The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1909, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Information Gathered From All Quar
ters of tins Civilized World and
Prepared for the Perusal
of the Busy Man.
After having passed four du8
nmonK tho ruins In the districts laid
wasto by tho earthquake the kins and
queen of Italy havo relumed to
A correspondent from IJoillii snyB
that Sonor Castro, forme president of
Venezuela, linn grown suddenly worse
nnd returned to Dr. Israel's hospital,
whor ho will undergo an operation
for Bomo disease In tho region of the
By an edict Issued Saturday Yuan
Hhl Kal, grand councillor and commander-in-chief
of the Torres or
China, was dismissed fioni ollleo and
Na Tung waB appointed to (111 the po
sition. The Htep Is bellured to he tho
nutcoino of a Mnnchu plot and there
Ib an uneasy feeling as a result of his
W. I. Buchanan, the special com
missioner of tho American government
to tho government of Venezuela, has
arrived in Caracas and was given a
vory cordial reception by the now
A despatch received at the Htato de
partment from American Consul Gale,
nt Malta, confirms the reported doatli
of United States Consul Cheney and
tils wifo at Messina. The bodies have
not been recovered.
Tho Hlxteen luttleshlps composing
tho American Atluntic battleship lleet,
under comnium' or Hear Admiral
Sporry, whloh is cruising around the
world, has passed through tho port
of Adon, Arabia, bound for Suez.
Western Europe Is in tho grip or an
exceptionally cold wave. Fianro lias
experienced a verltablo blizzard ac
companied by a heavy fall of snow.
Traffic in tho streets of Pails is para
lyzed but the lakes In tho parks aro
gay with skaters.
There la no continuation from any
source of tho reported attempt upon
tho lifo of tho shah of Porslu.
Tho finance commission of the duma
has docided to Introduce an excise
duty on liquor in the Itussian part of
tho island of Sakhalin.
Tho North Cicrman l.loyd line has
denied tho roport that it intends to
i8tabllfih a line of steamships between
San Francisco and East Asia.
Daniel Freeman, tho first home
stender In the United States, dlod nt
his homo In Beat rice, Nebr., Wednes
day evening, nged 82 yearn.
A petition has been sent by tho rep
resentatives of 20,000 unionized work,
men of Pittsburg, Pa., to President
Roosovclt asking him to pardoa
Messrs. Gohiporfl, Mitchell and Mor
rison, under sentence for contompt im
tho Bucks stove caso.
Tho westorn ptirt of Kentucky wa
visited by light eartliquako shocks
Sunday night.
Tho falluro of H. W. Poor & Co.,
brokers and bnnkciB of New York, has
been announced.
Tho federal grand Jury at Chicago
has begun tho hearing of ovidenco in
tho investigation of the packing house
A young lady from South Omnha
has disappeared at Winnipeg, Man.,
and n Polish priest is supposed to
know of her whereabouts.
David F. Malownoy, a wealthy
business man of St. Louis, commlttod
suicide Tuesday.
By a collision on tho Big Four rail
road nt Knightstown, Ind., three men
were killed and one seriously injured.
Abraham Heuf, tho San Francisco
grafter, was sentenced to servo four
teen years In tho San Qucntln prison.
County Treasurer Michael Meier, of
WooiiBocket, S. D was held up in
Ills office by two masked men and
robbed of $5,087 In cash. Tho rob
bers then locked him in a vault and
AJ treaty of pence has been de
clared between Mexico and the Yaqul
Tho dates for I lie national encamp
ment of the O. A. It. at Salt Lnko
Qlty will be August !t to IX Tills
announcement was made by Phil
Cheek, Wisconsin's member of the ex
ecutive council of tho G. A. R-
Eight business buildings in Silver
City, Idaho, were destroyed by flro,
entailing a loss of $40,000.
Ten men were killed nnd several
injured by a cave-in at a blast furuaco
near Ensley, Kentucky.
A famine In the news piint paper
market Is likely to result if tho dry
weathor continue. much longer.
A family of six wore poisoned at
Kunsas City by eating pork and
The Delaware V. V. T. U. aro plan-
ning to have tho giant 20,000 ton bat
tleship Delaware, which will bo
launched on February f, christened
witli water.
