The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1909, Image 6
m 335 The Chiefl C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD, - NEBR IBS IK EPITOME RECORD OP THE HAPPENINGS IN ITEMIZED FORM. HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS Information Gathered From All Quar ters of the Civilized World and Prepared for the Perusal ,, of the Busy Man. , Foreign. Hon. John S. Hall, former tronsurcr in tho Quebec: cabinet, died. J. W. Brooke, n Hrltlsh explorer, was hilled by natives In I.ololand, China. Slight earthquake shockB were felt nt Kvoru, eighty-live miles southeast of Lisbon, Portugal. Admiral Perez, chief of the Chilean naval station, was entcrtnlncd at din ner by Hear Admiral V. T. Swln burno, cnmmandlug the American Pa clllc squndron. Tho distress in Anatolia bocnuso of the failure of the crops has reached an ncuto phase In the districts of Erz croum, Yogad and .Mardln. Hundreds of persons ure starving. London Is to have n national theater ns a memorial to Shakespeare. Earth shocks are still continuing at Messina nt the rate of ten an hour. King Manuel, of Spain, has been warned that a plot (o dethrone him was in course of preparation. Extra guards aro on duty around tho royal palace. The new Franco-American treaty has been signed In Paris by Ambassa dor Whlto for the United States and Foreign Minister Plnchon for France. This treaty 1b substantially Identical with tho ono negotiated in 1892. An earth shock lasting twelve sec onds was felt at Tencrlffo, Canary Islands, Wednesday. No damago was done. Domestic. All but two candidates for tho speak ership in Iowa have withdrawn. Tho worst storm in tho history of Crow's Nest, on tho Cnnadlan Pacific, Is raging. Tho Iowa legislature will bo asked to pass a law absolutely prohibiting frnternltics in every, high school of tho stato. Enrly M. McCourtnoy," twenty-two yenrs old, St. Loula representative of Harding, Whiting & Co., of New York, committed suicide. Another suit has been entered against "Count" Hntton, tho private banker known in England and tho United States ns "Chorlo tho Palmist." Mtb. Josephino Amore, who has been on trial nt Newark, N. J for several days on n charge of having murdered Michael Mnrtellancn on August 5 last, wns acquitted. Tho death occurred in San Francisco or Itov. Dr. William S. Anient, a prom Incnt missionary of tho American board of commissioners for foreign missions stationed at Peking, China. Objection to tho reinstatement In the military academy of William G. Hosoll. Jr., and Harry Weaver, the two West Point first dnss men, who were dismissed by order of the president last August, waB made by Senator Dick. Whllo the government wns eliciting ovidenco in Its investigation of tho packing industry befoio tho federal grand Jury at Chicago secret service men swooped down upon and routed n horde of private detectivos who had been loitering in tho lobbies. Tho Jury in tho enso of the Itov. Clyde Gow nt Mexico, Mo., returned n verdict of guilty in which Gow is found guilty of manslaughter in the Becond degreo nnd sentenced to four ye-irs' imprisonment. Ho was indicted Joint ly with Dr. W. A. Hemphill for the death of Miss Elizabeth GlcaHon, a Lincoln county school teacher. The prisoner, ns witness, donied that ho um uvor mm any relations with Miss Glonson that wore not proper. Tho emperor of Korea accompanied by Marquis Ito, of Japan, is making a tour of tho cmplro, it being Ids pur-poso- to Investigate conditions. Ambassador Gilrcom nnd the mom bors of tho Amcrlcnn relief committee t Homo have chartored a Lloyj steamship and aro now fitting It out to go to iho relief of the enrthquake nifferorB. When It is ready ten thou, sand persons can bo takon care of in Ion days and in addition food supplies will bo taken ashoro to seventy thou sand people. W. M. Cavanaush, of Llttlo Hock, Ark., has been chosen to succeed him Helf as president, secretary nnd treasurer of tho Amorican Southern association of baseball clubs. A