The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1909, Image 8

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and Bacon
Red Cloud,
Notice to Creditors.
isrAn: in' NmutAHKA ) hi Tim County
Wkiisiek County. Court.
In tlu matter of tliu estate of
lYilllam G. Kauiinsky, Deceased.
Notici: is hereby given to u I per
oiih having claims , anil demands
against. William .;. Kauiinsky, into 01
Webster county, dcceaod, that the
time fl led for filing claims against said
estate is six nioutlis from tliu 1st day
of January 1009.
All Mich persons are required to
)rcsuut thelrelulnis, with the vouchers,
to the County Judge Of said county,ut
Ills olllue thoreiu, on or bo fore the 1st
lay of July l!H)!); and all claims so filed
will be heard before thcsahl judge on
the 2nd day or July lDOU, at 1 o'clock
p. in.; and that the administratrix is
allowed one year from thu 3 1st day of
December 1003, in whicli to pay tho
debts allowed against "slid estate and
Mettle the same. (1
L W. Eiisii.v.
(hi:ai.) County Judge.
'to go without ins ruiiee. The risk '
assumed is too grunt for the small
premium you keep in your pocket.
jKiguro out how ninny years you
would have to be free from any II io
5n order to tuvo the vnlue of your ,
house and contents. Then consider
that you may have a tiro this very
might. Tho cost of even .1 little
blae will be more than the pre
mium of
Better have me issue you a policy
to-day. It's a whole lot better to
be mire than sorry, asmauyan un
insured nntn has been.
o. c.
Red Cloud, Ncbr.
(.'olds contracted at this season of
tho year should ho treated with It. es
Lavntivt -Cough Syrup. Its dears
the head and throat. Instant re I i '
for ci.tighs. tolds i roup, hnuisciuss
anil liionehliil tumbles 1 . 1 1 1 I i i,
kept ill the house lor ehildien 1 1 is
plcasmit to lake und gently btxallv. .
(itiuiaulecd. Sold by Henry 0il.
Woods Liver .Medicine 'in liquid
foini ri-Kiila'u I he liver, lolieve-. s i I,
lieHilaeheciiiisiipatioiihtoiuiieh. UhIm,,
ills irdeis mil nets as a genl'e laxative.
It is ( mUcn'iii'i r i omimMi''' i for
-JuoiiH'ci i hill?., fi-wr and mtilii i i
Its tonic ell'eel- mi ti ciitiu sv-t'in
roVl with lb- fii.t dose Tly si.i
hottli' e-ntaiis '1 -l times as much a
uiuut. us tliu .Mil-. si.. Pleasant to
take. Sold by Heui'.x Cook,
III'...!, is ;,i.i s.-.i K.t( wmii
Mother dray. r-i , M .( YnruJ&ii-.-i- .
nil nromullf. ji). .nil- ht.f -iirw TT. v?tii.'. .
Illb. cnlleil AINl Ml l ) l.KiK lil-fi'.. I.
UTtalu reKlllui'.r iTu ... !, ,. n.nMi t'.
HIHl IlKCloU'lll kl lii'V T l.ltitl'l HMt l (li,
iroulilih. Al i J iii,(ii;t.. iir ii mull 5mi.,,)v
hKiiiplu KltEi; .ihiit Tin- i..,.(ih .'.
iv Ikuy, ji I 'y
' VtVIHsJI Ul UK!) 1 ' '.Vr-V'
J'r.llf' null ivic li. I.'ln uiiik'j.U'' t - i ,
.1. r , .1. . I, i ........ . . .w ii .
