The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1909, Image 5

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whjii,jiij'fJtULilii-m'iiu jyra'-wia awnw
nauim imir fiff ,w"im i nw uuiumiwi 'ihimww wn hiiiiwi hi nan miirwu.w.u.iiW'WWf"a LijuuauNii
. ifr i
- e,
A. T Valkf ftns in In irate Aitndny.
Hiilpli P.f spent Mimhy '" McOook.
J'.iul Johnston liu- tvh r i"J ti I in-
MaU ll.-i ii.-.t left for McPlii'iitin
das. Mcltrlitu was down from Cow Irs
Mm. T C. Hacker' went to Lincoln
Aunt I'rudy Mimre is reported uii
1 lie Hick list.
Mls UotLhy r Uor Is home .from a
visit in Denver.
Keoo Thompson, iif Cowles was in
the city Monday.
Head Argarbright'w "announcement"
on another page.
Miss Aniiu Ivicliuula relumed from
lidgar Saturday.
Miss May tludell left lor St. Joe
Tuesday morning.
Mrs Minnie. Taylor was down from
Hirer ton Sunday.
"SiU"! ' Xouctburg' was do.'n from
Vanklin Monday,
Kcad rg.ibrlgiit . g ami ounce
liient in this Ismio.
Hurl Danker returi oil to Klvcrton
tlio last of the wee 'v.
John Woeiner re'itm-M to Webber
thg flrt of tho W".k.
Mrs. Maggie Thoinas is visiting .T.
CI. Griidoru" at Campbell,
Miss Mario Shuto was over from
Nortli Drancli Saturday.
Seo t)r. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
K. 1). Moril?. ami family nro homo
from a visit in Hastings.
Stevens brothors havo bought tho
Shultx. photograph gullory.
John Il'Mitley of Sil'itm Springs.
Ark., is in the city on business.
Lloyd Hlnei went, to York Wednes
day when Ik will cntr school.
Vnu Svi.I- Si room Hoiim j lota
Inquiie at New house's store.
!' ' 1 ' . It' m'II ut I..ismii li .-, ), uii, in (.im lio Ims !. n
Wf.hip-.dny where he nil alUnd v.-iiin in Mlo m Sinin-., iK.uimh,
.-vyN'yvo"pvrv'N'N"A,',s v'"N''"'v,r"NN' 'vs's'VN'r
d'K ; hi 'Hie nnl if uii '1 h IUn9
ft turned home Tue-dny morning
Mis.s Ihnuiu I'iii it man, ulio Iihs been
last two
(turned lo school at Mul'lieiaoU. Kms.. visiting her parent lor tin
Mondii, wetde. leturncl to llcbi.ui
r. , KhU- left Humtajr for Wash- mn KMe He en (Herman
ingtuii, 0. '.. frvin there he mill go 10 Mv Marv nrtmerr ,.,.,, , !,(.
.1. II. Kot)in,un and wife spent Sun,
day. in tlio country with Mr. Kllliigor
and wife. i
Mr. mid Mrs. .John Durkeo returned
home,, fiom rnlnmhtis, Itus.. Sunday
FredjUurdcti, accompanied by Miss
MubelJJssig, wero visiting his folks at
J. II. Kollogg returned to Koniney
Monday where ho is slmllng ul the
state normal.
Mrs. llifo went lo llealrieo Monday
where sho will vl&lt before going on lo
Lincoln to visit.
Dr.; B. A. Thomas has. boon very
sick, Ibis week at his home in llio west
Orn part f tow n.
J r viylor and wife rot nrnod lioili
Saturday from Kearney whore they
npciit the'liolidiiyH.
Mrs. llnrpbnm of Clayton, Ka., is
visiting I er daiKltf Mm, Dick
Rmjehey IbU week.
.lohn Wugncr and ftimlljr aro bomo
from ah etmded visit witli rlatlres
at and near Cowles.
Mbs. Pharos went to It istiugs Moo
dtiy'to attend tho futiertl of Mr.
Howard, the jeweler.
Mrs. Violu Austin is visiting from
the pareiital roof with Miss Lauri
Uoilgc for a few days.
Hnico fiecltwltli returned to Lincoln
Monday morning torosume hlsstudios
at tho state mil orbit y.