fourteen-story building nt Gales burg. Illinois, was destroyed by lira, cntnlllng n loss of ?7G,000. Executors of tho Into John V. Far well filed an Inventory of tho estate, which Bhows $8,000,000 worth of per sonal property. President Hoosovolt has nppllo.i to Iho Uolgian govetnmout for a hunt ing permit in Belgian territory in Africa. I versity president in America in point of service, was eighty years old Wed nesday. Forty-Avo prisoners in tho Oklaho ma City Jail tunneled their wuy to freedom ono night this week, but when thty got outsldo nil but throe of them returned. They declared they preforrcd prison to freedom In zero weather. , A tornado at Mlncoln, Texas, laid b.aro a section of the country Ave miles long and seriously injured u number of persons. Tho general nEBcmbly of Ohio has been called to meet in special session by Governor Harris. Another nttempt is being made to frco Harry K. Thaw from tho Mattea wan asylum by u writ of habeas corpus. Tho trial of tho famous nlghtrlder cases at Union City, Tcnn., Is drawing to a closo nnd will soon be in the hands of tho Jury. Tho religious nots between Mohnm mednns nnd Hindus lu Calcutta have taken a moro serious turn and re quired tho nctlvo Intervention of Brit ish troops, who Arcd upon tho Hindu mob. A report has coino from Messina that typhoid fever had broken out there. It Is realized that unless proper Banltnry precautions are taken at onco tho dlseaso may spread far outsldo tho ruined districts. John A. Bunnell has been elected president of tho Chicago board of trade. Tho largo warehouso of Codvlllo &. Co., grocers at Brandon, Man., was gutted by Are, with a loss of $100,000. OfAclal roports havo boon received nt Amoy, China, of a revolutionary outbreak In Manchuria, near Mukden. Judge Landls lias informed tho dis trict attorney that ho would not hear tho second trial of tho famous Stan dard Oil cases, but would transfor them to some other Judge. E. E. StubblcAeld, county treasurer of Montgomery county, Kansas, Ib said to bo short $4,025 In his accounts. Ho offerB to mako up tho shortago pending a further examination of his books. Washington. A bill has been reported from tho comtnittco on military affairs provid ing for tho rolnstatment In West Point mllltnry ncademy of tho Btudcnts dis missed last August for hazing. Tho Arst of tho olllcial Whlto House recoptlons of tho season wns given In honor of tho diplomatic corp3. With a view of ascertaining how tho $222,000,000 appropriated annually for tho exneusos of the noatal Borvlcn Ib expended, tho house commltteo on postouico expenditures has started Its probo. Negotiations havo just been conclud ed botween tho governments of the United States, Columbia nnd Panama, whoroby all matters In controversy be tween them aro settled. Tho special committee consldorlnc tho reference to congress nnd tho Bee- ret scrvlco in tho president's nnnual nicssngo will report to tho houso this weok. It is said there will bo much debato on tho report. Tho United States government has won Its caso in defense of tho con stitutionality of forest reserves, when Judgo Lewis, of Donver, handed down n decision in favor of tho complnlnnnt in tho caso of United States against Fred Light ot nl. The case involved tho right of tho department of for estry to charge grazing fees nnd waB regarded as of utmost importance in tho west. It cost tho government $15,000 in tho employment of detectives to in vestigato tho Brownsvlllo affair. Plans havo been outlined by tho I'avy bureau of construction for a sroat battleship of 25,000 tons, de signed to carry eight 1 1-Inch guns. The stnto department viewB with satisfaction tho nnnolntmnnt hv tim Chinese government ot Liang Tun Yon, the customs tnoti, an minister of lorelgn nfTnirs. l Jang Is said to bo a r,eml-progrosslvo statesmnn and his ucsignntion as head of tho foreign of 11 co, will, it Is hoped, prove helpful in staying any marked tendoncy to re actionary practices in tho futuro pol icy of tho Chinese