The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 25, 1908, Image 8

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-rt '0iiifrr9 fefvt-
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IK'rr;TRTnf7j fX . w Tp r V! '
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$)!& B I) S'l N G as ISdN THE INR8ASEr ,
lieSiise our. prices on these" goods ard right-almost
as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses.
Wc invite you to the largest house in the 'county, one
that, pays taxes on $to,ooo worth ofgoodii while our
competitors pay on $,5 of You can readily see
where to trade to get the goods. Wc are here to
stay. Give us a trial, and be convinced. We are
- not undersold by anybody.
Red Cloud HaVdware
urid Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE, Secretary.
lrjTJlrsJrJyJAJJ lr
Lcftal Notice. .'
'Vo UttMlfurd&Uugh W.aulllfordl
Vou VI1 inki'duu notice Uint on tlio
lOtli tlaj'of Sly, !U07,ho ni1creli?no(l,
5'. It. CoriH'r, ' tmrclinsprt ivom Urn
Oinimy TiOiiHuror of Wcbbtcr County
Niibi'iishn, n't inlvnto tax oulo, n tux
sale cortltlcuto ovldonclug tlio tnx hhIk
j1 low Onc,"Tvo, Scvc'ni MlKbt tiinl
Initio,' In blbpk 'two of OiilHfortlB Add!
lion to tlio City of iliid Cloud, Nebras
ka. J lint Bidd tux sale wh jnadc for
ilullnqtu'tit taxi's aspsscd against wild
piopurtyrortlio yinvn 15)01 to 1K).,, in
oluslvji. That Bald lotS w.cte asseHSoil
hi tlio iiaiuuof LhcyOnlllford, lind.tliat
tlio Kn'al titlo to Raid lots rests
in tU. htmieof l.tioy Gnlllfoiil.tiB liown
by iho (bo I feeardsof WebstoiConnty,
, Nobr.islta. That on or uftt'i tho lltli
day orMuj IpM), tho s-jid W; l. Corner
j will apply for it Treasurers Deed ovl
1 di'iiulng tin Hide of mid proiicrty.
A . . M. H, CotiNttft,
! I!y Kjinti ilAunsn. bis itttonioy.
' . ' , ' ' j C- i .' 1 ' , . . ltd. - .- - i - - -
" " i ' i i ' i wmi i m mmm
i ..Mi i n in I ,f fjM M r ilirn,hinimtMiw n- ! l Ig" t !. ini.M.t i. n,fc i
. s . - :." : " '
,r, t. v (Ji , ' '
JI- it
I -
i LfiAal Notlpc, "
To if'iuiici I'l'tchur, .lames l'lllier &
! Jlugli W.Guhrord:
i Von vlll lidco'duu iioti o that on tllV
JOth iiayjif Miy, 1037, thu undersigned
. il. II. Corner, iHiroliasod from tliB
Ooutiiy Tronmirer of Webster County
Kobriis1cn,'nt aiHlavtotaxsale, a tax salci,
' ccrtillcaU ovhleneliig tho tax mlo ot
. lots Three to Six, inclusive, In bloch
Two. of Gulllfnrds Addition, to the
' City of Ued Cloml, Xebraca. That
' -Itiiid tiiXH'OoAvnn tnado for delinquent
'tiixua-ncttihed ugalust huld property
for Iho yearn 181). to 1005, inclusive.
That m:IiI lots Were assessed in tho
' uamo of liiums Pitcher and that the
1 lOKal title to wild lots resits In the name
i' f df .lames 1'ilehernn sbowu by the dod
jreu'ordnof Webhter County. KubnilcH.
jTliiit on or after tho Itth day of Jlay,
.' 1009 the Mild M. 11. Comer will apply
,n!W1g'1,r1T"P'M,w,wv'v1','',''', il$iinwM$wv4irTmW't.'i,ntT i for Treasurers Deifd, ovldeiic4ug the
H11IB ui awii J'riinsriy. m. ij. wuiwi.
