The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1909, Image 6

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I. V
;' u
The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Doings of the Dusy World Which May
be Read In a Few Moments. Na
tional and World-wide Events
of Importance.
Tho cccrotnry of tho Central Amorl
enn court of Justice at Cnrlago, Coata
III en, hns forwarded to tho Salvador
ran government tho verdict of tho
court In tho civil stilt brought by Hon
duras) against Salvador and Guatemala
charging them with promoting tho ro
cent revolution In HonduraH. Tho
verdict la fnvorablo to Quatomalla
and Salvador on all polntB Hint con
Btltuo a vondlcatlou of tho govern
.mont of Salvador.
Tho Jnpnncoo diet la in ncns'.on and
measures relating to tho natlon'n fin
ancefi, tho army and navy, foreign re
latlotiH, and exiting condltlona In
Chltin. nnd Korea combine to give
promise of an Interesting and Impor
tant HCSHlOll.
Tho Chlneso government 1h consld
erlng tho raining of funds for tho. es
tablishment of banks and schools In
Tibet nnd also for tho dofonso, the
subdivision and tho political reorgani
sation of tho country.
Tho newly elected munlclpnl council
of Lisbon, Spain, hnH unearthed n big
scandal In tho city's accounts. Ovor
J7,000)00 has disappeared. Tho for
mer councillors admit tho Irregulari
ties and lay the blame upon tho gov
ernment which they say Illegally took
iho clty'a money.
Tho dumii haB adopted by a largo
majority tho bill continuing tho In
crcaso In ponslons to army officers for
Inlurlcs received during tho Uubso
Japaneso war.
"""A light ,enrthqunko Is reported In
Franco, but no material damago was
Cardinal Victor Lccot, archbishop of
Bordeaux, died whllo returning from a
visit to Homo.
Tho demand for cigarettes In Chlnn
today Is exceeded only by that for
Three hundred and forty Japanese
soldiers have loit Chlng Wan Tno for
Japan. This Is half tho total guard
that Japan has bcon maintaining in
Chill provinco.
A new constitutional government
lias been Inaugurated in Turkoy, and
tho new parliament elected under the
constitution promulgated by tho sul
tan last July has been opened.
Every saloon in Ottumwn, Iowa, has
been closed as tho result of a religious
Three men wero killed and ono fa
tally Injured In a four-cornorod duol
at Ocllla, Ga.
In n wrcrk in tho suburbs of Chi
cago n C. & A. passenger train caught
11 ro and a carload of Christmas pres
ents wero burned and flvo mail clorks
narrowly escaped with their lives.
Lorenzo Shlman, of Oakland, Call.,
was shot and fatally wounded by Ida
brother William, In a saloon row. Tho
murderer gave himself up.
James Douglas has been elected
president of tho new Pholps-Dodgo Co.
which was recontly orgnnlzed with a
capital of $50,000,000, combining va
rious copper companies.
Tho Delawuro W. C. T. U. aro plan
ning to havo tho giant 20,000 ton bat
tleship Delaware, which will bo
launched on February 5, christenod
with water. s
Governor Hoch, of Kansas, haB ap
pointed a committee to join with a
commlttco from Oklahoma to Investi
gate tho Knnsas penitentiary and tho
charges of inhuman treatment, poor
food and unsanitary surroundings.
Arthur F. Gill, of Spoknno, WnBh.,
.waa accidentally killed whllo on a
hunting trip.
Count John Ileinrlch von Romstorff,
jtho German ambassador to tho United
States, has arrived with his family.
, Warden J. C. Saunders, ot tho Fort
Madison, Iowa, penitentiary has cre
ated a Bonsatlon by recommending that
tho prisoners havo tailor mado suits,
laundorcd shirts and polished shoes In
stead of tho present prison garb.
Two hundred thousand Chinook sal
tnon eggs havo bcon shipped from tho
Unltod Stntos flshorloa at Mill Crook,
Cal., to Argontonla.
A fnmlly of six woro poisoned at
KanEas City by eating pork and
- W. M. Cavanaugh, of Llttlo Rock,
Ark., has boon chosen to succeed him
self as prosldont, socrotary and
treasurer of tho American Southern
association of basoball clubs.
