The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1909, Image 5

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'i TV ?
V i
Fred Temple is hcic from Kansas
A good nmn.v aie putting up ko tills
Mm. T.J. Uom Ton! went to Wllbcr,
Guy Uraribroolc returned from Walioo
Mac Fulton was do mi from Inavalo,
Father Fitgarld wont to Superior
Jim Mcllrido was down fiotn Cowles
Charles Port was homo tho last of
tc week.
Bert Clir was down from Mimlen
Mrs. Mel Sherman fell Saturday nnd
"broke hor arm.
lladley Font loft this morning, Thurs
A ty, for Omalri.
Mis Will Tuber has been having tho
grippe this vteok.
Miss Francis Nusblt was down from
Tuavale Sat irday.
Mrs. Nolle- Hunter was down from
Iuavulc, Saturday.
Mrs. 13arl Danker went to her home
in Uiverton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Palmer of Inavalo
woro in town Saturday.
Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasc?.
Satlsfaetion guaranteed.
Mrs. Dollie Dlekcrson, of Inavalo
"was in town Wednesday.
Votes must bo at tho Chief ofllco
January 20, to be publisliod.
. Turn in AH of your subscriptions
this week. at tho Chief ofllcc.
Fon Sam: Six room nousc, . lots
Inquire at Newhouse's store. tf
Fraternal Aid lodge meets Thurs
cvening A full attondance is desired.
Don't Torgot the "Collego Uoy" at
the Opera House Friday evening Jan.
Misses Edna and Lou Watt of Guido
Rock visited in tho city tho first of tho
Don't forgot tho play entitled the
"College l!oy" at tho Opera House Fii
Uiy eveniug.
llrin gin your photograph, wo cannot
publish a likeness of tho Contestants
from memory.
, If you have a fuforite in tho contest,
pay up your subscription and Vote For
Her, this week.
Mis Wilson, who lias been in the city
for some timo departed for Lincoln,
Thursday morning.
Dr Wiutorson physician and sur
geon; ofllcc and residence phone same
as Dr. Raines. Potter block.
The well known piny entitlod tho
'College ltoy" will be put on at tho
Opora House Friday evening.
Miss Clara Martindale is confined to
hor homo this week, and Mis. Sherwood
Albiight is teaching in her place.
to come here to us and say
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; we'll do the rest.
We'll set before you a
great feast of good things;
the finest clothes made;
the best styles; the choicest
foreign and domestic fab
rics; the
highest class
It will be worth as
much to you to buy these
clothes as 'it's worth to us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Uio M. A. lodge will lime Instal
latiotiof olllccis tonight Thursday.
Uoy Hutchison has lcecivetl an ap
pointment from the state siMiat and
ass mod his duties theto this week.
Mr and Mist 1311 llouehlu leturned
homo fiom Kentuoky. Satin day. Her
motlier and fatlior iiet'omp mlod tliotu.
Saturday, Mis. Fi ult sold her shoit
order house to Waltor Wairen who
iiiimcdiately took possession of tlie
Sheiiir Hedge's llttlo. son Oliver got
his, finger caught In tho cogs of tl.c
wiingor and inashod it tlio Hist of tho
The P. E. O, girls gavea china show
er for Miss Jcnnio Cotting Monday
cvouiiifr, at home of Misses Ella and
Mlra Cook.
Harry Clilham and Wllbor Peterson
returned ftoin Chicago the Hist of the
week whero they have been taking in
the sights.
Hoy Hutchison, who leeieved an ap
pointment at Lincoln, is head book
keeper in the Senate. Here is success
t-y you lhy.
Mrs. Piemilia Mnstllery, aged TO U) mi wis all allro inside and tlio smoke
died at tho poor farm, Monday. Sho nearly suffocated him liofoio he could
has Ill-en an inmato or that place for 'Kot out. Ho lost considerable clothing
the last seon years. a valine and other proporly. The inir-
Dr. Domford has received an appoint- aolis pot formed at a firo are still in
inont of.inner door keeper at the state evidence. Bert Gaiber and Waltor San
senate, whicli is in ssssion. He de- ford picked up the piano at tho Palace
pirted for Lincoln Monday. Hotel and carried it out nto tho street
n.- wiri.t,.v i.n c,,n,.iniu! . u-til and any other timo It would have
oye, ear. noso and throat pitients and
those needing glasses, at Dr. Dainer
ell's otllce Tuesday, January loth.
