The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1909, Image 4

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gTiT;,w Jtfi);).iM'iii'Ki'jwi jiwiiw.giw.iJL"Auwjj.iiii''fi.wMil.iiuMauiiJiiuuL 'iwwwiiwnri Jig-jjwaiJMJiE;ii.iij);v.iiroaCBtM
ienogpiHM7twwa'a.ciwywiujur m wiuiia naanagajmwiw.if.igJ I vJutreww
15he CHIEF
Rod Cloud - - NcbrnUi
Bnlfrwl In tho IMtpmp Hi Wl Olond. !eh .
in Seroml CUM JUUtr
0. . TIALK
City Officers.
Coiiiicllmon, lstwiitil
Cotuiclhncii 2nd wnril
Rnpt. I,lp,!il nixl Wnll'l
MvrMitil, lny
.. .!.(. OlilwHI
I,. II I'nri
.1.11 lliitliir
IM Anwrk
K1 I'liMpliiT
..I. A. MfArllmr
Air. Md'nll
Ojcnr lliirrnnili
A I Mlftltl
.lolm KIIIH'I
County Officers.
CJrtkDlMitrt Court.
JihIrp ..
ciorit . ....
TrcHsuriT .
Attorn.') ... .
Hhorlir .
Hi! lit, l'ul.llo Itrnttiirilnti
Hurveyor ..
. OCO. W. lIllll'lllMlll
I. W. lillKOII
. I' W. Iloim
V 0. Krnlmi
I,. II. UUckMxi
... .). I). IIelKf
II. !, Seen
.. .. -. Nellie omit
l)r. f. It. IIhII
(Jeo. OvnrliiK
... . Jh. l (ivrrmmi
T.if. CllHplltl
Win. Aiiilorn n
Clco. V. Hiliiimol
The Alfalfa MM.
Several of the buMneM melt nutl
farmer have got a petition III clrculii
lion lokmj Rbonlliow much ooi'tld bo
rab i-il to start, an alfalfa mll About
ortlie bundled" Juiiitit lias been
iiiIm'.I In the punt week ami more will
follow. They ore planning to civet tt
mil that will grind fifteen tons of
nlf.iirai very day and' will employ llvo
men. This mil t will be built near the
railroad. ThiH will be u good thing
fir the fnt mots an they will have a
market hero at home for their alfalfa
Christmas Tree Custom Uplirtltl.
Wiiwhliifjt'iii, Doc. ml -The chantry's
forc-tn again have been called upon to
supply about four million Christina
trevn, and ugnlh many persons have
asked thMiiselvos mid huvo queried
lliu United States Karon t Service, "U
the custom ti menace lo the movement
for forest preservation?
In the million of happy homes over
tho country where thu younger goner
atlon has mado tho Christmas tree the
center of playsinee early Friday morn
ing, thero are many mothers and
fathers who havo given tho ipiostlou
tnuie or less thought. From Sunday
Schools and other organizations also,
which hold an annual celebration
around a gnyly 1 rimmed evergreen for
the benefit of tho little one", has como
the question whether It Is consistent
to urge co' f-orvntlon of forest resources
and then to eutinlllionsof young trees
every year to afford a lilt e joy In tho
passing holiday season.
"Yes, it is consistent and proper
that thocusloinshould bo maintained,"
ban been tho answer of I'nited States
Forester (Mliord l'iuchot in every ease.
"Trers are for two and thero it no
other use lo which they could be put
which would contribute so much to
tho joy of man a their use by tbo
Ahild,mD qu this onc great holiday qf
tho yoi
" ' !'1 ifuniW oflrn) cut Tor lb Is
uo each year Is utterly luiguificuni
when compared to the consumption
for other nUrpones for which timber is
demindcd. Not moro than four
million I'hrlsltniM trees are used each
year, onj in cvo-ry fourth family. If
planted four feet apart tboy could bo
grown on lew t linn liOi acres. This
clearing of an acre equal to a good
sl.ed farm each Christmas should Hot
unci will not have to ship It to othor
points lo be ground. Tills will be u i bu a subject of much worry, when it is
good thing for the town.