A fourteen-story building at Galos
burg, Illinois, was destroyed by lire,
entailing a loss of $75,000.
Executors or tho luto John V. Far
well filed nn inventory of tho estate,
which Bhows $8,000,000 worth of per
bonnl property.
President. Hoosovelt lias applied to
Iho Belgian government for a bunt
v Ing pormlt In Belgian territory in
Sovon members of tho city council
if Pittsburg, Pa., vo bcon nrrcsted
charged with consplrncy, corrupt prac
llco and bribery in connection with
municipal legislation during tho past
two yoara.
Tho actual manufacture of steel has
bogun at Cary, Ind., and tho flrst Btep
taken In making tho Calumet region
ono of tho greatest Iron and stool In
dustrial centers' of tho world.
William It. Kelly, cashier of tho
Union Pacific railroad at South Oma
ha, committed nuicldo Saturday.
Two Chlucso laundrymen woro
found dead In their placo of business
at Winnipeg, Canada. No cluo to tho
Tho Toledo plant jit the Republic
Iron and Steel company employing
COO men will resume operations Do
comber 28, nftcr thirteen months Idle
Daniel Marshall, a ten-year-old boy
of Hartford, Conn., lost his llfo In
trying to b.ivo his dog from being run
ovor by tho cars. Tho dog escaped
Dennis Casey, who disappeared
iron) his homo at Powhattan, Kan., a
couplo of weeks ago, wan murdered,
U!s body being found in a straw stack
.i fow dayB ago.
II. 11. Marehbank, n prominent
utock broker of Joplln, Mo., commit
ted sulcldo Friday by shootmg him
Two persons wero killed by nn ex
plosion in the plant of tho Senior
Tower company, nt Morrow, Ohio.
M; o than $5,000,000, In money or
dcro, waa sent to foreign countries
through tho port of Now York between
December 2 and December 10, when
tho Inst of tho Christmas remittance
money ships Bailed.
Iowa received first in tho nwnrdo
on stuto exhibits at tho .National Hor
ticultural congress just closod at
Council Bluffs.
Thrco murdorora wero hanged at
Bclllngham, Washington, Friday.
C. M. Buckles, an Oklahoma Ranker,
IinB bocn found guilty of embezzle
ment and sentenced to a year In the
pen nnd to pay a flno of $3,485.
A jury haa finally bocn completed
to try tho ulght-rlder cases at Union
City, Tonn.
Prof. Edwnrd Clark, known In Eu
ropo nnd America na nn archaeologist,
haa resigned from tho faculty ot the
HIpon, ' Wla., college after fourteen
jcara of sorvlco with that Institution.
Clydo M. Reed, of Kansas, has been
appointed superintendent of tho dl
vlalonB of railway adjustments of thu
postodlco department.
Tho total cost of tho primary elec
tion held in Kansas last August will
not bo far from $110,000.
Tho Jury In tho Ilhlnohart ense, at
Wnynesburg, Pcnn., disagreed after bo
Ing out forty-throo hours.
Tho American Steel and WIro com
pany will glvo employment to 1,000
or 1,500 idlo men this week.
Governor Hughes, of New York,
has appointed a commission to In
vestigate stock exchango methods.
All of tho Roosovolt children nro
oxpoctcd at tho Whlto Houso to rpcnd
Christmas with their parents.
Govornmontal appropriations to tho
states for reorganization of tho rural
school systems and Improving country
roads will bo tho recommendation of
tho commission on country life, If sug
gestions contained in 11,000 letters
from farmers sorvo ns a basis for tho
report tho commission is now draw
lug up.
Tho houso ways and moanr. commit
tee has completed its hearings on tho
proposed revision of the tariff and
tho sub-commltteo has begun tho work
of revising tho present law into a
tariff bill.
Andrew Carneglo was a wltnoas be
foro tho houso ways and means com
mlttco tariff hearing, tho flrst of the
week. Ho said the atccl Industry had
grown so that It did not need further
tariff protection.