Mil- imrt in., i. Miff iw. , .
f'll HV I c-l Kt l III) i ."'l
l'Ulll tlMliH ), tf( (,, . k,,'
II. II - ? I ui. .- Ii " .. ,l,,l'rtv.i.
llMj. .. II. . I,.i,i $
llces Lu-xaiivc t'otijih Svnup !
brings qulelc relief Ui.citigii, Vxliin
hiiiiihiiess. v hooping cfnigli. ami nil
bronchial iinil throat trouble. M.iih rs
ciMSiatly recommpwd It for children,
es it is pleasant to lake. It lh gently,
Lincitlte. SJiuulir be in evurv home,
uui untied .N..IU by Jleiuy Oook
hi i be eiibu d,r the' Chief, Th only
Koon B .
Fresh r si i
lira rM i
Brief Interview with Consumptlva
Peddler Turned His Thoughts
Away from Foolish and
Carnal Things.
"During the harvest time," said tho
old farmer who had brought a load ot
potatoes to market, "I hired on throo
extra men, and one of them turned
out to bo a boxer. Ho and my son
Sam took to each other, and Sam
bought a pair of boxing gloves and
took about 20 lessons In what they
calls 'tho art.' When harvest was
over and ho had got through ho JoBt
flapped his wings and crowed and said
ho could lick anything that travolcd
our highway. I didn't say nothln'
either way, but jest waited. Whon a
young feller of 20 gots a chip on his
shoulder aomobody'B purty sure to
como ulong and knock It off. Ono day
a tin poddlor drove up, and I saw Sam
stoppln' high and spittln' over his
shoulder. Ulmcby ho got up a row
with tho feller and knocked him out
In ono round. For two wcoks after
thnt It was brag from mornln' till
night. Ho got sassy to mo nnd to tho
nayhurs, and ono could seo what he
wns achln' for. Wo was dlggin 'tators
ono day, when tho samo peddler's
wagon drove up, and Sam turns to mo
and Bays:
"'Dad, that peddler has como back
aftor moro. Conic along and seo mo
put him to sleep.' "
"We went up to the houso to dls
kivcr that It was tho samo lions and
wagon, but n different man, Ho said
ho was a consumptlvo who was ped
dlln' for his health, and that ho doesn't
oxert hlBsclf much for fear of a
homorrhago of tho lungs. Sam wns
mightily dlsapp'Intcd and was going
back to tho 'tatcrs when tho stranger
said somethln about his bow legs.
Party soon they was passln' hot
words, and I was try In to quiet 'em,
when tho stranger got up and called
Sam a liar and Jumped down from his
wagon. Sam went for him and
squared off and led with tho left, and
tho next thing I saw was his heels In
the air. lfo scrabbled up and went
down again, nnd tho third time ho
went right to sloop nnd laid there.
Then tho stranger Jauglicd nnd
climbed on IiIh wagon and drovo nwny.
It took mo'n tho old woman 30 min
utes to rovlvo Snm, nnd wo found him
a changed young man. He's rend 40
chapters in the Hlblo in tho Inst 30
nights, and has committed 12 hymns
to memory, nnd when I ask him how
ho feels ho rolls IiIb eyes and answers:
'"I'm n-feollng, Dnd, thnt I'm not
long for this wicked world, and I'm
n-hopin' that you and ma'am will so
llvo that you kin jlno mo in that bet
ter land. "
The Food Faddist.
Manager Plummer of Brlnrclift
Lodge, a hotel at Ilrlnrcllff Manor, N.
Y has erected on tho hotel rcof a
(lying stngo for tho use of aeronauts
and bnlloonlsts.
"Ours Is tho first public Hying
Btnge," said tho enterprising manager
the other day, "hut wo Bhall all llvo
to seo tho day when flying stnges will
bo as common as horso blocks. For
tho air, thanks to tho Wrights, is con
quered. "Hut at this stage this flying stage,
so to speak tho greatest caution is
needed In aortal mattors, or innumer
able, Innumerable, will bo tho deaths
of noronauts."
Ho smiled.
"In fact," ho said, "tho aeronaut, to
pursuo snfoly his experiments, should
bo ns cautious as a Philadelphia food
faddist who lunched hero yoster
day. Tho man lunched on a raw
turnip, a handful of nuts nnd a lemon.
Ho Interested mo.
