1 X it ! II . PATIENT SUFFERING. Many Women Think They Doomed to Dnckache. Aro It Is not right for women to bo al ways ailing with backacho, urinary Ilia, headache and othor K)'iiptonui of kidney disease. Thoro Is a way to end theso troubloa quickly. Mrn. John II. Wrght, COG Hast PI rat St., Mitchell, S. D says: "I BiifTored ten years with kidney com lilnlnt and a doctor told mo I would never got more than tcmiiornry relief. A dragging lnln and lamenesn In my back almost disabled mo. Dizzy spells canio and went and tlio kidney socro tlons were Irregular. Bonn's Kidney I'IIIh rid mo of theso trouhlefl and I feel better than for years past." Sold by all dealcra. COc a box. Fob-tcr-Mllburn Co., DufTalo, N. Y. HONOR TO CALL HIM FRIEND. Medical Practitioner Ranka High In Scale of Humanity. To know a medical practitioner Is lo know ono who Ih superior lo the average oducnted man. Pew profes sion jtcrhnpn no other, develop bo much of character. The occupation of healing and the necessity of behold lB men and women and children at their worst, irritable, unreasoning, nnd often oowantly, ban not, fortunately, caused hlo own degeneration. IIIh ca pacity for llioughtfulncss Is trained to Itoonncea, his ucHbdinesfl, whoro thoro la any, is shrcwdl hidden, and tbo human Instinct fur enjoyment Is nono tho lean In Win becauao of lila knowl edge of lta reactions. That tho doctor's expectation of Hfo Is short Is tho natural result or bis following a calling Hint makes unnat ural demands. Only tho more fortu nato specialists bavo tlmo that they can call their own. Tho doctor's work Is always exacting often discouraging, mid Invariably draws without morcy on his nervous energy. ninghamton I'rcsB. ft DREADFUL DANDRUFF. "3 Girl's Head Encructed Feared Loss of All Her Hair Baby Had Milk Crust Missionary's Wife Made Two Perfect Cureo by Cutlcura. "For sovoral years my husband was a missionary in tho Southwest Evory ono in that high and dry at mosphere hns moro or less troublo with dandruff nnd my dnughtor's scalp Locarno bo encrusted with it that I "was alarmed for fear alio would loso nil her balr. After trying" various rem odlos, in desperation I bought n enko of Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cutl cura Ointment. They left tho scalp beautifully clean and frco from dandruff, nnd I am happy to say that tho Cutlcura Rcmcdlon were a com ploto success. I havo also used suc cessfully tho Cutlcura Remedies for co-called 'milk-crust on baby's head. Cutlcura Is n blessing. Mrs. J. A. Darling, S10 Fifth St., Carthage, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1908." I'otler Drug A Chcm. Corp., Solo Props., Boston, DOMESTIC REPARTEE. Mr. Knagg llcforo you mot mo you Bald you wouldn't nmrry tho best man in tho world. Mrs. Knagg And you aro tho only ono who thinks that I broke my word. His Pedigree. Tbo calf, which Gideon King bad taken tho summer resident to soc, surveyed his owner nnd tho stranger with a wary eye. "Kr what breed Is your calf?" asked tho visitor. Mr. King removed a wisp of straw from his mouth and said: "That critter's father gored a Justlco o' tho peace, knocked a lightning-rod agent end over end, and lifted a tramp ovor a picket fenco; and au for his mother, uho chased tho wholo Ran bury brass band out o town last Fourth o' July. If that ain't breed enough to pay $G for, you can leavo him be. I'm not pressing him on any body." Youth's Companion. ROSY AND PLUMP Good Health from Right Food. "It's not a now food to mo," ro marked a Vn. nan, la speaking of Qrapo-Nutfl. "About twelve Mentha ago my wlfo va3 in very bad boalUt, could not keep anything on kor stomach, Tho Doctor recommended utile half wator but It was not sufllcloutly nourishing. "A friend of nilno told mo ono day to try Grapo-Nuta and cream. Tho re sult was really marvelous. My wlfo soon regained kor usual strongth and to-day is as rosy and plump as when a girl of slxtcca. "Theso aro plain fncta and nothing I could Bay in prnlso of Grapo-Nuts would oxaggorato In tbo least tho valuo of tltls groat food." Namo glron by Postum Co., Dattlo Crook, Mich. Read "Tho Road to NVolI vlllo," In pkgs. "Tkoro's a Ronson." Ever rend the nbovc letter! A new one appenm from time to time, Tlier re seBlae, true, and. full of humnn latere t. ffi - -v'n & ,. Mayn't I Mk.Pkatt. -- ' " Ti IWvJgy &z'i fVir