Tho cotton crop of 1008 Is said to bo
U,S02,115 bales, according to tho cen
sus bureau.
Tho American battleship fleet has
mado its doparturo from Colombo for
Senator Dolllvor, of Iowa, Is pre
paring to mako an effort for inaugura
tion of a schomo of government aid
and encouragement In tho Improve
ment of tho rural schools ot the whole
Chairman Knapp, of tho interstate
commerco commission dcolqrca h I ill
icit docldcdly of tho opinion that tho
tlino hns como for tho government to
luko up tho supervision of tho capital
ization of groat corporations. '
Rear Admiral John E. Plllsbury,
having roached tho ago of sixty-two
year's, was placed on tho retired list.
President Roosevelt hns suggested
a change In tho form of government
of tfio District of Columbia.
The president is-considcrlng tho
advlsnblllty of having a thorough ex
amination nnd report mado on tho
character of foundations that underllo
tho locks nnd Important 'dams along
tho lines of tho Panama canal.
In tho recommendation mado by tho
joint commlttco on tho business meth
ods of tho postal sorvlco fourth class
postmasters are rccommouded to bo
placed on a salary basis and postal
notes or money orders without ad
vIccb aro suggested for sums not ex
ceeding $5.00.
J. J. Morrow, engineer commissioner
of tho District of Columbia, has boon
removed from his position and given
an army assignment.
Francis J. Honey, tho graft prose
cutor of San Francisco, accompanied
by his wife, is visiting in Washing-ton,
Religious, 8oclal, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
David Sherwood, ex-county coinmlB
slonor of Thayer county, watf found
dead in n room In tho Alexandria
hotel, Ho had gono to tho room to
preparo for a trip nnd dropped dead
of heart failure Mr. Sherwood waa.
ono of tho oldost residents of tho
county and waa commissioner two
consecutlvo terms during tho tlmo
tho $7C,000 court houso waa being
Becnuso n team which had bcon
hired on Saturday aftrcnoon to drlvo
to Rlvordnlo had not been returned to
his livery barn on Sunday afternoon,
Albert Grodler, pioprlotor of tho
barn, Koarnoy, took steps to find
yonng Ansbury, who haa Rcrvcd tlmo
at tho Industrial school, Tho team
was located at Lexington, where tho
young man had attempted to sell tho
Mrs. R. A. Cottlo sold her eighty
aero farm near Colon In Saunders
county to Charles Davis for $9,000.
Mrs. Cottlo when a young woman got
title to thla laud by preemption. She
was a girl nbout twenty years of ago
then fifty year? ago this winter. Her
maiden namo was Rebecca Kceler
nnd Bho waa among tho earliest soL
tlcrs, having como to Saunders coun
ty In 1857.
II. A. Silver, u prosperous rotlrod
farmer living In Tamora, Soward
county, committed sulcldo by hang
ing himself In nn outbuilding.' S.
Brown, n general morchant of Tn
morn, failed a short tlmo ago, owing
Silver about $300. Tho loss or this
money seemed to proy on his mind,
ns ho had beon worrying nbout It,
nnd It Is thought that ho took Ills' llfo
while temporarily deranged.
Tho government Inspector wan
called to Auburn to examine tho cat
tle in the dairy herd of Nixon & Har
ris, and twenty-two head of tho herd
woro pronounced affected with tuber
culosis. These cattlo had been separ
ated from tho cows that wero giving
milk for the trade, und had beon kept
In other pastures because of tho fact
that Harris & Sonslmd found that
they were not dolug well, though they
had kept In good order in all cases.
Mrs. Mathilda Ruser and John Sin
ger have been taken to tho peniten
tiary nt Lincoln to bogln their tonus
of punishment for having plotted to
kill Mrs. RuBer's husband, Emil Rusor
of Sarpy county, as he lay asleep in
bed. Thcyboth pleaded guilty and
Mrs. RiiBcr waa sentenced to ono
year and Slagoi to six years. They
were taken to tho Douglas county jail
for safo keeping until Sheriff Spear
man of Sarpy county wna ready to
take them to Lincoln.
