The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1909, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nobnvskiv
Bntored In llio l'oetomeo nt Hwl Cloud, Nob,,
r Second ClnnsMnttcr.
t;ity Officers.
Mayor -
Clerk -
TrcftMitcr ,
Counclimeii, lrtwnni
Couiiellmcn 2nd wnrd
Rnjit. Unlit nmlWntoi. ...
Mnrflml, tiny
,!. (. rnldncll
I. II. fort
.I.O, lliillcr
.. .. IM Amuck
I'.d l'lilMplier
...I. A.McArthnr
Cucnr llnrniiiRli
Al Hlnliv
iToliti Ivllinil
Counly Officers
(Jco. W
Clerk DUIrUU'niul
ArfesKor ,
Bnpt. I'ulilh; InHriictlon.
Coroner. .-
Survoyor ....
I. V. Kdnuu
K. V. Un
W. 0. Krnluit
. I.. II. lllncklvdKU
O.I). lleclHC
II.C. Scoit
Nellie CuMiT
. ... I)r. f. It. Mull
tlcn. OverhiR
.. . lim. (I.Ovcrinnn
T. .1. Clniplln
Win. AinlerHoii
(Jco. lliiminel
them, tt I to bo hoped thai they will
gather Inspiration and culture as well
as valuable infoi mathm and an insight
tut.) things us thoy arc
On tins other hand w feci oonltdunt
that the moil of our city will bo amply
repaid for the little time devoted to
tho school. It will eroato a feeling of
interest In the schools and draw tho
professional and business lifo Into
closer relations with our public school
TliHU Is altogether too much Indif
ference (o tho schools on tho part of
not only tho patrons but nlso the tax
payors and btisluoH men
Wo often hear tho remark that no
0110 knows where all the school money
is spent and 110 0110 knows what the
schools arc doing. We oiler tho sug
gestion to any ono who desires inform
ation on either subject that ho take a
llltlo time off and make the schools n
visit. First hand information Is the
Wo trust that this uiidcrtuUitig will
meet with the success such an otfoit
deserves and that practical address
from men in'aclivo lifo will boa perm
nout addition to tho course of study.
- Castro ran out Just in time to escape
"being kicked out.
Nobody knows (Jomez, but everyono
is pleased to sco him succeed Castro.
That gurgling, purring sound is Mr.
Harrlinan counting tho days to March
Having got thu Keystone of his Cab
inet, tho rest ought to bo easy to President-elect
Why has not somebody risen to re
mark that tho Tart Cabinot won't be
able to resist Knox.
K divorces keep on increasing, the
nation's alimony bill will rival Its Pan
ama Canal expenses.
Tho Pungtowu DebatiugSocioty will
discuss tho question "Is Christmas
worth the money V
Mr. Pultizor has gone to Panama to
sco if ho is as much of a liar as he has
been cracked up to-bo.
Thoy are pulling down Castro stat
ues and burning Castro protraits in
Venezuela. This is a bad year for dictators.
If Mr. Carnegie had talked in 1892
as bo does now, Mr. Cleveland would
have been elected by a majority or
about 5,000,000.
Uncle Andy's "Tho jig's up" deserves
to rank right alongside oP'Don't bo
a mollycoddle," Mind "We've got "em
bcaton to a frazzl
For the first lime in eleven years the
county poor farm is without an inmate
Tho poor farm has never been In a
crowded condition but generally there
arc from one to six inmates. But to
huvo nono is a tecord that Webster
county can well be proud of. When
0110 consldeis the size and number of
inhabitants of this county tho present
condition is really remarkable.
While we are on the subject Untight
be well to state that the poor farm has
always been mjU supporting and its in
mates well provided for Our system
of eating for tho unfortunate is far
ahead of many that wo have seen
The accomodations are ample, large
house, pleasant rooms and agreeable
surroundings. More than this tho
county poor are not compelled to livo
and associate with tho insane. In
soma states the poor hoiisi is an
asylum for feeble minded, insano and
poor and all inmates aro compelled to
associate at the table and reception
rooms To a person of normal mind
this association is most huinilating.
