The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1909, Image 4

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u I
Roil Cloud - - Nebraska
Kulored In llio I'ostonira nt I(cl Cloud, Ncl ,
11 Second CIm Mutter,
C. 11. HALK
Clfy Officers.
Mror...... - J. O. Cnldncll
Clerk T II I'ort
Trcnuucf. .J.) lltttlrr
Councllmcti, lt wnttl Kil Atnurlt
Hd t'ulripticr
Cotincilincii 2nd wnnl J. A. McArthnr
A If. McCnll
fiapt. Mclitnnd Wntei ........ Osrnr IlurroiiRli.
Murflml, dnj- Al Hlnhv
lUrnIinl, night - John Klnrcl
County Officers.
Clerk DIMrlct Court Oco. V. Hntrlilnon
JmlRO I. W. KdHon
Clork k. V. ItotH
Treasurer. w 0. I'm lint
Attorncj I,. II. II lack led in-
HIlCrllT O. I), HciIku
AlftCMMf II. C!. Hcilll
finpt rnbllc IiiMriiulloti NcIlluOMor
ooronor nr. r. It. Hull
Burvoyor (loo. (Merlin;
Coininlroloiiurii ,ln. ( orrriiiiui
T. .7. C'linplln
Win. AndurN 'ii
(leo. V. IlltlllllU'l
Hnnk Guaranty.
That awful plank In tlio National
Democrat lo platform of 1003 known
n.s "Hank Guaranty" is now receiving
attention nt tliu hands of our stato
legislature. During the rccont cam-
i'.ugii uieru wore 1101 n lew oi lilt'
lenders of tlio opposition who pro
nounced the prinolplo altogether
wrong, but tho sentiment, especially
in Nehrnska, Is rapidly changing and
n law will undoubtedly bo pasbed dur
ing the present, tession that, will make
tho depositors in Nebraska banks wife.
'I he Corn-Art a few wcoks ngo pub
lished an article upon this uubject by
our fellow townsmnn, Mr. Argabrlght,
in defenso of tho "prlnclplo" of Hunk
Guaranty which presontcd a new fea
ture that of "state ccrtlflentcs" in plneo
of an idle "cash" fund for tho protect
ion of depositors in fulled banks. Tho
Argus in its issuo of last week makes
reference to tho subject, endorsing tho
State certificate plan as "meritorious,"
l)Ut suggf sts as a better ohm that I ho
directorate of each bank bo personally
responsible for tho paymont of all de
positors therein.
Anything bearing upon this subject
in rood for thought, nnd tho ninter is
so complex that no ono man or sot of
men will be ablo to formulate n bill
that will be perfect in the beginning,
yot a step or two forward is to be .do
hired. Wo havo boforo us a bill pro
pared by Fred Volpp, of the Tenth
Senatorial District, entitled, "An Act
Providing For Tho Organization, Sup
ervision, And Control Of Hanks, And
For Tho Liquidation Of Insolvent
Jlanks, And Tho Protection of Deposit
ors Therein; And The Repealing of
Chapter rj. Compiled Statutes Of 11)07,
And A 1 Acts And Parts Of Acts" In
comlsteiit With This Ac." O r opin
ion has bcon asked regaiding tlio
merits of this bill.
It is a step in the right direction; it
provides for an increase of the capital
Jitoelc of banks generally, especially
in towns like Hcd Cloud tour banks
would l.o required to have a paid up
cnplt.lofS:.0,(ll)0.C() each). The Capi
tal Stock must be olivet nt tho begin
ning with actual ea-h, allowing not
to exceed twenty-llvo per cent to be in
Vested in Hanking House and Fixtures
which shall bo lis ed at their actual
cash value. Jt provides severe nonal-
tles for irregularities jn baukipg; pro
The bulkof lotiiHordinarlly accepted
by our banks could not bo classified
by the above list. Possibly this is an
overnight or is it posslb'o that two
nntno commercial paper is not to bo
considered good?
Tho plan of assessing each bank on
tho item of "deposits" for tho purpose
of creating a "banking fund" out of
which examiners salaries should bo
paid, ote, Is good, as It properly equal
izes the expense.
Our space is too limited to offer an
extended criticism of tho "bank guar
anty" feature of this bill. It provides
for a voluntary membership in what It
terms the "Depositors Protective
Fund." Nono except incorp irated
hanks having as many as flvo directors
each of whom owns at least ton shares
of its stock not pledged for tho secur
ity of any debt; that has no money
loaned to any of its activo inanngors;
that has a capital and surplus equal to
ton percent of its gross deposits, and
other qualifications too numerous to
mention, are ellgiblo to membership,
which ucco-sarlly debais all individual
and partnership banks.