Joseph Walter, against whom a
complaint had been, made on an in
sanity charge, sont word to Sheriff
Summons of Buffalo county that he
would shoot If any attempt wero
made to tako him, Ho purchased tho
gun and a good supply of ammunition,
and when ho was nrrcstod In a crowd
of Christmas shoppers ho trld to carry
out tho threat, but waa captured
without difficulty nnd taken euro of
Walter was released from tho asylum
only a fow weeks ago.
Judge Gutterson, prosecuting attor
ney for Custer county, was badly In
jured by being caught between two
automobiles whllo driving In n buggy
with his wife. Ho was taking the
middle of tho road, when tho two
machines, driven respectively by
Messrs Willing and Johnston, at
tempted to pass on olther Bide. The
horses took fright nnd mado a quick
turn and upset the buggy, throwing
tho occupants violently out. Ono ear
was torn from tho judge's head.
Tho First Christian church of Fre
mont will pay off all its indebtedness
on New Year's day, when tho annual
meeting is held It la enabled to do
so by a "lift" It haa beon given by
tho trustees of a church which re
cently disbanded at Maplo Creek. Tho
Maple Creek church agreed to glvo
tho Fremont church tho $500 It had
In Its treasury for tho purpose of pay
ing off tho church debt, provided nn
equal amount was subscribed In Fre
mont. It was announced In tho
church that the amount had been sub
scribed. The Stnto Board of Educational
Lands and Funds mado a bid for tho
Douglas county court Iioubo bond3t
formally agreeing to take thorn In
block nt par or tako them In such
amounts ns Douglas county commls
a'onora may desire, with sixty days'
notlco. It is tho understanding that
Douglas county has an offer for tho
ontlro $1,000,000 of bonds in a block,
hut tho terms of tho hid make It pos
sible for tho county board to Boll the
bonds, as It noeda tho money. The
offer of tho board will not tho state
4 per cent.
Charles Collo, long a resident of
Dawo3 county, committed sulcldo
Eomo tlmo December 18 or 19 about
threo miles northeast of Chadron, Ho
cut his throat with a rnzor from ear
to ear.
Red Willow county furnishes a caso
of swift justice. Joslah S. Calvert
robbed an Intoxicated frlond Saturday
night, was arrested on Sunday, ap
peared In district court Monday and
pleaded guilty and wan jentoncod to
ono year In tho ponltontlury, to which
ho was tukon by tho sheriff tha sumo
night. Tho amount Involved was $C0.
Calvert Is 23 years old,
Items of Greater op Lesser Impor
tant Over the State.
Homer Carothcrs of Utlca was quite
badly injurod nt Shlckley by a fall
from a freight car.
Tho Baptist ladles at Loup City
cleared $50 on a supper they gave .a
fow evenings nso.
Tho annual meeting of tho Nebras
ka Territorial association will bo hold
In Lincoln, January 12.
Tho two months' session of tho InBt
grand Jury of Douglas county cost tho
county over $3,000.
Whllo Robert Day of Gage county
was currying a mulo tho other day
it got unruly nnd kicked, striking Mr.
Day In the face und fracturing tho
Jaw bono.
The Co-operative Creamory associa
tion at Germnntown will hold its an
nual meeting for tho election of ofll
cora for tho coming year January 5,
1909, at 1 o'clock.
Lewis II. Clarke, a waiter nt tho
Elite bakery in Hastings, was quito
badly scalded from hla hip to his knee
by a pot of boiling coffee falling from
a table onto him.
J. O. Walker died nt Ong very aud
denly Ho waa 111 only two houra.
Ills ngo waa about 3G years. He waa
president of a chain of banltB em
bracing Geneva, Dcshlcr, Clayton,
Edgar and Clay Center.
Tho Fremont Canning company will
.raise corn on tho 350 acres of land for
wlilch It haa contracted. Tho com
pany heretofore hn3 dopended upon
corn brought In by tho farmers, but
waa unublc to get enough for It for
ita annunl campaign.