Wo aro justly proud of our poor farm
and should lliihiucial rovorses como
we know that we have a homo and a
good 0110 ready for us.
Uutlhatis not all. Sherill' Hedge
Is without 11 borader. Not an in
mate in tho county jail. County in
stitutions aro the most proiltablo when
thoy huvo the least business. At the
presont time our poor farm and jail
aro both declaring largo dividends.
Webster county is to be congratulated.
mm s der chiefs
(With apologies to "Hoch ! Per Kaiser 1")
Dor Chiof of ds great I'V-odom'rt laud
Und derS. S. all dings command,
Vo two Acli 1 Ootid you tindcrs-tand'.'
Melnself und der S. H. 1
Vllo some men shur derjpower divine
Mine soldiers slug "Give us der Sign,"
Und drink der health in Vite 'ouso wine
Of ME-unddor S. S.
Oere's Hockyfeller's Standard Oil.
Wo touched a mutch mid made her boll,
Kellofed her of a lot of spoil; .
Melnself und dor S. S.
She vill not d ire to light again,
Hut if sho shouldl, I'll show her blain
Dot wo can Hue her yet again.
Melnself und der S. S.
Oere's congress she's a vlckcd lot;
Dor laws doy pass schust tnako tuo hot!
I dolls hor sho vottld rather not , 1
FlavoME-undderS. S.
Old "Pitchfork" vas on mischief bent,
Put my sleuth hounds got on der scent
Und vound some dings (by accident);
Moinsolf-by der S. S.
.So von ho tried to run a bluir,
Vo burned his carcass mit "hot stittr,''
Until ho had to cry "enough"
To M 13 -und der S. S.
In dimes of boace brobare for war;
I boar do "big stick" mighty power,
Und use it ofry day und hour,
Melnself und dor S S.
In fact, my s'ick I nefer sheath;
Mit aspect dark I show my teeth
Aeh! Pouf! I knocks dem all beneath
Melnself und dor S. S.
sJflsSL Ml
-f f-v
:"3 rc AcftuAi
When looking for the Best in
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking come to the Leaders.
mack 8 Ghaney
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
'(iriib your dollars when you'r young',
advisos Uncle Andrew Carnegie.
Then when you aro old you can let the
Tart ill twins do your wotk.
Sly Andrew Caruegio. lie didn't
want tt) testify at tho tarriff hearings.
The more he declined the more his in
quisltorsinsistcd. Nowthey wish they
bad let him olf.
Tho dilVerenee between huntingcan
vasl aek ducks and Venezuelan ships
of war ih that the canvasback is more
dilYieult to bag, but worth more when
you get him.
The United States soldier who retired
with savings amounting to SPl.COO
Trout his pay should write a book.
Ills advice on how to put aside a com
petence out of a small income would be
In viw of the uuoward condition
ofallalisin Venezuela it is reported
that ex-Dictator Castro will make his
permanent home in licrmiiny. Tho
question is whether the loss of Vene
zuela in this case will be Germany's
Austria Hungary is said to be will
ing to give Tin key 611 idemtilty of 'JO,
000,000 for lletzegovlna and lunula.
Probably the double Empire might be
willing to throw in another trouble
601110 province or two to complete tho
After all, perhaps, we have made
KOtno piogiess 111 righteousness. Those
six honest Coiiucllmenout of SO crooks
in Pittsburg would have iiuido work
coinpartlvely easy for Diogenes, who
was bo long looking for even one hon
est man.
Tho seeming aequiosceuco of Joseph
C. Cannon with the plans oil' William
II. Taft may bo explained when we re
call that Mr. Cannon has at various
times said he'd rather be Speaker than
President, but has never hinted that
ho would rather bo sincero than Spea-
. Sup't. Morltv. has instated fin indu
ration at tho high school. Ho has ar
ranged to havo local professional and
business men give addrossos to tho
blgh nchool pupils once a week at
Chapol time
This will be mi cxcollent addition to
tho course of study giving tho pupils
first hand information as to tho actual
lifo out side of boolis. Thoy will como
lu contaot with tho real wo. Id around
The "BI4 Stick" vs "Pitchrork."
