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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1909)
" K THE RED CLOUD CHIEF 'rt. 'y ' iM- A Newspaper That 6tm The News Firty-twt Weeks Each Year Fer One Hilar. VOLUME XXXV tl. RED OLOTJD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 15, 190!. NUMBER NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Mr s 0 0 iW Of 0 vi to iti i (1 to ft to to it) (4 Cash Jewelers and Optometrists 0) to . to .,$ . 0 to to to '": " to to to o C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors s. VHht'vrf m m m m I (0 to t to to to to to to to to to to to m S5t0 Reward for bolng the most popular lady in Red Cloud and vicinity is worth striv ing for. To bo popular menus to havo frionds-n'uny friends. There nro few of us who havo no frlouds, we doubt if thcro la any one bo unfortunate as to bo without soiho friends You may have ninny friends moro than you think and they will be glad to do youu favor to prove their friendship Friends help each other Help your friends by offer lug them nn opportunity to subscribe for the newsiest and best pupor publish ed in the country. Tut them In the wny of residing the Chief; Rive thorn n sam ple copy and they will want to have it regularly thereafter. Incidentally tell them that their subscription means much to you us you o.Npcct by its aid to own a flue piano In just three week". They will jump at the opportunity to help you to win. Try it. I lcal listntr. Transfers. Transfers repot ted by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, .inn. 12, num. Fred Kant man to Frank A. Waulle, lot 13, lllti. 10, liladen, wd 1110 Minnie M. IS .in to Jennie V). Spcnce, lot j, lilk. 2, S pence's I'd add llhuieu, wd Hum Maggie li L'.ti punter to William i Mountford, no 3'JM1, wit. . (HOD Anna Werner to .Mintu C (iraud btalf, b2iots2,:J, I, 1111c. 1, 1st add to liladen. wd -75 John B Lilain et al to 11. G. Keency, pt sel, l-'-MO, wd dol) Ilarry A. ltoats to Maggie H Car penter, nw '2b-1-1 1 , wd ItoOO William II. I'rathor to Martin 11. Corner, part no I, nwl, y'.KMO, wd 300 It. D. Morltz to Charles J. IMatt, sw4 w2 nul, e'2 nw, 31-110, wd 12000 Gilbert G. Denny to Warren L. Donny, c2 no 4-2-9, qcd 1 Edwin S (Jarber to Ida F. Hayes, pt so 4-1-9, iod 1 Andrew J. Hayes to Edvviu S. (inrber, pt be 4-1 9, wd 1 Laura J. Pope to Ilomor II. Hugard, lot 9, Mil. (5, LeDue's add lted Cloud, wd 1100 TEDDY'S "BIG STIGK" I ..! MESSAGE TO CONGRESS CER TAINLY STIRRED UP A HOR NET'S NEST, AND YET HE IS POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE ARE YOU POPULAR? IN JUST THREE WEEKS FROM TODAY, THE MOST POPULAR LADY IN THIS VICINITY WILL OWN HER VERY OWN A BEAUTIFUL CHICKER iNGBROS. PIANO. Just to make a little "spurt" and make the "standing, of the contestants" look big on January 22 (for after that date no change will be made in the published "standing") the CHIEF will give a SPECIAL PRIZE To the one who turns in the most votes between January 15 and January 22. The Contestant showing the largest gain on January 22, over this weeks standing, will be pre sented with one years paid up subscription to the C HIEF, which carries with it 300 MORE VOTES! If you are holding back any votes turn them in at once and show a big gain. These 300 votes might be enough to win the piano if the finish of the race is as close as it pro mises to be. You do not have to be at the head of the list to win this' special prize, as it is for the "largest gain" between January 15 and January 22 only. 82Tj738 00 Mortgages tiled, W7a32.00 Mortgages released S1037.".00. The county commissioners tiro in session this week. -cloie of the County Treasurer's Semi-Arvnual Statement. Recapitulation, showing the amount on hand duly, 1, 1908, the collections since made, disbursements, and amount remaining on hand at the e 31st dav of December, 1008, in eaeli and all of the several Funds stated. KIND OF FUNDS. f 3 4 u e ?