administration of affairs. The official call for a national tariff convention to bo held In Indianapolis, Ind., on February 10, 17, and 18, has been sent out. Half tho business portion ot tho tfiwn of Kensington, Kansas, waB de stroyed by u Aro that started in tho Palaco hotel. Loss $50,000. National bank examiners will bo ptr upon a salary or per diem nnd s peuscs basis, and the present feo sys tem will be abolished, if rccommonda tioiiB mado by Secretary Cortolyou Comptroller Murray and Deputy Comn' troller Kane, of the treasury depait ment, aro carried out. In tho recommendation mado by tho Joint commltteo on tho buslnoss moth, ods of tho postal sorvico fourth class postmasters aro recommendod to bo placod on n salary basis and postal notes or inonoy orders without ad vices aro suggested for sums not ex ceeding $5.00. S. B. SIgnor, of Oakland, Calif., hna been arrested, charged with forgeries aggregating ovor n million dollars. Tho Aro department of Chicago ans wered nlnoty-two Are nlnrms last Wed nesday night. Miss Nellie O'Donncll, n bookkeep er of KaiiBus City, has been arrested charged with embezzling $4,000. A Btato prohibition bill has been in troduced into tho legislature of Ton nessco. Tho Athletic club of Reno, Nov., lins offered n purse of $100,000 for a Aght botween Jcfferles nnd Johnson. President JatncB B. Angcll, of the UnlverBlty of Michigan, tho oldest uni CAPITAL CITY NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUNDTHE 8TATE HOU8E. THE WORK OFTHE LAW MAKERS Legislative Facts and Gosslp-MMewa of the State Capital. LEGISLATURE OPENS. The thlrty-ArBt session of tho Ne braska leglBlnturo wns called to or der nt noon Tuesday, Jnnunry 5th. CnucusoB had boon held tho night bo foro and n complcto roster of officers ngrecd upon nnd when tho two branch es of tho legislature mot there wns nothing left for them to do in tho way of organization but to ratify tho action of tho caucus. This was done nnd the .following aro tho oAlcerB for tho com ing session: C. W. POOL, Editor Tecumseh Tribunal Speaker House of Representatives. In the House. Speaker, C. W. Pool, of Tecumseh. Chief clerk, Trenmorc Cone, of Wn hoo. First assistant clerk, D. C. Laird. Second naBlstant cleric, Geo. Gil christ, ot Hall. Third assistant cleric, W. L. Leon ard, of Furnas. Enrolling and engrossing chief clerk, Henry C. Richmond, of Omaha. Book-keeper and time-keeper, John Zellars, of Butler. Sargeant-at-arms, Amos E. Evans, ol Richardson. Assistant scrgeant-at-arms, John Dunklo, ot Hall. Postmaster, William Peebles, of Nuckolls. Assistant postmaster, Richard Samp son, of Soward. Chaplain, Rev. J. W. WnrAeld, of University Place. Door-keeper, Alf. Canlleld, of Te cumseh. Nlghtwatch, Joo Burr, of Otoe. In the Senate. Secretnry, W. II. Smith, Seward. First assistant secretary, II. W. Da vis, of Orrt. Socond nssistant secretary, E. A. Walrath, of Osceola. Socrotary commltteo of tho whole, J. G. P. Hllelobrand, of Lincoln. Sergcant-at-arms, J. A. Welton, of Fremont. Assistant Bcrgonnt-at-arms, W. II. Cash, of Kearney. Chnplaln, Kev. H. II. Harmon, ot Lincoln. Postmaster, Wm. Nolin, of Barnes ton. Mall carrier, L. A. GriAln. Chief enrolling nnd engrossing clerk, Henry Ryan, of South Omaha. Tho oath of ofllco was administered to both brnneheB by Chief Justice Reese. AbMo from the organization nnd selection of employes and tho Inaug ural ceremonies of tho Btato onicors nothing elso was accomplished nnd both houses ndjourned Thursday nftcr. noon until tho noxt Monday, when the real work of the scsbIou will begin. Governor Appoints Two. Governor Sheldon Monday appoint ed N. P. McDonald, an attorney of Kearney, to succeed J. E. Dolzell of Loxlngotn, mombor of tho state board of education, a board that has control of tho two stnto normal schools. Mr. Delzoll'B term expired Inst sunimor but no appointment waB mado till yos terdny. The term of Mr. McDonald will end 1913. Charles Gregg's resig nation, which is said to havo been In tho hnndB of tho governor