7Zarmmim. , , ....pwwji ji I. ,"; pwrsi iiwnnyww Stntc Historical Society THE CLOUD A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dtltar. VOLUME XX XV II. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 1, 190!). DUMBER 1 Ei 0 RED K M M m M -'' a. r h J w to to to to to to to to to to 0 to to to 0 to to 0 Of to to i to to to to to to to to to to , to j J???-?C-?"tfitf''f tf'i tf?Hrf? 4&i&4&tPl&i&t1& && && '.4 (J.(Kf JCT i .. 1 $' WE iWish t i N. id All! I Merry one an A Christmasl ,- i I AND A j Happy New Year 4 NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Cash Jewelers and Optometrists ( C. B. &: Q. Watch Inspectors v(l ft ft (0 m m (f i) i m m ( i (?) (0 m (?) (0 (?) ? Arrested at Mliden Nr.br. Mlndcn.Ncb. Doc. 23' (special Tele gram,) Three men have been m rested in Mldcu iiihI aio lielng closely qucs tinned In respect to their whereabout-! on thought if therobii ry of tlio I'm in et'sa (1 Meichants Until; at IlatUvell, and the stuto bank at Keeue and the Cercseo l'.niil. These men who have been hanging about Mttiden for two or tin ee months, have made numerous trips in the vicinity in a manner that attracted attention and caused the ' local ollleers to detain them. Two, Otis Leggotund Albert 11. Cut r, who aio biothcrs-in-luw, live at Hod Cloud. Tlie third gives bis name as Claude tiloyd. Omaha llee. i The two you g mun, Otis Loggct and DertCarr, referred t In thoabovo dispatch to the Omaha Bee, are well known in this city, and tholr leputu I tiou is such that It wilt be hard to con- Ivlncu tholr friends that thev iiromilltv of the crime of bank robbery without better evidence than the fact of their having made "numerous trips" co-iucl- A JEW YEAR'S RESOIiUTIOfl RESOLVED, That for the next four weeks I will make a desperate and determined effort to WIN IN -THE GREAT RACE FOR THE CHIEF'S $500.00 PRIZE PIANO! dent with the robberies. In fact wo have it upon good authority that the county attorney has no vldonoo uufll- clont to hold them and they will very probably be released to day(Thursdny) Notice to Creditors. 6tatk ok Nr.ttiiAsK.v 1 In The County i court, the estate of WK.V ) sty. Mr. Veroiiie.t llolcomb and Mathilda Saladin, spent Xmn.s with their mother, Mrs. Edward Kasser. f Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ltlrchlleld spent j Sunday with her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasser. Ml.ssc.sLoonaaud Knmm Kussor spent Saturday and .Sunday with Mrs. Charles Frey and Miss Minnie Ohnistcde. Ohicaffo, Dec. 30. At the December The entertainment at the Ambov incetlng of the executive connell of the school house, on Christmas cvo, was Modem Woodmen society, hold at the j well uttended It consisted of nn ex- SPRIGS HOP FREE TO WOODPN Loiic Decides N)t to Uharie Victims of White Plaftue for Treatwtnt. hoidquartersin Itock Island, III., it was decided to conduct that soototyVi Haul tarium at Colorado Spring, Oolb., free tohurgeforall members afflicted with tuberculosis. Tho soolety several mouths Hlnco ac quired 1,380 act es within soren miles of Odorado Springs and has established thereon nn up-to-date sanitarium, the tent eolony'plan beliiK employed The Hist cototiy plant will bo roady for tho reception of payouts Jan. 1, IOC), and is equipped to care for sixty, to which iiumbor Mlmlsslons must be limited for tbo pn-seut. Dr. J. M. Wliito, tho medical director in I'uu'tft). states tlmt only thoso con h i nptivo membjra who are curftblcor i s live tuny to proWnjred fr a con- t It mUlo lCllgUi ui'tl4r'. cellcnt program and a (lno tree, with beautiful presents Verno Kmiclc i& the ow.icr of a fine grapboue, with r latge nutnbor of well Beleoted records. He entertained a party of friends recently who speak highly of the music. I WKitbTKit Count 1m the matter of William C. Kamiusky, Doceiibed. Notici: is hereby given to a l per sons having claims and demands against William C. Kaminsky, late of Webster county, dceeu'ed, that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six mouths from the 1st day of Janui ry lOOfl. All such persons are icnjiiicdto pi esenL their claims, with