The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1909, Image 5

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    ,r"it rt-
Krtj ,t Tf
li -
,t,ism j
1 v
. II. Ci'-potilsr is In linpc rial Nob
this week.
Urunt BiuU-y Is vi-dtlnu his iiarents
Jiis week
Mrs. Kd Ilasscr Sr. k 1
Mrs. Burmll, of Hasting, Is In the
olty this weok.
Grant llalley (if Oiii ihsi is hore visit
ing his pironts.
Hoiul A rgab right's big
mctit in this issue.
Head Argurbright's "announcement"
ou another page
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Uowles, were
In the city Mondiiy.
MUs Iva Ccibllt citjrt lined a few
frietuls Mond ly evening.
Ccorga Corner entertained several
friends Tuesday evening.
Mr. McDowell's youngest son, is very
ill with typhoid fever.
Etnmuel lY'ten, of 0 aide Hock, was
in Uod Clou I Tuesday.
J. It. Lues of Western, Nabr ,vl't9d
friends here th'i3 weelc.
Mr. IlvUie Tli'un h gives a party at
homo Prlduv evonlnir.
Tho Uoyal Neighbors maet to night.
Every member come out.
Mr. J. F. Grimes, of Ulue Hill is visit
lug his son, Ned and wife.
Dr. U-iitiB and family leave for Lin
coln Thursday.
Ur. Charley Dushoe, of Holbrcgo
was ou tho streets, this week.
Miss Winifred Perkins has becu visit
lu Miss Winifred Sherman.
Charles Kellogg is horo from Ker
rey to spend .the holidays.
Mr. ano Mrs 'Walter Thomas wcro
town from CoWles Sunday.
Howard Flick is back from Ayr,
wkere ho spent' Christmas.
Mint Garner and family vr ere down
from Inavalc Wednesday.
Mrs. Will Mountford who lias been
Tcry ill is improving.
J, H. Kellogg is here from York
pending the holidays.
Miss Maude Wilson, of Lincoln, is
tisitlng at Cathorton this week.
Mrs. Sid True, of Inavale, was visit
fug Mrs. Lon Wondcrly Tuesday.
Mr. Win Pope and family uro visiting
hrwlronts Mr. ijnd Mrs. Jay Tope.
f Wrightand wife are herefrom
fJ' unity visiting old friouds.
- John Detnian has. been here from
Chaso County visiting old friends.
Mrs. Ralph MeCall is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topham.
Miss Iono Albright entertained
several friends Thursday afternoon.
J. W. Robertson and wifo dined
Chrlsimis with Ed MeCuue and family
. Mrs. Fred Gi.nd and children of
Nyliluo Hill, aro visiting relatives hore.
Father Fitgcrald holds New Year's
Vvleo at Superior New Years day
Carrie Goble, who is teaching near
Guide Hock, is homo for the holidays
to come here to us and say
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; we'll do the rest.
' We'll set before you
vwfr manr rvr rrrrn rninnp
Meat icaoi vi guuu uiiugo,
e finest clothes made;
fplhe best atyles; the choicest
foreign anoVdomestic fab
!) rics; the highest class
It will be worth
Is much to you to buy these
clothes as it s worth to us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This store is the home of
Wart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Mif,s E1I..1 Wright Ls vlb! lug her
mother, Mrs. lVc 1 Wittwer a few days 1 Mis. A. H.S.tla lull spout Tucs
day wlMi Mr. and Mrs A. 11. Carpenter.'
The W. 11. . meets Saturday, after
noon. Every member ought to come.
Ks-Count;' Treasurer Goorgo W. Me
Crary, just eatue In from Diiivcr Colo.