Governor I loch, or Kansas, has un
pointed a committee to join with a
committee from Oklahoma to investi
gate tlie Kansas ponltentiary and tho
charges of inhuman treatment, poor
food and unsanitary surroundings.
Arthur F. Gill, of Spokane. Wash.,
was accidentally killed while on a
hunting trip.
Count John Ilclurich von Bernstorff,
tho German ambassador to tho United
States, has arrived with his family
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Tho odlclal call for a national tariff
convention to bo held In Indianapolis,
Ind., on February 10, 17, and 18, has
been sent out.
A riot wns precipitated at an Italian
meeting nt Lynn, Miss., held to raise
funds for tho eurthqunko sufferers. A
bocialist speaker charged that funds
rnlsed for sufferers by a previous
earthquake had been misappropriated
In Italy.
Eighteen hundred joung people,
members of tho Epwortli leagues and
other young peoples' societies of
Cleveland. 0 are going to live as
Christ would have lived for the next
two weokB. Tho experiment will bo
watched with interest.
Half the business portion of tlie
town or Kensington, Kansas, was de
stroyed by a fire that started In the
Palace hotel. Loss $50,000.
Indications nro that U. S. Senator
Georgo ('. Perkins will ba reelected by
tho California state legislature.
It 1b reported that the C, H. I. &
P. railway has purchased a largo block
of stock in tho Union Terminal Hail
way company, at St. Joseph, in order
to secure an entrance to the stock
yards nt South St. Joseph.
Catholics in Chicago are taking no
tlvo measures to raise a large amount
or money for tho roller or the earth
quake victims at Messina.
Poter MarquarJt, past grand maslei
of the grand lodge of tho Odd Fellows
of South Dakota, wus run over by a
nwltch engine nnd killed in the rail
road yards at Madison, S. D.
Sixteen monuments and fifty-three
markers orected by tlie state of Ind!
ami to tho soldiers of that state who
were killed during tho civil war, wore
dedicated at Vlcksburg, Miss., and
formally transfened to thu United
States govommont by Governor Han
Icy, of Indiana.
W. M. Cavnnaugli. of Little Hock,
Ark., has been chosen to succeed him
self as prosldont, secretary and
treasurer of tho American Southern
association of baseball clubB.
A fourteen-story building at Gales
burg, Illinois, wns destroyed by flio,
cntnlilng a loss of $75,000.
Executors of tho late John V. Far
well filed an Invontory of the estate,
which shows $8,000,000 worth of per
sonal property.
President Roosevelt has applied to
tho Belgian government for a hunt-
lug permit in Belgian torrltory in
Whether newspaper and mugazino
publishers may legally accept trans
portation over the railioads in return
for advertising probably will soon bo
decided by tho supreme court of tho
United States.
Ono of tlie llrst questions that Sec
retary Wright, of the war department,
will bo called upon to settle after re
turning from tho holiday vacation, Is
whether tho department will ndopt tho
proposed sjstem of Inoculation of
American tioopb against typhoid
fever. A recommendation of n system
has been made by a special board of
cNperts and there is but little doubt
expressed about Secretary Wright ap
proving tho recommendations.
Tlie Bed Cross society is planning
lo make the sale of the Red Cross
Christmas and Now Year's stamps
a permanent American institution.
It Is estimated that 25,000,000 stumps
wens printed this year.
Max Baelir. formerly or St. Paul,
Nob., and present consul of tho
United States at Clenfuegos, Cuba,
has been offered the position of con-
.ml at Buenos Ayres. Argentina.
Following a cijstom inndo several
years ago the naval observatory has
made arrangements to flash tho signal
marking the Instant tho now year
begins to tho four standard time belts
of the country. The tlmo for each
belt will be sent out from this city
during tho fow minutes preceding tho
nour of midnight in each respcctlvo
It hns been learned that Bishop
Dennis J. O'Connell, rector of tho
Catholic university of America, has
been appointed bishop coadjutor of
San Francisco
Governmental appropriations to tho
states ror reorganization of tho rural
school systems nnd improving country
roads will be tho recommondntlon of
the commission on country lifo, if aug-
geauons contained in 11000 letters
from farmers servo as a basis for tho
roport the commission Is now draw
ing up.