"'Then, nceordlng to you,' I said
jestingly, nt tho end of a food talk,
'as long as 1 eat nothing I shall bo
'"Yes. If you chow It thoroughly,'
was tho cautious answer."
To Fight Airships.
An armored automobile, designed
specially to attack nnd destroy air--ships.
Is under construction at llerlln
for tho airman army and Is to bo
tried presently. It has a four-cylinder
motor of fiOhorse-power nnd ran make
about 1G miles an hour, climbing eas
ily a 20 per cent, grade. Its nrnin
inent consists of a rapld-flro five-centimeter
gun rnpnblo of firing 21 times a
minute, and It carries ammunition for
102 shots. The crew comprises n
driver and three nsslsMnts. Evidently
tho aermnns are determined to bo
foremost not only In tho military ine
of dirigible bHoon, but also in de
vices to spoil the usefulness of any
that may be brought ngniusi them by
olhor nations.
Pleasant Fiction.
"What aro you reading?"
. "The story .of Ohdoreihi nnd the
prince," answered Mr. Cumrox.'1
. ' "What nonsense!'
"I know It's uonsfn&o. 'Hut aftor
Winding tho. newspapers of lute. U's
n' rtort ot i relief to conic across' it
vtm-y of a nobleman- who wont uhdnd
nW eloped with the girl without stop
jilhg to discuss a niarrlngo'fccttlomcnt."
u' ' ' -
Making of a Star.
"I can w,htstlo through my teeth,"
pointed out the comedian.
"And I mndo you a lending man on
tho strength of thnt," responded the
eminent manager. "Now, If you'll
learn to wiggle yourTars I'll mnke you
a, star." Kansas City Journal.
Kongo Natives Not Heathens, De
clares Dr. Thomas Lewis.
Samo curious information in regard!
to tho cuntonis nnd beliefs of (ho tin
tlvcs of the old African kingdom of,
Kongo Is contributed by Rev. Tholnns'
kowls, who says: "In tho matter of
preserving botllcB for burial Kongns, '
after tho usual 'binding' In cloth, keopj
them for two' or three months in their ,
houses, where a fire Is kept burning;
but In Zombo they tro suspended on
two forked sticks in a dugout vault In
the ground, which Is covered ovpr with
pnlm branches and earth. Sometimes
tho body is plnccd under n specially
built grass roof in tho open. This is
not considered a burial, and four or
flvo yenrs ago they brought out for
a big funeral feast ami dance tho
body of an Important chief that had
thus been preserved for over 20 years.
In other districts the dead aro thrown
nwny Into a river or Into tho bush
to bo devoured by Jackals nnd vul
tures. "I have satisfied myself," the samo
writer continues, "after 25 yenrs of
llfo among them, that at the bottom ot
African fetlchlsm thcro is tho funda
mental belief in tho existence of God
and In tho reality of tho human soul.
No missionary has yet, to my knowl
edge, been compelled to introdttco the
name of God Into' any of the Dnnttt Ian
guages. Tho name 'Nzambi for 'Su
premo Spirit Is of native origin and
not introduced by tho Portugueso, and
has been adopted for 'God' by all mis
sionaries In their literature. The same
Is true In regard to the name for
"Tho oft-repeated statement made
by missionaries and travelers that the
untnught natlvo has no Idea of tho ex
istence of God Is not correct; what
they mean to say Is that ho has no
knowledge of what God is, which Is
quite a different matter. Tho Inck
of this knowledge about God, while
firmly believing that God is, ac
counts for tho wonderful and complex
syotom which we, in our ignorance of
tho inward meaning of It all, call
'fetlelilHin.' "
Good for Hungry Folka.
Georgo William Sellers, tho western
cricketer, described In Chicago his at
tempt to teach cricket to tho men on
his Indiana estate.
"Cricket Is, of course, a moro leis
urely gume than baseball," said Mr.