3. 0. 0. F-
Tho lien AdhcmUes of tills city with
John Hhult. of Cluldo Uock as the In
rilmetnliered that for lumber alone It
is necessary to take timber from an
arcaofmoro than 103,0 JO acres every
day of the year.
It Is lino that there bus beon .serious
vlallation olllcer, administered the damage to forest giowth in tho cutting
obligation to tbo overal olhVs who ' 0( Chrlhliua trees in various seetlons
Will Tor the ensuing year perform tbo 0f this coun'ry, pit tletilary iu the
fiinetloiiH of their respective ofllcos as Adirondack and parts of New England
lloone Saunders. Noblo (Irand.
.Joseph C. Saylor, Vice Grand.
Oscar C. Ttol. Secretary.
Kluior V. Hoss, Treasurer.
l'aul Storey, Trustee.'
The appointive olllcers to the N'oblo
Grand are as follows:
Right Support, Arthur Robinson.
Left Support, Irving CummingH.
Tho appointive otlleers to tho Vleo
Urand aio as follows:
Right Support. V. I. Cieer.
Left Support. Frank Ueuibir&on.
Inslilo Wateh. tieorgo Smith.
Warden, A. 1). Wonderly.
After the eoroiuony oysters woro
served at the UobiiiBOU Cafe.
j but in these very sections the damage
through tho cutting of young overgieen
for use at Chrbtnias is intlnitesimal
when compared with tbo los- of forest
resources through Hies and careless
methods of lumbering. Tho proper
romedy is not to stop using trees but
to adopt wis r methods of use.
It is generally realized thus a certain
proportion of laud must always bo
used for forest growth, just as for
other crops. Christmas troes aro one
form of this crop. There is no more
roason for an outcry against using
land to grow Chri-tiiiiis trees than to
grow llowers.
Tho Forest Service upholds the
Christmas tree custom, lint recognizes
at the same time. that. tho indiscrlmlu-
Tilt N6W YWJr ato cutting of evergreens to supply the
Once more wo stand upon tho Hires-1 holiday trade Ims produced a bad ef-
bobl of a New Year. The doors of tho
past aro closed; we can nover open
them again, liood or bad, the work
wo havo wrought must stand. Thero
Is doubtless much we would wibb.werc
blotted oft' the page; many n careless
deed; many an idlo word; many a
thoughtless net that brought pain to
tho hearts we would gladly havo
pleased. Hut thero aro many Miniiy
pages, too. Many little, unnoticed
bindncsses, many gentle, sympathetic
words or nets; many things that have
lifted the load or lightened the labor;
and the hulaiioc may be on the rlgli)
side. When tbo pattern Is finished,
our Woik may shine up brighter than
feet upon many Mauds of meroliaii
tablokiudsof trees in different Mictions
of tho country. Waste and destruc
tion usually result when woodlands
aro not under a proper system of forest
management. Foresters say that it
Is not by denying ourselves tbo whole
some pleasure of having abltof nature
in tho home at Christmas that the
problem of conserving the forests will
bo solved, but by learlng bow to use
forests wisely and properly. The
ravages through forests tires must bo
checked, the many avenues of waste
of timber iu its travel from the woods
t-i the mill and Ibenco to the market
must bo closed, and almost number-
wo can now ever know. Let us deil css important problems demand at-
Iciudlv and justly with ourselves; as
with others. Let us sock to make tbo
future atone for the past. It V.'.ll be
well to face our souls, and judge our
miUos. Ami when the evidence ii all
in, let as forgive ourselves, as wo for
give others, and obey tho Saviour's In
junction to the cruelly accused one,
and "go and sin no more." This year
should be so beautiful with good deeds
that we shall feel that it is good tollve
and that tbo woild is better because of
us. Wo w bh you a happy, prosperous
New Year. The- Commoner.
tentlou befove the I hi talmas tree.