irrnVi SYNOPSIS. Mr. Solomon Pratt begun comical nar rutlon of Htory, Introducing well-to-do Nathan Beudder of IiIh town, and Edward Van Jirunt anil Martin Hartley, two rich Now Yorkers seeklm; rest. ItecaiiHO of latter pair's lavish exjiendlturo of money, l'ratt'n Urt Impression was connected with lunatics. The arrlvul of James Hopper. Van Hrunt's valet, cavn Pratt tho desired information about the Now Yorkers. They wished to Hvu what they termed "Tho Natural Life." Van Urunt. It was learned, was tho succcsrtul suitor for the hand of Miss Akups I'iirp, who Kuvu Hartley up. "Thii Heavenlles" hear u lontr Htory of tho domestic woes of Mrs. Hannah Juno Purvis, their cook and maid of all work. Decide to let her i;o and crwwo Sol. Pratt as chef. Twins iiKrou to leavo Nato Hcudder's abode aad IickIii unavailing search for another domicile. Adventure at Fourth of July celebration at Eastwleh. Hartley rescued a boy, known as "lteddy," from under a horsu's feet and tho urchin proved to bo one of Miss Pago's charges, whom sho had taken to the country for nn outtnir. Mlns I'u bo and Harlloy were separated dtniiiK a llorco storm, which followed tho picnic. Out sailing later, Van Urunt, Pratt and Hopper wero wrecked in a suall. l'ratt landed safely and a search for tho other two revealed an Island upon which thoy wore found. Van Urunt rent ed It from Scudder and called It Ozone Inland. They lived on the Island and Owner Scudder brought ridiculous pres ents as a token of gratitude. Innocently, Hat (ley and Hopper In search for clams robbed a private "uuubauKh." I.ate at night their Island homo was disturbed bv wild yells. Hopper was found In a fright at what ho supposed was a ghost nnd ho Immediately tendered his resignation. In charge of a company of New York poor children Miss Talford and Mls3 Pane vis ited Ozono Inland. CHAPTER IX. Continued. "Naw," says Itcdny. "Not while I'm down here. Miss Agony crlc3 over mo nnd I'd rather bo licked any time than that." Hartley rumpled tho youngster's hair with his fingers. "Sol," ho saj3, "there's good hero It you can got at It. Too much good to bo running to wasto. Ah, hum! Must bo rather pleasant to havo ono or two of your own; must make Hfo almost worth living. That's where you and I havo missed It." "You'vo got plenty of tlmo yot," says I. "Maybo you'll be down in theso dig glngs nine or ten year from now with a family of your own." lie smiled, kind of sad and one sided. Then ho got up and walked out to tho piazza. Ucdnyhung around a iipull, long enough to ask a couple mil lion questions. Then ho wont Into tbo parlor with tho ve&t of tho young In juns. l'rotty soon I heard some ono speak. I looked through the doorway and seo tho Pago girl coming up tho porch stops alone. Hartley stood up and lifted his cap. "Whoro's Van?" ho nsked. "Ho's down on tho bench with Mar garet. I canio back to look after tho children." "Thuy'ro all right," says Martin. "Playing games In tho front room." Agnes stopped for a second in tho doorway. "I don't Just understand,'' sho said, hesitating, "why you arohoro. Is It true that your health Is bad?" "No," bo said, with a llttlo laugh. "I did fcol rather gono to seed before I left town, but now I'm having, tho tlmo of my life." "Indeed?" says sho. "So far from Wnll street? I'm surprised." Ho didn't seem to answer least ways I didn't hear him. .Noxt thing 1 know ho was standing on tho top stop, "Please excuse mo," ho says, pretty frosty. "I must speak to James," Ho wont off down tho stops and out of sight. Sho stood and watched hi in a mluuto, nnd I thought sho looked puzzled nnd solemn. Thon fabo went Into tho parlor, " i i II " t Hclp7" JosepK C. Lincoln Aurncu of "Capn Cm "pARTNins of the Tide" CoPYPicttr tool A&BARNC&cssCoHPtoir f f t Illustrations by T.D.Mixmu. Wo had dinner out doors on the piazza. Wlillo It was going on the grown-ups didn't do much talking. It's precious little fun trying to talk against a typhoon and au earthquake mixed, and that's what them Fresh Air young ones turned that meal Into. 