Tom Kebbl till 'd tlio misforluno to
loso a new overcoat ut tho Now Years
dance, Friday evening
Mioses Mario and Katrine Durko. re
turned Saturday from a two weeks
visit at Walnut. Iowa.
Mi (1 to- II do returned from
Auror.i S.itir'iy evening where she
tl spent the lullIn.y s.
fw '
Miss Edna Fltsmatrlck returned the
last of tlio week from spending tho
holidays in Denver.
Itoad Master Trout has moved into
his new residence just completed on
1st and Walnut streets
Pole Dritton of Uluo Hill was in the
city Monday While hero ho niado
this ollieo a pleasant call.
Harry Studebakcr and sislor, Miss
L'.iquita left for Mel'horson, Kans.,
Monday to iiltond College.
It looks like Arga'uight expects to
raise prices on high grade pianos, read
his announcement in this issue.
Miss Francis Urb returned from her
homo InCiollenburg, Saturday lo re
sume her belioot duties hero.
Dr Wintersou phyhhilati and sur
geon; otllco and rcsldenco phone sumo
us Dr. Haines. Potter block.
Miss Uorlliti IJ'irlow has gone to Lin-
.. , .,1 ,. !.
,, i:.... n... i.ii,i,,v., i.i nirhi. com to aiieiui cuuego iu prcim.u ,..-
"lBrsi,l"u" "'" ' self for teaching shorthand.
lioma. I
Msbs Mabel Wiufrey ims gouo to
York to attend business college.
Minor Slier oml departed for Notio
Dnme, Indiana, Monday morning.
Miss Grace Frisbio returned the Urst
ofyiio week to Wesleyn University.
K K. Burr of Onido Koelc was trans
acting business in the city Monday.
Miss Kutli .lohnston has returned
toher s-ehool duties near Uluo Hill.
MissMargeretMcCutohcon is back
from Archer where she spent Xmitb.
Chas. Kellogg roturuod to Crcto
Monday morning to resumo his studies.
Miss r.urllla Caldwell wont t- Kan
i sub City Wednesday to visit relatives.
L Mrs. Beit Morhart returned the la-t
y . of tlie v.rek from a visit in Teoumseb.
VMi- Maud Wilson returned to Lin-
itln Monday aftor visiting her sister
vk. i.'iitt.m and faiiiil.v are homo
Ooln Moiulny to tftutue th. ir Mtidic.
Mr. and Mrs. Steele and da ghter or
Uospmout nro visiting 'r. Slnele's
sister Mrs. John Hmvos and family.
Attorney MeNeny was in L iicolu
tlds week on biislucs mid ui-. present
at the inauguration of (lor Shallcu-
Miss Mattie Able ret rued lo Mo
Cook S inlay lifter spending the holi
days with her p wonts, Mr. anil Mrs
Moss Able.
(loo. W. Hutchison, eleik of the dis
trict court depnried for Lincoln Mon
day lo help inaugurate (Sov elect
Dr. Wairiek. tin spoelalisf will moot
eye, car, noso aim iiiroai p.uiouis ami i
tliose needing glasses, at Dr. Pamu-l
ell's office Titcsd.iy, .luniinry UHli.
Luc.ik A sold their nliort urdcr
house Wednosday lo r. O. A. NeNon
who iuimpitiately took piisxenxion of
the samo. We wlsii you .tico-ss Doc. I
Hovven Bro., living south of the
river have "ouuht the barn ti'id dr.iy
Hue of P. W. Ktodebiiker. hey will ,
take po"-sc-sion on or Icfote Feb lot. j J
Miss Norma U.d usison let rued lo ,
th- state unlversiiv Sunday and ls C
Miugiirit'i riuiti d to Omaha after, '
spending tho holidays with their J
parents. c
Mrs Grace Gntllu has leturned to j
Lincoln and Mrs. i yilia Kiehard re
turned to Wo ping V a'er after bpciid-
I ing tho holidays with their mother,
Mrs- Uife.
Chas. Shollnek who bus been oper
ator ut thoTopeu ro-igncd Ids posltfon
Wednesday morning ami left for
Hastings. From there ho goes to
New Me. co.
T.J. Waul went to Lincoln yosLr
'day to be pioeiit at nil inmguial of
i ho llr t d. moertitie govern. ir ho evei
wituesed in-t.illed Into i.tMee. Mr'
Ward's sojourn is indefinite.