for somo tlmo, was accopted and D. W. Hayes, superintendent of tho public- bcIiooIb nt Alliance, was appointed In his place. Tho term will oxplro noxt year. He contly P. was reported that Mr. Gregg desired to resign nnd nccopt a longer appointment in plnco of Delzoll. By virtue of their oAIcob the stato trens urei and tho Btato superintendent or public instruction aro inemborH of tho statd bonrd of education. Tho govor nor appoints tho other members. Football Deadlock Ended. Oron A. Bellzor of Arapalioo, Nob, was elected captain of tho 1000 No brnskn football cloven Tuesday after noon over his only opponent, LouIh Harte, nn Omaha boy. Only ono bal lot wub taken, tho voto standing eight for Boltzor and six for Harto. Beltzer has been on tho Cornhusker ball team for two yoars. Ho also Is cnptaln of tho basoball nlno for thlB BPiing. In the fall of 100 ho won Ills gr dlron "N" by playing )n tho Mlnne sola gamo at loft ond. Last fall ho was left ha tback on tho cloven and was n brl llaut Btnr in punting nnd In throwing tho ball on tho forward pass. The Inaugural and Reception. By 1 o'clock Thursday vIsltorB be gan to throng tho gallery and lobby of the houso chamber to witness the Inauguration of Governor Shallenber ger and to listen to tho messages of both tho incoming and tho outgoing governors, 'i no favored ones who had friends on tho Aoor secured Beats around tho edges of tho house cham ber. All extra Bpaccs wero Ailed with chairs, nnd soon occupied. When tho houso was rapped to order and the roll called nt 2 o'clock it seemed as If there would be no placos for tho senate. W. J. Bryan came In and Bat with tho Lancaster delegation. Mayor. Dahlmnn of Omaha located Just back of the Omaha senators. Tho sennto waB slow In urrlving nnd n committee was sent to hurry thorn up. They camo nnd scattered among tho Iioubo memberB, securing Beats whore they could. Tho Bcnnto roll found all presont. Senators Tibbetts, Wlltse and Representative Syndcr wero appointed to notify tho governors nnd partloB to appear. Senator Buck and Ropresentntlvo Humphreys and Nottleton wtfnt nftcr Chief JuBtlce Roese. Tho governors nnd stnto of ficers urrived during u salute from tho guns on the campuB. Governor Shel don wns seated on tho left of Lieu tenant Governor Hopewell and Speak er Pool. Governor-elect Shallenberger and Mrs. Shallenberger sat on the right. Chief Justice Reese occupied tho clork's chair. The stato olllccrs-elect found scats In front of the rostrum of tho house. After theso arrangements had been completed, and Governor Sholdon had been introduced tho gates were thrown open and .tho aisles and rear of the room wero soon crowded with stand ing visitors. When Governor Sheldon began speaking n snluto of seventeen guns waB Ared by a detail of tho Lincoln hospital corps of tho Nebraska na' tlonal guard, under command of Col. J. M. Blrkncr. A similar salute was Ared when Governor Shallenberger began his Inaugural address. Two Rodman guns stationed near tho stnto house wero used by tho guardsmen. Tho booming of tho can non waB of Bufllclent forro to rnttlo windows In houses Blluatcd near tho state houso grounds. For an hour or more Thursday night tho crowd of cheerful citizens of tho Btato thronged through tho scnato chamber congratulating tho new gover nor and wishing him tho best of suc cess. Not only did tho governor como In for good wIsIicb but tho nowly Bwom In state officials other than tho executive wore tho recipients of hun dreds of friendly handshakes. Headed by Governor Sheldon and his wife tho receiving lino marched Into representative hall and formed a half circle around tho largo chamber. Back of them, resplendent In gold laco and epaulets, stood tho combined stuffs of tho two governors. In this line, In order from tho head were the following stato dignitaries nnd their ladies: Governor G. L. Sheldon, Gov ernor A. C. Shallenberger. Lieutenant Governor M. It. Hopewell, Judgo M. B. Reese, Judgo J. B. Barnes, Judge C. B. Lotion, Judge