the vouchers, to the ( ounty Judge of said county, at hlsollicc thuiciu, on or befoio the 1st day of July 11)00; andall claiinsso Hied will be hem d befoie the said judge on the 2nd day of July lOo'.i, at 1 o'clock p. m.; and that the administratrix is allowo I one year from th'i Hist day of DiTiubi r luiw, in which to piy llio debts iiliownl ngniiist Mii I est'ite and sottli the same. I. W.. Kiisov, hini, Cifiuly J'idgo. Itings Little Llvec Pills p'vvcut.blll i Misiii's-. sK' beidache and Ut'cp you wi'll. I) i not gtipu V pill in time that will save nine. IVh-o 25c. Sold by Henry CooU. Mr. II. h Holconib and his sister .Mrs. Mary Arucson, visited with re-, lVr.sonal o.perleuee with a tube of laties in Walnut Creek on Xnius day ManZiin Pile Uyino-ly will convlnoo Mr loaac Hummel a plouecr lcsident you it is immediate te'ief for a.l foims of this county, is very low with heart j of piles. Can lie applied dlieutly to troublo, at the homo of his daughter, ' the affected parts, reducing Inflammu Mrs. Sadie Iloldredge, of Inavalo. j tion swelling and itching Guaranteed It Is reDortedthat acoodmanv st.k vtlva S.V. M.l.l uy Henry wtioic f time will 'i' ad- AAIUOY M. I!. Ilollsebiisch sholled corn this v.'oeK. 1 lie Amboy bridge is visited ijuito froqucutly. Tlie school children of Amboy arc enj '.viug their two woelci vacation. Mr, llotllob llnssor and family spent (Jurist mas with Ins brothor Cliarie". Mr, and Mrs. II. C. Harris visited at tho homo of C. JT. Frl.sbie, Chi 1st mas. Mr. IlertKaley, of Hed Cloud, look dinner with D. II. Kaloj, Ohristmns. Mis, John Km ink spoilt Chi Ulmasat the homo of her daughter, Mrs, K. fltilllford. Mr. and Mrs. I. Krisbi.- spit Christ wi.as with h P. Albright ntnl family. In d Cloud. Mi.so. Lviu,' I i"Hauu Dolll.'ltuss' t , Closed the St ii Key Uimi rlvr bi u'g., Wednesday. WALNUT CREEK Tom Jones is hauling olf his largo corn ciop. Harvey Farinhaiu has just bought a line new buggy. John Sutton will soon ship his fat. cattle to Kansas City. ' Mr. and Mis Arnesou eutortujnol relatives i n Christum day. M; Clnilts Diekersou, of Juavulo s'nrtod for l.lucolu Tuesday morning Ilev. Mahl.iti Points shipped a car load of white liog to Kansas city ic eetitly. Mr. Sidney True, af tlie Inavalo bank, went to Auburn, Nebr., Tuesday morning It is reported that H. (J. Sawyei, of Inavalu, has blown himself for a ohug wagon. ' Tho corn crop is so large here that there is some who have not ilnishod husking yet. Miss Kster Noble is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Klser, of Hod Cloud, during vacation. Orrin Whitely, of Nelson, Ncbr.,J camu in Satiit(ny to visit li'iuno folks on Walnut Creok. I Vaniio' McCall, of Wulubt ('reek, hhclled about two thniuuind w hul of J com Mm day uiid Tuesday, Mr U i'Ur 1. - , I,, ic e ivci i I f' in i . i ii 1" -, ;, if j viis vKitinj.' it In i - hi i , urt Xniii. men in this locality aro losing cattle by corn stock poisoning, also some hogn uro dying, either of . cholera or quinsy Farmers' Imtltite at CowUi, Refer.. FrkuirMiSatMtUy.JJfti,518. . FIIIDAT AFTEUNOON 6KSSION.. 1:30 'Trofltabto Tillage of Soli"--Mr. C. C. Marshall, Lincoln, Nebr. 2:30 "Tho Draft Horse for Farm and Marltof'-Mr. II. IVKingsley, Has- tings, Nebr. .'1:30 "Ho so Judgiig,' Demonstration, - Mr. hingsloy. r.VENINd HEbHION. 7::i() "Kiult for tho Homo" Mr. c (!.' Maishiill. 7.30 "Light llirness Ilorto mil lis Uo" Mr. Kingstey. SATI'K1U tn nsoo skrsion. ll.lO "Homn ('OIIVC loiK'UbUtSlUIll' Ix- pt use- .Mfs I.nl i H, Wolford. IVw nee City. Nebr 'i;'M) Adulterated Seeds or 1'ic'd and Caidon Crops"- Mr. R II. Illllman. Pure Seed Ibnvau -Demonstration ill Seed Testnig, U. S. Dept. of Ag liculluic, Washington, D. C. i:'BMS'( SK.SSIOV. 7:.V0 "Tlie Lure of tho Town" -.Miss Lulu S. tt olford. 