Uefmany is coucoded to have tbo
highest developed system of forest
management of any country, yet its
per capita uo of Christ man troes is
greatest. The cutting of small trees
for Chi talmas is not there considered
in tho least as a menace to tbo forest,
but, on tbo contrary, as a means of im
proving tho forests by thinning ami
as a source of revenue Itis theicfoie
constantly encoiu aged.
Thero is little doubt but that tho
time will come when the Christmas
,,.. . .
To fill your wants in "whal ever you may want in
the grocery line..
We are gelling a nice New line of Evaporated
Fruits', this years crop. They are fine, the flavor
rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweel
pickles, "Ask to try em" Wc are also head quarters
for Snydcrs Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect.
And Falgcr's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and
Extracts ect.
Our Best Brand of Caned goods. Call tor The White
House Brand.
Dill Phone 4
Rural Phone 63
trio will become ari,otiiiZ''il bid 1 try
in tliii country, ami that n- much
'ittoi'tiou will be f.'iMi to it as wi 1
be given to the ginning of crops of
Umber for othor uses. This time may
not ho far oir, for It is alresdy under
stood thai only through the practice
of forestry, .which means both tin eon
srva'lonof tho tlurer winch icmitlna
and c'lrcfnlly pi nine I sy items of i"
toratiou,ill it be ponih!o to supply
tho country with Its fony billion feet
of lumber imi'dod ouch yov. as wall as
tin few million little trees used at
Christmas time.
WASiiiNnVofTui rea.
The debut of Miss Mthel Jloo-evelt,
the second daughter of tho President
took place at tho White House Tues
day evening. Tb- form of entertain
ment selected by Mis Roosevelt for
the coming out of her young daughter
was the same as that for Alice, now
Mrs. Loiigwoilh, 11 "small danco" for
which live hundred invitations had
been issued, and for evory invitation
thero were probably more than (Ire
iieirt break among tho girls who had
loiigid in vh1ii for the coveted piece of
oard board. The younger smart set is
made and limited for the winter by
tho de ut of MUs Roosorelt since an
invitation to tbo dance lslle hall mark
'y which those who ai'o wlthlil tho
magic circle are marked olf from those
who aro without, fho d.ineo was a
brilliant a I lair, a beautiful soiling
pretty girls In the most gorgeous of
dlreclolro gowns tun! young officers in
,ny uniforms combining to make the
picture. T e Lust loom so Well known
to tourists from all otfer tho country
was used for dancing and the supper
was served iu the lower corridor w ich
was one of tho additions to the breath
ing space of tbo WI1H0 House when
the alterations wore mado a few years'
ago. Miss F.'hel, who is far from
being a beauty was nevertheless cti-
giging, In a girlish, wholeso no way
and the President who must by .this
tlmo havo become accustomo 1 to being
only a sido i-stie at many of the White
Iloii'O h if. sirs whs pr iperly retiring.
lo bit olllccs Iu a far end of the build
ing be reigns suprem, whethor it be a
Cabinet meotlm; or a gathering of
Senators or foreign diplomats but bo
has so of tun laid to play a secondary
pint Iu the Hast room where Mrs.
I.ongwoHh mado her iieluit and was
later married, and where ids younger
has now made her ibow to the world
of fashion, and iu tho many musical
affairs of Mrs. Roosevelt that ho has
an air of feeling himself something of
a supernumerary when he appears
there. Mrs. Roosevelt, is loo- i gwoin
mid tired this winter and her close
frh'iuls are saying that -be does n t
regret that she it soon to retire. A
few years years ao slio said quite
frankly that she lilted her job but it
is believed now that she is looking for
ward In lior proi oxod trip to ISurope
tbii spring wbero she will spend a yen
defore returning to this counti.i.