Tho house wnys and moans commit
tee has completed Its hoarings on tho
proposed revision of the tnrirf and
tho subcommittee lias begun tho work
or revising the present law Into a
tariff bill.
National bank examiners will bo put
upon a salary or per diem and ox
pensos baBls, and the present feo sys
tem will be abolished, If recommenda
tlous made by Secretary Cortelyou,
Comptroller Murray and Deputy Comp
troller Knuo, of tho treasury depart
ment, nro carried out.
In the recommendation made hy tlie
joint commlttco on tho business moth
ods of tho postal sorvlco fourth class
postmasters aro recommended to bo
placed on u salary basis and postnl
notes or mouoy orders without nd
vlcoB aro suggested for sums not ex
ceeding $5.00,
Ex-Scnntor Millard of Omaha lias
Iurchnscd a $05,000 residence.
Reports hnve reached Miller from
tho outside that n bank was robbed at
that place, but these reports aro
wrong. There has been no bank rob
bery there.
Contral City Ib preparing to niako a
Btrong bid for tho proposed Odd Fel
lows home which Is to be located
Bomowhero In the Htato soon after tho
first of February.
Over $ti,000 has been raised In tho
$8,000 fund for the purchase of au
abandoned convent property at Hast
IngB for a glrl' academy, which the
Dominican sisters propose to establish
if the property is de.eded to them.
As a result of the whoiesulo bur
glaries in Fremont, the police aro
rounding up "undesirable" citizens,
nnd deporting them, under pettnltioB
of vagrancy charges upon their being
seen again In the city.
Fred Mnlilcr, a Cuming county
fanner, has Invented an Improved
ploy which bus many valuable points
over tho ordlnnry plow. A company
will be orgnnized at West Point for
Its manufacture.
Governor Sheldon has commuted
the sentence of J D. Adklns or Omaha
from five years to three years', sly
months nnd eighteen days, which re
leases him December 31. Adklns was
sentenced for statutory assault. Ho
Is 01 years old.
Prof. Georgo Carritigton, county
superintendent of public Instruction
of Nemaha county who was a candi
date before the primaries for the
office or state superintendent, has
tendered his resignation, to take
effect on the first of January, nnd will
move to Lincoln.
While out hunting about one mllo
north of Plnttsmouth W. D. Messer
smith heard the report of a gun nnd
soon after saw a large gray wolf,
which one of the other hunters hod
partially tilled with shot, Jumped the
fence, and uinko a Btraiglit line for
him. "Posy" Hied and the wild anl
mnl feel dead.
O. W. Brandt, a brakemun on a
southbound Burlington freight, was
killed uenr the coal chute in the Bur
lington yards at Oakland while coupl
ing cars. The first attempt to couple
tho train failed nnd in adjusting the
couplings rot- a second attempt in
some way Brandt wn caught between
them, the coupling ponotratlng his
abdomen, mangling him terribly.
On complaint filed by Miss Blanche
Udey, Bert Hnynes was arrested on
tho charge of as'sault. Both parties
are well known in Nellgh Tho prelim
inary hearing was held before County
Judge Nelson and when all the ovi
denco had been heard, tho Judge
bound tho young man over to tlie dis
trict court in tho sum of $500.
John Innorman, from n ranch south
of Johnstown, wns In Alnsworth to get
some medicine for ills horses. Ho
says there Is- a disease among the
horses In his neighborhood resembl
ing Bwamp fever, which Is a puzzle
to nil. A horse will lie walking along
apparently all right, and shortly, the
ears will commenco to droop and In
a fow hours the animal Is dead.
A housebreaker entered the home
of Frank Moore tit Miller, betraying
his presence by a light, nnd was dis
covered by Moore as he returned
homo at a late hour. Citizens- sur
rounded the house to prevent escapo
nnd tlie sheriff wns telephoned for.
On hlB arrival It was discovered that
tlie thiof had outwitted tho watchers
and csenped. No booty was secured.
Dr. K Koonz. a well known dentist
or Alliance, was arrested at Bridge
port on a complaint charging him with
nsFuult upon a young woman patient.