-- S C " "3 O O.S.S C cj -2 S cj 1 So "-1 cj a a S v a. 1 a Funds . , B Transferred from TOTAL I s Funds Transferred to a 2 c Seliool and University I.aud. State Consolidated County General County Hridge County ltailroad liond County I nsane e ountv Poor mntv Soldiers' Kelief County l'oad District tcoait Jiiissloner District . DiTMUet acnoois State Apportionment . . I ' Fines and Licenses School Hond Itc.l Cloud City Ked Cloud Water Hond lli-d Cloud Electric Light Hond licit Cloud Electric Light Works llo.l Cloud Water orlis' Ued Cloud Water Works Special Iiod Cloud Juclgment lied Cloud Sidewalk Uluo Hill lilue Hill Water Hond ltlue Hill Special (initio Hock Jiladcn Interest A 1-vrtiBing I'ldemplion Jl vllaneous IS L'S82 117 0410 .')7 !2704 31 427 07 05117 V H 7.r. It 32 Mil 811 :iii7 '!) f.Kn .la! 0I4H Til 20810 .r2 S 7213 84 8 121 U 19 7938 2.r 0810 !)('. 1127 43 3278 76 218 10 1830 12 101 (II 93 20 71 07 3 7.r 102 30 2 7 990 35 1321 Oil 158 557 20 10 10 123 50 05901 10 225 33 8781 92 20511 00 2135 30 1 18(1 70 150 311 115 59 8SI 00 590 25 827 00 835 76 585 Oil 105 20 523 50; 131 01 067 29 (10 90 1155 20 110 53 570 70 Various funds.. 8 S 10101 21 18041 29 Various funds . Various funds .. t Fines it licenses I State Treasurer Various Parties. 681911 27 S037 29 ,..A.... ... 904 30 3135 21 3030 80 43 00 2918 43 00 J.. Various parlies... 0SG 92 12207 05 7238 03 10721 08 8 7, II 32 582 10 307 09 15275 II) 9584 03 50355 44 2901 27 43 00 5114 14 1734 89 2280 48 (107 977 20 007 0 3 75 929 30 2 73 1820 13 1000 12 203 43! 1080 79 180 11 0S7 29 (1(1 00 I57P 70 980 92 9 5424 00 11117 08 12201 27 7228 52 10000 00 430 37 ' 027O 99 2759 79 28350 98 IS1U21 59 $150059 25 980 17 1703 73 981 02 -8 91 907 08 (151 93 91(1 51 ln'o'b' 7 250 20 100 33 11 21 11 11 1209 0(1 To Co (ten " To Co Gen Coium'r District CoimuY District. District Schools State Apport'm't 8 75 11 32 ":io7 oil 2707 25 TOTAL 8 4077 12 7523 31 0 38 0 51 121 08' 151 79 I 0237 1(1 0821 21 21995 1(1 S 93370 10 Various funds County General., Various funds . 2001 27 43 00 087 29 .(ill 90 ' 080 92 IS 7903 00 4133 07 31 10 129S 80 598 32 9 52 15 99 3 75 12 70 2 73 819 41 1055 92 103 10 1000 58 108 70 309 01' S 10101 21 18011 29 122(17 05 7238 03 10721 08 8 75 II 32 582 1(1 307 90 15275 10 9581 03 50355 II 2961 27 13 00 5114 11 1731 89 2280 48 007 23 977 20 007 92 3 75 929 30 2 73 1820 13 1!HM 12 203 43 1080 79 180 11 0S7 20 00 00 1578 70 jiSO 92 REMEMBER The contest closes Wednesday. February 3, at 4 o'clock, p. m., at the State Hank. No votes taken (or counted on the Special Prize) at the office of the Chief after January 20. All votes to be counted and published in the Chief of January 22, must be at the office at close of business Wednesday, January 20th. Rule? of the contest have been published in the Chief, but if you do not have them pall at the Chief office for all information necessary. ISTTHE LADY AT THE HEAD OF THE LIST NEXT WEEK WILL STAND A GOOD SHOW OF WINNING THE$5ooPIANO.3 Following are the names of the contestants and their standing this week: Miss Frankie Ward, Red Cloud 80,950 Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud 26,200 Miss Ruth Warren, Red Cloud 18,800 Miss Vera Crabill, Red Cloud 15.500 Miss Bern ice Potter, Red Cloud 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowles 1 1,500 Miss Edna Watt, Guide Rock ".350 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just send in their name. Vot ing and subscription blanks will be furnished anyone making application. S5b370 10 159050 25 Fees and Ccn-missions. lccelved frim July Itt, 100S, to January 1st", l'OOO S 1378.07 ltailroad llonds outstanding '. ; .20,000.00 Collected interest en County Funds for 1008, Daily balances..., 825. VI I, W. C. Frahm, County Treasurer, certify that the above is a tiMo and correct statement of tlio outstanding indebtedness of the county and of all braska. from the. 1st day of July, 1903, to the 1st day of January, 1009, W. C. Fit A II. M. County Treasurer. v 1 -ljjtirv received and disbursed by me as County Treasurer of Webster County, Xe t J lv A(l f m', of my knowledge and belief, as per statement submitted. lAv .subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of January, 1909. J HARE PREPARED vim, w:.i. E W. KOSS, County Clerk. To fill your wants in what ever you may want in the grocery line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders calsupect. And Falger's Golden gate Colfcc, .Teas and Extracts ect. Our Beet Brand of Caned goods. Call for Tho Whlto House Brand. r fl- V. 'V i t;f f:: t !! ' ft i Pi t. 'i I 1 Bell Phone 4 Rural Phone 62 lead The ChietJ1.00 Per Year IJOHNSON l BONER WWWV-VWU' .WW w4 tj V rasrrrrrr-srsr i'gy mi1 "si.vrwwt'C rwcf-Tw-''" r-rrr.xr?r 3g!0fia:BTC?varaB