WhMi Alice Longworth was Eth 1'-.
auo &I10 was considered too much of a
hoyden to bo trusted with a tiip to'
ljurop and presentation at the courts
thero but lior y linger sister has a
quieter disposition and lias had the
advantage of a longer period boforo
the public ami at tbo homo iu 'lie
White house. She will bo presented
at several European courts and is to
have a 1 tho itdva- tugeu ami delights
of contact with tho highest society In
the capitals. Mrs. Roosovelt has not
been abroad since iier marriage which
occurred In London and she must be
soinothing moro than human if the
contrast between her position- at that
time when sho had gone abroad to
take a place as fcoveinea iu a f.imlly
with that iu which sho will ilnd her
self when sho will "become the guest
of kings does not give aer some thrills,
As tho calendar year closes it is
brought home to the Treasury depart
ment and to Congress that there has
beon a serious sin inkngo of tho nation
al purse. SInco the llscal yoar began
on the Urst of .July the nation has
spent sixty llvo millions dollars moro
than it has collected and tins is tho
showing for only six mouths of tho
year. The secretary of tho treasury
estimates that the deficiency will bo
one hundred and fourteen mil ions for
the entire llscal year. Last year this
deticit amounted to only fifty eight
mill mi" and the preceding 'year there
wus a surplus of forty millions. Hut
from a financial point of view tho
wort is not told iu those deficits,
Conurtsft is nerved to on expoi slve
program No matter how huid the
watch dogs of the Tre-isiny in the
llmise and iu tho Senate may bay and
growl and show their teeth a raid Is
determined upon, and 'appropriation
bills aro bound to swell indeed it will
lie false economy to postpone River
mid harbor improvements, the cmal
ization recommended by tho President,
Laud by the convention on wider trans
portation recently hold in Washington.
Theso and other national enterprises
will cost millions, perhaps billions.
They come high bat wo must have
them. They aro economical neces
sities and It is easy to tig re that they
will it tin 11 the country a splendid In
tel et on the buoMiix nt. The Govern
m nt will simply l.avo to lesort to
other sources ot t.tvition tora!s funds
for tin---' in pi " c a. His fix on
'iP tin' national cvheqiier and if to
this should ho aided a. was the t.i.x
dining the Spanish wsr of a dollar a
barrel on beer the nation will have
enough to improve the waterways and
the roads, lo increase tho army and
11 ivy and to carry on witho it delicti
the multifarious affairs of government.
Thero is evident anxietvalliie White
House willi reference to the rep"iti?d
conditions 011 the Isthmus. It has
been rumored for somo time that the
(lutuii dam is a failure and although
those rumors havo noen r'l i'edly
denied they persist tnd tho 1. that
tho President linn asked the i'lesident
elect to go to the Isthni s. pitting at
Ids disposal two war ships nnd appoint
ing six distinguished civil eninecis
to accompary him Is ground for fore
boding with many in n forouce to the
Until success of this stupendous under
taking. '
J!cal Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, .Ian. (i, 1001).
Clarence S. Jones to Charles 1J.
Eddy, s2 sw 1, .ri-2-PJ, wd loOO
12. J Groat U Ltazio Oroal, lot
10. 111k. 38, Red Clouil, nl. , . . '.'00
E U. Overman to Lawrence L.
Upron, be al, 82 sJ sal, IG-Ml,
wd ?... $50
Herbert E. Griec lo Ticulah M.
Mitchell, lots 1, 3, 3, 13, 11, 15,
pt Ifl IRIc 1, UDwsadd, Red
Oloud, wd 0000
Jacob . Bottorff to IHnk Camp
bell, wi n2 mvi. pt.Ji2 nw,
ltt-1-12, wd 200 1
Bd vlu T. Foe to R. R. Thomp
son, lots 12, 13, 11, 131k. Su,
Cowlcs wd 22o
Edwin T. Foo to
Swlgnrt, o2 lot
Cowlcs, wd
S M True- to William Cobly,
sw 19-2-12, wd
i'illa Cook to Daniel Forbes and
-.John V. Uontley, lots 11, 12,
lllk ;., Red Cloud, wd
f"VX'VS'.',s'"V "" s'"v'r v.-",""''v'V
Ss' Wi
fcfa ti
When looking for the Best in
Furniture, Carpets and Under
taking come to the Leaders.