The charges are of a most revolting
character. Tho victim Is In a critical
condition. Tho offense wns commit
ted in tho dontist'B operating room in
a public rooming house. It Is charged
that tho voting woman was drugged
The state railway commission will
havo n genornl round up witli tele
phone officers from all over the state
on January 15, for the purposo of
gathering n lot of miscellaneous In.
formation with reference to some of
tho details of the telephone business,
tho sorvlco rendered by them, meth
ods of classification of subscribers
and system of accounting.
Secretary of State Junkln has ro
celved a letter from tho Union Pa
cific railroad regarding that $50,000
feo supposed to bo duo the state from
tho railroad on account of tho ador
tlon and amendments to tho articles
of incorporation of tho road, which
under tho law must bo filed with to
secretary. Tho railroad has tho mat
ter under consideration and its deci
sion In tho matter will be known
City Clerk Hrntton and City Attor
ney Button of Hastings, are preparing
a measure for submission to the loglB
iaturo providing for registration of
voters In Hastings and other cities or
from 7,000 to 25,000 population nfter
the mannor of that now provided for
Lincoln nud Omnha.
Henry Linenbrlnk, a young man m.
siding west of Callaway, thinks that
ho has broken all corn husking
records In tho state for this season.
During six continuous days or husk
ing Mr. Linenbrlnk averaged just 105
miBhels per day, or husked 030 bushels
In tho six dayB.
Items of Greater or Lester Impor
tanca Over the State.
All over Nebrnska In the Inttor
days of tho old year, cunld waB unus
ually busy.
Ponca'8 Prosbyter'nn Sunday Bchool,
on Chrlstmns day mnde n present of.
$57 to the foreign m'ssion fund.
No less than seven business houses
In the mnln part of Fremont were en
tered by burglars In one night. They
nppeared to be after money rather
tnan goodR, und did not get rich for
their trouble.
Becoming despondent because of ill
health, Arthur Kloepper. t' c 20-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kloep
per, living two miles southwest of
Clntonla, committed sulcldo by shoot
ing. Sheriff Kasper of Colfax county,
armed with requisition papera, went
to Dcb Moines to bring back to Ne
braska one Donahue, who was charged
with obtaining money under false pre-
tenBCB at Schuyler.
At Webster City, wtillo hurrying
over a railroad crossing, Mrs. R. A.
Cnrrlngton was struck by an incom'.ng
Northwestern train. She was hurled
fifty fee: and received injuries which
will prove fatal.
The residence or Mrs. Nicholas Wei
lingsteln, about six miics from Ponca,
was burned. The only son who is llv,
(ng at home was attending a dance nt
tho opera houso when ho learned of
tho fire. Tho loss is estimated at
$5,000 and was well Insured.
Rev. Mr. Guy, who has been pastor
of tho Prcs-bjterlan churches nt Blue
Hill and at Ong. dlv'dlng his time be
twoen theso two annoint moots, hns
resigned his pastorate and will lenvo
for the west soon to make his home.
Charles Sams, until recently em
ployed as farmer at tho Feeble Minded
Institute, was in Beatrice looking for
his wire, who has mysteriously dis
appeared. The couple had trouble
and when Sams returned home from
work ho round his wife gone.
Cumbden Gnrlow. a young man liv
ing In David City, while riding a frac
tious horse in front of Hall's livery
barn in that city, was thrown off nnd
severely Injured. He struck on his
head, und an examination disclosed
that he had fractured his skull.
Judge H. D. Travis of Plattsmouth
hns named the following dates for
holding district court In the Second
Judicial district, for the ensuing year:
PlattKmouth. January 18 and 25, May
17 nnd November IS; In Nebraska
City, March 1 and 8, June 1 1 nnd Sep
tember 20 nnd 27.
Because of the overcrowded condi
tion of the Hastings High school build
ing a movement will soon be started to
secure n bond Issue for an extension
to tho present structure. In the four
years that the high school has occu
pied Its present building tho enroll
ment has increased 80 per cent.
Allen Hickman, a young man living
near Seward was accidentally shot
while out hunting. Ills wounds, while
painful, aro not dangerous. A gun in
tho hands of Arthur Wlotman, a com
panion, was accidentally discharged,
a bullet striking liim dlcetly over the
Frank R. Huxtablo of Broken Bow,
well known throughout Custer county,
made nn attempt to kill himself, pre
sumably by swallowing an overdoso
of chloroform or morphine. Hux
tablo hud been trying for n reeoncllll
atlon with his wire, from whom he was
separated, and fi Is alleged that a
failure to effoct this was the cause of
his dospondency.
