The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1909, Image 8

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    I- ,
Swlffe )i
Premium OW
Hamc ' JN V
z. xia i Jivj v r
1 O,-,.-. v
CU 1U DclUJI 1
" A
A. T I . .'I
rfr -sSffjT Wail w
flu IP
on. 1
Notice to CiuIiIcim.
b'TiVH. or N'i.ijijhh J In Tlic County
Weill H.H CiKfMV. Court.
In tin- imittor of tin i-stnti of
William (J. Kainliiilty, Dci'L'Hsotl.
N'oiiL'K i jjlveii to ii I p.'r
soiih having I'biiins mill iIcihuihN
iiKiiilihl Wllliaiii (', latb of
Wiibhlvr county, dwmir-il. Unit' tin
time IImmI for llliitj,' chlms nniiist Mild
uMnU' is six. mouths from t tit lit ilny
of January UlliSl.
All Midi hi'aOiis an required to
pi Daunt llii'ii'i'liiinih, wllli llii? votieliiMs,
to tin County .Jndjfi o mild ioiiiity,ut
liih olllru tluuoiii, mi or licforu tin 1st
ilny of ,) uly I'.lot); ami nil claims so lilt 1
will lie lii-Hni ticfoie the said jintjie on
tlio Unit day o .Inly 1'JiiU, ill 1 o'clock
l. in.; and dial (lie adminlMtrali'i.v I
allowo 1 one front th 3lt day f
DiiceMbrr I'JuS, in t piv ilie
tk'lita allowed aiunst -nil eslite and
fcoUh' the Mime.
1. V. Kiixon,
(HP l ) l 'utility .I'liltfO
Nw Or
BHaPranrTTyffWrin m A VfrfWTff-f"?" i&)i?Zjzr5ZA
fiay3B3fyww3 XIfcSfcXH!iWlijGa5
Kindly refer lo my published partial list of
Piano sales and ask yourself if 1 have had
my share. I have sold enough to have made
fair wages, hue I find upon balancing my
ledger that my, profits are not sufficient to
justify a continuation of the piano business
at the prices 1 have been giving. -This
means- something like thib to me:
First---! am going to close out all the 'stock
on hand.
Second---! will not undertake to stock up
to k ttlthiiut ins r.incc. The rUU
HhSlllllO 1 it tit ) riv .; for (lie till ill
premium you -keep in jour pocket.
Fitfiiru out how niniiy .vcirs yoii
lvoulil iiiixi; to bo free from tiny (lie
in oider lo Hive the value of your
liotiisennd 'Oiilents. Then e insider
Unit you may h ivo it (lie this very
niitht. The eost of evi-n i litti
blaze will be more than tip pre
niiuin uf
llultor have tne issue you a pulley
to-day. I (V a whole hit liHier to
be .uiv than sorry, us many an tin-Histi'i-d
in tn bus been.
fc T iSs p
' U tVj.1 itu? y
Rod Gloutl, Motor.
ColiU i.j.i i i ! I a' 'li t (i.imiii uf
thoyi'lll shoilhl lie ti ,iL.l with Pi.-i't
Lmxutii ( i.unh -ij i ii. lis -ill', in.;
the liead and Instant ivK-1'
for eouhs. euliU enuip, Iiomi eiu-iv.
und liumihial itoiiblo, i-hoiihl be
kept In the house, for ehihlion. It is
pleasant to take and gently lavaltve.
ttiuiranleed. Sold by llelliy Cook.
Woods l.iver Metlleliie in li.uil
4 form ifuulntes tlie liver, leliuvcs nek
heHilnlii" eoiiht matlon stcmarh. kidney
jtis i (lorn and iielf zisii j'cutli' liiNitt'iM'
It in parlii'ii'arv r eu'iruci 'id for
Jam) I'ee ehills, fever and uial.tiiu.