'Twas "Hurrah boys! Stand from un der!" from tho beginning. When I wa'n't filling up fish plates I was dodg ing potato skins and similar bou quets. They didn't fire 'em at me, you understand, but It's nlwayB tho feller that's looking on at tho row who gets hit. Redny was cap'n of tho gun crew. Ho could chuck a potato skin with his left hand and eat with his right and look pious and shocked all at tho samo time. When tho Juniors was filled up and It wa'n't no slouch of a Job to get 'em filled thoy went off to start a riot somewheres elso and tho Twins and tho girls had a chance. Van got to telling about Scuddcr's presents, and ho was funny as usual. That Margaret Tal ford would laugh until I had to Join In Just out. of sympathy, even though I was up to my eyes in soapsuds and dishwnshlng. She was a Jolly girl, that one; pretty and full of snap and go. Nothing would do but them "pres ents" must go on exhibition. So Van lugged 'em down from James' room and lined 'em up on tho piazza for in spection. He took a Btlck for a pointer and gave a lecture about 'em, same as If they was a panorama, pointing out what ho called tho "fooling" and "atmosphere" of tho sholl basket and tho "perspective" of Mnrcellus In tho crayon enlargement. Ho had a good tlmo and so did everybody elso, espe cially Miss Talford. By and by Bhe clapped her hands. "Oh!", Bays she, "I'vo got au Idea. Did you Bay your nmn was going to leavo you, Mr. Van Urunt?" Vnn heaved a sigh. "Yes," ho Bays. "I believe he Is. I fear that Jamos hasn't tho artistic temperament. I con fess I'm disappointed. Ho cortnlnly looked as If he had It; ho was sad and soulful and aiyl dyspoptlc. But no; oven tho 'Mothorlcss Home' didn't ap peal to him. He says ho's going to night." "I wonder If he would como ovor to tbo school?" says sho. "Wo need a man there, don't wo, Agnes? To help about tho placo and look out for tho boys, and to well, to protect us." "Lucky James!" says Van. "But why James? Won't Martin hero do or excuso my blushes myself?" But tho Talford girl laughed and said ho wouldn't do at all. Ho Incited dlgulty, sho said, and didn't look tho part. Sho asked Miss Pago If sho really didn't think that James would bo Just tho man for them, Agnes said perhaps ho would. So tho four of 'em went away for a walk on tho beach and to talk It ovor. I'll bet I called that valet anything but a church member and a good fellor a dozen times over whllo I was diving Into them dishes, I washed and washed till, seemed to mo, I was soaked out fresh enough to bllo, llko a pickled codfish. And when tho wash ing was done there was tho wiping. I laid out a halo or so of dish towels and pitched In, Pretty soon somebody says: "Mayn't I help?" I Bwung around and thoro was Ag nes Pago. Nice to look at, sho was, too. "Can't I holp you, please?" says she picking up nf towel. "Land Bakes, no!" says I. "You'll spoil your fine clothes. Besides I'vo got sort of used to It by this tlmo; my arm goes round of ltneir, llko a pad dlo wheel." She laughed and grabbed a chowder plate and commenced to wipe. She done fairly well for anybody who hadn't practiced much, but Bhe never would liuvo won tho cup for speed. Ono dish ovory five minutes Is all right, maybe, If you're getting paid by tho year, but However, I Judged her ma kept hired help to homo. I won dored what she'd dono with Hartley. By and by sho says: "Mr. Pratt, how long do you expect to stay here?" "Here?" says I. "On Horscfoot on Ozono Island? Land knows. Long's the Heavenlles thnt Is, long's Mr. Van Brunt and Mr. Hartley stay bore, I guess. It's.a reptful place, ain't It?" says I, reaching for the next stuck of dishes. Sho smiled. "No doubt they find It so," sho says. "How do you llko tho Natural Life?" "Who me? Oh, I cui'late I shall llko it tiptop when I get a llttlo more used to It that la, If I last. I was oldost boy In a family of nine, und dnd died young, so 1 was brought up Nutur nl, as you might say. It's been sonic time, though, since I had so many hours of strnlght-along. pltch-ln-and-hustle Naturalness In the day's run; been getting artificial and lazy of late years, I guess. But I'm tough, and I'll bo all right and used to It pretty soon getting lots of practice. By the way," 1 says, "who was It that sent 'em hero?" "Who?" says she, looking surprised. "Sent? I don't understand." "Was Mr. Van Brunt and his chum sent here by the doctor, or who?" "Why, I didn't know they wero Bent at all. I think they came here of tholr own accord." "Humph!" says I, considering. "Was any of their folks ever took this way? Does It run In the families?" That seemed to tickle her und I