Vlifl IFl RK. tfTl 1
r-i &
ViKf.l A
&Bjnm Jy MuPruiw
L ca tiers in Furniture an d Un derlahing
a u tin jra y
imSftPM M I.
) ZM. !
l?hV C
ivbj I
11, lllk
$20 itK) 00
Mortiraifch tiled. UTI'c.'i.oO
Mortgages released oi813.()).
Terms of Co::rt for Jf!)9.
Maivh J, Epiity.
April 20, Jury.
September 2IJ, Equiy.
Xovombi r in, Jury.
Speciai lirand Jury, April lr..
1 i 1
Mrs. Mudson aged 8U years and 11
mouths, died atUlie home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Chas. Smelser, living nortli
of Inavalo on Sunday .January 3rd.
The funeral was held Monday coir
d eted by Rev. Hill of Inavalo and the
remains were laid to test at the Forty
one ic'iH'tory.
? c 5Bag.r?.:..v:" y- r " ": c " - --1
J . ' ... .t ! !..l.i t...-
,: UUCatlSC OIU prices Oil ulCiU youiia cue iiyui-auuuai i
as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses.
y Wc invite you to the largest house in the county, one
S that pays taxes on $10,000 worth of goods while our '
r 1
c competitors pay on .7,5 do. you can readily see
j where to trade to get the goods. We are here to
stay, dive us a trial and be convinced. We
not undersold by anybody.
d-js..fvv,wA-vvs- ti
Red Cloud Hardware
c$aid ImpleiTient Con
WM. WOLFE, Secretary.
3 Days.
Morton L Hill, of Lobanon, Ind.,
says: "My wife had Inllamniatory
Uheumatisin iu every muscle and joint;
her suffering was terrible and her body
and face were swollen almost beyond
tccoguitioudiu 1 bceniubedftirsi.v weeks
and had oight physicians, but received
no benefit until she tried Dr. Dotchon's
Relief for IHioumnti3m. It gave her
immediate relief and she was able to
walk about in three days. 1 am sure it
saved hor life." Sold by Tho II. K.
tJrice Hrug To , Red Cloud, Ncbr.
U W &ai Stir P id
An improvement over many Couch. Lung nnd Ilronchial Remedies, becauje it rids tho
system of a cold by actirnJ as a cathartic sin the bovcb. No opiates. Guaranteed to glvo
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Don't Pass This Up
Come in and look over our line of Dry Goods, Notions,
Laces, Embrideries, Combs, Gloves and Knit Goods
before buying elsewhere.
. How is your Table Linen for 1 909
Before buying come and Look at our line.
60-inch Tabic Cloth, all while, open work border at 45c.
66-inch guaranteed all linen Table Linen; open work border, with Napkins to match,
Napkins $3.00 per doz., Table Cloth 75c.
In collars we have the high Diacctorie
styles from 25c to 50c, also ,a large line of
lace and silk collars from 25c to $2.50.
Bear Skin Coats
Infants Bear Skin Coats all sizes and col
ors from $2.25 to $3.00 each.
Bear Skin Hoods from 35c o 1 .25 .
LliWWvVvV1vA ffS JVvAim 'WA 'yVyV WWWW A- rfVV 'WW'WJ
bitnlt chc ls ui.d mi il id i I'Vinein!""
' r al cit it , v i e IT v and te twill easily v,
I At K
Children's Sweaters
Infants all wool sweaters at 60c,
Children's all wool sweaters, edged
contrasting colors at 75c.
All kinds and colors from 5c to 30c
iif JW
w nwun a ffn yiiim'VMi
".. . lrtWh,pM