A voluntary membership in such a
fund would dofoat the purpose of
state law to protect nil depositors. If
u bank desires to make its depositors
porfectly secure it can do so voluntar
ily under any law. -oven the Moral
"Tlio Depositors Protective Fund"
carries some benefits, however, de
signed to attract banking corporations
to its membership, viz., all public funds
belonging to the state, county, city,
township, village or school district
shall be deposited in such banks with
out special bonds or other security be
ing required, nnd it shall bo unlawful
to deposit them elowhoro
As Individual and partnership banks
which aro ofton more tollable than
corporations, are debarred from the
privileges of tho "Depositors Protect
ive Fund," such a law, if passed, could
hardly bo called a Stato Hanking Liw
in .tho broad souse of tho term, but
rather u law creating or authorizing a
giant banking company known as the
"Depositors Protective Fund." It
would bo a safe institution, but the
qualifications nocessary-to member
ship might not admit of our having a
"branch," handy. Our idea of a "Hank
Guaranty" is to inako it applicable to
all banks; make ono as safe as the
other in the law's requirements, and
make them all subscribe.
The Argus suggestion that the di
rectors give bonds and become per
sonally icponslble for the full amount
of tho banks deposits is wisely put.
The bond should bo made to tho stato.
approved by tho State Banking Hoard,
and tho state take charge of the Insol
vent bank. No "fund" is necessnry
other than tho "stato certificates"
which would bo much more acceptable
than "directors obligations," as they
would bo in amounts to correspond
with tho paper currency or the country
and receivable at all banks.
Mr. Argabrighfs plan is more in tho
natuie. of mutual insurance. Kach
bank is 'assessed" on its deposits, if
need be, to insure its depositors. Tho
insurance company (which in this case
is the stato) should seo that its mem
bers aro responsible and worthy of
their charters. Directors and bond
men might somotimo fail, but an in
surance company like the state hardly
ever. Thus the depositors aro safe
Coming to tho Opera House will a
compact and well written nlnv. with u
hibita an Individual banker, llrm or i sensible belicvn' lo plot, and. no,l full
Water anil Llftlit Commissioner's Report.
To The Ilondmble Mayor nnd City
Council. I Ilerowltli Submit My
Report as Light and Water Commis
sioner. .T.vNt'Aitv 7th, 190?.
Tho total cost of now four-Inch
water main laid during October and
November 11)08, which commenced by
connecting to tho four-inch main at
tho northeast corner of Cherry street
mid Fifth avenue thence running south
on cast side of Chorry street to tho
north side of Fourth avenue, 811 foot;
also tlio C. J. Tlnttaddition lino, which
connects with tlio above tlescribod lino
at tlio north intersection of West
Fourth avenue and alloy 100 foot west
of the northwest corner of Cherry
stnoetand West Fourth avenue, thenco
running Bouth across Fourth avenue
to alley, thence on south in said alley
818; tho total number of feet in these
lines including tlio tees, crosses, ro
turns, gate and elbows, including the
Hi) feet giycu by the city, is 2088 feot,
which was furnished, laid in the
trenches, leaded and swedged by a
contract, irlven to James Peterson from
C. J. Piatt, R U. Overman, l)r. Kobt.
Dauiorell, L. L. Huron, Dr. E. A.
Thomas and C A. Schultz, the cost of
pipe furnished by the above parties
amounted to 81077.11. Tho payment
to the above named persons of this
$1077.11 is to be by credit on water or
water service fixtures as follows: C
J. Piatt S02S.11, R U. Overman S107.50,
Dr. Kobt. Diijnerell SlOS.fio. L. I,
Horen STo.oO, Dr. R A. Thomas $25,
and O. A. Shultz S25.
The number of feet of trench dug,
including space for cross and tee con
nections aud hydrant returns, was
till I feet, this was dono at the o.pcno
of tlio city and cost six cents lineal
foot for digging and filling trench and
S10 for bell holes nnd hydrant drains.
Team work in hauling pipo fur
nished by tlio city, lumber for rtrlvo
ways over open trenches, hauling tools
and hydrants 81s.
Lumber for driveways over trenches
at street intersections 83.07.
Tho cost of three flro hydrants
located on this line including tho cut
ting oir and sotting sanio SI 1 1..10, mak
ing a total cost of 81 I0S. 18.
