s"" '- SMtly f A Nmynftrr Hint Gives TIib Mms DfO-twd l k Fr.h Vi-nr ror Cur Dollar. IMflD OL.OUI), ISIJKASKA, .JANTAIJY 8, 1SMMJ. VOLTJMJiJ XXXV II. NUMB 10 If a n ni in s I , i i ta-Sf. .&.&. .brewed JL w i N R. . ' V t.r 1 11 . .. v.V - Ti. 1 3&:&s&5&e& (fj W to Ui il i iti iXi l) ii il) tt ft il il) iti Ui il) to il). vi il; 0 il) itt il ii i il) ili $ id i il itf itf il) it) U il i ii & NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Cash Jewelers and Optometrists C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors '& &&&&r$&$&&&&&&& , AM BOY Mr. IJanis is .visiting hti brother, C. II Harris. Mis, Giant Mu is visiting 1 -'' Mster, Mr-. Frod Ellliclc. " Mr.. Alf. Sahiden is visiting re.la tlvs in Hod Cloii'l. Mis-. Alum I limes spent Now Yours with Miss Itortha Doyle. Kobcrl..Coopor haa returned to hlsi -chool duties iit Fremont. Mrs. .Tolin Iloloomb'scrved s ppor to ti Cow young people Sunday. Miss Mary lloleouib is isitluir with her grandmother for a few days. Lucius V'rlsblo lias returned to (iencv.i. wbori' is teaching school. 'iss Orai'o Frisbii luib lOturnoil to ho- iioliool duties at University I'Iikv. lii-imio Itasser i- in the fur busiin'.sh. Anybody wishing to soil call on him. Andrew King went to Burr tlaU Sunday to visit his sister, who is very siel: Ai IU'ekor and family spent Now .AV us with Nd Unci and family at . it s Mi - s M ij Frbbh and Hoi iol?u-si r pont Nw eais with Miss Armuida iluustede. v Mrs. John Emick and faon, Vorn pent Now Yciuh wltii Mr. and Mrs. Apoiter Hule. 'M Thomiis Swart, sold tiiroe thousand bushels of corn to tho Amboy Milling Co., the last of the woek. i starku Hros. are feodlnp five hundred Innul of cattle and four hundred and fifty hojjs. Thoy havo Hfty thousand bushels of corn on hand and are Ket tliiT more every day. CUMDE ROCK. 1 Pool i. ut luavali at present un'tiUo ; Hi v. Hill in iovivulniPolinj:. Mr and Mrs. W. K. Crowcll ,wob Coined it line son to their home Sun day. Pa re w 'in uood attendance hi tho Mi-lVi'i t itruo"' a Mr. A. W ll 1 --t T1iuim1.i,y, . ui n .ii d It a n . lw,U' UIS h"ld joint liiiVdhil 01 iMdny cvonlcg A supper and a good timo followed. ! lv V v w w w w v w V ip V s w w v w v W v vv . 1 wr j x I ! Wish one and All! A .Merry Christmas; AND A Happy New Y ear j Thoi.o O. i and llebekah lodges I, held a joint installation Wodnosdav evenin-,'. followed by a luneh and social time. , l.'ev. N. A. Martin, presiding elder pieached Sunday I'leniun t the M K church. His senium was enjoyed by ; everyone pie.sent. Mrs. T. J. Muloney received word Monday Hint her nephew, Charley llur huge of Itiirr Ouk had fallen while loading hos,- bieaking tho bone abovo the ankle. Mr.s. llergtleld went to Chester last Tueadj, to visit her daughter. Mrs. Coloiimn. Miss Anna Her Hold who is hero fiom Denver visiting went down Thursday Mrs.. Maude .street f Hastings (nought her three jeir old boy here for burial. He died at Hastings. Tile funeral was hold at the M. K. uhuruli. Mrs. Streut was 0110 of tho daughters of Cleo. Payne. Monday afternoon, Mrs. Howard Wirt gave a little party in honor of the third birthday of lior son, Roland. She rntertainod her Huuday hchuol c.Ikss Htid huvciiil otlim small children. LlKht lefresliuiuiits wt-io served. " " " WlibTLRN WlCHSTIiR