The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 22, 1909, Image 1
1 Historical Society THE RED CLOUD CHIEF i v A Newspaper That filvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. VOLUME XXXV El. ED'CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JAXUAltY 22, l0!. NUMBER t te. rM - n v lm K 3 l ' V""g."g' ieeseeeGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefe. "? u it ili tf) itf to iff vl to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Mi to to to to to to to to to to. .. atisfaction Or Money BACK ,: JC ft m (0 NEWHOUSE BROTHERS I Cash Jewelers and Optometrists W C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors . -. - ff1 Mft . A GUIDE ROCK. Tho Baptist market will be held Saturday, January HOlli, at the post otllcc. Mrs. Goorgo Ilugan serves tea for tlio Christian Aid society Friday after noon of this week. A. Sides and family started Wednes day for Excellsior Springs, where Mr. Sides intends to take- treatment. ), U Hurr's daughter, Mrs. Watson has returned to lior home in Illinois after a pleasant visit hero. Mi"-. Albert Horn will serve tlio Methodist coiVeo at her home Thurs day afternoon, .January ','8th'. All are invited. About uftoen men were at work put tlnir un tho summer's supply of Ice the foro part of tlie week .It was of lbi quality. Irs. Evans of Red Cloud and hor daughter's, Mrs. Erway of Denver and Mrt. Thomas of Cowles wero visiting Gnide Hoek relatives, Mrs. .1. W. Robinson ami fumily this week. The last news from Mrs. Anna Vot ten, formerly Anna Oberheida, who resides in Denver, is that she is now able to sit up Eomo though not yet out of danger. Sho cut one linger fdightly and blood poison set in. She wus taken to a hospital and tho linger was amputated. Her any friends hore arc hoping for her speedy leeovery. Uirr hitter. Mrs. Adelia Uouder is with her. Mr- Hllzaboth Norrls who died Ve.l.."Sihy night at tho home of hor. hon Noah Peters was burled Saturday in the liable Koolf coinoiory. xne iun oral ws eondueled by Kev (J W. Po I ut tho M. 1 I'hureh ui one o'clock, lie ! doiu'icdu line sermon from second 1:17. The text, singers,' illbia ( i-N ministor, liymns ""'l ll & s-lecttHl by the decerned The . Lenrer weic: Mesdaiues Coopor. fiSrii r:iy. l)U'lerM,n l-amerand CAMPBELL CHURCH DESTR01ED. Hubbard I'lio singers were Misse- I n . V a mv an.l Olive nieUerwin. Mr, i. p litleldamlMis. 1'. W. ltohiud (ieo. ""'"l.'.'ii.j,.,,.! ,,,,,1 .inl.ii Yum ft deceased was a faithful member ) l u Moth dist church. She had of tnu ;W. .", .i .,,, of sj veais !iK:iV.'tej.'-T'; The Building Costs About TwclvcThous and Dollars. OAMPIIKLL, Nebr., Jan 18 The large Catholis church at this place, to gether with tlio two-story rcsldeueo ud joining, oo upied by Fathers SIrois nnd Kudlbert, were totally destroyed by llro early Monday morning. Tho lire was discovered in tho church at 1:10 and the department immediately responded to the call, but the Humes had gained such headway Unit nothing fiom either church or house could be saved. A strong wind was blowing from tho so ith, and as the church is situated on the hill south of the busi ness part of town, the Hying sparks and embers that were carried, a dis tance of four blocks,serlously menaced a gt cut por ion of tho town. Tlio church is of brick, valued at ll'.'.OOO, wllhS7,000 insurance, Mitie tlio residence was framo valued tt $1,500 with SGOO Insur ance. Tho altar llrst caught lire and It is supposod a candlo hud fallen and start d the blaze. The church will be rebuilt as tho parish is a large one. State Journal. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Uo. for the week ending Wed nesday, .Inn. 10, 100'.). Oscar C Tecl referee to.larvis J. Postlcwaite, no 2i)-:M, rof deed 7810 Elizabeth Norris to Kuiuuuoluud Noah Peters, lots 1, fl, 0, 111k. (5 Vances add to Guide Hock, wd 7C0 Wilhelm Dusking to Joe Strides- ky, part s'J nw '.' !!, wd :i,Y7fi Abram Kuloy to I'. II. Doner, lot J,B. (I, IJ1U.0, LeDiic's add to lied Cloud, wd '.'000 licillm Uepler to Joe Stretosky, s'J no 'J. I'll, wd ., 3'JOO P. II. Don- r to llulduh V. Saylor lot I, pt r, Dl'..(!, LeDues add lied Cloud, wd 5C0 Geo. W. Dow oxo to Miuhtiol Finkeublnder, swl nwl .'