Shorlll' Hedge and wlfoiue the proud
parents ofja baby boy horn Minis ou
Frank Cowdon is in tho western
part of tho state, this week on basis-
lies". .i
l'usnl .tones is visiting his sister
Iiillinu, neat Guide Koek. during vaci
tlon. n
CiWhy not get that piano on New
Year's 'day'.' Ajgabrlght "doll vored on
last'NevVVcars! "" "" " uSj
I'lCarl Muiikiiisand.wife,'kofalIualric,
uro visiting herlniotlier.MrH.Cuiniiiings
thiswcek. """ .
fMrs. Hoiiici'2,Momaii Lloft (.Monday
foi:t-weeks visit In Vuhmis City, with
her sistor.
.Miss Emma Bartinan, who is attend
ing Business College in Hebron, is vis
iting her parents this week.
MisMable Day of this oily wh has
been spending her vacation in Tuicoln,
isepeeted homo, to morrow.
Mrs. Karl Danker ami daughter of
Uivorton are visiting her father, Jnhn
Uurgcss and family
Mrs. Mull, who has beuti visiting her
niece, Mrs. Strong,, returned to hor
home In Ohio, Wednesday
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Rife of Beatrieo
have been visiting relatives hore this
Row J. M. Hates returned Wcdneday
from Lincoln and St., Paul and will
hold regular services the next two Sun
days. Richard Runchoy and wif returned
Wednesday from Cowles, where tuoy
have been spending tho holidays with
her sisters.
Mrs, Nollio Castor and her daughter
Josophonc, rcturnod Tuesday morning
from Bartley, Ncbr., where she has
been visiting.
Mrs. Harry Wnllcr.of Cowlcs, Ncbr.,
daughter of Jud Ballay, was in this
village the fore part of the week visit
ing homcfolks.
Miss Edna and Vcnia Ilendcu son of
this city went to their home near
Womcr, Kansas, last Saturday.
Mr. N. L. 1). Smith and wife returned
from Topeka, Kas Monday night,
after visiting his son Dean.
The W. R C. and G. A. R. will hold
a joint Installation. We hopo every
member will be present.
Robert Austin, ami wlfo of McCook,
is 'in the olty visiting her parents,!'. .1.
Ward and family.
It looks like Argabright expects to'
raise prices on high grade pianos, read
his announcement in this issue.
.1. T. Parker shipped a car of hogs
to St. .Jo. Thursday lie visited iu his
old home in northwestern Mo., n few
Mrs Mathilda lhirnt, returned to
Hastings Tuesday, after u pleasant
visit with her brother Mr. Frank Stmlo-bakcr.
you after something good
best? All you need to
Irob JIM 'JfM m
T Copyright 190S by W& V
Miss H'i'cl Si'adou.of Hill
went to Lebanon. Ivans, to visit t'e
1 it Ives-
Mrs. Lulu Mathews and hor mother
Mr. Grout, were In Red Cloud the first
of tho week
Hallie'riionu s l eturued to McPerson
Kansas, after spending the holidays
with his parents.
Mis -Minnie Etirett, of Lebanon,
Kansas, attended her uncle's funeral,
Mr. Joseph 1 taker.
Misses Fiirgerson's. of (i ilde Rjck,
have been visiting their sister, Mrs.
WilNir Hamilton.
Karl Miller leturned to Council Uuirs
Wednesday, after visiting at the home
of David Morrison
MrMlrueolirillln and Mrs. Dr. Rick,
aid have been visiting their mother.
Mrs.JKifc. this week.
Mrs, S. West and Mrs. Nellie Castor
and daughter are visiting Will West
ami family at Hartley Nebr.
Mrs Gross gnve an entertainment'
in School Dlst.75, Friday. Tho scholars
acquitted themselves with honor in
their part of tho work.
A. T. Walker and son G ten, took a
rldo in their auloinitile to Hastings
and back again on Tuesday. '
Mr, and Mrs Alon.o Wonderly, en
toi tallied .datives and friends at their
homo on Cherry street Christinas day.
Miss Wonderly attended a
surprise party at Clyde Diekerson's in"
Inavalo Monday, evening.
The P. 13. 0. entorlaiucd thoir frlonds
nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Mitch
ell Friday afternoon and ovoning.