This locality it, having a .small hicgo of zero woatlier. Sunday it was warm enough to rain, but it isn't that way now. Frances Kelly bholled corn Mouday. Fred Watson did tho work. Mi. Hprtcnso Grossman and child ren visited Sunday ut Mrs. Hillo Harvey's. Julius Pollock of Lo. Angeles. Calif. and Miss Flshb.irn id Guide Hock Visited at C L. Ilcrrick's Satur lai Ar , .. .... Most oioryouoll.ro.ig h this part o the county huvon..l1.ho.Uh .eking and a good many havo their Celling done. Mrs Mattison died at the home of her daiitfhter. Mr-.. Charloy SiueUer, Sntirday nihl and was burio 1 Mon day. The m my iriends of Wr. and M.-s huieUer exUmd their he.irtlelt s 111:1 ithy to tho bereaved one-. . . . . . .,..L BtcSlAiAfU GiMJfii) SYRUP RLieVr.3 COUQII8 AND COLDS N ft? '.ft V i Ml ro m m (?) (0 m J FarniRrs' Institute at Cowlcs, N:br . Friday ant! Saturday. J.tn, 15-J(J. ruiDAY Arn:i:MH)N si:ssiuv. l.io I'rolltabio TilhiKo of Soii-,-Mr. C. (!. MaiHhall. Linco'n. Nilir. '':'''1 "''he Draft Hoif-o for Kuril and Matkef-Mr. !!. K. Kinirslov. His- tin;,'-,, Nobr. IhJIO "Ho so .ludKl k.' Demoustratioi, Mr. KitiKsloy. KVI'NINC! SUfcSION. 7:no -Kiuit nr tho Hoino"-Mr. C (!. -Mur.slmll. 7::io "Idght II. mess Horiu mid his Use." Mr. Kinsley. SATUHDAV At'TIUi.SOoN SUS6I0N. l;:Jo Home ()ure ioneesHtSniall R.s-P-nse'' Ml-s Lul i S. Wolford. Phw nee City. N0br. .:."(! -Ad.dtorutud Seedn ol Field and (larden Crops"-Mr. b H. Hilluinn. I'uie Seed IJiircau Demonstration in Seed Teslniif, U. . Dept. of Ag riculture, Washington, I). V, UVKNIMl SK.S.SION. ":.V Tho liiri of the Town" -Miss Lulu S. Wolford. 8:.'l0 "Insect Hnemies of Field uudl.ar- ' don" Air. Hlllmuu. TK t. t.,.tiUH nre lu-'d un er the uuspiecsof tin I uivt'iMity of NfbiM-ku (m,l tbo Cowhs lrmer.' Institut.. A-.sociation. und freo to all K. 0. Kecnoy. Pros., C. Iv. Putnam, Sec Winter Wcetlns of State Agricultural Associations. Seventeen different Soclotles to hold annual meetings at tho University farm and Agricultural School, Iiiuuary 18-'23 100D. With the now Stock and Grain Judg '" ""'" l" o"iiih muiuing an'1 l1'? ,,ew! Urinary H"Hding. tho 'State I-.irin is better ablo to accommo- ,lt0 lh() h, whoaltMlll U,CM ,mct. , s UlwI, 1u1. MmB TvVonlv.v0 ljmil(.U(, ttmMn um blm,k . ,uo ovpeoted to attend. Piomlnetit ' u. from olj,ur Matl)S wJU uktj j)url i on the programs. The evening i.ahslonB ,.,. exceptionally strong. You cull i,t Hifomt to hiI-h Hipbo ineetlligi. , , King- Lit 1 le Idvirl'ill-. -?!. bill- l III .1... ... . ,..!,. 1 niiii. - li -i li I liin'p Jul il. Di 11 tf 'p V 1 It in 1 ne ' . . r tout till lU llloe, 1', i - U'l'V Sold by Henry Oook. About &!d Fellows Heme TrtHtuca hill foen Ke In l.incln to Hwjlilc. ('.npr'lii;r tb l.vitNci tn Mtientll of tliTiit.de Odd bVllowR m, W. D. Cm a f aril says. "Sever. I ningnltleciit ntlcs have bent oifered at very reiisotmblo pi lees mid lliolitiul cnniit'O his tei litisy In s cell K Ihn (idvHntiiffci) of each ,plai 0 and ge't'iig oidy for the upcel I e in tnltte or "IIo'ih TriiMteos." who wl I o6n lie h"i-. to look them over, and deter 1 ne wheliiei this homo sIimI bo locnt'-d licie or eNo v here. If tlds homo in located ir, or umr libicoln, it will In vuro lo nmk- Huh the iHrmanout loon'in of tho annual un ..f tin largest fraternal o do in tin worl I; th proont uiemheiNblp numheiN 1,41'2,7:S tn good slanillng. nn I in re tlmii .'Ii),nti) of thfiu reside in Nfbnisku. Tin nevt grand tmlvo will ho held I 0.0 beginning on the third Tuesday in Oc'ohtr; those meetings bring t. tho city atiiui illy from'M)i) to 1,200 i)trons. Tli'j Roi'kih brunch of tho older is th largest fraleinul orgnui.utlon of w.iini'u in tin wot Id, and th iriniss. hm in to relief dNti' ssaud ln ut.