Grant llalley who has been spend
ing the holidays with his parent-, Mr.
and Mrs. Judo llalley lot rued to
Omaha Saturday wln-re he has a cleri
cal position in the Union Pacific olllecs.
Tho ladies of teroischorcan tasto
gave a grand leap year hop and
banquet at tho Woodman hall New
Years evening. liveiyono piesent
pronounce tho occasion tin enjoyable
one. ,
Tlie following sto'kmen shipped
stock Sunday from this point: Dr
Damerell & Stewart, cir of hogs
Miner & Moduli, three cars; II. C. Cut
ter, one ear; & Mcintosh, one
car; and Jim Mcintosh four ears of
For uhuppcu hands,' faeo and lips
I'lucsulvo Carbolizer is linmedlato
roliof (Acts like a poultice) good for
outs, bums, bruises, skin diseases.
Draws out inflammation. I'rico O.'io.
Try it sold by Henry Cook.
A new stock of Selz and Florsheim
just arrived in our store.
Our slock is always fresh as we do
such a large Shoe business you will
never find old slock in our slore.
Tills is a fact worth cojislcleriog when
yon are mt to buy a NEW pair S
S2P to 4.00
$4, to 5.50
Big line boys shoes made by Binley,
Slevens and Selz. Come lo us for
Shoes il will pay you.
EBjKsgsi&v tsnan csmaaaaE
Always Reliable
Firsl Door Norlh of Poslofficc
ARE you after something good in clothes? The
best? All you need to do to have it is
lo come here lo us and say
Harl Schaffner & Marx
clolhes; we'll do the rest.
1 We'll set before you a
I weal: feast of good things;
The following Is an Extract from a letter from the Civil Service Cimnlsstoncr:
You will be pleased t j learn tliatespi-rtopuratorsot tlie (j.unmutur
.MultiKrapli areineluded in tlie elassillcil biaueb of tlio Civil Sorvlue.
Tlie lli-t e.NMtiiinatiou to seeiiro eli'ibles rrom wliieli to fill pui
tious in tlie IW Olllee Dep'irliueiit and !eoloiioil Survey will
liu bold .January '., t'.)U'., uiulur tlie eonditions as oulllned In tlie
iittaobed faeslinlle of notieo ent out by tlio Civil Servieo Commis
sion, (hiuuneter Mulli;rapbs will bo supplied by the Company
free of charge, at the places of examination uumod in the elrcilar
Now then, youittf men and younj women, i'ou say that
you would like: to hd': one of these positions but you are not
able to act it But You Can!
Here is what we are goini to do for You:
To every young man and young woman who takes a
scholarship in either the Shorthand or Commercial Depart
ment we will give a four weeks course in tlie Multigraph
Department and wait till you complete the course and get a
position before you pay.
Isn't this fair? Let us hear from you at once.
This offer open till January 15, 1909.
Hr.imbN Business Co.i.i.ugk, ... - Hebron, Nebr.
the finest clothes made;
the best styles; the choicest
foreign and domestic fab
rics; the highest class of
It will be worth as
much to you to buy these
clothes as it's worth lo us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
fail tj$K "X 14 Miiyi
Bra VVl
BIT fmf7'7 &$m 1
)l frfa m M (" A'S'.'-i'-it' :-'- '' 'A' vi
V 1 .' MBfCVK. ' I ' r '- :(1. " ' ijl
m Copyright i9o3 t.y 3
v Hare aclutrnc Mara 0fflf
Mesdames Forjruon, Wiles and
Gntdner cntei tained the ladies of tlio
Iloyal Neighbor lodjfo Tuesday even
SiiK in honor of their mother, Mrs. li.
II. Fort of Rod Cloud, who is Past
Oracle of tlie Iodize at that place, and
.Miss Emma Murine of Ohieauo, sister)
of Mrs. A. (;. A.elson, a member 01
the Itoyal Nelyhbors, who aro horo
visiting. Tho evening wan spent in
various eontests in a onjoyublo
manner until about 10:30 when an
olaborato lunebeoii was served.
Orleans Chronicle.