Jesse L. Root, Judgo Jacob Fawcott. Judgo J. R. Deun, Judgo W. B. Reese, Attorney Generul W. T. Thompson, Chancellor Samuel Avery, State Superintendent J. L. Mc Brlen, Stato Superintendent E. C. BJshop, Secretnry of State George C. .Tunkln, Commissioner II. M. Eaton, Commissioner E. B. Cowles, Represen tative W. F. Stoecker. Senator J. M. Tanner. Auditor E. M. Senrles, Auditor S. R. Barton, Treasurer L. G. Brian, Speaker C. W. Pool, Railway Commis sioner J. A. Williams. Hallway Com missioner W. II. Cowgill. President ot Senate pro torn G. W. Tibbetts, Rail way Commissioner II. J. WInnett. Each of theso officials, incoming and out going, was accompanied by his wifo except Judge ltecso, who was accom panied by his daughter, Mrs. Sanborn. Mr. Cowics. M. Pool, Mr. WInnett, and Judgo Dean wore unaccompanied. In closo ranks behind tho stnto of Aclals were almost all tho staffs of tho two governors accompanied fcr tho most part by their ladies. When the reception was over tho re ceiving lino hended now by Governor Shallenberger inarched to the ball room. Nono woro admitted boyond tho railing until nftcr tho grand inarch. When tho dancing bognn, in which both govornors participated, General Hartlgan told the gato keeper to ad mit a reasonablo number of tho guests ot tho evening, tho visitors. This was done, nud within n fow minutes on order fronf tho Bamo official, tho gatos woro opened to nil who wished to como Inside, lie had previously declared ho would mako tho ball n democratic event. This proved to bo tho caso. puu 'jooij otn onto po3jns.pMO.iD oijx banked mnny dcop around tho room watching tho dnncors In good-nnturod Interest. Many of tho legislators who had not trod n moasuro In many years loosened up their Joints and Joined tho merry-makers. About a hundred univorBlty studontB, ovor ready for n dance, camo dressed for the most for mnl function nnd helped ewell the throng. W. J. Bryan nnd daughter, Mrs. Ruth Leavltt, looked on for n fow minutes at tho beginning of tho dance. A New Commission. Govornor Sholdon Tuesday Issued a proclamation creating a conservation commission In and for Nebraska. Tho following are tho members, nnd thoy will sorvo without pay: E. B. Condra, O. E. Bessey. E. H. Barbour nnd E. A. Burnett, of tho stato unlvorsltyj P. II. Marlay, of Mason City, and Adna Dob. son. state engineer. Insurance Company Quits. Tho Nobrnska Insurnnco department received word from Secretnry O. P. Conaway of tho Walla Walla Flro :n surnnco company of Walla Wa!a, Wash., had beon forced Into tho hnndB of a rccelvor, Docembor 30, nnd all agentH In Nebraska had boon notlAcd to coaso business from that date. First Treasurer to Settle. County Treasurer R. R. Copaoy of York county Ib tho last on tho roll cnll ot counties, but ho la tho Arst this f counties but ho la tho Arst this ear to mako annual settlement with y tho state auditor, ITS DM IS HURT HOUSE ADMINISTERS A REDUKE TO THE PRE8IDENT. SAYS MESSAGE IS UNWORTHY' Men Mentioned in White House Com munications Take Turn in Be- rating Executive, But Careful In Speech. After having mado him the target nil day for criticism, with hero nnd there words of commendation, tho houso of representatives Friday, by u, voto of 212 to 35, rebuked tho presi dent by tabling so much of his meB Bngo as roAected on members of con gress In connection with his recom mendations regarding the secret serv ice detectives, nnd also declaring it to be the sense of the house that thoy shall dccllno to consider any communi cations from any source which is not in its own Judgment respectful. With feeling of outraged dignity nnd pride on tho part of tho many of Its members, tho houso Friday gnvo ItBolf up entirely to a discussion of ono of tho most momentous questions that over camo before It Ub functions ns a legislative body in contradistinc tion to those of the executive branch of tho government. As has beon forecasted, tho report of the special committee appointed to deal with tho language in the presi