A social function of more than or
dinary Interest was hold In Omaha
when was effected the organization of
tho Nebraska Society of tho United
States Daughters of 1812, the first or
ganization of u state society under
the auspices of the national bocletyof
this order, and of which Mrs. Herbert
Ellsworth Gntes is tho state president.
An agricultural and good roads
meeting of great importance wns hold
at tho court house In Tecumseh, tho
nttendnnco being good. Tho meetings
which are being held In each county
of tho first district are under tho aus
pices of Congressman 13. ;,i. Pollard.
Georgo L. Cooley of tho national in
terior department spoke Intelligently
upon the subject of good roads and
made some pertinent suggestions.
Colonel Cupid plnycd havoc with
schoolmarms around about the holi
days, and as a consequonce Buffalo
county needs just an even dozen to
replace those who havo married or
who have signified tliolr intentions of
getting mnrrled. This information wns
convoyed to Stnto Superintendent Mc
Brlen through n'lotter from the county
superintendent nBklng for an Immo
dlnte supply.
The roundup for the wild animal
which is running at Inrgo south of Cal
laway and killing stock nimost nightly
took place as scheduled. Although
about 150 men and boys with guns and
dogB took part in tho roundup, nothing
waB seen of the animal. A large num.
bor of coyotes were caught In the
circle, but nothing larger. Reports con
tinue coming in as regards tho depre
dations of tho animal, however, and
another hunt will be made for It In
tho future.
Tho Home Telephone company,
which operates nt Grotna, Papllllon
and Springfield, hns been given per
mission by tho railway commission to
Increase '.ts rates as follows; Resi
dence telephones, from $1 to $1.25;
rural tolophoneB, from $1.25 to $1.5(1;
business telephones, from $1.50 to $2
n month.
Adjutant General-to-be Hnrtlgnn was
In Lincoln nnd unnounced that the
public Is Invited to the Inaugural ball
to bo given on tho night of Jnnuary
7 In honor of Governor-elect Shallon
borger. There will be no InvltntlonH
Sunday Sdiool Liiion for Jan. 10, 1909J
Specially Arranged for Thl Pajwr
Over Hundred Thousand Dollars A?.
ready Forwarded by Telegraph
Through the Red Cross
President Roosovolt Saturday nn
nounced that ho has aont two supply
ships with $300,000 worth of supplies
to Italy, thut he will ask congress for
udditionul aid nnd that he has oned
the uso of tho battleship fleet to Italy.
J no announcement is made In a telo
gram mado public at tho White house,
which ho sent to Patrick F. McGow
an, chnlrman of tho American Italian
genornl relief committee, Now York
City. Tho telegram follows:
"I earnestly wish success to tho
American Italian general relief com
mittee in its great mass meeting at
Madison Square garden. It Is of course
not possible for mo to attend in per
son. I am doing everything that can
bo dono to get aid to the suffering, and
on account of tho extreme urgency of
tho caso havo sent two supply chips
with $300,000 worth of foods and pro-
utvuil IVALliLJIII. Ullllimr - Ihi
-.-..... iui mu ,li
tnorlty of congresB, being confident
that congress will npprovo my action.
I shall also ask congress for additional
aid and throughout the coming week
will keep In tho closest touch with
congress nnd through tho state depart
ment with Italy, so that everything
possible to be dono by the United
States may be done.
Furthermore, I have cabled the
Italian government proffering tho ser
vices of any or all of the battleship
fleet, if such can be of uso In this
leaiueni iiooscvelt was engaged
Saturday in preparing the messngo
which will bo presented to congress
when it convenes Monday. A lame
amount of data on precedents nnd gen
erally regarding the aid that Is being
rushed from nrIous quarters to south
ern Italy nnd tho means of getting
auccor to tho victims hnd been pro
pared for tho president and was con
sidered carefully by him.
Tho data prepared by the president
showed that in tho Mont Peleo catas
trophe tho government apronrlated
$200,000 for tho relief of tho suffer
era. A commlttco of distinguished
citizens was designated to visit the
sceno and dlsburso the monoy. A
similar plan appealed very strongly to
the president, certain mmiifinntir,.,., i.