By ftiEU MACJtxjR.-hi'i nttonJrty.
"'i.1 V!t ." "!Sf!l ' '.-,-
.'1)6 yon know thai it wilt pay VlSu, h
vellart U8, to buy yuiir I'uildtng Mh
lorlal and O.oal hi ouryardii?: KotOnlf
(hat onu pVii't t;Eimfi Ibwvr, ui ui
lOadt as low, a-. I bono ,.f tiiiV .iotl)ptlt
, but uKOAU.xr vv tnjti pttalal .cure
f ivud protect all umi -fllagiiiipti'
HBUWUIt C U H .Ca.iM 13 am:
Coal L timber.
'-: ::iljs!:'j. t
.Notice of Tux Sale.
k irtsiKri;i: countv.
. Crtlffr To Show Vtom.
Bute tit Ncbrnxka, '
Vr)Nli' oiilj.-'l
iLl'lmCoiii'lj1 Court
.Vr n Cmuiiy Court lielit at Hip County
r'inil Miiibi In Hi..l fit. .lif .Vii.1 m.,.u&li..
T, W.'tt rrahn.rro.uurcf ot .UoC.mnty ot . St ,1 " v" '"" , "
t... -. j.-. w 11... UIM.. f W..I.UH.1.. .1.. t.ttA.K. f W.. ... .VI. ....',, .711.
ITOBWT, IIMI""inH""l""'1WW - ,u H .... . ..f .IK. ,.-. . ....... nlL
ll.. 0.nnlir.c..u..ln..1.-rtl-l Wnl Km. .. ' W"""- "' ... .H"W Wl . lllliun . H p.
tato tnsnid canty .l sutt. to-witt l.t 2 ,.'.,.
PatinorM ub-dlv -to K Ciu4. .raiiUa. R KAmUm praylmt Umt'aiUnlnUtmuJi
sssKou. ni nin;;u;;iM..i!,'n"u'a -:
- .1 Jiiiiiiuiint&aiiri
Heal Ctiiate Transkrs.
' Tttuujfers reported bythol'ort Ab
lrai!tCJii. for tli wio1 outline Wr"d
nuiMlBys .Ufft "jmi, nios; ,s;.'
'hLinculu IViifid Cv t Jis Shop- ;""
urd, It 4. blttl. Vances- iWKUUi ' , - V?.
GW Rook; wd -. . . .. . . .8 V
l Sbnpjtori to Tbos C LVirtjsti,
nu.ul.(.l (.. I.i... f.t. 4t.. ,4..T1iw t. luv. futtl T"
thoi,flttt.lJluUWtheVWn. .mount. JTJt i1',rW'l-l -' 3W0
in'rtoiRI.17 will w - 'f f r -S MMtff , n l ' CBr Barly to Alwh C
.;uJ..n,im ,u, .-,....! .... Mhn,0.., .""'"-"'w Mipir iaw .WW-- .-tvirai iiatfc(1l. ... i g. a.-li. : . S.j'i)
nbdnth.rUi m "drtv iW Awru A. I). IWoh I KT.uli'lhlu.! 11 Albrlirlit to'-Iho .
is a charm8'a(bout the musld'pf a piano '
cannot all MAKE music on the piano.1
'lVVhe"nYou and I. were youne" We did' not-, have the.
.'... -, . . - ' -
. .' opportunity, to learn to play the. piano or, havJng the bpy
portunity, we failed to grasp it, and' now we depend upon:.'
our children to furnish the musical part of our entertain.-. N"-
: ' mentJ This is well, hut.theT:o ''comes a time when even the'
"children leave t.s, and the. piano either goes with tllemV
or stands i.dle, in the corner; . '; -:
. . . . ' - ..' . :; . i
,.' ' j"' ' AT T'1 h 'y. rT ' t -T ' "" . , ' ' '. "" -
' " " :;. - ; - adi uriAiNU! .. u;
;-YpiV.'nncl;I. can play any piece of music, and-pi ay jt' right,
vYe can even play musicthal np: performer, can- execute'"
withill fingers; alone, becaiifs:evvith flic '"aulo.piano"' ve' .