Tho cattlemen and htockrai.ser.s of
tills vaeinltv held tlioir annual
baniMiotnt tlio Hotel Itoyal on Now
Veins evening, at which time tho fol
lowing guests woio present: Dr. Dam
ei ell, Win. Weosner, Wado Koontz,
Mr. Stewart, J mes Mcintosh, ,lalo
HldiiKer. J Y. Ciow. C. II. Miner,
Co ny Starke, Chris Starke, h, Ksslg,
Win. Kolierlsiiu, .lokejih (luriiey, .Jack
Wiueenrvi-r, (loo. Tophain, W. V.
Kiieliu, Win. I'rablll, A. T Walker.
Jay Drinkard of St. Joe, Io waH
the guebt of lionnr.
At a proper time an eleuunl luncliooii
was horved to which all did Justice.
Dr. D.uncrell in ted as toastinaater,
Tho boys Bay they had a good time.
Otis I.oggetl, who was arrested in
Minden Ia-.t week, on Hiispiolon of
being implicated in tlio recent b'mk
robberies at Keene, Cereseo and other
towns is homo. Ho and Uert ("arr and
Wioyd Tliorpe of Hastings who woio
jointly anested at the above place,
were turned Iuoko there vm not suf-
tleieiit eviihMieo to hold them. They
weie turned Iiximii without a proliuii
uaiy iieai iig '1 lio oill ialswlio woio
r(tspoiiltde lor their arr- ut along with
that count , will now fueua good tdftcd
diuuago tult t r false impiisoui lent,
an I tho I i'n aio Jnsti' ed lu so doing.
.I i .. - i I.... 1.1...1 ,.f ...... i.
j. lie re li li o it in in iium mini m i i
I of nrresth g pioplo upon homo bucli
oliarge, without any particular found
ation, and tho responsible patties
fahoiild pay for llio damage..
Mrs. l-'rahm entertained New Years
G. V. AigabVltfht was in lilnden
this week.
Will lllfe came lit from KdgarThurg.
day inoining
Ihilpli Slioriunu leturned from Mis
souri Tliursdiiy morning.
Tliursday, .Tohnniu Hart began put
ting up oightdnch ice oil' tlio creek.
Senator Uesso of the henato was ap
pointed on the employe committee.
Zuph Itosonorans came In from Hoi-
vidoro. Illinois), Tliursdiiy morning.
"Hiusk" IlelUor who played ball
liero hist summer wa elected captain
of the btuto university foot ball team
for this year, thin week.
John Hamilton, fid. Cra-y, Jim Jen
nings, and Chae. Kmhouf came, up from
Guide Hock Monday evening to attend
tho T. 0. 0 V. JriBtallatiou.
The P U O. ladles entertained their
many friends at tlie homo of Mr. and
Mrs,. ,Dr. Kobt. Mitchell Now Year'H
day. ' All afternoon crowds of friends
wero coming and going. They gave a
very ulco musical program, Miss Helen
Oiormiiu and Josephine render
ing several solos. (Miocolatq and
wateihwvre served. In tlie evening
they uiitiM'tiiiiud tho B. I I.. buys, m
cards wile - a dainty luncheon was
Dr. DrftchooV IiIUf r ir ItheuiUMtisiu
ami None dghi ruin .til cured In 1 to
:i dins, its notion .ipm lle hyst i i i
reiiiiuktbio and inyhterlons. It ic
inoveSHt oneo the cause and thu dlv
eisi-liiiai'di ilel.s ul-appi'ii . The 'list
dose gu.Uly tsiiieiits 7'xi a'd (si. S "ll
i by Too II IJ. tirieo Drii' Co., KeU
'Cloud Nobr.
New Year.
)i jniiiAAj
The Qpoeep
All tho Phones
mi iii ii nr iniTrr r-
R ia (a riA ftw "II timm'MPiirA
Hardware and Sporting
Goods Merchants
DA2T BUAIiD'S splendid, effort
7ill ho mailed postpaid to any
lpiicant by J. bTi:vr.X3 Aihw
.ool Uompaxv, Clilcopco
Falls, Jlass., upon
receipt of prico.
j"or papor cover edi
tion forward 20 con ts j
fur cloth bound book
send UO cents.
Writ ton
', iuuuu uy
P. 0. Cox 4C33
'rat cucojxe i iui, mui.
i ! .in ftm ifciijMO
If & J
t niKW&'C A. i-
I - t s
" V m
i, j
mmwigimniii in iimti'
Mt" iiiffTmMlrn i v-. --
m rBrRkaflsp?Kf4iMruar -a