Jng suggested, such ub tho selection of
Americans now In Italy or delegation
of tho American umbassador or agents
of tho American Red Cross to attend
tho disbursement of the money. Tho
question which tho president first
sought to determine wns. whether aid
given In UiIb wny would not reach the
sufferers sooner than by means or tho
naval supply ships now on tho Atlan
tic, but many days sail' from Sicily
and southern Italy.
LIOSSON TKXT.-Acls 2:1-21.
VlTBPH. if.i
dOLDKN TEXT.-"! will ilm i?.,j
titer, und he shall Kite you another Coin
fortor, tlint he nitty abide with you for!
rvi-r; even mo spirit of TrutIi."-.lolm
11. Ib, II.
Timet.. . . . .
. imc.-may .-i or 1J(, A. U. SU, on Il
omul-nay or Sunday morning. Tlio da
"' i-rnu-coHi, w nays urter tlie Passover
ui wiurii riirl.Ht wan rrucllled. Tlio mod.
em WhltMiiniiiiv.
CO.VNIX'TION.-Ten diiyn after the lout'
icsson, tlie Ascension, wore spent la
lmyer nnti wnltlntf.
PLACi:. Jerusalem. IVrhnpH the oft
mentioned upper room: perhaps ono of
tho rooms In tho tnmple couits.
Comment and Suggestive Thought.
Three outward manifestations or tho
Holy Spirit's presence. V. 2. "And
suddenly." As they wero praying. So
tlio lightning breaks forth suddenly
from the cloud, but tho electricity that
prepared for It had been gathering
silently for hours. (1.) Tho "sound
from heaven" (Its source) "na of a
rushing mighty wind." More clearly
in tlie revisions, "as of the rushing of
a mighty wind." It does not say that
Physical Test for Officcrc of Navy.
Tho secretary of tho navy issued
Saturday the general order prescrib
ing President Roosevelt's physical test
tor mo omcers of tho navy.
The test, which Is designated for
omcors nshoro, provides that all below
tho grade of rear admiral shall walk
50 miles In threo consecutive dnyii or
rido horseback ninety miles within the
same time, or ride 100 miles on a bl
cycle. The walk must bo mado in a
total of twenty hours, Including rests.
I no ride on horseback must be made
on two days, ono day of seven hours
H rly, ,,n,nut0B n,ld ono day of
six. Tho blcyclo rido must be mado
in n totnl of seventeen hours.
No officer is obliged to tako tho
test before July l nor within u- .-..,
of the retiring age.
Officers alloat will bo required to
undergo a physical examination once
a year.
Islands Want Free Trade.
Secretary Wright will submit to
Clmlrmnn Payne of tho house commit
tee on ways and means a petition of
the Manila manufacturera' association
contnining about 200,000 signatures of
business men and people in tho Philip
pines, asking for free trado between
the United States and tho Philippine
lslnnds. It is expected tho secretary
will accompany it with a letter urging
the removal of tho tariff barriers In
the Interest of Industrial development
of the Philippines.
Burton Virtually Made Senator.
Theodore E. Burton of Cuyahoga
county, for years ono of tho loadors
of tho houso of representatives and
chairman of Its committeo on rivers
and hnrbors, Is virtually Benntor-elect
from Ohio, the successor of Joseph
Benson Forakor. This is tho result of
caucuses of tho members or the state
Bcnnto and houso who constitute the
republican ninjority of those bodies,
which wero hold Saturday afternoon
Thinks Findings too Harsh.
Secretary Wright Is disposed to ex
erclso leniency, If possibly, In tho
cases or several of tho slxtoon Wost
Point endets of tho military acadomy
who havo been recommended for dis
missal by tho academic board for de
ficiently In BtudieB or for oxcoeding tho
111 t!? L demer,t "writs, it appears
that Jn tho caso of a first ulass cadots
ho was referred for dlsmlssa because
ho had ono demerit mark In excess of
io unmoor niiowea ror safety. In nn
otnor caso tho murkings ngalnst the
cadot were for being seen in a barber
shop with hlB coat off awaiting bis
tu uo BUUYUU. .
there was any wind, but only a
as of a wind. No "whirlwind shook
tho building. Hie audible sign fill
ing the room announced te power
represented by it as tiolng the same."