Guy Bradbrook who has been visiting
his mother, Mrs. M. Finkonbinder re
turned Wednesday to Woodruff, Kas.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Potter re
turned from Grand Island, Ncbr., last
Tuesday aftor nn extonded visit of
several weeks.
Mr. Jesse Baker and wife, of McCook,
Nebr., wore in Red Cloud Tuesday to
attond the funeral of his fathor, Mr.
Joseph Baker. .
Mrs. Charles Palmer has been buffer
ing from throat trouble so sovcro that
she was unable to speak, but wc arc
pleasod to learn sho is much better.
"Mrs. J. W. Boganrief gave her hus
band a line 21 jewelled gold watch for
a Christmas prcsont, of which ho is
very proud. What time is it Jim.'
Mr Henry I). Rolloy, of Franklin,
Nebr., fathor of Mrs. Dr. Thomas, and
hor undo Mr. G. W. Rinloy of Muiiny
v'llo. Ills., arc visiting her this week.
Mrs. Iltilda Wickcr&hnni, the nicco
of Mrs. Lovl Moore, left Tuesday
morning for Lackima, Washington,
whore sho will reside with hor son
Karl In tho future.
Mr. Dol Wolls, nn cx-sheriir of Web
ster county, now of Edmoml, Kans.,
who has boen visiting J. E. Butler of
this city during the holidays, returned
to his home Wednesday morning.
Tho SiugiiiK Evangelist Frank A.
Miller atthe Congregational church, is
drawing largo crowds. There seems
to be unusual Interest in these meet
ings which commenced last Sunday
eveiiingand will be coiilluuod another
in clothes? The
do to have it is
mi miiim iimaBinii niiiMnMiiiMmnMiiMiiinniiiiiimnri, imimu.iul """ ' """i "
r V f J J f f f J f J s J J F r Vr r "V"
TI10 following Is nn Extract from a letter
You will be pleased 1 1 learn thatop.-rt ojnrato-hot the (J imuiot ji
.Multigraph aro included in the classlllod branch of thoCivil.Sorvice.
The first examination to secure oligibles from which to fill no-,i-tions
In the L3t oniee Department and (Seologlcil Survey will
be hold January U.MU)!, undor the conditions as outlined in the
attached facsimile of nolieo sent out by tho Civil Service Commis
sion, (jaintnoter Mulligraphs will bo supplied by the Company
free of charge, at the places of examination named In the circular.
No'w then, young men and young women, you say that
you would like to have one of these positions but you are not
able to get it Hur You Can!
Were is what we are going to do for. You:
To every young man and young woman who takes a
scholarship in either the Shorthand or Commercial Depart
ment we will give a four weeks course in the Multigraph
Department and wait till. you complete the course and get a
position before you pay.
Isn't this fair? Let us hear from you at once.
This offer will be open till January 15, 1909.
Hkiiuon Business Coi.lkgk, - - - Hebron, Nebr.
Remember, It pays to trade with
the man who advertises.
Patronize home industry. Special
prices on a to n hundred pound lots of
old wheat Hour at lied Cloud Mills.
I-'Olt Sali: Several good thorough
bred Duroc-Jersoy boars. Come quick.
N. V. Andcihon, 1 mile cast of Cowlcs.
Soo Dr. Stockman for eyeglasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Fon Sam: Six room House, . lots
Inquire at Newhouso's store. tf
For chapped hands, face nnd lips
Plnesalvo Carbollzer is Immediate
rollof (Acts HUc ii poultice) good for
cuts, burns, bruises, skin diseases.
Draws out inflammation. Prico 2."c.
Try it sold by Ilenry Cook.