-thn orp an. Last .voir llioOdd I'Vlhuvs of ! Nubrnttltn paid o it. tor ivliof t'JO.'J H.O.'t, f t80.j e.e y da ; VM iveiy hour. "Wo want tli.it evei v citizen of Lin- I Coin to hoc :ne intet. -.to I III bteutillg 'this tnagidll.'eiit iu-.tilutl' 11 here." S ate .Ion: n il. Men Arc HcinTcss As CliiWrciu SM Taktri Hutiilr.uly lll-Hcro Is H JyonitiDii-.'tciist: .S.irt.ii.inl. Hig, -troiig man U as u heljiless in fill t when he is s d.louly ill. The Murdiesl chap in tin usually loes hii self con! 1 ol, and i utterly unable to jvg'iid his condition with tho common souse that characterizes his every day notions. For example: llecoines homo tired out' n heavy dinner and sits down to lead and smoke awuy a quiet evening. Suddenly he notices a weight on his stomieh; then sharp pains around his heait, and a foi-lifg of miII'o utioii. Thoughts of "heart !l.ease" rush over lulu, an J in his iipuiy hefeais the word. Ills trouble was acute ilnllgestioll, lii'iughtou by oieiloiuling hi- tired 'stomach, 1 A couple of Ilo.Niill Dyspepsia Tab lets would have given liiui lusttttit ro hof would havo siivod him hours of suffering. Carry a puekuge'of Kuwill Dyspepsia aldets In ymir vest poelat or kuoji them in yo r imoiii. Take ono after each heiiiy meal, and indigestion can nevor bother jun. Ite.MiU Dyspepsia I'ablelw o.re stomac 1 troubles by supplylngthe ono elciiu nt. the absoiico of which in the gastric juVms, causes indigestion and dyfipefsia. i'hey enable the stomach to digei.t all kindsof food and toqniek ly convert il Into rich red bloo I. Wo know what Itexnll Dyspepsia are and what they will do Woguuranteu th. .11 ?o euro indigehtioti and ilyspep nvi 1, they fad. we will refun i your III I1 v. I'iiio "2") eeit-i pi f II package. s 4 I nli ut our si 1 . s ni h mail. Sold l. I la H. E tiriee Drug Co. air Contrary? 3 Is it inclined to ran away ? Don't punish it with a cniJ I 4 1 1 r-. W nni I t 11 1 j. ! a.a ui uaii uiiu wuiiid; r; .;u n, uuu' 5; ish it, save it with Aycr's Waii Y'lirrM- fl.itF imnrmipH Pr,'fvititn " bv J !" v svi iui iiiuiu. r Then your hair v ili remain at B home, on your head, where ir E belongs. An clep.atu dressinc I Keeps the scalp healthy. B Diim tiol change the color of the hair ..f.wrMlf.ii mmmr ..itavG lormuM wlUl uh I'o.ilo U U Ij ww it to JO'. 1 s X I fit dui i. I, jacawyriirniiftiOTHi .iummn . .,1 VCc certainly believe t i.-., o- we a ':V not say so. Ayer'k llnr V ,or, .1 t made from our i.cr (t., 01 .J fo 1, ; is a f.reat prenar.-.ti n '" t' ir . -scnlp. Stop f 1 . 1 n c i ' . m drufr. TroTiot. . -f..'1-by t:m J. C. . Piueuhi. for the Ktdne.i s Hie little gold n ftiobnles which net directly on the kidney. A tn .1 ill er mince m 1 1 i.me i for ; , K k j.m 1- u, L 1 j 1 f 1 , .id i u i worn I . , II . 1. I .1 1 llll fit... out! cliin'fl ll- stllllSl an. 