Wo havo refrained front commenting
upon tho receut "eruption" at tho
National Capitol for somehow wo be
hoved Congress would b nble to copo
with tho situation without our assist
ance The people of the west havo "pointed
with ptide" to many acts of our presi
dent in times past, and havo seen cause
to laugh with glee when tho "bi
stick" fell upon tho heads of somo of
tho giant monopolies of eortain lines
of commerce. Tls true the enormous
Hue against the Standard Oil Co., is
not collectable, and the expenso of ob
taining judgment, and lighting to re
tain its validity enormous, yet we have
not blamed the President.
Hut tho president has shown that lie
is human aftor all. His attitude is
that of the average "town bully "
After licking so iniitiv big follows ho
begins to think thero is nothing under
tho sun too big for him to attack. Tho
"bully'' always llmls sooner or lator,
that 1.0 ono Is so big that there is not
somowliero a bigger. He ovontually
meets his "Waterloo."
Whether the President has met his
"Waterloo" remains to bo seen, but it
looks to us like ho assumed a llttlo too
much in attempting to Impugn the
motives of the greatest body of la v
makers on earth. Tho very foundation
upon which tho stability of this gov
eminent rosts is thu fact that It is a
"Clovornini nt of the people, for tho
people, and by the people." Not one
man can formulate a set of laws; not
one man can appoint a sot of men to
make laws, but THE PEOPLE elect
men to tho high olllee of law makers,
and must trust to them to make thu
laws In accordance with their best
jiidgment-and then thoy are not PER
FECT. It is tho Presidents business to ox
cento those laws, to crltlelzo them
when proven defectivo, to recommend
changes for their bettorment, eto. We
mean wo THINK that isiis business -wo
may bo mistaken.
Congress seems to take this view of
tho matter and wo can but agrco that
the qiestlon of "Motive" Is not a lit
subject for the President to discuss in
a public document to that body.
"To err Is human; to forgive, Divilio."
Tito President has shown that ho is
human. So has Tillman. It is to be
rcgretod that because a senator is
human and uudertukes to profit In a
small degree becauso of Information
lit his possession, that Is "disingen
uous" in trying to cover up liisprlvato
business tramu(Uious,--that the Prcii
dent of tho United States should uso
tho entire Secret Service force at his
command nt tho expenso of tho govern
ment, to uucover and make public the
private business of sail senator, for no 1
apparent reason except spite, and be-1
cause he could.
Granted that Tillman did try to se
cure nine quarters of land, privately,
while in his olllclal capacity ho was
endeavoring to make it possible for
thousands of others as well as hiinsolf
to secure like quarters. There has
been nothing to show that his personal
gain prompted his seua'orial action.
Who of us are so 'divine" that wo
would not do likewise?
Tillman's ease proves this: that a
man will sometimes resort to deception
to cover up private business transact
ions for personal gain, even though bo
bo a U. S. Senator. It does not prove
him a villian.
Wo place the Divine ideal too high
to believe thoro is either a President
or Senator of the United States who is
not liable to err. It is tho business of
Congress to make laws. Of the Presi
dent to execute them. Of tho peoplo
to turn them out and elect others
when things are not satisfactory. It
is everybody's business to WATCH,
but wo do not believe it is the duty of
tho President to use the SCcroc Service
placed in his hands for the good of the
Government, for personal spito, any
more than it is the duty of a Senator
to use his olllclal knowledge of condi
tions toward tho acquirement of a few
sections of cheap land.
Rcbckali Installation-
The members of Faith Uebekah
lodgo No. 11) cordially invito the Odd
Fellows and their wives to attend tho
installation of their olllcers Thursday
evening, January 2Stb, at the Masonic
Piano duet PhebeGeer, Vivian Ward
Hecitation Margareto Fogel
Solo Marie lloss
Heading Anna Gilham
Duet ltutler and Sellars
Quartotto Hutler and GrilFoth
Address J. C. Say lor
At tho home of the bride's parents
Wednesday at high noon occurred the
marriage of Miss Lulu Turner to
Samuel Johnston, in the presence of
the iinmcdiato friends of the families.
Rev. Goo. Ilinnuiel olllcated mid pro
nounced the words that made them
one. The contracting parties are a
inong tho host of our young pao pie.