can. Lus. all the keys at once,- andfrlie Wlrriary piani'st is
.. Iknited Ui ten lingers. There'is but one "Autopiano" but
2itJn'ati0ns ..YVhen you btiyJoo far; the NAME
jtr! :Plxre is-"biit:one . agent in .-R-ecL (Eftui'tl. vnd diat-.i
nurrtil'IProt thin t.'oriltlcate, nntl la conipM-
nnuwltti Hid provisions ot tills act.
IN WJr.VIiSH WltintKOr, I liavo Imrc
unto not my hand till (ill) tiny o( April A
n.lW7.: ... , ,
(riitAiti C. Kit.i ii ji, Treasurer.
Thoro tiro matiy people who hnlfer
from ltnclttii'be, llbeiinuS.-ni, bumliHUo
td ollnlbir alluifMils who hiv not
awari? tbvs an aytntort of kllnty
trtiublu- I'nio'ilus fi.- th
Ui) a Untie and regulator
tb lioitrlaK thorcut t glvon to all pwmi
luluroKtcd la Kiikl matter, liy nulilinlilnn a
I'opy of tills onlcr la tlio lied Cloud Clilcl. a
weekly aewHimper print vil In ald louaty. for
tliri'o eoiiKceutlve wecku prior to nald diiy of
I. HosoN,
(mkai.) ' County Judge.
Price, lis 13 l-l. 16, 10. 17, 18,
bib M, Kod Cloud, wd...'. ..'..
Oliver D Hcdc, .sheriff, to Uoseo
C Cather,vltsl,l,bl!c 13, KC wd
JiE D G LOp D, N !: U RAS K A.
UarKaln weolc rate on binuoln .lour
nal 1!1 wltliout y tnday.StVith .Suudtiy
Call on thls'olllao bnfiitH) l).yuiu ier -,'
tL It. l)aVU, the l'oruipr. publisho
nldmy net of this pupor, Is no. lot;i(i)i' Conneuted
to klilucv I ltb lliii oflfiqe. All ueeniuits and sub'
8l7."iOG 00
" "utd blii'Ub't and purify I be blood. ! ei iptluus' duo tho ChlOf hro, payable
.JO diyV trial J'.CK'wdd byJU-oiy Cook
toO. ll.JIalw
Diirluj,' tho lejflrtlatiuj), whleb will
oort'dnly bo a warm session, Tho Idii
coin StatO .Journal will bo pavtlonlarly
lut?rostlu-r.! It you bring your money
to tliUollico before December 2a wo
i tfii tr.(v.lin( iuon'3 aluleif,iio bote!
Tjljli&'.iihd u lot of other unneeeKsary;
jjxpcjpsp. -Ksssiy .hloifared tu the rend
Or wljo )tei talvnn an of iho l.rueuln
r.......i.a. 1..,......!.. ...:,..i. ..,.1.v .,..
; .... .... i , , , can (,'t t for you the who o. year, of
Dt-eeinber t!S Ihu whole yonr of l$K)9 ,An , i.. .. :.,i, .. .. 1 .
y III without Muidaj or Bl with that j - .
uV paper iHbloil fall at tills ollhw. , Sp'O.h eonlrueted at tlibj KCiibon of .... , ;,i(i, ,i' A t .mi t tbojear shotdd be treated With Hoes
j iry u"iii -i ii-l:jmui- nunTiuii n y , r . ii. i
-t.i . ' , ... , . . -i Laxat tui CouL'i Syrup. Its
exelt lutr and Jumaatter.w hat vonr no .. . ,.. '. ' .
t,, ., ,. ., . -' ... i wie noao unn inroat. instant re
uie- v'i' '" "' uhjo you Huiei.v win , ..i. , .
