bonds wero approved: J. T. Lacy dist. No. 6, Henry Hcnfield dist. No. 3, C. P. Norris dist No 2 On motion duly seconded and carried A Hartman was appointed overseer for road district No. 7. January 13, 1909. Now comes I. W. Edson, County Judge of Webster County and present ing a bond in the sum required by law nnd with good and sufficient suritics of the date January G, 1909, respectfully asks board to approve Bamo and order it to be recorded, and thereupon to re- leoso and cancel the bond heretofore filed by him on the 20lh day of Novem ber 1907 nnd the said bond having been examined by the board and found to tho sntifaction it was upon motion of Chap lin seconded by Overman nnd duly car ried, ordered that the said new bond bo endorsed with tho approval of the board, and properly recorded, nnd the above mentioned former bond be released from this date. Chairman appointed committee com posed of Hummel and Ohmstcde to settle with the county treasurer, nnd Chaplin nnd Anderson to settle with tho balance of County Officers. On motion tho following claims were allowed and warrants ordered on gen eral fund. E. Mcnride board of health. . . .$ 2 75 Jul im It. Mfirti " A or, dllferont votes as often as they can put up Every. IUmjm Wlllc Liver Pills pvoveiit 1111- thatWilUHNV nine. Puce ffic H old by Henry Cook. uro it out on the basis But this1 election is body a dollar on subscription, and about all ymi have to do is to call upon them and by a little nico talk secure their votOH for yourself. Don't make the mistake of thinking you have enough rotes already. Tho ballot box Is going to bo taxed to its capacity to hold the vjtes some others have been holding back. To uso vot er's slang It is going to be "stuffed," but all the votes that go into it are legal, and the count will bo fair. There is nothing to bo gained now by holding back votes that you have Thero will bo a rush at the last min ute and as the voes will not bo pub lished again tho sure way is to deposit them at the bank as you get them everyday. Then while tho ethers are waiting in line to vote you can be quietly gathorlng moro right up to the LAST MINUTE, l O'CLOCK P. M WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY .'!. THIS WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO (5ET A IIIOII-ORADE CHICKHRING BROS. PIANO FOR NOTIIINUI "PER OPUS AD V1CTORIAM" AND TO THE VICTOR BELONGS TTlE SPOIL. THE WINNER WILL BK AN NOUNCED FEB., 5t -. of "party." J mile- north of Guide Rock. Cluifltii and Chaplin Thursday Feb urarv, 25 0 miles north west of Cowles. Goo. Llndsey 1 mllo south east of Red Cloud, Peburary lOtb, Clyde Payne, Friday February, 19th C mllt-s north west of Guide Rock Farm For Sale. A Jewell couuty farm adoptod to dairying, hog stock raising, of UUi acres. pasture, most of which could be broke C. E. Vaughn L. H. Fort Julius R. Horn E. McBride C. E. Vaughn L. H. Fort W. C. Warren E. W. Ross Mr. Hottie, Bniltr Expense Griffin case 2 4 3 G 4 4 4 G 14 9 21 ;; 75 25 00 75 75 CO 00 00 00 II. C. Scott 210 00 2 10 2 10 3 GO 15 75 8 GO 5 50 9 G5 1 20 1 05 50 75 23 00 labor printing labor R. Mitchell, insnne Wobberman M. Prnto ' " C. II. Kesler B. II. Leader J. B. Carr J. B. Carr Ruffis Miksch Enterprise Pub. Albright Bros. F. A. Brown Equalization 300 00 Election 1G00 00 Hridgos .N 10700 00 Holdiois (JOO 00 County fair and institutions 500 00 January 19, 1909. Board met for the purpose of opening bids for bridges, the following compan ies submitted proposals: Canton Bridge Co., Monarch Bridi;o Co., Midland Bridge Co., Thomas J. Crommcll, Ne braska Con. Co., Michael Cowan, and Western Bridge nnd Con. Co. No action wns taken nt the time, ns tho I Board wished to take the matter under advisement. January 21st, 1909 It was moved and seconded that Board reject all bids, now on file for bridges for the year 1909. Motion car ried. On motion tho bid of the II. E. Grico Drug Co. for supplies was accepted. Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 22d, 1909. On motion appointment of list of Deputy County Assessors ns presented by County Assessor Scott wsb approv ed. E. Peters, Guide Rock; A. B. Wig gins, Garfield; Jos. Saladen, Line; Frank Stokes, Walnut Creek; W. F. Ronkle, Inavulo; OttoSkjolver, Cather ton; John May, Harmony; Oscar Llnd gron, Glenwood; Jnmca Hubatka, Ba tin; E. Beitler, Elm Crook; Fred Hurd, Pleasant Hill; L. Bangert, Stillwater; Fred Clatte, Oak Creek; Chas. Robin son, Red Cloud City; James Drain, Red Cloud precinct; Wm. Garrison, Pots dam; Perry Norris, Beaver Creek. Respectfully submitted, H. C. Scott, County Assessor. On motion, bids of Argus and Com mercial Advertiser wero accepted as per list now on file, county officers to buy office stationery where they choose, paying not to exceed rates given in bids. On motion, seconded and duly carried, it was oidered that tho Argus, Advertiser, Blue Hill Leader and Guide Rock Signal bo allowed $00 for printing tho proceedings of tho county commissioners for 11101); amount to no equally divided. On motion, county officers wero until irized to purchase books and other supplies not designated in bids already on file, where they can bo secured to the best advantage. Wo, your committed appointed to ex amine books of county treasurer, have audited tho same and find them to correspond in all respects to vouchers and receipts on file. U. OlI.MSTKliK, G. W. Hummki., J. G. We, your committee appointed to sottlo with the county clerk, clerk of tho court, sheriff and county judge, find that clerk of the dish let court col lected during the year, fees, $1 lf0. 15; paid to the county treasurer, lines, $110; jury fees, $00; total amount turned in, if'JOO. County clerk received for all fees for the year 1008, 2 158.70; clerk'a salary, ifinoO; deputy, $700, leaving a balanco of $285.70. Sheriffs salary, $12000; mileage, t78.80, total for 11)08, 11378 80; turned into couuty treasurer T. J. GllAl'MX, W. R. AXUIUiSOX. of of Hunt. Invoice of personal property on tho county fat in Jan. I, 100!): 27 bend of thoroughbred cattle, consisting of it cows, II heifers, !l bull Tcalvcs. 3 bulls ebiniug 1 year old, and ono herd bull $1 I'M 00; 2 Inbred calves, 25; 1 1 hoad of hor-es and colts, 7A; 4 sets of double harness, $00; I brood sows, iflU.f; 1 male hog, Jl.l; 30 head or spiing and Muniinor shouts, $250; 115 Tall and winter l'lg. $70; 2000 bushels of corn, $1,000; 300 bushels of oats, $120; 50 bushels of potatoes, $35:35 tons of alfalfa, $17.1; 10 tuns piairie hay, $120; U dozen chickens, $70: 700 lbs. poik and sausage, $70; 301) lbs. of lard, $30; 200 quarts canned fruit, $10; value of farm imple ments, $500; total, $5115. Improve ments on buildings, $500; largest num ber or inmates, 8; smallest numbor of inmates, I. Tho building is repainted and in goo I condition; farm is all fenced and has been well framed and is in splendid condition. T. J. ClIAPMN, G. OltMRTHDU, W. R. AXDKUSOX. boiiibannnal and annual report b, W. Ross, county clerk; amount fees collected Jun. 9th to Juno 30th, inclusive, 1008, $1000; fees collected, July 1 to Dec. 31, $1410.70; total amount collected for tho yeaf, $2485.70. Coun ty clerk's salary for 1008, $1500; deputy, $700; balanco on hand Doc. 31, 1008 $285.70. Office expenso July 1 to Deo 31, $72.74; paid C. D. Robinson for extra help on tax list, $10. m I, E.W. RossT county clerk, in and for said county of Webster and Btnto of Nebraska, do horoby certify that tho above report is correct to the best of my knowledge. E. V. Ross, County Clork. To the Honorable Board ofjgCounty Commissioners: I hereby submit tho following as a correct amount of fees collected in tho offico of tho clork of tho district court for tho year ending Dec. 31, 11)08: Amount collected from Jan. 1 to Juno 30th, previously reported, $3)i8; amount collected from July 1, $312.15; total fee for 1008, $1150. I furtlior certify that I liavo collected and paid to the county treasurer for fines ami jury foes since my Inst re port, ih follows: Pines and juryfoes, $200. Geo. W. lHJTCllIXSO.V, Clerk of the District Court. Report of O. ). Hede, sheiitr, for the year WoS: Pees, county work 8011.25 Mileage county work 178.80 All other fees 2.7.25 All other mileage for I tins .... 