9:110 "Insect Hueiniesof Klnbl aiuKSar- don"-Mr. Illllman. .These meetings uro hold under the auspices of tho University of Nebraska and tbo Cowlcs Farmers' Institute Association, and freo to all. K. !. ICocuey, I'ros., C.1C. Putnam, fee. Auttrallan Acctnt We follow England very closely. Wo speak of "lifts" as an Englishman does, and not of "elevators," as the American, but we have "paddocks" In ataad of "fields," and "creeks" Instead fef "streams," and "scrubs" Initead of "woods," and "pannikins" and. "Quart pots" and "billy tea" at picnics and all aorta of lovely Australian things, which make one perfectly homesick to think about. All the same, I am never homesick for the crudo Aus tralian accent. Tho British Australian. Physical Hardships. "It's a pity that the band's tour Is a failure, but don't be too much oast down. Come, face tho music." "How can I, when I'm backing It?" Holllmoro Amsrlcan. Swift's Premium ? Hamc; & and Bacon '&, & V Woods Liver Medicine in Jjquid form rogulatos ltic-llvei iclleves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts iisagontle liiMitlve. ' It Is particnlary rTeoinmcnde 1 for Jaundice chills, levtraud malaiia Its tonic eiVeits mi th entlic sj t .u 1( fl'P W til tt ills . H I'll '''Hi ho tli c ii' i u.2 I t'.ii i mi d .i .in I lis I '( I i l ' t ) i h d I 1 IK 1113 Cook, ,1 Vli Ti wy Vf). Vtf E a uiui Wm.f KoonJH? X ijfcvfl hrcsn r f ! Meats -tszgm THIS FINE CHICKERING BROS. PIANO Will be given away to the lady or girl who has the most votes to her credit when the final count is made. The Contest closes Wednesday, February 3, 1909, at 4 o'clock P. M. after which date no votes will be received. Condensed Rules: Votes will be received at The Chief office until, and in cludingWednesday, January ao, 1909. The standing of the contestants at the close of busine on January 20. will be published in the issue of The Chief of Friday, January 22, and will not be revised again until the final count is-made by the judges. All votes after Janua-y 20, must be deposited in the Hal lot Box which will be at the STATE BANK in the custody of the Judges, and tio announcement of same shall be made until after the polls elbse at . p. m , Wednesday, February 3. The lady having the most votes shall be declared the winner of the first prize, the $500 Piano. In case of a tie, the award 'will be made jointly to the winning contestants, as but one prize of each grade will be given. , The other prizes shall be awarded as previously an-' nounced. ' Any contestant having. s "many as. 25,000 votes at the I'lose of the contest, and who fails to win a prize, may have the privilege of purchasing for cash, a duplicate of the prize piano at the same special advertising price at which it was sold to The Chili-. RFMFMBFR TWI CONTEST CLOSES JANUARY 20, AT THE CHIEF OFFICE: FEBRUARY 3, AT THE STATE BANK at j., p.m. The winner will be announced in The Chief of February 5, 1909- , Notes of the Contest: It is a case of "Work and Win." All hail to the CHIEF.Jwhose "chief" is HALE! $1.00 on subscription entitles you to THREE HUN DRED votes. It means much to be at the "Head of the List." of Jan., 20 Miss Frankie Ward will get the "a-ward" if she can hold her present lead. Back subscriptions count. Get a list ofj subscribers at The Chief office with authority to act as collector. In this election the Ladies vote, and they vote as often as they can deposit a dollar on subscription. War in "Weesner" being in it Would be Ruthless to begin it; Ruth was "Warren" when we started And the two should not be parted. Only ftvc weeks more and you will own a beautiful piano of the hi 'best grade if you work hard enough. There is no such thing as "luck" in this contest: "Work andVin"! Following are the names of the contestants tpul their standing this week: r , ; . M Lss Frankie Ward, Red Cloud '.' . . ... .... iftfeo Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud tw asfttfo Miss Ruth Warren, c() Cloud .v.'. . .l.;:. 18,806 Miss Vera Crabill, Red Cloud . ; .; i.J5i5QO Miss Bernice Potter, Red Cloud '.....! 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowles : v .. .J. . . ..10,300 Miss Edna Watt, Guide Rock .".' 11 ,350 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just send in their name. Vot ing and subscription blanks will be furnished anyone making application. R JCJou'i. iSfebra.sk 1. Tlie Chief $ a year. it! J- i; 1 ' je ' 1 f ''J gy;J'"-'JtT