guess sho understood what I meant. But sho didn't answer the question; went on dry-polishing tho plcklo dish. Then sho says, kind of accidental on purpose: "Is Mr. Hartley's health Improving?" "Oh, yes!" says 1. "Ho's picking up somo, 'specially In his appetite. He ain't up to Van Brunt In that line yet, though. Van cats for three; Hartley's only up to tho oae-man-and-a-boy mark so far. He'd do belter If he didn't have them blue streaks of his. Seems to have something on his mind." "Perhaps he's troubled about leav ing his business," she suggests, look ing sideways at the plcklo dish. "Guess not," says 1, looking side ways at her. "I don't think I'vo heard him mention business since ho's been down. No, ,'taln't that, according to my notion. Ho ain't In love, Is he?" She looked at me then pretty hard; but I was as wooden-faced as a cigar sign. "Dear me, no," she laughs, brisk. "I guess not. What mado you think that?" "Oh, nothing," says I. "I ain't over been took that way myself, but It seemed to mo he had all tho symp toms. Didn't know but he was fret ting about somo young woman. Ho's a fine chap, that young Hartley. It'll bo a lucky girl that gots him." Sho didn't Bay much more, but alio looked at me every once in a whllo as If she was wondering. I never lot on. I was as Innocent and easy as tho cat with the cream on its whiskers. I had a sneaking hope that I might have boosted Hartloy a llttlo mlto, and I felt good down ono side. Then I thought of Van, and I felt mean all up tho other. After a spell, tho Twins nnd Miss Talford happened along, and what a time Van Brunt mado when he seo his girl helping me wlpo dishes. "Well, well!" he says. "Is this tho way you hurry back to 'seo what tho dear children are doing?' Sol, you old fascinator, how do you do it? Martin and I fell in love with him at first sight, Miss Talford; and now look at Agnes." "Hold on there," says I. "Don't sprend It too thick. I ain't got but ono hat that'll do for Sunday, and I want that to fit mo. I wus giving Miss Page a few lessons in housekeeping, nnd you'd ought to thank mo for thut, Mr. Van Brunt." it seems tho Talford girl had seen James and he had agreed to go to Eastwlch with 'em. 'Twas a good chance for him, a soft Job and all that. Truth to tell, I guess ho was kind of sorry nbout parting from Van alto gether, the gleaning might not bo so good In his noxt boss' borry pasture. So about six o'clock Scuddor como with his dory and tho picnic broko up. Tho Fresh Alrcrs were pretty nigh played out by this tlmo. Tho smaller children was nodding with tholr bonds on tho shoulders of tho bigger ones, and I even had to tote two of tho lit tlost In my arms down to tho beach. But thoy was all full fed and sun burned and dirty and happy, and they'd bad tho bulllest tlmo in their poor, plnched-up llttlo lives. "Well, good-by, Andrew Jackson," says I to Itcdny. "Had good tlmo enough to want to como again, havo you?" "Sure thing," says ho. "Llko It as well horo as you do over at tho school?" "Yup," ho says. "Ain't nobody to plug potato skins at ovor thoro." Ho was a smart llttlo coot. Hnd tho makings of a man In him if you dug down far enough to got at It. Lord James comes down to tho shore tugging bis trunk behind him. "So long, Hopper," snys I. "Shall I glvo your lovo to Marcollus'. spook II it comes gliding again?" He looked at mo very solemn. "You'd better come too," bo says. "You tako my advice and leave this blooming Island now w'lle you 'ave tho chance. There'll come a time," sajs he, "when you won't 'ave It." Ho climbed Into tho dory nnd set down all huddled up In the stern with his trunk between bis knees. Scudder begins rowing and they moved off. "There," says Van, referring to IiIb lordship, "goes the final tie that binds us to u sordid past. Shall wo sing 'The Last Link Is Broken,' Martin? Or have you something moro appro priate to suggest, Bklpper?" "I havo for mysolf," says I. "It's 'Work, Tor tho Night Is Coming.' " And I hurried up to the house to get supper. CHAPTER X. The Voyage of the Ark. The Heavenlles was lato down to breakfast next morning, owing, I cal'late, to the loss of Lord James. I could hear 'em hnlllng each othor, asking: "What's become of my golf stocking?" and the like of that. Trouble seemed to bo that they hnd too many clothes. If they'd been lim ited to ono