! and el! no l-l-ll, E. I) 1 Ell Inzer's Sale Dates Monday, Jan, 23, C. V. l'anzor, 11 miles north of Red Cloud. Tnosday, Jan. 20, Jim Duckies, 12 miles northwest of lied Cloud. Wedno'day, Jan. 27, It. Dargman, t miles southwest of Guide Ilock. Thursday, Jan. 28, Potor Hansen, 10 miles northwost of lied Cloud. Friday, Jan. 29, Jn . I). Ohmsted, .1 miles south of Guide Hock Monday, Fob. 1, L. W. Stpiiroi, 1 milo east of Cowles. Wednesday, Feb. II, .Ino. Ileal, .1 miles northwost of Cowles. Thursday, Fcbr I, Miko Ivolor, 1 milo west and 1 north of fwles. Saturday, Fob. 0, (luido Ilock. Thursday, Feb. 11, Frauk Cobb, 1 milo east y, south of Guide Ilock. Monday, Feb. 15, II .1. Muurcr miles north of Red Cloud. Tuesday, Febr. 1G, John Motter 0 miles southwest of Red Cloud Wednesday, Fob. 17, Ed. Crary, 1 mi'o north of Guide Ilock. Tuesday, Fob. 2, J. (J. Polfus, 1 mile north of Guide Rock. ROAD NOTICE To Whom It May, Concern. The Coinmlmioiior appointed to lo calu n public ro;i 1 commencing at the Norlh-l'hihteornerof section 10 in town ship 1, range l'J, in Wobitor County. Nebraska, running thuuoo west on the section line between sections IS and 10 , in said township and range, and ter minating at tlio Franklin County' boundary line, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, nil object- j ions thereto and claims for damage i must be filed in tho olliee of the Conn ty Clerk of said county on or before noon.of tho Kith day of March, I'.iO'.i. or sucli road will be estalished without reference thereto. Dated January 1000. E. W. Ross. si:ai. County Clerk Farm For Sale. A Jewell county farm especially adopted to dalrjing, hog and otlier stock raising, of H5u acres loo a in i pasture, most of which could be broke i up, ..". it, in c Hivntiou. No rock or thin soil, plenty of timber and fruit for homo use, :i. acres fenced hog tight, III) ueros of alfalfa. Two never falling wells with windmills, 'j hog housos. Good barn 'JSx 10, mow for l'J ton of buy, house 2lx"il, chicken liouso SxliS. granary, cob house etc. Cement cave through which water inns from one of tho wells. I am going to Idaho and offer to sell at S.IOOt), liberal terms. If interested waste no tiino as this is a bargain. Six miles southwest of Dost wick, 10 miles southwest of Superior. A. CohNKM., 11. F. I). '.', Durr Oak, Kansas, FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should be Careful In Their Selection oT Regulative Medicine. Willi advaticod ago comes inactivo boA-ol ui ivomont and sluggish liver. Naturo is unablo to perform her pro por functions and. requires assistance. Otherwise, thoro i constant suffering from constipation and its attendant evils. Old folks should never use phy sic (hat is bin sli and irritating. Wo have a safe, dependable and alto gether ideal remedy that is partic ularly ndnpted to tho requirements of ugod people and poisons of woak con stituti us who uff)r from constipation or other bowel disorder. Wo uro so certain that it will euro theso ,oni plaints and give absolute satisfaction in ovi ry particular that wo offer them with our personal guar tntoo that they shall cost tho user nothing if they fail t substiintiato our cla ms This rem edy is culled Uexall Orderlies. Iloxall Orderlies have a soothing, heuling, sticugthening, tonic and regu lative action upon the dry, relnx mus cular coat of tho b wol. Thoyprndiico a natural, su-cVssivo contraction and reluxutlo - of tho muscular lihics of tho bowel walls, gonoratlng a wave like mot i n which forco- their contents onward and outwml; thus simula lug naturo in perfect bowel niovenionts. Thoy also luuiuvo nil irritation, dryness, boronesy and weiiku- ss, Thoy tone un and strengthen tlio nerves andmubcles and restore tho bowels ami associate organs to more vigorous and healthy aetiilty. Thoy may bo tnkon at any time w tliout inconveniences, do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhea, excessive looseness, ilatuloncc or other disagreeable effect. Try Rexull Order lies on o .r guarantee. .10 tnblets aflc. und VI tnblots 10c. II. E. Grlco. Dnur Co. Red Cloud, Nebr. TWO WEEKS MORE DURING WHICH TIME ALL VOTES FOR CONTESTANTS MUST BE DEPOSITED AT THE STATE BANK This wucks standing of tho Contestants: Miss Frankic Ward, Red Cloud tf2,t50" Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud ; 27,:25o.' Miss Ruth Warren, Red Cloud , is'soo"' Miss Vera Crahill, Red Cloud 15,500 Miss Bern ice Potter, Red Cloud 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowles 1 1,500- Miss Fdna Watt, Guide Rock ",350 TMFSBFC1AL PRIZE OFFFRFD LAST WEEK FOR THE LARGEST GAIN HAS BEEN AWARDED TO Miss