Sellers. "Wo played It on my plnco
In the proper leisurely manner, and
all my men seemed pleased. Our
first match was with Concord.
"Ono of my men his namo is John
seemed particularly pleased. John
did full justice, beforo tho match, to
the lunch served in tho marquee on
the lawn. Ho enjoyed, too, tho meat
tea that pleasantly Interrupted the
afternoon's play. At each Inning he
wns on hand whon tho drinks and
cigars and sandwiches wcro passed
"Dining the open-air dinner that
wound up tho first day's play, I turnod
to John and said:
" 'Well, old man, what do you think
of crleke'?'
'"Mr. Selicts.' suid ho, 'It would be
a gri'tnl If It wasn't for all this
hero fleldin' and runnln' about between
meals.' "
Andy V3. Mary.
Onco upon a tlmo Andrew Carnegio
and Mary Garden had their photo
graph taken Btnndlng together on tho
upper deck of an Atlantic liner, and
also Andy's and Mary's portraits havo
boen shown separately In tho window
of Knocdler's on Fifth avenuo, says
tho New York Press. But whoreas
ono might think tho likeness of the
great iron master and philanthropist
would attract moro attention than that
of tho singer, tho rovorso has beon
tho case, ns was Illustrated during
business hours In tho past week. Not
more than a dozen persons wero stand
ing in front of the show window look
ing at tho portrait of tho Inlrd of Ski
bo In his robe as an ofllccr of tho Ed
inburgh university. When Mary Gar
den's famous portrait was shown in
the samo plnco last year there always
was n mob nround tho window. Of
course Maty did not lmvo so ninny
clothes on as Andy has which may
explain tho dlfferenco In Interest.
Could Plant the Period.
A pretty story Is told of Queen Al-
onii(ir:i s tlioughtfulness.
Tho queen never loses her Interest
iu thofao for whom sho has acted as
godmother. In particular, sho has
been most kind to the children of
Lord Curzon, who lost their beautiful
mother more than a yonr ngo Tho
quern, hearing Unit little Alexandra
'"iiiwrn -who was named after lui-
! i.aJcKty was fond of gardening, heiu
1 .i Ii x of violet roots to her,
I The child decided to nhini. tbem n
that when thoy came up tloy should
-ap. U "Ahxaudra." "I should like to
iKlp you plant the n," Ktfd rtie qu-jeu.
"Woll, you, can .ut in the full nop,"
repllod ll.o child. .
' Trying Hlo Hand. ,("
t" doubt yt nru BrQwIngrcinijj,
.lobu," Jiaiii a Scotch parlrh minister.
' l4navo not seon you in the kirk those
t! -io Sabbaths'
John wui not duly nbahhed. . "Xti,"
uah'l'he. "It's no-that I'm growing re-
'miss: I'm just tlnkorln' awa '- ma
soul niai-ol."
To the Point.
Hldorly Aunt I mipposo you won
dnred, dear llttlo Hans, why I loft yon
so abruptly In 'he lane. I saw a man,
and, oh, how I rrn!
Hnnr-n" i . . h,j.j?- vllesende
The Monster Also Mado Away with a
Good Harpoon.
Up nmong tho lorn bergs of tho Arc
tic n monster whnlo is cruising about
with a harpoon Imbedded in his thick
back and something less than half a
mllo of Btout hempen ropo trailing
after him.
The crew of the steam whaler
Thrasher, which returned Sunday
night from an eight months' cruise in
tho Icy north, declare that "Mister
Whalo got nil that wns coming to
"Ho got away fiom us," muttered
tho mate, spitting viciously into tho
Bcuppers, "but wo will get him next
season. It was good rope wc used,
and he'll get tangled up on something
so we will be ono whale to tho good
whon wo get back there.