suit for Sunday and a pair of overalls to cover up the rulnu the rest of the week, llko I was, they'd havo got along better. But they was rigged at last and at breakfast was chipper as a pair of mackerel gulls. They commenced to talk garden. Consarn 'em, I hoped they'd forgot that. "The loam business 13 all right, Sol," Bays Vim. "Scudder will bring us loam ut tin 00 dollars a boat load. Ho uaya It'll take about U, bout loads." "He does, bey?" says I. "At three dollars per? That's generous of him. Anything else?" "Yes. He Is to continue to bring us milk. We havo decided that perhaps for the present we hnd better not keep a cow." Small favors thankfully received. I was glad that milking wa'n't going to be added to tho general Joyfulness. "I think that's a nice, far-sighted de cision," says I. "Unless you could learn your cow to eat seaweed, I don't uoo "Oh, Scudder could bring us hay." says Van. "And wo could give tho animal the spare vegetables from tbo garden." " 'Twould be a long tlmo between meals for tho poor critter, I'm afraid," says I. "How .much is Nate charging for tho milk?" "Nine centB a quart. That's only one cent more than you bavo to pay in New York, and, when you consider how far he has to bring it, I call it dirt cheap." Well, 'twas about as cheap ns tho garden dirt, but I didn't say nothing. "We're going to raise chickens, too," says Hartley. "Scudder, so Van says, will sell us live Plymouth Rocks at 30 cents a pound. Skipper, you might fix up the poultry yard in your spare time." In my "spuro" time. There was a Joko in that, but It wa'n't so Intended. Then Van Brunt began to preach "pig." Seems Nato had told him that tho ono thing needful to turn Ozono Island Into u genuine Natural Life was a pig, and of course he, Nate, had tho only )lg in creation that was worth buying. "Ho showed It to mo the other morn ing," says Van. "Tho prettiest llttlo black and white fellow you ovor saw, Martin. Miss Talford saw him yes terday before ,sho enmo over, and sho said ho was a dear. You might bo repulrlng a sty for him In your odd moments, Sol." My odd moments, and my oven ones, too, was pretty well filled up for tho next few duys. Tho Heavenlles loafed and superintended and smoked and fished nnd ate. All I had to do was to turn out with tho gulls, and cook breakfast, and clear away, and wash dishes, and build hen yards, and fix up a leaky pig pen, nnd get ready them blessed gardens, and sweep and dust, and dig clams, and mnko beds, and get dinner, and sail a boat, and chop wood, nnd bundlo up washing for Nato to take to Huldy Ann, and scour knives, and and well, there was plenty more. Soven or eight hundred odd jobs have slipped my memory. The gardens was ready for planting on a Wednesday. Nato fetched over the last dory load of lonm tho night aforo and I sprend It aforo I got sup per. Tho chickens nnd tho hog was to como on Thursday. I was to tako tho skiff nnd go nfter 'em, Nato being en gaged to cart a carry-all load of board ers to Ostable. Huldy Ann was to havo the live Btock at tho shoro ready for me. "How's the monagerlo coming, Nato?" I asked. "In cages or on tho hoof?" . "Oh, I'll box 'em for you, Sol," ho says.' "Tho hens in one box nnd the pig In another. Tho pig's protty thin I menu young, so he won't bo no heft to you." Wednesday morning the Heavenly gardening begun. Ono patch for Van Brunt and tho other for Hartley. They had seeds by the peck, moro or Iosb, brought over by Scudder's express and charged for at undertaker's prices. Tho Twins started In with a ven geance. I Bhowed 'om how. For onco I waB superintendent and tho Job suited mo lino nothing would havo tickled mo more, unless 'twnB to turn In and tako a nap. Van takes ono hoe nnd Hartley tho othor. Kach of 'em was actually round-shouldered from tho weight of tho seeds in their pockets. They had cucumber seeds, und melon seeds, and land knows what. Wondor to me wns they didn't try oranges and pineapples. And In tho middle of July! "Now, Martin," says Van. "Horo goes! Bet you fifty I get the flrBt cucumbor." ITO DE CONTINUED.) WHY HOT DiH UUP? ONE OF THE BEST WAYS TO MAKE MONEY IS TO INVEST IN WESTERN CANADA. "Deep down in tho nature of ovory properly constituted man la tho desire to own somo land." A writer in the Iowa Stato Register thus tersely ex presses a well-known truth. Tho