The Baclielor Boys entertained in
honor of Ed Piatt Monday evening at
Dr. Mitchell's olllce. They took J3d
home at 0 A.M. to build the kitchen
In connections with his Law business,
E. U. Overman has opened a Farm Loan
Depiutmont. Parties desiring a farm
loan will find It to their advantage to
scu lnm
Mr. Clias Harpham, who has been
v'sltlug his sister, Mrs. K. G. Hiinchoy
and two sisters near Cowles, depatted
Wednesday morning for his homo in
Clayton, Kans
Don't bo too snro of winning with
tho votes "up your sleeve". Maybe there
aro other. Count your vqtcs by turn
ing them in before January 'JO. and
make your list look good.
For chapped hands, face and lips
Pinosalvo Carbolier is immediate
roliof (Acts like a poultieo) good for
cuts, burns, bruises, skin discaces.
Draws out itillamniation. Price L'."c.
Try it sold by Henry Cook.
The Annual business meeting of the
'Congregational church will be held on
Friday evening Jan 15. Reports of tho
yoar's work will bo given and ofllceis
elected. All members and all who ex
pect to unite witli tho church arc es
pecially expected to bo present. A so
cial and reception will be givon to tho
now members. On Sunday, Jan. Kith,
the church will celobtate the commun
ion of the void's Supper. Itaptizo and
rcccivo a number of now member".
All cotdially invited.
after something good
All you need to
( . J '2 I V i villi j1j J) i
; 'A k$$''1 $ i
n Copyrieli't 1908 by &Zr MI
v Hart ScbaOner & Mux 0
llu (oil 'go l!o,, oiio of tho best of1
i ooi nt coinod.N successes and for which
(.'has. HikUS and sons ntosponseis, will
bo tho nt 1 1 notion at tho Opcia lloiiso (
on 1 liday tho loth " t'lio i ollogo l!o,"
oiuiios lather under tho head of musical
comedy iiihI. iinllko tho majority, the
music being i lerpolated, thoattc goers
will hoar tho voiy latest popularsongs
and those that arc ontiioly now hero.
Ho Wilson has the title into, support
od by the Muiic farm lies that have ninilo
the attiactioti so popular in tho past.
Tlio stage settings and scenic adorn
ment aie complete and ui tlstu Thorn
is a convulsion of laughter in every
lino and a wot Id of tunofulsongin ovory
act Ther- aio vocal hits that will bo
whistled ovoiyw here. The play Is in
three acts and is ascioatnfrom the iiso
to the fall of the cut tain
Hoit Oarbor loft Monday niulit for
Hsboii for a few days visit before- re
turning to hU home at Hod Cloud, Ne
braska. Heitwasoue oT those who
feels that ho escaped luckily from tin;
lire Sunday morning. Ho was sleeping
in the mom just over tho firo at tho
I'alion Hotel and when awakened his
ta on at least six muii to have done this.
The piano was very nearly all of the
property that was saved from tho hotel.
Kensington, (Miiror) Kas.
Grafton, Nebi'i Jan. t. It has just
developed that an attempt at criminal
poisoning was madehere. Tlio intended
victim being apparently Mrs. P C
Moats. Tlio attempt was made by plac
ing poison in the family sugar bowl.
Sunday e cuing the family pat took of
bread and milk whicli thoy sweetened
witli sugar fiom whi li was all right.
Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Moats wont
to church and their absence no do bt
afforded an opportunity for some per-1
sou witli malicious intent and afamili-'
arity with tho liouso and habits f the
family to poison tho sugar bowl Mon
day morning for breakfast Mr. Moat.
drank his coft'ee without sugarand was
unharmed. Mrs. Moats soasonod hots
with sugar from t lie bowl and in a very
few minutes turned deathly sick ni d
wanted to vomit, but eould not. With
nuo nrcscnoo of mind she thiust her '.
finger down her Hit oat and succeeded
in vomiting freely. Dining the mot nlng
but after the poisoning, an envelope
was discovered near the doorway upon
which was wrPtcn: "Mrs Moats, your
sugar bowl is poisoned: burn thesugar."
Superior Journal.
Mr. Moats and wife weie former
rcsidonts of this eit. Mi. Moats was
a barber at the 1'oyal harbor shop.
Farm Loan
'I ho I. (). O. F has about $1,100 to
loan on fiist mortgage on Ileal Hslato.
(1. W. Hutchison trustee.
in clothes? The
do to have it is
Always Reliable
The following Is mi Extract from ii li'.lti'.r
You will bo pleased t learn thatexp'it op uatorsof the (I niunotur
Multlgiaph 111 0 included in the elussillod Inaiich of tho Ciil Service.
The llrst culmination to seeiuo ollgibles from which to 1111 posi
tions in the Post Olllce Department mid tteololcil Survey will
be hold January '., l'JO'.i. under the conditions as outlined in tlio
attached facsimile of notice sent out by tho Civil Sorvico Commis
sion, (iiiuimetor Multigraphs will bo supplied by the Company
fiee of charge, at tho places of examination named in tlio oiicular
Now then, yenm men and young women, you'say that
you would like to have one of these positions but you are not
able to et it Bit You Can!