"Ho was a bad ono, though. You
seo Sllva, tho boat Bteerer, slung the
hook Into him when we were In open
water botween two big bergs. Off ho
goeB with tho stick Iu his back, nnd
the ropo went out like a man tumbling
from the loft. He ducked and dived
until ono tub of ropo wob gone, nnd he
did the snmo with another. Ho was
making for tho nearest floe and whon
ho reached It ho Hplt a lot of water
Into tho nlr and took a deep dive. Tho
edgo of the Ico cut tho ropo like a
knife nnd he was off for good, with
2,000 feet of tho Thrasher's lino und a
good harpoon with him." San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
Must Import Marriageable Girls.
Tho problem of finding wives has
becomo a serious ono In St. Peters
burg. The male population exceeds
tho femnlo by 121,000 In tho Russian
cnpltal, and the authorities are weigh
ing plans for importing prospective
brides from tho provinces. Tho need
of wives, Indeed, has led to tho ma
king of several fortunes In matrimoni
al agencies, heavy fees being exacted
for pretty girls as wives from remoto
country places. Tho men outnumbor
the women In all classes In St. Peters
burg, and at social affairs thcro aro
usually two men for every woman. Of
course this Is n truly delightful situ
ation for tho woman, but it is ono that
Is multiplying Jealousies between men
and causing "affairs" with swords and
pistols upon tho field of honor. Social
activities In St. Petersburg have been
declining in interest because of tho
scarcity of women, whereas In all tho
other largo cities In tho empire wom
en nro much more numerous than
"Wully," said Mrs. MacIIIgh to her
little son as thoy emerged from tho
station at Saltham-by-the-Sea, "noo
that we are at the coast, mind and en'
yor fallhcr 'papa' when ho comes doon
for tho week-end. Yo'll no forget, wull
"Wully," Hearing tho big sea, felt
graciously Inclined to promise any
thing, nnd told his mother ho wouldna
On tho Saturday morning Mrs. Mac
High wns sitting on tho stands besldo
some "swell" seasldo acquaintances,
watching the children playing. Think
ing to impress her neighbors sho
called out iu her best society voice:
"Weelle. your papa is coming doon tho
"Oh, is ho?" answered "Wecllo,"
busily engaged at a sand castlo, and
quite forgetful of Monday's promise.
"Air wull my falther bo wi 'im?'
Too Much for Him.
"Poor fellow!" said tho lady, who
was being personally conducted
through tho asylum. "Poor fellow!
Ho Is so handsome! ho has such noblo
features, such a splendid brow, such
an aristocratic bearing. What a pity
that his mind hns been wrecked. Was
ho crossed In lovo?"
"No," replied tho attendant. "He's a
poet. It's a very sad case. His frlonds
thought ho was going to bo tho Ameri
can Ilyron or Milton, or something
like that; but ono day ho wrote a
poem which ho called 'Lines to a Wa
ter Fowl' and sent It to a newspaper
or a magazine or something, nnd when
It camo out It was headed 'Lines to a
Water Howl.' The shock upset him
and he ain't been right since." Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Judqlnp fro-n Grmple.
I don't think tho rich nro exception
ally happy.
Not Know ninny?
Very rich?
One to five millions!
Oh. but thry lend quite a different
llfo from the toallv rich!
To be pure; leit h'IH. don't you
think you ran tell lust as much nbout
fho quality of moloirae.i from a hogs
head or it ns you can fiom a shipload?
Girl Wh,o Civi Throw.
"Sotho-of my friends' wore nfrald."
said Gov. l.urke of North Dakota, "that
Mlssnllonton would ni,h?h t.ho bot
tle on the bow of tin , .; battle-: hip.
hut I Vasn't. My ferny vw Umt she'd
stave,, a hole In the shin, I a;u suro
that' hhe hnrl6d that chniiimiR'ie no
hnrd thnt the bottle was si niin. ! be
fore It lilt' tho bow of tho Ironci.ul,"
;.- - t. ..;
Women Jravclirs of Tc-D.-iy.
Urn riot Chn'tiinr-j trfnms has (rav
lied 10,000 niles through South Afil--ii
and has original blograph pictures
ii Hh caral work on tho Isthmus of
Panama that ate Bald to be very fine.