. , ,,, r. i ... . for eotifjhs. colds croup, hoarseness
want to rid 'ho uiuanln . Sta'e .. , , ,, , , ... ,, ,
,K . . .... , , ., r? i""'1 btonehiul trouble, Miould bo
.Inttrnal i be hartfutn offer of $ for , .. , t. ,, , r ,. , ,. ,
.i i l i. .-,.. !., . . ilfM'tf in the houao for ehlldrou, It s
th wh'i v ar -H lt)70vlihoul .Suiujiiv , . i . . i i .i .,
. . . .. i . .. i.i i I., it pliawuil to take and yently laxiitivc,
ortjtvith S tnlfty, will doiibtlew. brlni; I ,, ,,, ,,..,,, C, J ,
,,,. , u 'V , ',, f I'nuranteetl. bold by lien ry Cook,
thoubtinbs "i now leidoi-A. -Call at -
fUV-'olIbvlierov 1)o-emlr 8. Will tbob'Kblatnre titi uaptee hunk
Mlepoblts? . Will it pass oo'.mly option?
..Lliifdii lh.!lons t U'l- peojjlpof tjiti Will It ledueo taxes? Whatever it
s(nte aid nioit, of J It nil fMC)idi' T doo lll tr ihrillyuml fully be fdven
'.lotiVnul . m peeiwlly in MlnJo itfra)i..'J lu Toe Idiidu'.u fctito lonnial, and we
ItV .ipdypt-nd -lit nhd feiHai I t will yot; It for joii for tho wholo year
frHv4qr wonderfully. We nun jr. , ' of KMSI without Sunday for 3a or 81
you a 0 t price ir S3 for tho wliola ,'wlth Sunday, but you imiHt lirinu
yeU'riif 19 f.) wlt'l'iut Sua la. Add SI
for the Mir Sunday paper You must
come hi before Dceembor '29. as ifter
tbilt-date the prleo will lv ?4 audio.
money lu beforo Doeeinbor U8.
"V.'"1'1.1' ""-l r';"ff.T;"'."'-'." .' ,."j.".'.- ..'".'.vj... j . ' . ;.
Mfltuw4 i.wi..tol . .... m . --t -rr- i - - i iutTt i nrrr -.rni'ii mr n. i n . j n . t
..IVWnter Excursions .
i ' it
C't' .'. ... Jtow ates
.,. tfirWii TOURIST i4Tf,Sl Kuliy reuileed iiUd USihirslgilO Id Oitllfot'nl.l
OldMoxieo, rtoulVe-n and Cuban Hesorts. v
.'HCIMESEEKEKS EXUI!S!ONSisd':irbtinid third Tuesdays ca!h.inontht
itlty points wet, and southwest
PEJ5S0NALIV TONIiinEI EXCU!ai0N T FLORIDA y Suparluteud'en .
I'jibUi fn&tr.totlon of Nobiak i, Mr .1. I,. Xtollrftio, laavjngrdnwliimi I Omaha
I)iilHif 10 Ii. Wrilo ii. Vf. Uiiii.l. C. V. A , r,iuiu1n. foe Itlimfary. .
. nflVMriMPsrsS!irtArr, I,, n,u tu,, n...... u...i n.i
YeUowA'oiie Vnfliyr-6iiu'of to 1 .t 'Ua-i-ji t vciiv e.. . i f...m, f,ultt 'tlio V tth,l,,,on- . 4
11011 . u'""""""m'
Mortyue.s filed, t007.1.00
MortiragfS rel(jised 65210.0J
lUisntM", a.t:l El!tll)H At Tllft
!aiKa-yk3a Pacific Exjusltbn.