Here is what we are goini; to do for You:
To every young man and young woman who takes a
scholarship in either the Shorthand or Commercial Depart
ment we will give a four weeks course in the Multigraph
Department and wait till you complete the course and get a
position before you pay.
Isn't this fair? Let us hear from you at once.
This offer will be open till January 15, 1909.
Hkhkon Businkss, .... Hebron, Nebr.
The Awful Toll Collected by Con
sumption. If pcoplo'could only understand that
Catarrh Is an internal scrofula that
nothing applied externally does much
good thoy would not need to bo warn
ed m often about this fatal disoaso,
which, when neglected, Invariable ends
up in Consumption, at the cost of mill
ions of lives ovory 3 car. Yet Catnnh
is easily cm oil if tlio light treatment
is employed.
Catairh is caused bj got ins in tho
blood which oiiculafe throughout t1 o
entire systom. IMonial icmedicH giu
but temporary onee. Although tho cf
fects mo often seen in the form of pirn
p es, rash, ccaema or diy scaly shin, the
trouble ifi internal, and can never bo
ctnod by oxleinal rotncdles.
The only way to cnio Catarili is by
employing a medicine wliicli isabsotb-
od and carried by the blood to all pat t '
of tho system, ho that tho mucoiismoni
brano or internal lining of tlio body is
thioughly medicated, soothed, disin
fected of genu matter, and thosoicnoss
Wo luuo a lemcdy prepated from tho
prefcrlptoii if a physical! who for thir
ty years studied and made Catarrh a
specialty and whose iccoid of success
wasacurelneverycaso whcrohls tieat
uient was followed as prescribed.
That remedy is Ke.vill Muou-Tone. Wo J
aro so positive that it will cure t'.itarrh
in all UsarioitH foims, whothi r acute!
or chronic, that wo piomiso to loturn
every penny paid us for the modicino
in ovory caso whoie It fails to cute or
for any reason docs not satisfy tho mot .
Wo want you to try Iloxall Allien
Tone on our recommendation and guar
antee Wo aro right horo whero you
live, and you do not contraut any obli
gation or risk when you try Rexall
Mucu-1'on in two slzos. Tho prices are
A new stock of Selz and Florsheim
just arrived in our store.
Our stock is always fresh as we do
such a large Shoe business you will
never find old stock in our store.
This is a fact worth considering when
you are going to tony a NEW pair of
SELZ SHOES $2, to 4M
horsheim $4, t 5.50
Big line boys shoes made by Binley,
Stevens and Selz. Come to us for
Shoes it will pay you.
First Door Norlli
?ro;n tlis Civil Ssrvlcc CJimiissloncr:
Cllc. and SI. Veiy often the OOo. bko
oifects a cure. Of course, in chronic
cases a longer treatment is necessary
The averago in such Instanced is thrco
S1.00 bottles. II. 13. Orice, Drug Co.
Red, Cloud Ncbr.
" ' ' - 1. -
To Whom It May I'onccrv.
As my wife, Minu ISeaid, has left my
bed and buaid I wili not stand re
sponsible for any debts contracted by
her. Ciro. W. llnvun
Pool Hall Chafes tlaiKlS
Monday morning. Art Myers bought
tho pool and blllitid hall from John
Havel and immediately took pos-is-sion
of the sumo Wo havo not learned
what Mr. Havel will do in tho future,
Wo wisli you sue ess Art.
Ask vour doctor about th-
wisdom of your keeping Aycr'
Cherry Pectoral in the hous'?,.
ready for colds, coughs, croup, j
ironchitis. If he says it's all J
"' then get n bottle of : 1
' i
rwAUU' .'
ye fa
i.ouUt 1
,imtj.)xuauKJ.. -1
Many a boy is called dull and stui.,,',
when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
liver. We firmly believe your own doc
tor will tell you that an occasional dose
of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great
deal of good. They keep the liver active.
Mde by Uit J, 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, U$.
Need It I
of Posloflicc
New Year.
The Geoeep
AU tho Phones
until,j on havo tocn our New
Double Barrel Model; fitted.
witHStavcus Compressed Forged
Slcel Barrels
Tho mode o constructing theso
superb Tiap and TV 11 Oinw Id
- fully tot forth lit our N v Shot
gun I'ainpliliit. Send two-cent
stamp for It.
Atk your Dealer
for Stevens
Demi-Bloc Gum.
Insist on our male.
P 0 &Wiia3U 3fo0 I
' Li 9 1
B Jy&9. A&ti
frnu 1 iimw'
'tii,HS 1
.i 1 -i :f.t r.s-.-j.jc