Quito a numbor of women havo mado
records recently with loug-dlstnnco
.ravel, and ruanngo about as woll as
men In stoine tht cauatrjr.
Do yon know that. It will nay YOU, ?
e US. o Ihi emir-ISuUdiugM,,
' toi lti ami i,,44 .it u.u yards? Not only
thnt. out j.ries avmuok lower, or t
Inast as low. ni those of our couipoiit-M-s,
but dm ii'nr we take especial care
ul ninipiuiun all oun bo olassml as
The last days of President. Hoose volt's
adnilnlstiatlonare fated to bestrcuous
uud . ormy. No do bt his e.periuco
id the wilds of Africa with lions, hippo
potami, nnd rhinoceroses will be peace
f 1 ineoparisonwith thoeuterluiiintent
that Connie s disposed to give him
but i'Hii now and tho fourth of Match.
O. cotu-ao ho has brought it all on him
self. Ho sho ild not have told tho gen
tle, virtuous Congress that they handi
capped uud hobbled the detective bur
eau because they did not want it toJ
pay "follow the leulcr" with them. It
is not good form to put In a President
ial inoibago. und scatter thiough the
pros-, to three or four hundred const!
tltuciicics or Congressional districts
things that arc not much known out
side of Washington or that have been
mi long known here that they aro look
ed upon us uomuionplaco and i tiavall
utile us news. Some members of Con-gre-s
representing both partes have
I shed themselves into u ftny of Indig
nation and are going to wipe from the
r co-dthe Pi o-ihleiit's plain talk bit
i hi-, of course, will only emphasize uud
give greater p .biie'tty to his . strictures
His message to Congress and especially
ih s pirt of it has been published iu
(-A'crj paper in the I'liited States and
liro glioiit tiie world iu all language
and tho nseiitfiil tur.v of those who
am hit will simply call further at en
tion to the .icscrved rebuke. Not since
I lie day that the KcpnliSlciin unguilty
in the House and Senate turned o An
drew Johnson has theie been such in
tense feeling against tho executive
olllce, but here the cjinpirison cuds.
Johnson was unpopular, Roosevelt is
stronger in almost every Cougicssional
constituency or district than is tho Ke
pi esentativo in Congress. It is predict
ed here that Mr. Tu wney will nt tho
next i ongressional election be defeated
through the President's criticism of
Ills iiiNrcprcseiitnlioii with rofcicnce
to the detective bureau.
It is not usual for the Cabinet of u
President to be so widely discussed
and apparently inndo up two months
beforo tho day of his iuiiii nation As
a usual tiling only after the President
I- inaugurated is the Cabinet named
trnl th hi there are s imosurf rise. Tli s
ufier nil may be tliu case with M. Tuft's
Cul.iiml but apparently authenticated
ami uncemeiits arc ahe.i y mat o
There is no doubt but that Senator
Knox of Pennsylvania will bo Secret
ary of State in tliu new Cabinet, c.x
('ovcriior Ilcrrickof Ohio it is believed
will be Secretary of the Treasury, tho
present Secretary of War, Wright, is
expected to hold tho same place in Mr.
Taf t's Cabinet, General Meyer, the pre
sent Postmaster General, it is thought
by many will be Secretary of tho Navy.
Others believe that Mr. Thompson of
Now York will be given the Naval port
folio. Henry M. Hoyt of Pennsylvania
is slated for the Department of Justice
for the At orney General. Frank H.
Hitchcock for Postmaster General, Jas
It. Garfield for Secretary of the. Interior,
Junius Wilson the present SeeioUry is
expected to retain his position ns the
head of Uio Agricultural Dop iituient.
Mr. Loeb, tho private secretary of
President lioosevclt who has been tho
scapegoat of so many of his impetuous
chlcf,s "Improprieties' is so persistent
ly mentioned Tor this or that, Cabinet
position that ho would seem to havo a
ciucli on something. It is now said lie
will bo Secictury of Commerce and
Uiboi in the plicu of Mr. Straus, the
capable ami uioitcst Juvv.