H.-iUt'.e, "D-cunibifrv'i't, VJJ3. -In tho
exiilbu ' ho miriural rijsoureiis of the
,Htato of Washington tit the Alaska-Yiilton-Paeitlo
Exposition bomctliin
entirely new. will be ifadortrike.ii. It
has beeti tins custom to show fancy
plekedjgamplea of mineral ore at ex
positions, (md whilo thlH bus added to
tho beauty of tbj display, It has pre
vented interested p irlM from fio.ourltifr
reliable da'o, - ' ,
In the Washington display lit the'
IttUI. f.itt 1 1. ! ...Ill l( tr- .Atr.tfarl wtittt.
clears I ., . i.,,,. , . i i'. , .. :...
l . I 1"U" VAiuuiuu aim iiitminuK uuuiiiuiiy
win ue iiiiuwfii hi .u-.xiuui). na uru uu-le-s
the property lru tl(st established
Ita right t) li:eUlm f,i leituiate
ininhif,' ,ro,.rt-tltlon. ill eaoh diaplny
from One hundred to flvo bunilred
pound' of re will bo .hhown, giving
the iivutagtt f the led-j. Wliero hij?b
r.ideoio li'ivbeuu' foutid, this will be
sJiowji with be other, tuiupbw from
Uo IchI. With ou'i (display of ore
MitinpU'b of the lianglnii wall and foot
wall w H be exhibited in order that
uihilut mou may be able to know the
country ,f6rnritioii in which tho lodge
Is located
With each exhibit thore will bo a
statement giving the, nam) of tho
owner of the prop3i'ty, location . by
dlstrlot, am Hint of disvolopuiant yorlc
done and tho extent nf tholed(fe a
shown ty. tow ddrtlnpnu'it worlcuud
averngo usiy sonuvl from (lie ro'ek.
'I'lils (statement will bo jireparod by
the state cptunihsloilut' in chaise of
tho preparalidil Of lilt Ihiuliitf exlilbit
and will bo compiled froill porsoual in-
, sppctlon of the properly,
In addition to gold, silver, copper
uud galena ores, samples wllHioshowji
of, leild, tnolybdum, clay, building rock
coal, cement deposits, marble, talo
and "infusorial eartfl, A working
model cement plant wlllbO Used, to
demonstrate the quality of the ceulotit
do'posltfr and twj working ni idol 'coal
mines will bo psod tdamonstrate ho
(HfToiont iiibiIioiIk ot -coal mining lit
Kffjv.v " sytstCHCC' j " -
t Hi rrrTTirr nfTim I t
i-iirCSLLUf For car
. to go without ins ranee. The risk
iissumod is too grot for i hu .-.mull
premlnni you keep in your pocket.
Figure out how many oiir you
won't! liavo to bo: f roc from any flro
in ord r to mve the value of your
house and unteiits. Tlien (wtislder
Unit you may liavo a tiro this very
night. 'Tlio eost of even i 'ittfla "
blaje wil be more than the pre-
' miiuii of
Batter have me Issue yon a p Hey.
to-day. Iff. a whale lot better U
be nil re than sirry, as many an un
insured ninn lis been,
fi.ifTtr Bcitm rv
Am&s urn now Biiievfe
i : . ,
A fine line of New Rugs' our
Store isnow one of the greatest
in the Republican valley." See
? . us oerore you ouy.
L-sys"s - r
Learfer&in Furniture and Undertaking
- -j
"rJ"s rsJs"vsT'h
Wyvernnwtit at low rirlJ,
x, utly'eo i lu.'tcl e.xe-rs!uii. I
' .,.. ...... f ... !.!,. ......I... ,'. .
-'I' U3 tl II II i'l V iV ' i I ' t
It A.
: ft,!
t. I , Hi
a t:
4i UJiv.. i;i
u:c lift l p '
vVn,re oil of tlu-fce -f iriu-.,
1 tbTnl T 'iliv.
II in -i -i- i 1 1 1 iii ii fT nm'Vtimwft
B 1 1 1 f f u fUB '-
Hug is pr(li'iUv
computed ml Vm, ,.rr4iiB- pmt o? tbj
exhlb'.i I il 'Oid'btrcn rolbetotl uml
Is bid u' u . iti'il d.
Rod Cloud, Nehr.