If tho decision recently handed
down by tho supremo court la of tho
scopo the lawyers In Central City be
lieve Chapman Is likely to bo without
a saloon shortly and Merrick county
will, be entirely without saloons, savo
for tho ono nt Silver Creek.
Tho adjutant general Is preparing
for tho stato inspsctlon of tho com
j.nnios of tho Nebraska National
Gi.nrd, which is to (nko piano be
tween January 11 and February 19.
The Inspection is required by uct of.
congress and will be done by officers
of tho guard.
Mrs. R. P. Starr of Loup City re
ceived a very nlco holrloom from an
aged mint one day last week It was
a neat llttlo diamond ring, the one
placed on her grandmother's finger by
her grandfather when they were mar
ried. Mrs. Starr will be the custodian
of It In tho future.
Tho other night Mrs. Georgo But
flnston of Herman, an old lady 70
years of age, but quite active, retired
fcellnr na well or hotter than com
mon, and next morning her husband
woko up about 0 a. m. and found her
dead in bed beside him, she liavlng
expired some time during tho night
without wnking any one.
Negotiations are under way for tho
building of nn alfalfa feed mill in
Hastings. Somo mention was publicly
mado of the plans somo days ago. The
promotion of two other projects of n
similar nature has been started.
Whllo thrco sets of men stand ready
to build a mill, only one of tho pro
jects Is likely to bo carried through.
Vera Ross, aged 14, a Scribner girl,
is tho champion apron maker of tho
world. Miss Ross carried off tho
prlzo In the hand-made apron class at
the National Corn exposition nt Oma
ha. Sho was awarded a sowing ma
chine. Dodge county's school exhibit
won tho flrst premium for tho best
collective county exhibit at the show.
Robert J. Fraas has commenced ac
tion in tho county court at Soward,
in which ho asks for $1,000 from Isma
Bowker, tho village clerk at Pleasant
Dale, Seward county, and his bonds
mon. Fraas was granted a saloon II
censo in 1907 and contends that ho
sustained damages to tho above
amount becnuso tho clerk failed to Is
sue it promptly.
Samuel Wymoro, aftor whom the
town of Wymoro wob named, Buffered
a stroko of paralysis. Mr. Wymoro
sottlcd in Gage county in 18C3. Ho
at ono tlmo owned tho land upon
which tho towns of Blue Springs and
Wymore nro located. Some years ago
ho moved to Idaho, where ho now
owns considerable land. Mr. Wymoro
is 73 years of a?e.
More than fifteen years after tho
death of John. L. Martin of Merrick
county his holrs havo started suit for
tho partition of his estate, and a divi
sion olther of the land or of the pro
ceeds of tho salo of the land among
tho several heirs. During all theso
years tho cstftto has been In tho pro
bata court and It was not until lately
that a petition for a final settlement
was filed by tho widow, Elmlra Mar
tin. It is found on checking up tho reg
istration of the Peru normal for tho
last fow years that tho registration
in tho junior and senior classes Is
four times what Is was In 1904. It 1b
also found that about one-fourth of
the normal graduates havo been grad
uated In tho last" blcnnium. This
shows a remarkablo growth of tho
school, indicating an Increased do
mand on the part of tho state for
trained teachers.
A Union Pacific supply car caught
fire In tho yards at North Bend and
burned up before anything In it could
bo saved.
Tho Wayno Nornml closed tho fall
torm for tho holiday vacation of ten
dayB. Tho now torm oponod tho 28th.
Tho outlook Is for tho larjost winter
attendance tho school has ovor had.
Accommodations nro planned for 1,000
Tho H. L. Silver Music company's
storo In Beatrice wos completely gut
ted by fire. The loss to tho stock will
amount to $4,000, with $3,000 Insurance.
Voters' League Is In Deadly Earnest,
and Declares It Will Not Be
Frightened Banks Be
ing Overhauled.
About forty more arrests in the
council bribe scandal nro promised by
tho voters' league, according to a
statement made by A. Leo Wells,
president of the league. Other offi
cers of tho league say they have
plenty of evidence against many per
sona, who, it lo stated, will bo arrest
ed. Tho first meeting of tho council
slnco tho disclosures were made is
scheduled for Monday night. Attor
noy Clarence Burleigh, counsel. for
Josoph Wassou, Jacob Sofell and T.