ques tion Is where is tho bost land to bo had at tho lowest prices, and this tho same writer points out In tho same ar ticle. Tho fact Is not disguised that tho writer has a. personal interest in tho statement of his caso, and thoro Is no hidden meaning when ho refers to Western Canada as presenting great er possibilities than nny other part of the American Continent, to tho man who is inclined to till tho soil for a livelihood and posslblo competence. What Interests ono aro tho arguments advanced by this writer, and when fairly analyzed tho conclusion is reached that no matter what personal Interest tho writer may havo had, his reasons appear to havo tho quality of great soundness. Tho climatic condi tions of Western Canada aro fully as good as tlioso of Minnesota, tho Dnko- laa or Iowa, tho productlvoncsii of thejr' ioll Is as great, tho nodal conditions aro on a parity, the laws are as well established and as carefully observed. In addition to theeo tho prlco of land Is much less, easier to secure. So, with theso advantages, why ahouldn't this the offer of Western Canada bo embraced. The hundreds of thousands of settlers now thoro, whoso homes were originally In tho United States, appear to bi aro satlsfloU. Onco In nwhllo complaints are heard, but the Canadians have never spoken of the country as nn Eldorado no matter what they may havo thought. The writer happened to have at hand a few letters, written by fonnor residents of tho United States, from which ono or two extracts aro submitted. Theso go to prove that tho writer In tho Regis tcr has a good basis of foot in support of his statements regarding tho excel lency of the grain growing area of Manitoba, Saskatchewan nnd Alberta. On tho 29th of April of this year W. R. Conley, of lxnigheed, Alborta, wrote a friend in Detroit. Ho says: "Tho weather has been just flo ever since I came hero in March, and I bollevu one could find if ho wnntcd to some omall bunches of snow around tho edgo of the lake. Thoro Is a frost near ly every morning: at sunrlso It begins to fado away, then thoso bluo flow DW- try V rn: v ers open and look as fresh as if the had been no frost for a week, There Is no reason why this country should not become a garden of EdeDJ Mm wrnlM fa tn !, cvmiin.l nml ti!tt needs a little encouragement from tho government to lnduco capital In here. There is everything here to build with: good clay for brick; coal under neath, plenty of water In tho spring lakes, and good springs coming out of tho banks." His Idea. Mrs. Crlmsonbcak I seo for use on rural delivery routes a letter box has an electric attachment whlchj gives the alarm in the houso some did tanco away when mall matter has been deposited within by tho carrier. Mr. Crlmsonbonk Seems to mo It would be more valuable If it only g.vo an alarm when a bill was deposited in tho box. ITon. Emil Kiang, Vicnnn, Aus., one of tho world's Rreatcst horsemen , has written to the manufacturers: "SPOHN'S DIS TEMPER COMPOUND has become the Ftnndard remedy for distempers nud throat disoat.es in the best stables of Europe. This medicine relieves Horca of great suf fcrinjr anil wives much money for the own er." flOc and $1 a bottle. All druKpsts. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind. Tho Idealist. Tho Bride I want a piece of moat without any bono, fat or gristle. Tho Butcher Madam, I think you'd better havo an egg. Harpor'a Weekly. ONLY ONK "IIKOJIO QUININK" That In I.AXATIVK IIIHIMO QUlNIXH. Look for tlio Munaturo nf K. W. (illOVli. Uw-d tUu World over to Curo 11 Cold In Ono l)aj, Sc. I long to hand a full cup of happi ness to every human being. Dr. Pay- ' . ... . ,. sH cwis omgie jimuor siroigut oc cigar. Made of extra quality tobacco. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Tho secret of success Is a aecret women novor tell. IlifnMsEi JIkI ft K!! 5S5 MGuara BliSjrS AN UNSURPASSED REMEDY! Puo'i One if n onfuicuted re mrdy (01 cough, cokli, brocclua'. viuna. noartcnea ana 11 sti ana lung uftctiom. Il noes direct lo llie test of lha trouUo and tienmEy tatnttlmliliy conditiost. Molheri on eir thor chiUitnari VAire with puf ft confidence in iucunltte Pjwcrt end freedom from cpuUO. unotu for half a century. At oil clrucsUtt', 25 cU. reo'r?EJ A tfJft IS . iff ' . 1 U2a!J9WS3tt3!WnSQS f!! -" -.. : " 1 HHHBHHMHHHWBBHJfnBHHSaHeg2j