As per agreement between the nbovo
named Messrs. Piatt, Overman, Dam
erell, Horen, Thomas and Schultz and
tho City Council, viz: that any labor
or extra expense which the above
named persons would have to incur,
in order tobiing tho Aator from tho
mains, to their property from tlio with
in described water mains, that tlicity
would, at request of tho within named
pcrsotis, do tho necessnry work and
luriiisll tho material, tlio cost of nmo
would bo charged to each for tapping
ma n, connecting up and delivering
water through pipe and meter to lot
line; the amount so charged would be
a ro-embur&enieut on tho amount paid
on tile new four inch mains by the
witlrln named person".
'1 heoteforo, I havo made taps, con
nected up. placed meters in propoily
constructed meter vaults, having 'Jo
Inch iron flange and cover, for onch of
tho following named persons and
R U. O voi man, Sll.llS
L. L. Horen, H.:j.-,
Dr. Kobt. Damercll, l.'
C. J. Piatt (four places) 88.80
October, 1008 K118..M5
November, " 22'J.fa8
December, " ar.O.llt
' Total $331.03
For light:
October, 08 S:ilS.38
November, " ' .15.00
December, " 115 21
$SHG 22
My collections for light current
fropi Jan. 1, 100!) to dato aro:
Delinquent curront 8 .',5.71
December, 08 " ltis.22
Total $S 17.03
Making a total on water and light
collected from Oct. 1, 1008, to Jan. 7
1000, of 81918.78.
Yours Respectfully,
J. A. Toinlinson,
Light & Water Com.
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. C. L. Cotting of this
city on Tiiosdaycvonitig Jan. 12 09 Tlio
happy couple weroMr. Krtwarrt 1). Piatt
and Mlss.Tonnio M. Cottlngtwo of Ued
Cloud's most popular and esteemed
citizens. The ceremony was parformd
in a most impressive uriuucr by using
the ring ceremony by Itov. Cressnrui,
of the Congregational church. Mr.
Edgar Cowden and Miss Iono Albright
acted as bait in in and bride's mild.
Only a fow of the neitvst rotative
were present. A fiita lunc'nou wis
sorved,after which theg ustsdisp orsed
and tho youny m irrie 1 oo lple want to
thoir new home, wlufo U107 arj nnv
Inippily locata.l u nlcr m st favorable
clrcutnstuuac and with tli'i bast wishes
of a host of frlo'ids.
To Whom It Hay Concern.
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a public road commencing at th
North-Kastcornorof section 10 in town
ship 1, range IS, in Webstor County,
Nebraska, running thonce west oa the
section line bctwoon sections 13 and 13
in said township nnd rango, and ter
minating at the Franklin County
boundary line, has reported in favor
of tlie establishment thereof, all object
ions theroto and claims for damago
must bo filed In tho office of tho Coun
ty Clerk of said county on or bef oro
noon of the Kith day of March, 1003, or
such road will bo estallshod without
roference theroto.
Dated January 1, 1000.
R . W. Robs,
m:.lJ County Cleric
When looking for the Best in
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking come to the Leaders.
A mack & Ghaney
Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking
I fa
1 y 11
ui3Mtasns2gEfEBn-n,iAi)v...'1 17 r-- sasnrnsnEEzsSiEss
Because our prices on these goods arc right-almost c
as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses. S
We invite you to the largest house in the county, one
that pays taxes on $19,000 worth of goods while our
enmnnttt-nfe t-ii rt ( --.- ,.. i-i r
w..,Pv,muio iji u yijju. iuu uun reauny see
where to trade to get the goods. We are here to
stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We arc
not undersold by anybody.
P,., , s
i kk&u. woua earaware
ajrad Implernent Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary. '
Jxri.AMMAtOItV Klll-.t'MAIIHM ClMli:i) I.V
:i iuyp.
Morton L Hill, of Lebanon. Intl.,
says: "My wife had Inflammatory
Rheumatism in every muscle and joint;
her ftUlFcrhifr was terrible and her body
and faco were swollen almost beyond
reconition;hnd bectiiubcdfor six weeks
and had eight physicians, but received
no benefit until she tried Dr. Dctchou
Uelier for Dheuinatism. It gave her'!
K" "- U
immediate reuer and she was able -t,
walk about in three days. I am sure it
saved her life." Sold by Tlio IT. E.
CI rice Drug Zu . Ued Cloud, Nebr.