O. Atkinson, of tho Bovcn accused
councllmen, stated that ho would ad
vlso his clIcntB to contlnuo their
T. D. Harmon, n member of the
exccutlvo committee of tho voters'
loaguo, snld: "Pitlaburg'a council
manic corruptora, tho real root of the
bribery ovll here, will Buffer equallj
with thoso who fell before their tomp
tatlona. The voters' leaguo la not In
thla thing for any political reason,
for thoro Is not a member of tho ox
ecutivo body who would accept n pub
He olllce if it wero given him. Wjp
intend to clean up tho city nnd this
Ib tho flrst move. Other saucaHlons
will follow und tho men who aro at
tempting to frlchtcn us by threats ol
countor sult8 soon will learn whether
or not we aro in earnest."
It waB reported that a number of
national banks wero undergoing a
thorough examination In connection
with tho report that certain institu
tions had Issued $170,000 for the
privilege of handling tho city's funds,
but government otllcials refused to
either confirm or deny tho story.
Claus Spreckles Is Dead.
Claus Spreckles, widely known as
the "sugar king" of tho Pacific coast,
died nt 4:30 o'clock Saturday at his
homo in San Francisco in his eighti
eth year. The Immediato cause of
death was an attack of pneumonia,
which developed with alarming symp
toms during tho past few days. His
condition Friday night told his physi
cians that the end was near, and rela
tives romained at his bedsido until
the hour of his death. Rudolph
Spreckles, who returned from Hono
lulu Friday on board tho steamer Nip
pon Maru, waa one of tho numbor.
John D. Sprocklos, proprietor of the
San Francisco Call and head of the
Oceanic Steamship company, was also
In attondanco at his father's bedside,
as woro Mrs Harry Holbrook and
Mrs. W. W. Alexander Hamilton, the
dnughters of Mr. John D. Spreckles.
Desplto "his advanced ago, Mr.
Spreckles had devoted a largo share
of attention to tho various enterprises
in which ho waB Interested, jind it is
less than a month slnco ho"appoared
beforo the ways and means-committee
of tho houso In Washington as au
thority on tho subject of sugar duties.
Two years ago ho was attacked by a
sevoro Illness, but his vigorous con
stitution enabled him to -withstand
hlB sickness, nnd ho was, after a tlmo,
restored to his usual hoalth.
Apart from tho Importance which
attacked to ClaUs SpreckleB aa tho
pioneer sugar refiner of tho Pacific
coast, an Investor or millions in. Cali
fornia and tho Hawaiian islands, tho
Spreckles family has for jnany years
been one of the most prominent in
tho stato. John D. Spreckles, bis old
ost son, has been for year3 a direct
ing Influence in oriental trade, apart
from his othor Interests, und Rudolph,
prosldont of tho First National bank
of San Francisco, has boon a support
er of tho graft prosecution in San
Francisco to the extent of thousands
of dollars In addition to hla nctlvo par
ticipation. Agreement Is Repudiated.
The agreement reached botweon the
operators and minors of tho Paint
creok ccnl mining section has been
repudiated by Prosldent T. L. Lowis
of tho united mlno workers. Tho mat
ter will now go beforo tho national
exocutlvo hoard and it is stated that
tho local officers of tho mlno workors
who signed the separate agreement
will bo asked to show causo for their
Mj. Lewis wroto tho prosldent ot
tho coal operators' association aa fol
lows: "I nppreclato that the opera
tors have no moral or legal right to
Bet asldo the contract and nny ar
rangement made to sot asldo the
agreement or modify It In any manner
will not havo my approval, officially
or otherwise."
Monopoly Is Not a Crime.
Judgojl'aylor, in tho St. LouIb cir
cuit court, sustained tho domurrer of
tho Union Electric Light nnd Power
company to the anti-trust suit filed
by Circuit Attorney Sagor to annul
tho charter of tho company. Tho
capital nnd bonded Indebtedness ot
the company Is $25,000,000. In IiIfj
petition the circuit nttornoy had
stated that the company had a monop
oly of selling electricity In St. Louis.