'J lu j purify tho hi od Hold by Henry Cools o A flEW YEAH' RESOLVED, Thai I will make a desperate WIN IN THE GREAT RACE FOR THE CHSEf'S $500.00 PKIZE P3AN6! THIS l-INli CIIICKI'RING BROS. PIANO Will be uiven away to the lady or jjirl who has thu most volus to her credit u'Iilmi the final count, is made. The Contest closes Wednesday, February 3, 13000, at 4 o'clock P. Wl. after which date no votes will he received. CoNHKNar.i) Uulks: v Voles will be received at Tiih Quick office until, and in cludingWednusdny, January 20, 1909. I he standing of the conu-st.uUs at tho close of businu on January 20. will be published in the isMie of Tint CuiKPof I;riday, January 22, and will not be revised :ijjrsiin until the final count is made by the judges. All votes after Janua-y 20, must be deposited in the Bal lot Bon which will be at the STATE BANK in the custody of the Judges, and no announcement of same shall be made until after the polls close at . p. m., Wednesday, February 3. The lady having the most votes shall be declared the winner of the first prize, the $500 Piano. In case of a tie, the award will be made jointly to the winning contestants, as but one prize of each grade will be given. The other prizes shall be awarded as previously an nounced. Any contestant having as many as 25,00 votes at the close of the contest, and who f.nls to win a prize, may have lh privilege of purchasing for cash, a duplicatr of the prize piano at the same speci'al advertising orice at which it was sold lo Tin: Ciiikf. REMFMBFR THIS CONTEST CLOSES JANUARY 20, AT THE CM IMF OFFICE: FEBRUARY 3. AT THE STATE BANK at 4, p.m. The winner will be announced in Tin: Quick of February 5, 1 000. Notksoktiiic Contisst: It is a case of "Work and Win." All hail to the CHlEF.Vhose "chief" is HALE! $1.00 on subscription entitles you to THREE HUN DRED votes. It means much to be at the "Head of the List." of Jan., 20 iMtss 1-rankie Ward will get the "a-ward" if she can hold her present lead. Back subscriptions count. Get a list of -subscribers at Tiik Quid office with authority to act as collector. In this election the Ladies vote, and they vote as often as they can deposit a dollar on subscription. War on "Weesner" being in it. Would be Ruthless to begin it; Ruth was "Warren" when we started And the two should not be parted. Only five weeks more and you will own a beautiful piano of the hi 'best grade if you work hard enough. There is no such thing as "luck" in this contest: "Work nnd "Vin"! Following are the names of the contestants and their standing this week: Miss Frankic Ward, Red Cloud 2S,S5o Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud ; 25,600 Miss Ruth Warren, Red Cloud 18,800- Miss Vera Crabill, Red Cloud 15.500- Miss Bernice Potter, Red Cloud 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowles 11,500 Miss lulna Watt, Guide Rock 1 1,350 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just send in their name; Vot ing and subscription blanks will be "furnished anyone making implication. TneChif $ I S RESOIillTION for die nexl four weeks and determined effort lo a1' a year 9 ii ? 1 c" .y ,.t - - A --S?r!i-T fuojfnV-'r'. rnT. ,e"f y!s'.vVTj tSv- HM "sasiww ..-tw " ''-t-V- "." mft.W& ZSSAtI ffajtefrrMwy tfllKSMW ?JKt -WwjsA3trsa' .11 m 1 ' 'j" tvifrnv"