dent's annual messago and his Bpecinl mcBsngo of Inst Monday bearing on the secret scrvlco affecting members of congress waB submitted nnd is used ns tho basis for omo of tho most earnest nnd vigorous speeches ever henrd In tho historic chamber. Tho houso wnn In no mood to treat the subject otherwise than seriously, al though In tho romnrks which were mado the references to the president almost Invurlably were couched in par. Hamontnry lnngunge. Nor was the president without his supporters. In anticipation of tho report, the effect of which wub to administer n rebuke to the president, there was one of tho largest attendances or members of this session, whllo the galleries at nil times were Ailed to their capacity To accommodate the crowd tho doors opening Into tho corridors were thrown open nnd theso wero choked with persons, while 'standing In lino behind them wero hundreds of others. Thero wns not a moment during the day thnt the gallery was not fully occupied, many of the focelgn repre sentatives being compelled to sit on tho steps of tho aisles. This was also truo of the president's gallery, al though no members or his immediate family were present. Neither was his son-in-law, Representative Longworth of Ohio, in his seat during any part of tho day. So great was tho Interest in mo proceedings thnt mnny senators came ovor to tho house and sat for several Rours. Toward tho close of tho debate. Mr. Gardner (MnsB.) endeavored to secure the adoption of a substitute for tho resolution In tho shape of an amend ment expressing conAdenco In tho commltteo on npproprlations nnd then tho postponement of tho wholo mattor tin .Mommy, but he was overwhelming ly outvoted. Mr. Bennett of Now York opposed tho adoption or the Perkins resolution nnd declared that ir tho house should accept It Its action would havo no moro Influence on the character which history would give to President Rooso velt thnn had the action of the senate on President Tyler's record in con nection with hia attitudo toward An drew Jnckson. Preeldentlal Nominations. The president Fridny sent to tho sennto tho following nominations: Consul general, William II. Robert son, Vlrginln, at Tangier, Morocco. Socrotary of legation. Fred Morris Denrlng. Missouri, at Havann, Cuba. Third secretary of embassy. William E. Wallace Colorado, at Tokio, Japan. Second secretary of legation. Leland Harrison, Illinois, at Peking, China. Appralsor of merchandise in tho dis trict of Pittsburg. Pn., John D. Pringle, Pennsylvania . Director ot public monoys nt Las Crusces, Mex., Robert II. Sims, Now Moxico. Receiver or public moneys at Bill ings, Mont., William M. Enright, or Billings-, Mont. Flip Coin to Break Deadlock. To break tho deadlock in tho speak ership contest ror the Iown houso or representatives it Ib proposed to Alp a coin. Feoly or Black Hawk and White or Story county, who controlB sixteen and Afteen votes respectively, havo about agreed to this. Tho winner would thus got thirty-ono votes and while forty aro nocessnry either would likely got nine voteB from tho Held. Admits Rifling Letters. Harold Snowden. chief clerk of tho special delivery department of tho Denver postoAlcc, Friday' confessod to Chlcr Postofflco Inspector Chrlfitlnn Unit ho had rlAed scores of letters In tho pnst year und obtained hundreds of dollars from them. Ho is In Jail. Complaints from all sections of tho country of undelivered letters caused an InveBtlgatlon. Pastor Dies In Hoorhouse. Rev. Reuben Powell, seventy-eight years of age, for forty years nilnlstor In tho United Brpthren church In var ious cities of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, died nt tho poorhouso at Chippe wa Falls, Wis. Ho loft tho ministry soveral years ngo on account of his ago. Thero was no need of his bccom ing n paupor bocausa ho had property and relatives who wero anxious to tnko euro of him. Tho Kansas nnnWnntinn- a i,nin.. investigated by u commltteo appoli t' oil by Governor Hoch " 'U'l'omi tnrch, llko