Prof. Hovey. "it (the Bound) flllcl
all the house." and was hoard beyond
Its walls by the multitudes (v. C).
(2.) V. :i. The manifestation to the
car was followed by its manifestation
to the eye. "Cloven tongues," not
each tongue cleft into two parts,
foiked, but "the fire was In the form
or tongues which distributed them
selves over the company, a tongue
Bottling upon the head of each one."
Rncknm. "Like as of fire." It was
not teal fire, as an organ of destruc
tion, but with the uppcarance and
brightness or lire, like that of the
burning bush which Moses saw.
(3.) The third manifeatation was
through the gift of tonguos.
The Significance of the Symbols of
tho Spiritthe Symbol of tho Wind.
The Greek word, as tho Hebrew word,
for "spirit" is tlie same as that for
wind, which Is a natural metaphor
to represent the splilt. Jesus himself
so uses It in John 3: S.
1. It Is nn invisible power or which
no one knows "whence it cometh or
whither it goeth." But you cannot
tell the euuses. which are beyond our
reach. Even to-day. when wo iinv
uatiy reports from the weather b
no one knows where and when a s
will arise. We see tho storm and
mieciion, ami can tell with 'CR
probability to what place it is going"
and when it will get there. But for
beginning and end wo know not
whence It cometh nor whither It goeth.
2. But wo recognize it by its ef
fects, in sound, In music, In forco, in
'!. It Is essential to life.
I. It is nil-pervasive.
o- u is very powerful. The air Is so
powerful that even freo dynamite smlt-
mg against It on ono side crushes
rocks on the other. The other rinv
air from nn explosion of dynailf
swept, away nearly a whole village.
C Yet It is very gentle und delicate,
breathing around the rose, and gently
touching the little child.
The Symbol of tho Flame and Light.
1. It Is mysterious in nature, in
effably glorious, everywhere present,
m wingea, undeflled, and undo
fllable, 2. It represents the healing power
of the Holy Spirit, changing night into
3. It expresses this purifying power.
It is n disease destroyer, a refiner or
1. It symbolized the comfort,
warmth, cheer, fresh lifo. Joy, poace,
which tho Holy Spirit Imparts.
r. Flro is the symbol of Intense en
ergy and zeal. The Holy Spirit flllB
the soul ylth glowing enthusiasms and
unconquerable energy and zeal.
. Light convinces tho world of dust,
of dirt, of n thousand ovll things ur
known In tho darkness. For oxamploii
a ray of light n a dusty room, und
Wt'rwlti 11.. m 4.1.. . . . j
y ........ a ltl uiruiiKii mc glass tube,
n "- wiiua II1UI 110
iuuccsb count moKe known. Sn
Spirit convinces of sin, of the ovIIb in
tho heart. s
Tho truth or this lesson nppllos to
boys und girls ns well as to adulta. It
Is said of the boy Jesus thnt "the
grace or God" was upon him, while
ho "waxed strong, advancod in wis
dom and Mature, nnd In fnvnn win.
Cod nnd man." John tho Baptist also
was filled with the Holy Spirit evon
from his lilrth.
Children need thu Holy Spirit to
help them to be good, nnd onablo thorn
to be disciples of Johub.
The gift of tongues was nu indorse
ment of the command to dlsclplo nil
nations, nn inspiration to oboy it, nnd
a pointer to tho means. "Tho human
tonguo, Illumlnntcd and sancitiflod by
lire from tho Inner sanctuary, was
nbout to bo the Instrument of the gos-
iim s advancement."
The Transformation of tho Apostles.
-Ono effect of this gift of tho Holy
Spirit upon the npostlos was a wondor.
in cnango in them. It was almost
ii uiiHiiguruuon experience.
This Is tho power wo nood for our
own giowth in grace, und in every
good woid and work.
Tho great need of tho church Is a
fuller reception of this power of the
Holy Spirit. Wo are too cold, too
urruld ol deop feollng, too convention
nl, not too pructlcul, but too Inclined
to let our pi notice of good works bo
barren of lovo nnd devotion.
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