80.00 in fees, $257.2 Co. printing supplies Griffin O. C. Teel bar docket January 14, 1909. especially Annaul settlement was made with the and other followlntr road overseers: Frank Coon 100 a in dist. No. 11. F. J. Wobberman dist. No. 5, Ed Fry dist. No 10. Chairman np- up, 55 11. in c iltlvation. No rock or ( pointed tho following bridge committees thin soil, plenty of timber and fruit for 'distf No. 1 T. J. Chaplin, W. R. Andor home uso, an acres fenced hog tight, !to son, G. Ohmstcde. Dist. No. 2 W. R. acres of alfalfa. Two never failing1 Anderson, T. J. Chaplin, G.W. Hum wells with windmills, 2 hog houses. ' mel. Dist. No. 3 G. W. Hummel, J. G. Good barn 2S.10, mow for 12 ton of Ovorman, W. R. Anderson. Dist. No. buy, Iioubo 21x20, chicken houso 8x32, 4 J. G. Overman, G. W. Hummel, G. granary, cob house etc. Cement cave Ohmstede. Dist. No. 5 G. Ohmstcde, Seo l)r, Stockman for eyeglasses. Satisfaction guurnnW ed through which water runs from ono of tho wells. I am going to Idaho and oiler to sell nt 85000, llboral tonus. If interested waste no timo as this is a bargain, Six miles houthwest of Host wick, 10 inilos southwest of Superior. BEAUTIFUL! A. Cornish.. It. P. I). 2. Burr Oak. ' .. ivausas. Public Sale. I will Fell at public- auction on Mrs. Boyco farm, miles north-wott of Cowles, 7 inilos north and east of . Rod Cloud, Thursday, February I, I commencing at 10 o'clock, tho follow ing property: 2.' head of stock, eon ' hlstlug of 0 hel.d of bor es, 1.1 Ik ml of cattle, 0 hea I of Dunn Jersey hogs, farm maihinci etc, Mini. Koi.ut. T. J. Chaplin, J. G. Ovorman. January 15, 1909. It was moved and seconded and duly carried that tho following estimate of expenses for the year 1909, bo adopted. County Supt $ 1500 00' District court 3500 00 Coroner 200 00 County Attorney 1000 00 Jail and Jailor 200 00 Countv Roads 15000 00 County poor 1000 00 Bonds C000 00! Insane 1000 00 Incidentals. 4000 00 Bools and stationary 200 00 Commissioners 2300 00 Assessors and deputies . 2500 00 The Commissioners of Webster County: I submit to you tho follow ing report of the Wobstor county poor farm, of receipts and disbursements for tho year euding Dec. 31, 1003. Total money received during year, $1855.00; totil amount paid out, $1810. 13; balance on hand Jan. 1st, 1008, $0.50. Tho above report is true and correct to the best of my belief. E. W. Coit.k.v, Total SlRlO.OO Couuty Treasurer's reeulpts 101, 185, 180, 210,252; total roccipts.froin county treasurer, 8257.25, being the amount received from all other fees. Respectfully submitted, O. D.IlKDCie, Sheriff. YOl may not always httvo the chance to go to school. You may not urways bo able to work phi -leal ly. 'o may not always have un income to keep you; then what are you going to iloV Why not prepare now by taking one of our Conines'.' Ifyoubav'nt tho money to pay down you eau pay aftor you finish. Write for paiticulais, Hdiiiion Coi.i.i:uk, Hebron, Nebr. Farm Loan Wanted The I. O. O. F. has about $1,100 to Loan on first mortgage on IConl Ustato. G. W. Hutchison trustee. IE ARE PREPARED To fill your wanls in what ever you may want in the grocery line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet pickles, "Ask to try em" We arc also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup"ect. And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, "Teas and Extracts cct. Our Best Brand of Canod goods. Call for The Whlto Houso Brand. Ucll Phone 4 Rural Phone 63 JOHNSON I BONER j , K t'WW'V'AA 'V'W'W'W'V'VAtf'W'W'W'W'W'W'Vii Ay'W'W) V .TggTW1WffV''t. -g,i.' ?3MWiV'-'W.TUrngTg vts?5v-r