Mr. Frank Henderson. and wife had
a family reunion on Christmas. Tho
young folks from near Womor, Kans.,
wore prcsont, besides Daro ICalev iuid
Marolu V. Kmlgh, of Aurora, III.,
and Margnrt L. Wvans of lted Cloud,
Nebr, wore married at tho homo of the
bride's fathor, C. lKrans, Vodnofcday
Dcconiber 30, 1903. Itev. Stifricr olltcl
ating. None but Inunediato family pre
sent. County Attorney U. H.'lllakcklcdgo
lias appointed Mr. Fred i Maurcor, a
promising oung lawyer orthiscitvas
his deputy. Wu consldop this u good
appoiiiiuieut ami eongratiilnte lint iv j
elpiont A
Mi-, niwl Mr. Iliililuwiii'ili niii'lniii...l i
"' ...". ,
u ni tuber of their uh!ldr(u-imd grand
children, Christ mas day, at tholr rc
Ideiica.comor of St i-av. and Chorry-fct.
Thw children gavo a inuslonl program
which was greatly enjoyod by iillthouo
Wo enn il;iccvorAl ynmig men of the r'clit
nlllcrii lli ) ip 1 1 Hili iimih j.ochI Kciii.
o tho DIM f 'J ) pi mlti rin U rntory notnlrimly
ukoii l liiioKntil nrllo for fitc copy ul bout:
Tim Jtlio of tlio J.ccul Atcut."
A HaDDy New
And Patrons
Clothing 0.
Alwiys Reliable First Door North of Postoffice
from the. Wvll Service C:n nlsslj.iur:
Terms of Court for 1900.
March J, Equity.
April 'JO, Jury.
HeptoniborOU, EquPy.
November 15, Jury
Special (Jrand Jury, April 1:
Address To Women Friday.
EvangolistMlller will give an address
to women and girls Friday afternoon ,
January, first, on the subject ' Three
groat questions touching tho homo."
Mr. Miller has been requested in other
places to repent this talk, for the sec
ond time, that all mighthoar It. It is
a beautiful messago to tho gentler sex.
Don't miss hearing it. This meeting
will bo preparatory to the meeting for
mon Sundav. Lot every women and
girl this great meeting Friday
afternoon, Don't bo late, come early.
Mass Meeting for 'Men.
At tho Congregational church next
Sunday ufteriioon, Evangelist Fr.ank
A. Miller, of Lincoln will speak to men
only on 'Three Fatal Steps" It ia a
groat message, judging from reports
of tho papors in places whoro it ha.s
been givcu.''Tho host address to men
Wc,cvor hoard." The most telling talk
to men ovor hoard in our city. " It
was a powerful address," Mr. Miller
will sing "The Bird with ti Hrokcn
Wing." Miss (1 raves will sing at tho
opening sorvieiiat.'l p. m lnirp Tumi
out mid come early.
Hlllit'MATlOU ClUIKII IN l)..
Dr. DetchonV. ItollefW Hheumatlsni
andNNc)U'lghi i.ulically cured In 1 lo
n dnjK. ll notion apon the system Is
ruinurkmulo and mytoi-ious, It re
moves at- onco tho criiso and the ills-
01180 immodlatoly disiippBtiiH. Tho first
dofco gKuttly benollls. 7Xoand31. Sold
by Tho II E. Oriel) Drug Co., lted
Cloud, Nobr.
i ft
The Grocer
All tho Phonos
Generations of live, whIc
awulcw Amorieim Uoys liavo
obtaiucil tho right kind of.
by boinf equipped with tho
unerring, limo-honorcd
All nroirroMtvn Unnhrnro anil
CW.V.'.'Si10',"1'' Mci-ulinnta Imnillo
Bri'.V JNH. 1 r j-ou cutmot obtain.
upou receipt of entitle; price.
seinl 3 trnts in Btanip for
I -0 J'rtrr Illnstrsitvil Uutuffifr.
Itopleto Ith
Him Kcmirul
II rearm In.
Htrlltiinf cover
In eqloie.
J. STEVrNS '"i
P.O. Cox 4039
CUcopco F!Ii, Mu.
new i
fena a
Ua W M Kl N