The Chiof extends congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston .will move at
once to their farm home that the
groom had propared for the bride.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotllco at Ked Cloud, Nob.,
for tho week ending Jan. 11, 1009:
A. W. Allen, O. 11. Aycrs, Mrs.
Emma Berg, Geo. W. Gowdey.
Those will bo sent to tho dead letter
ofllce Jan. 2S, 1909, if uncalled for
before When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Hacker, Postmastor.
WHY? our prices on these goods arc right-almost
as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses.
We invite you to the largest house in the
that pays taxes' on $19,000 worth of goods while our
c competitors pay on $7,530. you can readily see
where to trade to get the goods. We arc here to
stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We are d
not undersold by anybody. ?
( Red Cloud Hardware
&jnd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE, Secretary.
INH1..VMMAT011V Kiikumatimi CciiKi) in I nn(i lmd eight physicians, but received
. , , , , , , no benefit until sho tried Dr. Detchon's
Aiortnii li lllll. nf I.nlinurm. Inn.. ....
--W..W. ... ...... u ... V -W....W.. , . . Il..ll..f til ! -.
.. ui iU1 i.iiuiiiiuiiisiii. 11 rave II III
says: "My wife had Inflammatory
Rheumatism in every muscle and joint;
her suitering was terrible and her body
and face were swollon almost beyond
recognitlon;had bccnlnbcdfor six weclcs
immediate rollcf and she was able to
wnlk about in three days. I am sure it
saved hor life." Sold by .Tho H. E.
(Jrlce Drug Co , Ked Cloud, Nebr.
An Improvement over many Coul'Ii. Luntf and nronchinl Remedies, because It rids the
system of n cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to fllvo
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Chits. Dickenson of Inavalo is in town
John A. Crook of Palls City, .'ob., a
representative of tho Monarch Uridgo
Co., was in town this week.
Prank llurse, a reprcontativa of the
Tov!o Uridge Co., of Omaha was in
town this wool'
Miss Coons and Mrs. h. Creed of
llumbolt, aro visiting thetr brother,
J II. Hobiuson and family.
Mr. and Mrs Oeo. Dawson and
daughter, Mrs Ida Ilean of Ouldo Hock
aro visiting Mrs. Dawson's brother, J.
II. Uoblnson and family today.
The Fraternal Aid lodgo installed
tho following olllcers last Thursday
Air. Potter, Past President.
Mrs Joo Fogle, President.
Mrs. Irvln Cuniinlngs, Vico Pres.
Mrs. C. U. hale, Chaplain.
Mrs. Ciias. Potter, Guide.
Mrs. John Rutlcdgc, Obsorver.
Mrs. W K Gcor, Sentinel.
Miss Clara McMUlIan, Secretary.
L. M. Crablll, Troasuror.
After installation thoy all went to
Patten's cafe for lunch.
Public Auction.
I will sell at public a ction on my
farm, 1 miles west and 0 north of Red
Cloud and 10 miles south of Rladen,
Thursday, January 23, 19H0, common
dug at 12:U() o'clock, tho following
property: Consisting of 1 head of hor
ties and a span of mules, 10 bond of
cattle, 19 head of hogs, and farm ma
chinery, eto. P. L. Hansen.
A Clean Up Sale.
Do you need any Underwear, Dress goods, Yarns, Outings,
Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Hose and Mittens. If so come
in and let us show you our line and get prices; it will be to
your advantage to buy of us.
Following are a few of the Bargains.
- Underwear.
Every piece in the regular line at 20
per cent off.
All odd pieces at 33 1 -3 per cent
Embroideries and Laces.
You know our laces and embroideries
are the best and cheapest at regular prices.
We now offer the entire line at 20
per cent off.
Special price on remnants.
Dress Goods.
Remnants at 33 1-3 per cent off.
All other goods at 20 per cent off.
Fleishers Zephyrs were 1 2
10 cents.
Fleishers knitting-worsted 35c skein
Fleishers Shetland-floss at 80c lb.
Calicoes at 5 c
This sale will last for two weeks only,
the pick of the stock. Come early.
First comer gets
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