Swift's j
Hams -
and Bacon
l V. F-'oc , It K.n As'o', Rcnl
L, W. W'AKi'Mh-. G, P, A., QumIia.
tm-m ?
v i
v. I'f
il':' : -tc fjul-U" .' lh t
j2JitVinr5tlv'.o'ntlr O
aj;itr,lril3M,VD;tt,sv1i yoY
3 OhMt wU diMjud A' li -If t Jli
rvjl Color.
nw rjiiu
W.v.NTi:n-At once, v'O or W jouup
nicji and women to take a course in
MulCigraphiilg. Couro can be com
pleted in from one month to blx weeks.
Wc have a position Vaitli'.,,' for you as
soon as'yoil sii'6 ready, Biilarya V
from S15 to S"0 per weelc for beginners.
Who will be the first to enroll? Tuition
:?(.' Coinplote coiti'MJ 825. Vov further
pavticnlara llddresa tho liobron llusl
ness College, HebrOitJfob. '
No Hij ior or In) pure mejlle il ads id
thoLincolu tToitrnal. It'siroleau homo
paper. Wo can m iko you a eat price
of St for tho whole yuan of 1000 or
willi Sunday, OfYcr .not .go-id lifler
l)fc'Cmi'f M8. . v , ,;.
lVtvoual expfrteiu" wit!) a ftla ot
MinZui .Pile lt-iiuiy Uj ivvlii(w
yoirit U iiniiicdbi'e relef foi'Ul
uf l'i., t mi t'C .t;(ille.l tlriC'-lv t'
lh' utln'tf I p.irts, i)-uu in; Inlbuoiti
'i,i, ',vl:!inr aid itcM ti O ar,i!,tee.l
IMtv .",. t old ly Jlo- ry ook,
lUMgs,'.ic lVi-inlKWViHt VlftT
loancff, 8tuk''ii(l;tglj ud J?ep,ryJu
well,, tt! noWpv :p'll4n AHH-
llif will ." lllnt? ' 'I'.l.(.! 'oKiJV
" J
W fP
fel A i
Fresh f
Our stock of harness is
complete and up-to-date
in every department, If
you a rein need of ar
thing in the harness lii
from a tie strap to
best hand-made work
buggy harness, call on
We can satisfy you,
Nirth of bamerclt llloek.
Wools ,ive- MidWt
fo in r ''hIu'm-. 'In 1 v r.
liitTiiiOi'oi. Inn i n l
di ior iora an I u'F - s a gont'
Kemomber, It pays to
"j tbe'niiiil who ndvrr'l e .
" ri.. .r.... i. i . . ..
rairuiu.-.- ii-.iue inonisirv. ftPOl
Ul'f. CU'-o'V
P in
Jupn ',! o'llll fv-Vufutid '".ibi 1
Jtiv tonlir (VVtiwti on JJi" "l v yt
. ..,. i
' " ' I' . i..i. ,.., tn K 1,.,.w1. t ...,. -.1 1..I..1
L, , i' "" v ' r,,,?"',.,
. m. i bi'i.i. r ,,,,, ...,,,,, n,,.,., 4 II...1 M ., . t,.
"'"" ' " " 'H-' MIMIH ,111113. I
I'cn Ni..
tr, th
Vwrnt L'poJ Uiorou
t' 'J r'nroe-Jer j briars Coinoqtii
"t- ui J, V Anderson. 1 iftile 6at o'f Cow
I. ! t .. . 1 .V. . 1 ..A
are nut wil r, )u.niv uw, 'j-.ibj,w . va Hn 1lldl.a ovt,n, --ltflbfcii rif )iu.
riy4.le.o(jptA!U8 ,,iainijitsK;inucJij na cntcrtM T.-)iinyiiut tttidtuiMiu uu a'
.'..-a.i.-.r' t,rn.t.J..','lIK.,l.V ':.' ft.l"tirvnrMrV..utVt' f l,,TltV...T?J ji
jni: 1
$ir i ijl
J5 4H
lous '
is j- V
3C i-' . "; ':
H. 1
f J
II '
' fi
l. S. .AT !