1U tuiile elVei-ls o'l the etiti e hystim
nte felt with tin Hi it dose. The 81.00
bottlf eunta'iit 1 I-'.' tinieh as miieli as
iiineb a.s tint Title, .sie l'lo;is;ml to
tnke. Sold ly Henry Conic,
.iir.m: i iiki.ikp I'oit won s
JlntliiT (Inty 11 imre Pi N'i'w Vuik iII-imuito I
n uroiiiHlli1. i1oiimi'M iii'ii. inn' fui noiiuMiV
III-, inlliy) AUsl'itMil N I i:f ll l tfennl'
rertiilnTi'BllUtor Cuit" ImhhU' eiiln.i.i.
mil lixcikiirlii'. U'Hii' I'iIiIit niul lelmirj
tronlili'i At Mil 0rii..'hM ur ' iiihII .viicuth
.smnplo I-'IIKIS. A-Iilri". Tim .MoiIut .rn 11..
.n Itof. S V
ItllKl MATIuM Ul'ltl'.li IN A OS'S
lif.Pniilioii- Ift'llvf fe'ltlit'iimiulMii n.!ium.
l taillr i' in. l'i I in S tin) . It'fr'iniuijini)
tlif rU i" I'liiMrkuliI' niiu Ul'i rim' I
tuiimT i "i Oi I. iko i..l i , irn
niBilU . i .-,.(.!..'. I in- ll . i.i iir.mii
1iii U Tk im ' i ...hyii K '
life I.hvh'Ivi, Couvh Sjrnp ahvnra
AHlff ipilek ralief to v uijfh. echo..
, houi Hm.. whiiiipiiii cou(h ami hU
broneliitil ami tliKMt tnmbli. M.nieTM
Wjfki!iRlly rceomm e,i it fur ehildreti,
us H- ilk pU'tisiuit n 'iike. Itf i ictlj
kiXWthe. SlinUht tw in Pvufv home.
IWfirantrtHl, H'dii by Henry ook
s'lil ! '..'or 'be Cli'e'. The on'y
b n 1 1 1 ,r ' i iper in tlie county.
airain willi high grade Standard pianos to be
O O O 1
sold a.t the prices that Medium grade and
Stencils are sold elsewhere.
Third If I continue in the piano business
after this slock is .exhausted, ! will have to
charge die same prices that other dealers get
for the same class of goods. 1 have bctn
giving 111 v customers the benefit of special
discounts that have heretofoie been unheard
of on New Pianos.
My pianos are ''Standard and the prices
are made by the factories. I have never
j t
charged you full price , but I have learned
something Yon have gained what mv ex-
T w
perience has cot me The reason I
have done this is because I wo lid not offer
poor quality, and in order compete with
"special sale" grades 1 have given you "qual
ity'' at the "special sale' grade price.
Do you want cheaper grades or will yoi pay
a fair price for the best? It is my purpose
in this announcement to give you
? ka
those upon my floor, and have had
these special pnees quoted you.
When the present; stock is exhaus
ted a'.l Ibrnier quotations will be
withdrawn. This is strictly a bus?
iwwwi atuwija
W tto
. -jrr i - frari.wiiiiif nu
noss pvopositjon, iiiacle heoaase ex
perienot; has conv u'ced me 1 cannot
atrord to do otherwise.
Wnue tli3 preso-i. stock lasts all
buyers entitled to the
21 i Gent Soeciai Discount
On ail new pianos. This is, y eal
disoum, from the factory made
prices. Not '-marked up" pricey for
the occasion. I make this annonioe
men.. whiie the assortment is v; od
that you may all h iv an equal to g-et your choice as there is
not enough to go around, The stock
1 Chickering- Bros.,
1 Price & Teeple,
1 Victor.
2 Autopianos,
3 Kohler & Campbells.
Only eiglv pianos -. t these spe.'inl
pric s. Terms samf- )S quoted r.u
I may not quit -h. piano business
but I will stand by ihis
New fears Bselutlon:
1 will not ?eU piauos the coming'
mifwmvwsm.-mtmmmt mraiiwiiwajM4ifiuwii - mm m- mbv fWw)wiiiairMM W mtrfjmiwr iwui
Season so !oye that there is not a
If -
I i.
fVnd make no advance in prices on
he present stock. I do this because
some of you have expressed a de
termination to purchase pianos like
living- profit in the business for my
I sincerely thank you for your pat
ronage and if you are satisfied with
your bar gams kindly suggest to your
friends to corae in and secure oiie 1
for themselves out of the above lis;.