Judgo Taylor Bald that Missouri nntl
trust law does not forbid tho consoli
dation of two or more corporations
engaged In the uamo business.
Small Wonder That tho Little Mother
1 Was Really Alarmed.
T.lttln Mrlrv wno rnnllis .im 111
111. ,
a "an.
..w.w. . .- .. w .. sv '() CU
attack or appendicitis, but Grnndm,
was equally sure the llttlo ono
threatened with convulsions.
Tho argument waxed warm in
Mary's presence, and appropriate reme
dies wore used, and tho next day she
was better.
Coming into her mother's room dur
ing her play ehe said: ,
"Mamma, two of my dollies aro very
sick thla morning."
"Indeed, dear. I am very sorry. What
'Ib tho matter with them?"
"Well I don't renlly know, mamma,
but I think Gwendolyn haa 'a pint
o'splders' and Marguerite la going to
havo 'envulalons.' "
i?eferful Eczema All Over Baby's Face
Professional Treatment Failed.
.A Perfect Cure by Cutlcura.
"When my llttlo girl was bIx months i
old I noticed small red spots on her
right cheok. They grew bo largo that
I Bent for tho doctor hut, Instead of
helping tho eruption, his ointment
seemed to make it worso. Thonfr--"
went to a second doctor who Bald' It
was eczema. Ho also gavo me an oint
ment which did not help either. Tho
dlscaso spread all over iho faco and
tho eyes began to swell. Tho Itching
grow Intolerable nnd It was a torrlblo
sight to see. I consulted doctors for
months, but they woro unable to euro
tho baby. I paid out from $20 to $30
without relief. Ono evening 1 began
to uso tho Cutlcura Remedies. Tho
next morning tho baby's Tnco was all
white Instead of red. I continued until
tho eczema entirely disappeared. Mrs.
P. E. Gumbln, Sheldon, la,, July 13,'08."
Potter Drue & Chcm. Corp., Solo Prop&, Boston.
"What's tho trouble. Zambo?"
"I thought It was missionaries, but
lt'B a load of Altruists."
sneer white goods, in fact, anyn
wash goods when now, owe muchkT
their attractiveness to the way th
are laundered, this being done in.lZ
manner to enhance their textllo beau
ty. Homo laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention wag
given to starching, the first essential
bolng good Starch, which haa sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Definnco Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
"When I was leaving town la
"your uncle, Pctor Roxley, waa toiren
quito seriously ill. I hopo it turned
out all right."
"Of courso," replied young Poorman.
"Didn't you notlco what a swell black
suit this is?"
Important to Mothers.
Examlno carefully every bottle of
nAanVfcRTA n anfa nnil mi.n vAmn.lvr
Infants and children, and seo that lc
Ttanra Ihn
Signature ofvLoytt
In Uae .For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Troubled Even In Death.
"How Is this? I thought you dis
liked your mothcr-ln-law, and here
you are carrying flowers to her
"Exactly! Sho hated 'em." Jour
nal ArnusanL .
PAZO OINTMKNT I s iruarantnod to ctiro onr nfi
of ItrbltiK, Wind, IUooUIdk or l'roirudlnj: 1'llea 111
mi tut? ur luuue rciuuueu. w. J
And it oometimes happens tha'J
man Is married to his boss.
Lewis' Sincle Binder straicht 5c.
pay 10c for cigars not bo goocT. Your deaflP
u..i.u ...... ...., .i... ..j v.ljr ill. g
MMhnr Biitrl nrin wnn nnrn It tgim'mi t
er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, III. $1
, For what tho mind wishes, that It
also believes. HorlodoruB. io. Trial package 'J
Uw. A.b.01uiU)d,U5llu,N. V. 1
A singer doesn't weigh bis words on
tho musical scalo.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 1, 1909.
liut Cougli Syrnp. Taste Good,
Ue In time. Sold by drurrUts,
V i
mc t - -
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