An improvement over many Coush, Lung nnd Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
system of n cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give'
-...v... muiiL luumitu. i-rcpareu uy iilulu ixmntlNU CU., CHICAGO. U.S.A.
ir'220 09
iiuiiiii-rsiiip irom carrying l own
obligations, as any part of its assets;
prohibits any olllcer, director or em
ploye of any incorporated bank from
borrowing any of Its Hindu without
tho approval of a majority of the. board
of directors, which approval shall be
made apait of the records of tho bank,
'and violation of bis provision is
classed us "embezzlement." It has
many good features and to our mind
bomo I hut in o objectionable.
' -Tho "reserve" (which shall consist
of cash in vault and deposited with
other "lien rve Hanks" ) in placed at l."
port out f "dppiwlfB" as a minimum
in all banks. We. believe tho cash ro.
Servo Ik too unall. especially in the
bnnkfc designated as "Keservo Uankb"
nnd approved a such by the Stato
Dunking Hoard. Sueh banks alio ild
bo required to cHrry n ciifch bnlaiu'e
equal to 2.1 per cent of their deposits.
Con-orvativo banks do this a a rule.
Again, ST wo understand tho lan
guage of the bill, there is no provision
lnado for loaning tho funds of the
bank upon good two r throo name
papor iib is customary in this country,
fare, VIII nr this bill provides for a re
poit thus:
' "Tho total amount of monejs loaned
blmll bo classified as follows, towlt:
t Overdrafts.
b Seemed by real estate.
c Loaned to direct ois. aud upon
"what bceurlty
d Loaned to olllcers and employes
m id upon what security.
e Taper past due.
t f Paper in process of collection by
U v.
g Had debts.
. h Loans iu excess of tlio amount per-
I"--).' Ued csowheio iu this act.
1 Loans upon certificates to otl.or
or biightncss; with some good blnglng
and dancing and withal a clever and
capable company. "Tho College Hoy"
ought to prove one of the mostenjoya
bio attractions of the season when pre
sented here on Friday the 15th
Kings Little Liver Tills prevent blll
inusness, sick headache and keep you
well. Do not gripe A pill iu time
that will save nine. Triee 2."jc.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Total cost,
The material used in the above work
was from stock fixtures and supplies
on hand, except tho list of extras as
shown, by tho stateinont hereto at
tached. Tot'l oosl tlmi oxpouso to data
Amount paid by City and cred
ited by water service and llxt. GIU.28
Leaving a duo of, SSoG so
As to tho light aud water soivieo' I
have the fo lowing report to make, re
ceipts for water are as follow.:
Monday Jas
y Hi !9W
At Ten O'clock A. M.
Tim uiKliMsiunecJ will sdl at Public Auction on his farm (
mies cast of Kcil Cloud, and 2 miles east of Amboy, and ,
niiles west of Guide Rock.
Consisting Of
14 Mnles aed H
1 .
1 span dark iron gray mure mules, coming four years old, so-nd nnd brnho
and will a team o SCOO lbs. at mutiiritv; 1 'span 4 yr old horse mules.
sound and 0H niMtched, good size; t sp.n coming .1 yr. old ham., mules, well
matched nnd well b.oke; 1 span black three year old mate mules, well m. tehed
span black mate mules, ( um.iths old. This team is well matched and tho
.est span of inn les 1 ever raided l brown maro nino years old, weight U0o;
rheslngle'or double" ' fcwldto G r old.ollbro.o'
jJJ f cattle, couBlbtlnB of 4 good milch cows, 0 head of steers aud G
100 head of Tolnnd' China hogs. This is all registered stifff. Farm ma
c.'iinery aud other n tides tto numerous to mention. Lunch on grouud.
J. H. illliter, AuctlciKtr.
Joha Yuni.tietk.
A Clean Up Sale.
Do you need any Underwear, Dress goods, Yarns, Outings,
Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Hose and Mittens. If so come
in and let us show you our line and get prices; it will be to
your advantage to buy of us.
Following are a few of the Bargains.
Every piece in the regular line at 20
per cent off.
All odd pieces at 33 1 -3 per cent
Embroideries and Laces.
Dress Goods.
Remnants at 33 1 -3 per cent off.
All other goods at 20 per cent off.
Fleisliers Zephyrs were 12 1-2 now
10 cents.
' Fleishcrs knitting-worsted 35c skein
Fleishcrs Shetland-floss at 80c lb.
Calicoes at 5c
You know our laces and embroideries
are the best and cheapest at regular prices.
We now offer the entire line at 20
per cent off.
Special price on remnants.
This sale will last for two weeks only. First comer gets
the pick of the stock. Come early.
s I
- j A
C V w
J'.VM!-".'g;-.1JgMrn,t-jri-j.;.- --