iff ff
wf S3
i.ii-a.iLitauivJitaiiva.iiaiiai'itdiaii.iliavtiivikailiWiiiviaviaaiaiiiikiiikivii.'v.k...-.. .. Thuro urn uiiiny pi'uplc lo biitfur
i ; from IIhuIciiuIii. Ulii'unmtiMii, lauulxign
Do yon limn, that It will my M)U, i
well ui. US, to liny your IJiiililiiiK' Ma
(riai hihI Uuiilutoiirytinlsf Wotonl,
tluit our prli-Ks ATKium. luwcr. or ai
ltat h lo. rtw tlioii of miv i'uuifUi
Ont, but HKCALsr t ttikti tSim-lul OHI'l
if Kli'l iirntoot h11 chu Ijo iMwMd i
W l! V . A It Oil S I'O M K U K
Ptj;rr' frbss co
Coal. Lumber,
mid hinillur nilmonts wlio nro not
Qpp&rtUSltlCSForYounft Women. women; licsiiios qiiiiUfylnjr overy htud-
Tim Plilliuielplilii Rohool for Nurses, out to dual with oraci-gcnclcs in (ho
22lfl01iostiiuthti.'ot.PliH.ulelplilii,l,u., homo that may nuau tl.o of n
ofVers l'r c .Soliolar-liiiis in Traini-d . . ....
liil'iifl iknki liTu
aware thosu nro syintons of Kliiiioy Nursing to ouiitf ojnen in iverv
tumble. PIii-iiI,... for th ui.ln..y uofMntom tl.- I i.ion. Tl.o Suholmsiliips ''"''I'.fir philanthropists ...v add-
i...v..i11... fn.l Two V.-iirs' , ..nisi, u ltn inK l" th IV-.0IUWS of tills Sl'ho il. with
,,h j 7;"; lu"" ,;'K",,";;r ;," 7 rl '..w.n.wi, ....ii..m.s .a.i,ri,. u. vu.w or uiu..,.n0iy oxtcmi. . tn,so 1
and bhuldur iVl pwriry llu- blood. . (mi, nihm(l fah, pM o i,olll.flt to 0llpnu,ti t.ll0rg(. , (llll,fc I
;i0 day's trial i.'wld by II my i.'ioh ilom )nvn ,. dUrii't upon thu uiini ! w01"11 ' n11 i"nlry dlhtri.; , umi in J
ifnfirt" i,"ittviii'iii'i',i' " f i't'i iii. i rn 1. 1 riit pif'fiii t
K-DHiMil iiKiivrlumM withn UiH of ' i"" ' l" "'"'"
nil Din siu'iller Ui.viii ami viir .
,,, .,,, fc ..... a iiono mi( ((nnM im(i h t n,0l1,l,timIsppr..M.l k.i on- SI
, lUilKnu 1Mb. llMiwly oivfnra ; ,n. ui ou,.eurWais,.rovidd.WJ,icl. l'1'''1 ''V u'''f P''3'l 'lu- ' 1 flu. l
yoji it H iuiiiihHhH renei fm, I roniii. j qj . tl,,t u tj,o dour lo ufjporfiuiiiy ' B'UM' of l ttliv (ouimi. . .'i iu of
of pib. 'iiii lw uMtrtl .fi'Uy Ujund i-uubl 'pt..,'ri-bivo -,t ifyu 'iU' ""ll'HI u'i uftliW ' .t uiv ltn
lhHff.alMMHh,r.d..Ui!r liU.inm.t u-i ,-v ,.'. sjrvl u l,.,rfu.U, ""W MWrtM n, t ,m .,.,, H
ti..nolllrf .Hid iiHnnv (, .ui.i-.i. .d ''"' Mi...hum- Mm.. .. .lubo 'o .hcui ."."'' '' " ' t,u' ia'nb.tfi..
,,.,..,.. ... , , .1 ,, ,. ,,, si- vi ii su'Mt.uitul iu. . i.i' i. n thoi w"1 ,,J '' H t .'ii.v mil. win wilLsto
lUW'vi,-. -oil by lU-.r. ...U ,( ( , 0,t.,ipiUllI ,. , ..p,, to I t'.o .ho d for it