Thoro aro many peopluwho auflvr
fioin llr.ckueho, Ithouinulisui, Lumbago
and similar alliii'Mits who nre not
j.iwaro urn synitons of kidney
tnniblo. Plnciilcs for the l.ldinj act
lis a tonic, and . i-eiiilniir to l.-lilnev
, ,,.,.,... , ,! ., . ,
nun mjmuiT - nun pnniv i lie moon.
:J0 day's truil !.b'sold by lleiny J'jiokj
Personal Oxperieiio with a" tube -of
MaiiZiiu Pi In .-fcmoiy, Villi coiivinon
yon it is immedi.ite tislief for all I'oiins
of plies. Cnu .Inuipuljud .directly t (
tin- liHecteil parts, i educing inlltinuna
tioiihwelling mil lio'iing (iiiiuiilitced
Price i.-ic. Kohl by llimry Jooh.
.1- ' '
),. Pineplos lor tho Kidney are Httlo
I golden' gl luiles vl ich net, direct ly on'
,111c l.idiic,s. A irii.l will eoiniiici)
,, von of uliles it Milts for ll.ielctilic
i Klieuni.ttisiu, Ijimlmgoami tlie.i worn
oiiifeelinus .'ill iluystiial Sl.uu, They
ip. ilfy the blood. Sold by llipry U ok
Gut) my rates, ttrms .mil option m d
nnd I will mike you a Farm Loan No
wait, monor always on baud.
J. II li.i! Jry,
, mmimiiiivnmmmmwi
Farmers' Institute at Cowles. Nebr..
Friday and Saturday. Jan, 15-16.
1:30 "Prolltab o Tilluge of Soil" Mr.
C. (J. Marshall, Lincoln, Ncbr.
8:10 "Tho Draft Horso for Farm and
Market" -Mr. H. F. Klngsley, Has-
tings. Nebr.
.1:30 ''Ho so Judgl -g, Demonstration,
Mr. Klugsley.
7:30 "Fruit for tho Home" Mr. 0. O.
7:10 "Light Ilirncss Horso Mid his
Use1' Mr. Klngsley.
1:30 "Homo ConvouioncesatSmall Hx
p use" Mbs Lulu S. Wolford, Paw
nee City, Ncbr.
2:.'J0 "Adulterated Seeds of Field and
Garden Crops" Mr. F. H. Ili'llmnn,
Pino Seed Bureau Demonstration
in Seed Testnig, U. S. Dcpt. of Ag
ric ilturc, Washington, D. C.
7:.V0 "The Lure of tho Town" .Miss
Lulu S. Wolford.
8:.'k) "Insect Knouiios of Field tindOar-don"-Mr.
These n ectings are hold under the
auspices of the University of Nebraska
and tho Cowles Farmers' Institute
Ash'ouiation. and free to all.
B. (5. ICeeney. l'ro., C.K. Putnam, Pec.
Livery EJarn Chnnics Hands.
Monday morning, Wade Koonlz
boulit tho brick livery barn from
Huron &: Myors and ho immediately
took possession of the same Mr.
Koontz will move his family to town in
tho near future
Rheumatism Cuiu:n in a Day.
Dr. Detohon'fi Uollcf for Ithoumatism
and Neuralgia radically cured in l 1 1
3 days. Its action apon the system is
remarkable nnd mysterious. It re
moves nt onco the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The Unit
dose greatly bonollts 7.1o and SI. Sold
by The H E. Grlce Drug Co., Red
Cloud Nebr.
ON JANUARY 1, 1905)
3 are gone
1 Bargained For
M Te Sell
" l lil ''
, t
ON JANUARY 12,15)01).
&!Et$i&5 4'Jt'v" ret -ii Hrvfrnt-M-.-fcM.wtfcw
fy . p Vstf "