everything elso, is be Ing conutnntly improved, tho patent starches put on tho market 20 yearn ago nro very different nnd Inferior to thoso of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery DcAnnco Starchnil In JurioiiB chemicals aro omlttod, white tho nddltlon of another ingredient, In vented by uo, gives to tho Stnrch a strength nnd smoothnoBB nover ap. pronched by other brands. Every missionary society with over $10,000 income per year will bo asked to Bend dologateB to tho world confer ence at Edinburgh two years hence. LxvjSea Ceaiscs e System , EgecluaXVy; Dispels cods awdt Headaahcs &wjo CospoXow; Aes xvawvo, acsr)y as Bcs Jov McwVowvexv cttd.Clto& Vfiw-Jfouxx atva OU. To gel W's beweSxcxoA e$$ccs. oAways iy e Qcxuxve, mariufeelured by the Fig Syrup Co. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, refcuter price 50 per bottle. 320 Acres "fiSS0" IN WESTERN CANADA WILL MAKE YOU RICH Fifty bushels per acre have been grown. General avcrngcgrcntcrthan in any other part of the continent. Under nmu rmitnlfnnn I. In possible to secure a homestead of ICO acres free, and additional 160 acres at $3 per acre. "The development oftlie country has ninile marvelous strides. It is n revelation, n rec ord oTconqiiest by settlement thnt Is remark nble. hilrjct from correspondence of t National tditor, -who "visited drnda in August Ust. The grain crop of 1908 will net many farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Gmln mlsinii, mixed farming und dairying are the principal Industries. Climate is excel lent; social conditions the best; railway ad vantages unequalledjschools, churches nnd markets close at hand. Land may ulso be, purchased from railway nnd land companies. For "Lnst Dest West" pamphlets, mnps ond Information ns to how to secure lowest rail way rates, apply to Superintendent ol Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Government Acent: W.V.BENNETT, 101 New lork life Bulldinf. Oraohi, KcnrarU, Meoec Bad Taste in the MouOi, Appetite Bad, Head Heavy, StomacIsSour, A general feeling of bolng tired nnd worn out unfit for business or tho dutios or pleasures of life. Is that the Way You Feet t It it is, you should know Uiat tho famous tonia laxativo, Lane's Family Medicine (called also Lane's Tea) will glvo that porfoet Internal clean liness nnd wholcsoincnoss which pro duces health nud tho feeling of com. fort thnt makes lifo cnjoyablo. All druggists sell it in 25c. and COo. packages. The- Ecagon I Make and Bell Moro Men's $3.00 & $3.60 Shoos Toon Any Othor Manufacturer 14 btcuM I Klre th vrurtr tbt Imiellt of th newt caispliu org inluUoa of tralstd expuU sua timid hocmiktn In th country. fnl7HU1.l.0f..Uw ""Una In yry 0p4rtmrat.t iW "tl fc "" bMt aoeBer In Ui norinliBtnT If I could show you how crt fully W. L. DouiUi iboci (n mzAj, you would thin CBdtnUnd why thty bold thlv sJupo, nt UtUr, ul wear lonjer thin any other tnnk. My Method vf Tanning the Soles makes them Mora Flexlblaand Longer Wearing than aiig others, Rhnca for Every Member of tho Fnmlty. Mcu,Iloyn,Wuuin,M Uei'o and fhllilrcn. . ..?? VS ,,r ,h08 rirale errrywhore. POUT flM I ""' Knuln without W, I. Drnigliui UHUIIUI1 I iiamo nnrt jirlce stumped on bottom. I rut Color EytUti Vied Exclusively. CiUloj nulled fro. W. L. DOUQUS, 167 Spark St, UrocUoj, Mass. Cabbage Seed 60 cts. pcracre HH Per Salzrr'a cntnlor paco 120. 1 1 lis disced money making crop in vegetables is cabbage, men comes onloni, rauUIicB, poas. cucumbers. Die catalog free i or. send lOo In stamps and recclvo catalec and 1000 kernels ojcm or onions, carrots, eclerv. rad ishes, 1500 each ktluce, rutulinsai, turnips, loo parsley, loi tomatoes, too melons, uoo ciinrmlni! llowur seeds, In all 10.000 Kernels, j easily worth SI. OO of any man's money, (n send 20o and uo add ono lAc of Uarlicstl I'oep u'liuy bwcot Corn SALZERSEEDCO.. DaxVV, Lit Crosse. Ms. m ?-T V.W, f 1 nL k-l .iti i , u!iwbisjrtiniufem,iee3'- s -' rtorevrrrr' ,03KKrc -wajtw?!J- "; WBWBBWWf'rawwws rssammsiimxx