Frankie Ward. If she will call at the office of the CHIEF, she can enter a years subscription for any one she desires, and will be given the 300 voles which she can deposit in the BANK to be added to her list. The STANDING OF THE CONTEST ANTS as it appears to day will not be revised untirthc final count after all the votes arc cast, which must be done by 4 p. in. on February 3, at the STATE BANK, It would seem very unfortunate if by a lack of effort during the last two weeks you were to fall short of just the few votes necessary to WIN THE $500 PIANO GET EVERY VOTE YOU POSSIBLY CAN, and then' if you should not win you will feel better to know you tried. "NOT FAILURE BUT LOW AIM IS CRIME." AIM for the highest prize and WORK HARD FOR TWO WEEKS. The SECOND and THIRD prizes are valuable and will pay you well for the time expended if you fail to get FIRST. Another feature of the contest which you should keep in mind is the fact that if you get as many as 25,000 votes and DO NOT WIN A PRIZE, the CHIEF guarantees to you the privilege of PURCHASING A PIANO JUST LIKE THE PRIZE CHICKERING BROS, at thcame special advertising price at which it was sold to the CHIEF. Thic is worth working for if you wish to BUY a piano, as the price is tne lowest at winch they may be sold A copy of the contract for this piano will be shown any contestant who is ENTITLED TO THIS PRICE, after the contest is over. TWO WEEKS MORE Collect back subscriptions, subscriptions .1 fiw w.irc Jn advance or new subscriptions, as every dollar on any kind of subscription counts 3OO votes. Get blanks at the CHIEF office. YOURS FOR A BEAUTIFUL PIANO! Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just send in their name. Vot- ' ing and subscription blanks will be furnished anyone making application. USX in this vuclnity, Bmunu. Noah Vetera and .Joseph l'ot l'hnunucl ami ors ot S 1780 00 Mortgages Hied, i'JIOO.oO Mortgages released WI'W.M, Subscribe For Tho ClltlT 51 00 Notice to Creditors. , Stati: or NimiusK.v ) In The County Vi:iiSTi: Cor.vrv. Court. In the mailer of the estnte of William C. Kauilnsky, Deceased. Nona: is hereby given to all per sons having claims and demands against William C. Kamlnsky, lato of Wobstor county, deceased, that the time fitod for filing claims against said estate is six mouths from tlio 1st day of January 190!). All such persoiib are required to present their claims, with the vouchers, to the County Judge of said county, at htsotlice therein, on or before the 1st day of July 100!); and all claims so tiled will bo heard before the said judge on the 2nd day of July lOO'J, at 1 o'elock p. in.; and that the administratrix is allowo 1 one year from tho Hist day of Decomber lims, in which to pay tho debts allowed against said estate und scttlo tho same. " T. W. KnicKf, (m:ai.) County Judge. Rings Little Mvorl'llls prevent hill- ioilSncsS. sick headachu nnd inn vein well. Do not gripe A pill in time that will save nine. Price 2!5c. Sold by Henry Cook. I he xough of Consumption .Vc.r decter will tell you that troli nir and Rood food cr; Me rcnl cures for c "vcxnI- - iJur eft. a t!i c-" ;h i.. . . ;lu.r3. ' ! . ..'j : " . i . . Pectoral. It op liiuj, quiets t'ii t j .'i. a M-atWfMJHff1 . ri??rS 'v: ''' v w " ' , , ,,, One of Aycr's Pills atbeiitir.i un iicreased flow of bile, and P- 'tve .. geutli laxative rfftt the Uy folt'..rin. rormula on i -.h ox. S'mwiiM yr docioi. He v id understand at a rl-nc.. t-.... .... ..l . I l.: uuac, iiuc Mil i ucuiiiui;. 1 MidabjrtUe J. C. AycrCo ,I.owol'' - , j iEARE PREPARED To fill your wants in what ever you may want in the grocery line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet pickles, "Ask to try cm" We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snydcrs catsupject. And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, t Teas and Extracts ect. Our Best Brand of Canod goods. Call for Tho White House Brand. licll Phono v Rural Phone 63 JOHNSON BONER ' XvAaAat'U W r '' i W 1 ne A i( iter $ a yfcar Prtrni Loan Wanted To Whon It Hay Concern. ihe I.O. O. 1 has 51.100 to An ".V "'ifo, Minn Hoard, has left my Loan on first nnrtgageoiiueal mate. 1 1,0,,u"ll,b0,ml ' vviU ot "tuml re- Q. W. HutahUou trustee. ZT "'"r Slcd Uy uul Geo. W. Deauu. m 1 t i -; f;" E i vl 1 in HP If w ; ! V Jlankato, halisas J -- r trmmwtSffm HHUIIIl'IW.Hiwlljm" i'"JrrrwTlTniinnMWTiir 'ri,'iyyifi "-f"'T.yy sri. vwtttarea!si&&xrax